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Questions answered incorrectly:

- Which of the following is a problem with thinking of your business as a funnel?

- Which of the following is the most important responsibility of a sales leader?
- Fill in the blank: Every step of your sales process needs to be _____.
- Which of the following should be included in your sales process?
- True or false? Making the steps of your sales process buyer-centric can be as simple as changing
their names a little bit.
- What's the sales manager's role in the second phase of a sales training, when the training is reinforced?
- What's the sales manager's role in the fourth phase of a sales training, when the team applies their
new skills in the real world?
- True or false? During a training, having participants role play with each other is an effective way to
build skills, even if there isn't an experienced person evaluating the role play.
- When creating interview questions for sales hires, which of the following approaches is a best practice?

Questions answered correctly:

- Which of the following is a benefit of using Jobs to Be Done?
- Which of the following is the BEST way to uncover the job that people hire your product to do?
- Which of the following is an example of a formal job story?
- Which of the following is a problem with thinking of your business as a funnel?
- In a flywheel business, which of the following is the most important source of new prospects?
- What are the stages of the buyer's journey?
- During the awareness stage of the buyer's journey, what is the buyer becoming aware of?
- When in the buyer's journey should you try to connect with a buyer?
- Which of the following is true of most sales organizations?
- True or false? Having reliable sales data is required to create an effective coaching program.
- During the Reality step of GROW coaching, what is your role as coach?
- During the Options step of GROW coaching, what is your role as coach?
- During the Way Forward step of GROW coaching, what is your role as coach?
- True or false? When you coach a salesperson, you should spend more time listening than talking.
- Which of the following is a benefit of GROW coaching?
- True or false? A good sales process has enough flexibility to allow salespeople to adapt to the needs
of individual prospects.
- What are exit criteria?
- What is the "source of truth" for every sale's status?
- Fill in the blanks: Each step of your sales process is a combination of _____ and _____.
- True or false? You can forecast as accurately with an informal sales process as you can with a formal
sales process.
- Which of the following has the biggest impact on potential leads?
- When choosing a sales methodology, what's the most important thing to keep in mind?
- True or false? Combining multiple methodologies causes confusion and low performance.
- What is the best way to provide content to your sales team?
- What format should your sales playbook be in?
- What's the sales manager's role in the third phase of a sales training, when the sales team converts
knowledge into behavior?
- Which of the following is an example of an ineffective coaching technique that should be avoided?
- True or false? During coaching sessions, the salesperson needs to identify their own path forward.
- What's the best way to avoid making bad sales hires?
- True or false? The sales team needs to be using the same hiring process used by other departments.
- True or false? Job interviews are highly predictive of how successful a person will be after they're hired.
- When building a recruiting strategy, which of the following is a good long-term tactic?
- Which of the following should be the primary focus of your sales onboarding program?
- Which of the following is a best practice for onboarding newly hired salespeople?
- True or false? At the end of a good onboarding program, the newly hired salesperson will know
everything they'll need to know in their new role.
- Which salesperson would most benefit from a coaching program?

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