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Report Progress

Name of Child : I N Gede Bagus Gaurangga

Age of Child : 5yr 9month
Child's Classroom : Kindergarten
Observation Period : 10/01/2024 - 14/06/2024
Teachers' Names : Rim Mawan Siahaan & Juli Vesiania

General Comments
Bagus is increasingly showing progress in his good attitude,
by greeting all the teacher at school.

He is able to independently choose the apparatus he will

work on, but needs teacher guidance to work with other

In class, Bagus shows a happy expression when playing with

his friends.

You’ve done a great work, Bagus! Keep on making a good


2nd semester Progress

1 Introduced
2 Practicing
3 Shows significant improvement
4 Consistently
Has not received presentation
Social/Emotional Development and Work Habits
Social and emotional development is supported in our
community, first and foremost, through positive and authentic
connection with every child. From this basis, children feel
secure in exploring their environment and learn how to be part
of a larger community. In Montessori education, Grace and
Courtesy lessons guide the children in becoming a cohesive
community of learners who can work joyfully together.

Social and Emotional Development

4 Greetings - Uses appropriate greetings with adults and
3 Social etiquette - Asks permission when appropriate,
asks for and offers help appropriately, waits patiently,
says "excuse me"
3 Group etiquette - Participates appropriately, waits turn
to speak, listens to others, waits to be dismissed
3 Classroom etiquette - Walks in the classroom and
hallways, speaks quietly, seeks appropriately, waits
3 Play space etiquette - follows rules, plays cooperatively,
waits turn, cleans up as necessary
3 Resolves conflict peacefully - Uses gentle and kind
words to express self and solve problems, offers apology
when appropriate
4 Respects people and materials
4 Interacts positively with others
4 Accepts guidance and direction

Work Habits
4 Attentive during lessons
3 Is motivated to independently choose appropriately
challenging activities
4 Demonstrates ability and persistence to complete
4 Demonstrates concentration
4 Stays on task without reminders
3 Completes work in reasonable amount of time

Comments on Social/Emotional Development and Work

In this semester, Bagus was able to socialize well with his
teachers and friends, playing together and sharing his
experiences. However, Bagus still needs teacher guidance so
that he is able to accept defeat, rejection and regulate his
emotions. Bagus need to learn that not all of his desires or
want can be granted at the moment.

For work habits, Bagus demonstrates a well order. He likes

to work with one apparatus until he is really proficient. He
understands how to treat apparatus, working persistently and
tidy up after work. But he is still needing teacher direction to
work with other type of apparatus.

Practical Life
The development of fine and gross motor skills is directly
correlated to executive functioning, which help regulate and
organize the child’s developing body. Additionally, the work in
Practical Life helps children develop concentration and
integrating the mind and body. This cornerstone of Dr.
Montessori’s method positions children to be successful in
higher level academics and critical thinking.

Care of Self and Environment

4 Maintains personal hygiene - Blows nose, washes hands,
brushes teeth, uses toilet independently.
4 Dresses self independently - Changes clothing, putting
on shoes and socks
4 Helps maintain a tidy and orderly environment
4 Respects and cares for classroom materials

Control of Movement
3 Large motor control - Walks on the line; balances; walks
up and down steps; silence game
4 Carries items carefully - Trays, buckets and pitchers
4 Able to use small manipulatives - Spooning, pouring,
tonging, knobbed puzzles, etc.
3 Uses scissors to cut on a line
3 Able to maintain silence - The Silence Game

Comments on Practical Life, Gross Motor and Fine Motor

Bagus is increasingly showing skill in his practical life,
cutting neatly by following the shape of the picture and he is
also able to work with sewing, spooning, chopsticks and
tongs. And Bagus likes to help the teacher clean the dining
table and tidy up.

In term of gross motor skills, Bagus has started to dare to

climb on monkey bars and climbing walls.

For his fine motor skill, he is getting better in writing with

pencil and chalk, and coloring pattern.

Dr. Montessori’s Sensorial materials lay the foundation for a
child’s accurate discrimination of the sensory qualities that
define our world. Exploration of these materials stimulates the
human tendency for exactness and precision and leads to clear
mental abstractions. This work ignites the imagination and
prepares the mind for the mathematics curriculum.
Visual Sense
4 Color - Matches, names, and grades colors
4 Dimension - Builds apparatus largest to smallest,
longest to shortest, thickest to thinnest, etc.
4 Shape - Identifies geometric shapes: triangle, square,
circle, etc.

Tactile and Stereognostic Senses

3 Texture - Matches and grades variations in texture
4 Weight - Matches and grades variations in weight
4 Temperature - Matches and grades variations in
3 Stereognostic - Three-dimensional objects: pyramid,
sphere, cube, etc.

Auditory Sense
3 Discriminates sound, pitch, tone, volume; grades sounds
3 Discriminates sound, pitch, tone, volume; matches

Olfactory Sense
4 Identifies different scents
4 Matches different scents

Gustatory Sense
4 Identifies tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter

Comments on sensorial
Bagus was able to understand the concepts of geometric
solids and trinomial cubes without the help of a teacher.

Language and Literacy

Language is infused throughout the whole of the Montessori
curriculum. At this age, children are in a sensitive period for
both absorbing language and exploring expressive language.
Spoken language activities (stories, vocabulary, sound games,
poetry, etc.) are the basis for all further work in writing and
reading. Once reading begins, children read to discover new
information and confirm what they already know.

Speaking and Listening

4 Understands simple commands and gestures
4 Expresses self clearly
4 Comprehends what others say
3 Vocabulary - understands and uses an increasing variety
of words for objects, actions, and attributes
Uses language effectively (age appropriate) -
retells/sequences stories with props; conversations using
objects and pictures (i.e. show and tell); repeats, recites
or initiates simple songs, poems and rhymes;
participates in news period and the question game

Comments on Speaking and Listening

Bagus has shown a change in his speech. He has started to
be able to speak well and politely to friends and teachers. He
is also willing to listen and follow instructions from the

4 Demonstrates proper pincer grip with a pencil
3 Metal inset work - control of pencil
4 Formation of letters - lower case letters for English
4 Recognizes self’s name
4 Writes self’s name
3 Composes words phonetically using Movable Alphabet
Comments on Writing
Bagus is able to write several words correctly and neatly on
the blackboard.

Reading and Comprehension

3 Exhibits pre-reading behaviors - Holds book right side
up, retells story, understands that words carry meaning
3 Associates sounds with letters
1 Identifies beginning, middle and end sounds in words

Comments on Reading
Bagus is able to read CVC words and now he is practicing
reading phonics book.

The mathematics materials provide concrete experiences that
support general math concepts, patterns, problem-solving, and
critical thinking skills. The experiences offered in this area build
on the child’s achievement of concentration, persistence, and
attention to accuracy, as well as fine and gross motor control.

Number Sense
4 One-to-one counting to 10
4 Identifies numerals 0-9
4 Writes numerals 0-9
4 Counts and matches numerals with quantities 0-10

Comments on Mathematics
In this semester Bagus numeracy skills have improved,
namely counting 1-30 and he is also able to understand the
concepts of addition and multiplication. Currently Bagus is
working with multiplication 3.
Keep up the enthusiasm Bagus.
Cultural Subjects
Our Cultural Studies curriculum provides children with an
opportunity to explore the larger world outside the classroom
community. In so doing, they learn about the people, cultures,
terrain, and animals of each continent. Children are also
introduced to the physical world that surrounds them and gives
them the opportunity to learn the scientific names for plants and

2 Identifies land and water forms
2 Identifies and names the continents
2 Identifies countries by continent
2 Identifies the flags of the country
2 Identifies the islands of Indonesia

2 Classifies animals by habitual places
3 Identifies life circle of the animal
2 Identifies how animal reproducing: laying egg or give
2 Identifies the body part of the animal
3 Identifies part of the flower, tree and leaf
3 Identifies and names human’s organ

Physical Science
Demonstrates understanding of concepts gained from
science experiments: magnetism
Names the planets in solar system
3 Demonstrates knowledge of passage of time with
calendar - yesterday, today, tomorrow; days of the
week; months of the year
2 Demonstrates knowledge of passage of time with clock

2 Names the note in music
2 Plays one simple song

Comments on Cultural / science

In this semester Bagus has been introduced to various
traditional dances in Indonesia. And Bagus shows good
interest and involvement.

Denpasar, June 14th 2024

Class teacher Co- Teacher

Putri Nelcya F. L. Rim Mawan Siahaan

Academic Directress

(Juli Vesiania)

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