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Pharmacology and Toxicology of

Cytochrome P450 - 60th Anniversary

1st Edition Hiroshi Yamazaki
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2nd Edition, (Ebook PDF)
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Pamela Bachour-El Azzi

Biopredic International SARL, Saint Gregoire, France
Eric Chun Yong Chan
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
Christophe Chesne
Biopredic International SARL, Saint Gregoire, France
Stephlina A. D’Cunha
School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
QLD, Australia
Ann K. Daly
Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne,
United Kingdom
M. Denise Dearing
School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Xinxin Ding
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ken R. Coit College of Pharmacy, The
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
Chie Emoto
Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Showa Pharmaceutical University;
Translational Research Division, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Elizabeth M.J. Gillam
School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
QLD, Australia
F. Peter Guengerich
Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN,
United States
James R. Halpert
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ, United States
Sarrah L. Hannon
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ken R. Coit College of Pharmacy, The
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
Martin A. Hayes
Compound Synthesis and Management, Discovery Sciences, BioPharmaceuticals R&D
AstraZeneca, M€
olndal, Sweden

xii Contributors

W. Griffith Humphreys
Aranmore Pharma Consulting, Lawrenceville, NJ, United States
Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Section of Pharmacogenetics, Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Trevor N. Johnson
Certara UK Limited, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Jacqueline Wen Hui Leow
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
Michele M. Skopec
Department of Zoology, Weber State University, Ogden, UT, United States
Marlaina R. Stocco
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara,
Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Hiroshi Suemizu
Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
Lloyd Wei Tat Tang
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
Raine E.S. Thomson
School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
QLD, Australia
Rachel F. Tyndale
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology; Campbell Family Mental Health Research
Institute, CAMH; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Shotaro Uehara
Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Kawasaki, Kanagawa; Showa Pharmaceutical
University, Machida, Tokyo, Japan
Yasuhiro Uno
Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
Hiroshi Yamazaki
Showa Pharmaceutical University, Machida, Tokyo, Japan

The year 2022 represents the 60th anniversary since the first article on
cytochrome P450 (P450) was published by Omura and Sato (1962). It is
a pleasure to celebrate 60 years of meaningful research on many forms of
P450 that exist in microorganisms, plants, animals, and humans. P450s have
been a focus of attention in many industrial bioengineering applications and
the syntheses of unique human drug metabolites in pharmaceutical develop-
ment. Research on P450s in animal models with introduced human P450
(CYP) genes or transplanted humanized liver and with nonhuman primates
has extended into different fields, from molecules to in vivo situations, by
attracting pharmacologists, toxicologists, and biochemists.
P450 electron transport is mediated by a multicomponent mono-
oxygenase system with reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADPH). Microsomal P450s receive electrons from NADPH-
cytochrome P450 reductase. The catalytic cycle of P450 involves the
activation of molecular oxygen to a reactive form (see Fig. 3 in
Chapter 1). In addition to the basic science, research on drug metabolism
in liver and extrahepatic organs (e.g., brain) in animal models and humans
has expanded to one of important areas in clinical pharmacology and
toxicology. P450 research has developed from the studies with rat liver
in the 1960s to personalized medicine, mediated by studies of polymorphic
P450s in individual patients including pediatrics and the elderly in the
21st century, as discussed in this book series.
The extensive contributions of scientists throughout the world to the
P450 research field over past six decades should be noted. The success of
P450 research has had implications in fields such as herbal medicine, drug
interactions, pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, and physiologically
based pharmacokinetic modeling. The basic principle for this book series
comprises three parts: (i) collection of a comprehensive coverage of major
progress in 60 years in pharmacology and toxicology, (ii) discussion for
future directions of the research on P450s (especially for better pharmaco-
therapy in humans), and (iii) the invitation to young scientists to join this
important and exciting basic and advanced world of P450.
The volumes in Advances in Pharmacology are part of a series. I hope that
this book series will stimulate and encourage many young scientists in P450
research to try new methods and approaches. Historical achievements on

xiv Preface

P450 research in former times cannot be dismissed in new studies. For exam-
ple, human drug-metabolizing P450s (in phospholipid membranes) require
another protein, NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, in appropriate ionic
strength environments to exert their catalytic functions of aerobic metabo-
lism in the presence of NADPH. As the volume editor, I will be delighted if
our book series can extensively facilitate new research.
Showa Pharmaceutical University, Tokyo, Japan

Omura, T., & Sato, R. (1962). A new cytochrome in liver microsomes. Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 237, 1375–1376.
In Memoriam—Tsuneo Omura

(by F. Peter Guengerich, Bettie Sue S. Masters, Ken-Ichirou

Morohashi, Masahiko Negishi, and Hiroshi Yamazaki)

The biochemical community, especially his colleagues in the field of

cytochrome P450, lost one of its true pioneers with the death of
Prof. Tsuneo Omura on January 29, 2022. He discovered cytochrome
P450 in his work with the late Prof. Ryo Sato at Osaka University,
and a Clarivate search indicates that a JBC paper (J. Biol. Chem. 239,
2370–2378, 1964) describing the work has been cited at least 12,700 times.
Tsuneo Omura was Honorary Member of the ASBMB, a distinct honor.
Tsuneo Omura was born on July 29, 1930, in Shizuoka Prefecture,
Japan. He graduated from the University of Tokyo with a BS in chemistry.
He then worked as an instructor and lecturer in chemistry at Shizuoka
University. The course of his doctoral work and advancement was rather
unique compared to our current systems, but in 1960 he joined Prof.
Ryo Sato’s laboratory at the Osaka University Institute for Protein
Research as Associate Professor. In 1961, he was awarded a DSc in biochem-
istry from the University of Tokyo, based on the work he had performed at
Shizuoka University. It was during the early 1960s in Osaka that Omura

xvi In Memoriam—Tsuneo Omura

and Sato published three major papers about the discovery of P450 (includ-
ing the most highly cited one in the JBC), plus seven others in related
areas. From 1964 to 1966, Omura was a visiting scientist at the Johnson
Foundation of the University of Pennsylvania (with Ronald W. Estabrook)
and then Rockefeller University (with Philip Siekevitz). He returned to
the Osaka Institute for Protein Research and then moved in 1970 to the
position of Professor of Biology and Molecular Biology at Kyushu
University, a position he held throughout his career until he assumed
Emeritus status in 1994. From 1995 to 1997, he was Visiting Professor of
Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University (with Michael R. Waterman and
Prof. Omura made many contributions to the field of P450 research
throughout his career. These include studies on the regulation of P450s
and, in particular, trafficking of P450s in both the endoplasmic reticulum
and mitochondria. His studies with mitochondrial P450s, specifically the
cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme, led to an enhanced understand-
ing of the regulation of these P450s by proteins such as Ad4BP/SF-1, a
steroidogenic transcription factor.
Not surprisingly, Prof. Omura was a leading figure in biochemistry in
Japan, and many of his students went on to very productive careers.
Along with Honorary ASBMB Membership, Omura received the first
R.T. Williams Award from the International Society for the Study of
Xenobiotics in 2001, and he was also honored at the 1994 International
Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO) meeting. Omura continued to
attend and actively participate in meetings many years after his retirement.
He presented a plenary lecture at the 2018 MDO meeting in Kanazawa.
Tributes were also made to him at a special 2012 meeting in Fukuoka,
commemorating 50 years since his discovery of cytochrome P450.
Tsuneo Omura will be remembered as a humble and very thoughtful
man. He was very friendly, communicative, and always very anxious to
help young scientists and lend his advice. His laboratory was always open
to visitors from abroad, and he was very happy to help people throughout
the 91-plus years of his life. Many visitors recall his joy in driving his guests
all around Kyushu with many stops at pottery-making artisans and notable
sites, including the active volcano, Mt. Aso. Due to his warm personality
and erudite knowledge, many students were attracted to him. During
24 years of his tenure in Kyushu University, 112 undergraduate students
and 42 graduate students joined his laboratory, and 33 of them took PhD
degrees under his thoughtful and persistent guidance. All the students
In Memoriam—Tsuneo Omura xvii

spent meaningful and valuable time in Prof. Omura’s laboratory, and he

created an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual respect. He was a true
sensei in every sense of this Japanese title of honor.
Prof. Omura was preceded in death by his wife, Yone (December 9,
2000), and is survived by their three children. Obviously, he was loved
by many scientists in the field, and he will be missed.

Roles of cytochrome P450

enzymes in pharmacology
and toxicology: Past, present,
and future
F. Peter Guengerich∗
Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, United States

Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Introduction 3
2. Where is the P450 field today and what do we know? 4
2.1 Roles of individual human P450s 4
2.2 Abundance of P450s 5
2.3 Regulation 7
2.4 Catalytic mechanism 9
2.5 Structures of P450s and binding of ligands 11
3. P450s and drug metabolism 13
3.1 P450s and pharmacokinetic issues 13
3.2 Drug-drug interactions 16
3.3 Toxicity issues 26
4. P450s as drug targets 29
4.1 Current P450 inhibitors in use 29
4.2 Future prospects for P450 inhibition 32
4.3 Pest control 32
4.4 Targeting accessory enzymes 34
5. The future of P450 research 34
5.1 Recent developments 34
5.2 Questions regarding basic research 35
5.3 Practical questions to be addressed 35
6. Conclusion 37
Acknowledgments 37
Conflict of interest statement 38
References 38

Advances in Pharmacology, Volume 95 Copyright 2022 Elsevier Inc. 1
ISSN 1054-3589 All rights reserved.
2 F. Peter Guengerich

The development of the cytochrome P450 (P450) field has been remarkable in the areas
of pharmacology and toxicology, particularly in drug development. Today it is possible
to use the knowledge base and relatively straightforward assays to make intelligent
predictions about drug disposition prior to human dosing. Much is known about the
structures, regulation, chemistry of catalysis, and the substrate and inhibitor specificity
of human P450s. Many aspects of drug-drug interactions and side effects can be under-
stood in terms of P450s. This knowledge has also been useful in pharmacy practice, as
well as in the pharmaceutical industry and medical practice. However, there are still
basic and practical questions to address regarding P450s and their roles in pharmacol-
ogy and toxicology. Another aspect is the discovery of drugs that inhibit P450 to treat

Adx adrenodoxin
AhR aryl hydrocarbon receptor
AO aldehyde oxidase
ARNT aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear transferase
AUC area-under-the-curve
b5 cytochrome b5
CAR constitutively active receptor
COMT catechol O-methyl transferase
DDI drug-drug interactions
EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
FDA (United States) Food and Drug Administration
FMO flavin-containing monooxygenase
HNF hepatic nuclear factor
IND Investigational New Drug (application)
Kd dissociation constant
Ki inhibition constant
Km Michaelis constant
LC-MS combined liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
MIST metabolites in safety testing
NME new molecular entity
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance (spectroscopy)
NC non-classical (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
P450 or CYP cytochrome P450
PDB Protein Data Bank
Pgp P-glycoprotein
POR NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase
PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PXR pregnane X receptor
RAR retinoic acid receptor
RXR retinoid X receptor
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 3

SNV single nucleotide variant

SV simple virile (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
SW salt-wasting (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
TCPOBOP 1,4-bis[2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene
UGT uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase

1. Introduction
The field of cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) research had its origin
in studies on the metabolism of drugs, steroids, and carcinogens in the mid-
dle of the 20th Century (Axelrod, 1955; Mueller & Miller, 1948; Ryan,
1959). However, the discovery of P450 as such did not occur until a few
years later (Klingenberg, 1958; Omura & Sato, 1962, 1964). The evidence
for a role as the terminal oxidase in a hydroxylation developed with the 17α-
hydroxylation of a steroid (Cooper, Levine, Narasimhulu, Rosenthal, &
Estabrook, 1965). Studies on a bacterial P450 by Gunsalus developed
independently (Hedegaard & Gunsalus, 1965; Katagiri, Ganguli, &
Gunsalus, 1968), and that system (P450cam, or CYP101A1) served as a useful
model for many years (Mueller, Loida, & Sligar, 1995). Two papers in 1968
and 1969 by Lu and Coon established the identity of the liver microsomal
P450 system involved in oxidations, consisting of three components: a P450,
NADPH-P450 reductase (POR), and phospholipid (Lu & Coon, 1968; Lu,
Junk, & Coon, 1969).
More about the historical development of the field was described in a
recent review (Guengerich, 2019a). With considerable effort, many liver
P450s (and some extrahepatic ones) were purified by conventional chroma-
tography methods and characterized. Progress was also made in terms of
mechanisms of catalysis and gene regulation. The introduction of recombi-
nant DNA technology led to cloning of cDNAs, expression of P450s in het-
erologous systems, and ultimately a better understanding of the complexity
of the P450 Superfamily with the completion of the Human Genome
Project. Today the field of P450 research must be considered as mature,
but that is not to say that all important questions have been answered. As
a field matures, the background knowledge and the research tools improve
and more important questions can be addressed.
4 F. Peter Guengerich

The focus of this book is on pharmacology and the roles of P450 enzymes
in the metabolism of drugs. However, P450s also have important roles in
the metabolism of steroids (some of which are used as drugs), fat-soluble
vitamins, fatty acids, chemical carcinogens, pesticides, industrial chemicals,
food additives, and other chemicals. Collectively >90% of all oxidations and
reductions of chemicals known today are catalyzed by P450s (Rendic &
Guengerich, 2015). This high percentage is also in part due to the prepon-
derance of P450 reactions in the biosynthesis of natural products
(Guengerich, 2022b), as well as drugs and industrial chemicals. P450s are
found throughout nature, with the only current exceptions being some
enteric bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium). The number
of CYP genes in bacteria and plants probably exceeds the number in mam-
mals, in large part because most plants have hundreds and sometimes >1,000
CYP genes (e.g., wheat has 1,285).

2. Where is the P450 field today and what do we know?

This is an introductory chapter, and several other chapters will focus
on some detailed aspects of P450 science. The focus here will be on human
P450s, although the P450s in experimental animals are also still of great
interest in the drug development process.

2.1 Roles of individual human P450s

One of the ways of grouping the 57 human P450s by function is presented in
Table 1. Of these, it is not clear that CYP2A7 is expressed but CYP4F3
yields two proteins, so the number is still 57. The classification by substrates
is not without caveats. Some P450s can be classified under multiple headings
(e.g., 1B1 for steroids and xenobiotics, 27A1 for steroids and vitamins).
Some of the P450s have moved from “orphan” status (Unknown in
Table 1) but it is not clear how important these reactions are (e.g., 2U1,
2S1). P450 4X1 can slowly oxidize anandamide (Stark, Dostalek, &
Guengerich, 2008) but has been left in the Unknown column. It is not clear
how important most of the reactions of Xenobiotics and Fatty acids are to
mammalian physiology. The point can be made that the P450s in the
Xenobiotics column have a general function of clearing a wide variety of
ingested natural products present in our food (e.g., terpenes, alkaloids) as
a general protective mechanism, in the same way that export transporters
do. Studies with transgenic mice have shown that the orthologs of many
of the P450s listed under the headings of Xenobiotics and Fatty acids are
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 5

Table 1 Classification of human P450s based on major substrate class.

Steroids Xenobiotics Fatty acids Eicosanoids Vitamins Unknown
1B1* 1A1* 2J2 2U1 2R1* 2A7
7A1* 1A2* 2S1 4F2 24A1** 4X1
7B1 2A6* 2U1 4F3 26A1 20A1
8B1 2A13* 4A11 4F8 26B1
11A1* 2B6* 4A22 5A1 27A1
11B1* 2C8* 4B1** 8A1* 27B1
11B2* 2C9* 4F11 27C1
17A1* 2C18 4F12
19A1* 2C19* 4F22
21A2* 2D6* 4V2
27A1 2E1* 4Z1
39A1 2F1
46A1* 2W1
51A1* 3A4*
This classification is somewhat arbitrary in some cases, e.g., P450s 1B1 and 27A1 could
be grouped in either of two different categories. *Crystal structure available. **Crystal
structure of animal orthologue available.

not essential (Bissig et al., 2018; Gonzalez & Kimura, 2003). However, those
involved in the metabolism of steroids, eicosanoids, and vitamins generally
are essential.

2.2 Abundance of P450s

Of the 57 P450s (Table 1), 50 are expressed mainly in the endoplasmic retic-
ulum and seven are expressed by nuclear genes but transported (following
proteolysis) to the mitochondria (11A1, 11B1, 11B2, 24A1, 27A1, 27B1,
27C1). Fractions of some of the endoplasmic reticulum (microsomal)
P450s are cleaved and also enter the mitochondria (e.g., 1B1, 2D6, 2E1,
2C8) (Avadhani, Sangar, Bansal, & Bajpai, 2011). The microsomal P450s
6 F. Peter Guengerich

receive electrons (from NADPH) via the diflavin protein POR and some-
times cytochrome b5 (b5). Those in the mitochondria use a system involving
the flavoprotein NADPH-adrenodoxin (Adx) reductase and Adx. Although
the mitochondrial P450s clearly have important roles in the metabolism of
steroids and vitamins (Table 1) (Guengerich, 2015), in some cases they can
also be involved in the metabolism of drugs (Zhang et al., 2012) and other
In mammalian liver the ratio of total P450 to POR has long been known
to be 10–20:1 (Estabrook, Franklin, Cohen, Shigamatzu, & Hildebrandt,
1971). The concentrations of several P450s in human liver have been esti-
mated using immunochemical (Shimada, Yamazaki, Mimura, Inui, &
Guengerich, 1994) and, more recently, mass spectrometry proteomic
approaches (Achour, Al Feteisi, Lanucara, Rostami-Hodjegan, & Barber,
2017). The results from several studies are summarized in Fig. 1. While it
is clear that P450 3A4 and two P450 Subfamily 2C enzymes (2C8, 2C9)
are the most abundant, there is a large amount of variability, even in cases


% Total








Fig. 1 Percentages of total P450 in human liver samples accounted for by each P450.
The data points were compiled (Guengerich, 2022a) from four sets with multiple liver
samples (Achour, Russell, Barber, & Rostami-Hodjegan, 2014; Kawakami et al., 2011;
Shimada et al., 1994) and one with a single liver sample high in P450 1A1 (Lang,
Radtke, & Bairlein, 2019). The estimates were made immunochemically in one case
(Shimada et al., 1994) and by LC-MS proteomic methods in the others (Achour et al.,
2014; Kawakami et al., 2011; Lang et al., 2019). The value for P450 1A1 is a mean of mea-
surements of 30 samples (Lang et al., 2019). The individual colors have no meaning but
are added to facilitate visualization.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 7

where the same liver sets were analyzed (Guengerich, 2015). For instance, it
is not clear whether P450s 2A6 and 2B6 should be considered minor or
abundant enzymes (Fig. 1) (Guengerich, 2015).
The composition of individual P450s in human small intestine has also
been analyzed (Paine et al., 2006). In this organ, the dominance of P450
3A4 is even more striking and this has relevance in considering the dispo-
sition of only administered drugs and inhibition of drug metabolism. The
total amount of P450 in the small intestine is only a few percent of that
in liver, however, and this point needs to be considered in the context of
first-pass clearance.

2.3 Regulation
Many of the P450s are subject to enzyme induction, as well as localization in
different tissues due to the influence of tissue-specific promoters. A general
scheme for induction (Fig. 2) involves binding of a ligand to a receptor, for-
mation of a heterodimeric pair, nuclear transport, and binding to specific
sites of the gene to cause (chromosome rearrangement and) enhanced

Fig. 2 General scheme for transcriptional regulation of P450s. L: ligand, R: receptor,

R´-heterodimeric partner, Coactiv: co-activator protein (e.g., hepatic nuclear factor
(HNF) α in the case of P450 3A4), RNA pol: RNA polymerase (Guengerich, 2018a, 2022a).
8 F. Peter Guengerich

transcription by RNA polymerase (Fig. 2). This is the general pattern seen
for the AhR, PXR, PPARα, and RAR systems of gene regulation. With
AhR the heterodimer partner is ARNT. With the bulk of the systems,
which use receptors from the steroid nuclear receptor superfamily (PXR,
PPARα, …), the partner is RXR, which is bound to retinoic acid or
possibly another ligand. CAR, involved in regulation of P450s 2B6 and
3A4, is different in that while it can bind some ligands (e.g., 1,4-bis[2-
(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene, (TCPOBOP) (Maglich et al., 2003),
in most cases the receptor is constitutively active and nuclear import is
regulated by a phosphorylation cascade involving EGFR (Mutoh et al., 2013).
Induction by drugs is important for several reasons: (1) It leads to changes
in pharmacokinetics when the drug of interest is also an inducer.
(2) Drug-drug interactions can be important clinically, as seen in the classic
example of enhanced metabolism of 17α-ethnylestradiol (in oral contracep-
tives) by P450 3A4 inducers (Bolt, Kappus, & Bolt, 1975). (3) In some ani-
mal models, enzyme induction is correlated with development of certain
cancers, particularly in rodent liver (e.g., barbiturates, PPARα inducers)
(Lubet, Nims, Ward, Rice, & Diwan, 1989; Rao & Reddy, 1987).
Although this is much less of a regulatory concern than in the past, the devel-
opment of rodent tumors in the drug development scenario must be
explained and regulatory agencies need assurance that this will not be an
issue in humans.
The most thoroughly studied model of P450 induction is transcriptional
control. However, regulation can also be at the post-translational level, includ-
ing mRNA and protein stabilization, and epigenetic control. Examples of roles
of gene methylation (i.e., 5-methyl deoxycytidine), histone modification (e.g.,
acetylation), and microRNA involvement are now known for P450s
(Guengerich, 2015; Ingelman-Sundberg et al., 2013), although the signifi-
cance in humans is still not established.
P450 genes can also be regulated by cytokines. Interferons can down-
regulate P450s, and the suppression of drug metabolism by interferons has
long been known to be associated with colds, flu shots, etc. (Mannering,
Renton, el Azhary, & Deloria, 1980; Renton, 1981). Another phenomenon
observed in rats is the down-regulation of some P450s by some of the com-
mon inducers, e.g. barbiturates and particularly Family 1 inducers, as seen
particularly with P450s 2C11 and 2E1 (Dannan, Guengerich, Kaminsky, &
Aust, 1983; Guengerich, Dannan, Wright, Martin, & Kaminsky, 1982;
Thomas, Bandiera, Maines, Ryan, & Levin, 1987). This suppression has been
shown to occur at the transcriptional level (Sawaya & Riddick, 2008) but its
relevance in humans is unknown.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 9

Rodents display dramatic sex effects with regard to P450 regulation

(Waxman, Dannan, & Guengerich, 1985; Waxman & Holloway, 2009).
The basis of this is complex and involves not only androgens and estrogens
but also pulsatile patterns of growth hormone and JAK/STAT regulation
(Waxman & Holloway, 2009; Wiwi & Waxman, 2005). Although there
are some reports of sex differences in some P450s in humans (Wolbold
et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2011), the differences have not been seen by others
(Yang et al., 2010) and, at the pharmacokinetic level, may be attributable to
body fat. However, knowledge of sex differences in rodent P450s may be
important in understanding the results of pre-clinical testing in drug

2.4 Catalytic mechanism

Much has been written about chemical mechanisms of catalysis by P450s
elsewhere (Guengerich, 2018b; Guengerich & Yoshimoto, 2018; Ortiz
de Montellano, 2015).
The catalytic cycle is shown in Fig. 3, where the P450 binds substrate
(Step 1), the iron is reduced (Step 2), oxygen binds (Step 3), and the second
electron is donated to the iron (Step 4). At this point the intermediates are
unstable, and information about them has taken some time to accumulate.
The Fe3+-O–2 form (called Compound 0) becomes protonated (Step 5) and
then H2O is released to leave Compound I (after Step 6). In Step 7 the for-
mal FeO3+ complex abstracts a hydrogen atom (or an electron from a
heteroatom if the redox potential is low enough) to leave a “caged” radical
(Step 7), which undergoes recombination with Compound II (FeOH3+) to
generate the product in Step 8. Finally, the product (ROH) is released in
Step 9.
The P450 can be reduced without having substrates present, at least with
some P450s (Guengerich & Johnson, 1997; Johnston et al., 2011). In some
cases there is evidence that b5 provides the second electron (in Step 4) but in
other cases b5 can stimulate P450 reactions without electron transfer
(Yamazaki et al., 2002). Another point is that the cycle in Fig. 3 relates only
to the electronic changes that occur, but numerous changes in protein struc-
ture occur as well, and even binding of a substrate can involve a complex
series of steps (Guengerich, Wilkey, Glass, & Reddish, 2019; Guengerich,
Wilkey, & Phan, 2019; Isin & Guengerich, 2006).
An appreciation of the catalytic mechanism of P450 is important in
understanding the kinds of reactions that P450s can do. In areas such as
drug metabolism and natural product biosynthesis, products must be
10 F. Peter Guengerich

9 1
Fe3+ ROH Fe3+ RH NADPH-P450
8 2
1 NADPH-P450
FeOH3+ R•

Fe2+ RH Fe2+ + RH
Compound I FeO3+ RH
-H2O 6
Fe2+ O2 RH
RH 5 4
Fe3+-O2- RH NADPH-P450
H+ 1e- reductasered
Compound 0
Fig. 3 P450 catalytic cycle. The nine labeled steps show sequential (1) substrate bind-
ing, (2) 1-electron reduction, (3) oxygen binding, (4) second 1-electron reduction, (5) pro-
tonation of “Compound 0,” (6) loss of water to form “Compound I,” (7) hydrogen atom
abstraction by Compound I, (8) oxygen rebound to form product, and (9) product dis-
sociation. As indicated, ferrous P450 can also bind substrate (Yun, Kim, Calcutt, &
Guengerich, 2005). In some cases, b5 can provide the electron in step 2 or 4. In some
sequential reactions, step 9 does not occur and a second oxidation of the initial product
is observed (Gonzalez & Guengerich, 2017; Reddish & Guengerich, 2019).

characterized and a knowledge of possible mechanisms is needed to discern

possible pathways (Guengerich & Yoshimoto, 2018; Isin & Guengerich,
Although possibilities have been raised of various other oxidant forms
of P450 in various oxidations, almost all reactions can be explained by
involving Compound I reactions. Some proposals for Compound 0 or other
species have been re-valuated or analyzed further and re-interpreted in terms
of Compound I (Groves, McClusky, White, & Coon, 1978; Guengerich &
Yoshimoto, 2018; Huang & Groves, 2017; Krest et al., 2013; Rittle &
Green, 2010; Yoshimoto & Guengerich, 2014). Only in a few cases has
P450 Compound I been prepared directly and rigorously characterized
(by reaction with a peracid) (Krest et al., 2013; Rittle & Green, 2010).
Some bona fide Baeyer-Villiger-type oxidations may still prove to involve
Compound 0 (Guengerich, 2022b).
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 11

2.5 Structures of P450s and binding of ligands

Although X-ray crystallography of P450s was limited to soluble bacterial
P450s before 2000, the work of Johnson (Williams, Cosme, Sridhar,
Johnson, & MeRee, 2000) and then others has led to a plethora of P450 struc-
tures. As of 2021 there were at least 260 structures of mammalian P450s in the
Protein Data Bank, and 25 of the 57 human P450s have crystal structures
available (plus apparent animal orthologues of P450 4B1 and 24A1).
All P450 structures to date have similar overall folds (Fig. 4). The inter-
action and movements among the I, F´, and G´ helices are important in
modulating ligand specificity.
Some of the human P450s have been crystallized in open, closed, and
intermediate forms (Guengerich, Waterman, & Egli, 2016; Poulos &
Johnson, 2015). A single structure of a P450 provides useful information
about the bonding of a P450 with a substrate but it may not present a picture
of how the P450 bound that substrate, i.e. the course of events leading to
(productive) binding. Some of the P450s have been found to bind substrates
in multiple ways and also to have multiple conformations in the absence of a
substrate or other ligand (Ekroos & Sj€ ogren, 2006; Hsu & Johnson, 2019;
Porubsky, Battaile, & Scott, 2010).
One hypothesis about how enzymes such as P450s are able to bind so
many substrates is that of induced fit (Fig. 5) (Koshland, Nemethy, &
Filmer, 1966); i.e. binding of a substrate to an enzyme induces the enzyme




N-terminus C-terminus


Fig. 4 A structure of P450 3A4 (Protein Data Bank (PDB) 1TQN), with major helices
labeled (Yano et al., 2004). The heme prosthetic group is shown in gray.
12 F. Peter Guengerich

Induced fit hypothesis:

E + S ES E'S EP E + P

Conformational selection hypothesis:

E + S E' + S

Fig. 5 Hypotheses to explain complex substrate recognition data (Gianni, Dogan, &
Jemth, 2014; Vogt & Di Cera, 2012).

to adopt a new conformation that is more favorable for productive catalysis.

An alternative mechanism involves conformational selection (Fig. 5), where
the enzyme exists in multiple conformations in the absence of ligand, one
(or more) of which binds the substrate to yield a productive complex
(Fig. 5). These are not necessarily completely distinct phenomena and may
occur together. Discerning which course (Fig. 5) is dominant is usually diffi-
cult, in that the free energy involved in the route from E to a productive E´S
complex is identical regardless of the route (Chakraborty & Di Cera, 2017;
Vogt, Pozzi, Chen, & Di Cera, 2014). One hallmark of the presence of
complex binding pathways is slow kinetics, i.e. at less than diffusion-limited
rates ( Johnson, 2019). The two routes (Fig. 5) can be distinguished by mea-
suring the kinetics of binding as a function of varying the concentration of
ligand, enzyme, or both (Gianni et al., 2014; Vogt & Di Cera, 2012). Such
kinetic studies have been done with several human P450s and indicate the
dominance of conformational selection pathways (Guengerich, Wilkey,
Glass, & Reddish, 2019; Guengerich, Wilkey, & Phan, 2019). The binding
of the preferred substrate camphor to bacterial P450cam (P450 101A1) appears
to be an exception (Guengerich, Child, Barckhausen, & Goldfarb, 2021), but
the conformational selection mechanism appeared to be more dominant with
alternate substrates of P450cam.
The binding of inhibitors to P450 3A4 has been shown to be a complex
process, with multiple steps and spectrally detectable intermediates (Fig. 6)
(Guengerich et al., 2020; Isin & Guengerich, 2007b). Achieving full inhi-
bition requires completion of the steps for P450 3A4 (i.e., the E*I complex
in Fig. 6). With P450 17A1, multiple spectral intermediates are seen upon
mixing but inhibition occurs immediately, before the spectral changes are
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 13


+ 90 ms 2-3 s 20-120 s

ES ES + I ESI (?)
Fig. 6 Scheme summarizing interaction of P450 3A4 with inhibitors. The times of
appearance of individual species are indicated in blue (Guengerich, McCarty, &
Chapman, 2020).

completed (Fig. 6) (Child & Guengerich, 2020; Guengerich, McCarty,

Chapman, & Tateishi, 2021). The difference may be due to the large size
of the active site of P450 3A4 (1400 Å3 (Yano et al., 2004)), which is able
to accommodate two molecules of the inhibitor ketoconazole (Ekroos &
ogren, 2006). No crystal structure of a P450 containing both a substrate
and inhibitor has been published but is certainly feasible for P450 3A4
and probably some other P450s.

3. P450s and drug metabolism

In the early history of P450 research, little information was available
about how many P450s existed, how many had major roles in drug metab-
olism, and which of these P450s metabolized individual drugs. Today the
human P450s are all known (Table 1), with the completion of the human
genome and recognition of the P450 signature sequence:
Phe  X  X  Gly  X  Arg  Xb  Cys  X  Gly
where the Cys is liganded to the heme iron atom and Xb is a basic residue.
P450s are involved in the metabolism of  ¾ of (small molecule) drugs
(Fig. 7), and about five P450s are involved with 90% of the drugs
(Guengerich, 2015; Rendic & Guengerich, 2015). Those fractions have
remained similar for new drugs, with P450 3A4 playing an even more dom-
inant role (Fig. 7). This trend may be due, at least in part, to (i) a tendency
towards larger molecules, in efforts to achieve selectivity and potency, and
(ii) efforts to avoid dependence on the P450s showing more genetic poly-
morphism (e.g., 2C19 and 2D6).

3.1 P450s and pharmacokinetic issues

One issue in drug development is prediction of sites of metabolism. Over
the years there has been some progress in the in silico prediction of sites
14 F. Peter Guengerich

Fig. 7 Fractions of small molecule drugs approved by US FDA in 2015–2020 metabo-

lized by individual enzymes (Bhutani et al., 2021). UGT, uridine diphosphate
glucuronosyl transferase; FMO, flavin-containing monooxygenase; AO, aldehyde oxi-
dase. Reprinted from Bhutani, P., Joshi, G., Raja, N., Bachhav, N., Rajanna, P. K.,
Bhutani, H., et al. (2021). US FDA approved drugs from 2015-June 2020: A perspective.
Journal of Medical Chemistry, 64(5), 2339–2381, Copyright (2021), with permission from
the American Chemical Society.

(Afzelius et al., 2007; Boyer et al., 2007; de Bruyn Kops, Sicho, Mazzolari, &
Kirchmair, 2021; Ekins et al., 2005; Kirchmair et al., 2015; Martiny &
Miteva, 2013; Wilson, White, & Mueller, 2003), especially if the “top
three” sites are all predicted. Much of the success has been achieved with
algorithms based on prior examples, as opposed to docking into X-ray struc-
tures. Nevertheless, there will probably always be some surprises regarding
in silico predictions, e.g. testosterone is hydroxylated by P450 3A4 mainly at
the 6β (as well as 2β, 1β, and 15β) carbon but 4,5-dihydrotestosterone is
hydroxylated at the (chemically more inert) 18- and 19-methyl carbons
(Cheng, Sohl, Yoshimoto, & Guengerich, 2012).
As molecules progress in the discovery/development process, they do
require the use of analytical chemistry to define structures of metabolites.
Progress in the past three decades in LC-MS and NMR has greatly improved
the process, and there are novel techniques with possibilities, such as crys-
tallization and X-ray diffraction of trapped compounds (Rosenberger
et al., 2020).
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 15

What is more difficult is the prediction of rates of metabolism by P450s,

although there are claims to be able to do this with artificial intelligence
(Xiong et al., 2021). This is probably only realistic in situations where,
for instance, rates are known for close analogs and the effects of adding sub-
stituents are subject to Hammett analysis or other linear free energy relation-
ships (Burka, Guengerich, Willard, & Macdonald, 1985). Rates of (total)
oxidative metabolism can be measured in relatively high throughput assays
with liver microsomes and LC-MS, however. Such assays can be done with
hepatocytes but not as rapidly or large-scale. The microsomal assays are a
rapid means of stratifying for drug stability. However, if pharmacologically
active products are formed, the results will be misleading regarding the value
of a drug candidate.

3.1.1 Changing molecules to attenuate metabolism

When a lead drug is metabolized too rapidly, there may be possibilities for
slowing the metabolism. To do this effectively, the site of oxidation should
be known. If the P450 involved in oxidation is known, it is possible to dock
the molecule to suggest changes that might prevent metabolism or bioac-
tivation while maintaining pharmacological activity (Brodney et al., 2015).
Strategies may involve (i) adding a moiety (at the site) that will resist oxidation
or prevent binding to the P450, (ii) substituting deuterium for protium (Gant,
2014; Pirali, Serafini, Cargnin, & Genazzani, 2019; Stringer et al., 2014), or
(iii) adding a “soft” site elsewhere in the molecule that “steer” oxidation there.
Of these, the first option has been the most useful.

3.1.2 Variations in pharmacokinetics

In an ideal world, a new drug would have the same metabolites, half-life, and
clearance in all individuals, and prescriptions would be easy to develop.
However, there are several reasons for variable pharmacokinetics.
One issue is genetic inter-individual variability, i.e. genetic differences
in the P450 enzymes. This issue is discussed in detail in the chapter
“Pharmacogenetics of the cytochromes P450: Selected pharmacological
and toxicological aspects” by Daly.
Other issues involve changes due to enzyme induction and inhibition.
These can be due to the drug itself or to other drugs, or even chemicals
found in foods (e.g., grapefruit) or societal habits (smoking, alcohol).
When induction and inhibition are associated with the drug itself, the phar-
macokinetics of the drug can be expected to change with time, even in the
absence of other drugs.
16 F. Peter Guengerich

3.2 Drug-drug interactions

Drug-drug interactions are an important issue and account for both a size-
able fraction of hospitalizations and hospital deaths (Montane, Arellano,
Sanz, Roca, & Farre, 2018). These problems are seen with many diseases
and therapeutic areas (Fig. 8A) (Yu et al., 2018). A large fraction of the phar-
macokinetic drug-drug interactions are seen with P450 3A(4) and some of
the drug transporters (Fig. 8B).
The complexity of drug metabolism makes it hard to totally avoid
drug-drug interactions and some other toxicity problems, as exemplified
in the metabolism of phenacetin and acetaminophen (Fig. 9).
The analgesic phenacetin is no longer in use because it was associated
with rat kidney cancers. It undergoes oxidation in several P450-dependent
reactions, some of which can lead to the generation of reactive products that
can covalently bind to proteins and DNA. The product of O-deethylation is
acetaminophen, a drug used extensively for fever and pain. Acetaminophen
is used therapeutically at least once per week by 23% of the US population
(Larson et al., 2005), with benefit. However, it is also involved in ½ of the
cases of drug-induced liver failure.
27% A 30 46% B
Number of NMEs

Number of DDIs

10 20%
16% 16%

7% 7%
10 11% 11%
7% 7%
2% 5% 5% 3%
2% 2% 2%
0 0
C lin P /3

P4 1B 3
An ts

r d ls

og l a s

at ts

P1 3A

O te p

P4 0 2 3
P4 0 1 6
50 A2
ry nts

ifu s

O P1 se

50 C8

C 9
nd roin NS rug


nt ent


P/ es g

P 1/
5 1/
5 D

cu ivira

es tre en


AT ra

P4 2
rin sti age


AT 0


O 45


P/ P
ol na



BR ho



oc te


+ lc


p yry


Pg /but

er as












Fig. 8 Frequency of new molecular entities (NMEs, i.e. new drug candidates) in
inhibition-based drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with drugs approved by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States between 2013 and 2016 (Yu, Zhou,
Tay-Sontheimer, Levy, & Ragueneau-Majlessi, 2018). (A) Grouping by therapeutic class.
(B) Grouping by enzymes involved. Pgp and OAT1B1 are transporters. COMT, catechol
O-methyl transferase.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 17


NHAc OSO3– O-glucuronide


NAc 3
NAc + NHAc

NHAc P450 DNA adducts


O Protein and DNA adducts


P450 Protein adducts


P450 P450
Protein and DNA adducts


Fig. 9 Roles of P450s in the bioactivation and detoxication of chemicals: the complex
example of phenacetin (Guengerich, 2019a). Acetaminophen (paracetamol, Tylenol ®) is
widely used as an analgesic, safe at low doses and hepatotoxic at high levels (Lee,
Buters, Pineau, Fernandez-Salguero, & Gonzalez, 1996). Phenacetin has been classified
as a carcinogen and withdrawn from use. The metabolism of acetaminophen has been
investigated in detail (Dahlin, Miwa, Lu, & Nelson, 1984; Dahlin & Nelson, 1982;
Guengerich, 2022a). Only in a few cases are the structures of the protein and DNA
adducts known. Some of the indicated P450s have been identified in different species,
including humans (Distlerath et al., 1985; Lee et al., 1996).

The metabolism of phenacetin is induced (at least P450 1A2, the

O-deethylase) by polycyclic hydrocarbons and other P450 Family 1 inducers
(AhR agonists) (Conney et al., 1976; Pantuck et al., 1974). In humans, the
oxidation of acetaminophen to a potentially toxic iminoquinone is catalyzed
mainly by three P450s—2E1, 1A2, and 3A4 (Patten et al., 1993). P450 2E1
18 F. Peter Guengerich

appears to dominate, and induction of P450 2E1 by ethanol is generally

considered to be the basis of enhanced hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen
in alcoholics (Lee & Kaplowitz, 2021).
Drug-drug interactions can either render a drug ineffective or exaggerate
the pharmacology and make it toxic.

3.2.1 Induction
The most common problem with induction is the loss of drug efficacy due to
enhanced metabolism of a drug. A classical example involves the induction
of P450 3A4 by rifampicin or barbiturates and the ineffectiveness of oral con-
traceptives due to enhanced clearance of 17α-ethynylestradiol (Bolt, Bolt, &
Kappus, 1977; Guengerich, 1988). This phenomenon continues to occur
with other barbiturates (Wilbur & Ensom, 2000) and it is also seen with some
herbal medicines (Hall et al., 2003), in that St. John’s wort contains a potential
PXR inducer, hyperforin (Moore et al., 2000).
P450 inducers not only pose problems in the clinic but are also issues in
experimental animals in the process of safety assessment. Some chemicals
induce animal P450s and can confound pre-clinical pharmacokinetic studies
or lead to toxicity problems. Even though the issues may not be relevant to
humans, those issues need to be explained to regulatory agencies, and the test-
ing may waste valuable resources. Moreover, some animal tumors are seen
with certain modes of induction (e.g., PPARα), even if they are not recog-
nized as being relevant to human medical situations. Overall, it is generally
desirable to advance a lead drug that is not an inducer, it there is a choice
and other factors are equal.

3.2.2 Inhibition Modes of inhibition
Inhibition is a very important factor in pharmacokinetic drug-drug interac-
tions. The subject has been treated extensively elsewhere, and only a brief
treatise will be provided here.
A simple way of dividing P450 inhibitors is among (i) reversible inhib-
itors, (ii) quasi-reversible inhibitors, and (iii) irreversible inhibitors.
Reversible inhibition is the most straight-forward situation. It follows the
basic schemes generally taught in introductory biochemistry, i.e. competi-
tive, non-competitive, uncompetitive, and mixed inhibition. In the simplest
cases, two drugs are bound to the enzyme at either the same or at different
sites. Reversible inhibition can be detected quickly with high throughput
screening. The mechanisms may be more complicated than just simple com-
petition for an active site, in that multiple ligand occupancy is possible for
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 19

some P450s such as 3A4 (Ekroos & Sj€ ogren, 2006). Other complex
phenomena have been reported in our own laboratory (Bojic et al., 2014;
Shinkyo & Guengerich, 2011). Time-dependent inhibition

The reversible inhibition modes mentioned above occur quickly and are
reversed as the inhibitor is removed, most generally by metabolism (some-
times by the same P450 enzyme) (Guengerich, 2019b). There are several
modes of time-dependent inhibition, in which the catalytic activity of the
P450 is involved in exacerbating the inhibition. Time-dependent inhibition
can be divided into three general modes.
(i) Formation of quasi-reversible complexes. The most prominent exam-
ples are the oxidation of amines (primary) to C-nitroso compounds
and of methylenedioxyphenyls to carbenes. These unstable products
bind very tightly to ferrous P450 (Fe2+), yielding complexes with
absorption maxima at 455 nm. The binding is very tight. A relevant
example is troleandomycin (Pessayre et al., 1983). The rates of break-
down of the complex is slow and takes more than a day in vivo
(Delaforge, Jaouen, & Mansuy, 1984).
(ii) Generation of reactive metabolites that bind to P450 covalently to
inhibit. The list includes quinones, quinone imines, epoxides, and
other species. These are chemical entities that bind irreversibly to
P450s (and possibly to other proteins, including other P450s) (Fig. 9).
(iii) True mechanism-based inhibitors, which are compounds that are
oxidized to enzyme intermediates (usually species with radical or car-
bocationic character) that react with groups in the protein—or the
heme prosthetic group—to inactivate. Covalent products are formed.
In all three cases the inhibition develops with time, in the presence of POR,
NADPH, and oxygen.
Drug candidates that behave in this way can be identified using in vitro
screening paradigms, although they are more complex than for single revers-
ible inhibitors and not as adaptable to high-throughput screening. With all
three modes of quasi-reversible and irreversible inhibition, the nature of the
kinetic constants is more complex than for simple reversible inhibition, and
the most valuable parameters are kinactivation (the maximum rate of enzyme
inactivation at infinite inhibitor concentration) and Ki, the inhibitor con-
centration at which half the maximal rate of enzyme inhibition is obtained.
In contrast to a Km value, a Ki in this case is actually a parameter that reflects
the dissociation constant (Kd) for the enzyme-inhibitor complex (before
activation) ( Johnson, 2019; Silverman, 1995).
20 F. Peter Guengerich Use of inhibitors to slow drug metabolism

Although the focus is usually on avoiding drug-drug interactions due to
inhibition, there are situations in which inhibition of P450 metabolism is
desirable. In some cases achieving metabolic stability of drugs is difficult,
and the production of complex drugs (especially some natural products)
may be expensive, e.g. cyclosporin. This has been an issue with some HIV
An anecdotal approach to slowing gut metabolism by P450 3A4 (and
perhaps some other enzymes) is by ingestion of grapefruit juice (Bailey,
Edgar, Spence, Munzo, & Arnold, 1990). The problem is that the content
of bergamottin can vary, so the control of exactly how much inhibition occurs
may be problematic. The viral protease inhibitor ritonavir is also a potent
inhibitor of P450 3A4 (Greenblatt & Harmatz, 2015) and has been used as
a “booster” in prescribing information with some P450 3A4 substrates.
This is more powerful and, unlike grapefruit juice, inhibits hepatic P450
3A4 as well as intestinal. Rational design methods have been used with
P450 3A4 crystal structures to pursue ritonavir analogs for this purpose
(Sevrioukova & Poulos, 2014). The drug cobicistat, resembling ritonavir,
was developed as a P450 3A4 inhibitor and is FDA approved as a booster drug. Clinical issues

There are numerous examples of P450-based drug-drug interactions. One
that is now classic is terfenadine (Fig. 10), the first non-sedating antihista-
mine on the market. More than 100 million people used the drug (as
Seldane®), and for most the drug was very helpful (Guengerich, 2014;
Thompson & Oster, 1996). However, deaths were reported beginning in
1990, due to cardiac arrythmia, and eventually at least 25 deaths were attrib-
uted to terfenadine (some estimates as high as 125 or more). A major factor
was the use of ketoconazole or erythromycin at the same time. Terfenadine
is oxidized mainly by P450 3A4 (Yun et al., 1993), a fact which was
unknown when the problems began. Normally terfenadine is oxidized rap-
idly and not found in the plasma; the product fexofenadine (which also has
pharmacological activity) is the circulating active drug (Fig. 10). Blocking
the metabolism of terfenadine causes it to accumulate, and it binds tightly
to the hERG potassium channel receptor and causes torsades de pointes
(long QT intervals) and leads to arrhythmias.
With the development of knowledge about human P450 enzymes, it is
now fairly routine to establish which P450(s) is involved in the metabolism
HO N P450 HO N
CH3 3A4 CH3
H3 C H3C
Terfenadine alcohol
( -OH terfenadine)
OH P450
CH3 3A4
Terfenadine OH

P450 CH3
HO NH Fexofenadine


Fig. 10 Metabolism of terfenadine (Guengerich, 2014; Thompson & Oster, 1996; Yun, Okerholm, & Guengerich, 1993). All steps are catalyzed
primarily by P450 3A4. Oxidations of the antihistamine terfenadine catalyzed by P450 3A4. The oxidation of terfenadine was attenuated in
individuals who have inherently low levels of P450 3A4 (Yang et al., 2010) or used P450 3A4 inhibitors (e.g., erthyromycin, ketoconazole)
concomitantly with terfenadine (Guengerich, 2014; Yun et al., 1993).
22 F. Peter Guengerich

of a drug (Fig. 7), and regulatory agencies have this expectation at the IND
stage (filing of an “Investigational New Drug” application at the U. S. FDA
or the equivalent elsewhere, when a new drug candidate is first administered
to humans). Tables of known inhibitors of the major human P450s are avail-
able (Table 2), and predictions can be made about which drug interactions
might be problematic.
Some P450 substrates are more sensitive to inhibition (by other drugs), and
some have narrow therapeutic windows (Table 3), e.g. warfarin. If a new drug
would be likely to be given in combination with one of these drugs, then a
regulatory agency might well require a clinical interaction study.
The US FDA has ranges for the effects of inhibitors. The most general
approach is to compare the pharmacokinetic “area-under-the-curve”
(AUC) without and with inhibitor (AUCR). If this value is in the range of
1.25–2.0, then the inhibition is considered “weak” and not expected to be
a problem. A value of AUCR in the range of 2–5 is considered “moderate,”
and a value >5 is “strong.” The latter two groups (AUCR > 2) may require
labeling in the form of a contraindication warning.
As mentioned earlier, one of the troublesome issues in drug development
has been time-dependent inhibition, particularly with P450 3A4 substrates
(Fig. 7) (Zimmerlin, Trunzer, & Faller, 2011). Eng, Tseng, Cerny, Goosen,
and Obach (2021) have compared a large series of P450 3A4 substrates for
in vitro inhibition parameters with clinical AUCR values (Fig. 11).
Several points are of note. (i) Many drugs show time-dependent inhibi-
tion, even drugs that have been on the market for some time, often without
major issues. (ii) The assays with hepatocytes showed less-time-dependent
inhibition (Fig. 11B) than the assays with microsomes (Fig. 11A).
(iii) There is a rough correlation between in vitro rates of time-dependent
inhibition of P450 3A4 and AUCR but there are many outliers. (iv) The
structures of many of the drugs that show time-dependent inhibition are
not obvious as to why they should be (i.e., lack of acetylenes, cyclopro-
pylamines, etc.). The results shown in Fig. 11 indicate that in vitro assays
of time-dependent inhibition are still not completely reliable in predicting
whether drug-drug interactions will be a problem. In the analysis of Novartis
compounds by Zimmerlin et al. (2011), it was noted that the incidence of
time-dependent P450 3A4 inhibition—and of strong reversible inhibi-
tion—was much lower in drugs that reached the market than in drug candi-
dates, indicative of the liability of time-dependent inhibition (Zimmerlin
et al., 2011).
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 23

Table 2 Inhibitors of major P450s.

1A2 2C9 2C19 2D6 3A4

Amiodarone Amiodarone Chloramphenicol Amiodarone Amiodarone

Cimetidine Capecitabine Cimetidine Bupropion Aprepitant
Ciprofloxacin Clopidogrel Citalopram Celecoxib Atomoxetine
Citalopram Crisaborole Esomeprazole Chlorpheniramine Boceprevir
Crisaborole Efavirenz Felbamate Chlorpromazine Chloramphenicol
Efavirenz Fenofibrate Fluoxetine Cimetidine Cimetidine
Fluoroquinolone Fluconazole Fluvoxamine Cinacalcet Ciprofloxacin
Fluvoxamine Fluvastatin Indomethacin Citalopram Clarithromycin
Furafylline Fluvoxamine Isoniazid Clemastine Delaviridine
Interferon Isoniazid Ketoconazole Clomipramine Diethyldithiocarbamate
Methoxsalen Lovastatin Lansopraxole Cocaine Diltiazem
Mibefradil Metronidazole Modafinil Diphenhydramine Erythromycin
Ribociclib Paroxetine Omeprazole Doxepin Esomeprazole
Rucaparib Phenylbutazone Oxcarbazepine Doxorubicin Fluconazole
Ticlopidine Probenicid Pantoprazole Duloxetine Fluvoxamine
Rucaparib Probenicid Escitalopram Gestodene
Sertraline Rucaparib Fluoxetine Grapefruit juice
Sulfamethoxazole Ticlopidine Halofantrine Idelalisib
Sulfaphenazole Ropiramate Haloperidol Imatinib
Teniposide Voriconazole Hydroxyzine Indinavir
Voriconazole Levomepromzaine Itraconazole
Zafirlukast Methadone Ketoconazole
Metoclopramide Lesinurad
Mibefradil Mibefradil
Midodrine Mifepristone
Moclobemide Nefazodone
Palonosetron Nelfinavir
Panobinostat Netupitant
Paroxetine Norfloxacin
Perphenazine Norfluoxetine
Promethazine Omeprazole
24 F. Peter Guengerich

Table 2 Inhibitors of major P450s.—cont’d

1A2 2C9 2C19 2D6 3A4

Quinidine Pantoprazole
Ranitidine Regorafenib
Riclopidine Ribociclib
Ritonavir Ritonavir
Rolapitant Saquinavir
Rucaparib Starfruit
Sertraline Telaprevir
Terbinafine Telithromycin
Tripelennamine Verapamil
Modified from Flockhart, D. A. (2007). Drug interactions: Cytochrome P450 drug interaction table. Indiana University School of Me-
dicine. “https//” Accessed 19 August 2021.

Table 3 Examples of sensitive in vivo P450 substrates and P450 substrates with narrow
therapeutic range.
P450 Substrates with narrow therapeutic
Enzymes Sensitive substrates range

1A2 Alosetron, caffeine, duloxetine, melatonin, Theophylline, tizanidine

ramelteon, tacrin, tizanidine
2B6 Bupropion, efavirenz
2C8 Repaglinide Paclitaxel
2C9 Celecoxib Warfarin, phenytoin
2C19 Clobazam, lansoprazole, omeprazole, (S)-Mephenytoin
3A (4,5) Alfentanil, aprepitant, budesonide, Alfentanil, astemizole, cisapride,
buspirone, conivaptan, darifenacin, cyclosporine, dihydroergotamine,
darunavir, dasatinib, dronedarone, eletriptan, ergotamine, fentanyl, pimozide,
eplerenone, everolimus, felodipine, quinidine, sirolimus, tacrolimus,
indinavir, fluticasone, lopinavir, lovastatin, terfenadine
lurasidone, maraviroc, midazolam,
nisoldipine, quetiapine, saquinavir, sildenafil,
simvastatin, sirolimus, tolvaptan, tipranair,
triazolam, ticagrelor, vardenafil
2D6 Atomoxetine, desipramine, Thioridazine, pimozide
dextromethorphan, metoprolol, nebivolol,
perphenazine, tolterodine, venlafaxsine
Fig. 11 See figure legend on next page.
26 F. Peter Guengerich

3.3 Toxicity issues

3.3.1 Slow metabolism
Rates of drug clearance are generally developed for the majority of patients,
and it is the individuals who have unusually slow metabolism who are at the
most risk, generally due to either genetic reasons (see other chapters in this
treatise) or inhibition (vide supra). If an individual with slow metabolism is
given the usual dose, then the buildup of drug can (i) yield an exaggerated
pharmacological response of the normal target or (ii) alternatively, result in
metabolism at a secondary site to produce a toxic product (Fig. 9). Either
action can result in toxicity to the patient. For these reasons it is important
to define the variability of pharmacokinetic parameters in clinical trials.

3.3.2 Bioactivation
The matter of the potential for generation of reactive metabolites has already
been considered in regard to P450 inhibition, but the general issue of
bioactivation involves the generation of products that can modify other pro-
teins or nucleic acids to cause toxicity. As indicated with phenacetin and acet-
aminophen (Fig. 9), there is usually a balance of detoxication and bioactivation
reactions occurring, and the net result determines whether a chemical is toxic
or not—as well as the dose, of course. Some chemical moieties are more likely
to cause problems. There are called “toxicophores,” and the list includes
hydrazines and hydrazides, aryl acetic and aryl propionic acids, thiophenes,
furans, pyrroles, anilines and anilides, quinones and quinone imines, medium
chain fatty acids, halogenated hydrocarbons and some halogenated aromatics,
nitroaromatics, thiols, thiono compounds and thiazolidinediones, and

Fig. 11 Boundary line for kobs for time-dependent inhibition and relation to in vivo
drug-drug interactions (DDI) (Eng et al., 2021). (A) Fifty drugs were evaluated for
P450 3A4 time-dependent inhibition in human liver microsomes (at 30 μM unless noted
otherwise) and ranked by kobs, the first-order rate of inactivation, as judged using
midazolam 1’-hydroxylation (), presented on a log10 scale (right y-axis). The filled bars
show the in vivo drug-drug interactions as judged by the AUCR (AUC with the drug
divided by the AUC without the drug, Clinical DDI magnitude). (B) The study in Part
A was repeated in human hepatocytes. The stippled line indicates a twofold in vivo dif-
ference. Also indicated are P < 0.05 statistical limits and a kobs “boundary” of the lowest
in vitro value with twofold in vivo difference. Reprinted from Eng, H., Tseng, E., Cerny, M. A.,
Goosen, T. C., & Obach, R. S. (2021). Cytochrome P450 3A time-dependent inhibition
assays are too sensitive for identification of drugs causing clinically significant drug-drug
interactions: A comparison of human liver microsomes and hepatocytes and definition
of boundaries for inactivation rate constants. Drug Metabolism & Disposition, 49,
442–450, Copyright (2021), with permission from the American Society for
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 27

moieties that form α,β-unsaturated enol-like compounds (Michael acceptors)

(Guengerich, 2021). However, in some therapeutic programs one (or more)
of these entities may be needed for the desired pharmacological activity. Also,
there are numerous exceptions—e.g., atorvastatin (Lipitor®), which has a
masked aniline present but was the best-selling drug in the world for
several years.
The finding of toxicity late in a drug development program is highly
problematic and expensive, if a drug candidate must be dropped after spend-
ing considerable resources. Thus, there is considerable interest in reliably
identifying bioactivation (and any other toxicity) issues early in the drug
development process. The systems differ among pharmaceutical companies
but the main elements follow.
(i) In silico screening. The most useful systems to date involve gen-
otoxicity. The screens are based largely upon literature bases of results
plus structural similarity. Tissue-selective toxicities are more complex
and mechanisms are generally not well-described, so these are far less
(ii) Covalent binding screens. The extent of binding of drug candidates
in vitro (microsomal and hepatocyte systems) and in vivo was proposed
and used extensively in some pharmaceutical companies (Evans, Watt,
Nicoll-Griffith, & Baillie, 2004). There was never a cut-off parameter
but the approach was used to stratify compounds in making decisions
as to which to advance. An issue is that compounds must be synthesized
with radiolabels early in the process. There are correlations between the
level of covalent binding and toxicity but many exceptions, even when
accounting for the dose and body burden (Bauman et al., 2009; Dahal,
Obach, & Gilbert, 2013; Nakayama et al., 2009; Obach, Kalgutkar,
Soglia, & Zhao, 2008; Takakusa et al., 2008; Thompson et al., 2012).
(iii) General cellular toxicity. In some programs, toxicity is measured in
cells in culture, particularly in some types of hepatocytes. However,
all liver cells in culture have some type of metabolic deficiencies
(regarding P450 expression). Even more problematic is the difficulty
in using cellular assays to predict what will occur in a tissue.
(iv) Measurement of selective biomarkers. Some assays of interest include
gross cell toxicity, mitochondrial toxicity, and inhibition of bile salt
exporter protein (BSEP) and the transporter MRP2. Some pharma-
ceutical companies use a battery of assays, including covalent binding,
in order to stratify their new chemical entities (Monroe et al., 2020;
Thompson et al., 2012).
28 F. Peter Guengerich

(v) Genotoxicity is a particular type of toxicity, and some of the assays are
very well developed. The Ames bacterial mutagenicity tests (Ames,
Durston, Yamasaki, & Lee, 1973) have been used extensively for
50 years and are almost universally used as the primary screen for gen-
otoxicity, which is an indicator not only for potential carcinogenicity
but also other maladies drive by mutation (e.g., teratogenesis).
Bacterial mutation results are followed up by mammalian mutagenicity.

3.3.3 Human specific metabolites

Humans and experimental animals have different P450s, even if they are sim-
ilar in their primary sequences and structures. One of the problems is
human-specific (or “disproportionate”) metabolites and the MIST issue
(Metabolites in Safety Testing) (Guengerich, 2006). The U.S. FDA and the
International Commission on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements
for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) have agreed that if a metabolite
is present at >10% of the in vivo metabolites of a drug, then it should be tested
for safety in animals if the animal test species do not produce it (at the human
level of exposure). The analysis generally involves the (in vivo) AUC, which is
the most appropriate measure of the exposure of an animal or human to a
chemical. Further, regulatory agencies are interested in having multiples
(AUC) of exposure in animals compared to humans, in order to have more
assurance of drug safety, particularly in vulnerable populations.
There are several relevant strategies to deal with the MIST requirements.
One point is that in vitro comparisons of human and animal drug metabo-
lism should be done very early in order to make decisions about which ani-
mal species in the most appropriate model. Another important early
investigation is a human “mass balance” study (with radioactively-tagged
drug) to be sure that a large fraction of the metabolites are accounted for.
If there are human-specific metabolites found, there are a few options. (i) If
any of the disproportionate human metabolite is formed at all in a test animal,
then it may be possible to increase the dose in order to produce the exposure
(AUC) that is found in humans (if the drug is not toxic to the animals at the
high dose). (ii) Transgenic (“humanized”) mice, expressing human P450s or
other enzymes, may be used to produce the metabolite. (iii) The most
straight-forward approach may be to synthesize the metabolite and administer
it to animals, in order to achieve exposure. The synthesis might be difficult
(e.g., with a macrolide antibiotic). If long-term testing is in order (e.g. cancer
bioassay) then considerable time (and resources) may be required.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 29

3.3.4 Human differences in regulation

One of the problems with the use of animals in risk assessment (or, more
properly, risk characterization) is that humans and animals have differences
in their regulation of P450s and other genes. As mentioned earlier, this var-
iation makes P450 induction studies in animals less than predictive for
humans. Accordingly, the most generally accepted induction assays are done
with human hepatocytes. Although assays can be done with reporter con-
structs in other cells, there are issues regarding the need for co-activators
etc. (e.g., HNF-4α with PXR and P450 3A4) (Tirona et al., 2003).
Another issue is that the levels of some of the receptors and their actions
are very different in animals. In particular, PPARα agonists can lead to liver
tumors in rodents, as do barbiturates in rodents (Rao & Reddy, 1987). In the
past, these were considered serious issues but are not today.

4. P450s as drug targets

Much of this chapter has dealt with concerns about avoiding P450
inhibition by drugs (with the exception of the P450 3A4 “booster” drugs).
However, in several cases there are P450s that function in normal physio-
logical processes but inhibition can be used therapeutically.

4.1 Current P450 inhibitors in use

Drugs are approved for the inhibition of at least four human P450 targets,
namely 5A1, 11B1, 17A1, and 19A1 (Table 4).
P450 5A1 is known by its more common name, thromboxane synthase.
This is an unusual P450 that does not require electrons or oxygen; it
rearranges prostaglandin H2, an endoperoxide, to generate thromboxane.
The inhibitors (including aspirin) are used to inhibit platelet aggregation
in a variety of cardiovascular situations.
Mifepristone (RU-486) is approved for use in inhibiting P450 11B1 for
treating Cushing’s Disease (Chu et al., 2001).
In castration-resistant prostate cancer, reducing the androgen load is an
issue. The only approved drug for inhibiting P450 17A1, the androgen-
synthesizing P450, is abiraterone acetate, a pro-drug ester that is cleaved
to release abiraterone (Fig. 12A). Although there has been some speculation
about how abiraterone works (Cheong et al., 2020), it appears to be simply a
very tight-binding direct competitive inhibitor of P450 17A1 (Kd  1 nM),
the steroid 17α-hydroxylase/lyase (Guengerich, McCarty, et al., 2021).
30 F. Peter Guengerich

Table 4 P450s as drug targets.

Currently in clinical practice

P450 5A1 (anti-platelet drugs, inhibit thromboxane production)
P450 11B1 (Cushing’s disease)
P450 17A1 (prostate cancer)
P450 19A1 (breast and other hormonal cancers)
P450 51 (anti-fungal, inhibit fungal P450s)
Discovery and development programs
P450 4A11 (hypertension)
P450 11A1 (prostate cancer)
P450 11B2 (hypertension)
P450 24A1 (increase vitamin D3 levels)
P450 26A1 (increase vitamin A levels)
P450 26B1 (increase vitamin A levels)

One long-standing goal with this P450 is the selective inhibition of the lyase
reaction to block androgen production but not the synthesis of glucocorti-
coids, i.e. 17α-hydroxylation (Bird & Abbott, 2016; Burris-Hiday & Scott,
2021; Guengerich, McCarty, et al., 2021).
P450 19A1, the steroid aromatase, is involved in estrogen synthesis
(Fig. 12B), which is important in cancers of the breast, ovary, and uterus.
At least three (third-generation) aromatase inhibitors have been successful
and are in current use (Table 4). These are very tight-binding (Ki in low
nM range). The major side effects are related to changes in calcium homeo-
stasis, which is an inherent physiological response. Thus, it will probably be
difficult to improve on aromatase inhibitors in the future.
A P450 17A1


Progesterone 17 -OH Progesterone Androstenedione



Pregnenolone 17 -OH Pregnenolone Dehydroepiandosterone

B P450 19A1


Fig. 12 Some multi-step steroid biosynthetic reactions catalyzed by human P450s that are targets for drugs. (A) P450 17A1; (B) P450 19A1.
32 F. Peter Guengerich

4.2 Future prospects for P450 inhibition

Several other human P450s have been considered in the context of inhibi-
tion in relationship to other disease (Table 4). Of these, the most viable today
may be P450 11B2. P450 11B2 produces aldosterone, a target in some forms
of hypertension (Fig. 13).
Although not listed in Table 4, there have been considerations given
to the use of P450 inhibitors in cancer prevention, as a means of blocking
the bioactivation of chemical carcinogens (Chun, Kim, Kim, Lee, &
Guengerich, 2001). However, the approach is difficult in that many of
the chemical carcinogens undergo both bioactivation and detoxication by
P450s, sometimes even the same P450 (Ueng, Shimada, Yamazaki, &
Guengerich, 1995). One target has been P450 2A6, with the goal of block-
ing the metabolism, of nicotine to decrease the desire to smoke more (Yano
et al., 2006).

4.3 Pest control

P450s in microorganisms have also been drug targets. In particular, Family
51 P450s are involved in the 14α-demethylation of lanosterol and the equiv-
alent sterol precursors in several species, and the final sterols (e.g., ergosterol)
are needed for membrane integrity in these microorganisms. This is an
important target not only for local conditions with troublesome yeasts
(e.g., athlete’s foot) but serious systemic infections. In addition, CYP51
Family enzymes are targets in serious tropical diseases such as leishmania
and sleeping sickness, which are endemic in parts of the world (Emami,
Tavangar, & Keighobadi, 2017; Friggeri et al., 2018; Hargrove et al., 2017).

Fig. 13 P450 11B2 oxidation of 11-deoxycorticosterone to aldosterone, a drug target

(Hu, Yin, & Hartmann, 2014). Reprinted from Hu, Q., Yin, L., & Hartmann, R. W. (2014).
Aldosterone synthase inhibitors as promising treatments for mineralocorticoid dependent
cardiovascular and renal diseases. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 67, 5011–5022,
Copyright (2014), with permission from the American Chemical Society.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 33

The complexity and difficult of developing better inhibitors is exempli-

fied in the case of the antifungal posaconazole (Fig. 14A). During discovery
and development his drug showed considerably better activity than a
previous lead (SCH 51048) in several fungal species. The structure of the

N A lead compound (SCH 51048)
N Posaconazole

Fig. 14 Posaconazole bound in the C. albicans CYP51 active site (Hargrove et al., 2017).
(A) An early lead compound in the program (SCH 51048) and posaconazole. (B) X-ray
crystal structure of C. albicans P450 51A1 bound to posaconazole. The arrow in
Part B is pointed to the extra hydroxyl group in posconazole.
34 F. Peter Guengerich

Candida albicans P450 51A enzyme crystal structure bound to posaconazole

was solved later (Hargrove et al., 2017), after the drug entered the market
(Fig. 14B). Although posaconazole had much better intrinsic anti-fungal
activity than SCH 51048, the only difference is a hydroxyl on the side chain
(Fig. 14A). However, in the crystal structure (Fig. 14B) the moiety con-
taining the hydroxyl is positioned outside of the protein. Thus, rational
design using SCH 51048 would almost certainly not have led to a decision
to make the molecule now known as posaconazole.

4.4 Targeting accessory enzymes

P450s use several accessory enzymes. The microsomal P450s use POR and
sometimes b5. The seven mitochondrial P450s use Adx and NADPH-Adx
reductase, although this latter enzyme does not interact directly with P450s
(Lambeth, Seybert, Lancaster Jr., Salerno, & Kamin, 1982). Some drugs have
been designed to block allosteric interactions (Busby et al., 2020; Sawyer,
2020), and one effort to screen inhibitors that selectively block interactions
with individual P450s has appeared ( Jensen et al., 2021) (see also Kim, Kim,
McCarty, & Guengerich, 2021).

5. The future of P450 research

Predicting the future is always difficult. Following are some of my
own thoughts; I realize that others may have different ones.

5.1 Recent developments

As alluded to earlier, there are extensive efforts to utilize artificial intelligence
to better predict both metabolism and toxicology (Xiong et al., 2021). A
nagging problem with high-throughput screening efforts has been the need
to incorporate enzymes that will mimic metabolism in human liver.
The ability to use transgenic animals has developed. With the advent of
CRISPR-Cas9 and newer gene technologies, it is possible to use transgenic
rats (and other species) (Yasuda et al., 2021), not only mice. There are other
approaches to “humanizing” mouse livers (Yamazaki, Suemizu, Mitsui,
Shimizu, & Guengerich, 2016), although these animals are generally not
as viable as wild-type mice. Rats offer a number of advantages over mice,
particularly when addressing some toxicology questions.
There are also efforts to produce cell lines and model organelles that will
better reflect mammalian physiology and human metabolism in vitro ( Janssen
et al., 2020; Park, Georgescu, & Huh, 2019; Underhill & Khetani, 2018).
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 35

5.2 Questions regarding basic research

Six questions are listed (Table 5). Some success has been achieved, although
these are difficult topics and considerable resources have been spent. Most of
these topics have already been discussed in the chapter and will not be elab-
orated further. It is noteworthy that the b5 effect was first reported 50 years
ago and many details still remain to be addressed.

5.3 Practical questions to be addressed

A list of questions regarding practical P450 issues is also presented (Table 6).
The second item (predicting rates of metabolism) may never happen. The
remainder will be commented on.
We know now that we are not dealing with only 57 human P450s—each
has many SNVs and the list will grow as more human genomic data becomes
available. Is it even realistic to try to express all of the SNVs and measure
their functions in vitro? Are there prospects for using artificial intelligence?

Table 5 Basic questions about P450 to be answered

• Is Compound I the only mechanism?

• How many conformational states exist & how do they relate to
ligand recognition?
• Accessory enzymes: structures of binary complexes?
• Structures of the rest (32 more) of the human P450s
• Functions of the orphans (and quasi-orphans)?
• How does “allosteric” regulation work (including b5)?

Table 6 Practical questions about P450 to be addressed

• Predicting sites of metabolism

• Predicting rates a priori
• Predicting functions of SNVs
• Do SNVs affect disease incidence?
• Can we use SNV data better in clinical practice?
• Better drugs for pests
• Veterinary applications
36 F. Peter Guengerich

Is structural biology realistic? To date the only P450 SNV structures are of
P450 SNV structures are of P450 2C9 variants (Parikh et al., 2020). The
problem of understanding SNV effects is seen in our own work with
P450 21A2 (Fig. 15) (Wang et al., 2017). The changes tend to be in certain
regions. However, a single SNV can change the catalytic specificity constant
(kcat/Km) a million-fold. However, crystallizing these mutants has been dif-
ficult, and several are even hard to express. Moreover, the Eyring equation

kobs ¼ ðkB T=hÞ eΔG‡=RT

(where kB is the Boltzman contant, h is Planck’s constant, T is the absolute

temperature, and R is the gas constant) indicates that a 10-fold change in
activity only relates to a free energy (ΔΔG) change of 1.3 kcal/mol, less than


SW 180° SV 180° NC 180°

Fig. 15 P450 21A2 variants. Amino acid changes which give rise to the (A) salt-wasting
(SW), (B) simple virile (SV), and (C) non-classical (NC) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
phenotypes are mapped in the crystal structure of P450 21A2 (Pallan et al., 2015).
Carbon atoms of wild type (*1) residues are highlighted in blue (SW), green (SV), and
purple (NC). Reprinted from Pallan, P. S., Lei, L., Wang, C., Waterman, M. R.,
Guengerich, F. P., & Egli, M. (2015). Research Resource: Correlating human cytochrome
P450 21A2 crystal structure and phenotypes of mutations in congenital adrenal hyperpla-
sia. Molecular Endocrinology, 29, 1375–1384, Copyright (2015), with permission from The
Endocrine Society.
P450s in pharmacology and toxicology 37

one hydrogen bond. This makes the task of understanding the structural basis
of a functional change difficult. Further, a coding region SNV can show
different effects with different substrates (or reactions of the same substrate).
Although the effects of SNVs in P450s with roles in steroid biochemistry
have been rather obvious in terms of phenotypic endocrinological problems
(Auchus & Miller, 2015), these SNV effects have been more subtle in dis-
eases such as hypertension and other cardiovascular problems. Although
chemical carcinogenesis was one of the early reasons for emphasis on the
study of P450s and there was much interest in SNVs and molecular epide-
miology of cancer (Kirk, Bah, & Montesano, 2006; Vineis & Perera, 2007),
it is still not very clear what most of the effects are or how important they are.
At the turn of the century, there was considerable enthusiasm for geno-
mic medicine. Today the number of examples of application of P450 SNV
knowledge to clinical practice is still small (actually the information has been
more useful in drug development). Can this be improved?
The opportunity to use P450 targets in pests still seems enormous.
Anti-fungals were discussed but there are also opportunities with tubercu-
losis (McLean, Dunford, Neeli, Driscoll, & Munro, 2007; Ouellet, Lang,
Couture, & Ortiz de Montellano, 2009) and other maladies involving
infectious microorganisms.
Finally, there is still considerable opportunity in veterinary medicine.
Many of the questions where we have answers about drug-drug interactions
are just beginning to be asked in veterinary practice.

6. Conclusion
In a sense, the field of P450 has become a mature one. However, that
also means that we have accumulated a large knowledge base and also that we
have the tools to cut deeper and address harder questions. In retrospect, the
application of biochemical findings to problems in pharmaceutical science
has been a true scientific success story. There are still more opportunities.

P450 research in the author’s laboratory has been supported by United States National
Institutes of Health grant R01 GM118122. This content is solely the responsibility of the
authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of
Thanks are extended to K. Trisler for assistance in preparation of the manuscript.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
She let her hands rest on the keys a moment, and gave me a
rapid, questioning look. Whether she found a sufficient answer in my
face I know not; but she slowly rose, and, with a very pretty
affectation of obedience, began to close the instrument. I helped her
to do so.
"Perhaps you would like to be quite alone," she said. "I suppose
your own room is too cold."
"Yes," I answered, "you've hit it exactly. I wish to be alone. I wish
to monopolize this cheerful blaze. Hadn't you better go into the
kitchen and sit with the cook? It takes you women to make such
cruel speeches."
"When we women are cruel, Mr. Locksley, it is without knowing it.
We are not wilfully so. When we learn that we have been unkind, we
very humbly ask pardon, without even knowing what our crime has
been." And she made me a very low curtsy.
"I will tell you what your crime has been," said I. "Come and sit by
the fire. It's rather a long story."
"A long story? Then let me get my work."
"Confound your work! Excuse me, but I mean it. I want you to
listen to me. Believe me, you will need all your thoughts."
She looked at me steadily a moment, and I returned her glance.
During that moment I was reflecting whether I might silently
emphasize my request by laying a lover's hand upon her shoulder. I
decided that I might not. She walked over and quietly seated herself
in a low chair by the fire. Here she patiently folded her arms. I sat
down before her.
"With you, Miss Blunt," said I, "one must be very explicit. You are
not in the habit of taking things for granted. You have a great deal of
imagination, but you rarely exercise it on the behalf of other people."
I stopped a moment.
"Is that my crime?" asked my companion.
"It's not so much a crime as a vice," said I; "and perhaps not so
much a vice as a virtue. Your crime is, that you are so stone-cold to a
poor devil who loves you."
She burst into a rather shrill laugh. I wonder whether she thought I
meant Johnson.
"Who are you speaking for, Mr. Locksley?" she asked.
"Are there so many? For myself."
"Honestly doesn't begin to express it."
"What is that French phrase that you are forever using? I think I
may say, 'Allons, donc!'"
"Let us speak plain English, Miss Blunt."
"'Stone-cold' is certainly very plain English. I don't see the relative
importance of the two branches of your proposition. Which is the
principal, and which the subordinate clause,—that I am stone-cold,
as you call it, or that you love me, as you call it?"
"As I call it? What would you have me call it? For God's sake,
Miss Blunt, be serious, or I shall call it something else. Yes, I love
you. Don't you believe it?"
"I am open to conviction."
"Thank God!" said I.
And I attempted to take her hand.
"No, no, Mr. Locksley," said she,—"not just yet, if you please."
"Action speaks louder than words," said I.
"There is no need of speaking loud. I hear you perfectly."
"I certainly sha'n't whisper," said I; "although it is the custom, I
believe, for lovers to do so. Will you be my wife?"
"I sha'n't whisper, either, Mr. Locksley. Yes, I will."
And now she put out her hand.—That's my fact.
September 12th.—We are to be married within three weeks.

September 19th.—I have been in New York a week, transacting

business. I got back yesterday. I find every one here talking about
our engagement. Esther tells me that it was talked about a month
ago, and that there is a very general feeling of disappointment that I
am not rich.
"Really, if you don't mind it," said I, "I don't see why others
"I don't know whether you are rich or not," says Esther; "but I
know that I am."
"Indeed! I was not aware that you had a private fortune," etc., etc.
This little farce is repeated in some shape every day. I am very
idle. I smoke a great deal, and lounge about all day, with my hands
in my pockets. I am free from that ineffable weariness of ceaseless
giving which I experienced six months ago. I was shorn of my
hereditary trinkets at that period; and I have resolved that this
engagement, at all events, shall have no connection with the shops. I
was balked of my poetry once; I sha'n't be a second time. I don't
think there is much danger of this. Esther deals it out with full hands.
She takes a very pretty interest in her simple outfit,—showing me
triumphantly certain of her purchases, and making a great mystery
about others, which she is pleased to denominate table-cloths and
napkins. Last evening I found her sewing buttons on a table-cloth. I
had heard a great deal of a certain gray silk dress; and this morning,
accordingly, she marched up to me, arrayed in this garment. It is
trimmed with velvet, and hath flounces, a train, and all the modern
improvements generally.
"There is only one objection to it," said Esther, parading before the
glass in my painting-room: "I am afraid it is above our station."
"By Jove! I'll paint your portrait in it," said I, "and make our fortune.
All the other men who have handsome wives will bring them to be
"You mean all the women who have handsome dresses," said
Esther, with great humility.
Our wedding is fixed for next Thursday. I tell Esther that it will be
as little of a wedding, and as much of a marriage, as possible. Her
father and her good friend the schoolmistress alone are to be
present.—My secret oppresses me considerably; but I have resolved
to keep it for the honeymoon, when it may take care of itself. I am
harassed with a dismal apprehension, that, if Esther were to discover
it now, the whole thing would be à refaire. I have taken rooms at a
romantic little watering-place called Clifton, ten miles off. The hotel is
already quite free of city-people, and we shall be almost alone.

September 28th.—We have been here two days. The little

transaction in the church went off smoothly. I am truly sorry for the
Captain. We drove directly over here, and reached the place at dusk.
It was a raw, black day. We have a couple of good rooms, close to
the savage sea. I am nevertheless afraid I have made a mistake. It
would perhaps have been wiser to go inland. These things are not
immaterial: we make our own heaven, but we scarcely make our
own earth. I am writing at a little table by the window, looking out on
the rocks, the gathering dusk, and the rising fog. My wife has
wandered down to the rocky platform in front of the house. I can see
her from here, bareheaded, in that old crimson shawl, talking to one
of the landlord's little boys. She has just given the little fellow a kiss,
bless her heart! I remember her telling me once that she was very
fond of little boys; and, indeed, I have noticed that they are seldom
too dirty for her to take on her knee. I have been reading over these
pages for the first time in—I don't know when. They are filled with
her,—even more in thought than in word. I believe I will show them to
her, when she comes in. I will give her the book to read, and sit by
her, watching her face,—watching the great secret dawn upon her.

Later.—Somehow or other, I can write this quietly enough; but I

hardly think I shall ever write any more. When Esther came in, I
handed her this book.
"I want you to read it," said I.
She turned very pale, and laid it on the table, shaking her head.
"I know it," she said.
"What do you know?"
"That you have a hundred thousand a year. But, believe me, Mr.
Locksley, I am none the worse for the knowledge. You intimated in
one place in your book that I am born for wealth and splendor. I
believe I am. You pretend to hate your money; but you would not
have had me without it. If you really love me,—and I think you do,—
you will not let this make any difference. I am not such a fool as to
attempt to talk here about my sensations. But I remember what I
"What do you expect me to do?" I asked. "Shall I call you some
horrible name and cast you off?"
"I expect you to show the same courage that I am showing. I
never said I loved you. I never deceived you in that. I said I would be
your wife. So I will, faithfully. I haven't so much heart as you think;
and yet, too, I have a great deal more. I am incapable of more than
one deception.—Mercy! didn't you see it? didn't you know it? see
that I saw it? know that I knew it? It was diamond cut diamond. You
deceived me; I deceived you. Now that your deception ceases, mine
ceases. Now we are free, with our hundred thousand a year! Excuse
me, but it sometimes comes across me! Now we can be good and
honest and true. It was all a make-believe virtue before."
"So you read that thing?" I asked: actually—strange as it may
seem—for something to say.
"Yes, while you were ill. It was lying with your pen in it, on the
table. I read it because I suspected. Otherwise I shouldn't have done
"It was the act of a false woman," said I.
"A false woman? No,—simply of a woman. I am a woman, sir."
And she began to smile. "Come, you be a man!"




Miss Whittaker's garden covered a couple of acres, behind and

beside her house, and at its farther extremity was bounded by a
narrow meadow, which in turn was bordered by the old, disused
towing-path beside the river, at this point a slow and shallow stream.
Its low, flat banks were unadorned with rocks or trees, and a towing-
path is not in itself a romantic promenade. Nevertheless, here
sauntered bareheaded, on a certain spring evening, the mistress of
the acres just mentioned and many more beside, in sentimental
converse with an impassioned and beautiful youth.
She herself had been positively plain, but for the frequent
recurrence of a magnificent broad smile,—which imparted loveliness
to her somewhat plebeian features,—and (in another degree) for the
elegance of her dress, which expressed one of the later stages of
mourning, and was of that voluminous abundance proper to women
who are massive in person, and rich besides. Her companion's good
looks, for very good they were, in spite of several defects, were set
off by a shabby suit, as carelessly worn as it was inartistically cut.
His manner, as he walked and talked, was that of a nervous,
passionate man, wrought almost to desperation; while her own was
that of a person self-composed to generous attention. A brief silence,
however, had at last fallen upon them. Miss Whittaker strolled along
quietly, looking at the slow-mounting moon, and the young man
gazed on the ground, swinging his stick. Finally, with a heavy blow,
he brought it to earth.
"O Gertrude!" he cried, "I despise myself."
"That's very foolish," said Gertrude.
"And, Gertrude, I adore you."
"That's more foolish still," said Gertrude, with her eyes still on the
moon. And then, suddenly and somewhat impatiently transferring
them to her companion's face, "Richard," she asked, "what do you
mean when you say you adore me?"
"Mean? I mean that I love you."
"Then, why don't you say what you mean?"
The young man looked at her a moment. "Will you give me leave,"
he asked, "to say all that I mean?"
"Of course." Then, as he remained silent, "I listen," added
Yet he still said nothing, but went striking vehemently at the weeds
by the water's edge, like one who may easily burst into tears of rage.
"Gertrude!" he suddenly exclaimed, "what more do you want than
the assurance that I love you?"
"I want nothing more. That assurance is by itself delightful
enough. You yourself seemed to wish to add something more."
"Either you won't understand me," cried Richard, "or"—flagrantly
vicious for twenty seconds—"you can't!"
Miss Whittaker stopped and looked thoughtfully into his face. "In
our position," she said, "if it becomes you to sacrifice reflection to
feeling, it becomes me to do the reverse. Listen to me, Richard. I do
understand you, and better, I fancy, than you understand yourself."
"O, of course!"
But she continued, heedless of his interruption. "I thought that, by
leaving you to yourself awhile, your feelings might become clearer to
you. But they seem to be growing only more confused. I have been
so fortunate, or so unfortunate, I hardly know which,"—and she
smiled faintly,—"as to please you. That's all very well, but you must
not make too much of it. Nothing can make me happier than to
please you, or to please any one. But here it must stop with you, as it
stops with others."
"It does not stop here with others."
"I beg your pardon. You have no right to say that. It is partly out of
justice to others that I speak to you as I am doing. I shall always be
one of your best friends, but I shall never be more. It is best I should
tell you this at once. I might trifle with you awhile and make you
happy (since upon such a thing you are tempted to set your
happiness) by allowing you to suppose that I had given you my
heart; but the end would soon come, and then where should we be?
You may in your disappointment call me heartless now,—I freely give
you leave to call me anything that may ease your mind,—but what
would you call me then? Friendship, Richard, is a heavenly cure for
love. Here is mine," and she held out her hand.
"No, I thank you," said Richard, gloomily folding his arms. "I know
my own feelings," and he raised his voice. "Haven't I lived with them
night and day for weeks and weeks? Great Heaven, Gertrude, this is
no fancy. I'm not of that sort. My whole life has gone into my love.
God has let me idle it away hitherto, only that I might begin it with
you. Dear Gertrude, hear me. I have the heart of a man. I know I'm
not respectable, but I devoutly believe I'm lovable. It's true that I've
neither worked, nor thought, nor studied, nor turned a penny. But, on
the other hand, I've never cared for a woman before. I've waited for
you. And now—now, after all, I'm to sit down and be pleased! The
Devil! Please other men, madam! Me you delight, you intoxicate."
An honest flush rose to Gertrude's cheek. "So much the worse for
you!" she cried with a bitter laugh. "So much the worse for both of
us! But what is your point? Do you wish to marry me?"
Richard flinched a moment under this tacit proposition suddenly
grown vocal; but not from want of heart. "Of course I do," he said.
"Well, then, I only pity you the more for your consistency. I can
only entreat you again to rest contented with my friendship. It's not
such a bad substitute, Richard, as I understand it. What my love
might be I don't know,—I couldn't answer for that; but of my
friendship I'm sure. We both have our duties in this matter, and I
have resolved to take a liberal view of mine. I might lose patience
with you, you know, and dismiss you,—leave you alone with your
dreams, and let you break your heart. But it's rather by seeing more
of me than by seeing less, that your feelings will change."
"Indeed! And yours?"
"I have no doubt they will change, too; not in kind, but in degree.
The better I know you, I am sure, the better I shall like you. The
better, too, you will like me. Don't turn your back upon me. I speak
the truth. You will get to entertain a serious opinion of me,—which
I'm sure you haven't now, or you wouldn't talk of my intoxicating you.
But you must be patient. It's a singular fact that it takes longer to like
a woman than to love her. A sense of intoxication is a very poor
feeling to marry upon. You wish, of course, to break with your
idleness, and your bad habits,—you see I am so thoroughly your
friend that I'm not afraid of touching upon disagreeable facts, as I
should be if I were your mistress. But you are so indolent, so
irresolute, so undisciplined, so uneducated,"—Gertrude spoke
deliberately, and watched the effect of her words,—"that you find a
change of life very difficult. I propose, with your consent, to appoint
myself your counsellor. Henceforth my house will be open to you as
to my dearest friend. Come as often and stay as long as you please.
Not in a few weeks, perhaps, nor even in a few months, but in God's
good time, you will be a noble young man in working order,—which I
don't consider you now, and which I know you don't consider
yourself. But I have a great opinion of your talents," (this was very
shrewd of Gertrude,) "and of your heart. If I turn out to have done
you a service, you'll not want to marry me then."
Richard had silently listened, with a deepening frown. "That's all
very pretty," he said; "but"—and the reader will see that, in his
earnestness, he was inclined to dispense with courtesy—"it's rotten,
—rotten from beginning to end. What's the meaning of all that
rigmarole about the inconsistency of friendship and love? Such talk
is enough to drive one mad. Refuse me outright, and send me to the
Devil if you must; but don't bemuddle your own brains at the same
time. But one little word knocks it all to pieces: I want you for my
wife. You make an awful mistake in treating me as a boy,—an awful
mistake. I am in working order. I have begun life in loving you. I have
broken with drinking as effectually as if I hadn't touched a drop of
liquor for twenty years. I hate it, I loathe it. I've drunk my last. No,
Gertrude, I'm no longer a boy,—you've cured me of that. Hang it,
that's why I love you! Don't you see? Ah, Gertrude!"—and his voice
fell,—"you're a great enchantress! You have no arts, you have no
beauty even, (can't a lover deal with facts now?), but you are an
enchantress without them. It's your nature. You are so divinely,
damnably honest! That excellent speech just now was meant to
smother my passion; but it has only inflamed it. You will say it was
nothing but common sense. Very likely; but that is the very point.
Your common sense captivates me. It's for that that I love you."
He spoke with so relentless a calmness that Gertrude was
sickened. Here she found herself weaker than he, while the
happiness of both of them demanded that she should be stronger.
"Richard Clare," she said, "you are unkind!" There was a tremor in
her voice as she spoke; and as she ceased speaking, she burst into
tears. A selfish sense of victory invaded the young man's breast. He
threw his arm about her; but she shook it off. "You are a coward, sir!"
she cried.
"Oho!" said Richard, flushing angrily.
"You go too far; you persist beyond decency."
"You hate me now, I suppose," said Richard, brutally, like one at
Gertrude brushed away her tears. "No, indeed," she answered,
sending him a dry, clear glance. "To hate you, I should have to have
loved you. I pity you still."
Richard looked at her a moment. "I don't feel tempted to return the
feeling, Gertrude," said he. "A woman with so much head as you
needs no pity."
"I have not head enough to read your sarcasm, sir; but I have
heart enough to excuse it, and I mean to keep a good heart to the
end. I mean to keep my temper, I mean to be just, I mean to be
conclusive, and not to have to return to this matter. It's not for my
pleasure, I would have you know, that I am so explicit. I have nerves
as well as you. Listen, then. If I don't love you, Richard, in your way, I
don't; and if I can't, I can't. We can't love by will. But with friendship,
when it is once established, I believe the will and the reason may
have a great deal to do. I will, therefore, put the whole of my mind
into my friendship for you, and in that way we shall perhaps be even.
Such a feeling—as I shall naturally show it—will, after all, not be very
different from that other feeling you ask—as I should naturally show
it. Bravely to reconcile himself to such difference as there is, is no
more than a man of honor ought to do. Do you understand me?"
"You have an admirable way of putting things. 'After all,' and 'such
difference as there is'! The difference is the difference of marriage
and no-marriage. I suppose you don't mean that you are willing to
live with me without that ceremony?"
"You suppose correctly."
"Then why do you falsify matters? A woman is either a man's wife,
or she isn't."
"Yes; and a woman is either a man's friend, or she isn't."
"And you are mine, and I'm an ungrateful brute not to rest
satisfied! That's what you mean. Heaven knows you're right,"—and
he paused a moment, with his eyes on the ground. "Don't despise
me, Gertrude," he resumed. "I'm not so ungrateful as I seem. I'm
very much obliged to you for the pains you have taken. Of course, I
understand your not loving me. You'd be a grand fool if you did; and
you're no fool, Gertrude."
"No, I'm no fool, Richard. It's a great responsibility,—it's dreadfully
vulgar; but, on the whole, I'm rather glad."
"So am I. I could hate you for it; but there is no doubt it's why I
love you. If you were a fool, you might love me; but I shouldn't love
you, and if I must choose, I prefer that."
"Heaven has chosen for us. Ah, Richard," pursued Gertrude, with
admirable simplicity, "let us be good and obey Heaven, and we shall
be sure to be happy,"—and she held out her hand once more.
Richard took it and raised it to his lips. She felt their pressure and
withdrew it.
"Now you must leave me," she said. "Did you ride?"
"My horse is at the village."
"You can go by the river, then. Good night."
"Good night."
The young man moved away in the gathering dusk, and Miss
Whittaker stood for a moment looking after him.
To appreciate the importance of this conversation, the reader
must know that Miss Gertrude Whittaker was a young woman of
four-and-twenty, whose father, recently deceased, had left her alone
in the world, with a great fortune, accumulated by various enterprises
in that part of the State. He had appointed a distant and elderly
kinswoman, by name Miss Pendexter, as his daughter's household
companion; and an old friend of his own, known to combine
shrewdness with integrity, as her financial adviser. Motherless,
country-bred, and homely-featured, Gertrude, on arriving at maturity,
had neither the tastes nor the manners of a fine lady. Of a robust and
active make, with a warm heart, a cool head, and a very pretty talent
for affairs, she was, in virtue both of her wealth and of her tact, one
of the chief figures of the neighborhood. These facts had forced her
into a prominence which she made no attempt to elude, and in which
she now felt thoroughly at home. She knew herself to be a power in
the land; she knew that, present and absent, she was continually
talked about as the rich Miss Whittaker; and although as modest as
a woman need be, she was neither so timid nor so nervous as to
wish to compromise with her inevitable distinctions. Her feelings
were, indeed, throughout, strong, rather than delicate; and yet there
was in her whole nature, as the world had learned to look at it, a
moderation, a temperance, a benevolence, an orderly freedom,
which bespoke universal respect. She was impulsive, and yet
discreet; economical, and yet generous; humorous, and yet serious;
keenly discerning of human distinctions, and yet almost
indiscriminately hospitable; with a prodigious fund of common sense
beneath all; and yet beyond this,—like the priest behind the king,—
and despite her broadly prosaic, and as it were secular tone, a
certain latent suggestion of heroic possibilities, which he who had
once become sensible of it (supposing him to be young and
enthusiastic) would linger about her hoping to detect, as you might
stand watchful of a florid and vigorous dahlia, which for an instant, in
your passage, should have proved deliciously fragrant. It is upon the
actual existence, in more minds than one, of a mystifying sense of
this sweet and remote perfume, that our story is based.
Richard Clare and Miss Whittaker were old friends. They had in
the first place gone democratically to the town school together as
children; and then their divergent growth, as boy and girl, had
acknowledged an elastic bond in a continued intimacy between
Gertrude and Fanny Clare, Richard's sister, who, however, in the
fulness of time had married, and had followed her husband to
California. With her departure the old relations of habit between her
brother and her friend had slackened, and gradually ceased. Richard
had grown up a rebellious and troublesome boy, with a disposition
combining stolid apathy and hot-headed impatience in equal
proportions. Losing both of his parents before he was well out of his
boyhood, he had found himself at the age of sixteen in possession
actual, and as he supposed uncontested, of the paternal farm. It was
not long, however, before those turned up who were disposed to
question his immediate ability to manage it; the result of which was,
that the farm was leased for five years, and that Richard was almost
forcibly abducted by a maternal uncle, living on a farm of his own
some three hundred miles away. Here our young man spent the
remainder of his minority, ostensibly learning agriculture with his
cousins, but actually learning nothing. He had very soon established,
and had subsequently enjoyed without a day's interval, the
reputation of an ill-natured fool. He was dull, disobliging, brooding,
lowering. Reading and shooting he liked a little, because they were
solitary pastimes; but to common duties and pleasures he proved
himself as incompetent as he was averse. It was possible to live with
him only because he was at once too selfish and too simple for
mischief. As soon as he came of age he resumed possession of the
acres on which his boyhood had been passed, and toward which he
gravitated under an instinct of mere local affection, rather than from
any intelligent purpose. He avoided his neighbors, his father's former
associates; he rejected, nay, he violated, their counsel; he informed
them that he wanted no help but what he paid for, and that he
expected to work his farm for himself and by himself. In short, he
proved himself to their satisfaction egregiously ungrateful, conceited,
and arrogant. They were not slow to discover that his incapacity was
as great as his conceit. In two years he had more than undone the
work of the late lessee, which had been an improvement on that of
the original owner. In the third year, it seemed to those who observed
him that there was something so wanton in his errors as almost to
impugn his sanity. He appeared to have accepted them himself, and
to have given up all pretence of work. He went about silent and
sullen, like a man who feels that he has a quarrel with fate. About
this time it became generally known that he was often the worse for
liquor; and he hereupon acquired the deplorable reputation of a man
worse than unsociable,—a man who drinks alone,—although it was
still doubtful whether this practice was the cause or the effect of his
poor crops. About this time, too, he resumed acquaintance with
Gertrude Whittaker. For many months after his return he had been
held at his distance, together with most of his rural compeers, by the
knowledge of her father's bitter hostility to all possible suitors and
fortune-hunters; and then, subsequently, by the illness preceding the
old man's death; but when at last, on the expiration of her term of
mourning, Miss Whittaker had opened to society her long blockaded
ports, Richard had, to all the world's amazement, been among the
first to profit by this extension of the general privilege, and to cast
anchor in the wide and peaceful waters of her friendship. He found
himself at this moment, considerably to his surprise, in his twenty-
fourth year, that is, a few months Gertrude's junior.
It was impossible that she should not have gathered from mere
juxtaposition a vague impression of his evil repute and of his peculiar
relation to his neighbors, and to his own affairs. Thanks to this
impression, Richard found a very warm welcome,—the welcome of
compassion. Gertrude gave him a heavy arrear of news from his
sister Fanny, with whom he had dropped correspondence, and,
impelled by Fanny's complaints of his long silence, ventured upon a
friendly admonition that he should go straight home and write a letter
to California. Richard sat before her, gazing at her out of his dark
eyes, and not only attempting no defence of his conduct, but
rejoicing dumbly in the utter absence of any possible defence, as of
an interruption to his companion's virtue. He wished that he might
incontinently lay bare all his shortcomings to her delicious reproof.
He carried away an extraordinary sense of general alleviation; and
forthwith began a series of visits, which in the space of some ten
weeks culminated in the interview with which our narrative opens.
Painfully diffident in the company of most women, Richard had not
from the first known what it was to be shy with Gertrude. As a man of
the world finds it useful to refresh his social energies by an
occasional tête-à-tête of an hour with himself, so Richard, with whom
solitude was the rule, derived a certain austere satisfaction from an
hour's contact with Miss Whittaker's consoling good sense, her
abundance, her decent duties and comforts. Gradually, however,
from a salutary process, this became almost an æsthetic one. It was
now pleasant to go to Gertrude, because he enjoyed the contagion
of her own repose,—because he witnessed her happiness without a
sensation of envy,—because he forgot his own entanglements and
errors,—because, finally, his soul slept away its troubles beneath her
varying glance, very much as his body had often slept away its
weariness in the shade of a changing willow. But the soul, like the
body, will not sleep long without dreaming; and it will not dream often
without wishing at last to tell its dreams. Richard had one day
ventured to impart his visions to Gertrude, and the revelation had
apparently given her serious pain. The fact that Richard Clare (of all
men in the world!) had somehow worked himself into an intimacy
with Miss Whittaker very soon became public property among their
neighbors; and in the hands of these good people, naturally enough,
received an important addition in the inference that he was going to
marry her. He was, of course, esteemed a very lucky fellow, and the
prevalence of this impression was doubtless not without its effect on
the forbearance of certain long-suffering creditors. And even if she
was not to marry him, it was further argued, she yet might lend him
money; for it was assumed without question that the necessity of
raising money was the mainspring of Richard's suit. It is needless to
inform the reader that this assumption was—to use a homely
metaphor—without a leg to stand upon. Our hero had faults enough,
but to be mercenary was not one of them; nor was an excessive
concern on the subject of his debts one of his virtues. As for
Gertrude, wherever else her perception of her friend's feelings may
have been at fault, it was not at fault on this point. That he loved her
as desperately as he declared, she indeed doubted; but it never
occurred to her to question the purity of his affection. And so, on the
other hand, it was strictly out of her heart's indifference that she
rejected him, and not for the disparity of their fortunes. In accepting
his very simple and natural overtures to friendship, in calling him
"Richard" in remembrance of old days, and in submitting generally to
the terms of their old relations, she had foreseen no sentimental
catastrophe. She had viewed her friend from the first as an object of
lively material concern. She had espoused his interests (like all good
women, Gertrude was ever more or less of a partisan) because she
loved his sister, and because she pitied himself. She would stand to
him in loco sororis. The reader has seen that she had given herself a
long day's work.
It is not to be supposed that Richard's sober retreat at the close of
the walk by the river implied any instinct of resignation to the
prospects which Gertrude had opened to him. It is explained rather
by an intensity of purpose so deep as to fancy that it can dispense
with bravado. This was not the end of his suit, but the beginning. He
would not give in until he was positively beaten. It was all very well,
he reflected, that Gertrude should reject him. Such a woman as she
ought properly to be striven for, and there was something ridiculous
in the idea that she should be easily won, whether by himself or by
another. Richard was a slow thinker, but he thought more wisely than
he talked; and he now took back all his angry boasts of
accomplished self-mastery, and humbly surveyed the facts of the
case. He was on the way to recovery, but he was by no means
cured, and yet his very humility assured him that he was curable. He
was no hero, but he was better than his life; he was no scholar, but
in his own view at least he was no fool. He was good enough to be
better; he was good enough not to sit by the hour soaking his
slender brains in whiskey. And at the very least, if he was not worthy
to possess Gertrude, he was yet worthy to strive to obtain her, and to
live forevermore upon the glory of having been formally refused by
the great Miss Whittaker. He would raise himself then to that level
from which he could address her as an equal, from which he could
borrow that authority of which he was now so shamefully bare. How
he would do this, he was at a loss to determine. He was conscious of
an immense fund of brute volition, but he cursed his barbarous
ignorance, as he searched in vain for those high opposing forces the
defeat of which might lend dignity to his struggle. He longed vaguely
for some continuous muscular effort, at the end of which he should
find himself face to face with his mistress. But as, instead of being a
Pagan hero, with an enticing task-list of impossibilities, he was a
plain New England farmer, with a bad conscience, and nature with
him and not against him,—as, after slaying his dragon, after breaking
with liquor, his work was a simple operation in common sense,—in
view of these facts he found but little inspiration in his prospect.
Nevertheless he fronted it bravely. He was not to obtain Gertrude by
making a fortune, but by making himself a man, by learning to think.
But as to learn to think is to learn to work, he would find some use
for his muscle. He would keep sober and clear-headed; he would
retrieve his land and pay his debts. Then let her refuse him if she
could,—or if she dared, he was wont occasionally to add.
Meanwhile Gertrude on her side sat quietly at home, revolving in
her own fashion a dozen ideal schemes for her friend's redemption
and for the diversion of his enthusiasm. Not but what she meant
rigorously to fulfil her part of the engagement to which she had
invited him in that painful scene by the river. Yet whatever of that
firmness, patience, and courtesy of which she possessed so large a
stock she might still oppose to his importunities, she could not feel
secure against repeated intrusion (for it was by this term that she
was disposed to qualify all unsanctioned transgression of those final
and immovable limits which she had set to her immense hospitality)
without the knowledge of a partial change at least in Richard's own
attitude. Such a change could only be effected through some
preparatory change in his life; and a change in his life could be
brought about only by the introduction of some new influence. This
influence, however, was very hard to find. However positively
Gertrude had dwelt upon the practical virtue of her own friendship,
she was now on further reflection led sadly to distrust the exclusive
use of this instrument. He was welcome enough to that, but he
needed something more. It suddenly occurred to her, one morning
after Richard's image had been crossing and recrossing her mental
vision for a couple of hours with wearisome pertinacity, that a world
of good might accrue to him through the friendship of a person so
unexceptionable as Captain Severn. There was no one, she
declared within herself, who would not be better for knowing such a
man. She would recommend Richard to his kindness, and him she
would recommend to Richard's—what? Here was the rub! Where
was there common ground between Richard and such a one as he?
To request him to like Richard was easy; to ask Richard to like him
was ridiculous. If Richard could only know him, the work were done;
he couldn't choose but love him as a brother. But to bespeak
Richard's respect for an object was to fill him straightway with
aversion for it. Her young friend was so pitiable a creature himself,
that it had never occurred to her to appeal to his sentiments of
compassion. All the world seemed above him, and he was
consequently at odds with all the world. If some worthy being could
be found, even less favored of nature and of fortune than himself, to
such a one he might become attached by a useful sympathy. There
was indeed nothing particularly enviable in Captain Severn's lot, and
herein Richard might properly experience a fellow-feeling for him; but
nevertheless he was apparently quite contented with it, and thus he
was raised several degrees above Richard, who would be certain to
find something aggressive in his equanimity. Still, for all this,
Gertrude would bring them together. She had a high estimate of the
Captain's generosity, and if Richard should wantonly fail to conform
to the situation, the loss would be his own. It may be thought that in
this enterprise Captain Severn was somewhat inconsiderately
handled. But a generous woman will freely make a missionary of the
man she loves. These words suggest the propriety of a short
description of the person to whom they refer.
Edmund Severn was a man of eight-and-twenty, who, having for
some time combated fortune and his own inclinations as a
mathematical tutor in a second-rate country college, had, on the
opening of the war, transferred his valor to a more heroic field. His
regiment of volunteers, now at work before Richmond, had been
raised in Miss Whittaker's district, and beneath her substantial
encouragement. His soldiership, like his scholarship, was solid rather
than brilliant. He was not destined to be heard of at home, nor to
leave his regiment; but on many an important occasion in Virginia he
had proved himself in a modest way an excellently useful man.
Coming up early in the war with a severe wound, to be nursed by a
married sister domiciled in Gertrude's neighborhood, he was, like all
his fellow-sufferers within a wide circuit, very soon honored with a
visit of anxious inquiry from Miss Whittaker, who was as yet known to
him only by report, and who transmitted to him the warmest
assurances of sympathy and interest, together with the liveliest
offers of assistance; and, incidentally as it were to these, a copious
selection from the products of her hot-house and store-room. Severn
had taken the air for the first time in Gertrude's own great cushioned
barouche, which she had sent to his door at an early stage of his
convalescence, and which of course he had immediately made use
of to pay his respects to his benefactress. He was confounded by the
real humility with which, on this occasion, betwixt smiles and tears,
she assured him that to be of service to such as him was for her a
sacred privilege. Never, thought the Captain as he drove away, had
he seen so much rustic breadth combined with so much womanly
grace. Half a dozen visits during the ensuing month more than
sufficed to convert him into what is called an admirer; but, as the
weeks passed by, he felt that there were great obstacles to his ever
ripening into a lover. Captain Severn was a serious man; he was
conscientious, discreet, deliberate, unused to act without a definite
purpose. Whatever might be the intermediate steps, it was
necessary that the goal of an enterprise should have become an old
story to him before he took the first steps. And, moreover, if the goal
seemed a profitable or an honorable station, he was proof against
the perils or the discomforts of the journey; while if, on the other
hand, it offered no permanent repose, he generally found but little
difficulty in resisting the incidental allurements. In pursuance of this
habit, or rather in obedience to this principle, of carefully fixing his
programme, he had asked himself whether he was prepared to face
the logical results of a series of personal attentions to our heroine.
Since he had determined a twelvemonth before not to marry until, by
some means or another, he should have evoked a sufficient income,
no great change had taken place in his fortunes. He was still a poor
man and an unsettled one; he was still awaiting his real vocation.
Moreover, while subject to the chances of war, he doubted his right
to engage a woman's affections: he shrank in horror from the thought
of making a widow. Miss Whittaker was one in five thousand. Before
the luminous fact of her existence, his dim ideal of the desirable wife
had faded into vapor. But should he allow this fact to invalidate all
the stern precepts of his reason? He could no more afford to marry a
rich woman than a poor one. When he should have earned a
subsistence for two, then he would be free to marry whomsoever he
might fancy,—a beggar or an heiress. The truth is, that the Captain
was a great deal too proud. It was his fault that he could not bring
himself to forget the difference between his poverty and Gertrude's
wealth. He would of course have resented the insinuation that the
superior fortune of the woman he loved should really have force to
prevent him from declaring his love; but there is no doubt that in the
case before us this fact arrested his passion in its origin. Severn had
a most stoical aversion to being in debt. It is certain that, after all, he
would have made a very graceful debtor to his mistress or his wife;
but while a woman was as yet neither his mistress nor his wife, the
idea of being beholden to her was essentially distasteful to him. It
would have been a question with one who knew him, whether at this
juncture this frigid instinct was destined to resist the warmth of

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