Active or Passive

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This book (have to return) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the library

2. The other books (return)____________ yesterday.
3. That book (should return) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow.
4. These letters (be going to mail) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. That letter (ought to send) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ immediately.

6. This letter (must send) today.
7. Those letter (arrive) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yesterday. '
8. I don·'t have my car today. It's in the garage. It ( r e p a i r ) ~

- - - - - - - - right now.
9 • Kate didn't have her car last week because it.was
: in the garage. \Vn..
w1weu., .

(repair) ____________ , she took the bus to work.


10. The mechanic (repair) -----~..:.-.,~---'---Tina's car last

11. Glass (make) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from sand.
f I

. 12.•.,,• You
(should carry, not) ;,
large sums of
I ,

money with you.

J ·-u 1 ,...
13. Large sums of money (ought to keep) - - - - - - - - - - - 1n
a bank, don't you. think? "
14. At our high school, the students' grades (send) ________
. • • I'

to their parents four times ·eac~ y~a~. _, r .

15. I'm sorry, but the co~puter job is no l<;mger av~~lable. A new computer
programmer (hire, already) - - ~'~
" _~_ _'-'-
r--"- 1
_;• _ _ __

r ,·
16. Household cleaning agents (must use) ____________
. .
with care. For exampl~,
. mixing
chlorine- ble~ch with ammonia (can
' .

produce)-----,,----------'-~- toxic.gases.
17. What products (manufacture) ____________ m your
18. Aluminum* is a valuable metal that (can u s e ) - - - - - ~ - - - -
again and again. Because this metal (can recycle)___,;;_ _.:.,...__ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , aluminum cans (shquld throw away, not)

19. Endangered wildlife (mus[ protect) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from

20. People with the moral courage to fight against injustices (can find)

- - - - - - - - - - - - in every corner of the world.

1. In prehistoric times, huge herds of horses (live) --------::---:-:--
- ---,-- --

throughout the Americas-: But then, for some unknown reason-, :they
a:1\f "' .. '
(disappear) rl , completely from North ~n_?
South America. Even though the early horses (die) .:....·- - - - - -
out in the Amer_icas; they (survive) _____' _!.~-----;---in Asi~ ,
2. Long ago, horses (domesticate)* - - - - - - - - -~ :.a..--- by
central Asian nomads. At first, horses (use)-.- - - = - - - - - - - -
in war and· in hunting, and oxen (use) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'t__II for
,1 ~, .., ~-"'

farming. Later, horses also (become) ---__:...,..-=_,_,,.......,...,.......,...- far~

3. Horses _(reintroduce) _______________ into the
Americas by Spaniards in the early fifteenth centufy. Spanish e_xplor~r~ -
- - .. i ...... ..... .. ,,,, . '"- i ..,4

(come) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in spips to ,the New World w_ith their h9rses

on board.
4. When th.e explorers (return), ___________ to Spain, they

. '1·
, .some of their horses behind·
(develop) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ into wild herds. Native Arneri~an

tribes in the western.plains (begin)---------=---=-·· to use horses

around 16?0. ,Wild horses (capture)\,:-:-_,, ,---:--:-------;-• - - - and
(tame) ___________:-fotiuse in war and in hunting.
5. In the 1800s, there were several million wild horses in North Amtrica.
By the 1970s, that number had become less· than 20,000. The wild _.
horse~ (hunt) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and (kill) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
principally for use as pet f~od. Today in the United Stat~s1 ' . ~i1d horses i,i

( p r o t e c t ) - - - - - - - - - - by law. They (can kill, not)

____________ for sport or profit. What is your opinion?
( Should protect, wild horses) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by law?

*People domesticate (tame) animals. ,

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