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One potential con for XYZ Electronics could be intense competition in the market, leading to a

need for a strategic expansion plan. To develop a QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix),
we need specific strategies and factors. Let's outline the process:

1. **Identify Strategies:**
- Market Penetration
- Product Development
- Market Development
- Diversification

2. **Identify Factors:**
- Competitive position
- Financial strength
- Technological capabilities
- Customer loyalty
- Regulatory environment

3. **Assign Weights:**
- Assess the importance of each factor on a scale, say 1 to 4, with 4 being the most important.

4. **Assign Ratings:**
- Rate the company's current performance on each factor on a scale, say 1 to 4, with 4 being
the best.

5. **Calculate Total Scores:**

- Multiply weights by ratings for each factor and sum up the scores for each strategy.

6. **Analyzing the Results:**

- The strategy with the highest total score is considered the most suitable.

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