Anafrills, The Complete Lore Post

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Anafrills, The Complete Lore Post

Chapter 1: The Honeymoon Period (2020, May

to August)
Destiny and Ana (psych student and certified domestic abuse counsellor) used to be friends,
and they had fairly entertaining discussions relating to psychopathy and abusive relationship
dynamics on stream. Destiny even took the Dark Triad personality test.

They had five on-stream conversations during this time. The fourth has been perhaps forever
lost to time (unless the Keeper of the Vault has a future surprise for us) but here are the

The MeetCute: chat about relationships with psych grad

The Follow-Up: Talking with Destiny about Altruism vs. Egoism

The Third: Late night stream chatting with Destiny

The Lost Convo: Apparently they talked about Tara Raede, Defund the Police, and
Joe Biden. Reportedly chat was gigacringeing at Ana during the convo.

The 5-hour "I Feel" Convo: Talking with Ana about the Dark Triad, serial killers,
attachment, manipulation

An important thing to note: I say "entertaining" discussions, in the sense they were a
complete trashfire and made Ana look so bad that according to Scoot (of Last Week On
Destiny fame) Steven actually forbade them from being uploaded.

From the very beginning there was something evidently odd about the way she would
approach their conversations: she would dance around explicitly diagnosing Destiny with
some sort of personality disorder, but would instead make consistent and comprehensive
allusions about specific negative traits of personality and behaviour that she believed he

During the "I feel" stream linked above, when he finally calls her out on this habit, the
conversation derails because she hyper fixates on trying to prove the purity of her intentions
and the validity of her communication style.

Nevertheless, behind the scenes, on the ~~first week of September 2020~~ (apparently it was
just after mid-August; for some reason the Twitch vods from the time say otherwise), they met
up but mutually agreed not to publicize it. Ana, probably because she didn't appreciate the
potential of her then small community to leak stuff, did publicize their get-together on her
Instagram, and on her Discord. Ana also pretty blatantly announced it on her stream title
when she left their room to stream; later, unbeknownst to Steven, she was still streaming
when she re-entered their shared room; Steven found out about this weeks later and
confirmed that he and Ana had gotten together.
Chapter 2: Trouble In Paradise (2020,
September - October)
Before that admission however things were already becoming rocky.

After their meet up, Steven hopped onto a flight to Sweden to visit Melina. Shortly after he
landed and began streaming, he attended a sponsored event on stream. He was, for roughly a
day or so, unavailable for casual chit chat or even messaging.

Later, Steven would describe Ana's reaction as a "switch being flipped". That discussion is
linked below in chapter 8, but basically, Ana sent him a wall of aggressive text messages, the
first of many, about things that made her unhappy with regards to Steven's behavior. Her
accusations heavily implied that he was a cold narcissist who did not care about her feelings.

Later, she criticised what she perceived as his apparently no standards relating to casual sex.
On stream, in response to a comment about Destiny's parenting, she said that when fathers
spend a long time away from the child it's bad for the child.

These clips were sent to Destiny, who, on the 5th of October, publicly decided he was done
with her.

Chapter 3: The Twice Moderated Breakups

(2020, October 7 & 30)
Dan, who I imagine was ROFLing through all this, convinced Steven to have a moderated
conversation on stream where they both could air their respective beefs with the other. And
so happened the first massive breakup stream, and it ended with both of them agreeing to
never talk about each other again.

Unfortunately, Ana felt abused by Dan in that conversation (according to what she told her
friend Drew), and she wasn't happy that Steven didn't take responsibility and/or apologize for
his alleged abuse, so that ceasefire did not last. And so happened the second massive
breakup stream moderated by Drew, who was a psychotherapist-in-training friend of Ana's,
and that too ended with a promise to never talk about each other again (albeit, a reluctant
promise from Ana at the time).

Furthermore, Destiny deleted the videos of the breakups, and all of their streamer
conversation history from his own channels. The OG Loremaster tells me that Destiny never
uploaded them in the first place; they were hidden deep where the unlisted VODs lie. He also
removed all of the posts in this subreddit discussing their relationship.

Chapter 4: The Great Blocking (2021,

late-January - February)
It seems that for at least some time after their second publicly negotiated ceasefire, Steven and Ana
may have continued to interact in private. However, after an infamous exchange in late January, when
Ana found out about Steven's abusive relationship with his ex, and minimized/dismissed the
abuse that he had suffered, Steven finally blocked her.

Steven blocked Ana on Discord. So she began to message bomb him on Instagram. He
blocked her on Instagram. She began to message bomb him on Twitter.

TBFTA, her given reasoning for this persistence is that since he had leaked the details of their
relationships and validated them with screenshots of some text messages to get dgg to
harass her; she was "terrified" of what he would do next, especially after seeing Steven laugh
at Melina’s comment about getting Ana fired (according to Ana, she was getting hate-raided
by both of them during this time), and she was desperate to make peace before he, to
paraphrase her, "started leaking her nudes".

Chapter 5: Testing Boundaries (2021,

mid-February - mid-September)
For many months after that all discussion of Ana was banned on the subreddit by mutual
agreement of both parties, and she also committed to not talking about Destiny on her

Her way of getting around this restriction was to start reaching out to people in the twitch
community that Destiny associated with. It seems that I was pretty significantly misinformed
about this; my clear bad. Turns out that Eristocracy and Prime were the ones to invite her onto
their panels. Furthermore, according to Ana, Steven encouraged her to grow her channels by
going onto panels, and it seems he was happy to be on panels together with her. She also
appeared on Jon Zherka.

Some of the people that she reached out to began to privately inform Steven that Ana was
saying some fucked up shit about him to them. This began to freak Steven out good and
proper because a streamer called Bob7 had pulled this exact shit earlier in the year to
surprisingly great effect when it came to spoiling Steven's relationships.

During these streams, Ana spoke extensively about relationship abuse. Even though she did
not explicitly mention Destiny by name, everyone was slowly getting clued into the fact that
she was talking about him. TBFTA, it's been pointed out to me that I might be wrong on both
counts here: first, that I'm reading too much into Ana's intent, and second, that I'm
overextending my inference about the degree to which people came away from those talks
thinking that she was talking about Steven; I'm skeptical about this given my impression of
Ana's communication style as one that dances around making explicit accusations or claims,
but it seems that I'm in the minority here and I might have to change my mind in the future.

That said, Ana WAS in contact with people that are friendly with Destiny; like Eristocracy, to
whom she privately complained about the “horrible abuse” she’s suffered from Destiny.
TBFTA, Ana's account of her actions here was that she was venting about her relationship to
Eristocracy because that was someone she considered friend at the time. Which is indeed fair,
though there is some ambiguity about whether or not there were others in Steven's sphere to
whom Ana was also venting; Steven, I think, seems to believe that there were. This began to
freak Steven out good and proper because a streamer called Bob7 had pulled this exact shit
earlier in the year to surprisingly great effect when it came to spoiling Steven's relationships.

Then, after the Massive Methstiny Mistake, Ana tweeted about the dangers of MDMA. In the chatroom she was more explicit about this. My personal take on this is that Ana
was chafing under the restriction of not being able to make her relationship with Steven
public, and so she rebelled against that restriction, not by attacking him per se, but by
subTweeting/vagueposting opinions that would be parallel and relevant to stuff going on in
Steven's life.

Chapter 6: Keep Calm And Mitigate The Storm

Behind The Scenes (2021, February -
It seems clear now that throughout this period Steven was in contact with Ana behind the
scenes, and that he tried various things to keep Ana happy as best as he could. This included
their continued dialogue and friendship with her, while publicly they were still not on
speaking terms with each other.

During this time, according to Ana at least, Steven encouraged her to grow her channels by
going onto panels, and it seems that he was happy to be on panels together with her. They
also rekindled their long-distance friends-with-benefitship. He might have called her
"Princess" once or twice.

Eristocracy's interpretation of these actions is that this was a form of appeasement from
Steven, the way victims in an abusive relationship may try to appease their abuser. My
personal interpretation is similar but different in a significant way: Steven had been handling
a ton of interpersonal conflicts across many fronts—romantic (Bob7), friendship (Vaush),
professional (departnering), politically (canvassing in Omaha)—for almost a year straight,
sometimes fighting on two or more fronts at once. Even a conflict lover like him can get burnt
out by that. And so he decided to conserve his energy and put off dealing with Ana’s
particular conflict with him at a later date. In the meantime, because he didn't want to spend
all of his time fighting Ana in private, he freely offered her the friendship and emotional
intimacy that she wanted and that he felt he could safely offer.

A little under a month before The Royal Zherka Debacle, Dan and Steven and Mouton got into
a short screamfest about Steven's reasons for reengaging Ana.

Chapter 7: The Royal Zherka Debacle (2021,

September 23)
Ana was on a Zherka panel that included Stardust and Infrared and Hanz. Eventually, the
conversation turned to condemning the Daliban for its toxicity. Stardust refused to blanket
paint an entire audience as bad, and Ana. got. triggered.

She began to explicitly talk about Steven and her perceived abuse at his hands. Steven, who
was vacationing in Sweden at the time, hopped on to confront her, and also to confront
Zherka for being obsessed with his romantic life. During their fight on that stream, Ana had a
4-hour volcanic meltdown with screaming and crying and cat ears, with Zherka having to
mute her multiple times so that Steven could make himself heard. Over the course of that
conversation a lot of her behavior as characterized by Steven was seemingly validated.

Everybody on the panel agreed that they should never talk about each other again.

Chapter 8: Stardust Takes A Stand (2021,

September 24-25)
Zherka, not wanting to be accused of abusing an emotionally or mentally compromised
person for content, deleted his VOD on the day of the stream. He somehow managed to get
everyone else except for Stardust to do the same. When she refused to delete her own copy of
the video, Zherka and Infrared tried to bully her on stream, so she told them go fuck
themselves, and so Zherka forbade Stardust from using any of his content. In response to this,
Destiny forbade Zherka from using any of Destiny's streams as react content going forward.

Stardust experienced a meteoric rise in viewership thanks to the general perception of her as
being someone who keeps it real even under fire, and now is established as a solid persona in
the Twitch politics sphere.

Chapter 9: The Eristocracy Intervention (2021,

October 1 to 4)
Enter Eristocracy, who held a two and a half hour friendly counseling session with Ana trying
to get her to see things from Steven's point of view--how Ana was essentially holding Steven
hostage--and in the end got a commitment from Ana that Ana would stop bringing up
Destiny entirely for 6 months, and if that was successful, Eristocracy would send Ana a $100
Sephora gift card. This was also the first time I heard about someone called Waffles, but we'll
get to that.

It seemed like this might be truly over, but Dan warned Eris that she was being far too nice
and charitable and that this wouldn't last. (Remember boiz, Dan's always right.)

Destiny even complimented Eristocracy on having more emotional maturity than his own
friends and fans despite being a 2D anime V-tuber. Specifically, she was the only person who
understood the fact that Steven couldn't go nuclear on Ana because of the sheer unbalanced
optics of a larger twitch male streamer going after a smaller female content creator. Another
thing that he pointed out was that Ana is the first person he's ever interacted with who has
nothing to lose by continually bashing Destiny, and that basically Ana is Destiny's perfect final

Chapter 10: How To Bite The Hand That Feeds

You (October 5-27 2021)
The truce that Eristocracy negotiated lasted all of 3 days before Ana began to talk about
Steven again. To Eristocracy's horror this time Ana began to claim that Eristocracy had helped
perpetrate Steven's abuse of Ana, and she began to send Eristocracy the same mountains of
text messages that Ana was infamous for sending to Steven. Here's a collection of her
tweetfest from October.

There were two consequences of doing this: first, Eris formally burnt her bridge with Ana.
Second, Destiny finally went over the mountain of texts from Ana that triggered their initial

Chapter 11: The Waffles SpinOff Miniseries

Technically this drama has nothing to do with Destiny, but for many it became important as a
valuable set of evidence regarding Ana's behaviour with those whom she calls friends online.

Waffles is a piano streamer, and by all accounts an extremely nice person. Too nice for her own
good. I am not sure exactly when she and Ana became friends, but it was probably around
mid-2020. Currently, the consensus seems to be that Ana created a very toxic dynamic in their
friendship. I believe Ana's approach to their friendship was the same one she took with
Steven, where she would allude to specific things that were wrong with Waffles' personality,
and would backup those allusions with her authority as a psych student.

To illustrate the stress Ana put Waffles through: when Waffles was having trouble recovering
from a surgery, the physician said if there was any cause of significant stress in Waffles' life, it
was probably the reason why. Waffles' only candidate for a possible answer was her
relationship with Ana.

Other issues in their relationships involved Ana carelessly doxxing Waffles (something Ana
disputes as doing; currently looking into this claim) and publicizing Waffles private mental
health issues in retaliation to a perceived slight (you can hear Waffles tell this tale in the links

This stuff led to Waffles dumping Ana; subsequently, Ana began to claim that Waffles was
lying and manipulative just like she had always claimed Steven was. Ana also tried to get her
ex-mod to leak chat logs that she believed would make Waffles look shitty. According to
Waffles, Ana stayed true to her tradition of message bombing Waffles and reaching out to
people in Waffles' personal and professional life. TBFTA, she says these were all mutual friends;
furthermore, other than a single screenshot of DMs between Eristocracy and Ana, I'm not
aware of any other evidence of this behaviour from Ana towards Waffles.

Like Steven had attempted to do before, Waffles tried to appease Ana with apologies.
However, she later retracted that apology and stated that she felt bullied into making that

Waffles, Stardust and Dan had a discussion about all of this on September 26, 2021. Waffles
also talks about her relationship with Ana on her own stream/YouTube, here, here and here.
She plays piano in between giving her thoughts; it's nice.

In late September, a friend of Waffles, sickened by the abuse he perceived Waffles had
receiving from Ana, published a document called Wafflegate, which provided important
context for the dynamics of their relationship. Many of the elements of that dynamic closely
mirror the dynamic that Ana had with Steven. TBFTA, the Wafflegate document did not
contain any actual evidence other than witness testimony--no tweets, screenshots or
DMS--and is definitely very he-said/she-said. Ana responded to the document with her own

The silver lining, however, is that Eristocracy and Waffles have become friends!

Chapter 12: Chaeiry and the Secrets of the

DMCAs (October 2021)
Over the course of the past year, Ana and her mod Merl have been quietly sending a
multitude of DMCA notices against clips of her that paint her in an unfavourable light. It's
probably the reason why most of the streamable clips of her are now dead links. And she
might even have been successful in pulling this off under (mostly) everyone's radar...

...if only she hadn't fucked with Chaeiry.

Chaeiry is a fresh political streamer who is also branding herself as a loremaster. As such, for
several months she spent a lot of her stream time watching various Destiny content and
reacting to them. Eventually, she watched the Royal Zherka Debacle and reacted to it. Ana
didn't like what Chaeiry had to say, but since she couldn't copystrike Zherka's content, she
instead copystruck Chaeiry's Twitch channel for a different VOD

After a brief freakout, Chaeiry attempted to communicate with Ana, who responded with
vague mentions about conversations with an attorney. Chaeiry, not wanting a copystrike on
her channel, said she'd take down the VOD and asked Ana to remove the copystrike. Ana
agreed, and then tried to passive aggressively guilt trip Chaeiry for her lack of empathy.

This didn't stop Chaeiry from discussing Ana on her stream, though, and when Ana
subsequently began to message her, Chaeiry had had enough. She republished her old Ana
vods and declared she was willing to lawyer up to keep them up..

Rounding off this chapter, Destiny stated on his stream that he was happy to pay the legal
fees for Chaiery's case against Ana.

Chapter 13: The Great Malding (November 2021

- January 2022)
In the months since the Chaeiry chapter began, many more DMs have been leaked, mostly by
Ana, who published a manifesto, which, according to Eristocracy in her intervention convo
with Ana, actually made Ana look not good. Here' dramatic reading of the Anafesto by
Danabo.. She has also begun to rant about him on her stream on a nearly daily basis.

One of the more prominent mini-dramas happened after Destiny raided a smaller streamer
whose channel is called Autistic_Destiny. Ana decided to later raid the same streamer; I think
according to her it was to support someone whom she believed Destiny and the Daliban were
bullying; Destiny in turn believes Ana did it just to stir shit up.

Furthermore, Ana's descriptions of Destiny's behaviour towards her have become ever more
dramatic and horrific, including a claim in Infrared's chat about Destiny spreading STDs, and
recent accusations of rapey behavior regarding condom usage. Ditto for her descriptions of
Melina, Eristocracy, Waffles and anyone else whom she believes has slighted her. It's hard to
keep track of it all.

In reaction, Destiny's chat has gotten into the habit of letting him know when Ana begins
ranting about him, and sometimes if he's bored he'll put her rant on in the background and
react to it while he games. As he explains it, it's just free content at this point. On Jan 23, 2022,
he was listening to Ana's channel again and impulsively decided to invite her on again to
challenge her on her most recent claims about him. For the 5th time, Ana agreed to stop
talking about Destiny on the Internet.

This time the truce lasted for less than 12 hours before Ana reneged on her agreement with

Chapter 14: The Dylan Choke-Off

This was an unexpected series of events. Dylan and CTV were on a panel and Ana took
umbrage at some of Dylan's comments. Subsequently she wound up in Dylan's chat,
defending herself from accusations she believed Dylan had made about her.

In the meantime, Dylan had become aware of some comments that Anna had made about
Destiny with regards to the responsible conversations about condoms, the nuances of
choking people out if they were attacking you, and the ethics of interacting with younger
streamers. This culminated in a three way conversation between Ana, Dylan, and Destiny to
analyze the truth of those comments and how Ana had chosen to frame her thoughts. Here is
Eristocracy's reaction to that conversation.

During the stream, Dylan negotiated a new deal for Ana and Steven, which Steven confirmed
on his stream: if Ana successfully went six months without mentioning Steven or his friends or
his community, then he would actually retract every single claim he'd ever made about her.
That August would re-unpublish all videos regarding her etc etc.

Ana's trying, but it's hard going. Why? Well...

Chapter 15: The Anarchofrills Strikes Back (At

Here's my Ana theory: she's terrified of seeing herself as a bad person in any way. That's her
core trigger: an attack on the purity of her self-image and public persona. If you try to
convince her she's bad, you're abusing her. If she ever owns up to doing something bad, it's
because someone else put her in that situation. I actually do think this is less about her
obsession with Destiny and more about clearing her own name... it's just that getting Steven
to admit guilt is the easiest way for her to clear her name. So that's what she hyperfixates on.

And umm....I think I fucked up a little bit, maybe.

You see, Ana read this write-up, at least up to the chapter covering Waffles, where I wrote that
though the Waffles drama had nothing to do with Destiny,
"but for many it became important as a valuable set of evidence regarding Ana's
behaviour with those whom she calls friends online."

And my current mental model of Ana would totally latch on to that. I think she now believes
that successfully discrediting Waffles' would remove some of the demerits against her case
against Steven.

Less wordily: delegitimizing Waffles => legitimizing Ana => deligitimizing Destiny.

And that's the reason why the focus of her wrath has returned to Waffles again. Waffles, if
you're reading bad. I'd have still posted all of this if I'd had the foresight to predict
Ana's reaction, but I may have written it differently to reduce the possibility of triggering her.

Appendix A: PantsOnFire, an analysis of various claims

and statements made by Ana

Every claim will be given a rating based on the Snopes Fact Check Rating Scale

Appendix A.1: Claims About Steven

Claim: Steven spreads STDs; Steven gave Melina an STD

On her stream, Ana said Steven admitted that he gave Melina an STD. She was also in
Infrared's chat making similar claims. She also said later that she had seen him admit to this,
and that someone on Twitter had been talking about it.

Rating: ❌ False
Rating: 🎭 Originated As Satire

What actually happened: Steven and Melina were giving relationship advice on stream, and
one of the questions they responded to involved someone whose partner had a fetish for
spreading STDs; in response to this, Steven cracked a joke about giving Melina syphilis.

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