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1. Phylum Aquificiae a.

Gram-positive, high numbers of guanine

and cytosine.
2. Phylum Thermotogae b. Obligate intracellular pathogens;
Elementary bodies and Reticulate bodies.
3. Phylum Chlorobi c. Fermentation, Commensalism, Gut
microbiota, and low numbers of guanine
and cytosine.
4. Phylum Deinococcus-Thermus d. Thermophilic, Microaerophilic,
Chemolithoautotrophic, and Sulfur-
oxidizing bacteria.
5. Phylum Cyanobacteria e. Aquatic and terrestrial habitats;
Heterocyst; Photoautotrophic; Coral reef
systems; and Nitrogen fixers.
6. Phylum Proteobacteria f. Thermus, Deinococcus, and Aerobic.
7. Phylum Firmicutes g. Anoxygenic, Anoxic, and Autotrophic.
8. Phylum Actinobacteria h. Thermophilic; Anaerobic; Outer
membrane-like sheath; and Fermentative.
9. Phylum Chlamydiae i. SIPNB, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta,
Epsilon, and Zeta.
10. Phylum Spirochetes j. Gram-negative and gram-positive under
certain conditions.
11. Phylum Bacteriodetes k. Decomposition and Recycling; Plant
symbiosis; Antibiotic production; and
l. Chlamydia trachomatis – STD, sex;
Chlamydia psittaci – psittacosis in birds;
and Parachlamydiates – respiratory
infection and amoebic keratitis.
m. Gram-negative, lacks
lipopolysaccharides, microaerophilic,
symbiotic and pathogenic.
n. Treponema pallidum, Borrelia
burgdorferi, and Leptospira spp.
o. Borrelia – lime disease; and Leptospira –
p. Uses carbohydrates and organic
compounds as energy sources.


1. Phylum Euryarchaeota a. Observed in submarine hydrothermal

2. Phylum Thermoproteota b. Extreme thermophiles, and Sulfur-
dependent thermophiles.
3. Phylum Nitrososphaerota c. Unacceptable since it is the same as
4. Phylum Nanoarchaeota d. Largest phylum; extreme alkaline, saline,
thermophilic conditions; and
5. Phylum Korarchaeota e. Different rRNA sequences and protein
6. Phylum Aigarchaeota f. rRNA gene sequences, and
Topoisomerase enzyme (an enzyme that
aids in the DNA replication process,
segregation of chromosomes,
transcription, and recombination.
g. Nanoarchaeum equitans
h. Caldiarcheum subterraneum
i. Also known as Xenarchaeota

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