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Name : Ilham Ramadhan

NIM : 2211102411163

Talk 1

1. Who is probably talking?

Answer : a Professor Martin
2. Where does the talk probably take place?
Answer : in Laboratory
3. When does the talk probably take place?
Answer : First Class Meeting
4. What course is being discussed?
Answer : sourse biology 101

Talk 2

1. Who is probably talking?

Answer : a teacher
2. Where does the talk probably take place?
Answer : in the classroom
3. When does the talk probably take place?
Answer : in current class
4. What course is being discussed?
Answer : Geography / Geoscience

Talk 3

1. Who is probably talking?

Answer : a tour guide
2. Where does the talk probably take place?
Answer : in Washington
3. When does the talk probably take place?
Answer : in the middle of a tour

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