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1. Show What if MIN does not play optimally?

When MIN doesn't play optimally in the alpha-beta pruning algorithm, it means that MIN doesn't always choose
the best move to minimize the potential loss. This can lead to the algorithm exploring more nodes than necessary,
potentially resulting in a longer computation time.
2. Find the proper meaning of alpha and beta used in alpha-beta pruning algorithm.
Alpha and Beta in Alpha-Beta Pruning: In the alpha-beta pruning algorithm, alpha represents the best value found so far
for MAX along the path to the root, while beta represents the best value found so far for MIN along the path to the root.
They are used to prune branches of the game tree that cannot possibly influence the final decision.
3. Design a (partial) game tree for the game of tic-tac-toe.
Tic-Tac-Toe Game Tree: Designing a game tree for tic-tac-toe involves representing all possible moves and their
outcomes at each stage of the game. It branches out from the initial game state (empty board) to various possible
configurations of X's and O's, considering all possible moves and counter-moves until the game reaches a terminal state
(win, lose, or draw).
4. Build (a) The principal states and territories of Australia. Coloring this map can be viewed as a constraint
satisfaction problem (CSP). The goal is to assign colors to each region so that no neighboring regions have the
same color. (b) The map-coloring problem representedas a constraint graph.
States and Territories of Australia: Australia is divided into six states and two major mainland territories. The
states are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, and Tasmania. The mainland
territories are the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
5.Model the first three plies of a game tree with three players (A, B, C) using alpha beta pruning strategy.
Modeling a Game Tree with Three Players: Modeling the first three plies of a game tree with three players (A,
B, C) using the alpha-beta pruning strategy involves representing all possible moves and their outcomes for each player
at each ply. This tree branches out from the initial game state considering all possible moves for each player, and alpha-
beta pruning is applied to optimize the search process.
6. Define topological sorting with example.
Topological Sorting: Topological sorting is a linear ordering of vertices in a directed graph such that for every
directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering. It is used to arrange elements with
dependencies, ensuring that all prerequisites come before the dependent elements. An example could be scheduling tasks
in a project where some tasks must be completed before others.
7. Explain the BNF (Backus–Naur Form) grammar of sentences in propositional logic, along with operator
precedences from highest to lowest.
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) Grammar for Propositional Logic Sentences:
Sentence ::= AtomicSentence | ComplexSentence
AtomicSentence ::= PropositionSymbol
ComplexSentence ::= '(' Connective Sentence* ')'
Connective ::= '∧' | '∨' | '→' | '↔' | '¬'
PropositionSymbol ::= Any symbol representing a proposition.
Operator Precedences (from highest to lowest): '¬', '∧', '∨', '→', '↔'
8. Explain about truth tables for the five logical connectives. To use the table to compute, for example, the value
of P ∨ Q when P is true and Q is false, first look on the left for the row where P is true and Q is false (thethirdrow).
Then look innthat row under the P ∨Q column to see the result: true.
Truth Tables for Logical Connectives: Truth tables are used to represent the truth values of compound
propositions for different combinations of truth values of their components.
For example, for the proposition P ∨ Q:
9. Illustrate (a) The constraint graph of a tree-structuredCSP. (b)A linear ordering of the variables consistent
with the tree with A as the root. This is known as a topological sort of the variables.
Constraint Graph of a Tree-Structured CSP: In a tree-structured constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), the
constraint graph has nodes representing variables and edges representing constraints. A topological sort of the variables
consistent with the tree ensures that each variable is ordered such that its parent comes before its children in the tree.
10. Show the generic knowledge-based agent. Given a percept, the agent adds the percept to its knowledge base,
asks the knowledge base for the best action, and tells the knowledge base that it has in fact taken that action.
Generic Knowledge-Based Agent: This agent receives percepts, updates its knowledge base, consults the
knowledge base for the best action, and informs the knowledge base about the action it takes.
11. Model the sentences which are a physical configurations of the agent, and reasoning is a process of constructing
new physical configurations from old ones. Logical reasoning should ensure that the new configurations represent
aspects of the world that actually follow from the aspects that the old configurations represent.
Logical Reasoning and Physical Configurations: Logical reasoning involves constructing new physical
configurations from old ones in a way that ensures the new configurations represent aspects of the world that follow
logically from the aspects represented by the old configurations.
12. Identify one final property of logical systems is monotonicity, which says that the set of en-MONOTONICITY
tailed sentences can only increase as information is added to the knowledge base.8 For any sentences α and β,
Monotonicity in Logical Systems: Monotonicity states that the set of entailed sentences can only increase as
information is added to the knowledge base.
13. Build the standard logical equivalences with the symbols α, β, and γ stand for arbitrary sentences of
propositional logic.
Standard Logical Equivalences: These are logical equivalences such as De Morgan's Laws, Double Negation,
Idempotent Laws, etc., which show the equivalence between different logical expressions.
14. Model a two-step solution using min-conflicts for an 8-queens problem.
Min-Conflicts for 8-Queens Problem: Min-Conflicts is a heuristic algorithm used to solve constraint satisfaction
problems. For an 8-queens problem, it could involve iteratively assigning queens to columns while minimizing conflicts,
then resolving conflicts iteratively until a solution is found.
15. Define classical planning.
Classical planning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on developing algorithms and techniques
to generate plans or sequences of actions to achieve specific goals in deterministic, fully observable environments. In
classical planning, the environment is typically modeled as a state space, where each state represents a snapshot of the
world, and actions are operators that can transition the system from one state to another. The goal is to find a sequence
of actions that transform the initial state into a desired goal state while satisfying any specified constraints or conditions.
16. Explainthe three conditions holds on which mutex relation holds between two actions at a given level .
Mutex Relation between Actions: Mutex (mutual exclusion) relation holds between two actions at a given level
in classical planning under three conditions:
Inconsistent effects: The effects of the two actions are mutually exclusive; that is, one action's effect is the negation of
the other's effect.
Interference: One action's effect is the precondition of the other action, creating a conflict in their execution.
Inconsistent support: There is a precondition that is mutually exclusive with the effect of the other action.
17. Mention the action schema for flying a plane from one location to another.
Action Schema for Flying a Plane: An action schema for flying a plane from one location to another typically
includes preconditions such as the plane being located at the departure location, sufficient fuel available, and appropriate
weather conditions. The effect would be that the plane arrives at the destination location.
18. Show key idea in defining heuristics is decomposition.
Key Idea in Defining Heuristics - Decomposition: In classical planning, defining heuristics involves
decomposing the problem into smaller subproblems that can be solved more efficiently. By breaking down the problem
into manageable parts, it becomes easier to design heuristics that estimate the cost or distance to the goal state.
19. Use the diagramatic representation of action, precondition, effect to develop the planning graph for the
“have cake and eat cake too” problem up to level S2.
Planning Graph for "Hav": Diagrammatic representation of actions, preconditions, and effects can be used to
develop a planning graph for the "Have" predicate in classical planning. This graph would show the relationships
between different actions, their preconditions, and the effects they produce, helping to visualize the planning process.
20. Identify some of the top-performing systems in the international planning competition.
Top-Performing Systems in the International Planning Competition: Some of the top-performing systems in
the International Planning Competition (IPC) include Fast Downward, LAMA, and POPF.
21. Model the situations as the results of actions in the wumpus world.
Modeling Situations in Wumpus World: Situations in the Wumpus World can be modeled as the results of actions
such as moving the agent, shooting an arrow, or perceiving the environment. These actions can lead to changes in the
agent's location, perception of nearby dangers, and outcomes such as finding gold or encountering the Wumpus.
22. Build the tire problem expressed as an empty plan.
Tire Problem Expressed as an Empty Plan: In the tire problem, an empty plan would represent the initial state
where the car has no spare tire and is not currently experiencing a flat tire. The goal would be to develop a plan to handle
potential tire-related issues such as changing a flat tire or replacing a damaged tire.
23. Build the tire problem for incomplete partially ordered plan. Boxes represent actions and arrows indicate
that one action must occur before another.
Tire Problem for an Incomplete Partially Ordered Plan: In an incomplete partially ordered plan for the tire
problem, boxes represent actions, and arrows indicate temporal ordering constraints between actions. Some actions may
have partial ordering relationships, indicating that they can be executed in any order as long as certain constraints are
24. Build the tire problem for a complete partially-ordered solution.
Tire Problem for a Complete Partially Ordered Solution: In a complete partially ordered solution for the tire problem,
all actions are represented with their temporal ordering constraints fully specified. This ensures that the plan can be
executed efficiently while satisfying all dependencies and constraints between actions.

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