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Dosen Pengampuh : FITRIANI,S.PD.M.HUM.

Disusun Oleh :

Didi Saputra (092302013)






Adoration writer prayed to Allah SWT for His grace and mercy is fast approaching sothis
paper can be resolved. In preparing this paper, the authors have tried as muchas possible, which
has been time-consuming and priceless of all those whoaid, which directly represent a
positive incentive for authors when facing obstacles togather resource materials for writing a
paper this.But realize that the authors of this paper are still very far from perfection, both interms
of the presentation of the material and in terms of language. Hence the adviceand constructive
criticism are always authors expect in order to complement andenhance this paper.

Baubau, 03 Mei 2024


HALAMAN SAMPUL........................................................................................... i

KATA PENGANTAR............................................................................................ ii

DAFTAR ISI ............................................................................................................ iii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ................................................................................ 4

A. Background........................................................................................ 4

B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................ 4

C. Objectives ........................................................................................... 4

BAB II PEMBAHASAN.................................................................................... 5

A. Understanding................................................................................... 5

B. Purpose Descriptive Text................................................................. 5

C. Structure Text (Generic Structure) ................................................. 5

D. Characteristics Descriptive Text................................................ 6

E. Characteristics Descriptive Text. ............................................. 7

F. Contoh Descriptive Text........................................................... 7

BAB IV PENUTUP............................................................................................... 9

A. Kesimpulan......................................................................................... 9

B. Saran.................................................................................................... 9

DAFTAR PUSTAKA..................................................................................... 10

A. Background
Descriptive text, or in terms of writing simply known as "description" is one
Englishlessons to be mastered not only by the junior high school children, but also by thehigh
school kids, students and anyone who loves the English language.

Becauseafter all, writing descriptive material is necessary for the development of

Englishlanguage proficiency us.Some of the writers, particularly writers of fiction, has the ability
to write descriptivetext so well that writing is very readable at the same time easy to
understand.Therefore, if we are able to master this lesson well, we might later be a great writerin
the future.Furthermore, explanations and examples of descriptive text could help my friend
whois or is still a long way to learn English. Do not hesitate to read the descriptive textbelow, the
more we read the more we can understand it. And it would be nice if wenot only understand
itself, but also can write their own descriptive text

B. Formulation Of The Problem

2. Purpose Descriptive Text
3. Structure Text (Generic Structure)
4. Characteristics Descriptive Text
5. Sample Descriptive Text and explanation.

C. Destination Problem
To complete the task and learn the meaning of a text description.

A. Understanding
Before looking What is the definition of descriptive text as a whole, let us
understandwhat is meant by the word descriptive itself. Descriptive is an adjective that if
wemean in Indonesian means that the description (picture). If you were asked todescribe an
object, it means you have to describe the object in question both in thesize, color and so
forth. According to Wikipedia, is a Descriptive text is: "one kaedahdata processing effort into
something that can be expressed clearly and preciselywith the aim that can be understood by
people who do not directly experience it foryourself." So what is meant by descriptive text is an
article or text that describes theproperties inherent in something, be it humans, animals, plants, or
inanimate objectssuch as houses, cars and so forth.
B. Purpose Descriptive Text
Judging from the above understanding, then in fact we are able to understand whatis the
purpose of descriptive text. Another goal is to describe everything be it human,animal, plant or
inanimate objects with properties attached to it such as size, type,color, and so forth so that the
reader or the reader can figure out what something isout of the picture we convey even though he
has not never seen.

C. Structure Text (Generic Structure)

Descriptive text has its own rules in writing, including in the structure or compositionof
which must be written in order. If you are prompted to create descriptive text, thenmake sure the
structure is as follows

1. Identification: This section - in the first paragraph - the goal is to identifysomething to be

described or depicted. Explanation easy, Identification serves tointroduce the reader
about the object or something that we have described beforewe tell about its properties.
The goal is not to get one of those readers. We want todescribe a car, for example, but the
reader assumed motors. Example: you areasked to describe the new car, then the contents
of his identification is: My dad justbought a new car. This car is long I craved, but only
now my father bought. (Meansto be portrayed is my car, not the car someone else)
2. Description: This section - in the second paragraph and so on - contains theproperties
inherent in something that you already introduced to the reader in the firstparagraph.
Example (continued on cars above): This is my new car is the latestsports car from
Toyota. Number bench only two, one for the driver and one for passengers, as well as the
door. This car can be sped up to speeds of 500 km / h,almost equal to the speed of Fokker
plane manifold.

D. Characteristics Descriptive Text

These characteristics are important for you to take into account when writing
thedescriptive text is not wrong. So make sure you use the following features whenusing
the genre will write descriptive text:

1. Using the Simple Present Tense. Why use the simple present tense? this isbecause we
will describe a fact or truth that is attached to something or someone. And one of the
functions of the simple present is to illustrate a fact or truth (eg fact:the sun is hot).
Therefore, you should always use the first form of the verb (verb-1).Your example will
illustrate the properties of your new car: The color of my car isblack, it can run up to 500
km / hour.
2. Because of its function is to describe something by explaining its properties,then the text
will be found many descriptive adjectives (adjective), as handsome,beautiful, tall, small,
big, or if the adjective is derived from the verb, then you will findadditional -ve, -ing, -nt
in tow,Example: Create (create)> creative (smart people make something).Interest
(interest)> interesting (something interesting
3. In the descriptive text we will often find Relating verb (copula) which is (as incharacterist
ic number 1). In Indonesian is often interpreted as "is". Because thepurpose or function
descriptive text is to describe, then definitely we will often findthe word was (is). His
name is Andy (his name was Andy), his height is 160 cm(height is 160 cm).
E. Sample Descriptive Text and explanation.

The National Monument

The National Monument (or Monument Nasional) is a 132 meters tower in the center
of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight for Indonesia’s
independence. The monument consist of a 117,7 m obelisk on a 45 m squareplatform at a height
of 17 m. The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy ofLingga and Yoni. Lingga
resembles, rice pestle (alu) and Yoni resembles a mortarrice (lesung), two important items in
Indonesian agricultural tradition. heconstruction began in 1961 under the direction of President
Soekarno and themonument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered
withgold foil. The monument and museum is opened daily from 08.00- 15.00 every
daythroughout the week, except for the last Monday of the month the monument isclosed.

F. Contoh Descriptive Text

Despite its small size, Singapore is known for its transition as a third-
world country to the first-world country. Singapore also was known as the
Asian Tiger economy, based on external trade and its workforce. Singapore
size is not as big as Indonesia, but the city ranks highly in numerous
international rankings for its education, entertainment, finance, healthcare,
human capital, innovation, logistics, manufacturing, technology, tourism,
trade, and transport. Singapore is home to 5.6 million people with a diverse
culture. Majority ethnic groups in Singapore are Chinese, Malay, and Indian.
Singapore Independence Day was on the 9th of August 1965. Merlion Statue
is the official mascot of Singapore. Singapore is famous for its Garden by the
Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Orchard Road (description).


Singapura adalah negara di Asia Tenggara yang berada di antara Malaysia

dan Indonesia. Walaupun ukurannya kecil, Singapura terkenal dengan
transisinya dari negara third-world menjadi negara first-world. Singapura juga
dikenal sebagai Macan Asia karena perdagangan luar negeri dan tenaga
kerjanya. Ukuran Singapura tidak sebesar Indonesia, tapi negara ini memiliki
ranking yang tinggi di beberapa kategori internasional seperti pendidikan,
hiburan, keuangan, kesehatan, sumber daya manusia, inovasi, logistik,
manufaktur, teknologi, pariwisata, perdagangan dan transportasi. Singapura
memiliki 5.6 juta penduduk dengan keberagaman budaya. Etnik mayoritas di
Singapura adalah Cina, Melayu dan India. Hari kemerdekaan Singapura jatuh
pada 9 Agustus 1965. Maskot resmi SIngapura adalah patung Merlion.
Singapura terkenal memiliki tempat terkenal seperti Garden by the Bay,
Marina Bay Sands, dan Jalan Orchard.


A. Conclusion
Descriptive text dapat dikatakan sebagai penggambaran dan penjelasan sesuatu
benda seperti benda mati atau pun benda hidup (makhlukhidup) untuk diberitahukan
dengan menggunakan kalimat yang dapatdimengerti orang lain atau pembaca tersebut.
Dimana kalimat tersebut berisitentang Identification (identifikasi) dan Description
(deskripsi) yang mudahdipahami pembaca.

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