Revision Paper 3

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Student Name:

Subject: English

Level: IGCSE

Test Score:

Date and Duration: May 24, 2024/ 1 hour

English Revision Paper (60 Marks)

Section A: Reading Comprehension (20 marks)

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.


The sun had just begun to set as Emma made her way home through the quiet streets of her
neighborhood. The sky was painted in shades of orange and pink, and a gentle breeze rustled the
leaves of the trees lining the road. It had been a long day at school, filled with tests and assignments,
and Emma was looking forward to the weekend.

As she walked, Emma noticed a small, fluffy kitten sitting by the side of the road. It looked lost and
scared, its tiny body trembling. Emma's heart went out to the little creature. She knelt down and
gently picked up the kitten, which meowed softly in response.

"Don't worry, little one," Emma whispered. "I'll take care of you."

Emma carried the kitten home and gave it some milk. She made a cozy bed for it in a cardboard box
and watched as it curled up and fell asleep. Over the next few days, Emma took care of the kitten,
feeding it and playing with it whenever she had time. She decided to name it Whiskers because of its
long, delicate whiskers that twitched adorably whenever it ate.

Whiskers quickly became a part of the family. Emma's parents were initially surprised but soon
warmed up to the new addition. Whiskers brought joy and laughter to their home, and Emma felt a
special bond with the kitten. She knew that finding Whiskers was a stroke of luck that had brightened
her life in an unexpected way.


1. (4 marks) What does the sky look like as Emma walks home?
2. (4 marks) How does Emma first come across the kitten?
3. (4 marks) What actions does Emma take to care for the kitten once she brings it home?

4. (4 marks) How do Emma's parents react to the kitten initially, and how do their feelings change
over time?

5. (4 marks) What is the significance of the name Emma chooses for the kitten?

Section B: Short-Answer Questions (10 marks)

- Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

• (5 marks) Why do you think Emma felt a special bond with the kitten?

• (5 marks) How did finding Whiskers change Emma's life?

Section C: Writing (25 marks)
- Choose one of the following tasks and write approximately 150 - 200 words.

1. Option 1: Descriptive Writing

Describe a place that is special to you. Include details about the sights, sounds, and feelings that
make this place unique.

2. Option 2: Narrative Writing

Write a story that begins with the following sentence: "As soon as I stepped off the train, I knew
this trip was going to change my life forever."

By: _________________________________________________________















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