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Exam Style Questions S6 HL Unit 1 and 2 [53 marks] 1 {Maximum mark: 5] 18N.1.AHL.TZO.H_2 A team of four is to be chosen froma group of four boys and four girls (a) Find the number of different possible teams that could be chosen. (3) (b) Find the number of different possible teams that could be chosen, given that the team must include at least one girl and at, least one boy. iP} {Maximum mark: 7] 18N.1.AHL.TZO.H_4 Consider the following system of equations where a € R. Qe + 4y—z=10 at+2y+az=5 5a + 12y = 2a. (a) ___ Find the value of a for which the system of equations does not havea unique solution. 2 (b) Find the solution of the system of equations when a = 2. (5) (Maximum mark: 8) EXM.1.AHL.1Z0.1 Let f(x) = <4 for—1 < & < 1.Use partial fractions to find Sf (a) de. [3] 4. [Maximum mark: 16] 22N.1.AHL.1ZO.11 Consider a three-digit code abc, where each of a, band cis assigned one of the values 1, 2,3,40r5. Find the total number of possible codes (a.i) assuming that each value can be repeated (for example, 121 or 444), [2] (ail) assuming thatno value is repeated Ql Let P(x) = 2° + ax? + br + c,where each of a, band cis assigned one of the values 1, 2,3, 4 or 5. Assume that no value is repeated, Consider the case where P(z) hasa factor of (a? + 3x + 2). (bi) Find an expression for b in terms of a. [6] (bil) Hence show that the only way to assign the values is a=4, b=5ande=2 (2) (bili) Express P(ar) asa product of linear factors. M (biv) Hence or otherwise, sketch the graph of y = P(x), clearly showing the coordinates of any intercepts with the axes. BI 5. [Maximum mark: 5] Consider the expansion of (82: — 2)" wheren € Z*. Determine all possible values of n for which the expansion has a non-zero constant term, 22M.1.AHLTZ1.6 [5] [Maximum mark: 7] 21N..AHLTZO9 —vV1-awheea €Q, a0. Consider the expression Vitor The binomial expansion of this expression, in ascending powers of 2, as far as the termin 2? is4ba + bx”, whereb € Q (a) Find the value of @ and the value of b. (6 (b) State the restriction which must be placed on at for this expansion to be valid a 7 (Maximum mark: 5) Three planes have equations: Qe —yt2=5 a+3y—z=4 ,wherea,beR. 3c —5ytaz—b Find the set of values of a and b such that the three planes have no points of intersection. International Baccalaureate Organization, 2024 19N.1.AHLTZO.H_3 [5]

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