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To: All Students

Date: MAY 16, 2024

Subject: Strict Adherence to School Policy on Public Display of Affection (PDA)

In line with our commitment to upholding the Islamic school code of conduct and nurturing future
educators, it has come to the forefront of our attention that there has been a notable disregard for the
school policy regarding public display of affection (PDA) among students, especially while wearing the
school uniform.

It is imperative to reiterate that such behavior contradicts the fundamental principles of modesty,
respect, and dignity inherent in our chosen profession as Future Educators and also as an Islamic School.
As future educators and ambassadors of our school community, it is incumbent upon each student to
uphold these values both within and beyond the school premises.

Therefore, this memorandum serves as a stern reminder to all students of the strict adherence expected
to the school policy on PDA. Under no circumstances should any form of public display of affection be
exhibited while wearing the school uniform. This includes, but is not limited to, holding hands, hugging,
kissing, or engaging in any intimate gestures.

We remind all students that any behavior deemed inappropriate not only reflects poorly on the
individual but also tarnishes the reputation and integrity of our esteemed institution. Any actions that
can potentially damage the school's name and reputation will not be tolerated.

Consequently, failure to comply with this directive will result in immediate disciplinary action, which
may include counseling, suspension, or other sanctions deemed appropriate by the school
Let us all strive to uphold the principles of respect, integrity, and professionalism that define our school
community and Islamic values.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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