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IGCSE English Reading and Writing Revision Paper

Total Marks: 40

Section A: Reading (20 marks)

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


The ancient city of Machu Picchu, often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas," is a 15th-century Inca
citadel located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru on a mountain ridge 2,430 meters above sea
level. It is situated in the Machu Picchu District within Urubamba Province above the Sacred Valley,
which is 80 kilometers northwest of Cuzco. Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was
constructed as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438–1472). Often mistaken as the legendary
city of Vilcabamba, Machu Picchu is renowned for its sophisticated dry-stone construction, which fuses
huge blocks without the use of mortar.

The site is divided into two main sections, agricultural and urban. The urban sector is further divided
into an upper town, where the temples and squares are located, and the lower town, which was the
residential area. One of the most notable structures is the Intihuatana stone, a ritual stone associated
with astronomic clock or calendar of the Inca. The terraces were used for farming, and there are also
numerous water channels and fountains which demonstrate the Inca's advanced knowledge of hydraulic

In 1983, Machu Picchu was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and in 2007, it was voted one of the
New Seven Wonders of the World in a worldwide Internet poll. Despite its remote location, it is now a
popular tourist destination, attracting over a million visitors annually. However, the influx of tourists has
raised concerns about the preservation of the site, leading to various measures aimed at protecting it from
damage and erosion.


1. What is the altitude of Machu Picchu? (2 marks)


2. For what purpose do most archaeologists believe Machu Picchu was constructed? (3 marks)
3. Describe the architectural style used in Machu Picchu's construction. (3 marks)


4. What are the two main sections of Machu Picchu and what do they consist of? (4 marks)


5. Explain the significance of the Intihuatana stone. (3 marks)


6. Why has the influx of tourists raised concerns about Machu Picchu? (5 marks)
Section B: Writing (20 marks)

Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:

1. Describe a memorable journey you have taken. (20 marks)

Your essay should include:

• A clear introduction setting the scene.

• Detailed descriptions of the places you visited.
• Your personal reflections and experiences during the journey.
• A conclusion summarizing why the journey was memorable.
• Discuss the impact of technology on modern education. (20 marks)

2. Discuss the impact of technology on modern education. (20 marks)

Your essay should include:

• An introduction presenting the topic.

• Examples of how technology has changed education.
• The benefits and potential drawbacks of technology in education.
• A conclusion that summarizes your views on the overall impact.




















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