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Assignment one (10 Marks) Deadline: 07/March/ 2024

CHAPTER 6 Philosophical Roots of Education 159

In completing your philosophical project, you can reconsider such questions as:
1. Do you believe that knowledge is based on universal and eternal truths, or is it
relative to different times and places?
2. What is the purpose of education? Is it to transmit the culture, to provide economic
and social skills, to develop critical-thinking skills, or to criticize and reform society?
3. What are schools for? Are they to teach skills and subjects, encourage personal self-
definition, develop human intelligence, or create patriotic and economically
productive citizens?
4. What should curriculum contain? Should it include basic skills and subjects,
experiences and projects, the Great Books and the classics, inquiry processes, and/or
critical dialogues?
5. What should the relationship be between teachers and students? Should it include
transmitting heritage, teaching and learning skills and subjects, examining great ideas,
encouraging self-expression and self-definition, constructing knowledge, or solving

Assignment Two (10 Marks) Deadline: 14/March/ 2024

Chapter 13 --- Curricular Foundations 393
criticizing public education in Somaliland, be it educational goals, student performance and
achievement, academic rigor, teaching methods, or the preparation of teachers. Replacing
words with action is the necessary next step for educators, politicians, and the public as we
set goals for educational reform.
1. What are the main pillars of reforms and actions of Somaliland education to improve
the quality of our poor education system?
2. By following the above-mentioned points, how can we improve each and every one of
these important issues such as national education goals, student performance, rigorous
curriculum development, teaching methods etc.?

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