STB Class X Land and Climate of Pakistan Chapter 4 Pak. St.

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Chapter: 04 Class IX: Pak.

Studies SR
Land and Climate of Pakistan

The chapter includes:

 Geographical location of Pakistan

 Importance of Pakistan’s location
 Physical features of Pakistan (mountains, plateaus, plains, deserts/coastal areas)
 Climate of Pakistan
 Influence of climate on life
 Environmental problems
 Citizens’ role to reduce pollution

Key Points:
1. The official name of Pakistan is “Islamic Republic of Pakistan”.
2. It consist of four provinces.
3. Balochistan is the biggest with an area of 347,190 sq. kilometers.
4. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
5. Pakistan is situated in the Southern side of Asia. In south west of Pakistan is Iran, in the
east is India, China in the north and Arabian sea in the South of Pakistan.
6. Pakistan is connected with China in the North. It provides a transit route to Afghanistan
for its trade through land and sea.
7. Iran and Turkey along with Pakistan are the members of ECO (Economic Cooperation
8. Karachi is an international harbor and airport. It connects Europe with Asia through sea
9. Indus Valley and Gandhara are the ancient cDilizations and possess importance from
point of view of tourism.
10. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan have signed a protocol on the supply of gas
through pipeline, passing through Afghanistan to Pakistan.
11. Kashmir is the main dispute between Pakistan and India.
12. Pakistan is the 7th Atomic nation of the world and enjoys highest prestige in the world.
13. The mountains of Pakistan are divided into two parts;
i. Northern and North-Eastern mountains.
ii. North-Western and Western Mountains
14. In North Eastern part of Pakistan, Himalaya is the highest mountains of the world.
15. The biggest Himalayan mountain range is situated between Pir Panjal and Karakoram
16. Nanga Parbat is 8126 meters above the sea level.
17. The longest river of Pakistan is River Indus.
18. Karakoram Range is situated in the North-West of Great Himalayas.
19. K-2 is the highest peak of Pakistan and the second highest peak of the world.
20. The North-Eastern mountain range protect Pakistan from extreme temperature in
winters and provide huge rainfall in monsoon.
21. K-2 is the highest peak of Pakistan and the second highest peak of the world.
22. Punjab has an area of 205345 sq. km.

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Chapter: 04 Class IX: Pak. Studies SR
Land and Climate of Pakistan

23. India lies in the East of Pakistan.

24. China is situated in the North of Pakistan.
25. China is connected with the boundaries of Pakistan through Karakoram highway.
26. Durand line is 2252 km long.
27. ECO stands for Economic Cooperation Organization.
28. The mountains of Pakistan are divided into two parts.
29. The highest peak of Great Himalayan range is Nanga Parbat.
30. Nanga Parbat is about 8126 m above the sea level.
31. The average height of Karakoram Range is about 7000m.
32. K-2 is also called Godwin Austin.
33. The average height of K-2 is 8611 m.
34. K-2 is located in Karakoram Range.
35. Karakoram Highway is also called Silk route.
36. 4.5 % of Geographical area of Pakistan is forest.
37. North Eastern mountain range covers 80% forests of our country.
38. Tirch Mir is the highest peak of Hindukush mountains.
39. Koh-i-Safed is about the height of 3600 m.
40. The area between Kurram pass and Gomal pass is known as Waziristan Hills.
41. The Gomal pass is famous for trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
42. The Sulaiman range is in the South of rDer Gomal.
43. The highest peak of Sulaiman range is Takht-e-Sulaiman.
44. Takht-e-Sulaiman is 3487 m above the sea level.
45. The Bolan pass connects Quetta with Sibi.
46. The Kirthat Range are low, dry mountains.
47. The highest point of Kirthar range is Gorakh.
48. Soan and Haro are main rivers of Potwar plateau.
49. The average height of salt range of Potwar plateau is 700 m.
50. The height of salt range at Sakesar is 1500 m.
51. The Balochistan plateau is located in west of Kirthar and Sulaiman mountain.
52. The height of Balochistan plateau is 650 m.
53. Baluchistan plateau covers an area of about 40% of Pakistan.
54. The main river of Balochistan plateau is Zhob.
55. The peaks of Ziarat and Muslim Bagh have height of 2133.
56. Jehlum, Chenab and Ravi flow into Indus near Mithan Kot.
57. The part of Indus plains above Mithan Kot is called upper Indus plains.
58. The area of South Mithan Kot is called lower Indus plain.
59. Thal desert is located in the district of Mianwali.
60. About 60% area of Bhawalpur is Cholistan.
61. The main portion of Cholistan desert is in India.
62. Thal and Nara are an extension of Rajasthan.
63. Pakistan’s coastal area is 700 sq. km.
64. The coast between the border of Iran and Hub is called Makran coast.
65. Pakistan is situated in the south of Tropic of Cancer.
66. The average January temperature in plains of Pakistan is 4⁰C .

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

67. Water maintains 70 % of total weight of human body.

68. The potable water of globe is 2.8 %.
69. Pakistan is divided into 4 climatic regions.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1) The official name of Pakistan is:

A. Pakistan C. Islamic Pakistan
B. Islamic Republic of Pakistan D. none of these
2) Number of provinces in Pakistan:
A. one B. two
C. three D. four
3) ___________ is the biggest province with an area of 347,190 sq. kilometers.
A. Sindh C. Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa
C. Punjab D. Balochistan
4) The capital of Pakistan is:
A. Karachi B. Islamabad
C. Lahore D. Peshawar
5) Pakistan is situated in the_______ side of Asia.
A. Southern B. Eastern
C. Northern D. Western
6) ____ lies in the west of Pakistan.
A. India B. Iran
C. Afghanistan D. China
7) Iran, Turkey and Pakistan are members of ____.
C. EU D. League of Nations
8) ______ is an international harbor and airport which connects Europe with Asia through sea
A.Islamabad B. Lahore
C. Karachi D. Rawalpindi
9) _____ dispute is still unresolved between Pakistan and India.
A. Water B. Simla
C. Kashmir D. None of these
10) Pakistan is the _____Atomic nation of the world.
A. 1st B. 6th
C. 5th D. 7th
11) Nanga Parbat is ____ meters above the sea level.
A. 8226 B. 8621
C. 8126 D. 8162
12) _____ is longest river of Pakistan.
A. Indus B. Chenab
C. Jhelum D. Ravi

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

13) The highest peak of Pakistan is:

A. Nanga Parbat B. Mount Everest
C. K-2 D. none of these
14) Punjab has an area of ____ square kilometers.
A. 205345 B. 202342
C. 206346 D. 201341
15) India lies in the _______ of Pakistan.
A. North B. East
C. South D. West
16) China is situated in the ______ of Pakistan.
A. North B. East
C. South D. West
17) China is connected with the boundaries of Pakistan through _______.
A. Himalaya Range B. Durand line
C. Karakoram highway D. Line of Control
18) Durand line is 2252 km long.
A. 2153 B. 2252
C. 2353 D. 3343
19) ECO stands for:
A. Energy Cooperation Organization B. East Common Organization
C. Electricity Complain Office D. Economic Cooperation Organization
20) The mountains of Pakistan are divided into ___ parts:
A. two B. Three
C. four D. five
21) ____ is the highest peak of Great Himalayan Range:
A. Godwin Austin B. Nanga Parbat
C. Koh-i-Safed D. Takht-e-Suleman
22) Nanga Parbat is about ___ meters above the sea level.
A. 8125 B. 8127
C. 8126 D. 8128
23) The average height of Karakoram Range is about ___ meters.
A. 5500 B. 6000
C. 65000 D. 7000
24) K-2 is also called:
A. Godwin Austin B. Nanga Parbat
C. Koh-i-Safed D. Karakoram
25) The average height of K-2 is ___ meters:
A. 8512 B. 8611
C. 8713 D. 8511
26) K-2 is located in _________ Range.
A. Himalaya B. Hindu Kush
C. Karakoram D. none of these

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

27) Karakoram Highway is also called ______.

A. Silk route B. Durand Line
C. Indus Highway D. Northern Highway
28) ____ of Geographical area of Pakistan is forest.
A. 6.5 % B. 4.5%
C. 5.5 % D. 3.5 %
29) North Eastern mountain range covers _____ forests of our country.
A. 90% B. 80%
C. 70% D. 60%
30) ______ is the highest peak of Hindu Kush mountains.
A. K-2 B. Koh-i-Safed
C. Tirch Mir D. Nanga Parbat
31) Koh-i-Safed is about the height of ___ meters.
A. 3700 B. 3600
C. 3800 D. 3500
32) The area between Kurram pass and Gomal pass is known as ______.
A. Tirch Mir B. Gomal
C. Hindukush D. Waziristan Hills
33) ____ is famous for trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A. Bolan Pass B. Khyber Pass
C. Kurram Pass D. Gomal Pass
34) ____ Range is in the South of River Gomal.
A. Sulaiman B. Hindukush
C. Kithar D. Waziristan
35) The highest peak of Sulaiman range is Takht-e-Sulaiman.
A. Sikeram B. Takht-e-Sulaiman
C. Gorakh D. Tirch Mir
36) Takht-e-Sulaiman is ___ meters above the sea level.
A. 3585 B. 3587
C. 3487 D. 3687
37) The ______ Pass connects Quetta with Sibi.
A. Bolan B. Khyber
C. Kurram D. Gomal
38) ____ Range is low and dry mountains.
A. Sulaiman B. Waziristan
C. Kirthar D. Koh-i-Safed
39) The highest point of Kirthar range is _______.
A. Sikeram B. Gorakh
C. Tirch Mir D. Takht-e-Sulaiman
40) Soan and Haro are main rivers of _______ plateau.
A. Indus B. Sibi
C. Balochistan D. Potwar

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

41) The average height of salt range of Potwar Plateau is:

A. 600 m B. 700 m
C. 500 m D. 400 m
42) The height of salt range at Sakesar is ___ meters:
A. 1400 B. 1600
C. 1500 D. 1700
43) The ______ Plateau is located in west of Kirthar and Sulaiman mountain.
A. Indus B. Potwr
C. Sibi D. Balochistan
44) The height of Balochistan plateau is ___ meters.
A. 652 B. 650
C. 651 D. 649
45) Baluchistan plateau covers an area of about ____ of Pakistan.
A. 40% B. 50%
C. 60% D. 30%
46) The main river of Balochistan plateau is:
A. Porali B. Zhob
C. Hingoli D. Dasht
47) The peaks of Ziarat and Muslim Bagh have height os:
A. 2144 B. 2155
C. 2133 D. 2166
48) Jhelum, Chenab and Ravi flow into Indus near:
A. Sargodha B. Chinot
C. Sangla D. Mithan Kot
49) The part of Indus plains above Mithan Kot is called:
A. Upper Indus plain B. Lower Indus plains
C. Indus delta D. None of the above
50) The area of South Mithan Kot is called:
A. Upper Indus plain B. Lower Indus plains
C. Indus delta D. Baluchistan plateau
51) ________ is located in the district of Mianwali.
A. Thar B. Cholistan
C. Thal D. Nara
52) About ___of Bhawalpur is Cholistan.
A. 40% B. 50%
C. 60% D. 70%
53) The main portion of _____ desert is in India.
A. Thal B. Nara
C. Thar D. Cholistan
54) Thal and Nara are an extension of Rajasthan.
A. Rajasthan B. Chagai
C. Cholistan D. Kharan

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

55) Pakistan’s coastal area is ___ sq. km.

A. 500 B. 600
C. 700 D. 800
56) The coast between the border of Iran and Hub is called ____ coast.
A. Sindh B. Makran
C. Hub D. Delta
57) Pakistan is situated in the ______ of Tropic of Cancer.
A. East B. West
C. South D. North
58) The average January temperature in plains of Pakistan is:
A. 3⁰C B. 4⁰C
C. 5⁰C D. 6⁰ C
59) Water maintains ____ of total weight of human body.
A. 60% B. 50%
C. 80% D. 70%
60) Pakistan is divided into ______ climatic regions.
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5

Short Answer-Questions (4 marks for each question)

Q.1 Describe the location of Pakistan?

Pakistan is situated in South Asia. China is situated in North, India in East. Afghanistan lies in the
North West of Pakistan and Iran in the South West of Pakistan. In the south of Pakistan is the Arabian

Q.2 Write four sentences describing the importance of Pakistan?

i. The Karakoram Highway connects China and Pakistan by land, which is an important
trade route between the two countries
ii. Pakistan provides transit rout to Afghanistan for its trade through land and sea.
iii. Pakistan is situated near the oil producing gulf countries.
iv. Pakistan is the 7th atomic nation of the world.

Q.3 Name the physical features of Pakistan.

i. Mountains (They are dDided into two parts, namely Northern and North-Eastern
Mountains and North-West and Western mountains.)
i. Plateau: (The Potwar plateau and the Balochistan plateau)
ii. Plains: (The vast plain areas of Pakistan are dDided into three parts; the Upper Indus
plains, the lower Indus plains and the Indus Delta)
iii. Deserts including coastal areas: (Important deserts of Pakistan are Thal, Cholistan,
Thar, Nara, Chaghi and Kharan deserts)

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

Q.4 Name the parts of Northern high mountains region.

i. Himayalas:
In North eastern part of Pakistan, Himalaya is the highest mountain of the world. The
parallel ranges of Himalayas stretch like an arch up to Eastern part of India for about
2430 kilometers.
i. Karakoram: This range is situated in the North-West of Great Himalayas and include
the territories of North Kashmir and Gilgit. The average height of Karakoram range is
about 7000 meters.

Q.5 Name the parts of Himalayas.

i. The sub-Himalayas or the Siwalk Hills
B. The lesser Himalayas or the Pir Panjal mountain range
ii. Great Himalayan mountain range
iii. The Ladakh mountain range or Interior Himalayas

Q.6 Name any four North-Western mountains.

i. The Hindu Kush mountains: These mountains take off from the Western side of the
Pamir plateau which is located to the West of the Karakoram.
i. Koh-i-Safed: This mountain range is in between the Khyber Pass and Kurram Pass.
ii. Waziristan Hills: The area between Kurram Pass and Gomal Pass is known as
Waziristan Hills with an average height of 1500-3000 metres.
iii. The Sulaiman Range: It begins in the South of rDer Gomal. Its highest peak is Takht-e-
Sulaiman which is 3487 metres above the sea level.

Q.7 Write the four important peaks of Pakistan?

i. Trich Mir is situated in Hindu Kush range.

ii. Godwin Austin (K2) is situated in northern Karakoram mountains.
iii. Takhte Suleiman is situated in Koh-e-Suleiman western mountain range.
iv. Nanga Parbat in Great Himalayan range.

Q.8 Write down four sentence about upper Indus Plains?

i. The plain is situated in the south Himalayas Hills.

ii. It is irrigated by rDer Indus; RDers Chenab and Ravi flow into the Indus near Mithan Kot.
iii. The plain depends on Canal irrigation as it gets low rainfall.
iv. Wheat, rice and cotton are grown in a large quantity.

Q.9 Write down four sentence about lower Indus Plant?

i. The area south of Mithan Kot is called lower Indus plain.

ii. It is a flat plain.
iii. The rainfall is low in this area.
iv. Canal irrigation helps here to grow crops.

Q.10 What are different climatic regions of Pakistan? (from book pg 67)

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

i. Sub-tropical Continental Highland: It includes Pakistan’s northern mountain ranges,

north western mountain ranges and the mountain ranges of Balochistan.
ii. Sub-tropical continental Plateau: In this climatic region most of the parts of Balochistan are
iii. Sub-tropical continental Lowland: This climatic region includes the upper Indus plains
(Punjab province) and lower Indus plains (Sindh province)
iv. Sub-tropical Coastland: This climatic region includes the coastal areas of Sindh and
Balochistan province, or the southern part of Pakistan.

Q.11 Write four lines on the climate of Pakistan.

i. Dry and hot climate: Pakistan is in north of tropic of cancer situated in the extreme western
part of the monsoon region, so it has a dry and hot climate.
ii. Winter temperature: In the plains of Pakistan, the minimum temperature is 4⁰C and
maximum temperature is 24⁰C.
iii. Summer temperature: The temperature of the months of June is 30⁰C minimum and 48⁰C
iv. Hottest Areas: Jacobabad and Sibbi are the hottest areas of Pakistan where the temperature
reaches upto 50⁰C.

Q.12 How does climate affect human life? Write four points. (from book pg. 67)

i. Customs and lDing patterns: Climate affects the way of lDing, dress, food, occupation,
customs and economic actDities of people.
ii. People lDing in cold areas: People wear warm and woolen clothes. They confine themselves
to their homes and remain busy with cottage industry.
iii. People lDing in hot areas: They wear light loose dresses. They are busy with agriculture and
other jobs.
iv. General effects on people: People’s health, complexion, life style, nature of jobs, occupation,
economic actDities, sports, dresses all depends on the climatic condition of the area in which
they lDe. A harsh climate has negatDe effects and a moderate climate has positDe effects on
human life.

Q.13 Write four lines on environmental pollution. (book pg. 67)

i. Environmental pollution: means such changes in the environment of earth, water and
air which are harmful to life.

B. Air pollution: Smoke emitting from the chimneys of fractions and mills, and vehicles
on the roads causes air pollution.

C. Water pollution: The dumping of untreated chemicals, toxic wastes and sewerage
cause water pollution.

v. Land pollution: The excessDe use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and dumping
of other toxic waste into the soil is causing land pollution

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

Q.14 How can we control environmental pollution? Write four points.

i. Treatment of toxic chemical wastes and sewerage: It might help a lot to control
environmental pollution if we make arrangements for treating all toxic and poisonous
substances before dumping them into water or land.

B. More forestation and less deforestation: If we grow more forests by increasing

plantation and stop deforestation, environmental pollution can decrease to a great

C. General awareness of people about environmental pollution: We should use mass

media to make people aware of the environmental pollution so that everybody shares
the responsibility of making the environment clean from all sorts of pollution.

D. Proper funding of the environmental pollution control program: The government

should provide adequate funds to all those institutions which are busy controlling the
environmental pollution.

Q.15 What do you understand by climate? (from book pg 67)

The long lasting conditions of weather in a particular area such as air pressure, temperature,
humidity and rainfall are termed as the climate of an area.

Q.16 What is the relationship between the population growth and the environmental pollution?
(from book pg 67)

Environmental pollution is directly related to population growth. With the rapid increase in population, the
environmental pollution is also increasing day by day. The following causes show the relationship between the
population growth and the environmental pollution.

Industrialization: To meet the demands of the people’s needs, a large number of industries have been set up.
The factories and mills are responsible for increasing the environmental pollution because they do not make
necessary arrangements for disposing their wastes which include toxic chemicals and are great hazards for all
sorts of life especially human life.

Insecticides and Pesticides: To feed increasing population of the world, extensDe use of insecticides and
pesticides are used in agriculture.

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

DescriptDe Answer-Questions (8 marks for each question)

1. Describe the importance of the location of Pakistan in the south Asian Region.? (book page 68)/
Write a detailed note on the importance of the location of Pakistan.
Pakistan has great importance on the basis of its location , not only in the world but also in South Asia. The
geographical, economical and political importance of the location of Pakistan is gDen as under:

China is located in the north of Pakistan. Both the countries enjoy friendly relations with each other.
Karakoram Highway has been constructed cutting through the rocks of Karakoram which is an important
trade route between the two countries.

Central Asian Islamic Countries

Pakistan has religious, cultural and economic relation with the central Asian Islamic Countries. Pakistan is
the only country that provides them the nearest sea route and transport facilities. These countries lie in the
North West of the Pakistan.

Afghanistan is situated in the north west of Pakistan. Pakistan provides transit route for trade to Afghansitan
through land and sea.

Iran is in the South west of Pakistan. It is an important neighbor of Pakistan. Iran, Turkey and Pakistan are
the members of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). Friendly relations among Iran, Turkey and
Pakistan are strengthening through ECO. Iran and Pakistan have got friendly relations.

India is a Hindu country in the East of Pakistan. There is a common border of 1600 kilometre in between
these countries. Both countries are trying to solve their problems including Kashmir. However the two
countries have already gone to war. Both are nuclear power. Another war among these two countries could
prove to be disastrous.

Trade through Arabian Sea

Arabian Sea is in Indian Ocean. Most of the trade between east and west is done through Indian Ocean.
Pakistan through Arabian Sea is linked with the Muslims Countries of Persian Gulf. All of them are rich in
oil. In Karachi Bin Qasim and Gwader are important seaports of Pakistan. In this respect South-East Asian
Muslim countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Burunai, Darussalam) and South Asian Muslim countries
(Bangladesh, MaldDes and SriLanka) are important. So Pakistan has an important strategic position in the
Therefore, the strategic location of Pakistan makes it an important country in the region.

2. GDe a brief account of any one physical features of Pakistan. (book page 68)
The physical features of Pakistan are not similar everywhere. It means that the land of Pakistan is
different in various regions. There are chains of high mountains which are covered with snow
throughout the year and also fertile lands and green valleys. There are also vast deserts in Pakistan.

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Land and Climate of Pakistan

The three physical features of Pakistan are:

i. Mountains
ii. Plains
iii. Plateau

i. Mountains
Mountain ranges are dDided into two parts in Pakistan.
a. Northern and North-Eastern Mountain Range
b. North-Western and Western Mountain Range

a. Northern and North-Eastern Mountains Range

This range includes the Himalayas, the Karakoram and the Hindukush mountain ranges

Himalayan Range
Himalaya is surrounded by most of the part of Pakistan towards North. These mountains are spread up
to Gilgit. The name of one of its top mountain is Nanga Parbat. Its height is 8,126 meters. The chain of
Himalaya saves our plains from cold winds of Middle East. They also stop monsoon from Arabian Sea
and Bengal Gulf and becomes the source of rainfall. Their highest tops are covered with snow. When in
spring and summer seasons the snow melts, our rDers are supplied with abundant water. On their slopes
in the south there are forest of precious wood. The touring resorts of Pakistan like Murree, Nathiagali,
Abbottabad and Kaghan Valley are also situated in these ranges. Thousands of people come here for
recreation. The valley of Kashmir is in the heart of these ranges which is considered the Paradise on

Karakoram Range
Karakoram is situated in the north of Himalaya in which Northern Kashmir and the regions of Gilgit are
situated. The average height of Karakoram range is 7,000 meters. Its highest top is K-2 which is 8,611
meters high. The top of its neighbouring Mountains are covered with snow throughout the year. But in
summer the normal life begins and people become busy in earning their lDings. The canals flow fast and
green grass grows. This mountain range lies between Pakistan and China. Here Karakoram Highway has
been built along the rDer Hunza due to which trade between the two countries has progressed.

North-Western and Western Mountain Range

Hindukush Range
The Hindukush range lies in the North West of Karakoram Range. Most of the mountains of this range
are in Afghanistan. The highest top of this range is Tirich Mir which is 7690 meters high. These
mountains become the source of rains in summer season in Pakistan and India.

The Koh-i-Safed Range

This mountainous range is in between the Khyber Pass and Kurram Pass. All the invaders in older times
entered the Sub-Continent through Khyber Pass which is 53 km long. Peshawar Cantonment lies close
to Khyber Pass. The koh-i-Safed is in the South of this Pass. The average height of this range is 3600
metres. They are covered with snow throughout the year.That is why it is called Koh-i-Safed. RDer
Kurram flows in its south.

Kohat And Waziristan Hills

Kohat and Waziristan hills are situated between two rDers i.e. Gomal and Kurram. This mountain range
is spread to north-south direction. RDer Tochi is an important rDer of this range. There are many passes
through these mountains. These passes promote cultural and trade ties between Pakistan and
Afghanistan. Tochi and Kurram passes are located in these hills.

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Sulaiman Range
Kohi Sulaiman is in the South of RDer Gomal. The highest peak is Tukht-e-Sulaiman which is 3,487
meters above the sea level. It is a barren land. The most important rDer of this region is Bolan rDer
which flows through Bolan Pass. The pass connects Quetta with Sibbi.

Kirthar Range
It is in the south of Karakoram range. These are low and dry mountains. The maximum heigh of the
Kirthar range is 2150 meters. In its south rDer Hub and Lyari flow which fall in the Arabian Sea at

Salt Range
The chain of Salt Range starts from the mountains of Tilla Jogian and Bakrala Hills on the bank of rDer
Jhelum. These chains run for some distance along the rDer and then in the West after passing through
Bannu meet with the Sulaiman Mountain. The average height of Slat Range is 700 meters. In district
Sakesar its height is 1,500 meters. The rDer Swan is the famous rDer of this area

3. Describe the climatic regions of Pakistan.

Pakistan is situated in the south of tropic of cancer. It is a sub-tropical country which is situated in the
western part of the monsoon region. Some of the areas in the north of Pakistan is warm and mist,
whereas the mountainous area have highland type climate.
Pakistan is dDided into following regions on the basis of its climate.

i. Sub-Tropical Continental highland

ii. Sub-Tropical Continental plateau
iii. Sub-Tropical Continental lowland
iv. Sub-Tropical Coastland

i. Sub-Tropical Continental Highland

It includes Pakistan’s northern mountain ranges (outer and central Himalayas), north-western mountain
ranges. (Waziristan, Zhob and Loralai) and the mountain ranges of Balochistan (Quetta, Sarawan,
Central Makran and Jalawan). Here the winter is extremely cold, normally there is snowfall. Summer
season is quite cool and in spring and winter seasons there is mostly fog and rainfall.

B. Sub-Tropical Continental plateau

In this climate region most of the parts of Balochistan are included. From May to the mid of September
hot and dusty winds continuously blow. Sibbi and Jacobabad are located in this region. There are a few
rainfall during the month of January and February (normally 5 cm). Extreme hot, dry and dusty winds
are important characteristics of this region.

C. Sub-Tropical Continental lowland

This climatic region includes the upper Indus plain (Punjab Province) and lower Indus plain (Sindh
Province). Summer is very hot. The north of Punjab receDes less rainfall. Winter rainfall situation is the
same. In the Thal, Kachhi, Sibbi and south-eastarn plains are dry and a large area in desert. The
Peshawar plain experiences thunder storms and dust storms during summer.

D. Sub-Tropical Coastland

Students’ Resource Material – SR – IX – Pakistan Studies Page 13

Chapter: 04 Class IX: Pak. Studies SR
Land and Climate of Pakistan

This climate region includes the coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan province or the southern part of
Pakistan. The temperature is moderate. The difference between maximum and minimum temperature is
less. There is inflow of sea breeze throughout the summer and the humidity is high. Annual average
temperature is 32⁰C and rainfall is 18 cm. May and June are the hottest months. The plain of Lasbela
receDes rainfall both in summer and winter seasons. Pakistan is situated in monsoon type of climate.
There are extreme variations in the temperature. A major part of Pakistan lies at a great distance from
the sea.

Although Pakistan is situated in the monsoon zone of climate, but being in the extreme western part of
this region, does not possess its characteristics. Therefore, the climate of Pakistan is arid, hot and
continental type. There are extreme variations in the temperature. A major part of Pakistan lies at a great
distance from the sea.

Students’ Resource Material – SR – IX – Pakistan Studies Page 14

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