Unit 1 Practice Sheet Model Answer

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The International School of Elite Education

Key stage 3- Year 7 September 2023

Name: ………………………………………..
Unit 1 practice sheet Science Department
Question 1:

a-Figure 1 shows a plant cell.

Some parts of the cell have been labelled.

b-In which part of the plant would you find the cell in Figure 1?
Tick one box.

c-Which three parts found in a plant cell are not present in animal cells?
Tick one box.

√ 1
d-Give one function of the nucleus.

………………………………It acts as the control center of the cell…………………………………

e-Cardiac muscle is one type of muscle found in the body.
What is the correct order of these structures from the simplest level of organization to the most complex? Tick one

f-Which diagram shows a muscle cell? Tick one box.

Explain why muscles cells contain many mitochondria.

They require more energy to function than other cells.

g-Muscles require a lot of oxygen when they are in use.

Name the type of cell that carries oxygen to the muscles. ………………Red blood cell……………..

Question 2:

Bacteria are micro-organisms and can be used in food production.

It is important to find out the best conditions for bacteria to reproduce.

When bacteria reproduce, they form colonies.

This Petri dish has six bacterial colonies.

(a) How do you know these bacteria need oxygen to reproduce?

……no colonies found (without oxygen) / number of colonies is always 0 / colonies only found where there is oxygen…

(b) The colonies formed are different sizes.

Suggest a method for measuring the size of the colony.
diameter / use a ruler

(c) Here is a graph of the results without oxygen.

all points plotted
correctly = 1 mark

line joining points

= 1 mark

(i) Draw the results with oxygen on the same graph.

(ii) Use the graph to predict the number of colonies at 60°C.

Number of colonies at 60°C without oxygen = ……0….

Number of colonies at 60°C with oxygen = ………Range 20 to 0……………….

Question 3:
Luka investigates the properties of four different metals.
(a) His first investigation is about heat conduction.
Luka heats the end of each metal rod. Some of the wax will heat up, melt and drip off the rod.

(i) Luka heats each metal rod for the same amount of time.
Suggest two other things he should keep the same to make it a fair test.

heating the same point / position on the rod

same distance from flame / heat source
same flame / heat source
same thickness of wax/same type of wax Or
Measurement – mass /
(ii) He wants to compare how well the four metals conduct heat. amount /
Suggest a measurement he could take and the apparatus he could use. weight of wax melted
Apparatus –
Measurement ………length of bare metal/length of un-melted wax…………… balance/scales


(iii) Luka records his results. Draw a results table for him to use.

(b) Luka’s second investigation is about the conduction of electricity.
Here are his results.

(i) Which metal would be the best to use for electrical wires? ………………………(metal) B………….

(ii) Suggest one other property of metals that is important when making
electrical wires.


Jamal investigates the diffusion of ink in water.
He uses this apparatus.

Jamal records the time it takes for the ink in each tube to diffuse evenly.

Here are his results.

(a) The same volume of water is used in each test tube.

Why is this important?

……………………to make a fair comparison / make the test fair…………………………….

(b) Jamal draws a graph.

i) Finish plotting the graph using Jamal’s results.

(ii) Jamal thinks that the result for one temperature is wrong.

The wrong result is at °C. ………………20…………….

(iii) Draw the best straight line through the correct points.

(c) Jamal notices his results show a pattern.
Describe the pattern of his results.

(idea that) the higher the temperature of the water, the quicker the ink diffuses

(d) Suggest one way Jamal could improve his investigation.

repeat the 20°C result.

repeat and work out the mean.
take results at more temperatures.

Question 5:

The diagram shows what a plant cell looks like under a microscope.

(a) Name the part labelled X.


(b) State two features which you can see in the diagram that are not found in animal cells.
1 ........................................Chloroplsts...............................
2 ..........................................Cell wall.................................

(c) Explain why a microscope must be used to see a plant cell like this.
......................................Cells are microscopic structures that are too small to be seen by eyes..................

Question 6:
The pictures show some equipment found in science classrooms.
(a) Name object E.


(b) Write the letter of the piece of equipment best suited for each task.

Measuring the mass of a small rock 25 g. Digital balance.....

Measuring the length of a book 10 cm. Ruler.........

Measuring the volume of a liquid 5 cm3. .........Measuring cylinder.......

(c) Give one reason why equipment A is not suitable for keeping a liquid for a long time.

It has a wide opening (large surface area), which will allow particles of water to evaporate quickly.


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