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Amjad ali khan

Safety officer Responsibilities

1. Visit the job site check condition of work and practices of people.

2. Inspection of PPE.(Personal Protect Equipment )

3. Check safe work plan and work permit.

4. Check that only qualified employees assign for the task.

5. Attend toolbox meeting.

6. Inspection of color code system.

7. Inspection of power tools, hand tools and fire extinguishers.

8. Gas tasting in confine space.

9. Report any incident /accident immediately to the safety manager.

10. Provide awareness about safety among employees.

11. Prepare daily safety report.

12. Check of fire extinguishers and grounding of machine connection specially working
under overhead lines and in the vicinity of substation.

13. Perform safety hazard inspection of construction work, lay down and living area, to
ensure their complaints with project safety and fire manuals etc.
14. Daily safety inspection of site to identify the hazards, unsafe conditions and acts.

Prepared by Javed khan 1

Amjad ali khan

What is Safety?
➢ Safety is the barricade between hazards and safe way.
➢ No incidental and no accidental policy are called safety.
➢ Safety is the common sense look, think, and done.
➢ Safety means to protect employees, equipment’s and environment.

Purpose: Purpose is to control all unsafe acts physical and mechanical Conditions
which are the causes almost accidents.

SAFETY PROCEDURE: Procedure is a written instruction of top management

regarding the tasks which are deal rules, regulation and limitation for all safe method.

Different between unsafe conditions and unsafe behavior

Any work in progress with discrepancy. Safety requirement are not completed
Example: A temporary plate form has no access and workers climbing on pipes.
Unsafe behavior of any person during the job site.
Example: A person worn the harness on elevated platform (yellow tag) but
Not hooked harness.

What is risk assessment?

Risk assessment: - the probability of an incident and consequences if happened incident.
Calculate the risk and evaluate the control measure.

How make risk assessment!

S.NO Wrong Cause Prevention Contingency


Prepared by Javed khan 2

Amjad ali khan

(1) What can go wrong?

(2) What can cause it to go wrong?
(3) What can be done to prevent it to go wrong?
(4) What can be done to minimize the negative consequences if it does go wrong?


Identification of hazards related to job and precautionary measure to be taken is called Job
safety analysis.

For example:

Job Activity Related Hazards Precautions

Height Falling Full body harness


➢ Any area that are not normally occupied by personal, having limited means of entry
and which could be subject to hazards of oxygen deficiency or the accumulation, toxic
or flammable gases.

Example: (1) Tanks (2) Reactors (3) Pipelines (4) Vessels (5) Boilers (6) Columns
(7) Deep excavations more than 1.2 meter in depth (8) Manholes etc.

➢ Confine space entry permit
➢ Stand by man ( In Out name, sign and time)
➢ Pressure horn
➢ Ventilation
➢ Life line
➢ Communication

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Amjad ali khan

➢ Dust mask
➢ Keep all equipment’s are out of space
➢ Only tools mentioned on permit may enter.
➢ Toxic material TLV (Threshold Limit Value) should not exceed
➢ Electric supply: not more than 50 volts AC 110 volts DC maximum.
➢ Lights are only 24 watts
➢ Welding gas cylinders are not permitted inside the confined space
➢ During entry install sign board (“PHYSICAL ENTRY IN PROGRESS
➢ After completion of work or invalidity of permit install NO ENTRY.
➢ Gas testing

O2 (Oxygen) > 19.5% & < 23.5% volume

LEL (Lower explosion limit) = 0%
H2s (Hydrogen supplied) =< 10 ppm
Co (carbon mano oxide) = 0%

Confine space hazard

1. Leak of oxygen
2. Level of oxygen/Minimum deficiency 19.5% / Maximum enrichment 23.5%
3. Toxic gases
4. Explosive gases
5. Poor ventilation and communication
6. Falling and tripping
7. Electrical shock

Below 19.5% of oxygen

1. Decrease ability to work
2. Respiration increase and poor judgment
3. Unconscious and vomiting
4. Lips blue
5. Coma

Oxygen above 23.5%

Chance of burn

H2S is one of the toxic gases and it is very harmful to human body

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Amjad ali khan

Properties of H2S
1. Color less
2. Rotten egg smell
3. Highly flammable
4. Highly solvable in all liquids
5. It is 1.8 times heavy than air
Effects by H2s
1. Eye irritation
2. Throat irritation
3. Lose of smelling sense
4. Irritation of lungs
5. Death

What is a health hazard?

A health hazard is any agent, situation or condition that can cause an occupational illness.
There are five types of hazard
1-Chemical hazard (i.e. Battery acid and solvents)
2-Biological hazard (i.e. Bacteria, viruses, dusts, and moulds often called Biological hazard)
3-Physical agents (energy sources) strong enough to harm the body (i.e. Electric currents,
heat, light, vibration, noise, and radiation)
4-Work design (ergonomic) hazard that is associated with musculoskeletal injury, illness (i.e.
combinations of forceful exertions, constrained poor postures and long duration/continuous
5-Harassment, violence, working alone, etc.

Fire is the combination of three substances
Oxygen (O2), Fuel and Temperature

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Amjad ali khan

CAUSE OF FIRE; 1. Spark (Electrical) 2.Source of ignition 3. Static electricity

4.Friction 5. Smoking 6.Reaction of chemicals 7.Poor housekeeping 8. Poor maintenance of
Type of fire
➢ Class A - Combustible fire (trash, paper, wood, plastic)
➢ Class B-flammable fire Oil, liquid and gases fire.
➢ Class C- Electrical fire.
➢ Class D-Metal fire (Reaction of chemicals)
For example phosphorus and oxygen combination makes fire. Sodium and water
combination make fire. Potassium and water combination make fire. Magnesium and
water combination make fire.
Cooling, Smothering & Curtaining


1. Pressurized Water Extinguishers are used for Class A fires only.

2. Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Extinguishers are used for C fires.
3. Multipurpose Dry Chemical Extinguishers are used in Class A, B or C fires.
4. Combustible Metal Extinguishers are used in Class D fires only

➢ Actions in case of plant emergency

➢ Stop work immediately.
➢ Ask workers inside confined space to come out.
➢ Make sure all workers have evacuated.
➢ Take people to muster point

Remove persons in immediate danger.

Ensure doors are closed! (Confine fire/smoke)

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Amjad ali khan

Activate the building alarm.

Call the Fire Department.
Treat ALL fires as DANGEROUS,
a) Raise the Alarm or shout ‘FIRE’.
b) Try to tackle if it is safe
c) Close doors & windows if possible
d) Switch off all the electrical equipment’s
e) Evacuate at the nearest exit point
f) Do not use lifts
g) Assemble at the muster points
h) Enter after getting clear instructions from fire service.


Use the fire Extinguisher only if,
1. Building is being evacuated.
2. Fire Department is being called.
3. Fire is small & contained.
4. Exit is clear.
5. You can stay low & avoid smoke.
6. Proper extinguisher is at hand

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Amjad ali khan

➢ Hot work permit
➢ Welding machine area barricaded and must be ground
➢ Fire extinguisher class (ABC)
➢ Fire watchman with pressure horn.
➢ Fire blanket (fire proof blanket)
➢ Negative electrodes near the welding area
➢ Welding shield with proper screen glass
➢ Check color code
➢ Welder must be certified
➢ Check client sticker
➢ Proper PPE for welding such as leather gloves, long sleeves and face shield with lens glass.
➢ All flexible cables holder and other concern equipment to be Currently inspected

Hazard of compressed cylinder gases?

❖ If that pressure is released suddenly through a broken value, a gas cylinder can fly out of
❖ Corrosive gases can burn or irritate the lining of the respiratory tract
❖ Toxic gases enter the bloodstream and bind with hemoglobin to prevent it from picking up
❖ Some gases irritate skin
❖ Even’’inert’’Gases, such as helium or nitrogen, are hazard. They displace breathable air.
How to control the hazard of compressed cylinder gases?
➢ Color coding of cylinder
➢ Cylinder inspection
➢ Properly designed storage areas.
➢ Employ training.
➢ Segregation of empty and full cylinder.
➢ Use of correct pressure regulators.

An event which occurs with damage to property / make injury or
Lost time is called Accident.

An event which occurs without damage to property/no injury/no lost time is called near miss or

Q) What is color code system?

A) Color code shows the condition of an item for example tested, approved etc.

Prepared by Javed khan 8

Amjad ali khan

Q) What is the purpose of conducting incident/accident investigation?

A) To find the real roof cause and to establish preventive measure to prevent
Re-occurrence of accident/incident.

➢ Technical inspection (From mechanical and electrical department
➢ Locate & identify all underground facilities.
➢ Excavation work permit (Deep more than 1.2 meter excavation required Confine space
entry permit gas testing and entry attendant.)
➢ Barricade around the excavation area 1.5 meter away from the edge of excavation.
➢ Install sign boards “Deep excavation” “Danger”
➢ If slope is not feasible install shoring system
➢ In the case of water existing de – watering system should be installed.
➢ Keep spoil material 1 meter away from the edge of excavation.
➢ Make slope according the soil type: For Class A soil 53°
Class B soil 45°
Class C soil 34°

Sloping and Benching System –Sloping System

Maximum allowable slopes for excavation less than 20 feet (6.09) Metter

Slop Type Slop Slop Angle

Stable Rock Vertical 90 °
Type A ¾:1 53 °
Type B 1:1 45 °
Type C 1 ½:1 34 °

Q. What is trench?
A. A narrow excavation where the depth is greater than width.
Q. What is shoring?
A. A structure that sport the site of an excavation and protect against cave –ins.
Q. What difference between Trench and Excavation?

Prepared by Javed khan 9

Amjad ali khan

A. Trench: Depth greater than width. & Excavation: Width greater than depth
What are the hazards of excavation?
1. Leak of oxygen
2. Collapse
3. Falling
4. Water accumulation
5. Underground utilities such as power line pipe line &
6. Toxic substances
What are the underground utilities colors?
1. Red-Electrical cable
2. `Orange –Communication
3. Blue-Water
4. Yellow-Gas, oil, steam
5. Green-Drainage water

CRANE LIFTING (Distance from overhead power line)

Electric Feet Meters
➢ Crane lifting permit power
➢ Client inspection sticker line in
➢ Operator license from Saudi Arabia and 3rd party KV
certification. 50kv 10 3
➢ Qualified rigger 50kv to 15 4.6
➢ Crane & boom movement area free and barricaded 200kv
➢ Out rigger fully extended and must be on pad.
200kv 20 6.1
➢ Check the ground level and stability.
➢ Check the SWL = (safe load working plan).
350kv 25 7.6
➢ Never lift load beyond rated capacity of crane.
➢ Check slings / wires/shackles and belts.
500kv 35 10.7
➢ Not allowed to enter under the suspended load.
➢ Tag lines restrict swinging of load.
➢ Never place under the overhead power lines.
➢ For line rated over 50kv .,Minimum clearance Between the line and any part of the crane or
load shall be 10 feet plus 0.4 inch for each 1 kv .Over 50 kv ., or twice the length of the line
insulator, But never less than 10 feet.

Crane capacity =Total intended load Radius

Example =10 ton×6 M

60 tons crane required for 6 matter radius to lift the 10 ton load

Prepared by Javed khan 10

Amjad ali khan

➢ Before starting, conduct a pre-use inspection and fill up the checklist
➢ Ensure crane windows are clear Check all round visibility for possible hazards or
➢ Mobile Crane outriggers must be fully extended and properly padded/matted.
➢ Cranes must be set-up on solid or stable ground and at a safe distance from excavations.
➢ Crane operation shall not be started unless swing radius is properly barricaded and warning
signs posted.
➢ Make sure any load to be lifted is within the safe working load of the crane or its accessories.
➢ Ensure that slings and other rigging accessories being used for lifting are properly color-
➢ Work only on the signal of an authorized rigger/slinger, or, where he cannot be seen, the
➢ Loads must be correctly slung and straight lifted.
➢ Loads must always be tested and known before lifting. Also test for level slinging.
➢ Loads must not be passed over the head of workers.
➢ Loads must not be snatch lifted or dropped freely.
➢ Man baskets must not be lowered in free fall.
➢ Horns must be sounded before lifting or swinging.
➢ Area of swing must be checked before swinging.
➢ Do not lift or stop lifting when wind speed id 32 KPH or more.
➢ Do not allow anybody to ride on the load.
➢ Loads must not be left suspended to the hook.

Hazards with Slings:

➢ Over Loading
➢ Poor condition
➢ Corrosion/rust
➢ Excessive wear
➢ Cracks and Bird caging
➢ Reduce diametric

What is critical lifting?

When crane working rather than in normal condition that lifting comes in critical lifting, LIKE

Near the population area

Near the pressurized pipe line
When high boom length is required
Near the man basket

Prepared by Javed khan 11

Amjad ali khan

What is critical lifting plane?

A document that identifies a specific load and the operating restriction .pertinent information
includes all weights on hook block attachment.

What is tandem lifting? Engineering lifting

When two crane combination to take the single weight /load that call tandem lift.
Requirement of tandem lifting
Both operator communication effectively
Crane manufacture same

Capacity to take same load

Crane hazards
➢ Improper load rating
➢ Excessive speeds
➢ No proper hand signals
➢ Inadequate inspection and maintenance
➢ Unguarded parts
➢ Unguarded proper swing radius
➢ Working too close to the power line
➢ Improper exhaust system shattered windows
➢ No steps guardrail walkways
➢ No boom angle indicator
➢ No using outriggers

Which part of the crane ensure its stability

Out rigger ensure its stability

Electric shock when a current exceeding 30 mA passes through a part of a human body, the
person concerned is in serious danger if the current is not interrupted in a very short time.
The protection of persons against electric shock in LV installations must be provided in
conformity with appropriate national standards statutory regulations, codes of practice, official
guides and circulars etc.
Relevant IEC standards include: IEC 60364, IEC 60479 series, IEC 61008, IEC 61009 and
IEC 60947-2.

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Amjad ali khan


Cold work permit: Use of low energy source ignition.

➢ (Erecting and removing scaffolding, painting, lubricating, minor repairing)

Hot work permit: Use of high energy source ignition, grinding, cutting, welding.
➢ Electrical work permit.
➢ Vehicle entry permits.
➢ Confine space entry permit.
➢ Radiation work permit.
➢ Excavation work permit.
➢ Road close permit

Radiography or NDT (Non Destructive Test.)

Q. what is Radiography?
A. 1. Radiography is testing of x-ray welding for metal welded joints.

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Amjad ali khan

2. To deduct the effect in the metal use gamma rays and x-ray it’s called radiography.
➢ Third party shall be done this activity which is certified from (Saudi technical institute)
➢ Radiation work permit required.
➢ Film badges must be available.
➢ Dosimeter & survey meter are available and calibration date valid.
➢ Area cleans from unauthorized personal.
➢ Barriers, sign boards and amber flashing lights are installed.
➢ No leaks from the source containers.
➢ Out of berries source is less than two Millirem.
➢ Safety watchman should be assigned.
➢ Proper lighting system shall be installed if conducting in the night.
➢ Use special barricading by 3rd party.
➢ Barriers and warning sign shall be established at the 2mr/hr. (millirem) boundary for
safe operation and storage.

What is isotope?

A .Isotope means one or more species of atoms having same atomic number but Different
mass number.
Isotopes can be stable of unstable.
Radioactive isotopes are unstable substances, which emits heavy particles (Alpha
and beta) and higher energy electromagnetic waves (gamma) form their nucleus by decay.

Why is an Isotope hazardous?

An .Isotopes are hazardous because it emits uncontrolled energy in the form of

radioactive waves which is hazardous to all living thing as it can destroy the it is
living tissues that cause fatality or can convert it in cancer.

What is Radio activity?

An .Radio activity is the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei .The nucleus emit a
ALPHA particles, BETA particles, GAMA particles or electromagnetic rays during this

What is the unit for measuring radiation?

An .Micro Sievert or mill-Rum.

Q. What is scaffolding?

Prepared by Javed khan 14

Amjad ali khan

Ans. Scaffolding is a temporary structure platform on elevated area where provide

safe access to employees and facilities controlled storage of material and


Green yellow Red

Safe scaffold Full body harness Do not use
Required 100% Only scoff folders
Tie - off

Ground level, Sole board, Base plate, Ledger or runner (pipe)
Post or stander (pipe), Intermediate Transom, Plate form fully covered by woods
Mid – rail, Top – rail, Toe board, Access ladder
Brace pipe = (cross brace, zigzag brace, plan brace, longitudinal bracing)
LVL=Laminated veneer lumber

Kind of scaffolding ::::

➢ System scaffolding
➢ Suspended scaffolding 1 1/2"
➢ Mobile scaffolding Ø.OD 1 1/2"
➢ Bracket scaffolding Thickness=3.2MM
➢ Tower scaffolding

Component of scaffolding:
Sole boards, base plates, posts, ledger
Right angle or double couplers, end to end couplers, Adjustable couplers,
Girder coupler, single coupler.
Trapeze tube (install at the bottom portion of the hanger tube
approximately 2feet beneath the runner. It is used in erection modification and dismantling of an
under hung scaffold. it also serves as a secondary sport if the runner slips.
Top rail capacity =90KG (200 lbs.)
What is life line?

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Amjad ali khan

If there is no anchorage to hang full body harness, we can use a flexible line or rope to connect
the lanyard. Life line is also known static line, drop line safety line rat line and scar line.
Life line shall be made with minimum 10MM diameter.

What is maximum intended load?

The maximum load of all persons, equipment, tools materials, transmitted load and other loads
reasonable anticipated to be applied to a scaffold.
❖ Distance between scaffold and wall is 14 inches…..
❖ Scaffold walk way width is minimum 18 inches…..
❖ Maximum length of lanyard is 1.8 meter(6 feet)

Q -What is the height of scaffold where it shall be secured to

An - 7.5 Matter (25 feet) including interval
Q- What is the minimum width required for the walk-way
An– Minimum width for the walk-way is 18 inches
Q- In which condition scaffold cannot be erected
An- Bad weather (strong wind, rain, ice) and ground are not stable
Minimum clearance from the live power line 3 matter (10feets)

Q-What is the three points contact

An-When you go up in the ladder it must be three point contacts
Two hand one leg /two leg one hand is called three point contacts

Q-What is the hazard of the scaffold

An-Falling tripping slipping
Load bearing capacity of
Double coupler SWL: 635 kg
Adjustable coupler SWL: 540 kg
Single coupler SWL: 54 kg

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Amjad ali khan

End to End coupler SWL: 98.37kg

Girder coupler SWL: 3.060kg

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Amjad ali khan

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Amjad ali khan

Abbreviations & Explanations

➢ HSE Health Safety environments
➢ HSSE Health Safety and Security environments
➢ SWP Safe work plan
➢ SWL Safe work load
➢ ASTM American standard testing material
➢ NFPA National fire protection associate
➢ OSHA Occupational safety health administration
➢ JSA Job safety analysis
➢ SCBA Self contain breathing apparatus
➢ SCAR Safety corrective action report
➢ LPHRC Loss prevention hazard recognition
➢ CHB Chemical hazard bulletins
➢ JHA Job hazard analysis
➢ HAZOP Hazard and operability report
➢ GFCI Ground fault circuit interrupter
➢ SAG Saudi Arab government
➢ LMI Load movement indicator
➢ CPR Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
➢ SWA Safe work authorization
➢ LTI Loss time incident
➢ LTA Loss time accident
➢ SMS Safety method state
➢ STA Safety task assignment
➢ HIP Hazard identification plan
➢ CSM Construction safety manual
➢ PEAR People environment asset reputation
➢ ASSE American society of safety engineers
➢ CSB Chemical safety and hazard investigation board
➢ DOE Department of energy
➢ DOL Department of labors
➢ EPA Environment protection agency
➢ MSHA Mine safety and health administration
➢ NIOSH National institute for occupational safety and health administration
➢ MSDS Material safety data sheet
➢ ANSI American national standard institute
➢ NDT Nondestructive test (Radiography)
➢ RPM Rotation per minute

Prepared by Javed khan 19

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