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unforgettable sweetness
was it something blue?
miding his own buissness
stil forgeting its true.

going as far from texting

to living his live
going as far from crying
to wanting eachother back

yet he stil goes on living

this misserable live
the only thing i want
its for you to be bad.

we were doing so good

still thats not what i want
getting up for no pleasure
its giving me heartattacks

since im bad i want good

and youre too good for me
nothing will change this prefrence
it makes me feel fulffiled

its giving me euphoria when i throw you off a rock

its making me feel happy when we break eachothers backs
its nothing going forward since youre too good for me
leaving scars, leaving by things we loved, nothing lasts.

but like the old days, i still like your big bright smile
and your kindness, how you show it,
and its all gone now
with you
and me
it all changed for no good

no longer filled
i thought the sunsihine would last
for longer
i shine no more
and seeing you happy,
no longer makes my dreams go on
everyday feels crazy
and its no good

the things we love always leave

its always the worst
but since youre still here with me
i'd rather do it myself
the pain we go through
its not toghether anymore
i dont want it
i dont need it
i dont see it
no more of it
leave the things
dont go back
no repulsion
no regrets
just us
me and you
love is done
might be gone

still i will leave

when you leave
things dont end here
even if you want it to end
it will go on
for forever
thill we both give up on our beatifull past
why i love you
the reasons
the sybomlisim
does it matter did it matter
i wanna lock these thoughts
since they wanna leave
i will be alone
you might die

sacrifising the bad is for better

wishing you will stay the way
that i loved you
and why i love you
kindess and how rainy it will be
to have no one to play around
to past time with
no sunshines no more
i like you how bad you are
it makes me feel confident
it makes everything better
it makes me love you
youre my favorite and keeping up is no good
when you can watch the rain pass by on a sunny day
and the greeness of your eyes show me
the greatfullness of everything ive done for you
yet still im in the void left alone after you go on with everything else
makes me Wonder if you even meant what you said about me
favoritising me to go on and start a new friendship
it feels empty
no more of that

happiness ruined lives

it ruined memories
i cant look no more to keep on those Times
its as sweet as Candy though as sour as lemons
no black and white that you cant see
i feel like i can do so much more for you but as time goes on.
i no longes feel that kind of moving feeling
bravness is not my strongsuit
and toghether we will mash into the blue hastle
someday something we had will return
no form, no more of that being real tho
yet im praying for the worst
its not the way everyone views you
it feels different
blue feeling
somehow turing brown
rotten and dark
they navy color grows molten as i realize
its making me feel nautcious cause i dont have any control neither do you
sometimes someone might think its crazy
some new day we will laugh and its gonna be blue again
yet somethings telling me waitings not a good idea

you know everything about me

you dont want to
i want you
to think of me
and the things i do
you dont remember
one day you did
hitting a new record
yet time is getting lower
procentage is not growing
and were not succeding
we feel left alone and dead
like we dont want to do the things we loved to do
and i always thought that we will stick forever and thill the end
the problems go on and you decided to go on your own path

i still wanted you

i still want you
i need you

without you how will i feel good

the sacriface of my own good
its scary to play without you
felling dumb and stupid
molten, annoyed
that youre not here,
when you should be
the hole,
is even deper
since you fell
the vase broke
the water ran out
and it died,
no longer having a beatifull thing in it

it can no longer be fixed

the past will remind.

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