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Engr: Boguslaw Wilczynski TQ Reference Date: 2015-03-23


Synopsis: Downloading customized BTC with MiCOM S1 Studio 5.0.x

Product Family: P30 Product Type: P139/P439/C434 Firmware -61x/62x/63x

1. Description of the document

Main reason is to present procedure to send customized bay type onto P139 or P439 device
with MiCOM S1 Studio 5.0.1 tool.

Preparation of the customized bay type definition (.btc or .hex) is outside of scope.

It is assumed that '.hex' file – result of the BTC tool operation is available.

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2. MiCOM S1 Studio- establishing communication

Use 'Quick connect' to identify device and set communication parameters

Select 'Px30 Series'

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Select 'Serial port'

Select valid communication port for serial connection and push 'Finish' button:

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If previous step completed correctly - the device is identified and following information is

Push 'Finish' button – new device is identified and added to Studio Explorer:

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3. MiCOM S1 Studio - work with hex

h file

In order to import existing

xisting BTC file (AGS_Stw.
( [2].hex) onto Studio Explorer – use context menu
(mouse right-click)
click) on BTC folder:

MiCOM Studio shows 'Open file dialog' - please select '*.hex' file to import (right-hand,
(right bottom
corner ot the window):

New file is added to Studio Explorer ('.hex' extension visible onto 'Properties' window):

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4. MiCOM S1 Studio – customized bay type transfer

From the context menu (right click on the new hex file) select 'Send Customized Bay'
Bay command:

Required option is available for .hex file and not for .btc file !

Transmission starts:

After a while there is message:

Before accepting this window please follow the following steps:

1. Disconnect
isconnect device from power supply, press 'ENTER' and 'C' buttons on HMI simultaneously
and reconnect power supply. Device should present 'Flash EPROM Progr.' On LCD.

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2. Enter password – it is 'UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT','UP' pressed
one by one.
3. If device shows question marks – go back to point 1
4. If device shows decreasing chevrons '<' – wait until they disappear

Now it is good time to accept window on PC (MiCOM S1 Studio) with 'OK'

Transmission is continued:

Upon finishing it shows:

In order to make sure that operation was successful – please use 'Show Details' button:

Operation successful !

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5. New bay type activation

Once upload process is completed it is possible to use new bay type, customized bay type is always
with number = 999.

Following 'OK' device restarts and is ready to operate with new customized bay type.

• It is a good habit to activate new bay type definition with 'empty' device, after cold restart.
• If BTC file has got any mistake – configuration would be rejected. Two the most common mistakes
o bay type use I/O elements not available into actual hardware set.
o bay type use I/O elements already occupied by active signal assignment
• The same way user can upload another '.hex' files which could be customized character set or

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