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CQ Markets 2.

Client User Manual

CQMarkets 2.0– User Manual


1. WELCOME TO CQMARKETS 2.0 .............................................................................................3

2. UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS .................................................................................................4
a. Activate Your Login ............................................................................................................ 4
b. Login .................................................................................................................................... 7
d. Forget Password ................................................................................................................... 7
e. Reset Password .................................................................................................................. 10
f. Home page ......................................................................................................................... 12
g. Signing Out of CQ Market Online Trading System .......................................................... 13
h. User Settings ...................................................................................................................... 13
3. GETTING STARTED WITH CQMARKETS 2.0 .........................................................................14
a. Trade .................................................................................................................................. 14
b. Orders .................................................................................................................................. 17
b. Accounts ............................................................................................................................ 21
i. Shareholdings ..................................................................................................................... 21
c. Static Price ......................................................................................................................... 22
d. Streaming Price .................................................................................................................. 25
e. Chart ................................................................................................................................... 29

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CQMarkets 2.0– User Manual


This User Manual is intended to provide users a comprehensive overview of the functionalities
available in CQMarkets 2.0

CQMarkets2.0 itself is a trading tool that allows users to trade and place orders instantly; review
account details and status; access to live price and charts of different markets; as well as obtain
the latest news and research.

With this user manual, users will be able to understand the different modules available in
CQMarkets 2.0

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a. Activate Your Login

Figure 2-1 CQMarkets2.0 Login Page

This module allows you to activate and select your preferred ID upon first login

Activate Login:
1. Click on “Activate Login” link at CQMarkets 2.0 online trading system login page. (Refer to
Figure 2-1)
2. Enter your activation id in the “Activation ID” text box. (Refer to Figure 2-2)
3. Enter first company password in the “First Company Password” text box.

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Figure 2-2 First Company Password

4. Click on “Submit” button.

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
5. A page asking for second company password will appear. Enter the second company
password in the “Second Company Password” text box. (Refer to Figure 2-3)

Figure 2-3 Second Company Password

6. Click on “Submit” button. (Refer to Figure 2-3)

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
7. A page asking for your desired login ID, new password, security question and answer will
appear. Enter your desired Login ID in the “Desired Login ID” text box and click “Check
Availability” to check for the availability of login. Enter your new password in the “New
Password” text box, re-confirm your password in the “Re-type Password” textbox; select
your security question from the “Security Question” dropdown list and type in your answer
in the “Your Answer” textbox. (Refer to Figure 2-4)

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Figure 2-4 Select Desired Login ID

8. Click on “Submit” button.

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
9. Upon successful activation of ID, a confirmation box will appear. (Refer to Figure 2-5)

Figure 2-5 CQ Market 2.0 pre login page

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b. Login
Login: (Refer to Figure 2-1)
a. Enter login id in the “Login id” text box.
b. Enter password in the “Password” text box.
c. Click on “OK” button.
* Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.

Upon successful login, you will see the Attention module of CQMarkets 2.0

Figure 2-6 CQMarkets 2.0 Online Trading System Attention Module

Note: Welcome message, user Buy and Sell limit balance will display at the top left hand corner.


d. Forget Password
This module enables users who still remember the answer to their security question to reset their
CQMarkets password.
*Note: CQMarkets Administrator needs to change the user password status to “Reset Status”
before the users can proceed to reset their password.

Figure 2-7 Forget Password Page

1. Click on “Forget Password?” link at CQMarkets 2.0 online trading system login page.
(Refer to Figure 2-1 on Pg 4)
2. Enter user id in the “User ID” text box. (Refer to Figure 2-7)

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3. Click on “Submit” button.

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
4. A page showing your security question will appear. Enter your answer in the “Your
Answer” text box (Refer to Figure 2-8)

Figure 2-8 Security Question

5. Click on “Submit” button.

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
6. A page asking for your new password will appear. Enter your new password in the “New
Password” text box and re-confirm your password in the “Confirm Password” textbox.
(Refer to Figure 2-9)

Figure 2-9 Forget Password Module

*Note: New password must be different from past 6 password

7. Click on “Submit” button.

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
8. Upon successful change of password, a confirmation box will appear:

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e. Reset Password
This module enables users who cannot remember the answer to their security question to reset
their CQMarkets account password.

Figure 2-10 Reset Password Page

1. Click on “Reset Password” link at CQMarkets 2.0 online trading system login page.
(Refer to Figure 2-1 on Pg 4)
2. Enter user id in the “User ID” text box. (Refer to Figure 2-10)
3. Enter first company password in the “First Company Password” text box.
4. Click on “Submit” button.
*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
5. A page asking for second company password will appear. Enter the second company
password in the “Second Company Password” text box. (Refer to Figure 2-11)

Figure 2-11 Submit second password

6. Click on “Submit” button. (Refer to Figure 2-11)

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
7. A page asking for your new password, security question and answer will appear. Enter your
new password in the “New Password” text box, re-confirm your password in the “Confirm
Password” textbox; select your security question from the “Security Question” dropdown
list and type in your answer in the “Your Answer” textbox. (Refer to Figure 2-12)

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*Note: New password must be different from past 6 passwords

Figure 2-12 Security Question

8. Click on “Submit” button.

*Note: If you wish to cancel and start all over again, click on “Cancel” button.
9. Upon successful reset of password, a confirmation box will appear:

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f. Home page

Figure 2-13 Home page

This home page displays the following information (Refer to figure 2-13):
 User name
 User last login date and time
 User Buy and Sell limit balance
 Announcement post by CQ Admin
 Announcement/Messages posted by your company’s administrator in Attention Module

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g. Signing Out of CQ Market Online Trading System

Figure 2-14 Signing Out from CQ Market 2.0

1. Click on “SIGN OUT” at the top menu bar of the page. (Refer to Figure 2-14)
2. Upon successful logout. Page will be directed to CQ Market login page.

h. User Settings

Figure 2-15 User Settings Module

This module allows user to set the following settings (Refer to Figure 2-15)

Setting Description
Change Theme Display system in the color scheme selected
Change Time Out Allow user to set session timeout duration. Systems will logout the user if
the idle time is longer than the session timeout duration. Timeout duration
is from 10 min to 120 minutes
Change Password Allow user to change their login password. New password must be
different from past 6 password
Change Settings 1. Trade Require Password : Allow user to determine the need for a
password during trading
2. View Order Status : Allow user to determine if there will be an order
status module will be displayed after placement of an order
3. Trade Confirm : Allow user to determine if user should be prompted
to reconfirm the order before submission

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a. Trade
This module enables client to submit trades in different exchanges

Figure 3-1 Trading Module

Submit Trade:

1. Click on “Search” icon to search for the stock (refer to Search Stock steps on pg 15) or
alternatively enter stock information into the “Stock Code/Name” text box accordingly.
2. Enter the desired price in the “Limit Price” text box.
3. Enter the number of shares in the “Number of Shares” text box.
4. Select settlement currency (if applicable) from the “Settlement Currency” drop down list.
5. Key in Password (if applicable)
6. Click on either “Buy” or “Sell” button to place the order
7. If enabled, an trade confirmation window will be displayed. Click on “Continue” to proceed
(Refer to Figure 3-2).
8. If enable, an order status window will be displayed upon order submission. (Refer to Figure 3-3)

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Figure 3-2 Trade Confirmation page

Click on “Continue” button to acknowledge the submission of trade or “Cancel” button to

cancel the trade.

Figure 3-3 Order Status Window

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Search Stock:

1. Click on “Search” icon to search for the stock. Select an exchange from the “Exchange”
drop down list.
2. Select the alphabet which the company name starting from the drop down list.
3. Click on either “Stock Code” or “Stock Name” to select the stock
4. Selected stock and information will be populated accordingly

Figure 3-4 Search Stock

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b. Orders
This module enables you to view your orders. There are 5 sub-modules under this Order module:
 All Orders (Today): Display all orders for all statuses for the day.
 Working Orders: Display orders that are still in queue for the day.
 Trade Done (Today): Display orders that are done for the day.
 Order History: Display all orders for previous 30 calendar days.
 Trade Summary: Display total number of orders and its average price for each counter for
the day.

To access to this module, click on “STOCKS” > “ORDERS” at the top menu bar.

Figure 3-5 Order Module

1. The steps to Search Order are similar for the 5 different sub-modules (All Orders (Today),
Working Orders, Order Trade Done (Today), Order History and Trade Summary.
2. User can filter by market by move the mouse to the Markets tab. By default is ALL. It apply to
all 5 sub module (All Orders (Today), Working Orders, Order Trade Done (Today), Order
History and Trade Summary)

Search Order: (Refer to Figure 3-6)

1. Enter search criteria (Stock Code/Name).
2. Click on “Update’ button.
3. If found, details will be displayed in the table below.
4. To update the table, click on “Update” button.

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Figure 3-6 Working Orders

Tip: -To print the records, click on “Print” at the top right corner
of the page.
- To save the records to your computer, click on “Download As Excel” at the top right
corner of the page.
In addition to viewing of order status, you can also withdraw and amend existing orders as well
as submitting new orders.

Withdraw Order: (Refer to Figure 3-7)

1. Select order(s) to be withdrawn.
2. Click on “Withdraw’ button.
3. An order withdrawal confirmation page will display:

Figure 3-7 Withdrawal Confirmation

Check through the withdrawal details.

4. Key in your password in the text box and click on “Confirm” button.
*Note: To cancel your action, click on “CANCEL” button. You can withdraw multiple
orders by selecting the checked box beside the orders or by right-clicking the order and selecting
“Withdraw” (this selection can withdraw 1 order at a single time)
5. After clicking on “Confirm” button, an acknowledge box showing “Operation Success” will
be shown. (Refer to figure 3-8)

Figure 3-8 Successful Withdrawal of an Order

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Amend Order: (Refer to Figure 3-9)

1. Select order to be amended.
2. Enter the quantity to be amended to in the “QTY” text box.
3. Click on “Amend” button.
4. And order amendment confirmation page will display. Key in amended quantity.

Figure 3-9 Amendment Order

Check through the amendment details.

5. Key in your password in the text box and click on “Confirm” button.
*Note: You can also amend orders by right-clicking the order and selecting “Amend”. To
cancel your action, click on “CANCEL” button.
After clicking on “Confirm” button, an acknowledge box “Operation Success” will appear.
((Refer to figure 3-10)

Figure 3-10

Submit Order
1. Right click on the order to be resubmitted
2. Select Trade (Counter Name)
3. Proceed to key in order details

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 Click on “Update” icon to update the displayed information

 Click on “Printer” to generate a printer friendly page for printing
 Click on “Excel” icon to generate an Excel file
 Click on filter functions such as “Markets” perform filtering on the displayed
 Click on table header to sort based on selected column

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b. Accounts
This module allows viewing of the following information
 Shareholdings

i. Shareholdings

This module enables you to view the shareholdings details.

To access to this module, click on “Accounts” > “Shareholdings” at the menu bar.

Figure 3-11 Shareholdings Module

Filter Share Holdings: (Refer to Figure 3-11)

1. Select “Market” button. Filter by market or enter the relevant company code of the stock.

2. If found, details will be displayed in the table below.

Tip: To print the records, click on “Printer Friendly Version” at top right corner of the

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c. Static Price

This module enables you to view static prices and submit orders for markets that you have access
to. The information available under this module is:

 Sock Code/Name:
Enter Stock Code/Name to add counter into Watchlist or display searched counter

 Exchange:
Displays the different exchanges that you have access to

 Market Info:
Display top 20 Volume/Gainers/Losers.*Note: Option enabled only if an Exchange is

 Sector: Display sectors according to the Exchange

*Note: Option enabled only if an Exchange is selected

 Watchlist: Display counters from different Exchanges saved by the user

To access to this module, click on “STATIC PRICE”.

Figure 3-12 Static Price Module

Tip: - Mouse over some of the column headings to view their definition.


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1. Click on the “Search” icon to search for the stock (refer to Search Stock steps on pgError!
Bookmark not defined.) or alternatively enter stock information into the “Stock Code/Name”
text box accordingly

2. Enter the desired price in the “Limit Price” text box.

3. Enter the desired amount of shares in the “Number of Shares” text box.

4. Select a settlement currency (if applicable) from the “Settlement Currency” drop down list,

5. Enter the password in the “Password” (if applicable) text box.

6. Click on either “Buy” or “Sell” button to place the order.

7. If enabled, an order confirmation window will be displayed. Click on “Continue” to proceed.

Client is able to view prices via the following ways

 Single counter display via Stock Code/Name search

 Display by exchange
 Watch List

 Exchanges can be further filter by “market info”, “sector”, “alphabet”

 Data columns can be configure to show less/more data
Watchlist Module

This module enables you to maintain up to 10 watchlists. Each watchlist can display up to a
maximum of 40 counters from different Exchanges.

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 Load Watchlist

1. Select the required watchlist (Watch List1, Watch List 2 etc.) to load the counters for
the particular watchlist

 Add counter to watchlist

1. Select Watch List for which counter will be added to

2. Search for required counter via Stock Code/Name search
3. Counter will be added to the Watch List

*Note: Counters can also be added to watchlist by right-clicking on the watchlist and selecting
the watchlist to be added

 Rename Watchlist

1. Select “ ” icon to rename the Watchlist name

 Remove watchlist
1. Select “ ” icon to remove the watchlist

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 Remove counter from watchlist (Refer to Figure-Remove)

1. Load watchlist
2. Right click on the counter to be removed
3. Select “Remove”



 Clicking on a counter on the price display panel or right-clicking on a counter and selecting
“Trade” will prepopulate the counter details in the Trade Panel

d. Streaming Price

This module enables you to view prices as well as submit orders. It functions in a similar way to
the static price module.. Streaming price module allows automatic updating of price information
compared to static price whereby user has to refresh the price data manually. In additional
features as such stock analytics, charting that can be accessed from streaming price module.

*Note: Java is required to display streaming prices. Only for SET and IDX.

Please refer to Static Price module for details on (i)Price display (ii)Watchlist (iii)Order

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To access to this module, click on “STREAMING PRICE”.

*Note: Java has to be installed

Figure 3-13 Streaming Price Module

These functions enable you to view additional information of a selected counter.

 Stock Analytics
 Time & Sales
 Trade Summary
 Intraday Chart
 Trade Distribution Chart
 Volume Distribution Chart
 Advance Chart

Figure 3-24 Right Click Functions

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Stock Analytics

Time & Sales Trade Summary

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Intraday Chart Trade Distribution Chart

Volume Distribution Chart

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e. Chart

This module enables you to display “Daily” or “Weekly” or “Monthly” or “Quaterly” or

“Yearly” chart for a selected counter or indices.
To access to this module, click on “CHART”.

Figure 3-35 CHART module

View Chart: (Refer to Figure 3-35)

1. Key in the stock name or stock code in the Stock Code/Name text box
2. Select a counter from the dropdown menu selection box.
3. Select the counter
4. Move the mouse outside of the Stock Code/Name text box once selected the counter. Left
click the mouse and the selected counter’s chart is displayed
5. If there are more than 1 counter selected and wished to view all the stocks. Move the mouse
to the stock and click at the particular stock code tab. The tab is enabled and it will show in
the chart screen (Refer to Figure 3-36)
6. To remove the stock code from the chart screen. Move the mouse to the stock which want to
be remove, click on the tab and it will turn disabled. The stock is removed (Refer to Figure 3-37)

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Figure 3-46 CHART module

Figure 3-57 CHART module

Technical Indicators
NO. Indicators Description
1. Average Directional Index Measures trend strength without regard to trend direction

2. Bollinger Bands Bollinger bands and the related indicators %b and bandwidth
is used to measure the highness and lowness of the price
relative to previous trades

3. Commodity Channel Index Used to identify cyclical trends in commodities, equities and
currencies. Can be adjusted to the timeframe the market
traded by changing the averaging period

4. Exponential Moving Average Moving average that is similar to simple moving average,

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except that more weight is given to the latest data

5. Ichimoku Clouds Test analysis method builds on candlestick charting to

improve the accuracy of forecast price moves. Provides a
clearer picture of potential price action

6. Moving Average Convergence A trend-following momentum indicator that shows the

Divergence relationship between two moving averages of prices.

7. Parabolic SAR Used to determine the direction of an asset’s momentum and

the point in time when this momentum has higher-than-
normal probability of switching directions

8. Rate of Change A technical analysis indicators showing the difference

between today’s closing price and the close N days ago.

9. Relative Strength Index Chart the current and historical strength and weakness of a
stock or market based on the closing prices of a recent trading

10. Simple Moving Average A simple moving average is calculated by adding the closing
price of the security for a number of time periods and then
dividing this total by the number of time periods

11. Stochastic Oscillator A technical momentum indicator that compares a security’s

closing price to its price range over a given time period

12. Volume The number of shares or contracts traded in a security or an

entire market during a given period of time

Chart Settings
Item Description
Cycle 1. Change to minutes cycle
1 Minute
2 Minutes
3 Minutes
4 Minutes
5 Minutes
10 Minutes
15 Minutes
30 Minutes
2. Change to hour cycle
1 Hour
2 Hours
3 Hours
4 Hours
3. Change to Daily cycle
4. Change to Weekly cycle

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5. Change to Monthly cycle

6. Change to Quarterly cycle
7. Change to Yearly cycle

1. Change the Yearly record file

Chart type Change the type of chart

1. Line
3. Candlestick

Crosshair type Change the type of crosshair

1. None
2. Vertical
3. Horizontal
4. Cross

Gridlines Change the type of gridlines

1. None
2. Vertical
3. Horizontal
4. Cross

Show Navigator Checked to show/ unchecked to hide the chart


Show Legend Checked to show/ unchecked to hide the

counter’s legend

Show Y-Axis info Checked to show/ unchecked to hide the y-axis


f. Manage Widget

This module enables you to create and customize widgets.

To access this module, click on New Tab

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Widget Selection


Add Widget

1. Select the “Add” icon

2. Select a template from the available choices.
3. Select Use Template
4. The widget is loaded

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Rename Widget

1. Select the widget

2. Right click on the widget and click on “Rename”
3. Rename widget
4. Use “Enter” key to confirm

Delete Widget

1. Select the widget

2. Click on “Delete” icon

Change Widget

1. Select the widget

2. Click on “Change” icon
3. Select new module from the selection

New Window

1. Select the widget

2. Click on “Open widget on new window” icon
3. A new window will pop up for the selected widget

Delete Tab

To delete the tab, click the (red box). A Confirm window will pop up. Click
Continue to delete the widget or Cancel to return to widget page.

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