Position Paper ENGLISH

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Roxas Avenue, Roxas City, Capiz

5800 Philippines




Reckless driving and lack of road safety are one of the leading causes of death in both
urban and rural communities and as society as a whole in the Philippines, the purpose of this
position paper is to shed light of the lack of planning in management measures, road
infrastructure and awareness of the community as a whole when it comes to driving and lack of
prohibition. As it shows from the Data measured by the Philippine Statistics Authority that more
than 39% of the 7,938 deaths in 2011 have risen up to 11,096 deaths in 2021, where lack of
road infrastructure and management of traffic have become the leading caused of death among
Filipino children age 15-29, with even old people as well-being endangered. In Roxas City, early
Sunday just yesterday of December 10, a collision between a pickup truck and three
motorcycles have resulted to three dead people with two others in near-death conditions in
Arnaldo Boulevard, Barangay Baybay of Roxas City. Investigations say one of the people, the
truck driver was under the influence of alcohol and was drunk when he drove his pickup truck
which resulted to the three deaths of the individuals in one fatal accident caused by the lack of
road safety and discipline among some of the unaware masses, another in September 6, 2023
when 2 individuals died and 1 hurt in a vehicular road accident in Barangay Mianay, Sigma,
Capiz and in 5 days back, a passenger bus lost control while curving which resulted to 16
people dying and 12 others injured as the it fell into the ravine. Even years back in March 4,
2021, a 69 year old senior citizen became of road death, after being bumped by a pickup truck
in a Saturday night at Barangay Santa Cruz, Ivisan, Capiz. These numbers will only increase and
thrive as more and more vehicles are being introduced without the lack of road safety.

Due to reckless driving, over-speeding, lack of vehicle and infrastructure maintenance.

Limited capabilities of the emergency dial hotline and ignorance or lack of awareness by some
drivers. By the Philippine Road Safety Action Plan of 2023-2028 will serve as the blueprint for
decreasing the total number of road deaths and accidents in the Philippines by 35% in the
future. By further road safety implementations, this can address the lack of infrastructure and
care among road management and vehicles, maintaining the quality of the roads especially to
steep and high-risk areas that are prone to accidents. Signage and adequate lightings are
necessary for introducing an advance traffic system that alleviate the dangers in the prone-

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accident areas and significantly contribute to the reduction of traffic, supported by advance
technological equipments and enforcers, as well as further launch of media campaigns to
spread awareness of the dangers and importance of road safety. Financial strains would be a
huge disadvantage in reducing road accidents and traffic, the challenge of enforcing an
organized traffic system, the manpower as well as the inherent societal and communal
resistance, mistrust and rejection. Prioritizing road safety remains a paramount to not only
Capiz but to the entirety of the Philippines itself in the reduction of traffic accidents,
considerations are needed for an adaptive strategy and not hurdle empty promises and create a
genuine commitment in the well-being of the communities, both urban and rural in spreading
awareness of road safety.

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