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1. Please give time to this workbook and WRITE ALL THE ANSWERS. Don’t just
think about them in your head. If you don’t write them down, it won’t be optimal.
2. Ensure all answers are super detailed.
3. Revisit this workbook and refill this every 6 weeks. As you put in more and more
content, you get more understanding, depth, and experience.
4. It’s okay if you are unable to find your exact niche as a lot of it comes from
experience. But, it’s always great to have a direction. We can always define the
niche even further later.
5. You can modify the questions a little bit according to your nature of business.

1. Describe the clear goals your target audience wants.

2. Write down the struggles of your target audience. No matter how big or small, just
write down as many as you can.
3. Why do you think they are unable to achieve their goals?
4. What are the mental struggles they are facing? It could be anything from simply
not believing in the system to feeling imposter syndrome.
5. Write down the top mistakes they are making that are keeping them away from
their goals.
6. What are the exact steps you would take to progress if you were in their place?
7. Write down the repercussions they would have to face if they didn’t achieve their
8. Write down the unsuccessful methods they might have tried in the past to achieve
their goals.
9. According to them, why did they fail to achieve their goals?
10. According to you, why did they fail?

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