File UTS Bahasa Inggris Rahmat Waluyo

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Name : Rahmat Waluyo

NIM : 23BH10037

Subject : English / Manajamen B

1. Universities have an important role to play in encouraging the exploration of

digital ethics. It provides a conducive environment for discussion and research, as
well as a place to question existing norms and seek innovative solutions to
evolving ethical dilemmas.

2. Because by interacting, discussing and conducting research we can discover new

things and new knowledge about digital ethics. On campus we can share ideas
among fellow students, discuss and debate with classmates about digital ethics,
and ask lecturers for advice and opinions to help us develop our understanding of
digital ethics.

3. • Limited resources

- Universities are often faced with resource issues such as finance, staff, and
infrastructure. This can hinder the university's ability to provide programs
and activities related to digital ethics.

• Commercial pressure

- Universities often receive funding from companies and from other

organizations, this can put pressure on universities to promote their agendas.
Which will ultimately influence the university's goals in terms of focusing on
exploring independent and critical digital ethics.

• Political influence

- Universities can also face political pressures that can limit academic freedom
and independence in conducting research towards exploring digital ethics.
4. Digital ethics is a field that is always evolving and changing as technology
advances. The University has an important role to play in contributing to the
development of digital ethics relevant to contemporary developments. One way to
achieve this is to maintain an open space for discussion and support research that
is not influenced by politics.

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