Kichery 18 F1501

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수능 필수 연결사

1. 결과
앞 문장 원인 + 연결사 + 뒤 문장 결과
so, therefore, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly(따라서), //as a result , consequently, in consequence//
finally, after all, at last, in the end, in the long run, eventually, ultimately (결국, 마침내)

ex) You were his school friend. Hence you are prejudiced.

2. 역접 관접의 전환

앞 문장 쓰레기 + 연결사 + 뒤 문장 주장, 요지

but, yet, still, / nevertheless, nonetheless

ex) Often the distinction between science and technology is said to be like that between basic and
applied knowledge. However, careful historical study reveals that all knowledge is applied.

cf) however의 경우, 역접의 기능도 있고, 강조의 의미도 있음.

3. 대조
앞 뒤 내용이 반대되거나, 대조일 때 , 상반되는 내용. ex. 나는 거미가 싫다. 반면 동생은 좋아한다

[반면에, 대조적으로] whereas, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary

[반대로, 대신에] conversely, on the contrary, on the opposite,

ex) Also, the radio is free, whereas a newspaper costs money.

4. 강조
[무엇보다도, 가장 먼저] above all, first of all, in the first place
[특히] primarily, in particular, surely
cf. however,

5. 비교전제, 뒤 주장 ex.그는 열공해서 대학갔다. 너도 마찬가지로...

앞에 언급한 내용과 유사한 내용이 비교 될 때 사용

[마찬가지로] similarly, likewise, equally
[같은 방식으로] in the same way

Teachers would not enjoy their work environment with someone constantly looking over their shoulder.
Likewise, though group or committee work often leads to positive results, some tasks are better dealt with
by only one person.

6. 추가, 첨가
앞 내용에 다른 근거나 사실을 추가 (특징, 성질이 유사한 내용으로 나옴)

해석은 김기철
수능 필수 연결사

[게다가] besides, what is more, furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally

7. 예시
앞 문장 주장 + 연결사 + 뒤 문장 근거
for example, for instance, say, as follows

8. 재진술
앞 문장 주장 + 연결사 + 반복 강조
that is, namely, in other words, that is to say, to put it another way, so to speak

9. 요약
앞 문장 + 연결사 + 단적으로 요약
in brief, in short, in summary, to summarize, in effect, in fact

in fact는 구체적 사실
1. in fact, in effect 사실상, 실제로
in addition 동등소재, 다른 내용
① 앞 문장 + in fact (in effect) + 구체적 내용

ex) On global warming, it's the way energy is used that is a problem, not the sheer number of people.
In fact, quite a small proportion of people in the developed world are responsible for the massive
energy consumption that has started the global warming ball rolling.

ex) It has also been observed that athletes with excellent vision perform better than other athletes. In
fact, today at the elite levels, vision is the one thing that makes a difference between a good athlete
and an exceptional one.

② 앞 문장 + in fact (in effect) + 반대의 내용

ex) As a result, many believe that there is one "natural" healthy diet that should be eaten if we want to
become and stay healthy and active. This belief may, in fact, not be true at all.

ex) A common myth most of us intuitively accept is that there is a negative correlation between
intelligence and belief: as intelligence goes up belief in superstition or magic goes down. This, in fact,
turns out not to be the case, especially as you move up the IQ spectrum

2. instead
앞 문장 + instead + 대체, 선택 ( = not A but B의 의미 : 앞의 것이 아니라 뒤의 것, 대안, 대신)

ex) He didn’t reply. Instead, he turned around and left the room. (대답은 하지 않고, 나가 버림)
ex) "I asked Dad to write a note to my teachers, asking for a two-day extension on my assignments.
Instead Dad made me start writing my paper two days earlier."

해석은 김기철

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