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Biological Molecules

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Enzymes are __________.

A Fats
B Proteins
C Carbohydrates
D Inorganic catalysts ( )

2. An enzyme will give a positive result with the __________.

A Benedict’s test
B Starch test
C Ethanol emulsion test
D Biuret test ( )

3. The ‘lock-and-key’ hypothesis explains one of the enzyme characteristics. Which of the following is
the characteristic illustrated by the ‘lock-and-key’ hypothesis?

A Enzymes speed up chemical reactions

B Enzymes are required in minute amounts
C Enzymes are specific in action
D Enzymes are affected by temperature ( )

4. Andy noticed that a certain chemical inside apples causes them to turn brown. He wants to find out
if this chemical is an enzyme. How can he determine if the chemical is an enzyme?

A Peel the apple and see if it turns brown when exposed to air.
B Boil the apple and see if it turns brown when exposed to air.
C Add a few drops of iodine to the apple and see if it turns brown.
D Add a few drops of distilled water to the apple and see if it turns brown. ( )
5. The graph below shows the effect of temperature on enzyme reaction.

Rate of

Which of the following statements best interprets the graph?
A Increase in temperature increases the rate of the enzyme catalysed reaction.
B Increase in temperature decreases the rate of the enzyme catalysed reaction.
C There is a temperature in which the enzyme is most active.
D Extreme temperatures denature the enzyme. ( )
6. The diagram below shows the process of breaking down of a sucrose molecule into its products.


Which of the following options is correct?


A Sucrose Sucrase Glucose Fructose

B Sucrase Sucrose Glucose Fructose

C Sucrase Sucrose Glucose Glucose

D Maltase Sucrose Glucose Glucose

( )
7. The colour of mixture at the end of Benedict’s test can indicate the amount of reducing sugar
present. 3 samples, X containing 10% glucose, Y containing 5% sucrose and Z containing 1%
glucose is tested. Which of the following options is correct?


A Blue mixture Green mixture Brick-red precipitate

B Brick-red precipitate Green mixture Blue mixture

C Brick-red precipitate Blue mixture Green mixture

D Brick-red precipitate Brick-red precipitate Green mixture

( )

Structured Questions
8. Mary carried out an investigation to study the effects of temperature and pH on rate of enzyme
activity, using hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme catalase. The enzyme catalase can be obtained
from potatoes.

The enzyme catalase aids in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. When broken down, hydrogen
peroxide produces water and oxygen gas.

hydrogen peroxide water + oxygen
The experiment is first carried out by keeping the pH constant and the temperature is varied. The
table below shows the results of Experiment I.

Temperature Time needed to collect 5 cm3 of oxygen

(oC) (minutes)

0 No oxygen produced

10 20

20 15

30 10

40 5

50 17

60 X
The experiment is then repeated with different pH values but keeping the temperature constant.
The table below shows the results of Experiment II.

pH Time needed to collect 5 cm3 of oxygen


4 24

5 18

6 5

7 18

8 Y

(a) What is the optimum temperature and pH for this reaction? [2]
Optimum temperature:

Optimum pH:

(b) Suggest a suitable value for Y. [1]

Y: ____

(c) Suggest a suitable value for X. Explain. [3]

X: ____

(d) Why is there a need to keep the pH constant when investigation for the effect of temperature
on enzyme activity? [2]

(e) Mary used only a small amount of potatoes in this experiment. Explain why only a small

amount of potatoes is needed. [2]

9. A student carried out two different laboratory tests on a two food samples, P and Q. The results of
the tests are recorded in the table below:
Starch test Benedict’s test Biuret test Ethanol
emulsion test

P Yellow solution Blue solution is Violet solution is Cloudy white

is formed formed formed emulsion formed

Q Blue-black Blue solution is Blue solution is Clear colourless

solution is formed formed solution is
formed formed

(a) What type of nutrient are present in the food samples? [3]
P: ___________

Q: ____________

(b) Give an example for the food, P. [1]

(c) In order to further test the food sample Q, the food sample was mixed with solution X. The
food sample Q is then tested again with Benedict’s test. This time, brick-red precipitate is
formed. What can you deduce from this? [3]
10. Savinase is a protease enzyme found in laundry detergents.
Fig. 6.1 shows the results of an investigation into the effects of temperature and pH on the rate of
Savinase activity.

Fig. 6.1

(a) Describe two ways the effect of temperature on Savinase activity differs from the effect of
temperature on a protease that functions in the human stomach.

(b) Suggest why laundry detergents that contain Savinase also contain chemicals that
dissolve to form an alkaline solution.

(c) Suggest why laundry detergents containing Savinase as the main component may not be
consumer’s choice after all?

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