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2023 # 16

In this first month of 2023, I wish you all an excellent year full of joy and prosperity.
As we were reflecting on the beginning of the second semester as a lasallian school which is char-
acterized as a school of values. In La Salle Jerusalem, the aim of values education is to create
more civil and democratic societies. Values educations therefore promotes tolerance and under-
standing above and beyond our political, cultural and religious differences, putting special
emphasis on the defense of human rights, the
children rights.
An exemplary citizen in made, not born. An
exemplary citizen in made in the school and in the
families. Together we build this citizen, as we teach
mathematics and languages, we should also become
specialists in those lessons that are fundamental in
living in harmony with one another. We have to teach
respect, empathy, equality, solidarity and critical
thinking. As adults we do respect each other, as
adults are honest in our life? How can we teach if you don’t have these values.
Values education is the responsibility of us all and not just of schools. The family, universities,
businesses and sport, for example, are all ideal contexts to teach those ethical principles. Our
strategies in values education in La Salle Jerusalem include the rejection of discrimination,
promoting collaborative leadership, denouncing harmful attitudes, and stressing the idea that
we can all change and that we deserve a second chance.
Brother Daoud Kassabry, FSC
Shelter visit Jan 5, 2023

As part of the humanitarian school activities that coincide with the Christmas holidays, the Lasallian
family in Jerusalem visited the Siksik shelter in Al-Eizariya and presented them with Christmas gifts
and supplies. Brother Daoud Kassabry expressed gratitude to Dr. Ziyad Choucair, the director of the
shelter, and Mrs. Diana Mashhour, the head of the Shelter. Special thanks to everyone who contrib-
uted to this event, whether by donating gifts or selling the lottery and special thanks to Mr. Khamis

Most Beautiful Christian Singer competition Jan 6, 2023

La Salle Jerusalem congratulates its student Benny Qamar, from sixth grade, who participated in the
competition for the most beautiful Christian singer and qualified for the final stage, which will be held in
March. Seventeen students from schools in Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza participated and ten students
qualified for the final stage. The competition took place under the sponsorships of the Custos of the Holy
Land, Father Francesco Patton, and his deputy Father Ibrahim Faltas.

2022 World Cup Competition Jan 14, 2023

La Salle Jerusalem eighth Grade student, Antoine Estephan won the 2022 World Cup competition, where
he anticipated the winning of Argentina against France. Congratulations Anton, and a thousand thanks to
Mr. Elias Tamas, General Manager of Eithar Insurance Company, who donated a gift of a soccer ball, a sports
suit and sports shoes to Antoine.

Educational Counselors’ Team Jan 18, 2023

As a continuation of the series of meetings and sessions of the educational counselors’ team of Jerusalem
schools, La Salle Jerusalem School, embraces the initiative of the counselors’ team to meet professional
needs, develop skills, and exchange experiences among them. On this day, a session entitled “Compulsory
Reporting of Cases”, was held in the presence of Ms. Ikhlas Salman, the Commissioner of the Judicial Courts
from the Office of Social Affairs in Jerusalem, where a detailed presentation on student cases was discussed
providing solution and treatment plans. All thanks to Ms. Ikhlas Salman and those in charge of this initiative
and its success

Welcoming Commander Jabra Majlaton February 2, 2023

La Salle Jerusalem Scouts welcomed its commander and leader Jabra Majalton who held
the first meeting in the presence of members of the scouts Brother Daoud Kassabry, the
school principal, and Mr. Musa al-Ghoul. Commander Jabra Majalton will lead the establish-
ment phase of the new scout, with the aim of building a scout based on scouting principles
and love of God, country, and human.

Scientific experiments Feb 2, 2023

La Salle Jerusalem Science teachers carry out scientific experiments in the laboratory continuously to
strengthen students' perceptions and reinforce scientific principles through understanding natural and
scientific phenomena.

“Yes We Can” Feb 2, 2023

The “Yes We Can” group organized a walking path in Jerusalem with the aim of reconnecting and
building the group spirit, accompanied by its leader Ms. Rula Shaheen and Mr. Musa Al Ghoul.

Higher Education Exhibition Feb 2 , 2023

La Salle Jerusalem Educational Counselor, Mr. Tamer Zakkak, organized and accompanied a group of
the twelfth-grade students of scientific stream in the Pioneers of Higher Education exhibition for
academic and scientific guidance in Jerusalem. Many thanks to the Pioneers Center staff for making
the exhibition a success and accompanying the school students.

Palestinian National Basketball Team
Feb 2, 2023

La Salle Jerusalem administration and “Yes We

Can” group congratulates its members students
Leen Nasereddin, Cynthia Tams and Dina
Arbeed who were selected within the Palestini-
an national basketball team.

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youtube : la-salle- jerusalem

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