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1 3 Define biconnectivity in graphs and outline its significance in graph theory. 2
2 3 Outline the steps to determine whether a graph is biconnected. 2

3 3 Reason out how can the concept of biconnectivity be applied in social 2

network analysis.
4 3 Provide a brief explanation of how the removal of an articulation point can 2
affect the connectivity of a graph with an example.
5 3 Does there exist Euler path or Circuit? Justify. 2

6 3 Define path compression, and identify how does it improves the performance 2
of find operations in disjoint set.
7 3 Provide an example where Euler circuits are relevant in gaming. 2

8 3 Below is a Königsberg bridge problem find a path over every one of seven 2
bridges that span a forked river flowing past an island—but without crossing
any bridge twice. Identify the path.

9 3 Compare and contrast the ordering of elements in lists and sets. 2

10 3 Write the algorithm for Union by Height (or Union by Rank) strategy in 2
disjoint set data structures.
11 4 Compare and contrast the greedy approach with other algorithmic 2
paradigms, such as dynamic programming or divide and conquer.

12 4 Enlist the key step in Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path. 2
13 4 Given a ship with storage capacity of 400 units and 8 containers with 2
weights of 100, 200, 50, 90, 150, 50, 20, 80 determine the maximum number
of containers that can be loaded into the ship. Is the solution obtained from
the greedy approach guaranteed to be optimal?
14 4 Can Kruskal's algorithm handle graphs with negative edge weights? Justify. 2

15 4 Highlight the Principle of Optimality and Space-Time Tradeoff 2

characteristics of dynamic programming.
16 4 Can a Huffman tree have nodes with only one child? Justify with an example 2

17 4 Construct Huffman’s tree for the following data and form codes for each 2

18 4 Highlight the primary difference between Floyd's algorithm and Dijkstra's 2

19 4 In the context of flight connectivity, what does Floyd's algorithm determine? 2
20 4 Outline the significance of multistage graphs in optimization problems. 2
21 5 Enlist the problems which can be solved in polynomial time 2
22 5 Infer the distinction between decision problems in the P and NP complexity 2
23 5 Reason out how the notion of reducibility aids in identifying relationships 2
between different problems within the class NP?
24 5 Which of the following statements are TRUE? justify (1) The problem of 2
determining whether there exists a cycle in an undirected graph is in P. (2)
The problem of determining whether there exists a cycle in an undirected
graph is in NP. (3) If a problem A is NP-Complete, there exists a non-
deterministic polynomial time algorithm to solve A.
25 5 Write a non-deterministic algorithm to search for a key K in an array A. 2
26 5 Determine one solution each for the n-Queens problem when: •n = 3 •n = 5 2
27 5 Find out the Hamiltonian circuit in the following graph by constructing a 2
state space tree.

25 5 King Arthur expects 150 knights for an annual dinner at Camelot. Some of 2
the knights quarrel with each other and Arthur knows who quarrels with
whom. Arthur wants to seat his guests around a table so that no two
quarrelling knights sit next to each other. Which standard problem can be
used to model King Arthur’s task?justify.
26 5 Illustrate the role of bounding in the branch and bound algorithm when 2
solving the assignment problem?
27 5 State the decision version of the Knapsack problem. 2
28 3 Determine the articulation point(s) in the given graph and explain it with an 15

29 3 Identify the all possible Euler circuits for the graph and outline the procedure 7

30 3 Describe the union and find operations in the disjoint set data structure with 8
an example.
31 3 Write an algorithm and analyze the time complexity of union and find 15
operations in disjoint set data structures using Union by Size and Union by
Height strategies.
32 4 Determine the shortest cost path from Vertex 1 to all other vertices using 15
greedy approach and outline the algorithm used.

33 4 Construct MST using Kruskal's algorithm and outline the procedure used. 8
34 4 Using Dynamic Programming Recurrence relation C(n,k) = C(n-1,k-1) + 7
C(n-1,k) for n > k > 0 C(n,0) = C(n, n) = 1. find the binomial coefficient
35 4 Obtain the minimun cost path from S to T for the given multi-stage graph 15
problem and outline the algorithm used

36 5 Imagine a chessboard where a queen can move horizontally, vertically, and 15

diagonally without obstruction. Explain the backtracking approach with an
algorithm that could be used to strategically place n queens on the board so
that no queen threatens another, ensuring a valid placement for each queen.
37 5 Write an algorithm for subset sum problem and complete state-space tree of 7
the backtracking algorithm applied to the instance s = {5, 7, 8, 12, 18, 20}
and d= 25 of the subset-sum problem.
38 5 Solve the following Knapsack problem using Branch and Bound technique 15
and outline the algorithm used. Item Weight Value Capacity = 6 1 3 25 2 2
20 3 1 15 4 4 40 5 5 50

39 5 Solve the following TSP problem using Branch and Bound technique 8

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