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Vector Mechanics For Engineers:

Dynamics (Twelfth Edition)

Chapter 11
Kinematics of Particles
(Motion of Several

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Learning Outcomes
This topic is designed to assess student ability’s on:

• Able to determine the rectilinear motion of a particle. (CO1-

• Able to determine the motion of more than one particle at the
same time. (CO1-PO1)
• Able to relate positions, velocities, and accelerations of
particles undergoing dependent motion. (CO1-PO1)

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Uniform Rectilinear-Motion
Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear-
Motion of Several Particles: Relative
Sample Problem 11.5
Motion of Several Particles:
Dependent Motion
Sample Problem 11.7

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Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Once a safe speed of descent for a For a particle in uniform
vertical landing is reached, a Harrier jet rectilinear motion, the
pilot will adjust the vertical thrusters to acceleration is zero and the
equal the weight of the aircraft. The velocity is constant.
plane then travels at a constant velocity
downward. If motion is in a straight dx
line, this is uniform rectilinear motion. = v = constant
x t
∫ dx = v ∫ dt
x0 0
x − x0 = vt
x = x0 + vt

Careful – these only apply to

uniform rectilinear motion!

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Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
For a particle in uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, the
acceleration of the particle is constant. You may recognize these
constant acceleration equations from your physics courses.
v t
= a= constant ∫ dv= a ∫ dt
v0 0
v= v0 + at

x t
=v0 + at
∫ dx = ∫ ( v0 + at ) dt
x = x0 + v0t + 12 at 2

v x
v = constant
a= ∫ v dv =
a ∫ dx v02 2a ( x − x0 )
v 2 =+
dx v0 x0

Careful – these only apply to uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion!

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Motion of Several Particles
We may be interested in the motion of several different particles,
whose motion may be independent or linked together.

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Motion of Several Particles: Relative
• For particles moving along the same line, time
should be recorded from the same starting
instant and displacements should be measured
from the same origin in the same direction.
x B A = x B − x A = relative position of B
xB = x A + xB A with respect to A

v B A = v B − v A = relative velocity of B
v B = v A + v B A with respect to A

a B A = a B − a A = relative acceleration of B
with respect to A
aB = a A + aB A

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Sample Problem 11.5 1


• Substitute initial position and velocity

and constant acceleration of ball into
general equations for uniformly
accelerated rectilinear motion.
• Substitute initial position and constant
velocity of elevator into equation for
uniform rectilinear motion.
Ball thrown vertically from 12 m level • Write equation for relative position of
in elevator shaft with initial velocity ball with respect to elevator and solve
of 18m/s. At same instant, open- for zero relative position, that is,
platform elevator passes 5 m level impact.
moving upward at 2m/s.
Determine (a) when and where ball • Substitute impact time into equation
hits elevator and (b) relative velocity for position of elevator and relative
of ball and elevator at contact. velocity of ball with respect to elevator.

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Sample Problem 11.5 2

Modeling and Analysis:

• Substitute initial position and velocity and
constant acceleration of ball into general equations
for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.
m  m
v B = v0 + at = 18 −  9.81 2 t
s  s 
 m  m
y B = y0 + v0t + 12 at 2 = 12 m + 18 t −  4.905 2 t 2
 s  s 

• Substitute initial position and constant velocity of

elevator into equation for uniform rectilinear motion.
vE = 2
 m
y E = y0 + v E t = 5 m +  2 t
 s
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Sample Problem 11.5 3

• Write equation for relative position of ball with respect to

elevator and solve for zero relative position, i.e., impact.
( )
y B E = 12 + 18t − 4.905t 2 − (5 + 2t ) = 0
t = −0.39 s (meaningless )
t = 3.65 s

• Substitute impact time into equations for position of elevator

and relative velocity of ball with respect to elevator.

yE = 5 + 2 ( 3.65 ) s
y E = 12.3 m

vB E =(18 − 9.81t ) − 2
= 16 − 9.81( 3.65 ) m
vB E = −19.81
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Sample Problem 11.5 4

Reflect and Think:

The key insight is that, when two particles collide,

their position coordinates must be equal. Also,
although you can use the basic kinematic
relationships in this problem, you may find it easier
to use the equations relating a, v, x, and t when the
acceleration is constant or zero.

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Motion of Several Particles: Dependent
• Position of a particle may depend on position of one
or more other particles.
• Position of block B depends on position of block A.
Since rope is of constant length, it follows that sum of
lengths of segments must be constant.
x A + 2 x B = constant (one degree of freedom)
• Positions of three blocks are dependent.
2 x A + 2 x B + xC = constant (two degrees of freedom)

• For linearly related positions, similar relations hold

between velocities and accelerations.
dx A dx dx
2 + 2 B + C = 0 or 2v A + 2v B + vC = 0
dt dt dt
dv dv dv
2 A + 2 B + C = 0 or 2a A + 2a B + aC = 0
dt dt dt
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Consider a more complicated

example. Position coordinates (sA
and sB) are defined from fixed
datum lines, measured along the
direction of motion of each block.

Note that sB is only defined to the

center of the pulley above block
B, since this block moves with the
pulley. Also, h is a constant.

The red-colored segments of the cord remain constant in length

during motion of the blocks.

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The position coordinates are related by
the equation
2sB + h + sA = lT
Where lT is the total cord length minus
the lengths of the red segments.

Since lT and h remain constant

during the motion, the velocities and
accelerations can be related by two
successive time derivatives:
2vB = -vA and 2aB = -aA

When block B moves downward (+sB), block A moves to the left

(-sA). Remember to be consistent with your sign convention!

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This example can also be worked
by defining the position coordinate
for B (sB) from the bottom pulley
instead of the top pulley.

The position, velocity, and

acceleration relations then become
2(h – sB) + h + sA = lT
and 2vB = vA 2aB = aA

Prove to yourself that the results are the same, even if the sign
conventions are different than the previous formulation.

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These procedures can be used to relate the dependent motion of
particles moving along rectilinear paths (only the magnitudes of
velocity and acceleration change, not their line of direction).
1. Define position coordinates from fixed datum lines,
along the path of each particle. Different datum lines can
be used for each particle.
2. Relate the position coordinates to the cord length.
Segments of cord that do not change in length during the
motion may be left out.
3. If a system contains more than one cord, relate the
position of a point on one cord to a point on another
cord. Separate equations are written for each cord.
4. Differentiate the position coordinate equation(s) to relate
velocities and accelerations. Keep track of signs!
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Given: In the figure on the left, the cord
at A is pulled down with a speed
of 3 m/s.
Find: The speed of block D.

Plan: There is only one cord involved in

the motion, so only one
position/length equation is required.
Define position coordinates for block
D and cable lengths that change,
write the position relation and then
differentiate it to find the relationship
between the two velocities.

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EXAMPLE 1 (continued)
1) A datum line can be drawn through the upper, fixed pulleys.
Two coordinates must be defined: one for block D (sD) and
one for the changing cable length (sA).
Datum • sA can be defined to the point A.
• sD can be defined to the center of the
sA pulley above D.
• All coordinates are defined as positive
down and along the direction of
motion of each point/object.

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EXAMPLE 1 (continued)

Datum 2) Write position/length equations for

the cord. Define lT as the length of
sA the cord, minus any segments of
sD constant length.
sA + 3sD = lT

3) Differentiate to find the velocity

vA + 3vD = 0

Since the cord at A is pulled down with a speed of 3 m/s,

3 + 3vD = 0 ⇒ vD = -1 m/s = 1 m/s ↑

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Given: In the figure on the left,
the cord at A is pulled
down with a speed of 2
Find: The speed of block B.

Plan: There are two cords involved

in the motion in this example.
There will be two position
equations (one for each cord).
Write these two equations,
combine them, and then
differentiate them.

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EXAMPLE 2 (continued)
1) Define the position coordinates from a fixed datum line. Three
coordinates must be defined: one for point A (sA), one for block B
(sB), and one for block C (sC).

• Define the datum line through the top

pulley (which has a fixed position).
• sA can be defined to the point A.
• sB can be defined to the center of the
pulley above B.
• sC is defined to the center of pulley C.
• All coordinates are defined as
positive down and along the direction
of motion of each point/object.

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EXAMPLE 2 (continued)
2) Write position/length equations for
each cord. Define l1 as the length of
the first cord, minus any segments of
constant length. Define l2 in a similar
manner for the second cord:
Cord 1: sA + 2sC = l1
Cord 2: sB + (sB – sC) = l2
3) Eliminating sC between the two
equations, we get
sA + 4sB = l1 + 2l2
4) Relate velocities by differentiating this expression. Note that l1 and l2
are constant lengths.
vA + 4vB = 0 ⇒ vB = – 0.25vA = – 0.25(2) = – 0.5 m/s
The velocity of block B is 0.5 m/s up (negative sB direction).
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Given: In this pulley system, block A is
moving downward with a speed
of 6 m/s while block C is
moving down at 18 m/s.
Find: The speed of block B.


All blocks are connected to a single cable, so only one

position/length equation will be required. Define
position coordinates for each block, write out the
position relation, and then differentiate it to relate the

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EXAMPLE 3 (continued)
1) A datum line can be drawn through the upper, fixed, pulleys
and position coordinates defined from this line to each block
(or the pulley above the block).
2) Defining sA, sB, and sC as shown,
Datum the position relation can be written:
sA + 2sB + 2 sC = lT
3) Differentiate to relate velocities:
vA + 2vB + 2 vC = 0
6 + 2vB + 2(18) =0
vB = - 21 m/s = 21 m/s ↑
The velocity of block B is 21 m/s up.

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Sample Problem 11.7 1

• Define origin at upper horizontal surface
with positive displacement downward.
• Collar A has uniformly accelerated
rectilinear motion. Solve for acceleration
and time t to reach L.
• Pulley D has uniform rectilinear motion.
Pulley D is attached to a collar which Calculate change of position at time t.
is pulled down at 75 mm/s. At t = 0,
collar A starts moving down from K • Block B motion is dependent on motions
with constant acceleration and zero of collar A and pulley D. Write motion
initial velocity. Knowing that velocity relationship and solve for change of block
of collar A is 300 mm/s as it passes L, B position at time t.
determine the change in elevation, • Differentiate motion relation twice to
velocity, and acceleration of block B develop equations for velocity and
when block A is at L. acceleration of block B.
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Sample Problem 11.7 2

Modeling and Analysis:

• Define origin at upper horizontal surface with
positive displacement downward.

• Collar A has uniformly accelerated rectilinear

motion. Solve for acceleration and time t to reach L.

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Sample Problem 11.7 3

• Pulley D has uniform rectilinear motion. Calculate

change of position at time t.

• Block B motion is dependent on motions of collar

A and pulley D. Write motion relationship and
solve for change of block B position at time t.
Total length of cable remains constant,

xB - ( xB )0 = - 400 mm.
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Sample Problem 11.7 4

• Differentiate motion relation twice to develop

equations for velocity and acceleration of block B.

vB = 450

aB = - 225 2
Reflect and Think:
In this case, the relationship we needed was not between position coordinates,
but between changes in position coordinates at two different times. The key
step is to clearly define your position vectors. This is a two degree-of-freedom
system, because two coordinates are required to completely describe it.
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Group Problem Solving 8

Slider block A moves to the left with a

constant velocity of 6 m/s. Determine the
velocity of block B.

• Sketch your system and choose
coordinate system.
• Write out constraint equation.
• Differentiate the constraint equation
to get velocity.

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Group Problem Solving 9

Given: vA= 6 m/s left Find: vB

This length is constant no matter how the blocks move
Sketch your system and choose coordinates

Define your constraint equation(s)

x A + 3 yB + constants =
Differentiate the constraint equation to
get velocity

6 m/s + 3vB = 0

v B 2 m/s ↑

Note that as xA gets bigger, yB gets smaller.

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Group Problem Solving 10

Reflect and Think:

Physically it makes sense, by looking at the
system, block B must move upward if block A is
to move to the left.
The velocity of block B should also be less than
that of block A.

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11 - 32


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11 - 33


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1. Determine the speed of block B when
block A is moving down at 6 m/s while
block C is moving down at 18 m/s .

A) 24 m/s B) 3 m/s
C) 12 m/s D) 9 m/s vA=6 m/s vC=18 m/s

2. Determine the velocity vector of

block A when block B is moving
downward with a speed of 10 m/s.
A) (8i + 6j) m/s B) (4i + 3j) m/s
vB=10 m/s
C) (-8i - 6j) m/s D) (3i + 4j) m/s
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