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Kelompok Bisnis Manajemen dan Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi
Jl. Himalaya No. 17 Telp. (0331) 7255753 Kode Pos. 68181 Pakusari – Jember



Mata Uji : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : X
Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Bidang Keahlian :
Program Keahlian :
AlokasiWaktu : 90 Menit

1. Isilah biodata dengan pensil 2B dan bubuhkan tanda tangan orang tua pada kotak yang disediakan setelah ternilai.
2. Tulislah jawaban pada nomor yang tersedia. Jika salah, hapus sebersih mungkin dengan karet penghapus kemudian hitamkan
jawaban yang menurut anda benar.


1. Lisa : Hello Randa, let me introduce you to Clara. b. Congratulate to Siti.

Randa : Hi, Clara, please to meet you! c. Congratulations, Siti
The underlined sentence show us the expression of … d. Thanks, I will do my best
a. Introducing herself
b. Introducing ourself 7. Lana : Who won the football match yesterday?
c. Introducing someone Udin : Our team did. We won two to one.
d. Introducing oneself Lana : Well done. “__________________”
Udin : Thank you.
2. Amel : Hello Rani, let me introduce you to Clara. a. That’s too bad
Rani : Hi, Clara. Pleased to meet you! b. I’m sorry
The underlined sentence show us the expression of … c. I’m glad to hear that
a. Goodbye d. You are welcome
b. Partings
c. Greetings 8. Amel :Happy birthday, Lia.
d. Congratulations Lia :Thank you Amel. You are the first who
congratulate me.
3. Victor : Hi, my name is Victor, what is your name? Amel :Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope
Metta : My name is Metta, where do you come from? you like it.
Victor :… Lia :Thank you very much. You are really my best
a. How do you do? friend.
b. Nice to meet you? Why does Amel give Lia a present?
c. I’m from Surabaya a. Because Lia likes present.
d. How are you? b. Because today Amel’s birthday.
c. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today.
4. Rani : How old are you? d. Because Amel has a lot of money.
Lana :…
What should Lana say? 9. Dear Rani, Congratulation on your success on the college
a. I lived here for five years. entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning of
b. I am in the 10th grade. your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the
c. I am 14 years old. challenge is waiting for you in the college. Nevertheless, I
d. My mom is 50 years old. believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,
5. I love cooking, Does … love it too?
a. You Fitri
b. They The purpose of the text above is …
c. He a. To persuade someone
d. We b. To entertain someone
c. To congratulate someone
6. Situation ( Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak d. To invite someone
Rice” to celebrate Indonesian Independence day. Beni
congratulates her. “What does Beni say to congratulate 10. Situation: (Rani has just made a very beautiful handy craft
Siti?”) from coconut leaf. Chandra hope that she will win the
Beni :… national competition.)
Siti : Thank you Chandra : “___________”. I’m sure you will win the
a. Sure, good luck. national competition.

PAS GANJIL 2021/2022 – SMK IBU PAKUSARI Page 1 of 3

Rani : Thank you I hope so too. a. Strong
b. Calm
a. I'm glad to hear that c. Brave
b. You are the winner d. Kind
c. That's a very beautiful handy craft
d. What is that Text for number 21 – 22
11. Lana : When will you go to Jakarta? All students must join the class meeting from 10th March to
Fara : My flight ________at 14:00 pm next Monday. 15th March 2019.
a. will be departing Principal
b. is going to be departing Michael
c. departs
d. is going 21. What kind of the text is it?
a. A letter
12. Nick : I could not find my phone even though I have b. A label
been looking for it for an hour. c. An announcement
Jack : I _______ help you to find it. d. A postcard
a. am going to
b. can 22. What is the text about?
c. will a. The announcement of the English meeting.
d. could b. The winner of the English meeting.
c. The class meeting in a school.
13. Jess : What is your plan after high school? d. The plan of having an English meeting.
Jordan : I _______ go to a business school.
a. will Text for number 23 - 25
b. could There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must
c. am going to join this camp. The activity will take place at Rama Shinta
d. can Camping Ground and last for three days.
For further information, please contact Mr. Bayu.
14. I am planning to ______ a bakery in the future. Yogyakarta, March 10th, 2022
a. opening The Chief of Scout Organization
b. opened
c. open 23. When will the activity be held?
d. to open a. In May
b. In March
15. I am thinking of ______ a kitty once I live on my own. c. In April
a. adopt d. In June
b. to adopt
c. adopting 24. If the camp starts in April 7th, when will it end?
d. adopter a. March 11th
b. April 10th
16. I hope to ________ a successful basketball player. c. April 9th
a. becoming d. May 9th
b. became
c. become 25. Who must join the activity?
d. being a. All students
b. All chiefs
Text for number 17 – 18! c. All scouts
I have a pet. It is a rabbit. Its name is Milky. I call it d. All Medan people
Milky because it has white and long fur, from head to toe.
Milky is Jersey Wolly breed. Its body is small with black
short ears. I got Milky last year from my uncle as a birthday
gift. Milky has just born back then. Milky likes to eat bread
so much. It doesn’t really like vegetables. Milky is very
gentle. It never bites or kicks. I like to cuddle and play with
17. What does the text mostly tell us about?
a. Kinds of rabbit breed
b. Milky’s physical description
c. The writer’s rabbit pet
d. Rabbit as a pet

18. Why is the pet being called Milky?

a. It is Jersey Wooly breed
b. It has a small body
c. It has white fur
d. It has a white ears

19. How old is the writer’s rabbit pet?

a. 1 month old
b. 2 months old
c. 1 year old
d. 2 years old

20. Milky is very gentle.

The underlined word can be replaced by …
PAS GANJIL 2021/2022 – SMK IBU PAKUSARI Page 2 of 3
Wow great very
excellent beautiful impressive

1. Hey, you look …

2. …, you look great in the red shirt!
3. Wow, Sita! That’s … nice jacket.
4. You are … at your job
5. Oh, it’s … ! it’s perfect!

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