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Robert awoke in his cabin to a cry for help.

It was a woman's voice, and he thought it sounded

familiar. He got up quickly, dressed hastily, and ran outside to nd out what was wrong. A moment
later a second scream followed and Robert became worried. He realized that someone was in
trouble and was afraid that he would not be able to save him in time. And then a bright blue cloak
was seen sliding down the tree trunks. It was Beatrice Berkeley-his friend who lived in Penhill, a
neighboring village. She was in trouble again, as she always was. She was the kind of
adventurous person who was always looking for something to happen and always had an
interesting life story to tell. They had even met the rst time Robert had saved her from a wolf in
the woods. But this time something was clearly wrong. Beatrice was being rescued from a
Pegasus that was clearly out of control, which is extremely rare because Pegasuses are quite
peaceful animals. Somehow Robert helped Beatrice to escape and invited her to join him. They
walked quietly through the dense forest on a familiar road. It was warm and fresh outside as May
was approaching.
-Something strange has been happening here for the last few months. The forest never ceases to
amaze me," said Beatrice.
-It's true and you should go less here now. It's getting more and more dangerous here," said
--I'll explain everything and tell you when we get home, but for now you have to be on your guard.
The thing is, they weren't walking through an ordinary forest like you might think. It was the
Magical Whispering Forest, a place of magic and mystery. This forest spreads out over an
expanse of land amongst mountains and lakes, making everyone who gets there feel like they are
part of something greater. It is shrouded in mystery and secrets that lie in every corner of it. The
majestic trees, their branches covered in soft moss, seem to be shrouded in a green blanket. The
roots of this forest extend deep into the earth, as if they were living creatures. Their trunks are
adorned with twists of vines and woody strands. Magni cent plants, thickets of ower bushes,
dense foliage create many shades of green, like pastel colors on an artist's canvas. The nature
here is diverse and abundant: vines, golden lilies, purple orchids, white daisies - all of them are
woven in an elegant dance of color shades. But the main advantage of this forest is its greenery. It
penetrates inside, reorganizes the mind, giving calmness and peace, lling with energy. The
greenery in this forest seems to exude majesty and instills con dence in its future. It is a source of
life and strength.
Whispering forest is a place where trees communicate with each other by whispering. To ordinary
residents, it is just the rustling of leaves, but it is actually the language of the trees. This forest is
located deep in the British Isles and is one of the most mysterious places on Earth.
The trees in this forest have the unique ability to transmit information to each other over long
distances. They can tell of approaching danger, weather changes and other important events.
There is a legend that in the Whispering Forest there is a source of healing. Residents would go in
search of this source to cure themselves of illness. Along the way, they met various magical
creatures that they later told each other about. Many of them were extremely dangerous. Some
say that those who were able to reach the Whispering Forest came back from there a very
di erent person - wiser and stronger.
In the thick of this forest dwell unusual animals and magical creatures. In the corners of the forest
you can see majestic gri ns, pegasi and a herd of unicorns.
All this magic is protected by the Druid people who have lived in this forest for a long time.
The Druids are wise guardians who connect with nature and draw strength from it. They have
dedicated their lives to guarding and protecting this forest, maintaining its energetic balance and
caring for every tree and animal. Druids were priests of the ancient Celtic peoples who lived in the
British Isles. They practiced religion, performed rituals, and studied nature and its laws. Druids
also played an important role in the political life of the Celtic tribes, being advisors to chiefs and
rulers. They had great in uence in society and were respected people. They lived in the
Whispering Woods В этот лес люди шли к друидам за советом, ответами на свои вопросы и
помощью. Друиды часто помогали обычным людям в решении различных проблем и
вопросов, связанных с духовной жизнью и природой. Они давали советы по лечению
болезней, прогнозированию погоды, а также помогали с проведением праздников и
ритуалов. Простой народ, в свою очередь, уважал друидов и обращался к ним за помощью
и советом.. There they learned how to use magic, fully mastered it and became part of it. They
adapted to living in the forest and isolated themselves from other people. They blended the
essence of the forest and the human mind, making them twice as powerful as normal humans.
The forest dwellers and only they knew how to communicate with the forest, which
communicated with them through a whisper. This whisper could not be heard by a normal person.
The druids possessed real secret knowledge. Their main duty has always been to protect the
forest that once gave them power.
However, druids do not use their powers for personal gain or for evil purposes.
They only take the magic of the forest for good intentions. Some druids can heal trees and
animals with magic, bringing life and strength back to their natural inhabitants. At least that was
the case until recently.
Robert told Beatrice that Ancient magic hiding in the whispering forest, has incredible power
and strength. She can control the elements and even raise the dead. But this magic is only
available to those who have special knowledge and skills. To use this magic, you need to be able
to communicate with the spirits of the forest and understand their language. You also need to
know special rituals and spells that will help activate the power of magic. However, using this
magic can be dangerous, as it can get out of control and cause harm not only to the user, but also
to the surrounding people. Therefore, before using this magic, it is necessary to carefully consider
all possible consequences.
But there is also the other side, the one that the higher druids have long hidden from ordinary
citizens and druids. There is a dark magic, and dark magic, which possessed a person became
incredibly strong and used it for their own purposes. It was capable of wreaking havoc throughout
the forest and beyond.
No matter how carefully they tried to hide it, some druids secretly found loopholes and some
materials and spells of dark magic and began to study it more and more deeply, even though it
was strictly forbidden.And now there are evil druids in the forest who were banished from society
for breaking the rules and using dark magic for not good purposes. These druids now live apart
from everyone else and band together. They continue to use dark magic and train and practice it
on plants, animals and other creatures of the whispering forest. Of course both animals and plants
su er from this, as well as the inhabitants of the forest and neighboring villages, because after
using dark magic the object becomes completely evil and can do harm. Now the peaceful druids
regret that so simply let the evil druids go and do not know how to save the forest, themselves,
the peaceful inhabitants of neighboring villages. They somehow need to get rid of and catch the
evil druids, but it is di cult to do it because the forest is big and it is di cult to nd them, they
often roam. Also they are able to hide and camou age with the forest so they are hard to see.
That same morning Robert's father called him to negotiate. That didn't happen very often. His
father was a busy man. Robert was born into a family of druids and trained in the sacred
knowledge of ancient magic. From an early age, his father, also famous and one of the chief
druids, taught him the secrets of magic. Robert's family was well known and respected in the
magical forest, and he always felt connected to this community of druids. Robert is a tall young
man with curly brown hair. He has deep green eyes and lightly tanned skin. He often wears a
simple shirt, a brown vest with a cape over it, pants, and leather boots. He always carries a
leather bag with his most basic necessities.
He himself liked to spend time in nature, studying ancient plants. He also liked to read ancient
texts and mystical literature, seeking to expand his knowledge.
- Robert, you know our situation, we are desperate. Yesterday, 2 people were attacked in Penhill
by a ferocious hare of incredible size. This is a rst for us. People are getting really worried and
afraid to go outside. We don't have many really strong druids or warriors, but we must nd and
capture the dark druids. I am entrusting this mission to you. You are a strong, young and smart
druid and I'm sure you can gather a team and save this forest. Here is a map that you can use to
nd the stone in contact with which a man learns the power of the forest and becomes more
powerful. I only kept it for the most important of occasions. Robert loved his people and would do
anything to save them, so he agreed. He told Betty about it and she asked him to go on the
mission with him. Later they went to see their friends John Wallens and Ann Lamour. John is
Robert's friend who lives among the Druids, but is not a Druid himself. He has lived in the woods
since childhood. He and Robert have been friends since childhood. He was of medium height,
slim build, with short reddish hair and gray eyes.
He di ered pragmatism and rationality, always ready to support and help his friends, thanks to the
ease of communication and a sense of humor often becomes the soul of the company. But he is
prone to excessive conservatism and does not like to take risks, sometimes refuses new ideas.
But this time he agreed. Speaking of Anne, she's a druid. She's Robert's neighbor. They've been
friends since
childhood, as their parents are good old friends. She is attractive, with lush blonde hair and light
green eyes. Ann has sensitivity and emotional responsiveness, shows care and support to friends,
easily makes new acquaintances and always nds a common language with people. Tends to
impulsive actions in relationships, depends on the opinion of others about herself, which
sometimes prevents her from self-realization and making decisions independently.
It was already evening. It was getting cooler, the sun was setting over the horizon, and the lights
were slowly coming on in the houses. Ann, Betty and John went over to Robert's house. His
house was cozy and warm, with a closet lled with books on plant husbandry animal husbandry
magic and potions. Robert and his friends sat down at the table to discuss what to do next. At
that moment, the boys were overwhelmed with di erent emotions: fear and excitement. Their joy
was that they would go at it together and would search and ght to the end no matter what it cost
them. Robert told them about the stone and the map and the mission.
He tried to lay out a small strategy for their actions, but everything was so unpredictable in this
task that it was useless to make any plans. The main thing was to act and as soon as possible
since they didn't have much time.
- So no one knows exactly where the dark druids may be now, but I am sure with that they are in
the western part of the forest, because in that part of the forest there are the most incidents and
consequences that could leave these druids.
So we'll go there. The main thing you need to know is that there's a major dark druid among
them. His name is Arthur. If we catch him, we're halfway there, because the others are after him
and without him they're just cowardly rebels. We need to nd a stone that Anne and I can use to
increase our powers and knowledge and weaken the dark druids' powers, nd the dark druids,
take their powers and capture them. Sounds like a plan.
-Yeah, it sounds good, but how the four of us are going to pull it o is another question. There's
about fteen of them out there, which isn't too many," John said.
-"The important thing is to work as a team," said Robert. -"That's very important. And we need to
realize that if we start this now, there's no turning back. Are you ready?
-Yes, of course. It's important for all of us," said Anne.
It was late and it was dangerous to go home, so they decided to stay at Robert's.
The morning was fresh, sunny and spring-like warm. The air was saturated with the smell of
leaves and owers. The team woke up very early at about 5 a.m. in order to have time to get
ready for the journey, take everything they needed and have a good meal. As they prepared for
their journey, the friends gathered their gear - swords, sta s, and skins for the night. After
everything was ready and the team of friends said goodbye to their loved ones, they set o on
their journey. They had a long and di cult journey ahead of them. First they set out to nd the
very stone that would give them strength. They followed a map that only Robert Ann and Betty
could understand. John wasn't good at maps. Everything was ne at rst. The boys tried to keep
up a good mood joking and telling stories. After about ve hours on the road, the team was
exhausted and decided to take a break for a snack.
-"I'll make a re," said John.
-"I can make us lunch if Betty will help me," said Ann.
-"Sure," said Betty.
So they settled down in a clearing in a place they were quite unfamiliar with, for they had gone far
enough from the settlement. They were quietly enjoying the vegetables roasted on the re when
suddenly they heard a sound in the bushes. All at once they realized that something was wrong.
John and Robert grabbed their swords. Out of the bushes jumped the same hare that had
attacked the people in the village. It was something. A two and a half meter hare that was more
aggressive than normal hares. It was like it was rabid. It was very strange. Anne didn't hesitate.
She remembered a spell she had read about in a book that would restore the beast to its former
appearance and calm it down. And while Robert and John held it down, Anne shouted the spell.
But nothing happened. Then she remembered that the spell wouldn't take ve minutes to work. It
was a hard ght between the team and the hare. The hard part was that they didn't want to kill it
because it would soon turn back to normal, but it was very hard to hold it back. They couldn't run
away because they could get lost and never nd their stu where the map was. The beast
returned to normal, but John was wounded in the leg. It took Betty quite a while to nd all the
ingredients for the healing potion. But at least they could all be found in the woods. After this
incident, everyone realized what dark magic could do and that the battle would be far from easy.

The sun had already set and it was almost impossible to go any further. The team built and
maintained a re. Everyone was scared enough to sleep alone in the forest despite the fact that
they all knew how to survive in the forest and had all the necessary skills to do so. The next
morning everyone was ready to move on. Of course, although no one admitted it, it was hard to
continue the journey emotionally, but they were motivated by the thought that they had to save
both the druids and the common people and the magical forest. At one point Betty noticed that
the ground was getting harder to walk on.
-"Guys, something's obviously wrong," Betty said. It's like we're falling through.
-"Oh, God, not again," said Robert.
-"What? What's wrong? What's going on?" said John.
-"I think we're in quicksand," Robert said. We have to get out of here or we'll be stuck forever.
-Maybe I'll ask this maple tree to pull down a branch so we can get a hold of it, I hope I can do it, I
haven't practiced communicating with plants much in my life, said Ann.
Luckily the maple branch slowly started to come down and everyone was able to climb out and

-Ann and Robert, how you can even talk to plants is absolutely incredible. I've tried to read about
it in books, but I can't nd anything." said Betty.
- Honestly, we don't know exactly which of the Druids rst learned to understand the language of
trees, but it's more like a gift of nature. It's passed down from generation to generation. Druid
children are born with this skill, but if they don't develop it, they can hardly talk to trees. That's
why we do everything for the development of this skill from a small age: we meditate a lot and
study in special schools for druids. It's important to practice a lot to get results," said Robert.
-"That's amazing," said Betty.
A day later they reached their destination - the cave where the stone was. Inside the cave
everything looked really magical: the cave itself was very big and there were holes in the top
through which the sun's bright light seeped in, inside everything was covered with moss and
owers. At rst it was hard to understand what stone Robert's father had told them about, for he
had not given them a precise description, and there were many crystals in the cave that could
easily be confused with the stone they needed. But at one point John found a green stone with
purple ecks that looked di erent from the others, glistening in the sun. He tried to pick it up, but
two large plants grew out of the ground and appeared to be guarding the stone. Both plants were
incredibly dense and strong enough to easily swat someone.
-Oh, my God. What is that? What do we do? Betty screamed.
-I don't know. We have to destroy it somehow, said John.
Together, John, Robert, Ann and Betty got rid of the plants and took the stone. As soon as Robert
picked it up
the stone glistened and Robert felt a strange feeling in his stomach that spread throughout his
body. He felt a new power lling him. The same thing happened to Anne.
The friends met di culties on their way, but thanks to Anne's courage and ability to use plant
magic, they kept moving forward. Now that they had found the stone they could continue on their
way and were ready to do battle with the dark druids.
An hour into their journey, it started to rain heavily. This greatly hindered the team's progress as
the mud cold and slush slowed them down greatly. Visibility got worse. The guys were at their
limit. They felt exhausted and worn out. John and Betty were simple people so they didn't have
much strength and it was harder for them to walk. Robert and Ann felt exhausted because the
new magic that now lived in them was new to them and they had to get used to it. It was decided
to make a stop. The rain had let up and nothing else prevented the friends from having a good
rest. Everyone was thinking about how they would get home and be surrounded by loved ones
again. The team was so tired that everyone fell asleep almost immediately.

Beatrice was the rst to wake up. She couldn't believe her eyes. Before her stood a green-
colored dragon, huge for its size and clearly not with the best intentions. She screamed and
immediately jumped aside, grabbed a dagger from her bag and woke the others. Once awake, no
one could even tell if they were dreaming or not. Everyone grabbed their weapons and defended
themselves as best they could. Eventually, after a few serious blows, the dragon was defeated.
The team didn't even expect this from themselves. Everyone was insanely happy that they didn't
become the dragon's dinner that day and celebrated with a dinner of fruits and vegetables.

The next day they were already in the area where they thought the dark druids lived. And they
were not wrong.
The nal battle took place at the top of the hill, where the evil druids had gathered their army,
albeit small, to oppose the good druids. Robert, Anna, John and Betty stood in their way, ready to
do anything to save their settlement.

The battle was heating up. The Dark Druids used their sinister spells to turn plants and animals
into their minions. Anyone and anything could fall prey to them. That was their forte. They could
take a harmless dandelion and turn it into a monster that devoured anything and everything. They
could take a butter y and make it into something very scary that could kill more than one person
simply because it was pure evil. But the dark druids themselves were not touched by these
creatures, but obeyed them as they were their masters. Among all the dark druids in the crowd,
one stood out. He received the most attention. He looked familiar to Robert. It seemed to be
Arthur. Robert could not believe his eyes, for this was one of his magic teachers. But he didn't
look much like himself now: evil had consumed him. It was re ected in his appearance. All the
other druids only obeyed him and believed him, believed that thanks to Arthur, the strongest of
them, they would improve their skills and knowledge in dark magic and would be able to take over
the whole forest and make it completely evil, enslave all the plants and animals, enslave the
druids and then take over the villages. Their eyes glittered with a sinister light as they directed
their dark magic at the team of four. They aimed their sta s at them so that they would become
their evil slaves. They did not know that Robert and Anne possessed stone magic, which
combined with their personal powers was stronger than dark magic. Therefore, the dark
magicians had no doubt of their victory.
Robert and Ann stood shoulder to shoulder, holding their sta s high above their heads to repel
the magical attacks of the dark druids and protect their friends. Robert did his best to protect
everyone. He fought bravely and felt a great responsibility on himself.

But it wasn't all that easy. During the ght, Betty was fatally attacked by Arthur.
-No! -Robert shouted. Everyone was shocked. Robert couldn't believe he'd let it happen. He was
afraid that the worst might happen. Poisoned and weakened, Betty lay motionless on the ground,
on the verge of death. Her companions, realizing that every second could cost him his life, fought
even more desperately, channeling all their strength and wisdom into their friend's defense.
Through tears and the painful sting of fear, they found a sudden burst of strength to defeat the
dark druids and save their friend from certain death. Robert cast a spell that was stronger than the
dark druids while Ann de ected the dark druids' blows and a bright ash of light occurred at that
moment due to the great concentration of magic. The druids were defeated. They were so
exhausted they couldn't move. The spell took all the magic out of them leaving them with nothing.
With the source of evil gone, all evil in the forest disappeared and harmony reigned once more.

At the end of the battle, with the evil forces dispelled and the forest restored to its peaceful
beauty, the good druids turned their energies to rescuing Betty, o ering their thanks for her
bravery and devotion.
They remembered the spring in the whispering forest that could bring the dead back to life and
heal the sick. Gathering all their strength they traveled on Pegasi to this spring. They prayed that
they would be able to save their friend Betty.
When they found the spring, they gave her water and took her home. Two days later Beatrice
came to, but it took her a week to fully recover. That day they realized that the union of their
powers and souls allowed them to overcome the most terrible trials and defeat the darkness.

After this battle, the magical forest began to recover and the evil druids were defeated. The
friends returned to their settlement, where they were greeted with joy and glory. Robert, Anna,
John and Betty became heroes and epitomized peace and harmony in their land.

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