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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Spiritual Well-Being of Gr11-HumSS Students in

Kalayaan National High School

A Research Paper Presented to

Kalayaan National High School - Senior High Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1


Galias, Kris Daryl

Lambino, Zainil

Maquinto, Samantha Joy D.

San Jose, Mirah E.

Semillano, Maricar I.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City


First and foremost, praise and appreciation to God, the Almighty,

for showering us with blessings during our research effort, allowing us to

accomplish it successfully.

To the Grade 11 students for completely participating in our

research, we would like to thank our Practical Research 1 teacher, Mrs.

Mayet G. Castrence, for leading and motivating us throughout our

research. She was constantly there to check in when we were about to

take another step in this research, and she encouraged us to be

confident that we could do and complete it.

Last but not least, the researchers who completely participate in

the research and especially sincerely recognize the efforts of all those

who have directly and inderectly helped us to complete the research

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ………………………………….………… iii

Abstract …………………………………………… vi
Table of Contents …………………………………………… vi
List of Tables …………………………………………… x
List of Figures …………………………………………… x
List of Appendices ……………………………………………

CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Background

Introduction …………………………
Background of the Study …………………………
Statement of the Problem …………………………
Significance of the Study …………………………
Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………………
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework …………………………
Definition of Terms …………………………

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Related Literature …………………………

Local Related Studies …………………………
Foreign Related Literature …………………………
Foreign Related Studies …………………………

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Table of Contents

CHAPTER III Methodology

Methods of Research ………………………… 1

Respondents of the Study ………………………… 4
Data Gathering Instrument ………………………… 8
Validation of Instrument ………………………… 11
Data Analysis ………………………… 15

CHAPTER IV Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Presentation of Data ………………………… 25

Analysis of Data ………………………… 30
Interpretation of Data ………………………… 40

CHAPTER V Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings ………………………… 25

Conclusions ………………………… 30
Recommendations ………………………… 40

References ………………………… 41

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


In today's rapidly changing world, Spiritual well-being is the process

of unraveling the dynamic nature of the bond between the person and the
creator, the relationship is quite harmonious depending on self-
development that is carried out intentionally. It is essential among students
in their pursuit of meaning and beliefs. However, in Kalayaan National High
School, values and religious education are less focused, compromising
students' spiritual well-being. Thus, this study assessed the degree of
spiritual well-being of senior high school students of Kalayaan National
High School in terms of religious and existential well-being. Moreover, it
also helps form the values that will lead them to the holistic improvement of
their well-being. However, acknowledging and addressing the spiritual
needs of students is essential for nurturing their overall growth and

Kalayaan National High School, like many educational institutions, is

tasked with not only imparting knowledge but also fostering the well-being
of its students. Among these students are those enrolled in Grade 11
Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS), a pivotal stage in their academic
journey where they are navigating through various personal, social, and
academic challenges. Amidst this transformative period, understanding the
spiritual well-being of Grade 11 HumSS students becomes imperative to
provide them with comprehensive support. Thus, values formation among
this school is necessary and should be strengthened to guarantee the
formation and development of the learners' spiritual well-being.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Fortunately, in terms of the curricular subjects in Kalayaan National

High School, Grade 11 Senior high school students have religion-related
subjects like "Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems". This
subject introduces them to the importance of religion and spirituality in their
lives as students and as persons (Department of Education [DepEd], 2016).
The spiritual well-being of individuals encompasses their sense of purpose,
meaning, and connection to something greater than themselves. It
encompasses their beliefs, values, and experiences that contribute to their
inner peace, resilience, and fulfillment. For Grade 11 HumSS students,
whose studies often delve into complex societal issues, exploring their
spiritual well-being offers valuable insights into how they navigate
existential questions, ethical dilemmas, and personal growth.

This research specifically examining this aspect among Grade 11

HumSS students at Kalayaan National High School. Therefore, this study
seeks to address this gap by comprehensively exploring the spiritual well-
being of Grade 11 HumSS students. By examining factors such as their
perceptions, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, social relationships, and
academic experiences, this research aims to shed light on the challenges
and supports that influence their spiritual well-being.

The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable insights

for educators, counselors, and policymakers in Kalayaan National High
School, as well as the broader educational community. By understanding
and addressing the spiritual needs of Grade 11 Humss students, schools
can create environments that foster not only academic excellence but also
holistic well-being and personal growth. Ultimately, this research aims to
contribute to the creation of more supportive and inclusive educational
environments that nurture the whole person.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Background of the Study

This study assesses the spiritual well-being of senior high school students at Kalayaan
National High School, focusing on religious and existential well-being. The research aims to
provide comprehensive support for Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS)
students, who are navigating personal, social, and academic challenges. The study aims to
understand the challenges and supports that influence their spiritual well-being by examining
factors such as perceptions, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, social relationships, and academic
experiences. The findings are expected to provide valuable insights for educators,
counselors, and policymakers in Kalayaan National High School and the broader educational
community. By understanding and addressing the spiritual needs of Grade 11 HumSS
students, schools can create environments that foster academic excellence, holistic well-
being, and personal growth, ultimately contributing to the creation of more supportive and
inclusive educational environments that nurture the whole person.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City
Statement of the Problem

This research study investigates the current state of spiritual well-being in

senior high schools, focusing on Grade 11 HumSS – Students in KNHS.Despite
the growing recognition of its importance, pedagogical frameworks in senior
high schools lack comprehensive understanding of spiritual practices, leading to
psychological discomfort, purposelessness, and alienation among students.
The study also discusses relevant literature and research findings.

1. What is the current level of spiritual well-being among Grade 11 HUMSS

students at Kalayaan National High School?

1.1 Flourishing and deeply connected to inner peace and purpose.

1.2 Stable, with occasional moments of reflection and growth.
1.3 Struggling, feeling disconnected and in need of guidance and support.

2. What factors contribute to the spiritual well-being or lack thereof among

these students?

3. How do socio-demographic variables such as gender, socioeconomic status,

and religious affiliation influence spiritual well-being?

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City
Significance of the Study

This study delves into the crucial topic of spiritual well-being

among Gr11- HumSS Students, aiming to provide valuable insights
into their beliefs, perceptions, and experiences. By exploring the
significance of spirituality within the school context, this research
addresses the needs of students, parents, educators, researchers,
and policymakers alike. Understanding the spiritual dimension of
education is essential for fostering resilience, creating supportive
environments, and promoting holistic student development.

For Grade 11 Humss Students:

This research is vital for Grade 11 Humss students as it
explores their spiritual well-being, helping them understand their
beliefs and experiences to navigate challenges with resilience.

For Parents:
Parents of Grade 11 Humss students can gain valuable
insights into their children's spiritual development, enabling them to
offer meaningful support and collaborate with educators to create a
supportive environment at home.

For Future Researchers:

This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on
spirituality in education, providing a foundation for further research
among high school students.

For Teachers:
Teachers can use the findings to better understand their
students' spiritual needs, adapt teaching methods, and foster
classroom environments that respect spiritual diversity.

For Policymakers:
This study informs policymakers about the importance of
spirituality in student development, advocating for its integration into
school curricula and policies to promote holistic well-being

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City
Scope and Delimitation

Spiritual well-being significantly influences students at Kalayaan

National High School (KNHS), enhancing their mental and
emotional health, fostering a sense of purpose, inner peace, and
resilience. Students with strong spiritual well-being often experience
lower stress levels, improved coping abilities, and increased life
satisfaction. Furthermore, it promotes a supportive community and
positive relationships among students, teachers, and staff,
ultimately improving the overall school environment.

This study focuses on the significant and diverse impact of

spiritual well-being on Grade 11 students in the Humanities and
Social Sciences (HumSS) track at Kalayaan National High School
(KNHS). It aims to investigate how spiritual well-being influences
their mental and emotional health, stress levels, coping
mechanisms, and life satisfaction within the school environment. By
concentrating on Grade 11 HumSS students, the research seeks to
uncover insights into how spiritual well-being shapes their
experiences, attitudes, and relationships at KNHS. Understanding
these dynamics can guide targeted interventions and support
systems to enhance students' overall well-being and academic
success within the HumSS track. The study specifically examines
the financial resources allocated by KNHS for spiritual activities
tailored to Grade 11 HumSS students, including funds for religious
clubs, retreats, seminars, guest speakers, an related initiatives
aimed at nurturing spiritual well-being in this grade level and
educational track.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City
Definition of Terms

• Spiritual Well-being: The overall state of one's spiritual health, including

feelings of inner peace, purpose, connectedness, and fulfillment.

• Grade 11 HumSS Students: Students enrolled in the 11th grade of the

Humanities and Social Sciences track, which typically focuses on subjects
such as history, sociology, psychology, and philosophy.

• Kalayaan National High School: A specific high school where the study is
being conducted, located in a particular geographical area.

• Spirituality: A deeply personal and subjective aspect of human experience

involving the search for meaning, connection to something greater than
oneself, and exploration of existential questions.

• Well-being: A state characterized by optimal physical, emotional, social, and

mental health.

• Inner Peace: A sense of tranquility and harmony within oneself, often

associated with spiritual practices and beliefs.

• Purpose: A sense of direction and meaning in life, often derived from

personal values, beliefs, and goals.

• Connectedness: Feeling connected to oneself, others, nature, and the universe,

fostering a sense of belonging and interdependence.

• Fulfillment: Satisfaction and contentment derived from living in alignment

with one's values, passions, and aspirations.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Banusing, R. O. & Bual, J. M. (2020). The quality of Catholic education of

diocesan schools in the Province of Antique. Philippine Social Science Journal,
3(2), 35-36.

Banusing, R. O., & Bual, J. M. (2021). Appraising the quality of diocesan

Catholic education in accordance with Philippine Catholic Schools Standards.
Philippine Social Science Journal, 4(2), 80-89.

Jomuad, P. D., Antiquina, L. M. M., Cericos, E. U., Bacus, J. A., Vallejo, J. H.,
Dionio, B. B., & Clarin, A. S. (2021). Teachers’ workload in relation to burnout
and work performance.

Legada, E. L., Madrigal, D. V., & Maravilla, M. W. M. (2020). Spiritual

well-being and resiliency of the diocesan seminarians of Antique.
Philippine Social Science Journal, 3(1), 53-69.

Madrigal, D. V., Erillo, R. P., & Oracion, E. G. (2020). Religiosity and spiritual
well-being of senior high school students of a Catholic college in the
Philippines. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 8(1),79-95.

Pham, T., & Del Castillo, F. (2020). Understanding the spiritual well-being of
the youth in the Philippines and Vietnam: An exploratory study. Asia Pacific
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 8(2), 27-34.

Woodward II, J. D. (2020). Spiritual formation in Christian higher

education. The University of Findlay.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Pasay City
Bliss Road, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City


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