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In Service of the Fey

A solo game of a year spent in the lands of Faerie.

By Christina Evans |

You are in the service of the Fey.

You have survived until now.
You have four seasons left in their service before you will be
This is your story of your last year in Faerie.
You will require: pen, paper, one six-sided die, and a pack of shuffled playing cards (Jokers

The Fey you serve:

You are in service of the Fey, you made a bargain for good or bad with a member of one of the four
courts. To find out who you serve draw from the top of your shuffled deck, compare against the list
below and write this down. Describe the Fey you bargained with. What do they look like, what do
they desire, what do they find distasteful, why do they find you useful?

The Seasons
You will now begin play starting in Spring, draw one card. This card indicates which Fey you met this
season while serving the Fey. Roll 1d6 to decide the outcome of this meeting.

1- You insult them with your actions- you are cursed by this Fey.
2- You bargain badly with them- you lose something you treasure but do not need to this Fey
3- You bargain badly- You lose something you need to this Fey.
4- You bargain well- You gain something you need from this Fey
5- You bargain well- You regain something lost (if you have not lost anything yet to the Fey describe
something you had lost but had no memory of.)
6- You delight them- You are gifted with a boon by this Fey.

Describe the Fey or Servants you meet, the outcome, and how this meeting has changed you or
what it has cost you.

Play a new season when you are ready.

The Suits
Hearts: The Seelie Court. The Court of high emotion. Encounters here can include great friendships,
passionate affairs, heart’s desire, true love, balls, dances, great banquets and more.

Diamonds: The Trooping. The travelling court who gather people and things to them.
Encounters here can include travelling caravans of inhuman creatures, gatherings in the
great forests, theatrical performances, new discoveries, grand adventures and whimsical
Clubs: The Solitary. The singular creatures who live outside of the courts, deep in the
wilderness of Faerie. These Fey are more known to be wicked creatures whose morals are
beyond even Fey understanding. Encounters can include dark rituals, strange huts (often
made from candy or something to entice prey in), wild hunts, trespassing into terrible
danger, and dreadful bargains.
Spades: The Unseelie Court. The court of high magic. Encounters here include powerful
mages, magical rituals, wonderous items, unnatural landscapes, horrifying creatures,
grotesques, and great terror.
The Fey and Servants of the Fey
2- Human
3- Half-Elf
4- Elf
5- Changeling
6- Of the Home e.g. Brownies, Gremlins, Gnomes, etc.
7- Of the Land e.g. Puca, Dwarves, Boggarts, etc
8- Of the Air e.g. Fairies, Pixies, Will O’the Wisps, etc
9- Of the Water e.g. Selkies, Merfolk, Sprites, etc
10- Of the Fire e.g. Redcaps, Imps, Slaugh, etc.
J- Archfey (A high ranking member of the court.)
Q- Queen of the Court
K- Consort to the ruling Queen of the Court.
A- The Hunt

The End of your service

After you have drawn four cards and experienced all four seasons, you are released from
your service. Describe what happens when you return to the mortal realm (or use the table below
for inspiration rolling a six-sided die) and what this has cost you.

1- You do not escape Faerie. You are hunted down by the Fey, torn asunder- your body
becomes one with Faerie.
2- You do not escape Faerie. You join the endless banquet, feasting on leaves and rotting fruit,
and dancing until you can no longer continue. Happily feasting until your death.
3- You do not escape Faerie. You are tricked into another contract, forever doomed to serve.
4- You return to the mortal realm, forever changed by the experience until you return willingly
to Faerie to your true place in service of them.
5- You return to the mortal realm; you warn others of the Fair Folk but most think you are mad.
You eventually return to destroy them.
6- You return to the mortal realm and forget them, living in blissful ignorance of what is
beyond the standing stones and mushroom circles you once stepped through.

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