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Harmonizing Form and Habitat: Morphometric Analyses of Intraspecific

Variation in Asuhos Fish (Sillago aeolus) as Influenced by Variation in

Habitats of Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City, Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City

Gutierrez, Francis M.; Mapari, Sean Nathan V.; Nonato, Aran Jay B.

Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of St. La
Salle, Bacolod City, Philippines


The Asuhos fish or scientifically known as Sillago aeolus is a demersal marine species
predominantly found in Southeast Asia’s coastal waters, with a notable presence in inshore
habitats. This study delves into the morphometric variations of Asuhos fish across different
habitats in Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City, and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City. Employing
measurement procedures including the use of vernier calipers and digital weighing scales, the
study compares various morphometric variables and their ratios to standard length, aiming to
establish relationships among these variables. With this, statistical tools such as Welch’s T-test
and Pearson’s Correlation with an α = 0.05 were utilized. Hypotheses are formulated and tested,
revealing significant differences in eye diameter, pelvic fin length, upper jaw length, body depth,
and width between the two habitats. These differences suggest potential adaptations to
environmental conditions. Moreover, transformations of the data highlight additional significant
differences, emphasizing the importance of rigorous analysis in understanding morphometric
variations. In contrast, there are multiple variables that are correlated according to Pearson’s
correlation test. Morphometric variables that showed moderately strong correlation are preorbital
length-total length, Body Depth 1-Preorbital Length, and Body Width 4 - Upper Jaw Length.
This research contributes to the understanding of how environmental factors shape the
morphology of Asuhos fish in two distinct habitats, with implications for conservation and
management strategies in marine ecosystems.

Keywords: morphometric features, habitat, Sillago aeolus, environmental factors, morphology,



Asuhos fish, scientifically known as Sillago aeolus, exemplify an intriguing marine

ecology and evolutionary biology case study. The study of morphometric features, encompassing

various aspects of body shape, size, and fin morphology, provides invaluable insights into the

species' adaptations to diverse environmental conditions across different geographic locations.

Morphometric analyses, grounded in principles of geometric morphometrics and traditional

morphological measurements, offer a nuanced understanding of the intricate variations observed

within and among populations of Sillago aeolus. For instance, research conducted by Smith et al.

(2019) elucidated significant differences in body proportions and fin shapes among Sillago

aeolus populations inhabiting contrasting habitats, such as rocky intertidal zones versus sandy


The significance of morphometric features in Asuhos fish (Sillago aeolus) extends

beyond description—it underscores the adaptive significance of these traits to local

environmental factors and ecological pressures. By employing geometric morphometric

techniques, researchers can discern subtle nuances in body shape that may confer advantages in

specific ecological niches, such as improved swimming efficiency or enhanced maneuverability

in complex reef habitats (Jones et al., 2020). Additionally, morphometric analyses facilitate the

identification of phenotypic plasticity, wherein individuals within a population exhibit varying

morphologies in response to environmental gradients, thereby highlighting the species' capacity

for rapid adaptation in the face of changing conditions (García-Rodríguez &

Rodríguez-Montesinos, 2021).

Furthermore, elucidating morphometric variations in Asuhos fish holds broader

implications for conservation biology and management practices. Understanding the

morphological diversity within and among populations can inform strategies for the delineation

of management units and the design of protected areas aimed at preserving genetic diversity and

maintaining ecological resilience (González-Jaramillo et al., 2022). Moreover, by integrating

morphometric data with genetic analyses, researchers can unravel the intricate interplay between

phenotypic and genotypic variation, thereby advancing our comprehension of evolutionary

processes shaping the diversification and speciation of marine organisms (Karn & Singh, 2018).

Understanding the multifaceted factors influencing the morphometric features of fish

within the same species across diverse habitat locations is crucial for elucidating the mechanisms

underlying phenotypic variation and evolutionary adaptation. Environmental parameters such as

water temperature, dissolved oxygen levels, and habitat structure have emerged as primary

determinants shaping fish morphology (Santos et al., 2018; Gebremedhin et al., 2020). Water

temperature, a fundamental environmental variable, plays a pivotal role in governing metabolic

rates, growth trajectories, and body shape adjustments in fish populations. Warm-water

environments often facilitate accelerated growth rates and streamlined body shapes, enhancing

swimming performance and foraging efficiency, as evidenced in studies on various fish species

(Santos et al., 2018). Conversely, cooler temperatures may induce slower growth rates and favor

the development of broader, deeper bodies, which could confer advantages for thermoregulation

and energy conservation in colder habitats (Angeler et al., 2016). Moreover, dissolved oxygen

concentrations profoundly influence fish physiology and morphology, with hypoxic conditions

potentially impeding growth and altering body proportions. In hypoxic environments, fish may

exhibit reduced body sizes and altered fin shapes as adaptations to oxygen limitations, reflecting

the interplay between environmental stressors and phenotypic plasticity (Gebremedhin et al.,


Habitat structure also plays a critical role in shaping fish morphology, with the physical

characteristics of aquatic ecosystems influencing resource availability, predation risk, and

reproductive success (Angeler et al., 2016). Habitats characterized by abundant shelters,

vegetation, and substrate complexity provide refuge and foraging opportunities for fish,

prompting changes in body shape and fin morphology to optimize maneuverability and predator

evasion strategies. Fish inhabiting structurally complex habitats may exhibit elongated bodies

and larger fins to navigate through obstacles and exploit microhabitats efficiently, whereas those

in open, featureless habitats may display more streamlined body shapes and reduced fin sizes to

maximize swimming speed and minimize hydrodynamic drag (Santos et al., 2018).

Anthropogenic factors such as habitat alteration, pollution, and overfishing further

complicate the relationship between fish morphology and habitat characteristics (Forsgren et al.,

2013). Human-induced alterations to aquatic habitats, such as habitat fragmentation,

channelization, and pollution, can disrupt natural morphological patterns and impede the

adaptive potential of fish populations. Pollution-induced stressors, such as heavy metals and

contaminants, may elicit morphological deformities and impair reproductive fitness, leading to

detrimental effects on population health and resilience. Overfishing can also exert selective

pressures on fish morphology, favoring traits associated with faster growth rates, earlier

maturation, and reduced body sizes, thereby altering the genetic composition and phenotypic

traits of fish populations across different habitat locations (Forsgren et al., 2013).

In addition to environmental and anthropogenic factors, biological interactions within

fish communities also contribute to the morphological variability observed across different

habitat locations. Competition for resources, predation pressure, and interspecific interactions

can shape the phenotypic traits of fish populations through selective pressures and ecological

trade-offs (Svanbäck & Eklöv, 2003). In highly competitive environments, fish may exhibit

phenotypic plasticity, altering their body shapes and sizes in response to resource availability and

competitive dynamics. This highlights the intricate interplay between ecological processes and

morphological adaptations in shaping fish communities across diverse habitats.

Even with observable traits of the fish that result in the data at hand, potential research

gaps arise. It lies in the limited exploration of intraspecific variations across diverse habitat

locations. While existing research has delved into certain aspects of Asuhos fish morphology,

there remains a dearth of comprehensive studies comparing populations from different

geographic regions and habitats, most especially in locations that are less explored and less

known. This knowledge gap underscores the necessity for investigation, which specifically aims

to elucidate the morphometric variations of Asuhos fish across distinct coastal areas. By focusing

on specific locations—Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City, and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City, this study

addresses a significant gap in the literature by providing detailed comparisons of morphometric

variables and ratios relative to standard length. Additionally, the lack of research integrating

morphometric analyses with environmental factors and ecological interactions further highlights

the need for interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the complex interplay between

morphology, ecology, and evolution in Asuhos fish populations. Thus, this study fills a crucial

gap in the understanding of how habitat variation influences the morphological adaptations of

Asuhos fish, laying the groundwork for future research in marine ecology and evolutionary


In conclusion, the study of morphometric features in Asuhos fish offers a multifaceted

lens through which to explore the complex interplay between morphology, ecology, and

evolution in marine ecosystems. Through rigorous morphometric analyses and interdisciplinary

collaborations, researchers can unravel the adaptive significance of morphological traits,

elucidate patterns of morphological variation across spatial scales, and inform evidence-based

conservation strategies aimed at safeguarding the biodiversity and ecological integrity of marine


1.1 Objectives

This study aims to investigate the intraspecific variation and morphometrics of Asuhos as

influenced by variation in habitat.

Specifically, this study sought to:

1. To create a summary of the morphometric variables of Asuhos Fish (Sillago aeolus) from

Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

2. To compare each morphometric variable of Asuhos fish (Sillago aeolus) between Brgy.

Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

3. To obtain the ratio of each morphometric variable to the standard length of Asuhos fish

(Sillago aeolus) of Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

4. To compare the ratio of each morphometric variable to the standard length of Asuhos fish

(Sillago aeolus) between Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

5. To establish possible relationships among morphometric variables of Asuhos fish (Sillago


1.2 Hypotheses

1. There is no significant difference between each morphometric variable of Asuhos fish

between Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

2. There is no significant difference between the ratio of each morphometric variable and

the standard length of Asuhos fish between Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy.

Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

3. There is no significant relationship among the morphometric variables of Asuhos fish.

4. There are no significant differences in the number of correlated morphometric features of

Asuhos fish in distinct habitats of Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag,

Bacolod City.

2.0 Materials and Methods

2.1 Habitat Location of Sampled Asuhos Fish

Figure 1

Map of Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City

Figure 2.

Map of Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Brgy. Bacolod City, Brgy, and Sum-ag. Two barangays on Negros Island's west shore are

Guinhalaran and Silay City. Brgy. As the capital of the province, Bacolod City is home to

Sum-ag, a heavily populated metropolitan area. In this area, the rate of population growth and

human interference is astounding. On the other hand, Silay City is a minor urban town located in

the island's northern region. Human intervention is concentrated less when population and

density are lower. With more rivers and a reduced salinity, the western half of the island has a

lower concentration of salt water (Pacalioga, 2023).

2.2 Data Collection and Processing

Fish Acquisition:

Fish for the study were procured from local fish markets in Bacolod City and Sagay City,

Negros Occidental, Philippines. A random selection method was employed to ensure

representativeness. Subsequently, the fish were promptly preserved through freezing and then

transferred to a portable cooler, maintaining low temperatures to ensure effective preservation

during transportation to the laboratory facility over 14 days.

Measurement Procedure:

Accurate measurements of the fish were obtained using a Vernier Caliper, ensuring

precision in centimeters. To facilitate measurements of various body parts, a dissecting pan and

dressmaker’s pins were utilized. The fish was carefully positioned on the pan, and pins were

strategically placed on the fins and tail to enable accurate extension of its actual length.

Additionally, a digital weighing scale was employed to measure the weight of each fish, ensuring

precise results through proper calibration.

Data Recording:

Morphometric data were meticulously recorded using traditional methods involving

notebooks and pens. Furthermore, to streamline the data recording process and facilitate

subsequent analysis, digital devices such as laptops and smartphones were utilized. This hybrid

approach allowed for efficient data management, combining the reliability of manual recording

with the convenience of digital storage and processing. Digital and physical archives were

created to be able to preserve data in case of loss and digital glitches with triple copies of each

documented data.

2.3 Data Analyses

Various statistical analysis techniques were used in the study. An appropriate statistical

tool was used for each hypothesis. The ratios between each morphometric variable with standard

length were obtained to proportion each morphometric variable with body size (Reist,1985).

Transformed Data Formula

Welch’s T-Test

Pearson’s Correlation

At α = 0.05

3.0 Results and Discussion

3.1 Results

This section presents the salient findings based on the specific questions and hypotheses

raised in this study. Results are presented in the following tables and figures. These are followed

by a comprehensive discussion.

Table 1

Summary of the mean morphometric variables of Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay


Morphometric Characteristic Mean Standard Deviation

Body Weight 35.67 g 11.21g

Total Length 16.36 cm 1.68 cm

Standard Length 14.33 cm 1.58 cm

Head Length 3.8 cm 0.92 cm

Eye Diameter 1.02 cm 0.16 cm

Preorbital Length 1.68 cm 0.27 cm

Predorsal Length 5.1 cm 0.65 cm

Prepectoral Length 4.63 cm 0.62 cm

Pre-anal Length 7.07 cm 1.18 cm

Dorsal Fin Length 8.43 cm 0.91 cm

Pectoral Fin Length 1.93 cm 0.37 cm

Pelvic Fin Length 1.76 cm 0.40 cm

Anal Fin Length 5.35 cm 0.62 cm

Upper Jaw Length 1.25 cm 0.36 cm

Body Depth 1 2.39 cm 0.34 cm

Body Depth 2 2.38 cm 0.43 cm

Body Depth 3 1.2 cm 0.29 cm

Body Width 1 1.69 cm 0.63 cm

Body Width 2 1.58 cm 0.28 cm

Body Width 3 0.63 cm 0.43 cm

Body Width 4 0.51 cm 0.21 cm

Table 2

Summary of the mean morphometric variables of Asuhos fish from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Morphometric characteristic Mean Standard Deviation

Body Weight 38.37 g 7.18 g

Total length 17.25 cm 2.04 cm

Standard length 15.17 cm 1.79 cm

Head length 4.20 cm 0.81 cm

Eye diameter 1.26 cm 0.37 cm

Pre-orbital length 2.13 cm 0.82 cm

Pre-dorsal length 5.14 cm 1.64 cm

Pre-pectoral length 4.49 cm 0.62 cm

Pre-anal length 8.16 cm 2.34 cm

Dorsal fin length 7.97 cm 3.09 cm

Pectoral fin length 2.16 cm 0.78 cm

Pelvic fin length 2.20 cm 0.45 cm

Anal fin length 5.27 cm 0.78 cm

Upper jaw length 2.22 cm 1.04 cm

Body Depth 1 3.52 cm 0.51 cm

Body Depth 2 3.40 cm 0.52 cm

Body Depth 3 2.02 cm 0.60 cm

Body width 1 2.58 cm 0.85 cm

Body width 2 1.69 cm 0.41 cm

Body width 3 1.17 cm 0.74 cm

Body width 4 0.81 cm 0.52 cm

Table 3

Summary of the mean of the transformed morphometric variables of Asuhos fish from Brgy.

Guinhalaran, Silay City.

Morphometric Characteristic Mean Standard Deviation

Body Weight 2.46 0.55

Total Length 1.14 0.02

Standard Length 1.00 0.00

Head Length 0.26 0.04

Eye Diameter 0.07 0.01

Preorbital Length 0.12 0.02

Predorsal Length 0.36 0.02

Prepectoral Length 0.32 0.02

Preanal Length 0.50 0.09

Dorsal Fin Length 0.59 0.03

Pectoral Fin Length 0.13 0.02

Pelvic Fin Length 0.12 0.02

Anal Fin Length 0.37 0.02

Upper Jaw Length 0.09 0.02

Body Depth 1 0.17 0.02

Body Depth 2 0.17 0.02

Body Depth 3 0.08 0.01

Body Width 1 0.12 0.04

Body Width 2 0.11 0.02

Body Width 3 0.04 0.03

Body Width 4 0.04 0.01

Table 4

Summary of the mean of the transformed morphometric variables of Asuhos fish from Brgy.

Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Morphometric Characteristic Transformed Mean Standard Deviation

Body weight 2.66 0.56

Total length 1.15 0.11

Standard length 1.00 0.00

Head length 0.29 0.04

Eye diameter 0.08 0.02

Pre-orbital length 0.15 0.06

Pre-dorsal length 0.37 0.10

Pre-pectoral length 0.30 0.03

Pre-anal length 0.56 0.15

Dorsal fin length 0.61 0.20

Pectoral fin length 0.14 0.04

Pelvic fin length 0.15 0.03

Anal fin length 0.34 0.04

Upper jaw length 0.16 0.07

Body depth 1 0.19 0.03

Body depth 2 0.18 0.04

Body depth 3 0.07 0.04

Body width 1 0.17 0.05

Body width 2 0.11 0.03

Body width 3 0.06 0.05

Body width 4 0.06 0.03

Table 5

Summary of Welch’s T-test of Morphometric Variables of Asuhos fish between Brgy. Guinhalaran,

Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Morphometric Characteristic P-value Interpretation

Body Weight (g) 0.439 No significant difference

Total Length (cm) 0.207 No significant difference

Standard Length 0.183 No significant difference

Head Length 0.227 No significant difference

Eye Diameter 0.031 Significant difference

Preorbital Length 0.057 No significant difference

Predorsal Length 0.934 No significant difference

Prepectoral Length 0.121 No significant difference

Pre-anal Length 0.541 No significant difference

Dorsal Fin Length 0.59 No significant difference

Pectoral Fin Length 0.311 No significant difference

Pelvic Fin Length 0.005 Significant difference

Anal Fin Length 0.771 No significant difference

Upper Jaw Length 0.003 Significant difference

Body Depth 1 0.013 Significant difference

Body Depth 2 0.167 No significant difference

Body Depth 3 0.496 No significant difference

Body Width 1 0.003 Significant difference

Body Width 2 0.376 No significant difference

Body Width 3 0.023 Significant difference

Body Width 4 0.058 No significant difference

Note. The level of significance used in the test is α = 0.05.

Table 6

Summary of Welch’s T-test of Transformed Morphometric Variables of Asuhos fish between Brgy.

Guinhalaran, Silay City and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Morphometric Characteristic P-value Interpretation

Body Weight (g) 0.605 No Significant difference

Standard Length None None

Total Length (cm) 0.957 No Significant difference

Head Length 0.42 No Significant difference

Eye Diameter 0.065 No Significant difference

Preorbital Length 0.132 No Significant difference

Predorsal Length 0.497 No Significant difference

Prepectoral Length 0.005 Significant difference

Pre-anal Length 0.359 No Significant difference

Pectoral Fin Length 0.57 No Significant difference

Pelvic Fin Length 0.019 Significant difference

Dorsal Fin Length 0.229 No Significant difference

Upper Jaw Length 0.004 Significant difference

Anal Fin Length 0.027 Significant difference

Body Depth 1 0.043 Significant difference

Body Depth 2 0.412 No Significant difference

Body Depth 3 0.173 No Significant difference

Body Width 1 0.003 Significant difference

Body Width 2 0.79 No Significant difference

Body Width 3 0.032 Significant difference

Body Width 4 0.085 No Significant difference

Note. The level of significance used in the test is α = 0.05.

Table 7

Summary of Pearson's Correlation among variables of Asuhos Fish.

Morphometric Characteristics Pearson's r Type of Relationship

Preorbital Length Total Length (cm) 0.553 moderately strong correlation

Predorsal Length Total Length (cm) 0.406 moderately weak correlation

Pelvic Fin Length Total Length (cm) 0.394 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 1 Total Length (cm) 0.46 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 2 Total Length (cm) 0.466 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 3 Total Length (cm) -0.524 moderately strong negative correlation

Body Width 4 Total Length (cm) 0.381 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 2 Standard Weight (g) 0.376 moderately weak correlation

Predorsal Length Head Length 0.495 moderately weak correlation

Body Width 1 Head Length 0.436 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 2 Eye Diameter -0.498 moderately weak negative correlation

Body Width 2 Eye Diameter -0.41 moderately weak negative correlation

Pre-anal Length Preorbital Length 0.459 moderately weak correlation

Upper Jaw Length Preorbital Length 0.438 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 1 Preorbital Length 0.502 moderately strong correlation

Body Depth 2 Preorbital Length 0.44 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 3 Preorbital Length -0.448 moderately weak negative correlation

Body Width 1 Prepectoral Length -0.374 moderately weak negative correlation

Body Width 3 Prepectoral Length -0.436 moderately weak negative correlation

Upper Jaw Length Dorsal Fin Length 0.487 moderately weak correlation

Pectoral Fin Length Pre-anal Length -0.523 moderately strong negative correlation

Body Width 4 Pre-anal Length 0.417 moderately weak correlation

Body Width 1 Pectoral Fin Length 0.431 moderately weak correlation

Upper Jaw Length Pelvic Fin Length 0.423 moderately weak correlation

Body Depth 2 Pelvic Fin Length 0.373 moderately weak correlation

Upper Jaw Length Anal Fin Length -0.464 moderately weak negative correlation

Body Depth 2 Upper Jaw Length 0.421 moderately weak correlation

Body Width 4 Upper Jaw Length 0.536 moderately strong correlation

Body Depth 3 Body Depth 1 -0.432 moderately weak negative correlation

Body Depth 2 Body Depth 3 -0.488 moderately weak negative correlation

Note. The level of significance used in the test is α = 0.05.

Figure 3

Flow chart of possible relationships between variables in Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Guinhalaran,

Silay City.

Figure 4

Flow chart of possible relationships between variables in Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Sum-ag,

Bacolod City.


Asuhos fish or Oriental Sillago (Sillago aeolus) is a marine, tropical, demersal, and

non-migratory fish distributed mostly in Southeast Asia (McKay, 1992). They commonly occur

in inshore coastal waters, commonly in embayments on silty bottoms (McKay, 1999). Among

the morphometric characteristics compared for the Asuhos fish between Brgy Guinhalaran, Silay

City, and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City, only eye diameter, pelvic fin length, upper jaw length,

body depth 1, body width 1, and body width 3 showed a significant difference. The sampled

Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City had a higher mean eye diameter than Asuhos

fishes from Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City. Enlargement of the eye and pupil area is a common

visual adaptation of fishes to depth or areas with a lesser light attenuation (De Busserolles et al.,

2013). The higher mean eye diameter of the sampled Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag may

imply that the marine environment of the area may be relatively deeper or murkier than that of

Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City while having lesser light that can penetrate through the water

allowing for adaptation of a larger eye diameter. Also, the mean pelvic fin length of the sampled

Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag is higher compared to sampled Asuhos fishes from Brgy.

Guinhalaran, Silay City. Pelvic fins are used by fishes for stability while swimming slowly,

however, they are tucked against the body during moderate- and high-speed steady swimming to

reduce drag. They are often used for punting along the ocean floor and walking on the substrate

(Standen, 2017). Slow-swimming may have been more prevalent or they tend to stay in Asuhos

fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City allowing them to develop a higher pelvic fin length.

Moreover, the mean upper jaw length of Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag is also higher than

that of Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City. Mouth morphology can be a determinant of the ability of

foraging and to escape competition in feeding (Paul et al., 2017). A longer upper jaw length can

signify a greater ability in foraging, therefore, Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City

may have been better foragers and this can be tied to the longer pelvic fin length, allowing them

to forage the substrate better compared to the other habitat which is supported later by the

moderately weak correlation found between the two variables. The mean body depth 1, body

width 1, and body width 3 of Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City is higher

compared to that of Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City. Greater size can be an influence of better

nutrition for fishes (Sawayama & Takagi, 2016) which suggests that Asuhos fishes from Brgy.

Sum-ag may have better nutrition and adaptation. This can be related to larger eye diameter,

pelvic fin length, and upper jaw length which gives an advantage to foraging, nutrition, and

avoidance of predation that results in a larger body size. Also, fish adapted to stagnant or

slow-moving waters have deeper bodies and larger mouths providing good acceleration ability

for avoiding predators and hunting prey (Sun et al., 2023). Asuhos fishes from the water of

Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City are more adapted to a habitat with stagnant water and deeper waters.

The transformed data was calculated to obtain each morphometric variable proportionate

to the standard length of the fish (Reist, 1985). Results from both the original and transformed

data coincided with each other except for eye diameter, pre-pectoral length, and anal fin length.

The eye diameter which previously showed a significant difference in the original data, now

shows no significant difference. Meanwhile, the pre-pectoral length and anal fin length which

previously resulted in no significance, now showed a significant difference in the transformed

data. The mean transformed pre-pectoral length and mean transformed anal fin length of Brgy.

Guinhalaran is higher than that of Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City. Fish adapted to flowing waters

typically have streamlined contours with a slightly pointed head facilitating rapid swimming

(Sun et al., 2023). Also, anal fin area increases with increasing steady swimming speed and

during maneuvers (Standen & Lauder, 2005). This implies that the longer pre-pectoral length

and anal fin length of Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Guinhalaran are better adapted to an

environment of flowing waters to enable them to facilitate rapid swimming, in contrast to the

Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag which are adapted to slow and stable swimming.

Multiple morphometric variables correlated with each other as tested by the Pearson’s

correlation test. As shown in the results, only the Preorbital Length-Total Length, Body Depth 1-

Preorbital Length, Body Width 4-Upper Jaw Length. Most of the morphometric variables only

showed a moderately weak correlation. However, some variables exhibit a negative correlation

such as Body Depth 3-Total Length and Pectoral Fin Length-Preanal Length that showed a

moderately strong negative correlation. Others showed a moderately weak negative correlation.

It is important to take into consideration that a small sample size between groups and the study

may turn out to be falsely negative leading to a type II error (Nayak, 2010). Thus, it is suggested

that further studies should be conducted focusing on the correlation between morphometric

variables of Asuhos fish.


In conclusion, our study unraveled on the morphometric variations observed in Asuhos

fish (Sillago aeolus) sampled from different habitats within the Philippines. Significant

differences were identified in various morphometric characteristics between Asuhos fish

populations from Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City, and Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City highlights the

influence of habitat variability on the phenotypic traits of these marine species. The higher mean

eye diameter is observed in Asuhos fish from Brgy. Sum-ag suggests potential adaptations to

deeper or murkier marine environments, where larger eyes may confer advantages in low-light

conditions. Similarly, the increased pelvic fin length in fish from Brgy. Sum-ag may reflect a

propensity for slower swimming speeds or greater reliance on substrate interaction, potentially

indicating differences in foraging behavior between populations. Furthermore, the elongated

upper jaw length was observed in Asuhos fish from Brgy. Sum-ag implies potential advantages

in foraging efficiency and resource utilization, potentially contributing to differences in

nutritional intake and body size between populations. The correlation between pelvic fin length

and upper jaw length supports the notion of specialized foraging adaptations in fish from Brgy.

Sum-ag. Moreover, the differences in body depth and width between populations may reflect

variations in nutritional availability and growth rates, with fish from Brgy. Sum-ag potentially

benefits from superior nutrition and habitat conditions. When considering the transformed data,

discrepancies were noted in eye diameter, pre-pectoral length, and anal fin length. While the

significance of eye diameter diminished, pre-pectoral length and anal fin length emerged as

significant factors in the transformed data, suggesting potential complexities in the relationships

between morphometric variables and standard length. According to the result revealed by

Pearson's correlation test, most features revealed a weak correlation. Brgy. Guinhalaran is higher

than that of Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City. Fish adapted to flowing waters typically have

streamlined contours with a slightly pointed head facilitating rapid swimming. It is also worth

noting that anal fin area increases with increasing steady swimming speed and during maneuvers.

This implies that the longer pre-pectoral length and anal fin length of Asuhos fishes from Brgy.

Guinhalaran are better adapted to an environment of flowing waters to enable them to facilitate

rapid swimming, in contrast to the Asuhos fishes from Brgy. Sum-ag which are adapted to slow

and stable swimming.


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Appendix A: Original Data of Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City.

Appendix B: Transformed Data of Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Guinhalaran, Silay City.

Appendix C: Original Data of Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Appendix D: Transformed Data of Asuhos Fish from Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City.

Appendix E: Welch’s T-test of Original Data of Asuhos Fish between the two locations.

Appendix F: Welch’s T-test of Transformed Data of Asuhos Fish between the two locations

Appendix G: Pearson’s Correlation among Morphometric Variables of Asuhos Fish.


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