ISO - EVA - LA - 45001 - ISMS - Saifullah - Khan

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ISO ASSESSMENT <> 45001 : 2018

Total Marks 100 Marks Random Percentile Count, Minimum 50%.

Section A

1. As per Section 29 CFR 1910.39(c)(1) explain key fire prevention elements ?

Section 29 CFR 1910.39(c)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
regulations outlines key fire prevention elements that employers must address to ensure the safety
of their workplace. Here are the key fire prevention elements outlined in this section:
1. Emergency Action Plan (EAP): Employers must develop and implement an emergency action plan
(EAP) to facilitate prompt and organized evacuation of employees in the event of a fire or other
emergencies. The EAP should include procedures for reporting emergencies, evacuation routes and
exits, procedures for employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before evacuating,
and methods for accounting for employees after evacuation.
2. Fire Prevention Plan (FPP): Employers must establish and maintain a written fire prevention plan
(FPP) to prevent fires in the workplace. The FPP should identify potential fire hazards, outline
procedures for preventing and controlling fires, and designate responsibilities for fire prevention
activities. It should also include procedures for regular maintenance of fire protection equipment,
such as fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems.
3. Housekeeping: The regulation emphasizes the importance of good housekeeping practices in
preventing fires. Employers are required to maintain work areas free from the accumulation of
combustible materials, such as paper, debris, and waste. Regular cleaning and removal of
combustible materials reduce the likelihood of ignition and help mitigate fire hazards.
4. Ignition Sources: Employers must take measures to control potential ignition sources in the
workplace. This includes proper storage and handling of flammable liquids and gases, ensuring that
electrical equipment is properly maintained and grounded, and implementing procedures to prevent
sparks from equipment such as welding and cutting tools.
5. Training and Education: Employers are required to provide training and education to employees
on fire hazards, fire prevention measures, and emergency procedures outlined in the EAP and FPP.
Employees should be familiar with the location of fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and emergency
exits, as well as the proper use of firefighting equipment.
6. Fire Protection Equipment: Employers must ensure the availability and proper maintenance of fire
protection equipment, such as fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and smoke detectors. Regular

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inspections and testing of fire protection equipment help ensure that it functions effectively in the
event of a fire emergency.

2. Explain the Purpose of ISO AUDIT in an organisation ?

The purpose of an ISO audit in an organization is to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of its
quality management system (QMS) or other management systems based on ISO standards. ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) audits are conducted to ensure that the organization
is meeting the requirements specified in the relevant ISO standard(s) and is effectively implementing
its quality management processes.
Here are some specific purposes of ISO audits in an organization:
1. Compliance Verification: ISO audits verify whether the organization's management system
complies with the requirements of the applicable ISO standard(s), such as ISO 9001 (Quality
Management Systems), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), ISO 45001 (Occupational
Health and Safety Management Systems), etc.
2. Continuous Improvement: ISO audits help identify areas for improvement within the
organization's management system. By evaluating processes, procedures, and practices, audits
highlight opportunities to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance.
3. Risk Management: Audits assess the organization's risk management practices to ensure that risks
are identified, evaluated, and managed effectively. This includes evaluating the organization's
approach to risk mitigation, contingency planning, and compliance with relevant legal and regulatory
4. Performance Evaluation: ISO audits provide an objective evaluation of the organization's
performance against its quality objectives, targets, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Auditors
review performance metrics to determine whether the organization is meeting its quality and
business objectives.
5. Documentation Review Audits assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization's
documentation, including policies, procedures, work instructions, forms, records, and other
documentation required by the ISO standard(s). This ensures that documentation is accurate, up-to-
date, and aligned with organizational processes.
6. Corrective Action: ISO audits identify non-conformities and areas of concern within the
organization's management system. When non-conformities are identified, the organization is
required to take corrective action to address the root causes and prevent recurrence. Audits verify
the effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the organization.
7. Training and Awareness: Audits evaluate the organization's training and awareness programs
related to its management system. This includes assessing the competence of personnel, their
understanding of quality requirements, and their roles and responsibilities within the management
8. Customer Satisfaction: ISO audits may assess the organization's processes for monitoring and
measuring customer satisfaction. This includes reviewing customer feedback, complaints, and other
indicators of customer satisfaction to ensure that customer requirements are being met.
Overall, the purpose of ISO audits is to drive continual improvement, ensure compliance with ISO
standards, enhance customer satisfaction, and strengthen the organization's ability to achieve its
quality and business objectives. By conducting regular audits, organizations can identify

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opportunities for improvement, address deficiencies, and demonstrate their commitment to quality
and excellence.

3. How many types of fire classification are there ?

Classification of Fires
Fires are classified in six groups A, B, C, D, F and electrical:
 Class A fires – are fires involving organic solids like paper, wood, etc
 Class B fires – are fires involving flammable liquids
 Class C fires – are fires involving flammable gasses
 Class D fires – are fires involving burning metals (eg aluminium swarf)
 Class F fires – are fires involving fats such as used in deep fat fryers
 Electrical fires (the letter E is not used. Instead the symbol of an electric spark is
displayed) – are fires caused by electrical equipment

4.What Are The Basic Principles Of Safety Management?

Ten basic Principles of Safety Management

1.Establish and observe a written corporate safety policy.

2.Create an independent safety review process.

3.Identify and evaluate the severity and foreseeability of product hazards.

4.Conduct a design review assessing the risk of injury by considering the hazards, the
environment, and foreseeable use.

5.First attempt to eliminate hazards. If not possible, then reduce the opportunity for injury
by guarding against the hazards.

6.Warn users of product dangers and motivate them to avoid injury.

7.Promote only the safe use of a product.

8.Maintain safety-related records during the useful life of the product.

9.Continuously monitor safety performance of the product in the hands of users.

10.Promptly notify product users and institute recall procedures where necessary to
substantially reduce or eliminate injury.

5.Explain how are flammable and combustible materials an explosion hazard?

The two primary hazards associated with flammable and combustible liquids are explosion and fire.
Flammable liquids are particularly hazardous due to their ability to produce vapours. This vapor
mixes with air and burns quickly when the flammable liquid is heated to its flashpoint or above and
is ignited. While there is a technical distinction between “flammable” and “combustible” liquids,
both burn readily and intensively, are explosive under certain conditions, and if not properly

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contained can spread fire rapidly and uncontrollably. Safe handling and storage of flammable liquids
requires the use of appropriate equipment and practices.
6.What are the common fire risks in a factory?
In a factory, there are several common fire risks that need to be carefully managed to ensure the
safety of personnel and the protection of property. Some of these risks include:
1. Electrical Hazards: Malfunctioning or overloaded electrical equipment can generate sparks or
heat, leading to electrical fires. Faulty wiring, damaged outlets, and improperly maintained
machinery are common culprits.
2. Combustible Materials: Factories often store or use combustible materials such as paper,
cardboard, wood, plastics, or flammable liquids like solvents and fuels. If these materials are not
stored properly or are in close proximity to heat sources, they can ignite easily.
3. Equipment and Machinery: Machinery that generates heat or friction during operation can pose a
fire risk if not properly maintained or if lubricants are not handled correctly. Overheating bearings,
leaking hydraulic systems, or hot surfaces can all lead to ignition.
4. Chemical Hazards: Factories may handle hazardous chemicals for manufacturing processes.
Improper storage, handling, or mixing of these substances can result in fires or explosions. Chemical
reactions, spills, or leaks can also lead to fire hazards.
5. Poor Housekeeping: Cluttered or untidy work areas can contribute to fire hazards by providing
fuel for fires and hindering access for firefighting efforts. Accumulation of dust, debris, or waste
materials can also increase the risk of ignition.
6. Hot Work: Welding, cutting, soldering, and other hot work processes can produce sparks or flames
that can ignite nearby combustible materials if proper precautions are not taken. Hot work permits
and fire watch procedures are essential for safe execution.
7. Smoking: Smoking in designated areas poses a fire risk if smokers improperly dispose of cigarette
butts or if smoking materials come into contact with flammable materials.
8. HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can distribute fire if not
properly maintained. Accumulated dust or debris in ducts or filters can ignite if exposed to heat.
9. Spontaneous Combustion: Certain materials, such as oily rags or certain types of organic
materials, can undergo spontaneous combustion if not stored or handled properly.
10. Human Error: Accidental actions, such as leaving cooking equipment unattended in break rooms,
failing to follow safety procedures, or improperly using equipment, can all contribute to fire risks
7.What are the fire risks in a warehouse?
Warehouses present their own unique set of fire risks, similar to factories but with some variations
due to differences in operations and storage practices. Here are some common fire risks in
1. Combustible Materials: Warehouses often store large quantities of combustible materials such as
paper, cardboard, wood, plastics, textiles, and packaging materials. If these materials are not stored
properly or are in close proximity to heat sources, they can ignite easily.
2. Flammable Liquids and Gases: Warehouses may also store flammable liquids and gases such as
fuels, solvents, propane, or aerosols. Improper storage, handling, or leaking containers can result in
fires or explosions.

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3. Electrical Hazards: Malfunctioning or overloaded electrical equipment, damaged wiring, or faulty

lighting fixtures can generate sparks or heat, leading to electrical fires.
4. Smoking: Smoking in designated areas within warehouses can pose a fire risk if smokers
improperly dispose of cigarette butts or if smoking materials come into contact with flammable
5. Hot Work: Welding, cutting, soldering, or other hot work processes carried out in warehouses can
produce sparks or flames that can ignite nearby combustible materials if proper precautions are not
6. HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in warehouses can
distribute fire if not properly maintained. Accumulated dust or debris in ducts or filters can ignite if
exposed to heat.
7. Forklifts and Other Machinery: Forklifts and other warehouse machinery powered by internal
combustion engines can pose a fire risk due to fuel leaks, overheating engines, or electrical
8. Poor Housekeeping: Cluttered or untidy storage areas can contribute to fire hazards by providing
fuel for fires and hindering access for firefighting efforts. Accumulation of dust, debris, or waste
materials can also increase the risk of ignition.
9. Spontaneous Combustion: Certain materials, such as oily rags or certain types of organic
materials, can undergo spontaneous combustion if not stored or handled properly.
10. Human Error: Accidental actions, such as leaving cooking equipment unattended in break rooms,
failing to follow safety procedures, or improperly using equipment, can all contribute to fire risks.
8.Identify what are fire risks in an office building ?
Here are some common fire risks in office buildings:
1.Electrical Hazards: Overloaded outlets, damaged wiring, and malfunctioning electrical equipment
can lead to electrical fires. This risk is especially high in older buildings with outdated electrical
2. Office Equipment: Computers, printers, photocopiers, and other electronic devices can
malfunction and overheat, potentially igniting nearby combustible materials like paper or fabric.
3. Kitchen Areas: Office buildings with kitchen facilities for staff may have fire risks associated with
cooking appliances, such as stoves, microwaves, and toasters. Improper use or maintenance of these
appliances can lead to fires.
4. HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can distribute fire if not
properly maintained. Accumulated dust or debris in ducts or filters can ignite if exposed to heat.
5. Flammable Materials: Offices often contain materials that can easily catch fire, such as paper,
cardboard, packaging materials, and flammable liquids like cleaning solvents or alcohol-based hand
6. Smoking: Even though many office buildings have designated smoking areas or prohibit smoking
indoors, discarded cigarette butts or smoking materials can still pose a fire risk if not properly
disposed of.
7. Improper Storage: Cluttered workspaces or storage areas can increase the risk of fires by
providing more fuel for flames and hindering evacuation efforts.

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9. Emergency Exits and Evacuation Routes**: Blocked or obstructed emergency exits and evacuation
routes can impede the safe evacuation of building occupants during a fire emergency.
10. Arson: Though less common, arson is still a potential fire risk in office buildings. Unauthorized
individuals may intentionally set fires for various reasons, such as vandalism, theft, or personal
9.Explain what are fire safety regulations and standards as per ILO Standards ?
Here are some key aspects of fire safety regulations and standards based on principles promoted by
the ILO:
1. Risk Assessment: ILO emphasizes the importance of conducting risk assessments to identify fire
hazards in the workplace. This includes evaluating potential sources of ignition, combustible
materials, electrical hazards, and other factors that could contribute to the risk of fire.
2. Prevention and Control Measures*: ILO encourages the implementation of measures to prevent
fires from occurring and to control their spread if they do occur. This may include proper storage and
handling of flammable materials, regular maintenance of electrical systems and equipment,
installation of fire detection and suppression systems, and training employees on fire prevention and
emergency response procedures.
3. Emergency Preparedness and Response: ILO stresses the importance of developing and
implementing emergency preparedness plans to ensure that workers know how to respond in the
event of a fire. This includes establishing evacuation procedures, designating assembly points,
providing training on the use of firefighting equipment, and conducting regular fire drills.
4. Worker Training and Education: ILO recommends that workers receive training and education on
fire safety awareness, including how to identify fire hazards, how to prevent fires, and what to do in
the event of a fire emergency. This training should be provided to all employees, including new hires
and temporary workers.
5. Building Design and Construction: ILO encourages adherence to building codes and standards to
ensure that workplaces are designed and constructed with fire safety in mind. This includes
requirements for fire-resistant materials, adequate exits and escape routes, proper ventilation, and
accessibility for firefighters and emergency responders.
6. Inspection and Maintenance: ILO emphasizes the importance of regular inspections of the
workplace to identify and address potential fire hazards. This includes inspecting electrical systems,
equipment, storage areas, and fire protection systems. Maintenance and repairs should be carried
out promptly to address any issues that are identified.
7. Compliance with National Regulations: ILO stresses the importance of compliance with national
regulations and standards related to fire safety in the workplace. These regulations may vary
depending on the country and jurisdiction but typically cover aspects such as building codes, fire
prevention measures, emergency preparedness, and worker training requirements.
10.Identify the usage of chemicals and gases in a hospital?
Hospitals use a variety of chemicals and gases for medical treatment, diagnostic procedures,
cleaning, and facility maintenance. Here are some common examples:
1. Anaesthetic Gases: Anaesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), sevoflurane, isoflurane,
and desflurane are used to induce and maintain anaesthesia during surgical procedures.
2.Oxygen: Oxygen is essential for patient care in hospitals, used for respiratory support in patients
with breathing difficulties, during surgeries, and in various medical procedures.

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3. Medical Gases: Other medical gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen, and helium may be
used for specific purposes, such as insufflation during endoscopic procedures or to inflate balloons in
4. Sterilizing Agents: Hospitals use chemicals such as ethylene oxide and hydrogen peroxide for
sterilization of medical equipment, surgical instruments, and supplies.
5. Disinfectants and Antiseptics: Various chemicals, including quaternary ammonium compounds,
phenols, alcohols, and chlorine-based disinfectants, are used for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces,
equipment, and instruments to prevent the spread of infections.
6. Chemotherapy Drugs: Hospitals administer chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment. These
drugs are potent chemicals used to kill cancer cells but can also be hazardous if not handled
7. Diagnostic Reagents: Chemical reagents are used in laboratory testing for diagnostic purposes,
such as blood tests, urine tests, and microbiological cultures.
8. Radiopharmaceuticals: Hospitals use radioactive materials for diagnostic imaging studies such as
positron emission tomography (PET) scans and certain types of nuclear medicine procedures.
9. Laboratory Chemicals: Various chemicals are used in hospital laboratories for research, testing,
and analysis, including solvents, acids, bases, stains, and buffers.
10. Cleaning and Maintenance Chemicals: Hospitals use a range of cleaning and maintenance
chemicals for general facility upkeep, including detergents, degreasers, solvents, and floor cleaners.
11. Specialty Gases: Hospitals may use specialty gases for specific medical applications, such as
xenon for imaging studies or nitric oxide for treating respiratory conditions like pulmonary

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Section B
Multiple Choice Qs
1.A crane is lifting a 2000 lb load. The length of the boom on the crane is 90 feet. The boom is at a 60
degree angle from the horizontal. What is the torque on the crane’s boom?
a. 360,000 ft-lbs
b. 208,000 ft-lbs
c. 180,000 ft-lbs
d. 90,000 ft-lbs

2.A crane is working near power lines carrying electricity at 500,000 volts. What is the minimum
distance the crane should maintain between the crane boom and the power lines?
a. 10 feet
b. 20 feet
c. 25 feet
d. 30 feet

3.A cylinder with a volume of 4 cu ft contains helium gas in a laboratory. The cylinder gauge reads
1500 psi. A technician opens the valve of the cylinder and releases helium directly into the
laboratory until the gauge reads 1485 psi. What is the volume of helium in the room?
a. 0.04 cu ft
b. 0.41 cu ft
c. 4.1 cu ft
d. 41 cu ft
PcVc=PaVa 1500*4 = 14.7*Va Va=408.1632 1485*4 = 14.7*Va Va=404.0816 d. 41 cu ft 408.1632 –
404.0816 = 4.08156

4.A full-face respirator has a protection factor of 50. The asbestos PEL is 0.1 fibers/cc. What is the
maximum concentration of the full-face respirator?
a. 0.002 fibers/cc
b. 0.02 fibers/cc
c. 0.1 fibers/cc
d. 5.0 fibers/cc

5.A general rule of thumb in office safety is to not store materials closer than 18 inches to the ceiling.
What is the purpose of this rule?
a. This allows sprinklers to reach all combustible materials
b. This prevents materials from falling on people
c. This prevents people from using inadequate platforms (office chairs) to reach objects
d. There is no such rule of thumb

6.A homeowner was doing some re-modelling work on his home. He was cutting some wood with a
small electric saw. The saw was about 2 feet from the ear of the homeowner, and the intensity was
93 dB. The homeowner’s child was watching from 10 feet away. What is the estimated sound
intensity for the child?
a. 79 dB
b. 87 dB
c. 96 dB
d. 106 dB

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7.A landscaping worker is installing treated wood in a garden. Which chemical may be used in the
wood and pose a hazard to the landscaping worker?
a. Arsenic
b. Copper
c. Chromium
d. All of the above

8.A maintenance employee receives a minor laceration while repairing a press. The employee cleans
the wound and applies a dressing to the wound. She reports the wound to her supervisor on the day
of the injury. It took the employee 30 minutes to administer first aid to the wound and report the
injury to her supervisor. The injury happened at 3:00 pm and the shift ends at 4:00 pm. The
supervisor tells the maintenance employee to
take the rest of the day off since it is so close to quitting time. The supervisor reports the incident to
the Safety Director the next morning. How should the safety director record this injury on the OSHA
300 form?
a. Lost workday case
b. Restricted workday case
c. Recordable injury, no lost workdays or restricted workdays
d. The safety director should note the injury on a first aid log, but not the OSHA 300 form

9.A microwave antenna is operating at a frequency of 13 GHz. The dish antenna is 3 ft in diameter.
What is the distance to the far-field region?
a. 2.31 m
b. 14.2 m
c. 62.1 m
d. 621 m

10.A plant manager wants to improve the safety at his facility. He decides to implement a safety
incentive program for employees. Each employee will receive a bonus each year they do not have an
injury. Which management theory describes this method of managing safety?
a. Theory x Employees are lazy and need incentives
b. Theory y Employees want to do well and enjoy work
c. Theory z
d. Theory of self-actualization

11.A product has an expected life of 25 years. Which of the points in the product life is it likely to
have the greatest failure rate?
a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

12.A radiation source of cobalt-60 has a dose rate of 0.2 mrad/hour at a distance of 10 feet. What is
the dose received by an employee working at a distance of 50 feet from the source for 4 hours?
a. 0.008 mrad
b. 0.032 mrad
c. 5.000 mrad
d. 20.00 mrad

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13.A research laboratory maintains a diesel generator to provide electrical power during unexpected
outages from the local utility. The power from the utility has been out a total of 5 days during 2005,
2006, and 2007.The generator is expected to fail to start on 3 out of every 12,000 attempts. What is
the probability that the research laboratory will totally lose power on any given day?

a. 1.1 x 10^-6
b. 2.5 x 10^-4
c. 4.6 x 10^-3
d. 4.8 x 10^-3

14.A safety manager observed an employee on the floor without hearing protection in an area that
is clearly posted that hearing protection is required. What is the best response of the safety
a. Take no action
b. Speak directly with the employee
c. Speak directly with the employee supervisor about the issue
d. Wait until the safety meeting next week and speak about it privately with the employee

15.A safety professional and his family went to an old emerald mine this weekend. They were going
through the old dump piles looking for small bits of emerald. The mine was located at an elevation of
3500 feet, and the atmospheric pressure was 30.1 inches Hg over the weekend. The family used a 2
inch trash pump to pump water from a pond at the mine up to the dump piles. The flowing water
from the pump made it easier to wash the rocks and find the emeralds. What is the maximum height
above the pond that the pump could have been located?
a. 17 feet
b. 34 feet
c. 35 feet
d. 40 feet

16.A safety professional hired an industrial hygienist to evaluate the exposure to hexavalent
chromium by welders. The report from the industrial hygienist indicated the welders were exposed
to an average of 0.5 mg/m3. Which type of respirator would be appropriate for the welders?
a. Half-face air purifying respirator
b. Full-face air purifying respirator
c. Loose-fitting powered air purifying respirator
d. Tight-fitting powered air purifying respirator

17.A safety professional is attending a safety conference in a large city. His hotel room is on the 12th
floor. One day while riding the elevator up to his room, a fire alarm is activated in the hotel. What is
the elevator likely to do?
a. Stop at the 12th floor and open the door and lock in this position.
b. Proceed to the floor with the shortest path to the nearest exit discharge, and open the door and
lock in this position.
c. Stop immediately and open the doors so passengers can discharge and enter a stairwell to exit the
building and lock in this position.
d. Stop at the nearest floor and open the doors so passengers can discharge and enter a stairwell,
and lock in this position.

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18.A safety professional must select a respirator for employees working in an inert atmosphere.
Which type of respirator is appropriate?
a. Air purifying respirator
b. Powered air purifying respirator
c. Negative pressure air supplied respirator
d. Positive pressure air supplied respirator

19.A nonreactive gas atmosphere (nitrogen).

A safety professional was preparing Thanksgiving dinner for a group of friends. An exhaust fan was
installed above his stove to provide exhaust for the emmisions from the stove. What type of hood
was used to capture and remove these emmissions?
a. Slot hood
b. Canopy hood
c. Plain hood
d. Enclosing hood

20.A small business maintains a computer server to facilitate email and data storage. The fan on the
server generates noise measured at 86 dBA at a nearby worker desk. Which noise control solution
should the business owner try first to lower the employee noise exposure?
a. Issue hearing protection devices with an NRR greater than 5 to the worker.
b. Buy a radio for the worker so that the employee can listen to the music over the noise of the
c. Build an enclosure around the server to contain the noise.
d. Change the orientation of the server to direct the noise in a different direction.

21.A small grocery store has total annual sales of $2,500,000 with a 5.4% profit margin. A newly
hired stocking clerk slips and strains his back during his second week on the job. An investigation
reveals he used improper lifting techniques. He had received no training on lifting prior to the
accident. The total cost of the injury including medical costs was $13,000. What is the amount of
grocery sales necessary to recover the cost of the injury?
a. 702
b. 13,000
c. 70,200
d. 241,000

22.A substance is stored in a pressurized container at normal temperatures has a vapor pressure of
5168 mm Hg and a vapor density of 2.4. How is this substance likely to behave if the container is
damaged and the contents are released?
a. The contents will rise and disperse easily into the atmosphere
b. The contents will sink and stay low to the ground
c. The contents will solidify into a powder on the ground
d. The contents will mix easily with the air neither rising into the atmosphere or sinking and staying
low to the ground.

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23.A tower crane has a boom that extends 100 feet from the cab. There is a short boom for a 40 ton
counterweight that is 20 feet long. The counterweight can be moved along the short boom. The
crane operator needs to place a 10,000 lb object at a spot 40 feet from the cab. Where should the
counterweight be placed along the short boom to ensure the load is balanced?
a. 1 foot
b. 2 feet
c. 5 feet
d. 10 feet

24.A tank filled with benzene (sg=0.87) developed a small leak. The 20-foot tall tank has a 100,000
capacity and the leak is 2 feet above the ground. What is the pressure of the liquid as it leaves the
a. 0.8 psi
b. 6.8 psi
c. 7.8 psi
d. 977 psi

25.A U.S. consumer is taken ill from eating a raw cookie dough product contaminated with e-coli.
The package states that the cookie dough must be baked before being consumed. The manufacturer
has no quality control procedures in place to ensure that e-coli is not present. The consumer sues
the manufacturer to cover lost wages and medical expenses while being ill. What type of liability is
the plaintiff likely to claim?
a. There is no basis for the lawsuit. The manufacturer is clearly not liable based on the package
b. The plaintiff is likely to claim that the manufacturer violated an express warranty because the
product made no mention of the possibility that e-coli could be present.
c. The plaintiff is likely to claim that the manufacturer was strictly liable because the e-coli was
present and made him sick.
d. The plaintiff is likely to claim that the manufacturer was negligent because the manufacturer
should have anticipated the possibility that the product would be contaminated with e-coli.

26.A worker can no longer move his index finger smoothly. It moves in snaps of jerks. From which
musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) is this worker likely suffering?
a. Carpal tunnel syndrome
b. Ganglion
c. Trigger finger
d. De Quervains disease

27.A worker must push a wooden pallet across a rough finish concrete floor. The wooden pallet with
materials weighs 40 lbs and it has a footprint of 4 square feet. The coefficient of static friction
between the wood and the rough finish concrete floor is 0.62. How much force must the worker use
to keep the pallet moving?
a. 24.8 lbs
b. 40.0 lbs
c. 49.6 lbs
d. 64.5 lbs

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28.A worker wearing wet leather gloves grabbed a bare wire. The wire was carrying an electrical
current at 1200 volts. Assuming a body resistance of 1500 ohms, how much current went through
the worker’s body?
a. 800 mA
b. 894 mA
c. 1.25 A
d. 1.80 A

E=IR I=E/R E = 1200V r = 1500 Ohms 1200/1500 = .8A or 800 mA

29.An air sample of toluene (MW = 92.13) in Boulder, CO is 15.0 mg/m3. The temperature and
atmospheric concentration when the sample was taken were 65 F and 30.85 in Hg. What is the
concentration of toluene in ppm?
a. 42.0 ppm
b. 4.20 ppm
c. 3.98 ppm
d. 3.77 ppm

30.An airliner made an emergency landing in a river. The total weight of the jet is 150,000 lbs. What
is the volume of the plane submerged in the river?
a. The answer cannot be determined from the information provided
b. 24 cubic feet
c. 240 cubic feet
d. 2,400 cubic feet

31.An airliner recently made a water landing on the Hudson River. If the airliner including
passengers, fuel and cargo has a weight of 150,000 lbs, what is the buoyant force on the plane while
it is floating in the river?
a. 75,000 lbs
b. 150,000 lbs
c. 300,000 lbs
d. There is not enough information to solve this problem.

32.An engineering team is evaluating the probability of a catastrophic explosion from a chemical
process. They are starting their analysis by looking at the final result (explosion) and working
backwards in the process to determine all the possible scenarios that could lead to the explosion.
What is this type of analysis?
a. Management oversight and risk tree
b. Simultaneous timed event analysis
c. Failure modes and effect analysis
d. Fault tree analysis

ISO / 45001 /9001/ NFPA / TTT / IRC LA <>


Section [ C ]

ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Quiz Questions and Answers

Legal and other requirements can result in risks and opportunities for the management.

True/False: The management should not develop, apply and carry on processes to control the
acquisition of products and services so as to make sure their compliance to its health and safety
management system.
True/False: The management should not retain documented information on the plans for reacting
to emergency conditions.
True/False: In the instance of intended changes, long term or short term, risk and opportunities
assessment must be undertaken before the change is applied.
True/False: The management must never send information externally suitable to the health and
safety management system, concerning its legal and other requirements.
True/False: Risk should only be managed for hazards, not for internal and external issues, the needs
and expectations of interested parties.
True/False: The management must leave the development, and application of different processes for
monitoring, measurement, and analysis of workers.
True/False: The management must leave the management of processes for evaluating compliance
with legal and other requirements on workers.
True/False: It is estimated that a minimum of seventy countries worked towards the drafting process
of ISO 45001.
True/False: The management must never identify Interested parties along with employees that apply
to the health and safety management system.
Fill in the blank: According to ILO stats in 2017,2.7 million fatal accidents happen at workplaces
True/False: Occupational Health and Safety Management System help companies to improve
occupational health and safety performance continually.
True/False: Measurement is allocating numbers to performance events or objects. It is related to
performance evaluation and can be extracted from the utilization of verified or calibrated equipment
or extension of exposure, or concluding safe distance from a hazard with the help of calculations.
True/False: The management should not develop health and safety objectives; continual
improvement in the health and safety management system comes on its own.
True/False: The Clause 5 in ISO 45001 i.e. performance evaluation enhanced and extended the
evaluation of performance as present in the British OHSAS 18001.
True/False: The ISO 45001 standard emphasize that the results of internal audits should never be
presented to concerned management and leadership.
True/False: Most of the organizations are small or medium enterprises. ISO 45001 is applicable to
them, just as it is applicable to big enterprises.

ISO / 45001 /9001/ NFPA / TTT / IRC LA <>


True/False: Policy should exhibit commitment towards continual improvement of health and safety
True/False: The internal audit plan must be developed irrespective of the system scope.
True/False: Monitoring can be based on observation of work being done, assessment of
documented information for example records, the utilization of interviews and can involve
identifying the status so that deviation from performance level can be recognized.

Candidate Declaration :
Exam Paper Written By : Mohammed Saifullah Khan

Date : 25-05-2024

Signature : Mohammed Saifullah Khan

ISO / 45001 /9001/ NFPA / TTT / IRC LA <>

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