Paper 1 Assignment (Mastery)

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In 2007, Toyota presented an advertisement for their zero-emission vehicles.

While most ads of such a kind tend to display a car as prominently as possible,

promoting its sufficient characteristics, Toyota’s advertisement focuses on the implied

advertisements of using such cars. Through the usage of general – in both meanings of

the word – concepts, symbolic images, a well-defined color palette, a clear and well-

structured motto, and the persuasive techniques, Toyota spread the message of their

zero-emission cars in a manner most suitable for their social response. As a result,

Toyota’s advertisement becomes a fully persuasive and engaging pieces of material for

the audience in question — environmentally conscious people interested in cars.

The tree, made of the human figures that come together to form the branches,

is the central image in the picture. The tree and the overall idea of people that live as a

single entity with nature is a powerful “Tap into the ideal” message compelling the

audience to think about the greenhouse emission levels. The concept behind the

drawing is also a perfect line for the car company that thrives on acknowledges such

concepts. Given; how the people inside the tree are naked, it conveys the notion of pure

and naked nature. Toyota harnesses on the idea of pure and clean with the thought of

clean streets that are free of emission. Through this picture, the car company essentially

passes the message that we should take care of nature from our thinking. It is creating

powerful persuasion over such presentable case to an individual.

The bright colors in the advertisement are very important and fulfilling their

role of catching the audience’s attention and emphasizing the message of the brand. The

green color is the dominant one in the image and represents nature, harmony, and

personal growth, which are the main values of Toyota as a company that wants to be

the leader in environmentally safe products. The light blue shade of the sky and white

clouds represent the background of the image that brings the full attention of the viewer
straight to the symbolic tree in the center of the image. The darkness around the borders

is becoming lighter in the middle, which allows focusing more on the central tree for

the viewer throughout the image. Also, the lack of other trees around the central one

creates an idea that the potential of growing is unlimited and the implication of that is

the positive impact that Toyota’s eco-friendly products will bring to the world of nature.

Due to the colors, it is calm and comfortable to look at this advertisement and get the

gentle reminder that mankind and nature have to be connected and live as one. It will

interest the viewer in the additional benefits of the eco-friendly vehicle which Toyota

produces. Apart from visual elements, the information is playing a significant role by

spreading the values and goals of the brand. A big “aim: zero emissions” phrase will

catch the attention of the viewer from the very beginning as the white color, on the blue

darkness background, can be seen from a long distance. It is telling the viewer that

Toyota knows about the existence of global warming and that it wants to eliminate it as

quickly as possible, understanding that its industry segment is one of the major players

in the big game.

What is more, regarding the text located at the bottom of the advertisement, it

more precisely explains the way Toyota strives to reach this aim, planning on innovative

environmental solutions at all stages of the vehicle’s life. As a technical detail, it

emphasizes the brand’s orientation at sustainability and underlines the efforts taken to

reduce emissions and lead to eco-friendly behavior. Adding conditions stating that

Toyota was selling the first hybrid car ten years back, it gains credibility and reliability

for the audience, proving that the brand has been working on at least environmental

improvement for this period. Inserting the link on the left side of the bottom of the

advertisement also provides a possibility for pushy audience members to follow the

links and read more about zero-emission capacity, making the information digestible,
while the company’s logo on the right side, highlighted in the same red color, keeps the

branding effort as it raises awareness. Voted for its placement and color, viewers will

remember the advertising and would like to know more about what happens once they

click on the link. Thus, the demonstration of applying textual features to inform and

persuade can be applied through the example of conducting the project and stating the

goal in the marketing manner.

Thus, the purpose of this advertisement is to market Toyota’s proposal of zero-

emission vehicles by showing how their products and humans, in general, are related to

nature. The marketing is unusual in terms of how the product is promoted and does not

display the looks of the vehicles. However, it is exceptional in that regard as it promotes

an idea that is extremely popular nowadays, and therefore, global warming. The product

itself can be marketed as attractive due to the implementation of very new ideas and

techniques that have a great perspective. However, it is the advertisement that is

attractive for the consideration as it demonstrates the use of visual features such as the

image of nature, symbolism, colors, and textual elements.

Summarizing, Toyota publicizes their new vehicles with zero-emission in a

powerful way of expressing how their products are connected to nature. This way of

advertisement is not normal but effective in attracting attention listeners as the idea of

global warming and ecological issues is very relevant nowadays. Therefore, Toyota is

a responsible company with an evolutionary approach to the critical situation with the

environment. Hence, this advertisement shall contribute to the general change in

peoples’ beliefs and attitudes toward the ecological problem, vehicles, and companies

that invest in new green technology.

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