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Revegetation Plan for streets

Hristijan Todorovski Karposh


Revegetation Plan for streets

“Hristijan Todorovski Karposh”
in Probistip Municipality

Probistip, 2023
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Revegetation Plan for streets “Hristijan Todorovski Karposh” in Probistip Municipality

prepared by:

Irena Boshkovska

Head of Local economic department

Local Roads Connectivity Project - PIU


1. Introduction
2. Project description
3. Findings of the ESS10
3.1. GRM
4. Findings of the ESS 6
5. Action taken by the responsible institution
6. Revegetation Action Plan
7. Maintenance
8. Conclusion
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh


Abbreviation Meaning

E&S Environmental and Social

ESS Environmental and Social Standards
Environmental and Social Framework

ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework

ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
GNM Government of North Macedonia
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
LRCP Local Roads Connectivity Project
MoSh Municipality of Shtip
MoTC Ministry of Transport and Communication
PAP Project Affected Persons
PIU Project Implementation Unit
WB World Bank
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Executive Summary

The Government of North Macedonia (GNM) received a loan from the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) World Bank for the implementation of the Local Roads
Connectivity Project (LRCP). The Project is to be implemented by the Ministry of Transport and
Communication of the Republic of North Macedonia and will support improvement of local roads and its
The contract for LRCP project with the World Bank – International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (9034-MK) is signed in November 2019.
World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standard 6 (Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable
management of Living Natural Recourses) is the standard guiding protection of biodiversity and
sustainable management.

1. Introduction
The Revegetation Plan was developed by Environmental and Social Specialist (ESS) from the Project
Implementation Unit (PIU) in LRCP, in order to give overview on the actions related to existing vegetation
taken prior and during the reconstruction process and to manage and ensure monitoring of revegetation
of the street Hristijan Todorovski Karposh in the Municipality of Probistip.

LRCP is financially supported by the World Bank and it’s guided by LRCP Environmental and Social
Management Framework (environmental and social due diligence instrument made to ensure that the
Project is implemented in accordance with the World Bank operational guidelines, Environmental and
Social Framework (ESF) including Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) and local legislation.

World Bank Environmental and Social Standard 6 (Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable
management of Living Natural Recourses) recognizes that protecting and conserving biodiversity and
sustainably managing living natural resources are fundamental to sustainable development. ESS 6 has
following objectives to protect and conserve biodiversity and habitats; to apply the mitigation hierarchy
and the precautionary approach in the design and implementation of projects that could have an impact
on biodiversity and to promote the sustainable management of living natural resources.

2. Project description
Under the LRCP, Municipality of Probistip applied with the following sub-projects for:

1. Reconstruction of street “Hristijan Todorovski Karpos” in total length of 275 m;

According the ESMF and ESS, and the screening done based on the submitted technical documentation
and Detailed design, three ESMP Checklists have been prepared and publicly disclosed as per ESS10:
Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure requirements.

PIU tendered the sub-projects for reconstructions of street Hristijan Todorovski Karposh as part of Tender
2, Lot 4. (за овој дел треба да го пополни тој што ја распишува набавката)
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 1 showing the location of the streets on Google


Mapa na slika od ulicata

Figure 1. Location of the streets (Google map)

3. Finding of the ESS10

3.1. GRM
About the planned activities for reconstruction of the above-mentioned streets, project affected community
(PAP) have been informed during the public disclosure for the ESMP Checklists by the Municipality of
Probistip.The PAPs have been informed about the opportunity to use the GRM for draft ESMP Check List,
and later during implementation construction activities.

Also, there were information, documents and GRM published on the official website of the municipality for
the planned project activities.

Public disclosure for the Project has been done on the official web site on the Ministry of transport and
communication Министерство за Транспорт и Врски (,

PIU official website

Реконструкција на уица Христијан Тодоровски Карпош (

GRM is established and well organized on the PIU official web site Механизам за жалби (wbprojects-

Before commencement of the construction works, box for receive grievance, complains and request was
placed in the premises of the Municipality of Probistip

4. Findings of the ESS 6

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Due to the transparent public disclosure and implemented GRM, the local residents of the above-
mentioned street aware of the planned construction works, requested from the Municipality of Probistip to
use reconstruction period of the streets for removal old trees, planting new trees and maintenance the
existing ones.

The main reasons why the residents of abovementioned streets demanded the greenery along the streets
to be cleared and arranged are as follows: the trees are tall and branched thus representing potential risk
for the tenants of the collective residential buildings due to the possibility of damage to the buildings,
danger to the health and safety of the tenants, street users, vehicles parked in the immediate vicinity, etc.

Some of the existing trees ware old, still there were also trees that should be arranged by the Public Utility
Company in order to completely improve the street landscape.
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 2. Str.Hristijan Todorovski Karposh tree line (before taken action)

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 3. Str.Hristijan Torovski Karposh(before taken action)

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure: 4 St. Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 5: St. Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Due to the requests of local residents in coordination with representatives of the Municipality, and the
Public Enterprise Nikola Karev , a separate field visit inspections from designated authorities to the
existing trees along the streets were conducted. Minutes of performed inspections were made from the
field visits (figure 7).
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Based on these Minutes, Municipality issued Decision to oblige PE “Nikola Karev” to carry out
maintenance, pruning or removal of the existing trees.

Zapisnik sken
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 6: Minutes of performed inspection

Based on the field visits and Minutes of performed inspection from authorized communal inspector, Public
Enterprise “Nikola Karev” have been stated following:

- Str.Hristijan Todorovski Karposh need to be removed 20trees acacia 9, maple tree 4, mulberry
2, pine 2, evergreen trees 3

With regard on the above-mentioned, the Municipality of Probistip, department for inspection works
issued Decisions obliging the Department of Parks and Greenery in PE “Nikola Karev” to perform the
requested activities, removal of trees, pruning or trimming of branches, etc.
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

5. Revegetation Action Plan

After the completion of the started construction works on Hristijan Todorovski Karpos street, PE Nikola
Karev will undertake activities for the realization of the Revegetation Plan. Based on the annual program
for 2023, the following types of trees will be planted on the street

- Miro Baraga 60 trees Canadian Maple

Picture 14 shows the species, while picture 15 shows the locations where the trees will be planted.

Figure 7 . Canadian Maple

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 8: Location for planting

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Figure 9. Location for planting presented

Table 1. Revegetation action plan

Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

Phase Action Timing Year Year Year Year Cost

1 2 3 4
Site - procurement February Х PE Nikola
preparation of seedlings /March Karev
- digging 2023 Annual
holes Programme
Vegetation Planting seedlings March 2023 PE Nikola
establishment Karev
Monitoring Vegetation continuousl Х Х Х Х PE Nikola
and monitoring and y Karev
Maintenance overall site Annual
inspection (Watering Programme
regime, Insect
control, tree

6. Maintenance

The maintenance of urban and city greenery in the municipality of Probistip is the responsibility of
PE Nikola Karev In its annual program (figure 13). PE “INikola Karev” has provided funds for
maintaining the existing greenery as well as planting new ones.
Maintenance measures will include:
- Watering regime,
- Insect control.
Monitoring activities includes:
- Tree survival.

7. Conclusion
Based on the received information, data, pictures, documents from the Municipality of Probistip and PE
“Nikola Karev” relating to the activities undertaken in the procedure of the removal and maintenance of
the trees on streets under the LRCP in the municipality of Probistip, it can be concluded that:

 the procedure is partly completed according to the national legislation;

 the procedure is partly completed according to WB ESS, ESS 6 and ESS 10;
 still missing information regarding final number of cut trees based on which a ratio of 1:3 should
be calculated to know the final number of trees to be planted. Despite the great efforts of PIU
ESS to obtain these necessary data, they were not provided by PE Nikola Karev. We note that
Revegetation Plan for streets
Hristijan Todorovski Karposh

the number of cut trees on Hristijan Todorovski Karpos St. according to the Minutes of performed
inspection from authorized communal inspector are also presented in this plan.

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