Lecture 3

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Context Free Grammar

Eng. Hager Nady

Context Free Grammar
Context Free Grammar

 G: S → a S b /ab/ A
 Σ = { a, b}
 N= V = {S , A }
 P = {S → a S b , S → a b , S → A , A → a A , A → a }
 S = S : Start Symbol
Context Free Grammar

 Derivation
 G: S → a S b / SS /ab

S ab
S aSb
S aabb
S aSb
Context Free Grammar

 Let G be the grammar : S → AA

A → AAA / bA /Ab/a
 Construct the left most and right most derivation of the string “baba”

 Left most derivation Right most derivation

bA A Aa
baA Ab a
b a bA b A ba
ba ba ba ba
Context Free Grammar
Context Free Grammar
Context Free Grammar
Context Free Grammar
Context Free Grammar
Context Free Grammar

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