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 DR. JOSE RIZAL Dr. Jose Rizal, the greatest hero of the Philippines, was a “many-
splendored” genius. He was richly dowered by god with superb intellectual, moral and
physical qualities. Truly, he ranks with the world’s geniuses. He was an anthropologist,
botanist, businessman, cartographer, dramatist, economist, educator, engineer,
essayist, entomologist, ethnologist, farmer, folklorist, geographer, grammarian,
historian, horticulturist, humorist, lexicographer, linguist, musician, novelist, painter,
physician, poet, philologist, philosopher, polemist, psychologist, satirist, sculptor,
sportsman, sociologist, surveyor, traveler, and zoologist.
 The World When Rizal Was Born In 1861, the year when Rizal was born, the Philippines
was browsing redolently beneath the shadow of the Cross. Pax Hispanica reigned over
the entire archipelago. The people, despite their bondage to Spain, were enjoying their
serene, simple, and Christian way of life.
 March of 1861 saw the emancipation of the serfs in Russia by Czar Alexander II. The
following month of Civil War exploded in the United States over the slavery question
and the issue of secession. Europe was in turmoil. The German States were being forged
into one nation by Bismarch, notwithstanding Austria’s opposition.
 The Birth of A Hero Near midnight of Wednesday, June 19, 1861, when the Philippines
was in deep slumber, a frail baby-boy was born to the Rizal family in Calamba, Laguna. It
was a moonlit night, being “a few days before the full of the moon.” The delivery was
exceedingly difficult, and the mother almost died. Her seemingly miraculous survival
was attributed to Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage.
 He was named “Jose” by his pious mother, in honor of St. Joseph. It was customary for
Catholic parents to name their children after the saints. The full name of the baby boy,
who was destined to become the greatest genius and hero of the Philippines, was Jose
Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.
 Ancestry of Rizal Jose Rizal, like a typical Filipino, was of mixed ancestry. In his veins
flowed the bloods of both East and West – Negrito, Indonesian, Malay, Chinese,
Japanese and Spanish.
 The reporter didn’t report.
 None

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