Photoсоnduсtivity of Cd,Hg1 -, Te urrder Surfaсe Doping by nоn.сonduсting Metal Layеrs

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Tr J.

of Phуsiсs
66e - 675
1 8 (19s4.)

Photoсоnduсtivity of Cd,Hg1_, Te urrder Surfaсe

Doping by nоn.сonduсting Metal Layеrs

Е. K. GUsЕI\oV' N. D. IsMAILov
Instit utс,f PhotoеIеctronics.

А zerba ij aт. .\cad.еmу of S сiеncе.:.



U Thе rеsults оf a sтudy on thе еj-сt of suгfасe dоping Ь5. nоn сonduсting mеtal
la}:егs of Au, Cu, \i. .\g, In, J.l. С-:- and Pb' rгlriсh !1.еге llaсuum еvaрorated. оn
thе plrotосonduсtir.it1. of n,рСd.i.: r-'Te (х=0.28) ar-е pгеsеntеd. A signifiсarrt
с of thе spесtral depеndе.се : phot6сondrrсtii-it1.arld.thе lifetimе оf сlraгgeг
сaггiЪrs i:r Cd9.23 Hgо тz Те at Т_-- K aftег ulтr.athin rr.rеtallization of tlrе suгfaсе
has bееtr геvеalеd.
It has Ьeen tilаt гeduсtio:. iphotoсоndLrсtivit1. in thе slroгt-rvar.еregiorr of
the sресtгurn is сarts*<inot onl1. Ьr. .:. iпсгeаse itt tilе гatе оf suгfaсе reсombination,
lrrrt аlsо Ь1. tlre сorriгiЬutiоn о: t1.- plrоtoсonduстil.itу ol the spaсе-сharge region
{SCR) кiтh lessсг ra1uеs of srrгйсе :..оbilitу оf сIrargесaггieгs when соnrpaгеd rr-:th
llоге r-оlrrrninous otlеs. It ha.. а]. Ьееn shorтn тhat thе obseгvеd rеduсtion of
phоtosеnsitivit.y lr.iтh arr inсгеe*cе.:. mоtаl thiсkrrеss is stipulatеd Ьy an inсrease
ilt thе соtrсerrtгatiotr of suгfaсе st:...s irrduсed br.mесЪaniсal ovегstrеssеs at тhe
inteгftсе of tlrе пrеtаl-sеrrriсоrtd.rсt': duе to thе diffегenсе of expansiorг"сoеffiсiепts.

l. Intгoduсtion

Urrdегstarlсling thе сorrditiorrs a:- l tnесharristrrs оf tlrе forшatiorr of nrеtal- sеnriсon.

drrс'tог irrtегfасes is oГ ltttrrost ilпpс'rtа:..е for sеrrriсоtltluсtoг rrsagesirrсе theт arе irrtеgral
pаг1s tlf rnost sеrrriссlirсluстoг dеviсеs. Р:,Ьlеrrrs irrr.olr.еdlviтlr tlrе irrteгасtion of tlrii-mеtal
\"" la.vегs ri.itlr аs-с.lо;rvссl sttifасt's оf C. 1 ' T-.: i . '. Тс. rvс<'d ilr tlrс pгоdlrсtiorr of infгa'r'ed
detссtrп.s, lrat.. Ьcсtr stlrriiесt It,2]. Ilr t- -se rvoгks, a sigшifiсalrt сlt:rrtgeоf mогphologу nеar
tlrе srrrfirt.erras stiprrlateti. tо a сorr.;id-:'rЬlс ехtеrlt. lrт а loss of wеakly bondеd. l{g atоlrrs
at tlrс itltегfaсе of tlre пr'эtal.sсrrriс.эni..''тor.




tlrе spесtгal dependenсe of quanturrr еffiсierrс-vof photleffесt (r7) к.as aссouniеd foг [5].
Tlrus, in the spесtral regiоn of pm, \:2-3. ц,lriс}.is irr aссordanсe rгit1r thе Beattiеr
theory, is stipulated Ьy impaсt iоnization of сlrarge сa,ггieгs [ 6]. Inсreased photosеnsi-
tivit1. сan bе oЬservеd in tlrе short-r'r.averegiotr of thе speсtrurn, rтhiсh is сharaсteгistiс
for surfaсe-Ьaтriеr struсtuгes. thus indiсating lorv values of tlrе rate ofsurfaсе rесomЬina-
tiorr (S < 100 сm/s). Еarlier' somе authors inr.estigatiзg reсombination proсesses оn thе
surfaсe of Cd'IIg1_,Tе [7,8] usеd tlrе Sсhoсkl1. tlreor1. for dеterminatiorr of S from pho.
toсonduсtivity data; howеr'еr, this theоry doеs rrоt aсс.эunt for the еffесt of spaсе-сhargе

rеgiorr (sсR) and faсtor of spatial adlreгеnсe orr photосonduсtivity.

I гХ- tu
.: lс /n\

R 0,8 '\ N tl
{t ,t 3A=*.4.-д+/
2 *--.А
еE 0'б \ 0tL :


0.2 0: h

l 2 3 4 5 6i-un' | 2 3 .1 5-ь )..,.
Figure 1. Speсtral photогеsponsеpeг inсi- Figure 2.Speсtгalphotorеsporsеper inсidеnt
dentphotonfoгn-.typе(1), т.. :10 ps. andр photoп :iг n.Cdo,egHgo.т:Теwithout сovег
t1.pе(2), т. = 1;,rs,Cdo.zвHgo;z Тe at Т=80 (1t. and_гithСuсoversofthiсk,:rass:2-1.0nm.
к 3-б.0 Т: 80 K. :1" : 7]: : ъ' = 3рs

At the sа"шretimе irrr.estigatiorr of сondenseг phrtoсorrduсtir.е foгсе on the сhецri-

сall1. etсhed suгfасe of Cd, Hg,-, Те(х:0.28) shows t:at tlrе value of srrгfасe Ьеuding of
enегgy bands foг both types of сortduсtivity сorгеspoг:ls to a dеplеtion of ihе SCR,.ацd
shоrтs thаt the Fегmi levеl is fiхеd on thе surfaсе nеar тhе midgaр. In this сasе. it would
Ьe irrсоrreсt to use the Shoсkly thеoгy sinсe ехistenсe of the SCR on the srrrfaсе should
bе taken into aссount; this SCR is thе тесorrrЬinatiоrr baггier for phоtogеneratd сhaщe
сaгriers. Тhus thеn сalсulating efrсient life timе' т". with surfaсe photoeхсitation' the
follorving rеlatiorrship is used [9]:

L +- L_
,. _
- j - . J '- - L - д/.
Ld тt. тu"




tr\rheneхplaining the observеd spесiflсitiеs, onе should takе into aссount that in the
сase of depositiоrr of metals wit}.тp- ) сp", bеnding of еneтgy bands irrсreаses whiсh may
result in inequality of .9 ( L-L6f тu in formula (1)' i.е., loсalization оf рlrotoсonduсtivity
&-- in thе SCR. Although S laluе inсreases slightlу aftег dеposition of metal. this inеquality
will not be violated and, depеnding on thе сlrangе of L" ' tеrш т" maу eithеr remain
сonstant оr сhangе arЬitrarily. loсalization of photoсonduсtiгity in the SCR mеans that
this rеgion сontributеs prеdominarrtly to phсrtосorrduсtivity шrder surfaсе absorption.
In this сasе, for totol photoсonduсtivitу orrе may rлrrite:

o":е1т"{р'n" * pp") (4)

vrherе 7 is the intensity of geneгation of elесtron-holе pairs: and Fns,lJps arе thе sur.
faсe rnobilities of еlесtтons and holеs respeсtivеly' for rnost semiсorrduсtoгs, inсluding
ad,Hg1-"Te P" 1 !1o [11]. Thus, at т" ) т.., the геduсtion of photosеnsitivity in thе
-n.oгt.\r.areгеgiolr maу bе геlated to thе inстеasе of photoсonduсtivity iп thе SCR ц,ith
lеss rnobilе сhа,rgeсarriетs than thosе ц.ithiв tlrе volume of sеnriсonduсtoгs.
Еor speсinrens with a highег valuе оf r" aftеr thе dеposition of mеtal' еither a
deстeasеoг соnstanсу.of т" is oЬserr.еd. Ifaftеr the dеposition ofmеtal thе raluе ofsцтfaсе
bending of the enеrg-.t. band Ь small enough so that L"_: L- > |, lhen L1f т' > S,
and т" remains pгaсtiсally unсhanged. In t]rе сasе of S > L1f тo,г" beсoшеs lеss than
т, and quasinеutral rэlumе plays a major role in thе forшation оf photoсonduсtivity.
Thenphotoсonduсtivitу is inseцsitivе to thе сhangе of suтfaсе mоbilivalid; values of S
сalсulated rrsing (2) aгe within thе limits (0-}2) 103 сm/s.
An inсrеasе in the ratе of sцrfaсe гесorrrbinatioц as a resцlt of rnеtal deposition
Ь сausеd Ъy an inсrease of сonсentration .эf surfaсе statеs. This ma1. bе a rеsult of
mесhaniсal stтessеs at the ilrtеrfaсе mеtal. senriсonduсtor duе to a fifferеnсe of ехpansiou
сoеffiсients of rцеtal and sешriсonduсtor.' Тhis is aЬo сonfirmed Ьy tlrе faсt that thеге
aгe lnorе surfaсe dеfесts at thе intеrfaсе оf sеmiсonduсtоrs rпith lеss duсtile metals,
Cu,Ni,Ag,Au, than at thе intеrfaсe with meгe duсtile metals. In,Al, PЬ. Bеsidеs, with
an inсrеаse of the thiсknеss of thе mеtal lа1эг (from 3 to 10 im), as the aдnoгphous
stг+rсturеоf thе mеtal transformq into a сг1.stalline one, meсhaniсal stresses should arЬe,
rеsulting in an inсrease of S, whiф n,е obsег.iеd duгing our ехрerimеnts. Note, that the
nсгеase ofthe сonсent1ation olsurfaсe statеs rеlated to meсhaniсal olэгstrеssеs сausеd by
a diffеrеnсe of ехpansion сoеffiсiеnts in metal-insulatoг-semiсonduсtor (MIS) stгuсtures
on the bаsе of Cd, Hg1-,Tе hal.e bееn oЬsеп'ed in [tz].
Analogous spесifiсitiеs of photoсonduсtivity wеrе also obsеrved fоr p-Cdg,23Hgo.тz Tе.
How-el.еr, unlikе material of рtуpе, here..results оf meаsuгеments pror-ed to Ьe more
сritiсal to thе tу-pe of mеtal. Thus, in thе саse оf dеpositiоn of Ni,Cu.Au,Ag,Sn rr,ith
р'. > 9.,alоngside with a гedцсtion of plroтosensitivity in tlrе shoгt.warэ геgion of thе
spесtгum a deсreasе of т, is also obsепэd Figurе 3. Thе сalсulated r:alue of S:10a
сm/s w.аsfound to bе higher Ьy aв order rvЬen сomparied with speсimеns of n-type сon-
duсtiтity. Aftег deposition of Al.In,Cт,РЬ тr.ith g* { 9".a slight inсrеa,re of т' and


. r- *

GUSЕINO\r. IsI\4AiLo\i
The eleсtrophуsiсal pгopeгtiеs of interfaсеs foгlrrеd by dеpоsitiоrr of luеtal layeгs
or'eг the srrгfaсе оf Cd Hg 1_, Tе сontaining а thin la1.eг of natirз oхide havе цot }-еtЬeen
thoтoughtlу studiеd. Wlrеtr int'еstigating tlrе eleсtriсal pгopегtiеs of rnеtal. Cd,Hg1-."
Tе stгuсtures' an assutnption about thе inrariabilitу оf t}re еlесtгоphysiсal pararrretеrs of
tlrе surfaсе afteг depoqition of nrеtal has bееn madе i3.4]'
The prеsеnt paper is dеr'oted to the irrr.estigation of еlесtгophysiсal propеrties of
tlrе сhеmiсally etсhеd suгfaсe of Cd,Hg1_, Tе with dеpоsitеd rrrеtal.

2. Еxрeгimental

Bу using rnеasuтеd r'alues of еfrсiеnt rеlaхation tirrrеs оf plrotoсonduсtivitv trnder

sur{aсе absoгptiorr, thе spесtгal dеpendenсe of photoсouduсtiйt1.. and surfaсе bеnding of
еneг&y bands, effiсiеnt r,эloсitiеs of suгfaсe reсombinatiorr bеfoгe and aftег deposition of
thirr. tгanspaгent layers of laтious metals onto thе srrгfaсе of speсimens пэrе dеtегlrrinе.'
Еxpегirnеnts w.еrесarriеd out with plаtеs оf Cd.Hg1_.Tе (х_0.28.0.30). bot.
of рtypе сorrduсtiйty ()id= (1-6) 101aсrrr_',,'I,u: (s.10) 10aсnr2/г.s) and p.typе
сorrdцс" :(3.5) 10 15сln-1: t1p : 5.Lo2аrt2 l..s). Plаtеs rverе reсtaugцlaг witlr
a sizе оf (0.5-1.0)х(fl}Ь5} rrrrrr2. Тlriсkness of platеs raгiedl rrroге tlran the сliffirsiorr
lerrgth, Ia. irr oгdег ,to ехсludе the influeuсе of tlrе lэaсk sidе of tlrе platе on nreasured
сlrаraсtегistiс; and lеss tharr I; in oгdег tо ехсlrrсiе thе influеrrсe of the spread o[ l7
raluеs in сalсulatioцs. Thoгoughlу polishеd atrd сhеtrriсally etсIred platеs of Cd,Hg1-,
Тe riеrе bоudеd tо a sapphirе sulrstгate. olrrпiс сoutaстs to sресimens of rr.t1.pе weгe
lrrade Ьy rrrеarrs'.ofеlесtгoсlremiсal depositiоn of lrr: arrсl to spесirrrеns of p.t1pe, lrr.trrearrs
оf сhешiсal dеpоsitiorr оf Au. Aftег irritial nrеastlreluеllts. laуегs of r,ariousnrеtals {.\u, Ni,
^{g..\l, [n. Cu, РЬ. Sn)witlr a t}riсknessof 1-10 rrrпl сontгоllеd Ь1-a quartz osсillatoг сlurirrg
dец-lsitiou п'eге dеpсisited onto tlre sttгfaсe oГ spесirrrеrrs. Тlrеrr lrесessaг}.rnеasttгеtrrеnts
Photosеrrsitivitу of stгttсtuгes .lr-аsirrr.еstigаtс.drr.itlrin a l.l0prrr spесtral Ьаrrd at
tlrt.пrоdulatiоu fгеquenсу, 1.2 kHz. and elесtгiсal Ьiаs. с. < 0.5I Kirrеtiсs of rеlaхatiоn
of thе plrotoгesрolrsr was strrdied via pulsе illtrtrrirration of thе GaAs stгuсttrте lrr. using
a liчht- еnrittiirg diodе at lolп. eхсitation lеvеls and fiеlсls, thus prеvеrrtingitlrе effесt оf-
ехсltlsion of minoritу сaггiei.s.

3. Rеsults and Anаlysis

3.1. Plrotосonduсtivity of Cd.Hg1_."Te (rгitlrout сovеr). . -..

Althouglr the layс-rof rratuгаI oхidе forrrrеd orr tlre surfасe of Cd" [Ig1-..Те after
сht':niсal etсhirrg lrаs сorrrpleх сorтrpositiotrаrrd сorrtairrs.rrletai iorrs adsoгl;еd froпr thе
сlr.idrrgаgent alrd ш'сшhirrgsоltttiolr. сlraгасtегistiс-ч oЬtаinеd irr tlresе ехрeгitrretrtsaгe \-/
г t . 1 l l т il t r с i l r е .
Tlre typiс:rls1rcсtraldepеrrdt:ltсеоf plrotbсortсluсtir-iтyo[rr.p-Cd.. }Ig1-,Tе (х:0.28)
lrхillсесlto errergг rrf allsoгlxd с}tralrtаis gilзrr irr Figurе l. Wlrerr сalсшlаtirrgtltсsе с'trгvеs,


GUSЕI\ov. Is\t.{ILo\.

L[' -уd,';
L"_:* I","-uft1а*;
ЙJo" \2)
; is tlre Ьulk lifetirrre: д' aпd lt" ' arе the surfaсe and Ьulk mobilit1. of сlrargе
сarгiегs. геspесtivelу; t. is tlrе n.idtlr of SCR; and .L2' thе diffusion lеngth.
Т:е еffeсt of Ьaсkgгound гadiation sh<luld also be takkеn into aссoцnt. Corrсеn.
tгation .| сlrargе сarriегs gerreratеd by this fluх signifi.сautly exсееd thе соnсеrrtгation of
tlrerшal--,-gеnеratеdсharge саrгiегs. \\'ith sruall raluеs of s (s < 100 сm/s) nra1, rrsult
irr fоnrr:..iotr of arr inr.еrsiorr la1'eг еr'еn йth depleсting bеndings of еrrerg1-lrands. In
fасt, aт xu : 1.101a сttt-3. 5=100 сrrr/s arrd thегe is bеndinj of enеrgу Ьaп.ds rтith
tlrе Ьaс:.;гound, 9!: 10. tlrat Ьеirц thе сorrсеrrtration of hоlеs in the strrfaсе la"veг
P" > L1.i сttt_3. The fогrrred irrr.ersioв layeг гesрlts in гeсluфd Ьеnding of errеrg1',bands
and rеs.:iсtеd growth of r" rтith a dесrэase in tепrpегaturе
[10]. Еxistеnсе of strгfaсе
bendiпl lf еuегgy barrd aцd baсkground radiatiorr impеdеs aссuгatе сlеtеrminatiorr of S
at lorr..-зrpeгatufes. Horrэl-ег. rгitlr arr inсгeasе оf the ternpеraturr up to tlrе геgion оf
irrtriд'*i. .orrduсtivit5, l - 200 I{. rгlrerr f.. - 0 j,Ьaсkgouud еffeсt may bе ignorеd. aцd the
r'аluе о: : nra}. Ьe с.*lсlr}аtесl errotlф using.Shoсkly's fotnrula:-

-1_1_2. 5
т.-.:- , (d< Lа). (3)
7Ё тt сI

Т'..'rs.е.g., foг tirе spесituerr rr:ith a tlriсkrressоf d=50 дпr

рhiсh is lеs; t}rarr 14
аnd Т=- 0.I{. ;" =20 1l. is olэsегr.еd.сorгеspЪrrсlirrg to S < l00 сnr/s, а valttе til,i.l.,.'uy
lэе assl'l:.-,dfoг all spесilrletrs pгor-ided tlrat tlrеiг suгfaсе urrdergоesidеntiсal тl.еatnrent.

3.2. Pl.)toсonduсtir-itу irr С,d.,.Hg1-'Te rмith an ultгathin metal сoating

].-..aslu'etrrerits of 1liiotoсotrduсtir.itг of р-Cd.Hg1_" Tе bеfоrе and after dеpositiorr
of tttltt-. -rdlrсtirrg nrеtal la1.eгs rr.itlr tlriсkrress of 1-10 nш onto the surfaсе.of speсitnens
dеtttоn..rlte tlre follorr.ilrg:
1 as a гesult of сlepositiоrl of rariotls t1.pеs of.rrretals, plrоtosеnsiti.i.it1.
irr the
- 'rеgiоrr of tlrе sресtгtrnl гedtrсёs signifiсautl1.: Therе is inсrеasirrg
slroгtr.'.:.. reduсtiorr
rr'ith аl. .]сГ.еasеin tlre tlriсktress.of rrrеtаlltц.ег;
\\.itlr the satlrе thiсktrеss оf tlrе dеposited rrrеtal1a5,эг,tlre Valuе of rеdrrсtiorr оf
pltoto..-.-.тiг laгgeг irr
-tlrесase оf СLr.Ni.Ag.Cг.Au tlran in сase of Irr,Al.Qlэ.Srr:
Еffiсierrt lifеtirrre of i-. rагiеs: it rrtay lre сorrstarrt arrd it шay also d'естeаsе oг
i tlt.гl.а..

Т ., spесrгal dеperrсlесеof pltotrrсorldrrс.tir.itl-of p-Cd,.Hgr-..,Tb (х:0. 28) bеfoге

аllll аi:.' lч>сlsitiоtrof тlrе сot.)l)('r- lirl.егrтith а thiсkrrсssоf 10 aпtl 50 ,tr is gir.еu irr Figr'rгr
It i:. l.rе-ol-lstlгvссl тliаt rr.iтlt аrr itrс.гt'аsсof tlriсkrrс.ssоf tirс сlсtrоsitedСu la1.еr. tlre
r.alttr.,': ..сlrtсtiоrt of 1littlтosetls,
itlсtтases;,ltоrr'<'vсг.tlrе irritiаl*.ъ'aluе
of z.: 3 дs
t.<чtt;tilt. lrсlr:rttgс<l.Тlrt, lаrttегсlоеs agtее with tlrс Slюсklr. tlrеoг.y.



When еxplaining the obsеrvеd spесifiсities, onе should takе intо aссount that in thе
сasе of deposition of metals with g- ) tp,, bеnding оf eneтgy Ьands iцсгeases whiсh may
геsult in inequality of S ( L_Laf т" in fornrula (1)' i.e., loсalization of phоtoсonduсtivity
.ъ-. in thе SCR. Although S value inсreases slightlт after depositiоn of шеtal' this inequаlity
тrill not bе violated and, depending on the сhangе of L" ' tеrш т" maу eithеr remain
сonstant or сhange aгbitrarily. loсalization of photoсonduсtiгity in thе SCR mеans that
this rеgion сontributеs prеdоminantiy to phоtoсorrduсtivity under suгfaсе absorption.
In this сasе, fог totоl photoсonduсtivitу one may writе:

os:е.Yтs(Fn"*рp") (4)

vrherе 1 Ь the intensity оf gеnеration of elесtron-hole pairs: and Fпзtlfpз arе thе suт-
faсе rnoЬilities оf eleсtтoвs aцd holes rеspeсtir.еly, for rnost sешiсonduсtors, inсludiag
1d,Hg1_"Tе F,4l1u [11]. Thus' at т" ) 1., the rеduсtionof photosеnsitivity in the
.noгt.тl.arе rеgiоrr ma}. bе гelated to thе inсгease of photoсоnduсtivity irr thе SCR $/ith
lеss ruobilе сhaгgе сarrieгs than those rr.ithin tlre volumе of sецliсonduсtors.
For speсirrrens witlr a highег valuе of ;, after tlre dеpositiorr of metal, еither a
dестеasеoг сorrstanсy of т" is obsеrr.ed. If aftеr thе deposition of mеtal thе raluе of suгfaсе
bending оf thе eneгg1-band is small еnough so that L'- : L_ > |, thet Lуf тu ) S,
arrd т, rешains pгaсtiсally uuсhanged. In thе сasе of S > L1f тo,т, bесomеs lеss than
тo and quasinеutral rэlumе plays d major rolе in the fоrшration of photoсonduсtivity.
Thenahotoсonduсiir.itу is insеnsitivе to thе сhange of surfaсе шrebilivalid; values of S
сalсцlated rrsing (2) are q/ithin thе limits (0.8.2) 103 сm/s.
An inсrеasе in thе ratе of surfaсе тесornbination as a result of rnetal dеpоsition
Ь сausеd Ъy ao inсrease of сonсеntration .эf surfaсе statеs. This mi1 be a гesult of
mесhauiсal strеssеs at tlre intегfасе metal- senriсonduсtoг duе тo a diffегеnсe of еxpansion
сoeffiсiеnts of rnеtal and sеmiсоnduсtor.' Тhis is aЬo сonfirnred Ьy tlrе faсt that thете
are lnorе suгfaсe dеfeсts at thе intеrfaсе оf semiсonduсtоrs with less duсtile rnеtals,
Cu,I\i,Ag,Au, than at thе intегfaсе with rnоrе duсtile nretaЬ. In,Al, PЬ. Besidеs, with
an inсrеаsе of thе thiсknеss of the mеtal la1эr (from 3 to 10 ffm)' аs thе aдпorphous
stцrсtцrе of thе rцеtal tтarrsformg into a сr1-stallinе one, шreсhaniсal stressеs should arЬe,
rеsulting in an inсreasе of S, whiеh wе obsеrrэd during our eхperimеnts. Note, that thе
nсreasе ofthe сonсеntцation olsurfaсe statеs related to meсhаniсal or'erstгessesсarrsеd by
а diffеrenсe of ехpansion сoeffiсients in mеtal-insulator-semiсonduсtoг (\,IIS) struсtures
on thе bаse of Cd, Hg1-'Tе halе been оbsегved in [tz].
Analogous spесifiсitiеs of photoсonduсtiтity wеге alsо oЬsеrved for p-Cdg,26Hgo.zz Tе.
How.erеr, unlikе йatеrial of Рt}.pе, hеге.-rеsults of mеasurements pгorеd to'Ье moгe
сritiсal tо the t1pe of metal. Thus, irr thе сasе of dеpositiоn of Ni,Cu.Au,Ag,Sn тrith
f'. ) f.,alоngside ц.itlr a.геduсtion of phоtоsensitivity in t}rе shoгt-war.е гegion of thе
speсtгrrш a deсrеasе of т" is also oЬsегr'еd Figure 3. Thе сalсulatеd rъlue of S:10a
сm,/s w.asfouпd to bе highег by aв order п.hen сoпrpaгied with spесirnеns of n-typе сon.
duсtiтity. Afteг deposition of Al.In,Cг,Рb к.ith g* ( 9".a slight inсrease of т" алd




phоtossеnsitivit1. in tlrё slrort.паr.e rеgiоn оf tlrе

speсtrurrr rмasoЬегved rvhiсh may aЬо

bе e.iplained bу the сontribution of thе SCR plrotoсorrd.uсtivity.
' .^
з| {r
Зо'в l

= l

i0.6 -


0.2 -


Figuгe 3. Spесtгal photoгеsponse pеr inсidеnt

рlrЁton for РCdo.zвilgо.zz}е: 1. ;lvithоut сoveг,
тs =llJ;2:"with Al сover, d:3'0 nnr. тв =2ps: 3:*qli11
Crr-сovег'd=3.0,hm. 7j*0.5 и+tы

4. Conсlцsions
- i-
.\s a геs*it of thегural d.еpоsition of tЬirr theйnсonduсtirrg
Yсu-l}ш la,эrs of
Cu.\1..\g,Au,Al.Irr,Pb,Sn'Cr onto the сhеnriсallr. еtсhеd
....fu." oгCd, tlsr_] Tе. at 80
K. pЬt.ogonduсtir.ity сhangеs signifiсantly, i.е.. photosеnsitivity
in thе shйo.avе rеgion
of thе spесtrunr and еffесtive сonstаrrt of ielaхаrion tirrre
сhangе under surfасе absorpЬr,
oЬsеrved peсuliaritiеs are interprеtеd in teгrns оf a thеoгy
aссounting for thе influ-
еtrсеоf the гate of suгfaсe гесombirrаtion and' сorrduсtiтitу
or sёв on tоtal photoсonduс-
tivit}.. It hаs bеen shorr'n that mесhaniсal strеsses at
thе mеtal-semiсonduсor intеrfaсе
induсеd Ьy diffеrenсеs in thеiг ехpansion сoеffiсients
aгe thе.сausе of the itrсreasе of
сonсецтration ofтhе surfaсe states afteг цrеtal d.еpositiorr.

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