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SEO Study on Amazon and w3school :

❖ What is SEO ?
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice
of enhancing a website to improve its visibility in search
engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of SEO is to
increase organic (non-paid) traffic from search engines
like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

❖ Why SEO is important ?

SEO is crucial for several reasons, primarily
because it directly impacts a website's visibility, traffic,
and overall success. Here are the main reasons why
SEO is important:

✓ Increased Visibility and Traffic

✓ Credibility and Trust
✓ Better User Experience
✓ Competitive Advantage
✓ Local SEO Benefits
✓ Long-Term Strategy
❖ Overview of Amazon :
Amazon is a global e-commerce giant founded by
Jeff Bezos in 1994. Initially an online bookstore, it has
expanded to offer a vast array of products and services,
including cloud computing through Amazon Web
Services (AWS), streaming via Amazon Prime Video, and
artificial intelligence. Known for its customer-centric
approach, Amazon has revolutionized online shopping
and logistics with innovations like one-click purchasing
and same-day delivery.

❖ Overview of w3school :
W3Schools is a popular web development tutorial
website that provides comprehensive guides and
references on web technologies such as HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and more. It offers easy-to-follow
tutorials, examples, and interactive coding exercises to
help users learn and practice their coding skills.
W3Schools is widely used by beginners and
experienced developers alike as a go-to resource for
web development education. The website also includes
certification programs to validate users' skills in various
web technologies.
❖ Organic search traffic :
Organic search traffic in digital marketing refers to
the visitors who land on a website as a result of unpaid
search results from search engines like Google, Bing, or
Yahoo. This type of traffic is generated when users enter
keywords or phrases into a search engine, and then
click on the non-paid (organic) listings that appear on
the search engine results page (SERP). Organic search
traffic is driven by a website's relevance, content
quality, and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts,
making it a crucial component of a sustainable digital
marketing strategy.

Amazon :- w3school :-

❖ Organic Keywords :
Organic keywords are the terms and phrases that
users type into search engines like Google to find
information, products, or services without using paid
advertisements. These keywords are critical for search
engine optimization (SEO) because they help drive
organic (non-paid) traffic to a website. By optimizing
content around relevant organic keywords, businesses
can improve their search engine rankings, increase
visibility, and attract more visitors who are genuinely
interested in their offerings. Organic keywords are
essential for building a sustainable online presence and
achieving long-term search engine success.
These are some Top Organic keywords of ….

Amazon :- w3school :-
❖ Paid Search Traffic :
Paid search traffic in digital marketing refers to the
visitors that arrive at a website through advertisements
placed on search engine results pages (SERPs). These
ads are typically purchased through a pay-per-click
(PPC) model, where advertisers bid on keywords
relevant to their business. When users search for those
keywords, the ads appear alongside or above the
organic search results. Advertisers are charged each
time their ad is clicked, driving traffic to their website.
This method allows businesses to quickly gain visibility
and attract targeted visitors who are actively searching
for related products or services.

Amazon :- w3school :-
❖ Back Links :
In digital marketing, backlinks are links from one
website to another. They are crucial for search engine
optimization (SEO) because they signal to search
engines that other websites vouch for your content,
which can help improve your site's search engine
ranking. High-quality backlinks from reputable and
relevant websites can significantly boost a website's
credibility, authority, and visibility in search engine
results pages (SERPs). Backlinks can be earned
through various strategies, including content creation,
outreach, guest blogging, and partnerships.

Amazon :- w3school :-
❖ Authority score :
An Authority Score is a metric that indicates the
overall quality and influence of a website. It is used to
assess the site's potential to rank well in search engine
results and its credibility within its niche. Authority
Score is calculated based on various factors, including:
✓ Backlink Quality and Quantity
✓ Domain Age
✓ Content Quality
✓ Traffic and Engagement
✓ SEO Practices

Amazon :- w3school :-
❖ Site Score :
A Site Score is a metric used to evaluate and
quantify the performance, quality, or overall
effectiveness of a website. This score can be derived
from various factors, depending on the specific
purpose or the platform providing the scoring. Common
aspects assessed in a Site Score include:
✓ Performance
✓ SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
✓ Content Quality
✓ User Engagement
✓ Security

Amazon :- w3school :-
❖ Diagnose performance :
"Diagnose performance" typically refers to the
process of identifying and analyzing issues that impact
the performance of a system, application, or network.
This process involves:
✓ Monitoring
✓ Profiling
✓ Testing
✓ Analyzing Logs
✓ Optimizing

Amazon :- w3school :-
❖ Organic competitor :
An organic competitor refers to a business or
website that ranks alongside others on search engine
results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords without
the use of paid advertising. These competitors
achieve visibility through effective search engine
optimization (SEO) strategies, including high-quality
content, backlink building, and adherence to SEO
best practices. Organic competition is a critical
aspect of digital marketing, as it influences a
company's online presence and ability to attract
organic traffic from search engines. Understanding
organic competitors is essential for developing
effective SEO strategies and improving one's own
search engine rankings.
Amazon :- w3school :-
➢ In summary, SEO is a critical aspect of digital
marketing that directly impacts a website's success.
Understanding and implementing effective SEO
strategies, as well as analyzing competitors, is
essential for achieving long-term search engine

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