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IB Chemistry Multiple choice Higher Level (May) Topic 2/12: Atomic Structure MOG 4. Which of the following describes the visible emission spectrum of hydrogen? AT 4 B. c. M0g«. AD Mos « M06 s. A set of lines which are randomly spaced. A set of lines which converge towards a low energy value. Act of lines which converge towards a long wavelength value. Asset of lines which converge towards a high frequency value. ‘What is the correct sequence for the stages of operation in a mass spectrometer? A. [ionization vaporization | acceleration __| deflection B. [ionization vaporization _| deflection acceleration C. | vaporization [acceleration _| ionization deflection D. [vaporization | ionization acceleration | deflection Which species represent a pair of isotopes? ‘Species | Number of protons | Number of electrons | Number of neutrons L 12 12 12 M 13 13 13 P 1B 10 13 Q 12 12 14 A. LandM B. LandP Cc. PandQ D. LandQ How many unpaired electrons are there in the Co” ion? A 7 BS a MOS 6. which processes occur in the mass spectrometer? D. 1. Ionization by electron bombardment Il. Acceleration by a magnetic field IIL. Deflection by a magnetic field Land II only Tand Il only Mand III only 1, Mand II Which statements are correct for the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom? 1. The lines converge at lower energies. II. Electron transitions to n = 1 are responsible for lines in the UV region. Ill. Lines are produced when electrons move from higher to lower energy levels. Land Il only Tand III only Mand Ill only 1, Wand I Which of the following statements are correct? 1. The melting points decrease from Li — Cs for the alkali metals. Il. The melting points increase from F — I for the halogens. IIL. ‘The melting points decrease from Na — Ar for the period 3 elements. Land Il only Tand IIT only Mand II only I, Wand I The compound [Co (NH, ),Br]SO, is isomeric with the compound [Co (NH,),$0,]Br. What is the ‘oxidation state of cobalt in these compounds? pop> [Co(NH,),Br]SO, [Co(NH,),S0, ]Br 8 #3 #2 +1 8 #2 #2 +3 MOb 4 How many neutrons are there in the ion “O"2 A 8 B. 10 Ge 16. D. 20 ‘What is the purpose of the beam of high energy electrons used in a mass spectrometer?” A. Toionize atoms B. To accelerate ions C. To deflect ions D. To detect ions Which statement is correct about electron orbitals and energy levels? ‘A. Yitrium, Y, (Z = 39) is the first element in the periodic table with an electron in a f sub-level. B, The maximum number of electrons in one d orbital is 10. C. The maximum number of electrons in the 4th main energy level is 18. D. _Inamain energy level, the sub-level with the highest energy is labelled f. Which is correct about the element tin (Sn) (Z = 50)? Number of main energy levels | _ Number of electrons in containing electrons highest main energy level A. 4 4 B. 4 4 a: 3 | 4 D. 3 14 MOG 4. How many electrons are there in one j;Mg’* ion? A. 10 B. 12 c 14 D. 22 "ous mo 5. Mor 5, MOS 5. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in the species *Mg”*? ‘What is the total number of p orbitals containing one or more electrons in germanium (atomic number 32)? A. B. Copper consists of the isotopes “Cu and Cu and has a relative atomic mass of 63.55. What is the most How many electrons are there in all the d orbitals in an atom of xenon? A 10) B. 18 Cc. 20 D. 36 po BP Protons | Neutrons | Electrons 10 14 12 12 14 10 12 26 10 14 12 12 2 3 likely composition? ®cu Cu A. 30% 20% B. 50% 50% C 55% «45% D. 70% 30% Mow 7. ws, Atomic line spectra provide information about the... in atoms through the ...II.... I 1 A energy levels distance between lines B. atomic mass pattern of the lines C. number of electrons number of lines D, nuclear charge intensity of the lines Which molecule has the greatest polarity? A. Fluorine B. Hydrogen fluoride C. Hydrogen chloride D. Tetrafluoromethane pol 21. The separation of ions in a mass spectrometer depends on ‘A. only the charge on the ions. B. only the mass of the ions. C. the mass and the charge of the ions. D. only the velocity of the ions. Which of the following particles contain more electrons than neutrons? Tiaylth 2 UL 3K" A. Tonly B. Ionly C. Land Ilonly D. Mand Ill only The first four ionisation energies (kJ mol!) for a particular element are 550, 1064, 4210 and 5500 respectively. This element should be placed in the same Group as A Li B. Be cB yo? a yee & A certain clement with two isotopes of masses M and M-+2 is introduced into a mass spectrometer, ve ‘porised and jonised. Which of te following paths are most likely forthe resulting ions? 1 a m1 IV M = M+2 BO 1 eee av) <2 i DBD WV ot A certain element has the electronic configuration Is'2s*2p*3s"3p*4s?3d°. Which oxidation state(s) would this element most likely show? A. +2only B. 43oonly C. 42and45 only DD. 42,43,44,45 IB Chemistry Multiple choice Higher Level (Nov) Topic 2/12: Atomic Structure NOB4. The first ionization energies of successive elements in the periodic table are shown below. First ionization energy / kJ mol Atomic number Which statements are correct? I. Elements E and M are in Group 0 of the periodic table, I. Atoms of elements G and O have the outer electron configuration ns’, II. Atoms of elements B and J contain half-filled p orbitals. A. Land ITonly B. Land If only C. Mand Mi only D. 1, Mand I NO8 5. Arepresentation of a mass spectrometer is shown below. Q ae [ X@ TT to vacuum 77 pump amplifier chart recorder Which is the best description of the Processes occurring at Q, R and S when element X(g) is analyzed? Q R s A. | electric field applied X(g)+e° > X(g)+2e” | magnetic field applied B. | magnetic field applied electric field applied X(e) +e > X"(g) +2€7 C | X@)+e°>Xx"@) +20" | clectric field applied magnetic field applied D. | X@)+e>Xx"@)+2e" | magnetic field applied electric field applied NOB 6. No# s NOt 6. ‘The mass spectrum of a sample of an element is shown below. 40 a i a 7 B20 = x 0 Fi 64 65 66 67 68 mass / charge Which value is closest to the relative atomic mass of the element? A. 64.5 B. 65.0 C655: D. 66.0 ‘How many orbitals are there in the n = 3 level of an atom? A 3 Bue) ca 7 D9 ‘When Na, K, and Mg are arranged in increasing order of atomic radius (smallest first), which order is correct? A. Na, K,Mg B. Na, Mg, K Cc. K,Mg,Na D. Mg,Na,K Nobs NO6s. NOS 4 NoS6 What are valence electrons? ‘A. Electrons in the energy level closest to the nucleus B. Electrons in the highest main energy level C. The number of electrons required to complete the highest main energy level, D. The total number of electrons in the atom, What is the total number of electrons in p orbitals in an atom of iodine? AS B 7 G 17 D. 23 Information is given about four different atoms: atom, neutrons “protons: Ww 22 18, x 18 20 v 22 16 Z 20 18 Which two atoms are isotopes? Wand Y A B. C. XandZ D. XandY Which equation represents the third ionization energy of an element M? A. M*(g)>M*(g)+3e" B. M*(g)>M*(e) +e" C. M(g)>M™(g)+3e" D. M™(g)>M*(g)+e" Which statement is correct about a line emission spectrum? A. Electrons absorb energy as they move from low to high energy levels. B. _ Electrons absorb energy as they move from high to low energy levels. C. Electrons release energy as they move from low to high energy levels. 1D. _ Electrons release energy as they move from high to low energy levels. Not 4. Not 5. Nos # No3 5 Nols A certain sample of element Z contains 60% of Z and 40% of ”"Z. What is the relative atomic mass of element Zin this sample? 69.2 B. 69.8 Cc. 70.0 De 702 Which ion would undergo the greatest deflection in a mass spectrometer? A. or gr Cc. Bor D. ¢“oMoy" Which statement is correct for the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom? ‘A. The lines converge at lower energies. ‘The lines are produced when electrons move from lower to higher energy levels. ‘The lines in the visible region involve electron transitions into the energy level closest to the nucleus. 9A FP The line corresponding to the greatest emission of energy is in the ultraviolet region. What is the correct sequence for the processes occurring in a mass spectrometer? ‘A. vaporization, ionization, acceleration, deflection B. vaporization, acceleration, ionization, deflection C. ionization, vaporization, acceleration, deflection D. ionization, vaporization, deflection, acceleration Isotopes are elements with ‘A. the same atomic number and the same number of neutrons. B. the same mass number but a different number of neutrons. C. the same atomic number but a different number of neutrons. D. different atomic and mass numbers but the same number of neutrons. NA, Consider the composition of particles W, X, Y, Z below. Which two particles are isotopes of the same Nos, element? ‘ele | Numberof | Number of | Number of Particle | protons neutrons electrons w i 12 10 x 12 2 2 ¥ 12 B 2 Z B 4 10 A. Wand X B. XandY c. YandZ D. WandZ ‘The electron transition between which two levels releases the most energy? A. First to third B. Fourth to ninth C. Sixth to third D. Second to first A solid element, X, contains unpaired electrons in its atoms and forms an ionic chloride, XCl,. electron configuration is possible for element X? A. [Ne]3s° B. [Ar]3d°4s? C. [He] 2s*2p’ D. _ [Ne]3s'3p* WOO 7. ‘Abundance | 60 61 2 Mass. ‘The mass spectrum of an element is shown above. Which statement about this element is correct? A. The three isotopes are separated after being converted to negative ions B. The isotope with mass 62 will be deflected more than the isotopes with masses 60 or 61 C. The most abundant isotope contains 61 neutrons D. _ Its atomic mass will be between 60 and 61 Topic 2: Atomic structure SHEL OY 4. Which species has 54 electrons and 52 protons? A 2 Te B. SPXe* c BXe D. Te stevo4 —_—飗: —— «5. | What is the correct sequence for the processes occurring in a mass spectrometer? nization, acceleration, deflection ‘A. vaporization, B. vaporization, acceleration, ionization, deflection C. _ ionization, vaporization, acceleration, deflection D. _ ionization, vaporization, deflection, acceleration SPL 04 %. What is the electron configuration for the copper(1) ion, (2Z = 29)? A. [Atl4s?3d? B. [Ar}4s'3d” cc. [Arl4s'3d” D. [Ard”? moq TI a 4. Which is correct for the following regions of the electromagnetic spectrum? uv IR A high energy short wavelength | — low energy low frequency B. high energy low frequency low energy long wavelength Gy high frequency | short wavelength | high energy long wavelength D. high frequency | long wavelength | low frequency | low energy Moa Tl 5. Which species possesses only two unpaired electrons? A. Zn B. Mg Cc TF D. Fe* Moq T2 oS sai 5. The table below shows the number of protons, neutrons and electrons present in five species. ; Number of Number of Number of So protons |____ neutrons electrons x 6 8 6 Y 7 7 | 7 Zz 7 iu 8 w 8 8 8 Q 8 10 8 Which two species are isotopes of the same element? A. XandW B. YandZ Cc Zand W D. WandQ ms SS seiudn womens ioe 6. Whatis the order of increasing energy of the orbitals within a single energy level? A. dn=1 Me Which shows the sub-levels in order of inereasing energy in the fourth energy level of an atom? A fK"(g)+2e° B. K*(g) >K*(e) +e C. Kis) > K*(g) +267 D. K*(s) > K*(g) +e MI 4. What is the abbreviated electron configuration of the cobalt({I) ion, Co"? 722 A. [Ar]3d” B. [Ar] 4s°3d° C. [Ar] 4s? 3a” || D. [Ar] 4s' 3d° Mle 5. Which statement correctly describes the atomic emission spectrum of hydrogen’ v21 ‘A. Iisa continuous spectrum converging at high frequency. B. It isa line spectrum converging at high frequency. C. Its a continuous spectrum converging at low frequency. D. _Itisalline spectrum converging at low frequency. N14 4 Some possible electron transitions ina hydrogen atom are shown below. Which letter represents the electron transition with the highest energy in the emission spectrum of a hydrogen atom? n=5 n=4 n=3 N\4 % MIS aie Mis ape \ 5. Successive ionization energies for an element, Z, are shown in the table below. Electrons removed ist | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | Sth Tonization energy /kJmol' | 736 | 1450 | 7740 | 10500 | 13600 ‘What is the most likely formula for the ion of Z? asc Ze Beware eZ D. What is the definition of the term first ionization energy? ‘A. The energy released when one mole of electrons is removed from one mole of gaseous atoms. B, The energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms. C. The energy released when one mole of gaseous atoms gains one mole of electrons, D. The energy required to add one mole of electrons to one mole of gaseous atoms. “The first ionization energies (in kJ mof") of five successive elements in the periodic table are: 1314, 1681, 2081, 496 and 738 What could these elements be? A. d-block elements B, The last two elements of one period and the first three elements of the next period C. The last three elements of one period and the first two elements of the next period D. The last five elements of a period Uttraviolet radiation has a shorter wavelength than infrared radiation. How does the frequency and ‘energy of ultraviolet radiation compare with infrared radiation? ___ Frequency A higher B. higher lower | c | tower higher Hs, Tar Which ion will be deflected most in a mass spectrometer? A = a = age 0% & Which element has the greatest fist ionization energy? A B. ic D. Al Ar ct Cs 6 5 Which statement is correct about the first ionization energies of consecutive elements shown in the graph? 8 8 1000: 500: First ionization energy / kJ mot Saito 6. a 8 10) Atomic number [Source: Values from Nutfied Advance Science - Book of Data, Revised Exton (1984)] ‘A. The graph falls between Be and B because there is an electron in the third energy level. B. The graph increases from B to N because the atomic radius is increasing. C. The graph increases from Li to Ne because the number of electrons is increasing. D. The graph falls between Be and B because the outer electron in B is in a p sub-level. ws * A B. Acceleration Deflection Detection Vaporization ayaa. Which stage of operation immediately follows ionization in the mass spectror meter? REC 4. Which electronic transition would absorb the radiation of the shortest wavelength? Ae eee 5. 1b SPEC 6. Ab A B. G D. > o c D w 2 Al B Which is the electron configuration of the ion Fe*"? 1s? 2s? 2p* 3s" 3p* 3° 1s? 2s* 2p’ 3s* 3p 3d° 4s" 1s? 2s* 2p* 3s* 3p" 3d° 4s” 1s? 2s 2p* 38° 3p* 3d” 4s! Which element is in group 2? 1" ionization 2" ionization 3" ionization 4" ionization energy /kJ mot" | energy /kJ mot! | energy/kJ mot" | energy /kJ mot" 1402 2856 4578 7475 590 114s 4912 6474 403 2632 3900 5080 578 1817 2745 11578 vo

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