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Complete the sentences

correctly. Write the past

tense of the verbs

stand win wear

1. Pete ………… a hole for the plant. 3. She ……………………… the competition.
2. Mary …………… and watched him. 4. Mark ………………… an artist’s smock.
Write the past tense
of the irregular bring fly buy draw
verbs below.

a. awake

b. come
…………………………. 5. Sue …………… her mom breakfast. 7. Bob ………………… a gift for the party.
6. Rodger ……………… over the Atlantic. 8. Sadie …………… a picture in art class.
c. break
………………………… choose sit build grow

d. fall

e. have
9. Beth ……………….. a helicopter ride. 11. Paulo ……………….. a dog house.
f. know
10. Tom ……………on the ground to work. 12. The lily ………………. In a blue pot.

see drive eat fight

g. lose

h. steal

i. pay
………………………. 13. I …………….. a bunny costume. 15. She …………….chocolate ice cream.
14. Pedro ……………… the school bus. 16. This knight …………… the dragon.
j. take
sing find ride blow
k. bend

l. hold

m. drink 17. Anna ………………… at the concert. 19. Cece ……………….. down the lane.
………………………… 18. I …………….. a toy dragon in my box. 20. My sister …………….. tons of bubbles.
n. say
………………………… make sell swim sleep

o. catch

p. feed

q. ring
21. Allie ……………………. pizza for lunch. 23. Carl ……………………….. in the river.
22. The store …………….. school supplies. 24. Matt ………………….. in his new bed.
1. dug

2. stood Write the past tense of the irregular

verbs below.
3. won
a. awake / awoke
4. wore
b. come / came
5. brought
c. break / broke
6. flew
d. fall / fell
7. bought
e. have / had
8. drew
f. know / knew
9. chose
g. lose / lost
10. sat
h. steal / stole
11. built
i. pay / paid
12. grew
j. take / took
13. saw
k. bend / bent
14. drove
l. hold / held
15. ate
m. drink / drank
16. fought
n. say / said
17. sang
o. catch / caught
18. found
p. feed / fed
19. rode
q. ring / rang
20. blew

21. made

22. sold

23. swam

24. slept

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