Lesson Plan of The Beginning of Learning

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Tugas Bu Endah 2nd Meeting

Create/Plan your beginning of lesson considering the teacher talk, apperception and/or other
strategies that you've already seen on the videos

"based on your experiences"

Answer :

Lesson Plan

School : SMK Nasional Sumber-Cirebon

Subject : English

Grade/Semester : X/I

Topic : Introducing Self

Time allotment : 3 X 45 minutes

Pre-Activity :

1. The teacher enters to the classroom, greets the students (make sure every student respond
the greetings), even teacher can ask their condition one by one.

2. The teacher checks the register (students attendances) by calling them directly and also
make sure that they respond it well

3. Teacher gives motivation and tell them what progress that they should be reached today

4. Teacher associates the material with students prior knowledge

5. Teacher tells the students what they will learn about and also tell about the purpose of the

6. Teacher starts to introduce him/herself in front of the students, then write the basic points
of introduction on the white board such as name, birthday, address etc.

7. Teachers give instruction to students to pronounce them after him/her

8. Let the students to try introduce their selves one by one and give them the appreciation

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