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In the world where knowledge is a powerful tool and the brain has been the source of

progression, let’s rest our mind and let our heart talk as we welcome you to this year’s
momentous event, a night of exuding beauty and sophistication. This is the Juniors-Seniors
Promenade Night of Villaflores College.

Let us be enamored by dazzling beauty of our attendees as we commence the program. Ladies
and gentlemen, the GRAND ENTRANCE!

Approaching are the following:

 Colors with ROTC Officers

 Faculty and Staff
 Administration
 Cluster’s muses and escorts:
 Cluster of Love……Mira, Cliff Rob & Capilla, Madelyn Shaye
 Cluster of Faith…….Abejuela, Chris Benedict & Olis, Joellah
 Cluster of Hope……Bulfa, Jasper Kieth & Evangelista, Georgylaine
 Cluster of Wisdom…..Baena, Paolo & Quitoy, Jhel Maureen
 Cluster of Progress…..Luce, Jomarie Niño & Casal Gellou
 Cluster of Humanities…..Borromeo, Benedict & Magalso, Kris Ann
 Cluster of Unity……….Mercader, Yaco Joaquim & Saga, Stephanie
 Cluster of Peace……….Meneses, James Vergel & Jimol, Krisville

Once they stepped down from the stage…..

At this point, let’s us witness the exchange of Flower Pins and Flower Bracelets by our
Junior and Senior students.

Let’s us start with,

 Cluster of Love
 Cluster of Faith
 Cluster of Hope
 Cluster of Wisdom
 Cluster of Progress
 Cluster of Humanities
 Cluster of Unity
 Cluster of Peace

Thank you very much handsome and beautiful Junior and Senior students of this esteemed

To formally start our event, may I request everyone to stand for the prayer and please remain
standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and Villaflores College Hymn.
Please be seated! To give us the Welcome Remarks, may I request Mr. Orlando G. Alonso
(JHS & SHS Principal) A round of applause!

Thank you Sir for your inspiring and warm welcome to all the attendees tonight. May your words
of wisdom be our moving force as we enjoy the night here in the VC gymnasium.

Now for the turn over ceremony of our institution, we’ll start with the Book of Knowledge to be
facilitated by Ms. Melissa Ragodo (the predecessor) and Mr. Girielo Sienes (the successor).

For the Key of Responsibility, Mr. Mark Wilson Vargas (the predecessor) and Mrs. Raivlyn
Calibugar (the successor).

Thank you so much seniors and juniors, may you fulfill your noble obligations to our school in
general and to your fellow schoolmates in particular for the next school year.

One of the most-awaited parts of this event is the traditional cotillion de honor that serves as
the prelude to the dancing portion of the Prom. And to showcase the gracefulness and the
inclination of the VCIans tonight, let’s now welcome the Cotillion de Honor from the Cluster of
Love and Faith. Let’s give them a round of applause!

Thank you, cotillion de honor dancers for your awe-inspiring performance. You almost moved
heaven and earth in dancing!

Predicting outcomes of our future success is a joy to do but there is one effective way to find
out! Let our Class Prophet take his course in giving fearless predictions and formidable
forecasts not based on Chinese astrology or tarot cards but merely on the ambitions & career
paths of his dear classmates. To interpret the vibrations, may I request the presence of Mr.
Jade Catacutan for the reading of the Class Prophecy.

Thank you very much Jade.

So, I don’t want to waste another moment of your time. To proceed, let’s witness gracefulness
of the Clusters for their presentation. A round of applause please!

No JS Prom is considered memorable in the absence of candle-lighting ceremony. Such

ceremony symbolizes the hand-over of the candles to the next bearers so as to lead & guide our
school and its stakeholders in reaching their dreams and aspirations.

May I call on now the junior and senior students for the lighting of candle ceremony.
Thank you students for participating in that ceremony, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you
will be successful in whatever chosen field to be undertaken in the near future.

At this point in time, I am quite sure that everyone is excited to get the taste of luscious &
sumptuous food to be served for dinner by the accommodating crew members of the school
canteen. So before I prolong such “digestive revolution” inside us, may I request Ms. Jona Fe
Zerna (Grade 7 Adviser) to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the food.

”IT’S EATING TIME!” Let’s enjoy the food in observance of the table etiquette as usual.

Happy Eating, everyone! Bon appetite! (Dinner)

After dinner…….

I’m pretty sure that our stomach is full. We have now come to one of the highlights in this
dazzling and magical night. The awarding of the following:

 JS Prom 2024 King & Queen

 Star of the Night
 Best in Gown and Suit

To announce the winners, may I call Ms. Thresha Ann Pada (SHS Adviser)

Congratulations to the winners!

And that concludes this social gathering.

It’s not what you did here today that’s important, but what you make yourselves tomorrow. You
will look back on this night with fond memories, some of us will be lucky enough to be with the
same person and others will have found new loves or interests.

So when you leave this gymnasium tonight, don’t think of it as an ending, but a beginning of a
new life.

This has been Frisco Cabugnason Jr., your host for this event. Signing off, may GOD bless us
all and let the dance begin!

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