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Nuclear Energy

Human manipulation of nuclear reactions in order to generate usable energy forms such
as heat or electricity. Nuclear energy is the energy that is released during nuclear
reactions, either through the process of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.

Nuclear Fission
The nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts, releasing a large amount of energy.
This process is utilized in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

Nuclear Fusion
Atoms combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing even more energy. It is a reaction
in which two or more atomic nuclei, usually deuterium and tritium, combine to form one
or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles.

Nuclear Power Plant in the Philippines

The Philippines has only one nuclear power station located in Bataan, completed in
1984 in response to the oil crisis. The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) is a nuclear
power plant on the Bataan Peninsula, west of Manila, Philippines.

The power plant was completed in the 1980s but never operated commercially. The use
of the plant was postponed due to concerns about safety.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Nuclear power plants produce electricity without
emitting greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which contribute to climate change.
High Energy Density - Nuclear fuel contains a huge amount of energy in a small amount
of fuel. This high energy density allows nuclear power plants to generate large amounts
of electricity using relatively small amounts of fuel.
Reliable and Stable Energy Supply - Nuclear power plants provide a reliable and stable
source of electricity since they can operate continuously for extended periods without

Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

Radioactive Waste - Nuclear power generation produces radioactive waste that remains
hazardous for thousands of years.
Safety Concerns - Using nuclear energy has a great potential for catastrophic
consequences, including radiation leaks and long-term environmental and health
High Initial Costs - The construction of nuclear power plants involves substantial upfront
capital costs, including licensing, engineering, and safety measures.

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