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Aaron J. Krych Leela C. Biant

Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports University of Manchester
Medicine Manchester
Mayo Clinic UK
MN João Espregueira-Mendes
USA Clínica Espregueira
FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence
Andreas H. Gomoll Porto
Orthopedic Sugery Portugal
Hospital for Special Surgery
New York Norimasa Nakamura
USA Institute for Medical Science in Sports
Osaka Health Science University
Alberto Gobbi Osaka
O.A.S.I. Bioresearch Foundation Japan
Gobbi N.P.O.

ISBN 978-3-030-78050-0    ISBN 978-3-030-78051-7 (eBook)

© ISAKOS 2021
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viii Contents

10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery������������������ 113

D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy
11 Role of the Meniscus in Cartilage Injury: Basic Science�������������� 131
Bhargavi Maheshwer, Brady T. Williams, Evan M. Polce,
Robert F. LaPrade, and Jorge Chahla
12 Concomitant Meniscus Repair for Cartilage Treatment�������������� 143
Faiz S. Shivji and Tim Spalding
13 Meniscus Root Tear and Its Treatment������������������������������������������ 155
Matthew D. LaPrade, Lucas K. Keyt, and Aaron J. Krych
14 Cartilage Debridement of Symptomatic Lesions�������������������������� 165
John G. Lane and Macarena Morales Yañez
15 Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee�������������� 175
Robert L. Parisien, Nathan L. Grimm, and James L. Carey
16 Managing Concomitant Cartilage Injury with ACL Tears���������� 187
Michael James McNicholas and Eran Beit-ner
17 Marrow Stimulation: Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion ���� 199
Avi S. Robinson, Jamie L. Friedman, and Rachel M. Frank
18 Microfracture Augmentation Options for Cartilage Repair�������� 205
Hailey P. Huddleston, Eric D. Haunschild, Stephanie E. Wong,
Brian J. Cole, and Adam B. Yanke
19 Cell-Based Cartilage Repair ���������������������������������������������������������� 219
Mats Brittberg
20 Role of MSCs in Symptomatic Cartilage Defects�������������������������� 233
G. Jacob, K. Shimomura, and N. Nakamura
21 Scaffolds for Cartilage Repair�������������������������������������������������������� 243
Elizaveta Kon, Daniele Altomare, Andrea Dorotei,
Berardo Di Matteo, and Maurilio Marcacci
22 Osteochondral Autograft for Treatment
of Small Cartilage Injuries�������������������������������������������������������������� 253
Christopher M. LaPrade, Clayton W. Nuelle, Taylor Ray,
and Seth L. Sherman
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation�������������������������������������� 261
Luís Eduardo Tírico, Marco Kawamura Demange,
and William Bugbee
24 Emerging Cartilage Repair Options���������������������������������������������� 283
Mario Hevesi, Bradley M. Kruckeberg, Aaron J. Krych,
and Daniel B. F. Saris
Contents ix

25 One-Step Chondral and Subchondral Lesion

Treatment with MSCs���������������������������������������������������������������������� 289
Alberto Gobbi, Ignacio Dallo, and Eleonora Irlandini
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies
for the Patellofemoral Joint������������������������������������������������������������ 299
Joseph D. Lamplot, Andreas H. Gomoll,
and Sabrina M. Strickland
27 Rehabilitation and Decision for Return to Play Following
Cartilage Restoration Surgery�������������������������������������������������������� 319
Francesco Della Villa, Filippo Tosarelli, Davide Fusetti,
Lorenzo Boldrini, and Stefano Della Villa
28 Return to Sport Following Cartilage Treatment:
Where Is the Evidence? ������������������������������������������������������������������ 333
Naser Alnusif, Sarav S. Shah, and Kai Mithoefer
2 M. Ferretti et al.

through the depth [14]. The cellular type present 1.2.2 Proteoglycans
in the cartilage is the chondrocyte. It responds to and Glycosaminoglycans
a mechanical and biochemical stimulus and it is
responsible for the constant production of the Proteoglycans are the second largest group of
components of the ECM, making from the carti- macromolecules in the tissue and account for
lage a metabolically active tissue [2, 15]. On a 10–15% of the wet weight. They are comprised
microscope scale, the cartilage also exhibits an of a protein core with many attached glycosami-
organizational structure oriented to distance from noglycans [14]. Glycosaminoglycans are
the chondrocyte membrane. Each cell is sur- unbranched polysaccharide chains composed of
rounded by a narrow pericellular matrix (PCM), repeating disaccharides of amino sugars.
forming units called chondrons. These units in Hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, keratan sul-
turn are surrounded by the territorial and interter- fate, and dermatan sulfate are common glycos-
ritorial matrices [16]. The composition and orga- aminoglycans present in articular cartilage [21].
nizational structure of the articular cartilage are The major and most abundant PG in articular car-
critical for the proper function of this tissue. tilage is the aggrecan. These molecules are able
to bind to hyaluronic acid and, through a link pro-
tein (glycoprotein), they can form large proteo-
1.2.1 Collagens glycan aggregates [22]. The biomechanical
function of the hyaluronic acid is to aggregate the
Collagens are proteins with tissue-specific local- proteoglycans and immobilize them in the extra-
izations. Type II collagen is the predominant col- cellular material [23]. From a mechanical point
lagen type in articular cartilage but cartilage also of view, the aggrecan molecules form a low-­
contains other types of collagens. They account permeability structure when being compressed in
for more than half of the dry weight of the tissue the collagen network in order to retain fluid pres-
(50–90%) and form fibril fibers intertwined with sure, providing compressive stiffness for carti-
proteoglycan [17]. The distribution of collagen lage [24].
fibrils in the cartilage is highly inhomogeneous. Glycosaminoglycans are negatively charged
The fibrillar network is oriented parallel to the and extend out from the protein core, remaining
surface and gradually becomes essentially per- separated from one another because of charge
pendicular with depth from the surface [2]. This repulsion [25, 26]. Different of the collagen dis-
arrangement provides the ability to resist shear tribution, proteoglycan content is lowest at the
and tension forces [1]. Because collagen fibers superficial zone, increasing by as much as 50%
have a large ratio length/diameter, they offer little into the middle and deep zones [26]. Together
or no resistance to compression [18]. In the mid- with collagens, proteoglycans are the dominant
dle of the tissue, the organization is more ran- load-carrying structural components of the solid
dom. The content of the collagen decreases with matrix [14]. As negatively charged, these struc-
the depth from the articular surface [1]. tures are critical for the functionality of cartilage.
Articular cartilage still contains other types of They attract ions and water, helping in the main-
collagen other than collagen type II distributed tenance of the mechanical properties and hydra-
differently depending on the region of the carti- tion of the ECM, providing resistance to
lage, such as type IX, X, XI, VI, XII, and XIV compression.
[19]. Although accounting for a small part of the
ECM, these collagens not only play essential
structural roles in the mechanical properties, 1.2.3 Chondrocytes
organization, and shape of articular cartilage, but
can also play an important role in the regulation Chondrocytes are specialized cells originated
of chondrocyte mechanotransduction mediated from the mesenchymal stem cells, responsible for
by the mechanical properties of the PCM [20]. synthesizing and maintaining the components of
1 Articular Cartilage: Functional Biomechanics 3

the EMC, accounting for less than 5% of the tis- the impermeability of the subchondral bone and
sue volume in humans. Chondrocytes contribute the bulk of the adjacent cartilage [1, 36, 37].
little to the mechanical properties of the tissue
[9]. The density of the cells is higher in the super-
ficial zone than deeper zones. In addition, the 1.2.5 Zones
shape and size of the cells also depend on the
zone in which they are located, adjusting to the Articular cartilage is divided into zones, moving
collagen fibril orientation [27]. In the superficial from the articulating surface to the subchondral
zone, chondrocytes are flatter and aligned paral- bone. These zones are different with regard to
lel to the articular surface. In the middle zone, cell morphology, collagen fiber orientation, and
they are ovoid and randomly distributed inside composition of water and proteoglycans, and
the zone, and in the deep zone, they are round and such variation is closely related to the mechanical
aligned perpendicular to the tidemark [9, 18]. properties of each zone [38].
The complete process of stimulus of the cells and The most superficial zone, termed lamina
its interaction with the components of the ECM splendens, has been primarily advocated by
are not fully understood but it is known that MacConaill in 1951 [39]. Posteriorly, the exis-
chondrocytes respond to a variety of biochemical tence of this zone was confirmed by other studies
and mechanical stimuli that begin by stimulation [36, 40]. This zone lacks proteoglycan compo-
of mechanoreceptors in the cellular membrane, nents and cells, and it contains collagen fibrils
including ion channels, integrin receptors, and arranged in parallel [41]. The superficial zone is
primary cilia [28–30]. The response of chondro- the largest zone, comprising up to 20% of the tis-
cytes depends on the applied load characteristics sue. This layer contains flattened and horizon-
and the cartilage zone in which they are located tally arranged chondrocytes and the collagen
[31]. fibrils run parallel to the articular surface. The
proteoglycan content and the permeability in this
layer are low. Thus, compressive forces redistrib-
1.2.4 Water ute radially across the cartilage [42–45]. On the
other hand, the parallel organization of collagen
Water accounts for about 75% of the total wet in this zone provides resistance to tensile and
weight of the articular cartilage. As well as the shear forces [46]. The middle zone occupies
content of the collagen, the water content 40–60% of the total tissue [1]. It contains spheri-
decreases with depth, from approximately 80% cal cells, and collagen fibers are oriented in a ran-
near the joint surface to 65% at the subchondral dom way, allowing this zone to resist shear forces
bone. Inorganic ions, such as sodium, calcium, [47]. The proteoglycan content is higher than that
chloride, and potassium, are dissolved in water in the superficial zone, and the water content is
[32]. In addition to its important function in the lower [44]. The deep zone occupies 20–50% of
distribution of compressive forces, water acts in the tissue. The cells and the collagen fibrils are
the lubrification of the joint and it plays a role in aligned in vertical columns perpendicular to the
the transport of both nutrients and waste of prod- joint surface. The collagen fibrils in this zone are
ucts within the tissue [33, 34]. The movement of the largest in diameter and anchor the cartilage to
water within the tissue and the frictional resis- the subchondral bone, making this zone effective
tance to water flow are the main mechanisms in resisting compressive forces [44, 48]. Finally,
through which cartilage resists compressive the calcified zone is a thin zone between deep
forces [35]. The fluid flow is greater at the surface zone and subchondral bone that contains colla-
of the cartilage than in deep zones. The compac- gen type X. This type of collagen constitutes
tion of the superficial zone can result in compres- about 1% of total collagen in adult articular carti-
sive strains of up to 50%, while in the deep zones lage and it is found only in calcified zone. It func-
the compressive strain can be less than 5% due to tions anchoring the cartilage to the bone [19, 49].
4 M. Ferretti et al.

1.3 Biomechanical Properties damage by reducing the static contact stress and
the dynamic force transmitted to the bone, caus-
1.3.1 General Concepts ing the reduction of the energy transmitted to the
bone [56]. The mechanical behavior of cartilage
The term biomechanics refers to the study of the is dependent on its osmotic swelling properties,
mechanics in biological systems. Due to its emi- anionic repulsion of the glycosaminoglycans,
nent mechanical function of minimizing stress on and steric and electrostatic interactions between
the joint, articular cartilage has been widely stud- the glycosaminoglycans and the collagen fibrils
ied from a biomechanical point of view. [57].
The articular cartilage benefits from the mod-
erate mechanical stimulation (tension, compres-
sion, and shear) for its development and 1.3.2 Mechanical Behavior
homeostasis. Immobilization of the joint can of the Articular Cartilage
cause loss of proteoglycans of the cartilage stim-
ulating the degeneration of this tissue, while The cartilage can be described as a viscoelastic
degeneration can also be caused by excessive tissue since its load response exhibits both elastic
joint loads [43, 50]. The proper biochemical and viscous behaviors [23, 57]. Viscosity is a
composition and structure depend on the load to behavior applied to fluids. It can be thought as the
which articular cartilage is subjected [51]. resistance of a fluid to the movement. Elasticity
Another feature that depends on the load is the in turn is a concept applied for solid materials. It
thickness of the cartilage, with areas subjected to is the behavior of a material body to deform after
greater load exhibiting greater thickness [52]. the application of a load and the ability to return
Because of this, incongruent joints, such as knee, to its original shape when the stress is removed.
exhibit greater thickness of cartilage, whereas This viscoelastic behavior of the cartilage can be
thin cartilage is found in congruent joints, such as still better explained by two mechanisms: move-
ankle [52]. Besides that, there are differences in ment of the fluid within the tissue (fluid phase)
the biomechanical properties and load-bearing and deformation of the solid matrix (solid phase).
capabilities among articular surfaces inside the This theory, which divides the biomechanical
same joint. In the knee, patellar cartilage has a behavior of cartilage into two phases, is known as
lower compressive aggregate modulus and higher biphasic theory (a phase represents all of the
permeability to fluid flow than that of the trochlea chemical compositions with similar physical
[53]. Regarding composition, the water content properties) [23, 58].
of the patella is higher by 5% and the proteogly- Water is the main component of the fluid
can content lower by 19% than that of the troch- phase. The movement of fluid within the tissue is
lea [53]. This variation helps to explain why the crucial for shock absorption. The interstitial fluid
patellar cartilage has more degenerative changes may be transported through the ECM by applica-
than trochlea. The force exerted in the hip, knee, tion of a fluid pressure gradient or also the fluid
and ankle has been calculated in 3.3, 3.5, and 2.5 transport can be achieved by deformation of the
times body weight [54]. cartilage matrix [35]. Although the ECM is
For the proper functioning of the tissue, the porous and permeable, the fluid transport does
cartilage must be able to recover from any defor- not occur freely, but it is resisted by frictional
mation induced by the load. The deformation, drag between the pore walls and the interstitial
and the behavior after this deformation, of a fluid and by the viscosity itself of the interstitial
material body subjected to mechanical force fluid [55]. The fluid phase also is composed of
depends on its intrinsic properties, provided by inorganic ions, such as sodium, calcium, chlo-
composition, as well as its extrinsic geometric ride, and potassium. The relationship between
form [55]. The articular cartilage acts as a body proteoglycan aggregates and interstitial fluid pro-
that protects subchondral bone from mechanical vides compressive resilience to cartilage through
1 Articular Cartilage: Functional Biomechanics 5

negative electrostatic repulsion forces. The ion 1.3.3 Behavior in Compression,

concentration of the tissue is higher than the con- Tension, and Shear
centration of the surrounding joint fluid, resulting
in increased pressure within the tissue. This con- As a result of a load applied in the cartilage, a
centration difference results in fluid intake into combination of compressive, tensile, and shear
the matrix and this resultant hydrostatic pressure stresses is generated and distributed across the
results in cartilage swelling [32, 59]. In order to tissue. Due to the structure and composition of
incorporate the effects of the negatively charged the cartilage, its response to these stresses is dif-
PG aggregates, Lai et al. [32] developed the tri- ferent [1, 61]. The response of the cartilage to the
phasic theory in 1991. It provides a mathematical compression stress is mainly by the movement of
model that is capable to predict stress-strain the fluid within the tissue. Therefore, it is in
fields in the solid matrix and interstitial fluid response to the compression force that the visco-
flow, along with the ion distribution and fluid elastic property of cartilage becomes most impor-
pressure [32]. This theory includes both fluid and tant [23, 57]. The low permeability of the healthy
solid phases (biphasic theory), and an ion phase, tissue creates a high interstitial fluid pressure
which has many ionic species of dissolved elec- during compression, and this fact is responsible
trolytes with positive and negative charges [47]. for the dissipation of this force [23]. As per-
“Triphasic” models that incorporate the ionic ceived, the content of the water within the carti-
phases of cartilage in addition to the solid and lage is critical to the tissue biomechanics during
fluid phases suggest that an important role for the compressive forces. Keeping the water into the
PCM and ECM may be to enhance and regulate tissue and therefore resisting the compressive
the conversion of mechanical loading to physico- forces is fundamentally a function of the interac-
chemical changes that can be sensed by the chon- tion between proteoglycans and fibril collagen
drocytes [16, 32]. By better quantifying the network. The large number of glycosaminogly-
mechano-electrochemical parameters inside tis- cans negatively charged in the tissue attracts
sue, it will be easier to understand the biome- mobile cations generating an increase of the
chanical behavior of the normal and degenerative osmolarity. Thereby, a large amount of water is
articular cartilage. attracted to the tissue, causing it to swell [14, 62].
When subjected to a constant load, the carti- When a compressive force hits the cartilage,
lage exhibits a time-dependent and nonlinear water flows in and out of the tissue, gradually
behavior. When a stress is applied to the carti- transferring the importance of supporting the
lage, the components of ECM move and the tis- load to the solid matrix. Upon removal of the
sue deforms (strain). If this stress is removed external load, the solid matrix recovers its initial
quickly, the tissue returns to the original shape. dimension and water flows back into the carti-
However, if the stress continues to be applied lage, reestablishing the original equilibrium [56].
through the tissue, water flows out the ECM, and Fluid flow is essential for resisting the com-
the matrix reorganizes until it reaches a final pressive stress and, on the other hand, the ECM is
equilibrium, at which the applied force is bal- essential for resisting tensile and shear strains.
anced by increased swelling pressure. Finally, The shear and tension force-resisting properties
when the stress is removed, interstitial fluid flows are fundamentally dependent on the amount, ori-
back into the cartilage and the original preloaded entation, and molecular arrangement of the col-
equilibrium is reestablished [56]. This recovery lagen fibers as well as its interaction with
phase is slower than the creep deformation phase proteoglycans in the solid matrix [63, 64]. The
[60]. In this case of a constant load, the relation tensile stiffness of the articular cartilage is higher
between stress and strain is not constant (depen- than the compressive stiffness in equilibrium
dent on the magnitude of strain) and the strain condition, and the tissue exhibits a tension-­
does not vanish instantaneously when the stress compression nonlinear mechanical behavior
is removed (nonlinear behavior). [65]. Shear stress is a force applied along the
6 M. Ferretti et al.

horizontal plane between the surfaces while the channels and integrins are also involved in the
tension results in axial strain. For small deforma- recognition of these signals and propagate them
tions, collagen fibers realign in the direction of through cytoskeletal components that in turn
loading. With increasing deforming strength, col- extend from the cell surface to the PCM [28,
lagen fibers will also be stretched [63, 66–68]. 72–74]. The cytoskeletal structure not only acts
Under these conditions, the cartilage exhibits a in mechanotransduction but also plays a role in
flow-independent behavior. The tissue deforms providing the chondrocyte with mechanical
with no significant fluid flow inside the matrix [1, integrity to withstand compressive forces [75].
57, 69]. There is a relationship between the ten- In summary, the integrity of the articular carti-
sile stiffness and the depth of the cartilage. The lage is dependent on the correct mechanical load-
tensile strength tends to decrease with depth ing so that abnormal loads affect the matrix
below the surface. Collagen fibers in the superfi- properties of the tissue at a cellular level [76]. It
cial zone are oriented parallel to the surface, is known that underloading, static load, or exces-
which makes this layer the most important to sive dynamic loading is associated with proteo-
resist these forces [56]. glycan depletion and inhibition of matrix
Cartilage loading also occurs at a cellular synthesis leading to joint degeneration [77, 78].
level. Mechanical loading of articular cartilage, The chondrocytes from osteoarthritic cartilage
such as compressive loading, shear stress, and differ in cellular responses to mechanical stimu-
tension, stimulates the metabolism of chondro- lation when compared with cells from normal
cytes and induces the synthesis of molecules in joint cartilage [8]. The exact pattern of mechani-
order to maintain the integrity of the tissue. cal load to maintain tissue homeostasis is still
This process by which physical forces are con- unknown.
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12 L. A. Lambert et al.

disease in individuals in whom the disease is truly 2.3 Radiological Biomarkers

present (true positive) and specificity is the capac- in Cartilage Damage
ity to rule out the disease in patients in whom the and Repair
disease is truly absent (true negative). Positive
predictive value (PPV) is a measure of a test’s Chondral defects are routinely diagnosed through
probability, when returning a positive result, to a clinical history, physical examination and
correctly identify, from a cohort where the condi- assessment of radiological features of the joint.
tion may be present or absent, all those who do Although weight-bearing plain radiographs are
truly have a disease. Equally, negative predictive effective at demonstrating the reduction in joint
value (NPV) is the probability, when returning a space associated with established OA and other
negative result, to correctly identify, where the issues of bone and alignment, they cannot be
outcome may be binary, all of those who truly do used to detect earlier pathophysiological changes
not have a disease. It is important to note that PPV of a knee joint.
and NPV depend on the prevalence and the sever- Cartilage imaging by magnetic resonance
ity of the disease concerned [5]. Biomarker stud- imaging (MRI) enables visualisation of the thick-
ies often evaluate their results using receiver ness and volume of the tissue and its subchondral
operator characteristic (ROC) analysis. The goal borders [10]. The accuracy of cartilage imaging
is to demonstrate that there is a robust statistical by MRI was once impeded by ill-defined margins
association between the variable and the event with partially attached fragments and underesti-
when outcomes are binary. ROC analysis pro- mation of deep fissures [11]. However, following
duces a curve of sensitivity against specificity at the development of newer modalities and more
varying thresholds for the predicted risk. The area powerful field strengths, only the smallest and
under the curve (AUC) indicates the probability most superficial defects are now not appreciable
that an individual with the event has a higher pre- [7].
dicted probability than an individual without the In 2003, the International Cartilage Repair
event. An AUC of 0.5 is reflective of chance prob- Society (ICRS) published a standardised mag-
ability, whilst a statistic of 0.7 or above is accepted netic resonance imaging evaluation system for
to be sufficiently discriminatory [6]. native and repaired articular cartilage [11]. The
Magnetic Resonance Observation of Cartilage
Repair Tissue (MOCART) Knee Score was pub-
2.2 Biomarkers in Cartilage lished 1 year later [10, 12]. This scoring system
Damage utilises MRI biomarkers for a quantitative assess-
ment of cartilage tissue following repair surgery
Recent research on chondral damage has focused for chondral defects [10, 12]. High-resolution
on identifying and validating biomarkers that images can be obtained from 1.0 T or 1.5 T MRI
define general cartilage quality and cartilage scanners by using a surface coil over the knee and
injury or assess the efficacy of therapies in carti- employing fast-spin echo [12]. From these
lage surgery. Although post-traumatic defects images, nine variables are used to grade cartilage
and osteochondritis dissecans are recognised quality (Table 2.1).
causes, the exact aetiology of isolated cartilage Improvements in MRI and cartilage surgery
defects in human articular cartilage is yet to be led to the score being updated (MOCART 2.0
fully established [7]. This chondral damage is Knee Score, 2019) [13]. The scoring system is
believed to impact the local metabolism within now more sensitive, with subdivisions of the vari-
the joint, triggering a cascade of inflammatory ables in 25% increments rather than 50%
mediators from adult chondrocytes and other ­increments (Table 2.1) [13]. Currently MOCART
sources. An imbalance in catabolic and anabolic scoring is operator dependent; however, with
activity may result in uncontrolled matrix degen- machine learning and evolving AI, automation in
eration in response to mechanical forces [8, 9]. routine practice should be possible.
2 Biomarkers in Articular Cartilage Injury and Osteoarthritis 13

Table 2.1 The variables assessed by MOCART to grade is normal [15, 16]. Vasiliadis demonstrated that the
cartilage quality [12]
quality of cartilage repair with autologous chon-
Variable Original MOCART MOCART 2.0 drocyte implantation (ACI), 9–18 years after
1 Degree of defect Volume fill of
injury, was identical to normal adjacent cartilage
repair and filling of cartilage defect
the defect using this evaluation technique [17].
2 Integration of repair Integration of repair A low dGEMRIC score is thought to corre-
to border zone into adjacent spond with a greater risk of developing OA [18].
cartilage However, longitudinal studies do not consistently
3 Intactness of surface Intactness of surface
support this. Engen did not detect a statistically
of the repair tissue of the repair tissue
4 Structure of the repair Structure of the significant difference in dGEMRIC indices for
tissue repair tissue untreated focal cartilage defects between injured
5 Signal intensity of the Signal intensity of and uninjured knees at 12 years of follow-up [7].
repair tissue the repair tissue dGEMRIC evaluation also does not consistently
6 Intactness of Bony defect or bony
correlate with Kellgren and Lawrence (K-L)
subchondral lamina overgrowth
7 Intactness of Subchondral changes scoring or clinical outcomes [7, 17, 19].
subchondral bone Novel research is already indicating that 7 T
8 Presence of adhesions – MRI scanners may offer even greater improve-
9 Presence of synovitis – ments in obtaining radiological biomarkers of
osteoarthritis [20, 21].

Certain MRI techniques can already be used

in a semi-quantitative manner to measure the 2.4 Systemic and Local
quality of cartilage. T2-weighted imaging pro- Biomarkers of Cartilage
duces the relaxation constant that provides infor- Damage
mation on the interaction of water and collagen
molecules within cartilage. Compared to stan- Biomarkers reflecting cartilage turnover are
dard T2-weighted imaging, T2* techniques are found in human serum and urine [22, 23]. These
able to yield 3D acquisitions with high spatial could provide information about dynamic and
resolution of cartilage [14]. Mamisch examined quantitative changes in joint remodelling. Type II
knee cartilage with 3.0 T MRI after microfracture collagen is the most abundant protein of cartilage
and found that global T2 and T2* values for car- matrix; thus its synthesis and degradation can be
tilage repair tissue were significantly reduced monitored through the assessment of N and C
compared to healthy cartilage sites in the patient propeptides and collagenous and non-­collagenous
group (T2: 47.1 ± 9.8 ms (29–73 ms); T2*: proteins, respectively [24]. These markers have
19.1 ± 5.9 (9–31 ms)) [14]. Additionally, the rela- been evaluated mainly in known early or estab-
tive decrease in T2* values (21% compared to lished OA [25, 26]. The assessment of biomark-
15% with T2) between healthy and repair tissue ers in vivo for those with a suspected acute or
indicates its sensitivity to structural changes isolated cartilage injury is limited [27–30].
within the cartilage [14].
Quantifying the amount of glycosaminoglycan
(GAG) within the articular cartilage using dGEM- 2.4.1 Collagen Biomarkers in Urine
RIC (delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of carti-
lage) is another semi-quantitative method of C2C-HUSA (neoepitope of type II collagen
evaluating articular cartilage. The dGEMRIC human urine sandwich assay) is a c­ artilage-­derived
index gives a numeric value on a scale from around protein found to be elevated in early cartilage deg-
300 to 700 ms [7]. This technique correlates well radation, specifically pre-radiographic changes
with arthroscopic evaluation of cartilage, and [28, 31, 32]. This is similar to cross-­ linked
shows that beyond the lesion the adjacent cartilage C-telopeptide of type II collagen (CTX-II), another
14 L. A. Lambert et al.

biomarker of collagen turnover found in urine that 2.4.3 Collagen Synthesis

reflects collagen degradation. It is found when Biomarkers in Serum
there is increased turnover of cartilage secondary
to increased mechanical loading [28, 33]. Boeth Procollagen molecule levels of type II collagen
compared these biomarkers across an adult and C-propeptide (PIICP) have been shown to be a
adolescent cohort over a 2-year period. Regardless valid index in the rate of type II collagen synthe-
of the growth plate status, C2C-HUSA and CTX-II sis [39]. In patients with a recent history of
increased in the adolescent group overall. meniscal injury, a significant decrease of PIICP
was found between 3 and 6 months post-­
operatively in all patients compared to baseline
2.4.2 Collagen Degradation levels [27]. Of all biomarkers used in this study,
Biomarkers in Serum it had the highest diagnostic accuracy for pro-
gressive cartilage loss, AUC 0.75 (95% CI:
Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein 0.509–0.912).
(COMP) has been used as a biomarker in short-­ However, singular serum biomarkers are
term studies of athletes. These studies show that unlikely to yield the most informative results and
COMP is increased following short-term high-­ using the ratio of biomarkers in combination with
impact activity [34, 35]. COMP is also increased each other may yield more accurate detection and
following partial meniscectomy in young adults degree of cartilage damage. In the aforemen-
between 3 and 6 months post-operatively [27]. tioned study of meniscal injury, multivariate
However, these observations are not seen with logistic regression showed significant associa-
long-term follow-up [36]; COMP may only be tions of increased COMP and type II collagen
transiently elevated in response to acute loading (COL II) and decreased PIICP with the presence
and to date has not yet clearly demonstrated an of cartilage volume loss >10%, independent of
association with cartilage degradation [37]. age and duration after injury [27]. The combined
Serum cartilage intermediate-layer protein 2 impact of increased COMP and COL II and
(CILP-2) may be reflective of long-term cartilage decreased PIICP exceeded the impact of each
remodelling. In a comparison of an adult cohort independent biomarker. However, none of the
over 40 years to a young healthy adolescent individual or combined biomarkers were a statis-
group, there was no increase from baseline to tically significant predictor of future cartilage
follow-up of CILP amongst adolescents. loss [27].
However, CILP is elevated over time in the
adults, suggesting that the age of the cartilage
influences the production of this biomarker. This 2.4.4 Local Biomarkers of Cartilage
is a linear increase with respect to cartilage vol- Damage
ume as assessed by MRI [36, 38].
Serum type II collagen cleavage neoepitope Local biomarkers produced in response to an
(sC2C) is increased in OA [31]. Analysis of sC2C acute insult are more likely to be elevated due to
levels in those with an ACL injury compared to their proximity to the joint. Multiple studies have
healthy controls shows a statistically significant compared the elevation of sera and synovial bio-
difference in concentration over time [22]. In this markers, and whilst often there is a positive
cohort, baseline sC2C levels (average 22 months ­correlation between the two, there is greater mag-
from injury) compared to follow-up (average nitude of increase in the latter group in response
time at 44 months from injury) serum concentra- to an acute injury [29, 40].
tions significantly differed from the uninjured Of all local biomarker sources, synovial fluid
group. The temporal change in this molecular taken during arthroscopy or aspiration is less
biomarker concentration indicates that the injury destructive than removal of local tissue such as
has disturbed the normal joint metabolism. synovium, bone or cartilage biopsy. In the early
2 Biomarkers in Articular Cartilage Injury and Osteoarthritis 15

1990s, Lohmander produced a series of papers on taken. However, tissue biopsies cannot be
the presence of molecular markers such as aggre- obtained without harm to the cartilage itself, and
can, proteoglycans and matrix metalloprotein- therefore are not suitable as a biomarker for
ases within synovial fluid in OA or joint injury repeated sampling in clinical practice.
[41–43]. More recently, Kumahashi demon-
strated elevated levels of C2C in the synovial
fluid of 235 patients 0–7 days after an acute knee 2.5.2 Cell Morphology
injury, and a statistically significant positive cor-
relation between synovial fluid and serum C2C When cells are harvested for ACI they may lose
concentrations, r = 0.403, p < 0.001. In accor- differentiation capacity due to changes in shape
dance with the findings of Cibere [31], urinary and senescence [44]. One use of biomarkers is to
concentrations of C2C did not show any relation- monitor the potency of these cells during the
ship with MRI findings [29]. Yoshida also dem- ex vivo ACI process as a means of quality control
onstrated that high levels of synovial C2C prior to the later stage of the procedure. Diaz-­
corresponded with an increased number of high-­ Romero acquired cryopreserved human articular
grade cartilage lesions at arthroscopy. They eval- chondrocytes (HAC) from femoral heads and
uated the samples for the presence of keratin seeded them in culture media [45]. Following
sulphate (KS) and found that low-quartile KS incubation, cell cohorts were either fixed,
levels in combination with high (upper quartile) expanded or exposed to further chondrogenic
C2C levels had the greatest impact on the number stimuli. Analysis of gene expression profiles
of high-grade cartilage lesions (odds ratio of using a novel cellular enzyme-linked immuno-
14.40 (95% CI = 1.35–153.0)) [30]. Again, reiter- sorbent assay (CELISA) demonstrated a gradual
ating a consistent theme throughout the literature, decrease of calcium-binding proteins, S100A1
the right combination of biomarkers, may garner and S100B, accompanied with a decrease of
the most meaningful information on the extent of COL I and an increase of COL II. Comparing this
cartilage damage. assay to cell pellet culture, which is the standard
method of evaluating HAC dedifferentiation
potential, it requires a lower cell number (10,000
2.5 Biomarkers in Cartilage cell/well vs. 2.5–5 × 105/pellet), a shorter incuba-
Repair tion time (1 vs. 3 weeks) and more accurate quan-
titative results. The authors suggest that the
Biomarkers of cartilage repair therapies predomi- S100B þ A1-CELISA could be used to evaluate
nantly exist within the literature in the form of the expression of alkaline phosphatase (AP), a
molecular markers, cell surface markers indicat- marker of the undesirable hypertrophic pheno-
ing the presence of chondrogenic cells, and chon- type [45].
drogenic gene markers.

2.5.3 Biochemical Analysis

2.5.1 Immunohistochemistry
There are many potential sources of stem cells
Tissue biopsy enables microscopic and immuno- for cartilage repair. Biomarkers may help select
histochemical evaluation of the section. It is those that are most chondrogenic or other desir-
regarded as the most objective and definitive able attributes. For example, adipose-derived
method for the direct quality assessment of the stem cells (hADSCs) are a type of mesenchymal
repair tissue. As proof of concept in vitro or for stem cell that can be used as a source of pluripo-
assessment of cartilage explants seeded onto a tent cells for cell therapy in articular cartilage
scaffold, immunostaining for glycosaminogly- repair. They have a high cell yield rate during
cans, collagen and aggrecan is commonly under- in vitro expansion when obtained from liposuc-
16 L. A. Lambert et al.

tion of healthy females and seeded onto a CD166 may be a suitable biomarker for the iden-
3-dimensional scaffold [46]. The production of tification of MPCs. These cells predominantly
s-GAG in both hyaluronic acid (HA) and hyal- reside within the superficial and middle zones of
uronic acid/sodium alginate (HA/SA) scaffolds the cartilage in both cohorts [48].
cultured with hADSCs was quantified. The Neumann analysed cell surface antigens of
released amount of s-GAG was higher in HA/SA cortico-spongiosis bone with the aim of identify-
scaffold compared to that in the HA scaffold on ing other potential cells within the subchondral
days 7 and 14, respectively (p < 0.05). bone with chondrogenic capacity [49]. The sub-
Gabusi treated 14 patients with a cell-free bio- chondral cortico-spongious bone-derived pro-
mimetic osteochondral scaffold for knee osteo- genitor (CSP) cells exposed to transforming
chondral defects (size range of 1.5–4.0 cm2) [47]. growth factor beta three (TGF-β3) and cultured
Baseline, 3-month and 12-month serum samples in the presence of human serum demonstrated the
were assessed for biomarkers reflective of bone antigens CD105, CD73, CD90 and CD166 and
and cartilage turnover. CTXII and C2C (collagen were homogeneously positive for the former
type II cleavage), markers of collagen degrada- three cell surface markers. These cell surface
tion, were not modulated during follow-up. antigens are reflective of chondrogenic capacity
However, CPII (procollagen II C-propeptide), a [49].
marker of cartilage synthesis, was found to sig-
nificantly increase between 3 and 12 months
(p = 0.005) and between baseline and 12 months 2.5.5 Chondrogenic Gene Markers
(p = 0.0005). Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
active isoform 5b (TRAP5b), a bone biomarker Certain transcription factors manage stem cells
of degradation, did not show any modulation. In towards the intended lineage, and the identifica-
contrast, osteocalcin (OC), which is a marker of tion of these gene markers is frequently used in
bone synthesis, showed a significant increase studies evaluating their own chondrogenic tech-
from baseline to 12 months (p = 0.046) [47]. nique. Second- and third-generation ACI proce-
dures preferentially use collagen sheets for
cartilage defects or embed chondrocytes into
2.5.4 Cell Surface Markers resorbable scaffolds made of collagen, hyaluro-
nan or polymers such as polylactic acid (PGLA)
Cell surface markers may facilitate the identifi- [50]. In a study, juvenile chondrocytes were
cation and sorting of multipotential progenitor obtained from paediatric patients with hip dys-
cells located within articular cartilage and be a plasia and assembled onto PGLA scaffolds.
useful adjunct to evaluate the quality of cartilage Histological analysis was performed on mature
biopsy utilised in ACI. Pretzel evaluated the graft explants. Gene expression analysis of typi-
markers and zonal location of mesenchymal pro- cal chondrocyte marker genes showed the high
genitor cells (MPCs) from the cartilage of expression of COL2A1 and type X collagen,
patients with end-­stage OA and healthy donors moderate expression of COMP and low levels of
with no evidence of OA [48]. Following enzy- aggrecan (ACAN) [51].
matic degradation of the cartilage donations, the
remaining MPCs were passaged and cultured.
After early expansion of the MPCs cell surface 2.6 Biomarkers in Early
markers’, CD105+ and CD166, concentrations Osteoarthritis
were quantified. There was no difference
between the quantity of multipotent stem cells The role of molecular biomarkers in OA is vital
using both immunohistochemistry and in situ to address current difficulties in eOA diagnosis
immunodetection. 99% of the MPCs expressed and prognosis. A comprehensive review of bio-
both CD105+ and CD166, and on this basis marker research in OA was published in 2013
2 Biomarkers in Articular Cartilage Injury and Osteoarthritis 17

following a meeting of the European Society for 2.6.1 Matrix-Degrading Enzymes

Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis
and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO). The review high- Recent research has identified eight matrix-­
lighted biomarkers of interest related to collagen degrading enzymes that may represent potential
metabolism, ACAN metabolism, non-­candidate biomarkers of knee OA (Table 2.2)
collagenous proteins as well as biomarkers [54–57]. Matrix metalloproteinases are the most
related to other processes [52]. According to the studied markers in this category. In 2018, Pengas
BIPEDS method, type II collagen and ACAN investigated the effect of open total-knee menis-
were identified as being plausible targets for cectomy on the development of OA later in life
future research given their abundance in carti- [58]. GAG and matrix metalloproteinase 3
laginous matrix. However, the authors concluded (MMP-3) levels were quantified in synovial fluid
that no biomarker investigated had shown suffi- and serum. Although GAG levels had reduced
cient evidence to guide clinical trials or be used since meniscectomy, MMP-3 levels remained
in a clinical environment [52]. One highlighted increased. This suggests that MMP-3 may be a
avenue for future research was the improved potential biomarker of preclinical OA.
definition of eOA through the use of biomarkers In another study, MMP-1 and MMP-3 were
[52]. shown to be significantly elevated in OA patients
In 2019, Kraus suggested that in order for an compared to healthy subjects and eOA patients.
eOA marker to be truly effective, it must repre- MMP-3 also had an area under the curve (AUC)
sent a state of preclinical OA [53]. Preclinical value of 0.690 when ROC analysis was carried
OA is the stage before OA is detectable by MRI out for its diagnostic ability. In this study eOA
or other sensitive imaging modalities. A bio- patients were defined as K-L grade ½ [54]. The
marker that could reliably identify a patient in study demonstrated that A disintegrin and metal-
this state would allow early lifestyle changes and loproteinase with thrombospondin motifs
a better understanding of the efficacy of poten- (ADAMTS)-4 and ADAMTS-5 were present in
tial disease-­ modifying osteoarthritis drugs significantly different concentrations in eOA than
(DMOADs). However, not everyone who has in later stages of OA in serum [54]. Similar cor-
radiographic OA progresses to severe forms of relations were also reported for autotaxin in
the disease, meaning it is reasonable to assume plasma and synovial fluid of individuals with
that not everyone with preclinical and pre-radio- knee OA [55]. According to the BIPEDS classifi-
graphic OA would progress to clinically signifi- cation, these molecules have the potential to be
cant OA. used to diagnose eOA and identify the burden of
Advanced discovery techniques such as disease of patients with the condition.
Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Promising research on MMP-13, tartrate-­
Mass Spectra (SWATH-MS) to analyse the pro- resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP5b) and tissue
teome and metabolomics of blood, urine and transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in blood serum and OA
synovial fluid will undoubtedly become ever- tissue suggests that these molecules may also be
more prominent in the search of valid biomarkers considered as biomarkers of burden of disease
of preclinical and eOA. [56, 57].
Since Lotz’s review on biomarkers in OA in
2013, further research on candidate molecular
biomarkers for eOA of the knee has emerged, 2.6.2 Matrix Molecules
many of which have utilised these technologies.
The types of biomarkers investigated can be sub- Twenty-one potential biomarkers are categorised
divided into the following four categories: i) as matrix molecules (Table 2.2); 20 were investi-
matrix-degrading enzymes, ii) matrix molecules, gated as burden of disease markers, 17 as diag-
iii) regulatory molecules and iv) other nostic markers and 15 as prognostic markers. The
molecules. Foundation for the National Institutes of Health
18 L. A. Lambert et al.

Table 2.2 Current candidate biomarkers in osteoarthritis

Type of biomarker
Matrix-degrading enzymes Matrix molecules Regulatory molecules Other molecules
A disintegrin and MMP-mediated Adiponectin Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic
metalloproteinase with degradation of type I Adipsin acid (15-HETE)
thrombospondin motifs: collagen (C1M) Adropin 4-Hydroxy-L-proline
ADAMTS-4 Col2–3/4 C-terminal Angiopoietin-2 Alanine
ADAMTS-5 cleavage product of β-Catenin Amyloid P
Autotaxin human type II collagen Bone morphogenetic Arginine
Matrix (C2C) protein Aggrecan (ACAN)
metalloproteinases: MMP-mediated BMP2 Cluster of differentiation:
MMP-1 degradation of types 2 BMP7 CD14
MMP-3 and 3 collagen: Brain-derived CD163
MMP-13 C2M neurotrophic protein CD31/PECAM-1
Tartrate-resistant acid C3M (BDNF) CD40
phosphatase (TRAcP5b) C-terminus of collagen X Chemokine (C-C motif) Fatty acid-binding
Tissue transglutaminase 2 (C-Col10) ligand (CCL2) protein 4 (FABP4)
(TG2) Nitrated epitope of the Calcitonin gene-­related Ghrelin
α-helical region of type II peptide (CGRP) Haptoglobin
collagen (Coll2-1NO2) C-X-C motif chemokine Lipopolysaccharide
Cartilage oligomeric (CXCL12) (LPS)-binding protein
matrix protein (comp) Dickkopf-related protein (LBP)
Matrix metalloproteinase-­ (DKK-1) Neuropeptide Y
dependent degradation of Fibroblast growth factor (NPY)Oxidised low-­
C-reactive protein (FGF-23) density lipoprotein
(CRPM) Follistatin (ox-­LDL)
Chondroitin sulphate Fractalkine Periostin
epitope 846 (CS846) Granulocyte-colony-­ Sialic acid
C-terminal cross-linked stimulating factor Taurine
telopeptide types I and II (G-CSF) Thymosin β4
collagen: Gremlin-1 Vascular cell adhesion
CTX-I Hepatocyte growth factor molecule (VCAM-1)
CTX-Iα (HGF) von Willebrand factor
CTX-Iβ Hypoxia-inducible factor: (vWF)
CTXII HIF-1α γ-Aminobutyric acid
Fibulin-3–1 HIF-2α
Hyaluronic acid Interleukin:
High-sensitivity IL1Ra
C-reactive protein IL-6
(hsCRP) IL-8
Cross-linked IL-10
N-telopeptide of type I IL-17
collagen (NTX-1) Indian hedgehog (IHh)
Osteocalcin Leptin
N-terminal propeptide of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
collagens IIA and III: Peroxiredoxin-6 (PRDX6)
PIIANP Sclerostin
PIIINP Transforming growth
Uncarboxylated matrix factor (TGF-β1)
Gla protein (ucMGP) Tumour necrosis factor
Transcription factor 4
Tumour necrosis
factor-inducible gene 6
Vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF)
Chitinase-3-like protein 1
2 Biomarkers in Articular Cartilage Injury and Osteoarthritis 19

(FNIH) OA biomarker consortium evaluated the Using K-L grades 1/2 as a definition of eOA,
ability of 14 biomarkers in serum, urine or both serum concentrations of angiopoietin-2, interleu-
to predict case status at 48 months and differenti- kin 8 (IL-8), follistatin, granulocyte-colony stim-
ate between 3 progressor types: pain progression, ulating factor (G-CSF), vascular endothelial
joint space loss progression and pain and joint growth factor and hepatocyte growth factor were
space loss progression over 48 months. shown to be significantly different in eOA than in
C-telopeptide of CTXII was shown to have the healthy controls [63].
best predictive ability of case status and progres- There is evidence that supports the use of reg-
sion. This 12-month and 24-month time-­ ulatory markers as therapeutic targets in the
integrated concentrations (TICs) of urinary development of disease-modifying osteoarthritis
Col2–3/4 C-terminal cleavage product of human drugs (DMOADs). Clinical trials have used bone
type II collagen (C2C) predicted progression in morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP7), fibroblast
all three progressor types [59]. Using K-L grade growth factor and β-nerve growth factor (β-NGF)
to define OA, He et al. reported a significant dif- as targets in an attempt to develop new OA drugs
ference in C-Col10 between K-L grade 0 and [64]. Tanezumab, a monoclonal antibody against
K-L grade 2 (P = 0.04) [60]. Serum concentra- β-NGF, reduced knee pain whilst walking by
tions of hyaluronic acid (HA) were correlated between 45% and 62% compared with 22% by
with progression of joint space narrowing in placebo [65].
patients classified as K-L grade 0/1 (β = 0.15,
P = 0.021) [60].
2.6.4 Other Molecules

2.6.3 Regulatory Molecules A total of 25 markers did not fit into the other
three categories (Table 2.2). 18 were investigated
Thirty-five regulatory markers are associated as burden of disease markers, 12 as diagnostic
with OA (Table 2.2). With respect to the BIPEDS markers and 6 as prognostic markers as per the
method, 33 were investigated as burden of dis- BIPEDS method. None of the markers in this cat-
ease markers, 21 as diagnostic markers and 6 as egory have been verified as potential biomarker
prognostic markers. candidates by more than one study. Two studies
β-Catenin was significantly reduced in eOA investigated amino acids. Chen investigated
compared to late/intermediate-stage OA serum alanine and taurine and reported an
(P < 0.05). The same study also demonstrated AUC = 0.928 and AUC = 0.920 when used to
that serum concentrations of transcription factor diagnose OA in a study sample of 67 [66].
4 were significantly higher in eOA patients when Arginine, investigated by Zhang, had an
compared to healthy controls (P < 0.002). AUC = 0.984 [67].
Classification of the stage of OA was carried out
for 32 patients using the Mankin scoring system
following a total knee replacement [61]. 2.6.5 Biomarker Panels
Indian hedgehog (IHh) protein was elevated in
the synovial fluid of eOA patients, classified as A total of 11 biomarker potential panels have
patients with Outerbridge scale 1/2 cartilage been identified (Table 2.2). The source of all bio-
breakdown, compared to healthy controls markers for use in algorithms was either serum or
(P < 0.001) [62]. If this relationship was further urine and their use was demonstrated for predict-
investigated and shown to be significant in other ing disease presence, severity and progression.
independent studies, then it would have positive Saberi presented an algorithm that consisted of
implications for diagnosing eOA. Perhaps other patient demographics, biomarkers and radiology
biomarkers may follow the same pattern as IHh [68]. The algorithm was developed using 1335
and are only dysregulated during eOA. patients’ data from the Rotterdam Study and the
20 L. A. Lambert et al.

algorithm had an excellent ability to predict dis- and early OA, biomarker panels, rather than sin-
ease progression over 2.5 years (AUC = 0.872). gular biomarkers, may provide the most promis-
Of the 12 algorithms described below, 2 spe- ing avenue for further evaluation.
cifically targeted the early diagnosis of OA [69,
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26 I. Wolfe et al.

p­hysician’s assessment with regard to pain, 3.2  bjective vs. Subjective

motion, walking, and function on a numerical Measures
scale for the purpose of monitoring patient out-
comes after total hip replacement. While these Outcome measures fall into two broad categories:
four domains were by no means a complete “objective” measures such as knee range of
assessment of patient outcomes after hip surgery, motion and radiographic assessment, and “sub-
this scoresheet permitted adequately systematic jective” measures such as physician grading and
and quantifiable outcome measures to yield patient self-reported outcomes. Both objective
meaningful research until very recently [2]. and subjective measures provide valuable infor-
Today, we have at our disposal several decades mation for clinical and research purposes.
worth of experience in the development and test- Whether objective or subjective, measurement
ing of measurement instruments, such as that pio- instruments can be of greater or lesser quality
neered by Dr. Wilson. Scoring systems have been depending on a number of considerations includ-
developed to permit the quantitative analysis of ing the possibility of introducing physician or
imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance researcher bias, whether the measured outcomes
imaging (MRI) that could not have been imag- are clinically relevant, and whether a scale or sur-
ined when Dr. Wilson began practice in 1948. In vey is adequately validated.
addition, as the entire field of healthcare has Clinical assessments are most useful if they
shifted towards patient-centered care, researchers are objective, as subjective assessment by a phy-
have paid more attention to patients’ perceptions sician is prone to bias. Every physician wants
of the treatment process, medical care, time of their patient to do well. Knee range of motion is
recovery, and return to prior level of activity [3]. an objective clinical measure, but its relevance to
As such, the use of psychometrically derived patient satisfaction after cartilage repair is not
patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), known. Assessing the presence or absence of
which directly assess patients’ own perception of effusion and/or clicking or locking is somewhat
their state of health, without interpretation by a subjective, but the binary nature of the observa-
physician or other clinician has increased dra- tion helps the documentation be more reliable. A
matically over the last 20 years [4]. The extent of standardized scoring system, such as the one
improvement following cartilage or other surgery which Dr. Wilson used in his hip surgery patients,
can now be documented on the tissue and patient focusing on the most important clinical manifes-
level, as rigorously and quantitatively as the fre- tations present with a cartilage lesion could be
quency of adverse outcomes or treatment failure. helpful, but has yet to be developed.
Quantitative outcome measurement instru- Cartilage grading is a widespread, reliable
ments have become essential in both clinical way to standardize the evaluation of treatment
research and routine clinical practice, for differ- success after cartilage repair. New technological
ent but complementary objectives. For many sur- advancements have allowed for quantitative
gical procedures, including cartilage repair, assessment of patients’ joint cartilage pre- and
outcome measures fall into the following main postoperatively, at the radiographic, gross, and
categories: imaging or radiographic analysis, sur- microscopic levels, providing quantitative assess-
vivorship analyses, surgeon-based outcome mea- ments of the biochemical composition and mor-
sures, performance-related assessments, and, of phologic characteristics of the cartilage before
course, PROMs. What follows is a summary of and after an intervention. Using these grading
the best assessment tools for measuring outcomes tools clinicians are able to detect and monitor
after cartilage repair surgery in the knee. longitudinal changes in cartilage tissue, espe-
3 How Do We Best Measure Outcomes Following Cartilage Repair Surgery? 27

cially the onset and progression of osteoarthritis PROM, it is important to consider what domains
[5]. Because a physician or researcher must inter- or constructs are to be measured, which patients
pret the radiographic, arthroscopic, or micro- are to be included, and whether reliable, valid,
scopic image, grading schemes are not impervious and responsive outcome measures exist that
to bias and other inconsistencies. As detailed assess parameters appropriate for your objective.
below, new technologies may be useful in over- The general domains of pain, function, quality
coming this problem when radiographic images of life, and ability to perform daily activities that
are considered. apply to all knee conditions are relevant follow-
While quantifiable and specific, objective ing cartilage procedures. Activity-based out-
measures may not reflect the patient’s perception comes are particularly important following
of outcome, as the correlation between radio- cartilage surgery because of the young, active
graphic changes and patients’ symptoms may not patient population. Chondral defects are espe-
be direct. In a recent systematic review of the cially common in active populations, and many
relationship between quantitative magnetic reso- patients include returning to activity as a primary
nance imaging (MRI) biomarkers and PROMs reason for seeking treatment [7]. When the goal
following cartilage repair surgery, a statistically of treatment is to return to activity as quickly as
significant correlation was detected in only about possible, without pain and at a previous level of
half of the included studies [6]. Overall, the performance, PROMs that measure success in
authors concluded that the currently available meeting these objectives must be used.
body of literature does not offer sufficient infor- In Fig. 3.1 we organized various available out-
mation to draw strong conclusions regarding the come assessment tools based on their category
role of advanced imaging for the postoperative (subjective or objective) as well as on their rela-
assessment of cartilage surgery. tive quality. Subjective measures, primarily
In contrast to objective measures, subjective PROMs, are valuable if they have been validated,
measures more readily identify patient-related and are relevant to cartilage repair. Objective
issues that are relevant to pain and functional measures, primarily advanced imaging analysis,
limitations related to activities of daily life. are valued for providing detailed tissue-level
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) information while minimizing physician or
can assess a wide range of outcomes, and are researcher bias. Subjective measures assessed by
generally divided into different domains (e.g., physicians are less valuable due to inherent bias.
pain, function, satisfaction). When choosing a Even if they are from a patient’s perspective, they

Fig. 3.1 Relative High Quality

quality of subjective and
objective measures of
outcomes after cartilage Quantitative magnetic
Validated patient outcomes
surgery resonance imaging (qMRI) and
measures (PROMs)
grading systems


Knee Cartilage
Repair Assessment

Non-validated questionnaires Microscopic or Macroscopic

Physician assessment tissue grading
Unstructured paient report Clinical tests
(range of motion)

Low Quality
28 I. Wolfe et al.

are less valuable if they are not validated, are not identified as highly suitable to analyze in vivo-­
systematic, or have been interpreted by the physi- repaired cartilage [9], due to its validity, compre-
cian, researcher, or other person. Although quan- hensiveness, and usefulness for describing each
titative, scoring systems for the microscopic or cartilage characteristic individually. The ICRS II
macroscopic cartilage tissue assessment are less score contains several categories, which are
valuable as reliance on grader interpretation can divided into 13 subcategories, each scored on a
introduce bias or other inconsistencies. 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS). This
enables evaluation of subtle differences and facil-
itates statistical comparisons of the individual
3.3 Best Objective Measures cartilage characteristics [9]. A shortcoming of
most of these cartilage repair scores is the absence
Assessment of structural outcome following car- of evaluation of integration of the repair tissue
tilage repair can be performed using MRI or his- with its surroundings.
tology and macroscopic evaluation through Other notable cartilage grading systems for
(second-look) arthroscopy. Noninvasive and rig- macroscopic assessment include the Outerbridge
orously quantifiable MRI examination continues and modified Noyes scoring systems. The
to be developed as an effective means for objec- Outerbridge classification system is based on
tive cartilage assessment, overcoming the limita- direct visualization of the joint and was devel-
tions associated with micro- and macroscopic oped to be a simple, easy-to-use, and reproduc-
cartilage grading. ible grading system of articular cartilage lesions
Histological scoring systems are used to [10]. The system assigns a grade of 0 (normal)
assess biopsies, usually collected at second-look through IV (most severe) to the chondral area of
arthroscopy. Scoring systems used in cartilage interest. While it remains the most widespread
repair include the comprehensive O’Driscoll, the classification system for grading cartilage lesions,
simple Pineda scale, the Bern score, and the it has inconsistent reliability and validation stud-
International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) ies with larger sample sizes are required to fur-
Visual Histological Assessment Scale. Some of ther evaluate the system [10]. Alternatively, the
these have been validated and various modifica- system may achieve the necessary reliability of a
tions have been applied. These scales effectively successful classification system by incorporation
standardize the assessment of microscopic of advanced imaging (MRI) [10]. The Noyes
images, but obtaining histologic samples has lim- scoring system is similar to earlier systems like
itations. Biopsies are invasive, requiring a follow- Outerbridge. It was developed to correct defi-
­up arthroscopic procedure. Sample selection can ciencies in these earlier systems in the descrip-
be affected by the location of the repair, as well tion of the articular surface, depth of involvement,
as surgeon bias. Nonetheless, these measures are and size and location of the lesion [11].
useful for studies where documenting the type of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides
tissue in the repaired lesion is important. For direct visualization of articular cartilage and the
example, with chondrocyte transplantation or surrounding tissues, permitting an effective and
other novel cell-based therapies, determining noninvasive means of assessing cartilage status.
whether the repair tissue is fibrocartilage or artic- It has superior soft-tissue contrast in comparison
ular cartilage may be germane. to other radiographic modalities, and can be used
For macroscopic evaluation of cartilage repair, to detect and monitor longitudinal changes in
the ICRS and Oswestry Arthroscopy Score cartilage due to injury or progression of degen-
(OAS) are available and have been shown to be erative disease at the tissue and joint level [5].
valid and reliable [8]. These two scales were spe- Advanced grading systems for MRI offer advan-
cifically designed to evaluate the macroscopic tages over those for microscopic or macroscopic
outcome of cartilage repair and to simplify and tissue assessment: In contrast to the histologic
tailor the scoring system to clinical needs [8]. grading of a biopsy specimen, MRI can be used
The recently developed ICRS II score has been to assess the tissue quality of the entire repair and
3 How Do We Best Measure Outcomes Following Cartilage Repair Surgery? 29

the surrounding cartilage, including the interface. sue relaxation times on a pixel-by-pixel basis,
At the macroscopic level, MRI permits evalua- allowing early detection of changes in chondral
tion of not only the cartilage surface, but also the matrix elements and collagen organization. Such
synovium and underlying bone in a systematic techniques include sequences such as T1rho,
manner. which has been established as a biomarker for
A variety of semiquantitative grading systems changes in proteoglycan content, and T2 map-
have been developed and validated for evaluation ping, a biomarker for changes in mobile water
of cartilage repair on MRI. Two cartilage repair content and collagen orientation. Following carti-
assessment scales, Magnetic Resonance lage repair, regions of interest may be placed over
Observation of Cartilage Repair Tissue areas of repair tissue in order to evaluate tissue
(MOCART) and Osteochondral Allograft MRI relaxation times, with the patient’s normal articu-
Scoring System (OCAMRISS), as well as two lar cartilage serving as an internal control for
scales for the assessment of joint cartilage degen- comparison.
eration, the Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance For cartilage repair, two MRI assess-
Imaging Score (WORMS) and MRI Osteoarthritis ment scales have been developed. Magnetic
Knee Score (MOAKS) are reviewed, below. Resonance Observation of Cartilage Repair
Additionally, quantitative MRI (qMRI) has Tissue (MOCART) is a grading system for the
emerged as an objective metric to evaluate carti- assessment of repairs using allograft cartilage or
lage quality and can provide objective measures autologous chondrocyte implantation. This sys-
of the biochemical composition of cartilage and tem is based on the assessment of nine imaging
cartilage repair tissue. While conventional 2D features in the chondral repair tissue, subchon-
sequences can provide information about overall dral bone, and synovium (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.2).
cartilage status, qMRI allows for assessment of The Osteochondral Allograft MRI Scoring
early ultrastructural changes that precede mor- System (OCAMRISS) is a similar scoring sys-
phologic changes [5]. tem for the assessment of osteochondral grafts.
Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation fol- The OCAMRISS includes 13 imaging variables
lowing cartilage repair requires the use of MRI measuring cartilage and global joint health, as
sequences tailored specifically for optimization well as features relevant to incorporation of the
of spatial resolution and tissue contrast in muscu- osseous portion of the graft to the host bone
loskeletal structures. Normal hyaline articular (Table 3.1, Fig. 3.3). These systems do not mea-
cartilage is organized in layers, with each layer
exhibiting predictable signal characteristics due
to differences in collagen structure and distribu- Table 3.1 Examples of MR imaging features utilized in
grading systems for evaluation of cartilage repair (repro-
tion of matrix elements such as proteoglycan. duced with permission from Burge et al. [12])
Optimized MRI sequencing permits evaluation of
changes in both chondral signal and morphology.
Degree of fill Cartilage signal
The MRI protocols for postoperative evaluation Cartilage integration Degree of fill
following cartilage repair must also allow evalu- Surface integrity Cartilage integration
ation of all tissues within the joint, including Tissue structure Surface congruity
fibrocartilaginous structures such as menisci and Tissue intensity Tidemark integrity
labrum, bone, and synovium. This is typically Subchondral plate Subchondral congruity
achieved through a combination of fat-suppressed Subchondral bone Subchondral edema
Adhesions Osseous integration
fluid-sensitive sequences and high-resolution
Synovitis Cystic changes
morphologic images such as proton density (PD)- Opposing cartilage
weighted fast spin-echo (FSE) techniques. Meniscal tear
Parametric, or quantitative, MRI techniques Synovitis
provide quantitative assessment of chondral tis- Fat pad scarring
30 I. Wolfe et al.

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 3.2 Magnetic resonance imaging features following map images obtained 6 months following cartilage repair
chondrocyte repair. (a) Axial T2 fat-saturated image in a demonstrate persistent graft hyperintensity with corre-
25-year-old woman following lateral patellar dislocation sponding prolongation of relaxation times on mapping
demonstrates chondral shear over the patellar apex (white images (white arrowheads); however, graft signal appears
arrowhead). (b) Axial PD FSE obtained 3 months following relatively decreased compared to the prior study. Axial (e)
cartilage repair utilizing particulated juvenile allograft car- PD FSE and (f) T2 map images obtained 1 year following
tilage demonstrates fill of the previous defect by hyperin- repair demonstrate further decrease in graft signal intensity,
tense repair tissue, which lacks the normal stratification of with reduced prolongation of relaxation times since the
cartilage, but which is a normal appearance for the postop- prior study, and the suggestion of developing early chondral
erative timeframe. Subsequent axial (c) PD FSE and (d) T2 stratification (white arrowheads) on mapping images

Fig. 3.3 Magnetic resonance imaging features following images obtained 1 year later demonstrate complete
osteochondral graft repair. Sagittal (a) IR and (b) PD FSE delamination yielding in situ osteochondral fragment
images in a 25-year-old man 2 years following osteochon- (white arrowheads). Sagittal (e) IR and (f) PD FSE images
dral allograft repair of the lateral femoral condyle demon- obtained 6 months status post-interval revision allograft
strate overall good fill with restoration of the articular repair demonstrate excellent fill by repair tissue with res-
surface contour; however, there is pronounced edema toration of the articular surface contour (white arrow-
with areas of cystic change along the osseous margins of heads). Subsequent sagittal (g) IR and (h) PD FSE images
the graft, and a focal linear hyperintense cleft along the obtained 2 years following graft revision demonstrate per-
subchondral plate at the posterior aspect of the graft sistent excellent fill (white arrowheads) with progressive
(white arrowheads), suggesting developing subchondral osseous incorporation of the osseous portion of the graft
delamination. Subsequent sagittal (c) IR and (d) PD FSE
3 How Do We Best Measure Outcomes Following Cartilage Repair Surgery? 31

a b

c d

e f

g h
32 I. Wolfe et al.

sure exactly the same parameters as microscopic 3.4 Best Subjective Measures
grading schemes, but can provide detailed infor-
mation about tissue quality and structure in a Subjective measures can be used to document the
much more objective manner, as unlike small physicians’ or patients’ observations. Although
biopsies, the MRI image encompasses the entire physician grading may be useful for following
repair. The ability to examine the interface individual patients, physicians’ assessments are
between repair and surrounding tissue is also a easily biased by their desire for good outcomes
strong advantage of MRI-based assessment. for their patients. In the context of knee arthros-
Two additional MRI scales are useful for copy, it has become clear that the relationship
assessing global joint degeneration in the setting between impairment of the joint as traditionally
of cartilage repair. The Whole-Organ Magnetic measured by the clinician and patient-reported
Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS) is a outcome is not direct [15]. Therefore, there is an
method for semiquantitatively assessing knee emerging consensus that a patient’s perspective
MRIs for structural changes related to osteo- regarding the outcome of a surgical intervention
arthritis, and has been widely used in clinical should serve as the primary outcome [15]. In
and epidemiological studies [13]. Articular sur- knee arthroscopy and orthopedic sports medi-
face features are scored in five subregions for cine, generally, where many patients are young
WORMS. Morphological lesions of cartilage and/or active, measures of return to activity have
thinning or focal loss in each subregion are risen to particular significance [15]. Validated
scored using a 7-point scale describing the areal PROMs are an excellent means to capture
extent of partial-thickness and full-thickness loss patients’ perspectives in a quantitative manner
with one score [13]. Meniscal lesions are scored without interpretation by a physician, researcher,
separately for the body and each horn of both or anyone else. These surveys have been vali-
menisci. For subchondral bone marrow lesions, dated not only for relevant knee-related out-
the score assigned to each of the anatomic subre- comes, but also for their electronic administration
gions reflects the volume of the subregion occu- [16], allowing for the assessment of large cohorts.
pied by diffuse edema-like bone marrow lesion. A recent systematic review of patient-reported
The MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score (MOAKS) outcome measures for the knee recommended the
is another semiquantitative cartilage measure- use of the International Knee Documentation
ment system on MRI. MOAKS uses a two-digit Committee (IKDC) subjective knee score, the
score for cartilage assessment that incorporates Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
both area size per subregion and percentage of (KOOS), and Lysholm Knee score for focal
subregion affected by full-thickness cartilage chondral defects based on psychometric data
loss [14]. [17]. These are reviewed below. The Tegner and
Following cartilage repair, a grading system Marx surveys, which assess activity level, are
should ideally consider more than just the status particularly useful because of the young, active
of the repaired tissue. The most informative sys- cartilage repair patient population, and are also
tems can model joint morphology quantitatively included in our review. These PROMs are sum-
including measurements of cartilage thickness marized in Table 3.2.
and volume. Thickness measurements, as well as The purpose of the IKDC subjective knee
other indicators of joint degeneration, are partic- score is to detect improvement or deterioration in
ularly helpful for longitudinal evaluation of the symptoms, function, and sports activities due to
success of the repair in forestalling the onset and knee impairment. It includes 18 items: 7 items on
progression of osteoarthritis [5]. symptoms, 1 on sports, 9 on daily activities, and
3 How Do We Best Measure Outcomes Following Cartilage Repair Surgery? 33

Table 3.2 Knee-related patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for assessment of cartilage injury and repair
Number of
PROM questions Domains/subscales Scoring range
Knee-specific surveys
International Knee 18 1. Symptoms 0–100 with 100 representing highest level
Documentation Committee 2. Sports of function (subscales summed for
(IKDC) Subjective Knee 3. Daily activities aggregate score)
Score 4. Current knee function
(not included in total
Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis 42 1. Pain 0–100 with 0 representing extreme knee
Outcome Score (KOOS) 2. Symptoms problems and 100 representing no knee
3. Function in daily living problems (five subscales scored
(ADL) separately)
4. Function in sport and
recreation (sport/rec)
5. Knee-related quality of
life (QoL)
Western Ontario and 24 1. Pain 0–96 with 96 representing a higher level
McMaster Universities 2. Stiffness of pain, stiffness, and functional
Osteoarthritis Index 3. Physical function limitations (subscales summed for
(WOMAC) aggregate score)
Lysholm Knee Score 8 1. Limp 0–100 with 100 indicating highest
2. Support function without knee symptoms or
3. Locking disability (scores for each domain
4. Instability summed for aggregate score)
5. Pain
6. Swelling
7. Stair climbing
8. Squatting
Activity surveys
Tegner Activity Score 1 Activity based on work 0–10 with 0 representing disability due to
and sports activities knee symptoms and 10 representing
participation in national or international
elite-level soccer/football/rugby
Marx Activity Scale 4 1. Running 0–16 with a higher score representing
2. Deceleration more frequent participation in the four
3. Cutting knee functions (scores for each function
4. Pivoting summed for aggregate score)

1 on current knee function (not included in the domains to patients. However, the use of one
total score). The scores for each item are summed aggregate score may mask deficits in one domain,
to give a total score, with the maximum score of and for highly active patients, return to sport may
100 indicating no limitation with daily or sport- not be adequately assessed.
ing activities and absence of symptoms. For The KOOS is used to measure patients’ opin-
patients who have had surgical intervention for ions about their knee and associated problems
cartilage injury, the IKDC shows moderate effect over short- and long-term follow-up (1 week to
sizes at 6 months and large effect sizes at 1 year decades). It includes five domains: pain frequency
[7]. The minimal clinically important difference and severity during functional activities, symp-
(MCID) is reported to be 6.3 points at 6 months toms (e.g., swelling, stiffness, catching), difficulty
and 16.7 points at 12 months following cartilage experienced during activities of daily living, dif-
repair [18]. The IKDC’s responsiveness to change ficulty experienced with sport and recreational
following surgical interventions is one of its activities, and knee-related quality of life. The
major strengths, along with the relevance of its five dimensions are scored separately, enhancing
34 I. Wolfe et al.

clinical interpretation. This also ensures content observations on his/her patients’ conditions in his/
validity in groups of different ages and functional her notebook by candle light, likewise these new
activity levels [7]. Other strengths of the KOOS methods may have seemed unnecessary or unbe-
include its reliability and validity across multiple lievable to our forebears of just a couple generations
languages and its high content validity, as patients before. As summarized above, the powerful combi-
with knee conditions were directly involved in its nation of objective, MRI-­based measurements and
development. Additionally, the KOOS is particu- subjective PROMs provides clinicians and research-
larly well suited following cartilage surgery ers with rigorous quantitative assessment tools to
because it contains all of the items of the Western follow progress in single patients and to investigate
Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis therapeutic efficacy in large populations after carti-
Scale (WOMAC), the most commonly used lage repair. These tools will be particularly useful in
PROM for osteoarthritis. As such, it can provide assessing novel therapies such as the implantation
insight into longitudinal studies regarding the of stem cells, scaffolds, or other biologics.
development of secondary osteoarthritis [17]. Furthermore, continuing technological advances
Although the Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale is promise even more accurate and specific measure-
recommended in the setting of cartilage repair, ments in the near future, as we discuss below.
based on its psychometric properties [17], it is sur- In a conversation with Dr. Wilson shortly
geon derived and therefore may be the most useful before his passing, our senior author shared the
for clinicians following their own patients, rather details of a recent study using smartphones to
than for researchers assessing overall treatment evaluate patient mobility recovery after total-hip
success and patient satisfaction. The Lysholm replacement [20]. Dr. Wilson listened patiently.
Knee Scoring Scale has large effect sizes reported He then smiled, shook his head, and said simply,
1–6 years following microfracture [7]. It assesses “Who’d have thought it possible? Well, these are
eight items: limp, support, locking, instability, your problems to solve. I won’t be here.” And yet
pain, swelling, stair climbing, and squatting. smartphone monitoring of patient activity is now
Two more scales that have been widely reported common as wearable technologies have proven
following cartilage surgery, particularly in highly to be reliable measurement tools for monitoring
active populations, are the Tegner and Marx patient movements [21]. These technologies,
Activity Scales. Both scales can be used to describe such as the Apple Watch, can measure heart rate
general recreational activity before and after sur- [22] while others can even monitor sweat pH in
gery as well as to assess the level of return to sport. real time [23]. The future of these wearable tech-
The Marx scale may be preferred over the Tegner nologies seems bright as a tool for moving much
because it queries functional instead of sports-spe- of our previously subjectively measured patient
cific activity [17]. The Marx scale focuses on four outcomes into the objective digital domain.
activity points: running, deceleration, cutting, and Next-generation MRI and increasingly sophis-
pivoting. The recall period is over the past year and ticated MRI algorithms are also already being
patients are asked to indicate approximately how introduced. The 7 Tesla MRI should provide bet-
many times they performed each of these activities ter resolution and faster scans to make MRI an
at their healthiest and most active state. The scale even more useful clinical and research tool.
has been extensively studied, validated, and inter- Machine learning and other advanced computing
nationally used [19]. methodologies may yield highly objective meth-
odologies for analyzing these images with ever
greater clinically relevant detail.
3.5 Future Opportunities If you have ever had a study idea in which you
said to yourself “If only we could measure X …”
While our modern objective and subjective mea- perhaps it is time to revisit that pipe dream. The
sures would be almost unrecognizable to the early technology may have arrived or may be on the
orthopedic surgeon carefully writing down his/her horizon. Indeed, these are our problems to solve.
3 How Do We Best Measure Outcomes Following Cartilage Repair Surgery? 35

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23. Chung M, Fortunato G, Radacsi N. Wearable flexible
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38 K. E. Chappell et al.

Fig. 4.1 Cartilage Articular surface

extracellular matrix
Superficial /
Middle /

Deep /
Tidemark cartilage

Trabecular bone

2. Middle or transitional zone: collagen fibrils pressures result from water in the ECM that are
from the superficial layer bend or “arcade” responsible for the remarkable compressive
into the cartilage midsubstance and demon- strength of articular cartilage [6].
strate a more random orientation, typically Chondrocytes constitute only a small fraction
accounting for 40–60% of the total tissue of total cartilage tissue volume but are actively
depth. involved in maintaining tissue mechanical integ-
3. Deep or radial zone: collagen fiber bundle rity. They regulate collagen and PG, sensing the
becomes radially arranged, perpendicular to mechanical environment to modify the PG in
the bone-cartilage interface and root in the response to changing loads [3, 10]. Distribution
calcified cartilage, where a distinct tidemark and morphology of chondrocytes are depth
distinguishing the interface between calcified dependent. Numerous small flat cells are present
and noncalcified cartilage is apparent by his- in the superficial cartilage. Moderately sized
tology. The deep zone typically accounts for rounded cells occur in the middle zone, while
30–50% of the total tissue depth. fewer columns of larger elongated cells are pres-
4. Calcified cartilage zone: a highly mineralized ent in the deep zone [11].
region acting as an interface between bone Interstitial water exists in two primary “pools”
and cartilage. Accounts for around 3–8% of within the articular cartilage: the “free” water
the total cartilage thickness and is separated (approximately 70%) and the “bound” intrafibril-
from the overlying cartilage and the subchon- lar water (approximately 30%) surrounding the
dral bone [8, 9]. collagen fibrils. The relative distribution and
mobility of water in these pools have implica-
Proteoglycans (PG) account for 4–10% of car- tions for MRI of articular cartilage primarily
tilage wet weight [3, 4]. PG also exhibits a strong dedicated to proton imaging.
depth-dependent distribution: the density of PG
increases with depth plateauing in the deep zone
[4]. Cartilage derives its compressive strength 4.2.1  rilaminar Appearance by
from water molecules attracted to glycosamino- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
glycan (GAG), a constituent of PG, in the ECM.
Numerous ionized and negatively charged Early MR appearance of articular cartilage was
side groups residing on GAG molecules cause described as having a single layer of uniform
the GAG side chains to repel each, while attract- intensity [12, 13]. As MR scanner strength
ing water molecules [10]. Considerable osmotic increased, a bilaminar appearance of articular
4 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage Structure and Biology 39

cartilage was reported [14, 15], consisting of a

thin hyperintense outer layer and a thicker
hypointense inner layer.
When field strengths increased to 1.5 T, Modl
et al. [16] reported the first trilaminar appearance
on both T1-W and T2-W images of patellar carti-
lage. Three distinct layers were now seen: a
superficial low-intensity layer, a middle interme-
diate- to high-intensity layer, and a deep low-­
intensity layer at the bone cartilage interface. The
variation in intensity was suggested to result
from the collagen fibril orientation in the histo-
logical zones, drawing on the findings from
Lehner et al. [17] bovine study. The collagen
fibril anisotropy of the superficial and deep zone
provided different intensities as the fibrils are ori-
ented at ~90° to one another while the middle Fig. 4.2 A PD FSE sagittal knee image. The patellar car-
zone is randomly oriented. tilage and part of the femoral cartilage have a trilaminar
appearance (white arrows) where collagen fibrils are
Rubenstein et al. [18] confirmed that the sig- aligned or perpendicular to the magnetic field. When the
nal intensity variations were dependent on the collagen fibrils are aligned around 55° they have a homog-
orientation of the collagen fibrils to the static enous appearance (red arrow) due to the magic angle
magnetic field. A trilaminar appearance occurred effect
when fibrils were aligned with the magnetic field.
However the trilaminar appearance disappeared lage such as in T2 mapping and UTE-T2* which
when collagen fibrils were rotated to 55°, the will be described in more detail below.
minimum dipolar coupling to the magnetic field. It must be noted that the trilaminar appearance
Now the cartilage had a uniform homogenous only occurs in healthy unloaded articular carti-
intensity because the superficial and deep zones lage. The anisotropic organization of the superfi-
behaved in the same way as the middle zone cial and deep zones changes in degenerative and
(Fig. 4.2). This experiment provided a direct compressed articular cartilage [21, 22].
observation of the “magic angle” effect in carti-
lage. The “magic angle” effect in cartilage mani-
fests as an overall increase in the T2 relaxation 4.3 Quantitative Magnetic
time in the superficial and deep zones. The tri- Resonance Imaging
laminar MR appearance in cartilage was strongly Strategies to Noninvasively
influenced by the anisotropic organization of the Assess and Monitor Cartilage
collagen fibrils and their orientation relative to Structure and Biology
the magnetic field.
Henkelman et al. [19] identified that there was MRI can visualize and measure articular carti-
a strong orientation dependence of the T2 in lage changes before the gross changes to bone
bovine cartilage at different angles to the main and joint space observed with radiography occur.
field. Different T2 relaxation rates were noted at Moreover, MRI is noninvasive and nondestruc-
different angles for different layers of tissue. Xia tive and uses nonionizing radiation capable of
[20] μMRI studies provided greater understand- visualizing tissues deep to the body surface.
ing of the T2 relaxation of cartilage showing it to Quantitative MRI is a subspecialty of MR con-
be both depth dependent and orientation depen- cerned with deriving quantitative measurements.
dent. This raises the possibility of using T2 to Quantitative MRI techniques evaluate cartilage
determine the structural characteristics of carti- surface disruption, subsurface lesions, cartilage
40 K. E. Chappell et al.

thickness loss, and compositional changes to the Table 4.1 Modified Outerbridge cartilage scoring
extracellular matrix.
Modified Cartilage appearance on
Outerbridge intermediate-weighted fast
scorea spin-echo MRI
4.3.1 Semiquantitative 0 Intact cartilage with normal signal
Assessments of Cartilage 1 Increased signal intensity with no
Morphology loss of cartilage thickness
2 Loss of cartilage thickness affecting
less than 50% of the cartilage
Semiquantitative morphologic cartilage grading
translates subjective image assessments into 3 Loss of greater than 50% of the
numbers for comparison across regions, subjects, cartilage thickness without exposed
cohorts, or longitudinally over time. Morphologic bone
features of cartilage injury observed on MRI can 4 Full-thickness cartilage loss with
exposed bone
be semi-quantitated using scoring systems spe-
Adapted from Potter et al., Cartilage injury after acute,
cifically designed for cartilage, for example:
isolated anterior cruciate ligament tear: immediate and
longitudinal effect with clinical/MRI follow-up. Am J
1. Modified versions of the Outerbridge for Sports Med. 2012 Feb;40(2):276–85
which the description by Potter (Table 4.1) is
particularly relevant to MRI [23], ICRS
(International Cartilage Repair Society) [24], both cartilage repair site and whole-joint
or Noyes [25] scoring systems, derived from recovery
arthroscopic grading schemes
2. Chondromalacia patellae score [12] to Accurate morphologic assessment requires
describe defects pre-surgery appropriate pulse sequence selection. Cartilage
3. CaLS (Cartilage Lesion Score) [26] for longi- surface disruptions, lesions, and thinning are best
tudinal tracking of cartilage lesions observed with fluid-sensitive, fat-saturated
4. AMADEUS (Area Measurement and Depth T2-weighted, intermediate-weighted or proton
and Underlying Structure) for assessment of density-weighted sequences acquired in three
preoperative cartilage and subchondral bone orthogonal planes. Additionally, T1-weighted
defect severity [27] sequences in at least one plane are recommended
Morphologic features of cartilage injury to provide intrasubstance cartilage detail.
can also be semi-quantitated from subscores
specific to cartilage within whole-joint scor-
ing systems such as: 4.4 Cartilage Morphometry
5. WORMS (Whole-Organ MRI Score) [28] or
MOAKS [29] for cartilage assessment in the Quantitative MRI assessment of cartilage thick-
knee ness and volume is termed cartilage “morphom-
6. SHOMRI (Scoring Hip Osteoarthritis with etry.” MRI detects morphometric cartilage
MRI) [30] for cartilage assessment in the hip changes with more sensitivity than the indirect
Several semiquantitative scoring systems clinical standard of radiographic joint space nar-
specific for postoperative evaluation of carti- rowing [33]. For cartilage morphometry, clear
lage repair tissues have been developed: delineation of both bone-cartilage and bone-­
7. MOCART (the Magnetic Resonance synovium interfaces is required. Good boundary
Observation of Cartilage Repair Tissue) [31] contrast is provided by T1-weighted fat-­
to assess repaired cartilage, Table 4.2 suppressed gradient-echo sequences with thin
8. CROAKS (Cartilage Repair Osteoarthritis slices and close to isotropic resolution such as
Knee Score) [32] for integrative assessment of spoiled gradient recalled acquisition (SPGR),
4 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage Structure and Biology 41

Table 4.2 MOCART—Cartilage repair tissue assessment: grading scale

1. Degree of defect repair and filling of the defect
Complete (on a level with adjacent cartilage)
Hypertrophy (over the level of the adjacent cartilage)
Incomplete (under the level of the adjacent cartilage; underfilling):
 >50% of the adjacent cartilage
 <50% of the adjacent cartilage
 Subchondral bone exposed (complete delamination or dislocation or loose body)
2. Integration to border zone
Complete (complete integration with adjacent cartilage)
Incomplete (incomplete integration with adjacent cartilage)
 Demarcating border visible (split-like)
  Defect visible:
   <50% of the length of the repair tissue
   >50% of the length of the repair tissue
3. Surface of the repair tissue
Surface intact (lamina splendens intact)
Surface damaged (fibrillations, fissures, and ulcerations):
 <50% of repair tissue depth
 >50% of repair tissue depth or total degeneration
4. Structure of the repair tissue
Inhomogeneous or cleft formation
5. Signal intensity of the repair tissue
Dual T2-FSE:
  Moderately hyperintense
  Markedly hyperintense
  Moderately hypointense
  Markedly hypointense
6. Subchondral lamina
Not intact
7. Subchondral bone
Granulation tissue, cysts, sclerosis
8. Adhesions
9. Effusion
Reprinted from Eur J Radiol, Vol. 52, Is. 3, Marlovits S, Striessnig G, Resinger CT, Aldrian SM, Vecsei V, Imhof H,
et al. Definition of pertinent parameters for the evaluation of articular cartilage repair tissue with high-­resolution mag-
netic resonance imaging, pp. 310–9, 2004, with permission from Elsevier. www-sciencedirect-com.laneproxy.stanford.
42 K. E. Chappell et al.

fast low-angle shot water excitation (FLASH), further assess collagen organization of joint tis-
and dual-echo steady state (DESS) [33]. To date, sues with an abundance of short-T2 species like
most morphometric studies of cartilage have tendons, ligaments, menisci, and deep and calci-
relied on extremely time-consuming manual car- fied articular cartilage include ultrashort-echo
tilage segmentation. However, advances in time (UTE) imaging [9, 38] and UTE-T2* map-
machine learning and artificial intelligence ping [39].
approaches to cartilage segmentation have the
potential to vastly improve the efficiency of this T2
procedure. T2 relaxation, also known as transverse or spin-­
spin relaxation, is a native tissue property and
measurable MRI time constant (Fig. 4.3).
4.4.1 Quantitative Assessments T2 mapping relies on intrinsic cartilage water
of Cartilage: to probe the organization and integrity of the
Compositional MRI extracellular collagen matrix. T2 relaxation in
cartilage is strongly dependent on the anisotropic
Early changes to the composition and properties organization of the collagen fibrils in the ECM,
of the cartilage ECM after trauma or post-­ the orientation of the collagen fibrils with respect
traumatic osteoarthritis are visualized with com- to the external magnetic field, and the tissue
positional imaging strategies. These precede the water content [34]. It is only weakly dependent
gross morphologic changes detected by conven- on the magnitude of the magnetic field, with
tional MRI. Detecting early changes identifies decreasing T2 times measured with increasing
individuals most likely to benefit from therapeu- field strength [34]. With the cartilage surface per-
tic interventions. The most prominent MRI tech- pendicular or parallel to the main magnet field
niques to spatially map cartilage composition (i.e., the long axis of clinical MRI scanners),
include T2 for hydration and collagen ECM high-resolution T2 maps of normal human carti-
integrity and organization [34]; delayed lage demonstrate low (short) T2 values in the
gadolinium-­enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEM- superficial and deep zones. This arises because
RIC) for relative PG distribution [35]; and T1ρ highly aligned collagen fibrils facilitate efficient
for PG content and collagen structure, although dipole interactions between water protons
the specificity of this measure remains controver- (Fig. 4.4).
sial at the low spin-lock frequencies used clini- Higher (longer) T2 values are observed in the
cally [36, 37]. Newer but promising techniques to middle zone where the collagen fibrils are more

Fig. 4.3 A T2 decay

graph comparing
articular cartilage at
3 T. TE3 refers to long
Signal Intensity (a.u.)

T2 signal (degenerative
articular cartilage) while
ultrashort T2 signal
(deep articular cartilage)
has TEs shorter than
1 ms. Healthy articular Long T2 signal: Degenerative
cartilage has short T2 Articular Cartilage
signal with a range of
TEs from approximately
10–80 ms Short T2 signal:
Healthy Articular Cartilage

TE1 TE2 TE3 Ultrashort T2 signal: Healthy Time (ms)

Deep Articular Cartilage
4 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage Structure and Biology 43

Fig. 4.4 T2 decay

graph of articular
cartilage aligned to the
main magnetic field and

Signal Intensity (a.u.)

at the “magic angle.”
The T2 is elongated at
the “magic angle”

Articular Cartilage oriented at the

“magic angle” elongates the T2 values

TE1 TE2 TE2MA Articular Cartilage aligned with Time (ms)

magnetic field short T2 values

a b






Fig. 4.5 Sample T2 maps acquired with a T2-weighted due to magic angle effect. (b) 53-Year-old male with
2-D multi-echo FSE sequence (CartiGram, GE). (a) osteochondral dissecans and full-thickness high-T2 lesion
53-Year-old healthy female with typical laminar T2 pat- in overlying cartilage
tern in cartilage. Red arrowhead indicates T2 elongation

randomly organized and proton dipole interac- matrix typically causes an increase in measured
tions are less efficient. However, as the orienta- T2 relaxation time that may manifest as a focal
tion of the cartilage fibrils with respect to the high-T2 lesion or global increase in T2 depend-
main magnetic field approaches the 550 “magic ing on the extent of the injury.
angle,” as in anterior and posterior femoral knee
cartilage observed in a sagittal view (Fig. 4.5), Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE)
superficial and deep cartilage regions display UTE MRI captures T2 signals less than 1 ms.
elongated T2 values [34]. This improves the ability to visualize tissues with
Departures from these expected T2 patterns short-T2 components such as deepest layers of
indicate disruptions of collagen matrix architec- articular cartilage and menisci that are otherwise
ture. In vivo, cartilage injury or disease resulting invisible by standard clinical T2 mapping and
in disorganization of the extracellular collagen conventional musculoskeletal imaging sequences
44 K. E. Chappell et al.

[40]. In these tissues, long-T2 relaxation repre- TEs for in vivo mapping of short-T2 tissues [44].
sents slow spin-spin interaction (e.g., interaction In ACL-reconstructed knees, elevated UTE-T2*
between free water molecules), while short T2 values are frequently observed in deep weight-­
reflects fast spin-spin interaction (e.g., interac- bearing cartilage as early as 2 years after ACL
tion between free and bound water molecules). reconstruction surgery [45], Fig. 4.6, and are
UTE imaging picks up signals from both short- associated with known risk factors for osteoar-
and long-T2 relaxations and produces hyper-­ thritis [46].
intensity for the deep radial zone of the knee
cartilage, which usually has hypo-intensity in dGEMRIC
conventional gradient- or spin-echo images with A reduction in cartilage GAG content due to
long echo time (TE > 10 ms). Elevation of or injury or disease can be derived from cartilage T1
interruption to this hypo-intense layer in deep relaxation measurements in the presence of nega-
cartilage on UTE-weighted images indicates dis- tively charged gadolinium-based contrast agents
ruption to the cartilage matrix organization at the [47–49]. Donnan theory of electrochemical neu-
osteochondral junction [41]. trality dictates that negatively charged contrast
UTE-enhanced T2* (UTE-T2*) mapping, in distributes in cartilage in concentrations inversely
which T2* values are calculated from a series of proportional to the local fixed charge density
images with varying TEs including an UTE, is (FCD) [2]. Thus, negatively charged contrast
sensitive to changes in short-T2 signal tends to be electrostatically repelled from regions
(T2 < 10 ms) due to deep cartilage injury or dis- of high GAG concentration while low-GAG
ease [39]. 3-D in vivo UTE-T2* maps can be regions admit more contrast. Measurement of the
generated from a UTE Cones sequence (GE) [42] concentration of the contrast agent in cartilage
or an acquisition-weighted stack-of-spirals (T1-Gd) allows for calculation of GAG content
sequence (AWSOS, Siemens) [43]. Variable echo and visualization of the relative spatial distribu-
time (vTE) GRE imaging uses Cartesian k-space tion of GAG in the cartilage [49].
sampling with phase-encoding gradients to vary In clinical application of the delayed
the effective echo time to achieve sub-­millisecond gadolinium-­enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEM-

a b






Fig. 4.6 Sample UTE-T2* maps acquired with 2 serial logical evidence of medial cartilage (Outerbridge grade 0)
4-echo Cones sequences (GE). (a) 20-Year-old healthy or meniscus pathology shows elevations to UTE-T2* val-
female with typical layer of low-UTE-T2* values in deep ues throughout medial femorotibial cartilage, particularly
cartilage at the bone-cartilage interface. (b) 35-Year-old in deep medial femoral cartilage (white arrows)
male 2 years after ACL reconstruction with no morpho-
46 K. E. Chappell et al.


1 Year

Fig. 4.8 T1ρ (left column) and T2 (right column) maps tive magnetic resonance imaging analysis of cartilage
3–6 months and 1 year after microfracture surgery. Repair regeneration following microfracture and mosaicplasty
tissue (RT) T1ρ and T2 appearance becomes similar to cartilage resurfacing procedures. J Magn Reson Imaging.
that of normal cartilage (NC) at 1 year after surgery. 2010;32(4):914–923, with permission of Wiley. © Wiley-­
Reprinted from Holtzman et al. T(1ρ) and T(2) quantita- Liss, Inc. T1ρ tive to tissue hydration, or a composite of carti-

T1ρ measures longitudinal T1 relaxation (or lage matrix components of cartilage, than
spin-lattice relaxation) in the rotating frame, and exclusively to PG content [37]. Despite that, T1ρ
thus is sensitive to slow-motion, low-frequency in vivo is a sensitive indicator of cartilage with
interactions between protons and local cartilage established osteoarthritis as well as cartilage at
environment [52]. However the mechanism(s) risk of developing OA [56, 57], typically show-
governing T1ρ relaxation in cartilage are not ing elevations in degenerate cartilage.
fully understood [53]. In vitro, T1ρ has been Additionally, T1ρ has been used to monitor carti-
­correlated to fixed charge density in enzymati- lage repair tissue recovery following mosia-
cally degraded and human osteoarthritis speci- cplasty and microfracture [58, 59]; see Fig. 4.8.
mens and is thought to have the potential to To measure T1ρ relaxation, the net magnetiza-
reflect cartilage PG content [54, 55]. But the tion is tipped 900 into the transverse plane and
specificity of T1ρ for cartilage PG measured in then “spin-locked” by applying a low-energy
in vivo studies is much less clear [37, 56]. At 3 T long-duration radio-frequency (RF) pulse along
and measured with spin-lock frequencies within the same direction. T1ρ relaxation can be assessed
RF power limitations and specific absorption rate by a variety of commonly available sequences
(SAR) constraints, T1ρ appears to be more sensi- including 2-D or 3-D fast spin-echo (FSE) with
4 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage Structure and Biology 47

multiple spin-lock times (i.e., typically at least tional cartilage imaging remains largely untested
four spin-lock images, with time to spin-lock in multicenter settings potentially limiting their
(TSL) ranging from 0 to 80 ms). Similarly, 2-D utility in routine clinical practice. Further, the
or 3-D spoiled gradient echo (SPGR), 3-D gradi- value of using compositional cartilage informa-
ent echo (GRE), fast low-angle shot (FLASH), tion to improve diagnostic performance [63–65]
balanced steady-state free precession (e.g., FISP), and to follow acute traumatic injury [66] is only
and 3-D magnetization-prepared angle-­beginning to be reported.
modulated partitioned k-space spoiled gradient
echo snapshot (3-D MAPSS) [60] sequences
with multiple TSL acquisitions can be used [61]. 4.4.3 Summary
Although higher spin-lock frequency improves
sensitivity to cartilage PG, spin-lock frequency is The technological advances in compositional
most commonly set to 500 Hertz due to RF power MRI over the last decade have evolved into a
limitations and SAR constraints for in vivo number of MRI techniques that can significantly
studies. improve the noninvasive evaluation of early carti-
lage damage and cartilage repair processes.
While arthroscopy cannot be routinely used in
4.4.2 Limitations of Morphologic the evaluation of asymptomatic patients, nonin-
and Compositional vasive MRI permits evaluation of patients and
Cartilage MRI populations at risk for cartilage damage early
along with longitudinal evaluation of patients
Although there is generally excellent agreement after surgical or other therapeutic interventions.
between morphologic MRI assessments using As our ability to speed up the scanning and pro-
fat-suppressed 3-D-SPGR or proton density-­ cessing times for compositional MRI techniques
weighted FSE sequences compared to improves, they will likely become useful adju-
arthroscopic evaluations of cartilage damage as vants to morphological MRI for evaluation of
the gold standard [62], these techniques are rela- cartilage injury. Improving scan times would
tively insensitive to subtle, subsurface changes to allow for validation with cross-site reproducibil-
cartilage biochemical integrity. The primary ity and further our understanding of composi-
advantage of compositional MRI is detection of tional MRI techniques as sensitive evaluation
changes to the composition and organization of tools for individualized patient care.
cartilage’s molecular constituents prior to gross
morphologic damage. Consequently, composi-
tional techniques are most useful in patients with References
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52 M. Raudner et al.

c­ontrols, pluripotent stem cells migrate to the allografts. Thus, allografts can, therefore, also be
debrided defect and form fibrocartilaginous tis- used in larger defects as donor-site limitations do
sue. In an optimal scenario, the repair site shows not apply [14, 15].
the same signal intensity as the surrounding Most importantly, filled defect volume, signal
native cartilage. However, the repair site can intensity, integration, and homogeneity of the
often be depicted as hypointense on fluid-­ repair tissue should be evaluated longitudinally.
sensitive sequences [1, 13]. After an interval of The integrity of the subchondral lamina and
12–24 months, depending on the patient’s age, potential abnormalities in surrounding soft tis-
size of defect, and perioperative incidents, the sues or underlying bone marrow should also be
repair site should show a completely filled defect examined. Bone marrow edema is a common
with a smooth surface and a seamless transition finding in the majority of patients in the first
to the native cartilage, hinting at good integration months after cartilage repair, but should decline
(Fig. 5.1). Bone marrow edema is a common from there on, until, at the latest, 3 years after the
postoperative finding, but should not persist or surgery [16–18].
enlarge over consecutive follow-ups as this can A major complication of OAT or AOT can be
be associated with treatment failure [12, 13]. osteonecrosis, often showing demarcating bor-
ders alongside hypointense bone marrow lesions,
with the worst case resulting in additional bone
5.1.2 Osteochondral Auto- balding. Clinical implications of these MRI find-
and Allograft (OAT and AOT) ings are to be thoroughly weighed, as the carti-
lage will still be passively nourished through the
The most important difference between auto- and synovial membrane. Therefore, not every patient
allografts is that autografts have the inherent with osteonecrosis benefits from an arthroscopic
advantage of providing a thorough look at the intervention, and in some cases can be observed
donation site, which is naturally not present in closely.

Fig. 5.1 32-Year-old male patient 24 months after micro- neous structure, minor hypointense signal, no bony over-
fracture (MFX). The follow-up MRI shows an underfill- growth or defect, and a minor edema-like marrow signal
ing of 75–99%, a complete integration, an irregular with <50% maximum diameter of the repair tissue
surface <50% of the repair tissue diameter, an inhomoge-
5 MRI in Knee Cartilage Injury and Posttreatment MRI Assessment of Cartilage Repair 53

5.1.3 Autologous Chondrocyte sequence as a hyperintense signal aberration in

Implantation (ACI) and Matrix-­ the integrational border zone and underneath the
Associated Chondrocyte repair tissue [12].
Implantation (MACI)

These cell-based repairs go through a character- 5.1.4 Successful Cartilage Repair

istic healing process. In the early postoperative
follow-up, the repair tissue is typically hyperin- In 2006, Marlovits et al. published the first ver-
tense. These signal alterations decrease over sion of the “Magnetic Resonance Observation of
time until the repair tissue is isointense (Fig. 5.2) Cartilage Repair Tissue” (MOCART) Score [6].
to the surrounding cartilage [12, 19, 20]. Bone To date, it is the most often referenced score with
marrow edema is common with this repair pro- which to systematically assess cartilage repair
cedure, but should not be seen in the follow-up after MACI and has already been used in other
examinations for more than 18 months after sur- repair procedures. In 2019, Schreiner et al. pub-
gery [1]. An incomplete integration at the transi- lished the updated MOCART 2.0 for cartilage
tional border can manifest as streaky repair assessment [7].
hyperintensity at the cartilage interfaces. It is a The MOCART 2.0 consists of seven vari-
common finding in the early postoperative phase, ables. The first is the volume of cartilage defect
but a sign of potential treatment failure at later filling, as insufficient filling is a sign of insuf-
examinations. Repairs via autologous perios- ficient repair [12]. The next variable is the inte-
teum are associated with a higher rate of hyper- gration into adjacent cartilage. This becomes
trophic filling and delamination than procedures more important with larger defects, as they are
using synthetic collagen or MACI with flaps directly associated with a higher rate of integra-
[21]. A delamination is best depicted on a T2w tional defects or delaminations [22]. The third

Fig. 5.2 A 28-year-old male patient 48 months after sue with isointense signal intensity, a bony overgrowth of
matrix-associated chondrocyte implantation (MACI). The less than 50% thickness of the adjacent cartilage, and a
follow-up MRI shows a complete filling of the defect, a subchondral cyst exceeding 5 mm in the maximum
good integration, an irregular surface <50% of the repair diameter
tissue diameter, a homogeneous structure of the repair tis-
54 M. Raudner et al.

variable is the surface of the repair tissue. As 5.2 T2/T2* Mapping

fissural surface defects facilitate inflammatory in the Injured Knee
processes, they are associated with an unfavor-
able outcome [13]. Fourth is the structure of the 5.2.1 T2 and T2* Mapping
repair tissue and the discrimination between
homogeneous and heterogeneous cartilage Technical Considerations
repair tissue. The latter is a sign of defectiveThe transversal relaxation constant, T2, provides
cartilage integrity potential, which may also valuable information about the composition of
lead to treatment failure. Next is the signal healthy and degenerated connective tissues, such
intensity. This variable grades how the repair as cartilage, tendon, ligaments, and menisci. T2,
tissue compares to native cartilage on fluid-sen-
as a quantitative biomarker, reflects the collagen
sitive sequences. Favorably, the repair tissue is
content and organization and its interplay with
isointense to native cartilage. This should be water molecules. It also visualizes the zonal
the aim of every treatment procedure besides appearance of the cartilage, manifested by long-
MFX, as bone marrow stimulation techniques, ­T2 values in the superficial zone, shorter in the
in general, are known to produce mainly fibro- transitional zone, and very short in the deep zone
cartilaginous tissue [13]. The next variable and subchondral bone. Goodwin et al. described,
would be bony defects or bony overgrowth. for the first time, the stratification of cartilage on
Neither should be observed in a successful car- T2 maps, attributing it to collagen fiber orienta-
tilage repair with the sole exception of OAT or tion, and described the magic angle effect as well
AOT, which are transplanted with their sub- [23]. In a further study, the same authors found a
chondral interface. relationship between three-dimensional collagen
organization and its influence on T2 values [24].
Dardzinski and colleagues demonstrated the
5.1.5 Bony Defects in vivo feasibility of T2 mapping in human artic-
ular cartilage for the first time and found the most
The subchondral lamina should have no pronounced T2 stratification in patellar cartilage,
defects and should heal in all dimensions to with T2 increasing from the deep to the superfi-
provide long-term stability and function of the cial zones from 45.3 ms to 67.0 ms, respectively
joint. An exception is the implantation of an [25]. These pivotal studies were followed by a
allograft, which comprises bony parts for number of works defining the influence of gender
reconstruction of osteochondral defects in the [26], age [27, 28], training and physical activity
early stages. After 14 weeks, healing of the [27, 29], and loading [30, 31] on cartilage T2 val-
subchondral lamina should be visible [16]. ues. The standardization of T2 is still a controver-
Finally, the subchondral area should be sial point, which limits the widespread clinical
assessed for changes, including bone marrow application of this technique, although it was
edema, subchondral cysts, or osteonecrosis-­ shown that the addition of a T2 mapping sequence
like signal. to a routine MR protocol at 3 T can improve sen-
Overall, the morphological postoperative sitivity in the detection of early cartilage degen-
assessment after cartilage repair and the eration [32]. Besides image acquisition,
MOCART 2.0 score are tasks that require the post-processing plays a crucial role in T2 map-
undivided attention of an experienced radiolo- ping standardization in cartilage [33]. In addition
gist, but are important to improve long-term to T2 mapping of articular cartilage, T2* relax-
patient outcome. ation time mapping is being discussed for the
5 MRI in Knee Cartilage Injury and Posttreatment MRI Assessment of Cartilage Repair 55

depiction of the collagen matrix [34]. As T2* is from 41. 9 ± 9 ms to 36.2 ± 7 ms, which was a
able to visualize fast-relaxing parts of the carti- difference of 5.6 ± 2 ms (p = 0.03); see Fig. 5.3.
lage, especially the deep cartilage zone, with Increased cartilage T2 values are associated with
highly organized collagen fibers, it can provide findings of pain in patients with focal lesions,
additional information about cartilage status. As whereas among morphologic knee abnormalities,
T2 and T2* maps provide the two-dimensional only knee cartilage lesions are significantly asso-
structural collagen dependence, recently, the ciated with knee pain status. This was validated
evaluation of the maps was expanded using tex- by a study of 126 patients from the Osteoarthritis
tural features and their correlation to cartilage Initiative using T2 mapping and the Whole-­
status [35–37]. Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score
(WOMAC) pain assessment [42]. Årøen et al. Cartilage Injury investigated quantitative MRI techniques in focal
Cartilage injury is characterized by collagen cartilage lesions using arthroscopically verified
depletion and increased hydration. Recent tech- findings. Both proteoglycan-specific (delayed
nological advances in MRI, including field gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEM-
strength, coil design, and sequence development, RIC)) and collagen-sensitive (T2 mapping) tech-
allow for robust, reproducible T2 mapping with niques were able to depict the focal cartilage
high in-plane resolution. High and ultrahigh changes, through either the decrease in proteo-
fields provide the substantial benefit of a higher glycan content or the collagen disruption and
signal-to-noise ratio; however, there are physical greater hydration [43]. Hannila et al. compared
limitations, such as lower B1 homogeneity and the feasibility of morphological MRI and T2
power deposition, that limit the transfer of this mapping for the detection of early cartilage
technique to higher field strengths. A conven- lesions. They showed that cartilage lesions diag-
tional multi-echo, multi-slice approach [38] is nosed by T2 mapping better matched in size and
often alternated with advanced T2 mapping tech- location the arthroscopically confirmed lesion
niques, such as double-echo steady state (DESS) appearance [44].
[39] and triple-echo steady state [40], which pro-
vide fair B1 insensitivity and full joint coverage Cartilage Repair
because of the three-dimensional capability. Cartilage has very limited capability for sponta-
A focal cartilage lesion may cause the onset of neous healing. If this occurs, type I collagen and
systematic disorders, such as osteoarthritis. It is, fibrocartilaginous tissue, as opposed to normal
therefore, desirable to have available noninvasive hyaline cartilage, are produced. A large number
diagnosis and patient monitoring imaging of surgical techniques have been developed to
approaches. Low-grade cartilage lesions are dif- repair focal cartilage defects, including chondro-
ficult to diagnose since morphological changes plasty, debridement, drilling, microfracture
are often subclinical and are accompanied by (MFX), autologous chondrocyte implantation
changes in hydration and disruption of collagen (ACI), osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT),
fibers. T2 mapping seems to be a helpful diagnos- osteochondral allograft, and matrix-associated
tic tool that provides enough sensitivity to detect chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) [45]. As
low-grade focal cartilage lesions. Juras et al. T2 mapping provides information about hydra-
showed the diagnostic robustness of T2 mapping tion and collagen matrix organization, it helps to
using TESS, in a study that involved 21 patients differentiate between the native cartilage and the
with focal cartilage lesions [41]. Patients were repair tissue, to differentiate between different
scanned repeatedly at four time points and the cartilage repair types, and to assess the matura-
significant, continuous decrease of T2 values in tion of the repair tissue over time. The first
patients with lesions was observed between base- attempts to differentiate between repair and
line and 6 months in the superficial layer of the native cartilage were performed using animal
lesions at 3 T, where the T2 values decreased models, either equine [46] or caprine [47]. White
56 M. Raudner et al.

a b c

d e f

Fig. 5.3 A representative T2 map in a patient with low-­ days; (d) 3 months; (e) 6 months; and (f) 12 months.
grade cartilage lesion scanned at five time points: (a) mor- Reproduced with permission from [41]
phological image; T2 map acquired at (b) baseline; (c) 8

et al. used ten equine subjects with OAT and tilage (57.8 ± 8.7 ms). However, zonal differen-
MFX to show that zonal stratification depicted tiation in cartilage repair using MACT was more
by T2 mapping is an indicator by which to dis- like that in healthy cartilage than that in
tinguish fibrous tissue from hyaline cartilage MFX. The example T2 map acquired with DESS
[46]. Cartilage patterns in both tissue types were in MFX and MACT patient is depicted in
also confirmed with polarized light microscopy Fig. 5.4. T2 values also provide the information
(PLM). Watanabe et al. investigated ten goats on cartilage function, as it is sensitive to loading-
with MFX and they found T2 mapping useful for induced changes, and can be used as a functional
the differentiation of repair and native cartilage; quality marker. Mamisch et al. compared the
however, they also pointed out the limitation of influence of 45-min-long unloading to T2 values
T2 to serve as a specific biochemical marker for on MACT repair cartilage and healthy controls.
collagen fibers [47]. The knowledge acquired The behavior of cartilage in terms of T2 was dif-
from animal studies was subsequently trans- ferent in repair tissue (early unloading,
ferred to in vivo human studies. Initial experi- 51.8 ± 11.7 ms; late unloading, 56.1 ± 14.4 ms)
ence was published by Welsch et al., who compared to healthy tissue (early unloading,
compared cartilage repair with MFX and MACT 50.2 ± 8.4 ms; late unloading, 51.3 ± 8.5 ms),
(ten patients in each group) to healthy native car- suggesting that T2 relaxation can be used to
tilage [48]. Regarding the absolute values, a sta- assess early and late unloading values of articu-
tistically nonsignificant T2 decrease was lar cartilage in a clinical setting and that the time
observed in MACT (56.4 ± 9.6 ms), and a statis- point of the quantitative T2 measurement affects
tically significant T2 decrease in MFX the differentiation between native and abnormal
(47.3 ± 10.3 ms) when compared to healthy car- articular cartilage [49]. Similar behavior was
5 MRI in Knee Cartilage Injury and Posttreatment MRI Assessment of Cartilage Repair 57

Fig. 5.4 Sagittal double-echo steady-state MR image sagittal cartilage colored T2 map (bottom-right) in age-
(top-left), sagittal spin-echo raw T2 image (top-middle), and follow-up interval-matched patient after
and corresponding fused sagittal cartilage colored T2 map MACT. Cartilage repair area is located between the two
(top-right) in a patient after MFX. Sagittal double-echo arrows and control cartilage (outlined area on the left of
steady-state MR image (bottom-left), sagittal spin-echo each respective repair method) on colored T2 map.
raw T2 image (bottom-middle), and corresponding fused Reproduced with permission from [48]

observed in the patellar cartilage [31]. The effect 5.3 gagCEST

of static loading on repair tissue (MACT) and
healthy cartilage was studied by positioning the 5.3.1  RI of Cartilage Lesions
knee in the extended and the 40° flexed position and Repair: gagCEST
[50]. Repair tissue showed ­different behavior in
the loaded cartilage zone compared to healthy Glycosaminoglycan chemical-exchange satura-
cartilage, suggesting that T2 may serve as a tion transfer (gagCEST) [62] is a promising bio-
marker for the evaluation of repair-tissue quality marker for the noninvasive assessment and
after MACT and will allow for biomechanical monitoring of articular cartilage defects and car-
assessment of cartilage transplants. Ultrahigh- tilage repair using magnetic resonance imaging
field T2 applications allow for imaging at higher [63]. In CEST imaging, selective saturation of
resolution [51, 52] or imaging joints with sub- exchangeable protons, which are subsequently
stantially thinner cartilage [53, 54]. T2 mapping transferred via chemical exchange and accumu-
can also be used to monitor patients after repair lated in the water pool, is used as contrast
procedures to ensure the long-term success of enhancement to indirectly detect specific endog-
cartilage repair surgeries in OCT [55, 56], MFX enous metabolites, such as glycosaminoglycans
[57, 58], and ACI/MACI/MACT [59–61]. The [64]. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content is of
clinical potential of T2 and T2* mapping is particular interest in the assessment of cartilage
becoming more and more important in view of lesions, as well as in the postoperative monitor-
the number of studies published to date. The ing of cartilage repair, as it has been strongly cor-
additional information about cartilage quality related with cartilage biomechanics [65],
can potentially answer clinical questions related particularly with compressive stiffness [66].
to cartilage repair tissue maturation, as well as gagCEST offers distinct advantages over other
differentiation after various repair techniques. GAG-specific imaging techniques, such as
58 M. Raudner et al.

a b c

Fig. 5.5 Medial femoral condyle of a 30-year-old patient bars on b and c represent MTRasym values summed over
after microfracture displayed on (a) morphologic, (b) offsets from 0 to 1.3 ppm (gagCEST) and sodium SNRs,
gagCEST map overlaid on a morphological image, and (c) respectively. Reproduced with permission from [71]
23 Na MR map overlaid on a morphological image. Color

dGEMRIC and sodium imaging. As opposed to patients after MACT) using gagCEST and
dGEMRIC [67], it does not rely on the adminis- sodium imaging at 7 T (Fig. 5.5). In all patients,
tration of contrast media. And, in contrast to the MTRasym (values summed for all offsets from
sodium imaging, because it is a proton-based 0 to 1.3 ppm) were significantly (p = 0.003)
imaging technique, it does not need a multinu- higher in healthy reference cartilage than in
clear setup or dedicated radio-frequency coils. repair tissue. Furthermore, the authors observed a
Furthermore, gagCEST offers an inherently bet- correlation between the MTRasym and sodium
ter signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) than sodium SNR values, suggesting both a sensitivity of
imaging, which allows for a significantly higher gagCEST to GAG content and lower GAG con-
spatial resolution, and thus less susceptibility to tent in the repair tissue in these patients. Krusche-­
partial-volume effects [68]. Mandel et al. [72] investigated nine patients at a
The intricacy of the underlying technique and follow-up of 8 years after autologous osteochon-
the challenging properties of articular cartilage, dral transplantation using T2 mapping at 3 T and
however, such as relatively short-T2 relaxation gagCEST, as well as sodium imaging at 7 T. Age
times and only small chemical shift differences at implantation was 49 years. Even though the
between the exchangeable OH protons of GAGs clinical outcome was favorable, with a median
and the water peak [69], give rise to distinct Lysholm score of 90 points [IQR: 85.0–95.0,
drawbacks as well. These include labeling effi- 95% CI: (85; 93)], statistically significant differ-
ciency, susceptibility to B1 (RF field) and B0 ences between the cartilage repair tissue and
(static magnetic field) inhomogeneities, rela- healthy reference cartilage in the same knee were
tively long scan times, and thus susceptibility to observed with all three techniques. Corroborating
motion artifacts [70]. Moving to higher field the underlying theory, the strongest correlation
strengths (7 T) is helpful in two ways. First, the was observed between gagCEST and sodium
CEST effect depends on field strength, and sec- imaging. However, only for T2 mapping was a
ond, the higher field strength provides increased correlation found with clinical scores (i.e., the
spectral resolution, which helps to reduce direct modified Lysholm score) [ρ = −0.667, 95% CI:
saturation effects. (−0.922; −0.005)].
Schmitt et al. [71] examined 11 patients at a Subsequently, gagCEST was used at 3 T as
mean follow-up of 21 months after cartilage well. Rehnitz et al. [73] employed T2 mapping,
repair surgery (five patients after MFX and seven dGEMRIC, and gagCEST to quantitatively
5 MRI in Knee Cartilage Injury and Posttreatment MRI Assessment of Cartilage Repair 59

assess the knee cartilage of 10 healthy volunteers, for the treatment of cartilage defects, such as
50 patients with suspected cartilage lesions, and bone marrow stimulation techniques (BMS)
19 patients after microfracture. The authors (Pridie drilling, Microfracture (MFX)); first, sec-
observed significantly higher gagCEST values in ond, and third generations of cell-based autolo-
cartilage defects grade 2 and 3 when compared to gous chondrocyte implantation (ACI); autologous
healthy reference cartilage (mean 4.8% vs. 1.4%, osteochondral transplantation (AOT); and cell-­
p < 0.01). In contrast to Schmitt et al., signifi- free implant techniques.
cantly higher gagCEST values were observed in Proton (1H) MR imaging allows for the mor-
cartilage repair tissue when compared to healthy phological assessment of the cartilage or repair
reference cartilage (mean 7.3% vs. 0.7%, tissue, but it does not provide information about
p < 0.0001). The results of this study, however, the sophisticated composition of the repair tissue.
might have to be reappraised, since Singh et al. The complex repair structure, however, may
[74] have shown that proper correction of B0 affect the long-term outcome. MRI methods pro-
inhomogeneities leads to a negligible gagCEST vide information about the morphology of the
effect at 3 T. knee joint, but biochemical changes in the joint
Brinkhof et al. [75] recently developed a 3D often occur before morphological changes are
gagCEST sequence and applied it to healthy vol- detectable. Therefore, there is an objective need
unteers and patients with femoral cartilage for biochemical and quantitative MRI capable of
lesions before cartilage repair surgery at 7 T in an providing early information about the biochemi-
acquisition time of 7 min. The authors observed cal changes of articular cartilage.
good reproducibility and reported a significantly One of those techniques is sodium (23Na) MR
different gagCEST effect in cartilage lesions imaging, which can assess changes in Na ion
when compared to healthy cartilage, ranging content, linked to glycosaminoglycan (GAGs)
from 1.3% to 5.1% versus 2.6% to 12.4%. molecules. The negatively charged GAGs are the
gagCEST is a promising, noninvasive, GAG-­ essential molecules for cartilage molecular inves-
sensitive biomarker that does not require the tigations, since GAGs provide strong electro-
application of contrast media. With currently static and osmotic forces, which have an
available hardware and sequences, however, important influence on cartilage function and
gagCEST seems to be restricted to 7 T systems. homeostasis. Furthermore, the GAG content cor-
This, in turn, prevents widespread application for relates with the biomechanical properties of car-
the assessment of cartilage lesions and repair, tilage [66]. In articular cartilage, the negatively
both in research and, even more so, in the clinic. charged GAGs are surrounded by positively
Hence, continuous development and gradual charged sodium ions; thus, the sodium concentra-
improvement of hardware and sequences are piv- tion can be used as an indirect measure of GAG
otal for gagCEST to become a biomarker that can content, which can be noninvasively assessed
be applied in the clinical routine. with sodium imaging [76, 77]. With the addi-
tional inclusion of quantification standards with
known sodium concentrations, tissue sodium
5.4 Sodium (23Na) MRI concentrations (TSC) can be calculated.

5.4.1 Biochemical Investigations

of Cartilage Tissue Using 5.4.2 23Na-MRI for Different
Sodium MRI Cartilage Repair Technique
Mechanical injury is a major cause of articular
cartilage damage in young, active subjects. Some of the initial studies that introduced 23Na
Within the last two decades, different surgical MR imaging of patients after cartilage repair
cartilage repair techniques have been proposed were published by Trattnig et al. in 2010 [78]. In
60 M. Raudner et al.

one study of 12 patients, examinations of femoral patients after BMS and after MACT were insig-
condyle cartilage were performed approximately nificant (p = 0.915). NMSI from repair tissue was
56 months after MACT. Sodium imaging results significantly different between BMS and MACT
obtained at 7 T were compared with results gen- (p = 0.028). The conclusion of the study was that
erated at 3 T using the dGEMRIC technique. The the sophisticated, cell-based MACT technique
sodium normalized signal intensity (NMSI) val- produces a repair tissue with a more hyaline-like
ues were significantly lower in repair tissue than composition, while the result of the BMS tech-
in reference cartilage (p < 0.001). dGEMRIC nique is a fibrous repair tissue with very low
measurements also showed a significant differ- GAG content. 23Na-MRI is able to distinguish
ence in postcontrast T1 values between repair tis- between repair tissues with different GAG con-
sue and reference cartilage (p = 0.005). Moreover, tent, and thus serves as a noninvasive evaluation
a strong correlation was found between sodium of the performance of new cartilage repair
imaging and dGEMRIC. These results indicated techniques.
that 23Na-MRI allows differentiation between Cartilage repair procedures used in the knee
MACT repair tissue and native cartilage of joint are also performed in the ankle joint.
patients without the need for contrast agent However, there are biochemical and biomechani-
application. cal differences between knee and ankle cartilage.
Zbyn et al. reported the results of 23Na-MRI at Zbyn et al. investigated a feasibility of 23Na-MRI
7 T, which were used to compare the quality of for repair-tissue investigations in very thin ankle
repair tissue of femoral condyle cartilage between cartilage [80]. In the same study, Zbyn et al.
two different repair procedures: MFX and MACT scanned cadaver ankle samples and found a high
[79]. Every BMS patient was matched with one correlation between GAG content and sodium
MACT patient according to age, postoperative signal (r = 0.800; p < 0.001; R = 0.639). These
interval, and defect location. NMSIs were signifi- authors wanted to investigate the feasibility of
cantly lower in BMS (p = 0.004) and MACT quantitative sodium MRI in vivo for the evalua-
(p = 0.006) repair tissue than in corresponding tion of the thin cartilage of the ankle and subtalar
reference cartilage (Fig. 5.6). The morphological joints at 7 T. Healthy volunteers—six MFX and
appearance of the repair tissue, evaluated by the six MACT patients with similar age, body mass
MOCART scoring system [6] and results, showed index, and defect size—were measured and the
that differences in MOCART scores between results showed that both repair techniques

Fig. 5.6 Sagittal proton density-weighted 2D-TSE MR (left contour) and reference cartilage (right contour).
image with fat suppression (left); sagittal, sodium Please note that repair tissue voxels situated closest to the
3D-GRE image (middle); and color-coded sagittal sodium repair tissue-native cartilage interface are not included
3D-GRE image (right) in a 35-year-old woman obtained into the ROI evaluations. Color scale represents the
50.6 months after MACT surgery. Cartilage repair tissue sodium signal intensity values (reproduced with permis-
is situated between the two arrows. Red contours in the sion from [79])
middle image represent the ROI analysis of repair tissue
5 MRI in Knee Cartilage Injury and Posttreatment MRI Assessment of Cartilage Repair 61

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66 K. R. Hayek and J. A. Macalena

such as physical therapy, injections, and alterna- 6.1.2 Special Populations

tive therapies. Operative reports should be obtained
for all prior procedures. Increasingly, medical Female and pediatric patients are often consid-
records allow for the digital storage of intraopera- ered unique populations. In cartilage surgery,
tive images. These are helpful as surgical reports they have been observed to do as well or better
may not be sufficiently detailed. It is important to than male and skeletally mature counterparts,
know a history of prior cartilage procedures. respectively. Female patients have been observed
Eventually most traumatized knees will show to have similar rates of clinical improvement,
global degenerative sequela. Ekman et al. found cartilage regeneration, and graft survival after
that 50% of patients who underwent osteoarticular cartilage surgery [16, 19]. For pediatric popula-
autograft transplant had progression of radio- tions with cartilage injuries, surgery is a viable
graphic osteoarthritis at a median of 11.5 years [9]. treatment for persistent traumatic defects or
Additionally, revision cartilage procedures have osteochondritis dissecans lesions. A systematic
been noted to have higher rates of failure [10]. The review of cartilage procedures in pediatric
cartilage surgeon needs to be mindful of the limits patients found beneficial evidence in support of
of restoration. Some knees with more diffuse and several common surgical treatments including
advanced changes and patients with lower microfracture, osteochondral autograft (mosaic-
demands may be better suited for arthroplasty. plasty), osteochondral allograft, and autologous
Patient age is also an important consideration. chondrocyte implantation (ACI) [20]. The sur-
The literature displays mixed results with the geon must take into account the specific pediatric
effect of age. In general, older age is correlated considerations of remaining growth and the phy-
with poorer outcomes in cartilage surgery [8, 11– sis in their surgical plans.
14]. Older age has a higher hazard ratio for graft
failure in osteochondral allograft (OCA) for pla-
teau lesions [8]. Patients over 40 years old with 6.1.3 Medical Comorbidities
large lesions are more likely to have graft failure and Family History
with OCA than younger patients [13]. Other data
suggests that patients older than 40 with isolated It is important to determine and consider the
medial or lateral femoral condylar lesions under- patient’s medical comorbidities. Personal or fam-
going fresh osteochondral allografts had equiva- ily history of venous thromboembolic event
lent Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome (VTE) including deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Scores (KOOS) [15]. Their work suggests the and pulmonary embolism (PE) should be noted.
importance of choosing surgical patients who have Appropriate prophylaxis or treatment should be
a paucity of diffuse degenerative changes. Despite addressed in the perioperative period. Diabetes
better graft incorporation, some studies have carries increases risks of wound complications
shown younger patients to have lower KOOS [21]. Smoking and nicotine consumption nega-
symptom scores. This may reflect their higher tively affect the outcome of cartilage and liga-
activity demands and overall expectations [16]. ment surgery [22]. Patients must be counselled to
Patient body mass index is an importance con- the risks and be encouraged to engage in cessa-
sideration. Higher BMI is a risk factor for carti- tion preoperatively. The patient should be referred
lage lesion progression [17] and is negatively to a cessation program or provider if they are
correlated with patient-reported outcomes [13, agreeable.
16] and graft survivorship [18]. Patients who are Assess for personal or family history of
above their target weight should be encouraged rheumatoid arthritis, connective tissue disor-
to set goals for weight reduction. Consider refer- ders, or conditions associated with systemic
ral to a dietician or discussion with the patient’s laxity. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic dis-
primary care provider who may assist with ease, causing inflammatory destruction of the
management. articular surface. Although the use of restora-
6 Assessment of Patient, Joint, Cartilage Injury Characteristics 67

tion techniques has been reported in limited 6.2.3 Tibiofemoral Articulation

numbers [23], caution is advised. Many provid-
ers consider rheumatoid arthritis a contraindi- Palpation should include the joint line, collateral
cation to cartilage surgery. Injury to the ligaments, and subcutaneous bony landmarks.
surrounding osteochondral unit during grafting Examine the popliteal fossa for tenderness or
may release pro-­inflammatory mediators wors- masses. Baker’s cysts are common. Range of
ening the condition [24, 25]. Systemic laxity motion should be assessed. Less than a 90-degree
conditions including Ehlers-­Danlos and Marfan arc of motion preoperatively is concerning.
syndromes affect joint stability and are herita- Arthrofibrosis may limit any benefits of cartilage
ble. Additionally, familial associations have restoration. The collateral ligamentous exam
been seen in osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) consists of varus and valgus stress testing at 0°
[26, 27]. and 30° of flexion. The Lachman and pivot shift
tests are used to assess for ACL injury. The pos-
terior drawer and dial tests will assess for injury
6.2 Assessment of the Joint of the posterior cruciate ligament and posterolat-
eral corner, respectively.
6.2.1 Physical Examination Provocative examination includes the Thessaly
[33] and McMurray [34] tests. Typically, these
A thorough evaluation includes global lower tests are most helpful with large meniscal tears
extremity function assessment. Gait should be that become caught between the femur and tibia
examined, and varus or valgus thrusts should be during motion. They may to a lesser degree be
noted. The hip joints should be examined for pain positive with cartilaginous injuries in overlap-
or limited range of motion [28, 29]. Referred pain ping anatomic areas.
from the hip to the knee has an anatomic basis
related to the branches of the femoral nerve [30].
While more commonly a cause of hip pain, con- 6.2.4 Patellofemoral Articulation
sider the lumbar spine as a source of radicular
pain when the patient has concomitant low-back The patellofemoral (PF) articulation comprises a
symptoms [31, 32]. Examine the neurologic sta- complex anatomy balanced static and dynamic
tus of the limb for functional deficits which may forces. Assessment of hyperlaxity by Beighton
contraindicate surgery. criteria [35] is a component of the instability
exam. Tenderness over the medial patellofemoral
ligament (MPFL) is known as the Bassett sign
6.2.2 Examination of the Knee Joint which may indicate injury or rupture [36].
Patellar crepitation is a poor prognostic sign for
The clinical history of cartilage injury may cartilage lesions in instability patients. Patients
overlap with other intra-articular pathologies. with preoperative crepitation are 3.6 times more
The physical examination should be used to likely to have a medial patellar facet lesion [37].
help confirm the diagnosis and identify alterna- Crepitation is also indicative of larger and higher
tive or coexisting pathologies. Both knees grade lesions.
should be examined. In general, the less affected The apprehension test assesses for incompe-
knee should be examined first. Examination tence of the MPFL ligament. This test described
should include inspection for prior surgical by Fairbanks [38] is performed in the supine
incisions which may affect procedures position with a relaxed knee. The examiner
attempted or approaches used. Assess for effu- directs a medial to lateral force on the patella
sion. Effusion indicates acute injury or ongoing attempting to gradually sublux the patella. If the
irritation. patient stops the exam, or indicates that they feel
68 K. R. Hayek and J. A. Macalena

their patella will dislocate, the result is positive. bone along the lateral aspect of the medial femo-
The exam has intermediate specificity for patellar ral condyle.
instability of 70–92% [39, 40]. Dynamic variants On standing full-length AP coronal alignment
of this test have been described [41, 42] and these radiographs, the mechanical axis of both lower
have been reported to improve the sensitivities extremities through the knee should be measured.
and specificities to the mid-90s and mid-80s, To determine the alignment of the knee, two
respectively. intersecting lines are drawn representing the
Assessment of patellofemoral dynamic track- intersection of the mechanical axes of the femur
ing includes observation for a pathologic J-sign. and tibia forming the hip-knee-ankle angle [44–
The J-sign occurs as the vector of patellar motion 46]. In young healthy males, the coronal align-
shifts medially when the patella overcomes the ment is near neutral, or 1–2° of varus at the knee
lateral ridge of the trochlea instead of entering [44]. Females have slightly more varus. The
the trochlea centrally when the knee moves from native joint line is set in 2–3° of varus compared
extension into flexion. The J-sign has relatively to the mechanical axis [46]. Unsatisfactory align-
high intra-observer reliability and moderate con- ment requires consideration of correction con-
cordance among observers for PF instability [43]. comitantly, or prior to a cartilage restoration or
Extensor mechanism mal-tracking needs to be reconstruction procedure.
addressed to prevent recurrent PF cartilage injury. Increased varus alignment of the knee has
When J-tracking is apparent, it is helpful to been noted in association with progression of
observe the degree of flexion at which the patella osteoarthritis [47, 48]. Small amounts of varus
relocates to facilitate surgical planning. deformity, as little at 3°, can cause significant
increases in articular contact pressures [49].
Studies on the success of ACI and osteochondral
6.2.5 Radiographic Evaluation grafting in the setting of osteotomy support cor-
of Joint Alignment rection of coronal knee malalignment. A meta-­
and Integrity analysis of 389 high tibial osteotomies with
adjunctive cartilage procedures showed a modest
Knee joint alignment is a key consideration for increase (97 vs. 92%) in HTO survival compared
the surgeon considering cartilage restoration or to HTO alone at 5 years post-procedure [50].
reconstruction. Alignment is best evaluated quan- Retrospective analysis of 43 ACI procedures with
titatively. A regimented radiographic series varus alignment under 5° showed a higher pro-
should be obtained for every patient. Standard portion of survivorship for those that underwent
measurements are made on every series. concomitant high tibial osteotomy at 71 months
Supplemental imaging techniques are described postoperatively [51]. Leon et al. noted that a
as well. higher proportion of osteochondral allograft fail-
AP standing radiographs, as a component of ures within 5 years had undercorrected alignment
full-length coronal hip-to-knee radiographs, [52]. The available research for coronal plane
should always be obtained. A PA weight-bearing deformities suggests that these should be
flexion (Rosenberg) view allows for assessment addressed prior to or concurrently with cartilage
of the functional portion of the condyles. The restoration procedures.
evaluator should assess for degenerative changes: The lateral knee view at 30° of flexion best
subchondral cysts, joint space narrowing, osteo- evaluates the patellar height [53] and trochlear
phytes, and sclerosis. Focal cartilage lesions may dysplasia [54], and provides a second view to
not be evident unless there is an osteochondral localize lesions in the femoral condyles. The
lesion or significant degenerative changes. evaluator should examine the anterior femur for a
Assessment for osteochondritis dissecans lesions crossover sign or prominence which is suggestive
in pediatric patients is important, as these often of dysplasia. Trochlear prominences, bumps, or
present as lucent areas or irregular subchondral supratrochlear spurs are pathologic when greater
6 Assessment of Patient, Joint, Cartilage Injury Characteristics 69

than 3 mm [54]. The evaluator should measure There are many methods for stress application,
the Caton-Deschamps [54–56], Insall-Salvati with 16 different methods noted in a recent meta-­
[54, 56, 57], or Blackburne-Peel [53, 58] ratios to analysis, making standardization challenging
determine if the patellar height is in the norma- [65]. It is important for both the surgeon and
tive range. technologist obtaining images to be knowledge-
The axial 45-degree patellar (Merchant) view able regarding the techniques to maximize their
best evaluates the patellofemoral articulation in validity. Higher volumes will improve reproduc-
the zone of maximum engagement. Patellofemoral ibility, suggesting that patients with complex lig-
arthrosis, lateral tilt, and morphologic patello- amentous and cartilage injuries may benefit from
femoral dysplasia can be assessed. The sulcus being treated at referral centers.
angle is measured between the two facets of the
trochlea, and angles above 145° are considered
dysplastic [54, 59, 60]. 6.2.7 Supplemental CT Scans
Anatomic abnormalities including patella alta,
trochlear dysplasia, or excessive lateral patellar CT is valuable for the assessment of patellofemo-
tilt are more prevalent in patients with patello- ral anatomy in cases of instability and rotational
femoral cartilage lesions noted on MRI compared profile of the lower extremity. Many patients will
to controls without patellofemoral lesions [61]. present to clinic with an MRI scan ordered by
There has been a long-standing association another provider or clinic. The anatomic mea-
between aberrant patellofemoral anatomy and surements discussed in this section can be made
patellar dislocation [54]. Acute patella disloca- from MR images; however, their values may
tions have been correlated with lesions of the slightly differ from the CT.
inferomedial patella and lateral trochlea [3, 4]. Measure the tibial tubercle trochlear groove
For patellar or trochlear lesions, instability or (TT-TG) distance on the axial CT. Values above
overload should be addressed prior to or concom- 20 mm are abnormal, and values of 15–20 mm
itantly with cartilage intervention. Recurrent are borderline for contributing to patellar insta-
instability has been noted to have a 4.5 times bility [54]. TT-TG can also be measured off MRI
higher risk association with the development of but may slightly underestimate the value [67].
osteoarthritis [62]. Unloading of the lateral facet by anterior medial-
ization of the tibial tubercle can correct forces
causing lateral overload, but it is important to
6.2.6 Supplemental Radiographs realize that overcorrection can worsen a damaged
medial facet. Therefore, balance is preferred rela-
When there is a concern for patellofemoral insta- tive to overcorrection [61].
bility, the 20-degree axial patellar (Laurin) view CT limited hip-knee-ankle for axial rotation
is useful. In 20° of knee flexion the patella is at assessment is the gold standard for assessing
initial trochlear engagement [63]. Patients may femoral torsion or anteversion and tibial torsion.
have normal trochlear morphology and depth dis- This study should be considered in patients with
tally on the Merchant view, but Laurin’s view patellofemoral cartilage injuries and concomitant
may show abnormal patellar position more proxi- instability when there are side-to-side abnormali-
mally due to abnormal patellar force vector, high ties on physical exam or otherwise normal PF
trochlear dysplasia, or initial height mismatch. anatomy on CT. Intra-observer reliability is
Stress radiographs assist in the diagnosis of higher with CT than MRI making it preferred
multi-ligamentous knee injuries, as well as col- despite the downside of radiation exposure [68]
lateral and posterior cruciate injuries [64–66]. (Table 6.1).
70 K. R. Hayek and J. A. Macalena

Table 6.1 Recommendations for standard knee cartilage form. This provides consistency reviewing cases
injury radiographic series in follow-up, or when describing findings to other
Authors’ recommendations for standard cartilage providers. Assess both the MR images and struc-
patient radiographic series: tures intraoperatively for associated ligament and
 1. 45° flexion PA weight-bearing radiographs
(Rosenberg view)
meniscal cartilage injuries. Meniscal or ligamen-
 2. AP full-length lower extremity standing coronal tous injuries or deficiencies should be addressed
alignment views prior to or concurrently with a cartilage repair or
 3. 30° flexion lateral view restoration. It is important to document findings
 4. 45° flexion axial view (Merchant view) in the operative report in a systematic and spe-
cific manner. Location is a key factor. Patellar-­
trochlear lesions require assessment of instability
6.3 Assessment of Cartilage or overload. Tibial lesions can be difficult to treat,
Injury due to the limited access. Isolated medial femoral
condyle lesions typically have the best outcomes.
Magnetic resonance imaging is the most valuable When staged treatment is planned, consider a
imaging study for assessing the articular surface cartilage biopsy at the time of a diagnostic
(see Chap. 5 on MRI imaging). A high-quality arthroscopy for autologous chondrocyte
MRI study with a minimum 3.0 Tesla magnet is implantation.
preferred. Fast spin echo sequences (FSE), turbo Bipolar lesions can present treatment chal-
spin echo sequences (TSE), fat suppression, and lenges (Fig. 6.1). Higher rates of failure are
multichannel joint-specific coils improve the res- observed for the treatment of reciprocal femoral
olution and cartilage discrimination from sur- and tibial lesions with OCA [10, 75]. Importantly,
rounding tissues [69, 70]. Size and depth of bipolar lesions of the femur and tibia have shown
lesions can be measured on MRI; however, it is clinical improvement with treatment of only
important to recognize that MRI frequently femoral lesions [76]. Multifocal lesions, those
underestimates size [71]. Assess for intact sub- requiring multiple adjacent grafts or plugs, show
chondral bone, edema, cysts, osteophytes, and significant postoperative improvements in
resorption. Global degenerative changes are KOOS scores, but reoperation is common
indicative of evolving osteoarthritis which has (>20%) [77]. Additionally, 33% of patients who
been associated with poorer outcomes and lower had multiple directly adjacent plugs failed at
rates of graft integration [12]. MR-based carti- 8 years postoperatively. As a caveat, despite the
lage scoring systems have been described. The higher rates of failure with adjacent grafts,
MOCART and AMADEUS are meticulously patients who have successful integration are sig-
crafted research tools, but can be cumbersome nificantly improved [10].
for clinical practice [72–74]. Focus the assess- Description of the lesion should include size
ment on lesion location and area as these con- in mm in the medial-lateral and anteroposterior
tinue to be the major driving factors in treatment planes, depth, and base tissue (cartilage, sub-
selection. Metallic implants from prior surgery chondral bone, etc.). Using a ruler in the photo-
can cause artifact limiting the MRI utility. CT graph or objects with known dimensions such as
arthrogram is of limited value. Proceeding with a shaver or probe can be valuable when revisiting
diagnostic arthroscopy for staging should be photos. Direct visualization scoring systems for
considered. cartilage injury include the International Cartilage
Diagnostic arthroscopy will definitively dis- Repair Society (ICRS) [78] and Outerbridge
play the size, location, and character of the carti- classifications [79]. Lower grade lesions may be
lage lesions. It can be performed immediately candidates for marrow stimulation techniques,
prior to interventions or as a separate procedure. though increasingly improved outcomes are
Intra-articular structures, cartilage surfaces, and being seen with osteochondral grafting and
lesions should be photographed in regimented MACI (Table 6.2).
6 Assessment of Patient, Joint, Cartilage Injury Characteristics 71

Fig. 6.1 Long leg

alignment radiograph
and arthroscopic images
of grade 3 and 4
chondral changes in the
lateral compartment of a
24-year-old male with a
6-degree valgus
deformity in the setting
of a radial meniscus tear

Table 6.2 International cartilage repair society classification for articular cartilage lesions [78]
ICRS cartilage injury grading system
Grade 0 Normal cartilage
Grade 1 Superficial lesions (fissures or cracks) without significant depth
Grade 2 Lesions extending less than 50% of the cartilage depth
Grade 3 Lesions extending greater than 50% of the A. Above the calcified layer
cartilage depth B. Down to the calcified layer
C. Through the calcified layer but above subchondral
D. Surface blisters with underlying >50% lesions
Grade 4 Severely abnormal lesions extending through the subchondral bone

Square area of the lesion is important to has been shown to have higher clinical scores
determine during the evaluation as it will be a than microfracture in long-term follow-up [80,
key factor in the treatments offered. There are 81]. Regarding larger defects, the SUMMIT
two broad categories when considering the area trial showed that cartilage injuries 3 cm2 or
of defects: <2 to 4 cm2 and >2 to 4 cm2. For greater had improved KOOS pain and function
defects <2 to 4 cm2 squared both microfracture scores at 2 and 5 years when comparing MACI
and osteochondral autografting (mosaicplasty) to microfracture [82, 83]. Interestingly, a recent
are reasonable treatment options. Mosaicplasty follow-up meta-analysis of all ACI trials versus
72 K. R. Hayek and J. A. Macalena

Fig. 6.2 16-Year-old male with an ICRS Grade patella alta and increased TT-TT, who underwent a stag-
4.2 × 2.5 cm full-thickness chondral lesion of the lateral ing arthroscopy and later MACI to the trochlea with tibial
trochlea in the setting of recurrent patellar instability, with tubercle osteotomy and MPFL reconstruction

microfracture found only partial sub-score essential for evaluation. Diagnostic arthroscopy
improvements with MACI, which may have provides definitive assessment of lesions.
been affected by the heterogeneity of trial meth- Location and area of lesions are key factors in
odology and endpoints [84](Fig. 6.2). treatment type. Excellent outcomes can be
Postoperatively, MRI can be used for the eval- obtained with proper patient selection and
uation of cartilage graft integration. Patients optimization.
undergoing MRI 12 years after MACI procedure
showed good correlation between KOOS scores
and MRI findings [85]. The surgeon should look References
for defect filling which is a beneficial finding.
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78 M. J. Hamula et al.

between chondral damage and development of Our preferred method is the CSS which provides
osteoarthritis [10]. a scoring system out of 100 including all of the
Cartilage injuries have the potential to limit articular surfaces of the knee as well as meniscal
patients’ livelihood and athletes’ future in their integrity. We have found that it is helpful in con-
respective occupations, even when addressed veying to patients the severity of cartilage injury
operatively. It is therefore imperative for the whether focal or global. There is also a compre-
managing physician to maximize their armamen- hensive method developed by the International
tarium of conservative treatments. Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS). This score
accounts for nine variables: etiology, defect
thickness, lesion size, degree of containment,
7.2 Clinical Evaluation location, ligamentous integrity, meniscal integ-
and Classification rity, alignment, and relevant factors in the patient
Clinical evaluation begins with a thorough his-
tory and physical examination. Care should be
taken to elicit any history of trauma, recent or 7.3 Indications for Nonoperative
remote, swelling, instability, or mechanical Management
symptoms. The physical examination should par-
ticularly include evaluation for the presence of With the recent advances in cartilage restoration
swelling, effusion, pain to palpation, catching, it may seem trivial to discuss the nonoperative
locking, and special tests to evaluate for concom- management of chondral lesions. However, there
itant pathology. Range of motion is important are substantial advances in treatment modalities
and noting any pain with midrange, terminal flex- that avoid invasive procedures and significant
ion, or terminal extension. recovery time and rehabilitation. Additionally,
Imaging is a crucial adjunct in assessing with surgical management there is no guarantee
patients with chondral lesions. Plain radiographs of return to pre-injury levels of function. First, it
are able to evaluate for osteochondral defects, is important to discuss the indications and contra-
loose bodies, joint space narrowing, alignment, indications for nonoperative management.
and patellar tracking. Advanced imaging in the The indications for nonoperative manage-
form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is ment are essentially patients with no significant
the current standard of diagnostic imaging afford- relative or absolute contraindications. Patients
ing great detail of chondral lesions and underly- can consider nonoperative treatment of symp-
ing bony involvement. Despite advances in MRI tomatic cartilage lesions in the absence of any
technology, chondral lesion may still remain significant red flag symptoms such as mechani-
undetected until arthroscopy. One potential appli- cal symptoms of locking or catching secondary
cation of in-office arthroscopy is to assist with to a loose body or concurrent reparable meniscal
diagnosis in cases where the MRI is not sensitive tear. Those with partial-thickness or full-thick-
enough to pick up a lesion. Patient selection is ness cartilage lesions can consider an initial trial
important, however, since it can be difficult to of nonoperative management as long as the risks
tolerate in the office setting without sedation or and benefits are discussed thoroughly. Relative
pain medication. contraindications of nonoperative management
The purpose of any classification system is include concomitant ligamentous or meniscal
threefold: distinguish subtle differences in injury that may predispose the knee to more
pathology by capturing relevant factors, facilitate rapid degeneration. Any significant osteochon-
communication between clinicians, and guide dral or chondral loose body is an absolute con-
management. There are several classification sys- traindication to nonoperative management and
tems today including the Outerbridge, Bauer and should undergo arthroscopic loose body removal.
Shariaree, and cartilage severity score (CSS). Furthermore, there is a role for nonoperative
7 Nonoperative Management Options for Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions 79

treatments of patients who may at some point 7.5 Chondroprotection

benefit from surgical intervention and for post-
operative patients to optimize outcomes and pre- The aim of chondroprotection is to promote car-
vent revision surgery. tilage homeostasis and prevent the chondropenic
cascade that can ultimately lead to loss of struc-
tural integrity. As such there are numerous treat-
7.4 Chondroprotection, ment recommendations with varying degrees of
Chondrofacilitation, supporting evidence. These methods can be char-
and Resurfacing: acterized as dynamic modifications or pharmaco-
A Framework logical interventions.
for Management

When considering management of chondral 7.5.1 Weight Loss

lesions, it is helpful to have a framework that cap-
tures the nuances of pathophysiology and pro- Joint function is an interplay between motion and
vides guidance for treatment options. Murray the forces that act on it. However, there are limits
et al. [12] outlined in a previous paper three gen- to modifications that we can recommend as clini-
eral categories to address chondral pathology: cians that have overwhelming supporting evi-
dence. For early osteoarthritis (OA), for example,
1. Chondroprotection: strategies that aim to pre- there is evidence to support lower extremity mus-
vent loss of existing cartilage. cle strengthening for pain and offloading effects
2. Chondrofacilitation: strategies that seek to [13–16]. Weight loss can reduce peak loads in the
facilitate intrinsic repair of damaged articular knee joint and abductor moment at the knee by a
cartilage. scale of 2.2 kg decrease in peak load for every
3. Chondrorestoration/resurfacing: improve- 1 kg of weight loss [17]. However, the fact
ments in chondral surface function are sought remains that the goal is to modify any modifiable
through replacement rather than intrinsic risk factors with the best protocols to date. Injury
repair of cartilage defects with hyaline carti- prevention programs such as the FIFA 11+ are
lage. These include autologous chondrocyte recommended to reduce the risk of intra-articular
implantation (ACI) in all of its current permu- knee injury.
tations, autograft and allograft transplanta- In addition to the weight loss benefits dis-
tion, and synthetics including scaffolds that cussed previously, exercise is recommended for
fill the defect. knee cartilage disease by the Osteoarthritis
Research Society International and the American
As this chapter focuses on nonoperative man- College of Rheumatology [18, 19]. A 2020 ran-
agement of symptomatic cartilage lesions, we domized trial published in the New England
will focus on the first two categories. The caveat Journal of Medicine found physical therapy
is that there is a significant cohort of patients that superior to glucocorticoid injection for knee
require either chondroprotection or chondrofa- osteoarthritis at 1 year, with those receiving ther-
cilitation postoperatively after a resurfacing pro- apy having less pain and functional disability
cedure. Broadly speaking, we will discuss three (WOMAC) than those who received glucocorti-
groups of patients: nonoperative treatment coid injection [20]. Exercise programs in patients
entirely, patients that will go on to need cartilage with exacerbations of knee osteoarthritis have
repair, and postoperative patients from a cartilage been shown to improve symptoms with a rela-
repair or resurfacing that benefit from chondrofa- tively low rate of poor effects [21, 22]. Favorable
cilitation and chondroprotection in order to maxi- inflammatory biomarker profiles were found with
mize outcomes and prevent the need for revision exercise programs in randomized studies [23].
surgery. Exercise may have an epigenetic effect as well.
80 M. J. Hamula et al.

MicroRNA-target interactions have been impli- rather than chondrofacilitative action, leading to
cated in cartilage disease as well as muscle an increase in the number of chondrocytes and
homeostasis related to exercise [24]. collagen content but not increasing cartilage
Blood flow restriction therapy is being utilized thickness [37, 38]. However, despite its promis-
for various orthopedic applications, and there is ing results in recent animal studies, there is little
some early evidence that it may improve pain evidence in clinical outcomes with human use. It
while minimizing joint stress in knee osteoarthri- has been shown to be safe for use in humans for
tis [25, 26]. Exercise is therefore recommended the indication of knee chondral disease [39].
as a staple of first-line management for cartilage
disease of the knee. Regarding the use of bracing,
there is no level one evidence to support its effect 7.5.3 Estrogen
and all available studies are equivocal [27].
Estrogen plays a well-understood role in the
modulation of bone density. Its effect on cartilage
7.5.2 Supplements has only been recently elucidated. Animal studies
have demonstrated that estrogen inhibits degra-
Glucosamine is a monosaccharide that in vitro dation of cartilage’s extracellular matrix, and that
has been shown to increase chondrocyte aggre- estrogen therapy can reduce the degree of carti-
can production and decrease inflammatory and lage degeneration [40, 41]. A large-cohort study
degradative mediators [28–30]. Chondroitin sul- in humans identified postmenopausal status as an
fate is a structural component of cartilage that independent risk factor for cartilage degeneration
adds compression strength to the cartilage matrix. [42]. Certain estrogen receptors have been impli-
Animal studies have demonstrated a chondropro- cated in cartilage catabolism by upregulating
tective effect by anti-inflammatory and anti-­ matrix metalloproteinases [43, 44]. Due to this
degradative effects, as well as stimulation of relationship, female patients in peri- or post-
hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans [31–33]. menopausal age groups experiencing knee pain
There are dozens of studies assessing chon- due to cartilage disease should be referred to an
droitin sulfate and glucosamine supplementation endocrinologist or women’s health specialist for
for the use in cartilage disease of the knee. hormonal evaluation. Developing a relationship
Examining oral supplementation in humans, a with a local physician in this specialty is highly
meta-analysis and systematic review of all ran- recommended to optimize patient care.
domized studies that were conducted in 2018
reported that the use of either glucosamine or
chondroitin sulfate significantly improved visual 7.5.4 Steroid
analog scale (VAS) pain scores, but did not have
this effect when combined and did not affect Steroid injections are frequently performed in the
Western Ontario and McMaster Universities knee. While the short-term improvement in pain
Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) score [34]. has been established for use in the knee [45],
However, two randomized studies reported there is evidence that extended use may have del-
reduction on joint space narrowing with chon- eterious effects on articular cartilage [46, 47].
droitin sulfate [35, 36]. Based on the available While there is concern for possible catabolic
evidence, chondroitin sulfate supplementation effect on cartilage, there is also evidence that
may improve symptoms and mitigate progression intra-articular steroid injections in the knee may
of cartilage degeneration in the knee. have an anabolic effect [48]. We recommend
Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has intra-articular steroid injection for use during the
been studied for use in the knee for its potential acute flare of knee pain, and one should not fear
anti-inflammatory effect. In animal studies, cur- intermittent use as this treatment can be very
cumin administration has a chondroprotective effective for acute pain. However, the treating
7 Nonoperative Management Options for Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions 81

provider should keep in mind that a steroid injec- proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycan synthesis,
tion is not a solution for a cartilage injury in the anti-inflammatory effect, mechanical lubrication,
knee. and analgesia [50]. HA can be utilized as a
multiple-­injection series or one injection only,
based on molecular weight and concentration.
7.5.5 Future Directions There are myriad products available today
in Chondroprotection including high molecular weight and extended
release. Both molecular weight and HA concen-
The positive effects of exercise continue to be tration can influence HA’s efficacy, which should
elucidated as well as supplementation that may be taken into consideration when reading litera-
be related to diet. Whole-body health including ture on this subject. Animal studies show promis-
diet and exercise will likely become a focus of ing data in its chondrofacilitative effects [38, 51,
both preventative and treatment approaches for 52]. Human studies examining intra-articular HA
cartilage injury and disease. As there are no sim- have been widely published, with positive clini-
ple and infallible invasive solutions to cartilage cal benefits in randomized trials [53, 54]. Of
injury, prevention in the context of overall health three randomized trials comparing HA and pla-
and wellness is likely to become the focus of cebo that assessed structural changes on knee
early management, thereby providing cartilage MRI, two trials reported no difference in joint
care before treatment becomes necessary. space width loss between HA and placebo [55,
56], while one found significantly less joint space
loss in both medial and lateral compartments
7.6 Chondrofacilitation [57]. Clinically, HA has been shown to delay
total-knee arthroplasty [50, 58].
Once structural damage has occurred, the goal is For these reasons, HA is a valuable asset to the
to facilitate intrinsic repair by creating a harmony provider managing knee pain due to cartilage
between the innate biology and the local articular injury or wear. In our clinic, we often administer
cartilage environment or milieu. The goals of HA with steroid in the first of a three-injection
nonoperative strategies are to deliver essential series. The addition of steroid to this first injec-
growth factors or temper inflammation in order to tion has anecdotally improved patients’ pain
promote the regeneration or healing response of faster and allowed earlier return to activities. HA
functional hyaline cartilage. These nonoperative can also be combined with PRP, though evidence
techniques can often serve as adjuncts to surgical behind combination therapy is currently limited.
techniques. The focus of this chapter is to discuss This combination will be discussed further in this
them in the three groups of patients previously chapter.

7.6.2 Platelet-Rich Plasma

7.6.1 Hyaluronic Acid
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in its current iteration
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a major component of has been demonstrated to be safe and contains
synovial fluid that has anti-inflammatory effects significant concentrations of autologous growth
and may stimulate proteoglycan production. factors and proteins that may augment intrinsic
Initially developed as an avian-derived product, repair [59]. The current definition includes quan-
most HA is now produced by biological fermen- titative criteria, specifically requiring PRP to
tation. HA has multiple functions in the native contain more than 1 million platelets per millili-
knee: lubrication, load absorption, fluid homeo- ter (mL) of serum as this critical concentration
stasis, and analgesia [49]. Its mechanism of shows the most promise in terms of stimulating a
action in cartilage disease specifically comprises healing response [60, 61]. The other factor in
82 M. J. Hamula et al.

PRP formulations is the white blood cell concen- healing rate in meniscal repairs with the use of
tration, with leukocyte-rich PRP (LR-PRP) and PRP at the time of surgery although there was no
leukocyte-poor PRP (LP-PRP). While the use of difference when a concomitant anterior cruciate
PRP to treat cartilage injuries has rapidly ligament (ACL) reconstruction was performed.
expanded over the last decade, there remains a For now, there is a growing body of evidence that
sparsity of evidence for use in isolated setting in PRP is helpful in conjunction with surgical pro-
the treatment of chondral lesions. Lui et al. [62] cedures and can facilitate intrinsic repair of carti-
conducted a study showing superior cartilage lage lesions. There is still not enough evidence to
healing with intra-articular injections of PRP recommend its isolated use on focal chondral
compared to HA in a rabbit model with 5 mm lesions. However, it may provide a useful tempo-
focal chondral defects. Further animal studies on rizing measure for athletes mid-season as a non-
autologous conditioned plasma and platelet-­ surgical treatment option prior to an arthroscopic
enriched fibrin scaffolds have shown similar debridement or cartilage restoration procedure.
superior results [63, 64]. Additionally, combining
PRP with HA has been shown to increase the
release of growth factors [65]. 7.6.3  one Marrow Aspirate
There is limited clinical evidence to support Concentrate
the use of PRP in vivo for chondral lesions and
OA. In some head-to-head comparisons, hyal- Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) has
uronic acid injections seem to outperform PRP gained popularity and widespread use as it is rel-
alone in terms of pain relief [66–69]. Other stud- atively easy to harvest and one of the few treat-
ies, including recent meta-analyses and random- ment options acceptable under the US Food and
ized controlled trials, have overall shown more Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines [75]. It
consistent evidence for LP-PRP for intra-­articular can be used to give growth factors to the injury
use in the treatment of chondral lesions and OA site, such as vascular endothelial growth factor,
compared with placebo and hyaluronic acid [67, platelet-derived growth factor, transforming
70–73]. In general, LP-PRP likely produces less growth factor-beta, and bone morphogenic pro-
of an inflammatory response than LR-PRP within teins. This is in addition to the mesenchymal
the intra-articular environment which may ulti- stem cells (MSCs) present in the concentrate.
mately prove to be more therapeutically benefi- BMAC shows a lot of potential, particularly in
cial. Further studies on standardized formulations the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the tib-
are needed to make definitive recommendations ial plateau where the use of osteochondral
on isolated PRP for the nonoperative treatment of allograft is limited by size, shape, or location.
chondral lesions. There are several studies on the use of BMAC in
However, PRP has been reported to improve chondral lesions [76–81], the vast majority with
cartilage regeneration when used alongside promising results. In general, there were more
microfracture and osteochondral allograft favorable results when BMAC was used with a
implantation. In a mouse model, leukocyte-rich scaffold. Given that some studies were inconclu-
PRP injection was compared to saline injection in sive or showed negative results with BMAC
femoral condylar focal cartilage defects, and alone, there is currently limited use for BMAC in
increased cartilage regeneration and collagen II isolation for the treatment of chondral lesions.
in the repair tissue in the PRP group were found. However, in conjunction with a scaffold, includ-
This suggests that there is a role for PRP at least ing even HA, there is some promising data show-
as an adjunct, particularly in patients who may at ing improvement in function. BMAC has been
some point benefit from a cartilage restoration reported as a valuable augment to microfracture,
procedure or following a surgery in order to matrix-associated chondrocyte implantation, and
enhance chondrofacilitation. A recent study by osteochondral allograft implantation. It has also
Everhart et al. [74] demonstrated an improved improved cartilage repair compared with
7 Nonoperative Management Options for Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions 83

­ icrofracture in an animal model [82]. At this

m extraction include the iliac crest, tibia, or femur.
time BMAC is a valuable addition to our arma- One issue is that yield is typically low and the
mentarium when combined with scaffolds. Its stem cells must be isolated and expanded in cell
role in the nonoperative paradigm is confined to culture prior to utilization and this process can
articular injection combined with HA in take up to 3 weeks. There are several animal
patients who can tolerate the harvest in the clinic models showing the positive effect of MSCs
setting. when combined with a matrix or scaffold [87, 88]
as well as intra-articular injection of MSCs [89].
Although it seems highly promising, there is still
7.6.4 Cellular Based Therapies a sparsity of literature showing clinical efficacy
in humans. Chahla et al. [90] conducted a sys-
Cellular based therapies are an attractive option tematic review of studies evaluating the intra-­
in cartilage restoration. It is important to be cog- articular injection of cell-based therapies in the
nizant of nomenclature when it comes to this het- knee. Only six studies were included, several of
erogeneous group of therapeutic agents. Stem which were level III designs. While no major
cells are defined as undifferentiated progenitor adverse events were reported, the improvement
cells that are capable of proliferation, regenera- was modest and the quality of evidence was poor.
tion, self-maintenance, and replication [83]. Better studies are needed to definitively say that
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are of particu- cellular based therapies are recommended for the
lar interest in the treatment of chondral lesion due nonoperative management of chondral lesions.
to their accessibility and greater homogeneity in
cell division [84]. The Mesenchymal and Tissue
Stem Cell Committee of the International Society 7.6.5 Osseous Involvement
for Cellular Therapy in 2006 defined the minimal
criteria for a human cell to be classified as an Chondropenia results from a dose-response
MSC: (1) the ability to adhere to plastic when repetitive injury that leads to loss of articular car-
maintained in standard culture conditions; (2) tilage volume. Once chondral lesions and osse-
expression of CD105, CD73, and CD90; (3) the ous changes begin to occur the pathogenesis of
lack of expression of CD45, CD34, CD14, or osteoarthritis is well under way. Lesions can
CD11b, CD79alpha or CD19, and HLA-DR sur- either extend through the full thickness of the
face molecules; and (4) the ability to differentiate cartilage and involve the bone or simply be
into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondroblasts accompanied by changes in the subchondral
in vitro [2]. Chang et al. [83] also postulated that bone. Some of the structural changes that have
MSCs also have an anti-inflammatory effect been observed in the subchondral bone in severe
based on preclinical trials in small mammals. The osteoarthritis include bone marrow lesions, loss
two most popular options due to ease of collec- of mineralization, and progressive replacement
tion are adipose-derived and bone marrow-­ of the marrow with fibroneurovascular mesen-
derived MSCs. chymal tissue [91–93]. There is a growing inter-
Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are rela- est in understanding and addressing both the
tively easy to harvest and result in a high yield of osseous and chondral components of joint degen-
stem cells [85]. They have been shown to differ- eration. Bone marrow lesions in osteoarthritis
entiate into chondrocytes in vitro and in vivo represent a late finding in degenerative joint dis-
[86]. Intra-articular injections of ASCs have been ease and have been treated with various medica-
reported to improve patient-reported outcomes tions aimed at preventing bone resorption or
for knee osteoarthritis but no studies have promoting bone regeneration with varying
described its use for focal cartilage defects. Bone degrees of success in clinical studies [94–99].
marrow-derived MSCs (BMSCs) are even more While no studies exist looking at the effect of
appealing due to their ease of collection. Sites of bracing on bone marrow lesions in the
84 M. J. Hamula et al.

t­ibiofemoral joint, a randomized controlled trial There may not be a single therapy that pro-
showed decrease in bone marrow lesion volume vides effective treatment of cartilage lesions in
with 6 weeks of a pull-on patella sleeve in the the making. However, given the complexity of
patellofemoral joint [100]. cartilage homeostasis, and by extension chondral
There has been some recent investigation into pathology, it is more likely the answer will be
combining intraosseous infiltration of injectable some combination of therapies. The more imme-
therapies combined with intra-articular to allow diate future may focus on combining the healing
infiltration into the cartilage from both internal pro-inflammatory effects of PRP or mesenchy-
and external pathways, thereby treating the entire mal stem cells of BMAC with a scaffold such as
osteochondral unit. Early clinical results of com- HA in a way that could target the chondral lesion
bined intra-articular and intraosseous PRP ther- effectively. As our understanding of the current
apy are promising [101, 102], but long-term data modalities improves, we may be on the precipice
is not yet available. In the presence of subchon- of a transformation in our nonoperative approach
dral bone edema this may provide an effective to cartilage lesions. Additionally, chondroprotec-
solution to address the inflammatory pathways tion of cartilage restoration or resurfacing proce-
related to pain and edema. The goal will be to dures is of paramount importance.
intervene in this process early on and alter the
natural history of joint degeneration before the
onset of osteoarthritis. 7.7 Treatment Algorithm

We offer our current treatment algorithm focus-

7.6.6 Future Directions ing on nonoperative management of cartilage
in Chondrofacilitation lesions involving the principles of chondropro-
tection and chondrofacilitation. Asymptomatic
The goal of facilitating intrinsic cartilage repair lesions, so long as there are no absolute indica-
without surgical intervention is an ambitious one. tions for surgical management, should be moni-
As we continue to improve our understanding of tored and treated with conditioning, minimizing
the chondropenic cascade and catabolic process high-impact joint loading when possible, and
of joint degeneration, there will be more potential injury prevention protocols and “warm-ups.”
opportunities for therapeutic interventions. An Diet and exercise can also play a pivotal role in
example of this is Wnt signaling, which has been maintaining functionality. The goal is to keep
established as an important factor in the patho- patients performing at their optimal level
genesis of osteoarthritis. It contributes to differ- whether they are professional or recreational
entiation of osteoblasts and chondrocytes, as well athletes, or simply have physically demanding
as production of catabolic proteases. A relatively occupations or hobbies. Once cartilage lesions
novel Wnt pathway inhibitor, small-molecule become symptomatic, there are many ways to
04690 (SM04690), has been shown in a rodent approach nonoperative treatment. First-line
model to induce the differentiation of functional treatment should include a comprehensive anal-
chondrocytes and increase cartilage thickness ysis and discussion of dietary and exercise pro-
and cartilage regeneration [103]. Additionally, grams. This may include supplementation as
Deshmukh et al. showed protection from carti- discussed in the Chondroprotection section of
lage catabolic activity. This novel therapeutic this chapter. Second-line modalities can be
agent is currently undergoing phase 2B trials and broadly categorized as chondroprotective or
has already demonstrated safety in human appli- chondrofacilitative. For either partial-thickness
cations [104]. It is an exciting prospect to be able or full-thickness lesions, chondroprotective
to stimulate chondral genesis, in addition to measures include conditioning, weight loss,
chondrofacilitation and chondroprotection. medications, supplements, and endocrine evalu-
86 M. J. Hamula et al.

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a b c

Fig. 8.1 Axial sections through the proximal tibia. A to each patient. Reproduced with permission from: Buuck,
shallow (a), intermediate (b) and steep (c) antero-­ DA, Fulkerson, JP. Anteromedialization of the tibial
medialisation of the tibial tubercle. The relative amount of tubercle: A 4- to 12-year follow-up. Operative Techniques
anteriorisation compared to medialisation is progressively in Sports Medicine, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2000, Pages
increased from (a) to (c). This can be individually tailored 131–137

a c e

b d f

Fig. 8.2 Composite image of a central patella autologous to chondrocyte expansion. (c and d) At a second stage, the
chondrocyte implantation with a concomitant steep expanded chondrocytes are placed into the prepared chon-
antero-medialisation of the tibial tubercle. (a) At initial dral defect. The tibial tubercle osteotomy has been per-
arthroscopy, the location and size of the chondral defect formed and aids in exposure for the ACI. (e and f) The
are characterised. Patellofemoral tracking is also assessed steep tibial tubercle is secured with two low-profile screws
under anaesthesia both clinically and arthroscopically. (b) using a lag technique. Note that the posterior cortex must
A small portion of articular cartilage is removed with a be engaged. Images courtesy of Dr. Seth Sherman
curette from a non-articulating area of the distal trochlea
8 The Role of Osteotomy in the Patellofemoral Joint with Cartilage Surgery 93

a c d

Fig. 8.3 A large patella chondral defect prepared to sta- and a concomitant steep (anteriorisation > medialisation)
ble vertical margins (a). This has been treated with a par- tibial tubercle osteotomy (c, d). Images courtesy of Dr.
ticulated juvenile allograft cartilage transplantation (b) Seth Sherman

as popularised by Fulkerson [7] (Fig. 8.1), is 8.2 Biomechanical Rationale

the most c­ ommonly used TTO in the context
of PF chondral surgery and has been the most Numerous biomechanical studies have investigated
widely studied. Historically, direct anteriorisa- PFJ kinematics. PF contact pressures and overall
tion of the TT, as popularised by Maquet [8, 9], contact area increase and move proximally with
fell out of favour for the treatment of chondral progressive knee flexion [12–14]. Increasing the
related anterior knee pain; however, there has Q-angle, or a lateral vector of the extensor mecha-
been renewed interest as a concomitant proce- nism, increases lateral facet pressures and contact
dure with advances in chondral restorative and forces on the patella [12]. PFJ contact pressures
reconstructive procedures [10]. A 2020 system- can be modulated with displacement of the TT and
atic review and meta-­analysis identified that of change based on the direction and magnitude of
1937 PFJ cartilage procedures, a concomitant displacement. Beck et al. [15] evaluated trochlea-
realignment procedure was performed in 575 sided contact pressures before and after antero-
cases (29.7%) [11]. TTO also has an important medialisation (7.5 mm medialisation, 13.5 mm
role in the management of PF instability; how- anteriorisation) of the TT in ten cadaveric knees.
ever, this is outside the scope of this chapter PFJ pressures and the centre of force were mea-
and the focus is on TTO as an adjunct to PF sured using an electro-resistive pressure sensor
chondral surgery without PFJ instability. on the trochlea at differing knee flexion angles.
94 L. M. Batty et al.

After TTO, the mean total contact pressure was 8.3 Clinical Outcomes
reduced in the order of 2–5 kg/cm2, the centre of
force was shifted medially 7.2–10.3 mm and there 8.3.1 Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy
was a reduction in lateral trochlea contact pressures with Palliative or Reparative
of 3–8 kg/cm2 depending upon knee flexion angle Chondral Procedures
and loading protocol. This was at the expense of
increasing medial trochlea pressures by 2–8 kg/ Traditionally, TTO was performed in isolation
cm2. Similar methodology was subsequently or with arthroscopic debridement only [7–9].
employed by Rue et al. [16] to investigate the effect With the evolution in chondral procedures, this
of 10 mm of TT anteriorisation in ten cadaveric approach has somewhat fallen out of favour
knees. Both mean and peak trochlear contact forces [18]. Many still advocate for an isolated TT
were reduced by 18–32% and 24%–32%, respec- antero-­medialisation for the treatment of focal
tively, depending upon knee flexion angle. Unlike distal and lateral lesions of the patella [19].
the antero-medialisation TTO by Beck et al., there This is largely based on an influential paper by
was no medial shift in the centre of force. Stephen Pidoriano et al. [20] that reviewed 36 patients
et al. [17] examined patellar contact pressures with undergoing arthroscopic patellar chondroplasty
isolated medialisation and lateralisation of the TT and TT antero-medialisation for patella chon-
sequentially by 5, 10 and 15 mm. TT lateralisation dral lesions. At a mean 46.8-month follow-up
significantly elevated lateral contact pressures with the authors highlighted that the geographical
incremental displacement. However, medialisa- location of the chondral lesion significantly
tion reduced lateral contact pressures without sig- impacted the outcome. The 23 patients with
nificantly elevating peak medial pressures. Medial distal and lateral facet lesions had 87% good-
pressures appeared to plateau with progressive to-excellent subjective results and all would
medial translation. The authors hypothesised that undergo the procedure again. Nine patients with
tension in lateral soft-tissue structures (ITB and lat- medial facet lesions had 55% good-to-excel-
eral retinaculum) and lower stiffness of the medial lent results, and five patients with proximal
structures (medial retinaculum and MPFL) could or diffuse lesions had 20% good-­to-­excellent
explain this phenomenon. Ramappa et al. [12] results. Interestingly, the severity of the chon-
compared the efficacy of an isolated medialisa- dral lesion as assessed by Outterbridge grade
tion (10 mm) to a combined antero-­medialisation did not influence results. A later series of iso-
(10 mm/10 mm) in addressing patellar maltrack- lated antero-medialisation for chondral related
ing due to a surgically increased Q-angle. Both PFJ pain in a military population demonstrated
were equally effective at normalising PF contact a mean improvement in patient-reported visual
pressures and patellar tracking in this model in analogue scores (VAS) for pain of only 1.5
response to a more lateralised quadricep vector. at 3.4-­year follow-up. Although statistically
Together, these studies highlight the efficacy of significant, the clinical significance of this
TTO as a means of altering PFJ contact pressures improvement was questioned by the authors
and kinematics. Of note, these biomechanical stud- [21]. Microfracture as an intervention for PFJ
ies were performed on knees without known PF chondral lesions has seen a significant reduction
malalignment or pre-existing chondral disease, a in use and data on outcomes with and without
common limitation in biomechanical work. TTO are lacking [18].
8 The Role of Osteotomy in the Patellofemoral Joint with Cartilage Surgery 95

8.4 Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy or prior to any PFJ cartilage restoration proce-
with Restorative Chondral dure. There was also 96.43% agreement that an
Procedures unloading osteotomy should be strongly consid-
ered for a bipolar PFJ ACI procedure, regardless
8.4.1 Autologous Chondrocyte of patellar tracking and alignment [30].
Implantation Gomoll et al. [31] reported results of 110
patients undergoing patellar ACI in a multicentre
In terms of PFJ restorative surgeries, TTO in series. Comparing the group mean pre- and post-­
combination with autologous chondrocyte operative PROM scores, the authors reported
implantation (ACI) has been the most extensively statistically significant and clinically important
studied (Fig. 8.2). Early studies revealed subopti- improvements (IKDC from 40 to 69; Cincinnati
mal results of PFJ ACI as compared to tibiofemo- from 3.2 to 6.2; WOMAC from 50 to 29).
ral transplantation [22]. Only two of seven PF Interestingly, there was variable use of concomi-
patients achieved good or excellent outcomes at tant TTO across the four centres ranging from
2 years in an initial ACI series by Brittberg et al. 53% to 97%. Overall, antero-medialisation was
[22] The authors postulated that “the correction performed for TTO in 75% of cases. There were
of underlying joint abnormalities concomitantly no statistical differences in outcomes between
with the transplantation of chondrocytes may the TTO group when compared to the no-TTO
improve the success rate for patients with patellar group; however, with non-random allocation to
defects.” Although this concept was highlighted this treatment (based on maltracking or malalign-
early in the experience with ACI, this statement ment), this could be interpreted as supportive of
likely applies to other chondral surgeries also. selective TTO.
With further research, more favourable results Gillogy and Arnold [32] followed 25 knees of
do appear to be seen when PFJ ACI is performed patients who underwent a combined patellar ACI
in conjunction with TTO to correct any underly- and TTO antero-medialisation. Preoperatively
ing malalignment or maltracking and offload the all patients showed persistent lateral patellar
ACI graft [1, 23–27]. The challenge in interpret- tracking clinically and failure to centralise in the
ing these studies is understanding the decision-­ trochlea by 45° of flexion. An increased Q-angle
making process when a concomitant TTO was and arthroscopic visualisation of persistent lateral
performed and identifying when an additional tracking with a large isolated full-thickness chon-
TTO is indicated at the individual patient level. dral defect on the patella were the essential indica-
Patient selection is critical as TTO is not without tions for concomitant TTO antero-­medialisation.
associated morbidity and risk. Documented rates At a mean follow-up of 7.6 years, there were
of TTO performed in addition to PFJ ACI range significant improvements in all patient-reported
from 0% [28] to 91% [29]. A 2020 systematic outcome measures (PROM) and 83% rated
review and meta-analysis documented a 37.5% their surgery as good or excellent. In a military
rate of realignment procedures being performed population of 72 patients undergoing PFJ ACI,
concomitantly with PFJ ACI [11]. A recent Zarkadis et al. [29] documented that 91% under-
expert consensus statement found 96.43% agree- went a concomitant TTO. In this series, the indi-
ment that significant patellar malalignment or cations for concomitant TTO included location
maltracking should be addressed concomitantly of chondral disease (distal patella n = 18, lateral
96 L. M. Batty et al.

patella n = 26, lateral trochlear n = 7), combined ing patellar or trochlea ACI at a mean 12.6 years
patellar instability (n = 4) and/or TT-TG >15 mm of follow-up. In a similar fashion to the series
(n = 15). At a mean 4-year follow-up, 78% had from Henderson and Pascal-­Garrido, patients with
returned to their occupational specialties and malalignment or instability who underwent a con-
mean VAS improved significantly. Three patients comitant realignment procedure had comparable
(4.1%) were classified as having surgical failures, outcomes to ACI only. An increase in the serious
requiring subsequent knee arthroplasty (n = 2) or complication rate (29% as compared to 13%) was
revision chondral procedure (n = 1). seen with the addition of a TTO to ACI in this series
In a non-randomised trial, Pascal-Garrido et al. including graft failures, arthrofibrosis, delamina-
[25] followed 52 patients in 3 groups. These were tion and reoperation.
isolated PFJ ACI (n = 11), PFJ ACI with TTO A 2014 systematic review published by Trinh
(n = 12) and PFJ ACI with TTO with a history of a et al. [26] compared clinical outcomes of patients
failed microfracture (n = 14). Indications for TTO undergoing PF ACI with or without a realign-
in this series were described as complex and based ment procedure. Eleven studies (366 patients)
on multiple factors including the location of chon- were included in the review with a mean follow-
dral disease, position of the patella relative to the ­up of 4.2 years. ACI was performed on the patella
trochlea and TT-TG offset. Distal and lateral patella in 78% and on the trochlea in 22%. Twenty-three
lesions were treated with TT antero-medialisation. percent of subjects underwent concomitant oste-
Central, proximal and medially located lesions otomy. Both groups demonstrated significant
were treated with modifications to avoid over- improvements following treatment. Three stud-
medialisation. Trochlea lesions were treated ini- ies compared isolated ACI to combined ACI and
tially with ACI and TT antero-medialisation unless TTO [24, 25, 27] with greater improvement in
there was medial trochlea disease where a pure PROMs for patients undergoing combined oste-
anteriorisation was performed. All three groups otomy and ACI.
showed statistical improvement in most of the out-
come scores at the time of follow-up of 4 years.
Interestingly, patients treated with ACI with TT 8.4.2  articulate Juvenile Allograft
antero-­medialisation with a history of microfrac- Cartilage
ture showed significantly higher Knee Injury and
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) for pain Limited data are available for outcomes of PJAC
and KOOS ADL scores than those with ACI alone. in the PFJ (Fig. 8.3) [10, 33–37]. The indica-
In addition, 86% of these patients reported that tions for PJAC transplant are similar to ACI
they were mostly or completely satisfied with the [38], and the indications for concomitant TTO
procedure compared to 45% who received an ACI are likely similar also. Of the published series,
in isolation. The authors concluded that combined 43 concomitant TTOs were performed in the
ACI with antero-­medialisation improves outcomes 126 reported patients (34.1%); however, indi-
more than ACI alone. cations were variable and included instability
Henderson and Lavigne [24] also found superior [10]. Buckwalter et al. [34] recommend an iso-
outcomes for patients treated with combined ACI lated antero-­medialisation TTO for lateral patella
and extensor mechanism realignment for patella lesions unless the TT-TG is <10 mm, in which
maltracking at 2-year follow up. In this series of case a direct anteriorisation is performed. For
44 patients, the indication for concomitant TTO medial and central patella lesions, the authors
was failure of the patella to seat normally within recommend a combined TTO with the PJAC
the trochlea groove during the first 45° of flexion. transplantation. The TT-TG distance was used
Despite pre-existing maltracking and increased to establish the relative amounts of anteriorisa-
surgical morbidity from the TTO, this group had tion and medialisation with a target correction
higher increases in all PROMs at 2-year follow-up. of TT-TG less than 12 mm. Wang et al. [36]
Vasiliadis et al. [27] reviewed 92 patients undergo- reviewed 27 patients at a mean of 3.84 years after
8 The Role of Osteotomy in the Patellofemoral Joint with Cartilage Surgery 97

PFJ PJAC. They performed concomitant TTO to donor-graft chondral depth mismatch. Data are
unload isolated lesions of the inferolateral patella scarce for osteochondral autografting within the
(n = 6) and combined TTO with a medial patel- PFJ in general, and this is even more so for con-
lofemoral ligament reconstruction in the setting comitant TTO with malalignment as this is an
of PFJ instability with TT-TG >20 mm (n = 4). exclusion criterion in many series [39].
There were significant improvements in pain Gaweda et al. [40] reported on 19 patients
and function outcome scores as measured by undergoing a combined patella osteochondral
International Knee Documentation Committee autograft with a proximal (lateral release, medial
(IKDC) and Knee Outcome Survey-Activities plication) and distal (TT medialisation) realign-
of Daily Living (KOS-ADL) PROMs but not for ment. Although the indication in this setting was
the Marx Activity Scale (MAS). The addition of instability, this is one of few papers reporting
TTO did not impact the outcome. upon TTO with PFJ osteochondral autograft.
A cohort of 30 patients undergoing an isolated
proximal and distal realignment for instability
8.5 Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy but without patellar chondral wear was used as a
with Reconstructive control. Despite lower preoperative scores in the
Chondral Procedures combined group, similar Marshall knee scores
were achieved by 12 months and maintained to
Osteochondral autografting is technically 24 months when comparing groups supporting
demanding within the PFJ because of its complex the efficacy of a combined approach.
3-dimensional geometry. This makes restoring Nho et al. [41], however, demonstrated that
contour and achieving a uniform-level cartilage patients with underlying PFJ maltracking per-
reconstruction extremely challenging (Fig. 8.4). formed worse after patellar osteochondral auto-
This is compounded by differing chondral depths graft transplantation. The authors reviewed 22
of the patella and trochlea that predisposes to a patients with isolated patellar lesions, 9 of whom
underwent concomitant TTO for PFJ maltrack-
ing as per surgeon preference. Although the
functional outcomes of patients who underwent
a combined procedure increased at a mean 28.7-­
month follow-up, this was not statistically signif-
icant. In contrast, isolated patellar osteochondral
autograft patients did have a significant improve-
ment in IKDC scores although SF-36 and ADL
improvements were not significant. It is unclear
how the outcomes would have fared if the TTO
had not been performed, but this highlights mal-
tracking as a risk factor for a suboptimal result.
Osteochondral allograft transplantation can
potentially minimise the issues associated with
chondral depth mismatch and may be favour-
able for matching the contour of the complex
PFJ anatomy as a site-specific donor plug can
Fig. 8.4 A patellar autologous osteochondral transplan- be used. Many of the published series, however,
tation to the superior pole of the patella for a focal chon- excluded patients with significant malalignment
dral defect. The donor site was from the [42, 43], and other series had no indication for
non-weight-bearing, non-articulating area of the medial
femoral condyle. Note the challenging 3-dimensional
distal realignment [44]. Others report very high
contour of the patellar making achieving a uniform chon- rates of distal realignment prior to PF osteochon-
dral surface level challenging dral allograft transplantation [45], making it dif-
98 L. M. Batty et al.

ficult to establish the indications for a combined Assessment for the underlying patellar instabil-
TTO in this setting but these are presumably sim- ity is also critical. Here, we focus on the perti-
ilar to osteochondral autografting. nent assessments in decision-making as to when
an osteotomy should be combined with a chon-
dral procedure in the absence of patellofemoral
8.6 Complications of Tibial instability.
Tubercle Osteotomy

Potential benefits of concomitant TTO need 8.7.1 Clinical Assessment

to be balanced against the associated risks and
surgical morbidity. Risks associated with iso- Assessment of coronal and axial (rotational)
lated chondral surgery are potentially increased alignment is critical when evaluating PF mechan-
with concomitant TTO. These include infec- ics and kinematics. Femoral neck anteversion
tion, wound-healing problems, venous throm- is assessed in the prone position by measur-
boembolism, neurovascular compromise and ing hip internal rotation. External tibial torsion
anaesthesia-­related complications. The addition is assessed clinically with the foot-thigh angle.
of concomitant TTO adds osteotomy-specific Anything greater than 50° or 20°, respectively,
complications to this list including non-union would necessitate a CT rotational profile. During
or delayed union, fracture, prominent hardware, gait we assess foot progression angle and for
compartment syndrome and skin necrosis. Payne “squinting” patellae. We consider coronal and
et al. [1] conducted a systematic review on the torsional alignment together as it is technically
complications following TTO. The authors possible to correct both simultaneously with a
included 19 studies including 787 TTOs. The femoral based osteotomy [46]; however, the indi-
overall complication risk was 4.6% (36 compli- cations for this are narrow and would be staged
cations) with a major complication rate of 3.0%. with a cartilage procedure if indicated.
The risk of osteotomy-site non-union was 0.8%, Patellar tracking is assessed seated with a focus
tibial fracture 1.0%, wound complication 0.8% on J tracking. This refers to the “inverted J-path
and infection 1.0%. The risk of complications the patella takes in early flexion as the patella
was higher when the TT was completely detached begins laterally subluxated and then suddenly
(10.7%) with a lower rate associated with antero-­ shifts medially to engage with the femoral groove”
medialisation (3.7%). Hardware removal was [47]. The description of this motion can be classi-
performed in 36.7% of all osteotomies (49% for fied as either “hard” or “soft,” a subjective assess-
antero-medialisation). ment based upon how sudden the patella jumps or
glides into the groove. J tracking typically repre-
sents an underlying bony abnormality, most com-
8.7 Preoperative Planning: monly trochlea dysplasia and/or patella alta. An
When to Add a Tibial initial assessment of patellar height can be made
Tubercle Osteotomy clinically in the seated position; the normal patella
should sit in line with the long axis of the femur
If a cartilage-restorative procedure is to be per- with the knee flexed 90°. Patella alta in conjunc-
formed within the PFJ and there is significant tion with a distal patellar chondral lesion is one
patellar maltracking, many advocate for a con- scenario where an isolated TT distalisation may be
comitant procedure to address this [24, 25, 27, indicated; however, caution should be exercised
30, 41]. The assessment of maltracking and the as this can increase global PFJ pressures. The
threshold at which to intervene continue to be degree of knee flexion when the patellar is seated
refined. Regardless, a comprehensive assessment centrally within the trochlea is evaluated. Failure
of the entire limb and knee is mandatory for any of the patella to engage centrally within the troch-
patellofemoral chondral pathology or surgery. lear groove by 45° of knee flexion has been sug-
8 The Role of Osteotomy in the Patellofemoral Joint with Cartilage Surgery 99

gested to be clinically relevant patella maltracking 8.7.3 Arthroscopic Assessment

[24, 32] and is a relative indication for a bony or
soft-tissue extensor mechanism realignment in our Dynamic assessment of patellar tracking from an
practice. Assessment of medial patellar transla- accessory superolateral viewing portal using dry
tion with the knee in extension and assessment of arthroscopy can aid in evaluating PF kinematics
lateral patella tilt are our methods for evaluating and assessing or adjusting a realignment proce-
lateral tightness. Where present, consideration is dure. As previously discussed, arthroscopy also
given to a lateral retinacular lengthening in addi- has a role in defining the exact location of the
tion to a TTO. chondral lesion which is critical in determining if
a TTO is indicated.

8.7.2 Radiographic Assessment

8.8  enior Author’s Current
Weight-bearing knee X-rays including a true Practice
lateral are mandatory. Long leg alignment films
are used to confirm clinical suspicion for coronal Non-operative management of anterior knee
plane malalignment, in particular genu valgum. pain is the mainstay of treatment. The major-
When clinically indicated (see above) we use a ity of patients may be treated with a combina-
low-radiation-dose CT rotational profile to quan- tion of pain-relieving injections (corticosteroid/
tify torsional abnormalities. Assessment of the hyaluronic acid/platelet-rich plasma) and a thor-
Q-angle has largely been replaced with assess- ough neuromuscular training rehabilitation pro-
ment for lateralisation of the TT relative to the gramme. Particular attention is placed on core
trochlea, as measured by the TT-TG distance on strength, gluteal, hip abductor and quadriceps
CT or MRI. The exact magnitude of the TT-TG muscle strength and hamstring flexibility. A
distance where distal realignment is indicated in summary of treatment algorithm is presented in
the setting of PFJ procedures is controversial. Fig. 8.5.
Some authors have suggested 15 mm [48, 49]; In the event of failed non-operative manage-
however, others have recommended numbers as ment, careful patient selection, education and
low as 10 mm [34] or as high as 20 mm [36]. The management of expectations are critical when
TT-posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) distance embarking upon a PF cartilage-restorative pro-
has also been proposed as a method to quantify cedure with or without TTO. A lateral based
TT position on MRI [50]. Although described chondral lesion (lateral trochlea or distal/lateral
in the context of patellar instability, it is advan- patella) in the presence of patellar maltracking or
tageous to have a tibial based reference (PCL) malalignment is treated by antero-medialisation
for TT position as this eliminates the impact of of the TT. This may be combined with a lateral
trochlear dysplasia as well as knee flexion and retinacular lengthening in the setting of persis-
assesses lateralisation of the TT itself as opposed tent lateral patellar tilt or reduced medial excur-
to the extensor mechanism [51]. Normal values sion. The relative amount of anteriorisation and
have been reported as approximately 12 mm medialisation is tailored to the individual patient.
with over 20 mm considered pathological [50, Radiologically, a TT-TG distance of >15 mm is
51]. Patella height is measured by the Caton-­ an indication for medialisation of the TT with a
Deschamps (CD) ratio [52] and/or patellotroch- general target of 10–15 mm. A secondary chon-
lear index [53]. Patella alta with a CD ratio of dral procedure may be performed if the patient
over 1.4 and isolated distal patella wear is an remains symptomatic; however, this is rarely
indication for distalisation with or without a required in our experience.
chondral procedure in our practice. MRI remains If the lesion is on the central/medial trochlea or
the best preoperative means to evaluate the size central/medial patella, a TT anteriorisation may
and location of a PFJ chondral defect. be performed along with a chondral ­resurfacing
100 L. M. Batty et al.

Patellofemoral chondral lesion

Sustained and comprehensive non-operative management including neuromuscular optimisation of entire

lower limb kinetic chain, activity modification, physical therapy, injection therapy

Failure of non-operative management and surgery indicated

on risk: benefit assessment

Bipolar chondral lesion Lateral patella, lateral trochlea or distal Central Trochlea, central patella or diffuse lesion
patella lesion

If chondral procedure is
indicated, low threshold for TI-TG>15mm and/or TT-TG<15mm and no TI-TG>15 mm and/or TI-TG>15 mm and/or
concomitant TT anteriorisation patella maltracking maltracking maltracking maltracking
or steep antero-medialisation.

Combined TT antero- Chondral procedure and

TT antero-medialisation in Consider isolated chondral
medialisation and chondral consider concomitant TT
isolation. procedure
procedure anteriorisation

Fig. 8.5 Flow chart of the senior author’s decision-­ based on patient and lesion characteristics. Relative
making process regarding patellofemoral chondral sur- amounts of TTO medialisation and anteriorisation are tai-
gery and role of concomitant tibial tubercle osteotomy. lored to each patient targeting a TT-TG of approximately
Importantly, an individualised approach is used and devia- 10–12 mm and 10 mm of anteriorisation within limits of
tions are not uncommon. Chondral procedure selected stability and contact area of the osteotomy

procedure. The choice of whether to perform contraindication to any osteotomy in our prac-
an anteriorisation is based subjectively on mal- tice and warrants a strong conversation with the
tracking and malalignment, which are assessed patient regarding associated risks and need for
clinically, radiologically and arthroscopically. smoking cessation.
A decision is made as to whether to add in the Rehabilitation for chondral surgery is tailored
TTO based upon the overall likelihood or abnor- to each patient and includes an assessment of
mal kinematics causing the chondral lesion and the knee arc of motion when there is chondral
balancing the risk profile of the patient by add- articulation at the surgical site. Range of motion
ing the TTO procedure. The choice of chondral is restricted so as to reduce sheer forces upon
procedure depends upon lesion size, location and the graft for 6 weeks. For ACI and PJAC, the
patient characteristics. Osteochondral autograft patient is typically flatfoot feather-touch WB for
or allograft transplantation and PJAC transplan- 6 weeks. For osteochondral auto- and allograft
tation form the mainstay of treatment, partly due transplantation, the patient is 50% weight bearing
to the lack of availability of chondrocyte trans- for 6 weeks. If a concomitant TTO is performed,
plantation in Canada. active knee extension is avoided for 6 weeks. The
Bipolar reparative or reconstructive proce- patient is placed in a tracker brace with the range
dures are uncommon to perform in our practice; restriction from 0 to 90° for 2 weeks and then 0 to
however, if performed, they are typically per- 120° from 2 to 6 weeks. Active flexion and pas-
formed with an anteriorising osteotomy of 10 mm sive knee extension exercises can be performed
± medialisation to obtain a TT-TG of 10 mm. In with range guided by the chondral surgery.
the presence of significant genu valgum and tor- During ambulation and sleeping, the patient’s
sional malalignment, these are addressed simul- weight-bearing status is guided by the chondral
taneously with a femoral osteotomy and a staged surgery and the brace is locked in extension for
chondral procedure [46]. Smoking is a relative 6 weeks.
8 The Role of Osteotomy in the Patellofemoral Joint with Cartilage Surgery 101

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104 P. M. Lutz et al.

untreated focal cartilage lesions may progress with varus malalignment compared to patients
over time, cartilage lesions must be regarded as a with a neutral axis (22%) [17].
preliminary stage of osteoarthritis. It is therefore Valgus-producing high tibial osteotomy
reasonable to assume that varus malalignment (HTO) or distal femoral osteotomy (DFO) cor-
also has a negative impact on the natural course rects varus malalignment, thereby transferring
of focal cartilage lesions [13–16]. the load to the less damaged lateral compartment
Biomechanically, contact pressure in the [3, 5]. Second-look arthroscopy studies after
medial compartment increases with increasing HTO in patients with varus malalignment with
varus angles. In knees with focal cartilage defects osteoarthritis of the medial compartment showed
at the medial femoral condyle, contact pressure is partial regeneration of the worn cartilage in most
concentrated around the defect rim [5]. Thus, patients even without additive cartilage surgery
especially the intact rim zone around the carti- [22]. This shows that repair mechanisms in chon-
lage defect, which is considered essential for suc- drocytes can be induced by reducing the mechan-
cessful cartilage repair procedures, appears to be ical overload [23–25]. The aim of corrective
subject to high mechanical load in varus-aligned osteotomies in cartilage surgery is to create phys-
knees. iological biomechanical conditions for the matu-
Based on these biomechanical data and the ration of the induced or transplanted tissue [17,
abovementioned relationship between varus 18, 26]. In clinical studies, corrective osteotomies
malalignment and development and progression have proven to be advantageous for clinical out-
of cartilage damage, varus malalignment must be come and long-term survival: Compared to iso-
considered a risk factor for failure of cartilage lated ACI in patients without malalignment,
repair procedures [16–18]. This consideration is patients with combined corrective osteotomies
supported by clinical studies [19, 20]. For exam- and ACI showed a significantly higher survival
ple, Krych et al. have shown that untreated rate after 15 years [27]. Von Keudell et al. were
malalignment was the most commonly recog- able to show a correlation between coronal
nized reason for failure of cartilage repair proce- malalignment and poorer clinical outcome scores
dures. In 59 patients undergoing revision surgery, (KOOS, Lysholm) after microfracturing.
untreated malalignment was observed in 56% Especially patients with malalignment >5° had a
[19]. high risk of failure and increase in defect size
It remains unclear, however, as to which
9.2.2 Relevance of Varus degree of varus malalignment has to be corrected.
Malalignment and Corrective For decades, the expert opinion was that varus
Osteotomies in Cartilage malalignment ≥5° should be corrected. In our
Surgery opinion, however, valgus-producing osteotomies
should be considered even for smaller deformi-
Several studies could demonstrate that the failure ties (<5°). This assumption is also supported by
rate of cartilage repair procedures in the medial clinical studies: Bode et al. examined the failure
compartment is higher in cases of uncorrected rates in patients with cartilage damage of the
varus malalignment: medial femoral condyle and varus malalignment
A study with 123 patients showed a failure between 1° and 5° [18]. Treatment was performed
rate of 43% after transplantation of osteochon- using isolated ACI or combined ACI and valgus
dral allografts in patients with coronal malalign- HTO. After a mean follow-up of 6 years, the sur-
ment, which was significantly higher compared vival rate after ACI + HTO was significantly
to 9% in patients with a neutral leg axis [21]. In higher (90%) compared to isolated ACI (58%).
another study of 124 patients undergoing micro- This study allows the conclusion that the indica-
fracture in the medial compartment, the failure tion for additive valgus HTO can be beneficial
rate was significantly higher (41%) in patients even in case of a small varus malalignment (<5°).
9 Osteotomy for the Varus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 105

In our opinion, a cartilage repair procedure in when closely reviewing the inclusion criteria of
the medial compartment should be combined this study, all patients were treated for advanced
with an unloading osteotomy if the mechanical osteoarthritis [30]. Furthermore, Bauer et al.
varus exceeds 3°. Furthermore, isolated cartilage reported low survival rates and poor cartilage
repair procedures in the medial compartment regeneration after combined ACI and HTO [29].
should not be performed in patients with varus It must be noted, however, that patients with
malalignment >5°. osteoarthritis in more than one compartment
With regard to the extent of correction, there is were treated. In our opinion and according to the
also no clear evidence. In contrast to patients literature, ACI is not indicated in advanced osteo-
with osteoarthritis, where an overcorrection is arthritis, which is why these studies are not repre-
usually aimed for, most authors aim for a straight-­ sentative for patients with isolated focal cartilage
leg axis in patients with focal cartilage lesions lesions.
[26]. Overcorrection should be avoided due to the In the following, only studies in which a val-
risk of progressive cartilage degeneration in the gus osteotomy was performed combined with
contralateral compartment in these relatively cartilage repair procedures in patients with iso-
young patients. In our clinical practice the post- lated focal cartilage lesions without relevant
operative weight-bearing line is therefore aimed osteoarthritis are summarized.
at 50–55% of the medial-to-lateral tibial plateau Minzlaff et al. reported the long-term results
width. of 74 patients treated with combined valgus
HTO and autologous osteochondral transplan-
tation due to an osteochondral lesion at the
9.2.3  utcomes After Combined
O medial femoral condyle and mechanical varus
Valgus Osteotomy malalignment ≥2°. After an average follow-up
and Cartilage Repair of 7.5 years, pain VAS decreased by 4.8 points,
Procedures and the Lysholm score increased by 33 points.
The survival rate (defined as no conversion to
Clinical outcomes and survival rates after carti- partial- or total-knee arthroplasty) was 95%
lage surgery combined with valgus osteotomy are after 5 years, 93% after 7 years, and 90% after
promising. A meta-analysis showed that there is a 9 years [39]. The return-to-sport rate in the
significantly higher 5-year survival rate after same patient cohort was 77%, and there was no
combined cartilage repair procedures and HTO significant reduction of the previous activity
compared to patients after isolated HTO (98% level [38]. Franceschi et al. found a significant
versus 92%) [28]. However, clinical studies after increase in the Lysholm score and Tegner scale
combined cartilage repair procedures and valgus in patients treated with arthroscopic ACI of the
osteotomy must be critically reviewed with medial tibial plateau and valgus
regard to the indication. It must be differentiated HTO. Additionally, the pain VAS decreased
if the cartilage repair procedure was performed in [37]. Bode et al. analyzed the clinical outcome
addition to the osteotomy with the aim of improv- and return to work of 40 patients after com-
ing cartilage regeneration in osteoarthritis [23, bined ACI and valgus HTO. After a follow-­up
29–34], or if the valgus osteotomy was performed of 5 years, a significantly improved pain VAS
in addition to cartilage repair procedures in and Lysholm score were observed. Regarding
patients with focal cartilage defects [35–39]. For return to work, the authors found an average
example, Ferruzzi et al. retrospectively compared incapacity of work after surgery of 94 days,
the results after isolated HTO and combined with a correlation to workload. The average
ACI + HTO. After a mean follow-up of 11 years, incapacity of work in patients who did not per-
the authors found no difference in clinical out- form any physical activity was significantly
come and the conclusion was that ACI had no lower (68 days) compared to patients with
additional benefit to valgus HTO [30]. However, heavy physical work (155 days) [35].
106 P. M. Lutz et al.

9.3 Technical Approach Joint-preserving therapy is not contraindicated

in the case of instability, as long as it is treated
9.3.1 Preoperative Diagnostic as a part of the surgical procedure. From the
and Patient Selection authors’ point of view, a careful deformity
analysis based on the weight-­bearing full-leg
A detailed preoperative workup and careful radiograph is an important step of the preoper-
patient selection are crucial for the success of ative planning [40]. The mechanical leg axis is
combined unloading osteotomies and cartilage utilized to measure the amount of varus angu-
repair procedures. The ideal patient has a focal lation. Furthermore, the mechanical lateral dis-
cartilage lesion at the medial femoral condyle, tal femoral angle (mLDFA) and the medial
frontal plane mechanical varus alignment of proximal tibial angle (MPTA) are measured to
more than 3°, intact menisci, intact ligaments, identify the site of the bony deformity (tibial
and a normal lateral and patellofemoral based vs. femoral based deformity). Based on
compartment. these measurements, it must be decided
Diagnostics include patient history and clin- whether to perform a tibial, femoral, or double-­
ical examination, MRI, X-rays of the knee in level osteotomy (Figs. 9.1 and 9.2). The goal
three planes, and a weight-bearing full-leg should be to achieve physiological values of
radiograph. The clinical examination should the LDFA and MPTA, and to avoid an oblique
also assess ligament stability of the knee. joint line. When considering a medial open-

Fig. 9.1 Tibial based varus deformity. Analysis of the medial open-wedge HTO to 55% of the medial-to-lateral
deformity reveals a mechanical varus angle of 5°, a MPTA tibial plateau width, the MPTA is normalized and the
of 83°, and a LDFA of 86°. Therefore, the varus is based varus deformity is corrected to 1° of mechanical valgus
on a tibial deformity (decreased MPTA). By simulating a
9 Osteotomy for the Varus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 107

Fig. 9.2 Femoral based varus deformity. Analysis of the a lateral closing-wedge DFO to 55% of the medial-to-­
deformity reveals a mechanical varus angle of 5°, a MPTA lateral tibial plateau width, the LDFA is normalized and
of 89°, and a LDFA of 94°. Therefore, the varus is based the varus deformity is corrected to 1° of mechanical
on a femoral deformity (increased LDFA). By simulating valgus

wedge HTO, the tibial bone varus angle has arthroscopy reveals a significant lesion or more
also proven to be an important prognostic fac- advanced wear, we only correct to neutral
tor [41]. This angle allows for a differentiation (50%).
between congenital metaphyseal varus (pri-
mary varus) and acquired varus (secondary
varus). Patients with congenital metaphyseal 9.3.2 Principles of the Surgical
varus are good candidates for realignment Technique and Rehabilitation
osteotomies, whereas patients with secondary
varus may not be suitable for valgus In case of a planned ACI, we prefer a staged pro-
osteotomies. cedure in most patients. First, the osteotomy is
Preoperatively, the “brace test” has been performed and an arthroscopic cartilage biopsy at
shown to be helpful in patient selection [42]. If the intercondylar notch is gained for chondrocyte
the patient benefits from a valgus brace in terms cultivation. ACI is then performed 3–6 weeks
of a noticeable pain reduction, realignment oste- later. Nevertheless, it is also possible to combine
otomy can be indicated. Finally, a diagnostic osteotomy and ACI [35], depending on the sur-
arthroscopy just before osteotomy is mandatory, geon’s preference. Based on product availability,
since it allows qualitative assessment of the car- ACI can be performed either arthroscopically or
tilage in the contralateral compartment, which in an open fashion. If another cartilage repair pro-
will be more loaded after the osteotomy. If cedure is planned which does not require chon-
108 P. M. Lutz et al.

drocyte cultivation, such as microfracturing, repair procedures are usually younger than
matrix-assisted marrow stimulation, or autolo- patients treated for osteoarthritis.
gous osteochondral transplantation, a single-­ In our clinical practice, the vast majority of
stage procedure is usually performed. patients is treated with either a medial open-­
Careful planning of the osteotomy is one of wedge HTO or a lateral closing-wedge DFO. For
the most important steps towards success. We both osteotomy sites, we recommend a biplanar
recommend to use specific computer software technique and angle-stable implants (e.g.,
(e.g., mediCAD Hectec, Germany); however, PEEKPower HTO Plate, Arthrex, or TomoFix,
also conventional planning using radiographs is Synthes).
possible. The surgeon must identify the level of The postoperative rehabilitation is usually dic-
deformity and decide whether to perform an tated by the cartilage repair procedure, which
HTO (in case of a pathologic MPTA) or DFO (in requires non-weight bearing for 6 weeks. No
case of a pathologic LDFA). In occasional cases, brace is used and range of motion is not restricted.
a double-level osteotomy is necessary to avoid an If a staged procedure is performed, full weight
oblique joint line. With regard to the desired bearing is allowed at 2 weeks after the
amount of correction, we usually plan the postop- osteotomy.
erative axis at 50–55% of the width of the tibial
plateau (medial border = 0%, lateral bor-
der = 100%) [26]. Aggressive overcorrection to 9.3.3  ase Presentation (Figs. 9.3
more than 55% should be avoided since patients and 9.4)
undergoing combined osteotomy and cartilage

c d

Fig. 9.3 A 32-year-old male presented with pain in the revealed a focal cartilage defect of the femoral condyle
medial compartment after ACL reconstruction and partial (3x2 cm, ICRS grade III). Weight-bearing full-leg radio-
medial meniscectomy. MRI (a) and arthroscopy (b) graphs showed a tibial based varus deformity of 4° (c, d)
9 Osteotomy for the Varus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 109

a b c

d e

Fig. 9.4 The patient was treated with a staged procedure. harvested from the intercondylar notch for chondrocyte
First, a medial open-wedge HTO was performed to cor- cultivation. After 4 weeks, ACI was performed arthroscop-
rect the varus deformity (a) and a cartilage biopsy was ically (Tetec Novocart Inject) (b–e)

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9 Osteotomy for the Varus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 111

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114 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

resulting in further lateral joint damage and ulti- will unload the PFJ [8]. In addition, it has been
mately degeneration [2]. In today’s society, the demonstrated that patients with PFJ OA in con-
association between a valgus deformity and obe- junction with lateral compartment OA have com-
sity is becoming increasingly abundant. This parable outcomes at final follow-up [18]. Whilst
causes rapid early degeneration of the meniscus this study included patients with all grades of PFJ
and subsequent cartilage, resulting in early-onset OA (Grade I—9%; Grade II—45.4%; Grade
OA of the lateral compartment [2]. Whilst these III—36.3%; and Grade IV—4.5%) only 26 knees
causative factors are generally universally were included and therefore its power has to be
accepted, the specific indications and contraindi- questioned. In comparison, many other authors
cations are less so. This dubiety is succeeded consider PFJ OA an absolute [17] or relative [16,
only by the question of which osteotomy to per- 19] contraindication. Perhaps therefore, taking
form and when. In general, surgical options can into consideration potential mechanical advan-
be divided into two anatomical groups: either the tages suggested by the work of Zarrouk et al.,
distal femoral osteotomy (DFO), either medial moderate PFJ OA may not be considered an
closing or lateral opening, or the high tibial oste- absolute contraindication to DFO [13].
otomy (HTO), either medial closing or lateral In addition, osteotomies should not be per-
opening. This chapter outlines the current views formed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
on these topics, focusing on indications/contrain- (RA), significant knee instability or a fixed val-
dications, preoperative planning, osteotomy gus deformity of >20° [2, 13]. Puddu suggests
options and methods, post-operative manage- that the valgus correction in such severe knees
ment and complications in relation to the correc- can result in ligament instability and, if associ-
tion of the valgus knee. ated with tibial subluxation of >1 cm, represents
an absolute contraindication and osteotomy
should not be performed. Additionally, it has
10.2 Indications been suggested that both nicotine use and osteo-
and Contraindications porosis are associated with poor outcomes fol-
lowing osteotomy [13, 20].
It has been well documented that patient selec- The patient with a valgus deformity and ante-
tion is vital in achieving good clinical outcomes rior cruciate ligament (ACL) insufficiency pro-
after osteotomies for the valgus knee [2, 13]. vides a unique and technically challenging
Assuming that a valgus malalignment is recog- situation. By combining an osteotomy with ACL
nised, as well as any associated pathological con- reconstruction, the malalignment problem can be
ditions as previously mentioned, patient age is addressed as well as the resolution of instability.
the most commonly disputed indicator for oste- Whilst research on combined procedures for the
otomy. Whilst some suggest that osteotomies valgus knee is scarce, several studies exist sup-
should only be performed in patients under the porting a combined approach in the varus knee
age of 55 [16], others extend this to include those [21, 22]. Such studies produced good results,
under 60 [17] and 65 [2]. It should be highlighted, with resolution of normal daily activities and rec-
however, that other factors should be considered reational sports, and did not find any increase in
such as activity level, lifestyle and general health. complications compared to an isolated HTO. This
Once considered, the ideal osteotomy patient is view is supported by a case series presented by
an active patient, under the age of 55 [8]. In addi- Dejour et al., who also favour the simultaneous
tion, any joint degeneration or osteoarthritic approach [23]. It should be stressed however that
change should be isolated to the lateral compart- this view is far from universal, with some authors
ment [13]. Whether patellofemoral involvement recommending alignment correction with HTO
is a contraindication or not is a debatable topic. before considering ACL reconstruction [24, 25].
Some authors believe that an opening-wedge In a case series of eight patients undergoing com-
DFVO may reduce the Q-angle, and therefore bined procedures, Latterman et al. found a major
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 115

complication rate of 75%, with a third being ACL

re-rupture. These rates were found to be lower in
the staged procedure groups [25].
Obesity and osteotomy for the valgus knee is
another controversial topic. Whilst obesity is
widely viewed as having a negative impact on the
outcome of surgery, it is felt by some that being
overweight may make a patient a better candidate
for osteotomy rather than arthroplasty [2]. It
should be recognised however that obesity does
increase post-operative complications and more
recent studies have shown that a BMI of greater
than 30 kg/m2 is associated with worse outcomes
after DFVO [26, 27]. It is therefore recommended
that weight should be reduced to as near to nor-
mal as possible before embarking on osteotomy

10.3 Assessment Fig. 10.1 Weight-bearing AP X-ray, demonstrating mini-

mal lateral joint degeneration with preservation of the
joint space
A full radiographic assessment is essential in the
preoperative planning for any osteotomy. This
should include weight-bearing anteroposterior
and lateral views, skyline patella and Rosenberg
views. The Rosenberg view is critical for the
assessment of the valgus disease as this is pre-
dominantly a flexion disease. The standard
weight-bearing AP X-ray will therefore not typi-
cally show the lateral compartment disease
(Fig. 10.1) as there is minimal distal femoral
wear. The 45° weight-bearing view will show the
OA as there is posterior wear (Figs. 10.2 and
10.3). The use of computed tomography (CT) is
not routinely recommended; however, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) is required to deter-
mine the extent of disease in the lateral compart-
ment and evaluate the integrity of the medial
compartment and associated ligamentous/soft-­
tissue injury and may therefore aid preoperative
planning in specific cases.
When planning, the first stage should be to
determine where the weight passes through the
knee joint. This can be achieved by drawing a Fig. 10.2 45-Degree weight-bearing PA X-ray in the
line from the centre of the femoral head to the same patient as in Fig. 10.1, demonstrating severe pos-
centre of the talar dome. The mechanical axis of terolateral OA
116 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

contact pressure and area in the lateral compart-

ment better than a correction to neutral [30]. It
should be noted, however, that this cadaveric
study did not record the effects of overcorrection
on the medial side, which may be significant.
Further studies have supported the overcorrection
argument, showing good clinical outcomes by
restoring the mechanical axis to 40–41% of the
tibial plateau [20, 31]. Whilst the DFVO is recog-
nised as the workhorse for the correction of the
valgus knee, the tibia can also be targeted to cor-
rect valgus malalignment. Certainly, if the valgus
deformity is <12° or the posterior slope is <10° a
proximal tibial osteotomy has been shown to be
effective [26]. If an HTO is performed outside
these parameters, the knee is seen to gradually
subluxate laterally [32] and the femur appears to
fall off the medial tibial plateau [2]. Within these
values, it would seem logical that if the valgus
deformity is localised to the tibia (as a result of
meniscectomy or trauma for example), then cor-
rection at the tibia is appropriate [33]. Tibial oste-
otomy options for the valgus knee will be
discussed in the next section.
Fig. 10.3 Intraoperative findings in the same patient as in
Figs. 10.1 and 10.2, confirming isolated posterolateral OA

10.4 Surgical Options

the limb can then be calculated as a percentage
across the tibial plateau, assuming that the medial To correct the valgus malaligned knee, the sur-
edge is 0% and the lateral edge is 100%. Anything geon has four options in the form of osteotomy:
beyond 56% can be regarded as valgus [20]. medial closing-wedge distal femoral osteotomy
Once valgus malalignment is confirmed, the (MCWDFO), lateral opening-wedge distal femo-
amount of correction can be calculated. The cor- ral osteotomy (LOWDFO), medial closing-­
rection angle is defined as the angle between the wedge high tibial osteotomy (MCWHTO) and
mechanical axis of the femur (a line drawn from lateral opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy
the centre of the femoral head to the centre of the (LOWHTO).
tibial plateau) and the mechanical axis of the tibia When evaluating the optimal osteotomy for
(a line drawn from the centre of the tibial plateau the valgus knee it is very important to understand
to the centre of the talar dome), as succinctly that a valgus deformity is most commonly a flex-
demonstrated by Olivero et al. [13]. The exact ion disease.
amount of correction, particularly in the case of The aetiology of the valgus knee has two pri-
DFVO, remains controversial. Some studies sug- mary causes. Firstly, genu valgum which is typi-
gest that a DFVO should aim to restore the cally congenital results in the mechanical axis
mechanical axis to 48–50% from medial to lat- passing through the lateral side of the knee. This
eral across the tibial plateau [28], and that over- overloads the knee primarily in extension result-
correction is contraindicated [2, 29]. More recent ing in distal femoral articular cartilage loss. The
biomechanical research, however, has indicated more common aetiology is post-traumatic OA
that overcorrection by up to 5° normalises the secondary to an extensive lateral meniscal tear.
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 117

Biomechanically the knee acts in a medial pivot literature does not suggest superiority of one
fashion whereby there is minimal translation of technique over another [13]. Good clinical out-
the medial compartment of the knee with flexion comes of MCWDFO out to 10 years have been
whilst the lateral compartment rolls posteriorly shown, with survival rates of up to 89.9% [34],
predominantly driven by the convex shape of the whilst others report rates ranging from 64% at
lateral tibial plateau. The lateral meniscus acts as 10 years [35] to 45% at 15 years [36]. This trend
a bumper controlling the lateral roll back and has been supported by a review article by Chahla
protecting the articular cartilage of the posterior et al., confirming significantly higher failure rates
lateral tibial plateau. An extensive posterior lat- in follow-up over 10 years [37]. Indeed, the
eral meniscal tear removes the bumper resulting review paper by Wylie et al. demonstrated a
in a significant load increase in the posterior lat- higher conversion rate to arthroplasty in the
eral compartment. Articular cartilage loss occurs medial closing-wedge osteotomy patients; how-
in the posterior aspect of the lateral femoral con- ever this is most likely due to their longer follow-
dyle and the posterior lateral femoral condyle ­up [7] in comparison to LOWDFO.
(Fig. 10.1). Hence with these patients the weight-­ Good outcomes have also been reported with
bearing AP X-ray typically shows a relatively LOWDFO, with survival rates ranging from 74%
normal joint space whilst the 45° weight-bearing to 100% at 5 years [18, 29, 38], with Zarrouk
PA view shows significant joint space reduction. et al. showing significant improvements in three
To summarise genu valgum as the primary independent knee scores [18]. Studies out to
pathology results in lateral compartment exten- 10 years are limited; however Ekeland et al. have
sion disease like medial compartment OA whilst shown survival rates of 74% in 24 opening-wedge
post-meniscectomy lateral compartment OA is a DFVOs [39]. Use of an adapted lateral distal
flexion disease. femoral ‘V’ osteotomy has shown promising
The different articular cartilage wear patterns results out to 11 years, with good/excellent
are thus best treated differently. A distal femoral patient-reported outcomes using a modified Knee
varus osteotomy will primarily affect the exten- Society Rating System (KSS) [40]. As demon-
sion gap. For those of you who perform knee strated, proving superiority between surgical
arthroplasty you will be well aware that the distal techniques is problematic, and as such choice
femoral cut only affects the extension gap whilst will remain largely down to surgical preference
the flexion gap is determined by the posterior until longer follow-up data is available.
femoral condylar resections. So, the distal femo- The other consideration with the LOWDFO is
ral varus osteotomy will alter the alignment pri- the filling of the bone gap post-correction. Puddu
marily in extension so is best suited to the suggests that any gap >7.5 mm should be filled
congenital genu valgum knee. In contrast, a tibial (with either autologous, allogenic or synthetic
osteotomy will affect both the flexion and exten- graft) and that smaller gaps can be left unfilled
sion gap so it is better suited to the post-traumatic [2]. Rates of non-union are significantly lower
valgus knee. when using autograft (2.6%) compared to
allograft and synthetic graft (4.6% and 4.5%,
respectively) [41]. It should however be noted
10.4.1 Distal Femoral Osteotomy that the use of synthetic graft and allografts
allows large quantities to be used with specific
In relation to DFO, it has been suggested by some gap-filling shapes [8], and does not involve
authors that if the correction is up to 10°–12°, then donor-site morbidity.
a lateral opening wedge is preferred, whilst if it is What perhaps is more interesting in relation to
over 12° then a medial closing wedge should be DFVO is the surgical fixation method. It is widely
performed [16]. Others, however, consider surgi- accepted that some form of rigid internal fixation
cal preference and technique experience to be is paramount in producing good outcomes [42].
more important in DFVO choice [17, 20]. Current Rigid fixation options consist primarily of either
118 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

an angled blade plate configuration or a locking luxation and anteroposterior instability and
compression plate. Puddu’s locking plate design, should be avoided [2, 26, 50]. The advantage,
with the associated technique [2], acts as a ten- however, of HTO for valgus malalignment is that
sion band construct. This has been shown to have the joint is unloaded in both extension and flex-
clear mechanical advantages when compared to a ion. A DFO, in comparison, only unloads the
standard medial plate alone [8], with improved joint in extension [51]. Even adhering to these
patient outcomes at 7 years and reduced plate restrictions however can produce variable results.
intolerance [2, 8, 38]. Similar patient outcomes Failure rates of up to 52% at medium-term fol-
and mechanical advantages have been found low-­up (4.3 years) have been reported [52],
using locking compression plates, such as whilst others show excellent outcomes in relation
TomoFix® (Synthes) [43, 44]; however some to kinetics and kinematics [53]. A more recent
have found a delayed healing with this plate and study looking at MCWHTO has shown short-­
a high incidence of plate intolerance (86%) [45]. term improvements in patient-reported outcomes
The use of an angled blade plate is also docu- such as function, pain and quality of life [54].
mented in the literature. Its use in the paediatric This study also highlighted an associated MCL
population shows good union rates and provides laxity performed pre- and post-operation using
excellent stability in the cerebral palsy popula- instrumented laxity measurements. Coventry pre-
tion [46]. More recently the use of this implant viously described this phenomenon and recog-
in the adult population has been compared to nised that by removing a medial wedge from the
fixation with the locking compression plates dis- proximal tibia, the superficial medial collateral
cussed previously. Kazemi et al. compared 20 ligament (sMCL) becomes lax, and a surgical
DFOs fixed with locking compression plates to reefing procedure should be performed to address
those fixed with angled blade plates and found this [26, 55]. A recent retrospective study on over
an improved valgus angle and mechanical lateral 100 patients addressing medial laxity in
distal femoral angle in the angled blade patient MCWHTO concluded that medial reefing should
subgroup. In addition, non-union rates at be performed only in selected cases. MCWHTO
9 months were 0%, compared to 20% in the provided good results in relation to survivorship
locking plate group. Whilst this was not found to (80%) and patient satisfaction out to 4.5 years
be statistically significant, the trend is clear and [56]. Up to 25% however reported instability,
further research is recommended. Furthermore, which was found to significantly correlate with
biomechanical testing has shown the blade plate worse outcomes. MCL reefing may therefore
to be stiffer and more stable; however whether improve outcomes in patients with increased
this has any clinical significance was not MCL laxity intraoperatively. This should there-
addressed [47]. fore be tested if a MCWHTO is being performed.
However, it is our opinion that medial reefing is
not necessary as long as care is taken not to
10.4.2 Proximal Tibial Osteotomy detach the tibial insertion of the deep MCL. More
extensive experience with medial opening-wedge
High tibial osteotomy (HTO) is a relatively com- HTO for the varus knee has shown that complete
mon surgical treatment for varus malalignment of detachment of the superficial MCL does not
the knee. Proximal tibial osteotomies to correct result in medial laxity if the deep MCL remains
valgus deformity, however, are far less common, intact.
with most being performed in the distal femur [7, A lateral opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy
40, 48]. When small valgus corrections are (LOWHTO) is another option for the valgus
required, of 12° or less in the anteroposterior knee. In addition to providing a familiar expo-
plane and 10° or less in the sagittal, a MCWHTO sure, instability can be corrected by tightening of
or LOWHTO can be performed [49]. Surgery out lateral ligamentous structures, without affecting
with these parameters results in lateral tibial sub- the medial stabilisers of the knee. Unlike in a
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 119

MCWHTO, the medial structures are not weak-

ened and therefore instability is not reported [50].
In this particular study, the majority of patients
were post-traumatic. Despite this, none were
found to have progression of their arthritis, 88%
had good/excellent results and non-union rate
was 0% [50]. Of note, a transient peroneal nerve
palsy rate of 9% was reported, which was similar
to other studies [57, 58], and fibula osteotomies
were performed in all cases at the mid-shaft level.
More recent research has found similar results,
with significant improvements in patient-reported
outcomes as well as maintenance of both radio-
graphic and gait improvements [33]. Survivorship
at 4.3 years was found to be 91%, which is com-
parable to HTOs being performed for varus
malalignment. Of interest, all patients in this
cohort had a normal mechanical lateral distal
femoral angle (mLDFA), confirming that the val-
gus malalignment was due to tibial deformity and
fibular osteotomies were not performed in small
corrections. Peroneal nerve palsy was not noted
in any patients. It is therefore recommended that
LOWHTO is a valid treatment option when the
deformity is within the parameters suggested by
Coventry, and the deformity is localised to the
Fig. 10.4 Osteotomy planning. The red and blue lines
It is our opinion that a tibial osteotomy should
represent the mechanical axis of the femur and tibia,
be confined to patients who have a post-traumatic respectively. The yellow line represents the coronal tibial
posterior articular cartilage wear pattern. The angle and the green angle represents the angle between
resultant tibial varus should not be more than 10° the tibial and femoral mechanical axes, allowing the cor-
rection angle to be calculated
of varus in extension. On a long leg X-ray the
coronal tibial angle is measured. The correction
angle combined with the coronal tibial angle allows the rest of the knee to be thoroughly
should be <=10° of varus. This correction does examined, ensuring no medial/patellofemoral
not require a fibula osteotomy (Fig. 10.4). degeneration and to perform any other intra-­
articular procedures [47]. In addition, regardless
of osteotomy type, the patient is positioned
10.5 Operative Techniques supine, ensuring that adequate intraoperative
images can be taken by fluoroscopy. It has been
In this section, the main surgical techniques for recommended that the entire limb is exposed,
the correction of valgus malalignment of the knee including the iliac crest, to allow the axis of the
will be briefly described. In addition to these limb to be assessed intraoperatively [16] and
techniques, it is widely accepted that knee autograft to be taken if required. The use of a
arthroscopy should be performed before embark- foam wedge to elevate the limb may also aid
ing on osteotomy surgery [2, 13, 33, 49]. This intraoperative imaging.
120 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

10.5.1 D
 istal Femoral Medial Closing-­ open intra-articular procedures are required, such
Wedge Osteotomy as a lateral femoral condyle cartilage procedure,
these can be performed by extending the approach
On the medial side of the knee a skin incision is to a lateral parapatellar one [16].
made either 2 cm distal to the medial epicondyle At this stage, blunt retractors should be placed
[13] or just proximal to the adductor tubercle [2] around the posterior aspect of the distal femur to
and should extend around 15 cm proximally on protect the neurovascular structures. With the
the anteromedial cortex of the femur. The vastus knee in extension, a K-wire is placed, under fluo-
medialis fascia is incised and retracted laterally roscopic guidance, 2–3 finger breadths above the
and anteriorly and the periosteum incised to lateral epicondyle aiming for the medial epicon-
access the femoral shaft. Once exposure has been dyle, with an inclination of around 20° [2]. A
achieved, an optional Kirschner wire (K-wire) mark on the cortex above and below the antici-
can be placed under X-ray guidance, parallel to pated osteotomy helps to assess any rotation of
the articular joint line to guide the first osteotomy the femur [16]. The osteotomy is then performed
cut [17]. The first distal osteotomy cut can then in line with the K-wire, again stopping 10 mm
be performed, ensuring that posterior structures short of the medial cortex which should not be
are protected using an appropriate retractor such breached. This can be performed either with an
as a Hohmann. Both the anterior and posterior leg oscillating saw or with osteotomes and should be
of this osteotomy should stop approximately regularly checked with fluoroscopy. Some advo-
10 mm or 1/3 the diameter of the tibia leaving the cate flexing the knee during this stage, to reduce
lateral cortex intact [2, 13]. A second osteotomy, tension on the neurovascular structures and help
using the same technique, is then performed minimise iatrogenic injury [16]. The osteotomy
more proximally depending on the amount of can then be opened to the desired amount using
desired correction. Fixation can then be per- either stacked osteotomes or a dedicated wedge/
formed, using either a 90° angled blade plate or a jack opener under X-ray guidance by hinging
locking compression plate. The former option around the medial cortex. If a large correction is
allows a tibiofemoral angle of 0° to be achieved required, small drill hole perforations can be per-
by positioning the blade parallel to the joint line formed in the medial cortex to allow a controlled
and the plate parallel to the medial femoral cor- opening [16]. Fixation can either be in the form
tex, as described by McDermott et al. [59]. If a of a Puddu T-plate, which has the advantage of
locking compression plate is preferred, bone cuts encompassing a ‘tooth’ which is the same size as
can be made using the technique developed by the wedge, or a locking compression plate and
Healy et al. utilising pins in the distal femur to bone graft [16, 20, 45]. Bone graft is recom-
guide the osteotomy saw cuts [60], or a dedicated mended in any correction greater than 7.5 mm
jig on the anterior tibia to check that alignment [2], and whilst autograft remains the gold stan-
can be used as described by Learmonth [61]. dard, the recognised donor-site morbidity encour-
ages the use of bone substitutes [13].

10.5.2 D
 istal Femoral Lateral
Opening-Wedge Osteotomy 10.5.3 Proximal Tibial Medial
Closing-Wedge Osteotomy
A 12–15 cm skin incision is made, starting from
the lateral epicondyle and extending proximally An antero-medial skin incision is made and the
up the femur. The iliotibial band is identified and pes anserinus is identified and partially detached.
incised, allowing visualisation of vastus lateralis The superficial layers of the MCL are divided
which is elevated from the intramuscular septum. and the proximal tibial metaphysis is exposed.
Any branches from the profunda femoris should The distal insertion of the patellar tendon should
be identified and coagulated at this stage. If any be identified and protected and the osteotomy site
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 121

confirmed under fluoroscopic guidance. A K-wire

is then inserted from medial to lateral and distal
to proximal above the tibial tuberosity aiming for
the fibular head [2]. A second K-wire can then be
used more proximally, its placement depending
on the amount of correction required. The oste-
otomies are started with the oscillating saw,
which can be used for completion, or osteotomes
can be utilised. Care should be taken to protect
the posterior neurovascular structure with blunt
retraction. Ideally around 10 mm of lateral tibial
cortex should be left to act as a hinge and to
ensure stability [49]. Final alignment should be
checked, ensuring that the mechanical axis of the
limb passes through the midpoint of the knee.
Historically, fixation was often performed using
staples [2]; however medial tibial locking plates
are now more commonly used [49].
In addition, some surgeons advocate a bipla-
nar osteotomy [56, 62] for tibial osteotomies. The Fig. 10.5 Diagram showing biplanar tibial osteotomy.
approach remains the same as discussed above; Taken, with permission, from the TomoFix® operative
however two osteotomies are utilised to create a technique manual, DePuy Synthes [63]
biplanar osteotomy. A transverse osteotomy
should run across the posterior two-thirds of the tioning, reducing unwanted sagittal plane
bone, leaving the anterior third intact for per- modifications as is the case with traditional cut-
forming a second, ascending osteotomy in the ting guides [71]. It should however be recognised
coronal plane (Fig. 10.5). Of note, the anterior that preoperative CT scans are required for PSI
osteotomy should be complete and include the production, thus incurring an increased cost and
opposite cortex. The subsequent steps of the oste- radiation exposure. Menetrey et al. have however
otomy are as previously described. shown that the use of PSI reduces the use of intra-
Patient-specific instrumentation (PSI) is also operative fluoroscopy and reduces surgical time
available for use in osteotomy surgery. As men- [72]. The decision to use PSI for osteotomy sur-
tioned previously, posterior tibial slope (PTS) gery will likely come down to surgeon preference
management is important to preserve biomechan- and experience, with recognition given to its use
ics [64, 65]. In order to maintain PTS, anterior in multiplanar corrections.
opening has been found to be equal to 67% of the
medial opening [66]. Clearly this evaluation is
complex and challenging to perform during sur- 10.5.4 Proximal Tibial Lateral
gery, and it is suggested that PSI may be a useful Opening-Wedge Osteotomy
adjunct to manage both the sagittal and frontal
plane corrections during surgery [67, 68]. Several A 6–8 cm anterolateral longitudinal incision is
recent studies on small patient series have sug- made lateral to the tibial tuberosity, extending
gested good accuracy and reliability of the proce- distally from Gerdy’s tubercle. Full-thickness
dure [67–69], especially when multiplanar skin flaps should be used and fascia should be
corrections are required. Additionally, PSI is incised in line with the skin incision. Anterior
available for DFO surgery, such as the compartment muscles are elevated off and
Activmotion DFO PSI® [70]. In this environ- retracted posteriorly. The patellar tendon and
ment, PSI aids optimal bony cuts and plate posi- posterior soft tissues should be identified and
122 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

protected with blunt retraction. The tibial osteot- seem appropriate to partially restrict weight bear-
omy starts with the placement of a K-wire around ing during the initial 6-week post-operative
2 cm distal to the tibial joint surface and proximal period, with weight-bearing status increasing
to the tibial tuberosity under fluoroscopic guid- thereafter.
ance. The osteotomy is initiated with a microsur- Debate also exists with opening-wedge oste-
gical saw, which can be used for completion, or otomies of both the tibia and femur for the
osteotomes can be used depending on surgical valgus-­ aligned knee. As with closing-wedge
preference. The osteotomy should stop 10 mm osteotomies, the use of a functional ROM brace
from the medial cortex, which will act as a hinge. is advised for the initial 4–6-week period by
Again, if large corrections are required, the some; however we have not used a brace for the
medial cortex may require drill perforation. last 20 years. It is our opinion that adequate sta-
Spreading or stacked osteotomes can then be bility of the osteotomy is achieved by the internal
inserted followed by a jack or wedge opener to fixation. A brace is cumbersome to wear and is
achieve the desired correction. Once correction is likely to reduce restoration of knee flexion and
confirmed by fluoroscopy, bone graft can be quadricep strength. During this time, it is sug-
inserted according to surgical preference and gested that patients should remain NWB for
fixation achieved with the appropriate locking 4–6 weeks [38, 40, 48], and begin PWB thereaf-
compression plate [33, 50]. This procedure is ter. More recent research has again suggested that
technically more difficult than a medial opening-­ reducing this restricted weight-bearing period
wedge osteotomy as the exposure is compro- does not affect outcome [29, 39], allowing TTWB
mised by the anterior musculature which requires immediately post-operatively, progressing to
retraction, presence of the fibula and reduced sur- PWB or FWB at 6 weeks. Taking this further,
face area of the lateral cortex of the tibia which is Brinkman et al. have shown that FWB as toler-
much smaller than the medial. ated, immediately post-operation, has no adverse
effects and that the same outcomes can be
achieved as in a restricted weight-bearing oste-
10.6 Post-operative Care otomy population, but in a shorter time [73].
Collins et al. have also shown good outcomes
Post-operative treatment is variable and highly with TTWB for 2 weeks, followed by FWB as
surgeon dependant. It can be divided into treat- tolerated [33]. Both studies used the TomoFix®
ment for opening-wedge osteotomies and that for (Synthes) implant, and no comparison was made
closing-wedge osteotomies. Post-operative care between different implant options. With the post-­
for closing-wedge osteotomies, regardless of the operative advantages of newer implants being
fixation method, is immobilisation in a functional considered, the ultimate decision regarding reha-
brace with an unlimited range of motion (ROM). bilitation remains with the operating surgeon.
Most research suggests that weight bearing is
restricted for 6–8 weeks based on callus forma-
tion on X-rays [17, 35, 36, 49, 59], after which 10.7 Complications
time partial weight bearing (PWB) can be intro-
duced. Full weight bearing (FWB) is then advised General surgical complications will not be dis-
after 3 months [36, 60]. More recently however it cussed here, and instead specific complications
has been shown that reducing these times does related to DFOs and HTOs for valgus malalign-
not affect clinical outcome. Forkel et al. initiated ment will be addressed.
PWB immediately post-operatively, with a full Perhaps the most severe complication associ-
ROM [31], whilst Tirico et al. allowed toe-touch ated with DFO is that of injury to the popliteal
weight bearing (TTWB) immediately for neurovascular bundle. Thankfully, the risk of
2 weeks, followed by PWB for a further 4 weeks injury is low [2], providing careful attention if
[17], without adverse results. It would therefore paid to correct retractor placement. Further fresh
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 123

frozen cadaveric work by Kim et al. has shown The deep vein thrombosis risk has been found
that the neurovascular structures are farther from to be similar to that of knee joint arthroplasty [8],
the tibia with the knee flexed to 90° [74]; there- with the highest incidence being within the first
fore most surgeons would suggest performing the 3–4 days and ranging from 0 to 10.8% [76]. As a
osteotomy with the knee flexed, with blunt retrac- result, thromboprophylaxis is recommended.
tors posteriorly [2, 16, 20]. HTO shares similar complications to those of
The risk of intraoperative fracture is also a DFVO, such as fracture risk and its link to cor-
recognised complication [13, 19, 39], and usu- rect guide pin placement. It is therefore advised
ally a result of either failure to divide the poste- that correct pin placement, pre-osteotomy, is
rior/anterior cortex, too little medial bone hinge achieved as with DFO. In addition, the risk of
being left or guide pin being positioned too DVT is again similar to that of primary joint
close to the joint line [2]. This can result in arthroplasty and should be addressed as such.
uncontrolled propagation of the osteotomy, Additionally, a frequently cited criticism of
through either the articular surface or the HTO for the valgus knee is that it creates joint-
medial cortex. This can be prevented by ensur- line obliquity. As previously mentioned, it is
ing that the pin placement is sufficiently distal, recommended that a DFVO should be per-
thus leaving an appropriately sized medial formed if there is >12° of valgus or more than
hinge, before starting the osteotomy. If medial 10° of tibial slope [26, 60]. Indeed, Shoji and
hinge integrity is lost, this can be fixed using a Insall have shown that medial subluxation of the
contralateral screw or staple [13]. femur on the tibia occurs if >15° of tibial slope
Non-union rates are also variable throughout is created [32]. It is therefore recommended that
the literature, ranging from 25 to 50% [42, 45]. to avoid such complications, tibial osteotomies
Jacobi et al. reported the highest non-union rate for the valgus malaligned knee should be
of 6 months (50%) with an opening-wedge DFO, reserved where small degrees of correction are
leading them to adopt a closing-wedge technique required [2, 51] or the deformity is localised to
[45]. More recent literature, however, suggests the tibia [33].
that this trend is decreasing. Forkel et al. reported Specific to MCWHTO is the issue of medial
a reoperation rate for delayed or non-union of joint laxity, due to de-functioning of the
only 5% [31], whilst Ekeland et al. found a union sMCL. As previously discussed however, this
rate of 75% at 3 months and 100% at 6 months can be prevented keeping the deep MCL attach-
[39]. The factors affecting this significant ment intact. This complication is clearly not pres-
improvement remain unclear. The dubiety how- ent during a LOWHTO as the lateral ligamentous
ever is less pronounced when it comes to closing-­ structures around the knee are tightened and the
wedge DFO, with most authors reporting a lower medial structures not weakened [50]. The
non-union rate [29, 31, 39]. LOWHTO does however move the patella
Hardware intolerance, specifically in opening-­ slightly more distally and has been shown to have
wedge DFO, is a relatively frequent complica- higher rates of non-union [76], probably due to
tion, with up to 76% requiring removal [29]. This the increased stability and metaphyseal bone-to-­
appears to be related to the type of fixation used, bone compression achieved during a
with the Puddu plate removal rate being almost MCWHTO. Certainly, if the osteotomy is per-
half that of locking compression plates such as formed distal to the tibial tubercle, the non-union
TomoFix [39]. Despite being larger and more rate is increased due to the low healing rate of the
stable than the Puddu plate, it clearly also gives bone below the metaphysis [77].
more soft-tissue irritation, thus increasing the Perhaps one of the most commonly quoted
likelihood of removal. This, in combination with complications associated with LOWHTO is that
the Young’s modulus mismatch and reported of transient peroneal nerve palsy [42, 50, 57]. In
improved Oxford Knee Scores (OKS) [75], Marti et al.’s series, transient peroneal nerve pal-
means we routinely remove the hardware. sies were noted in 9% of patients, despite per-
124 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

forming a mid-shaft fibula osteotomy in an ing a much higher failure rate in patients under
attempt to reduce this complication. More the age of 55 [6, 87, 88]. This is particularly the
recently however, it has been suggested that for case with UKAs with the Australian registry
small corrections, such as those recommended to showing a 27% failure rate at 18 years [89]. The
be performed in the proximal tibia, no fibular combination of this, and the increasing numbers
osteotomy is required [33]. Instead, a proximal of unicompartmental arthroplasty [90], most
tibio-fibular joint arthrotomy is suggested, thus likely explains the decreased number of osteoto-
negating the need to common peroneal nerve mies being performed [82]. In relation to the val-
exploration, fibular osteotomy and potential iat- gus knee, genu valgum is considerably less
rogenic nerve injury. Retrospective review of the common than genu varum, and thus the incidence
patients in this paper revealed no common pero- of surgical correction and associated research is
neal nerve injuries. low [7]. Despite this however, it is widely
Lastly, infection is a recognised complication accepted that the patient selection is essential in
associated with osteotomy surgery. In relation to providing good clinical outcomes [2, 13]. After
tibial osteotomy surgery, systematic review sug- consideration of the current literature, the ideal
gests that superficial infections occur in 1–9% osteotomy patient is an active patient, in good
and deep infections in 0.5–4.7% of all HTOs health under the age of 55 [2, 8, 16, 17]. In addi-
[78]. No significant differences have been found tion any joint degeneration or osteoarthritic
between open- and closed-wedged HTO with change should be isolated to the lateral joint
respect to deep or superficial infections [79]. In space [13]. As eluded, whether PFJ OA is a con-
relation to implant type, a meta-analysis by traindication to osteotomy is debatable. Whilst
Anagnostakos et al. found no statistical differ- some authors consider PFJ OA to be an absolute
ence between internal fixation options [80]; how- [17] or relative [16, 19] contraindication, good
ever external fixation options were found to results have been demonstrated in patients with
significantly increase infection rates, most likely both PFJ OA and lateral compartment OA [18]. It
due to pin-site infection [78, 81]. is suggested therefore that whilst severe PFJ OA
Similarly, in DFO surgery, infection rates are may be contraindicated for osteotomy, mild to
noted to be higher if external fixators are used moderate may not [13]. Further contraindications
[8]. Whilst the research available on infection in include nicotine use, osteoporosis and obesity, all
DFO surgery is limited, the literature suggests of which are associated with poor outcomes [13,
that infection rates are around 1% [29], and that 20, 27, 55]. Significant knee instability, con-
this does not differ between OWDFO and firmed by tibial subluxation of >1 cm combined
CWDFO [19]. with severe valgus deformity (>20°), is consid-
ered an absolute contraindication [2, 13].
Evidence for the valgus malaligned patient
10.8 Conclusions with ACL insufficiency is scarce. In the varus
knee this provides a unique and technically chal-
Tibial and femoral osteotomies have been used lenging situation. By combining an osteotomy
for over a century to correct angular deformities with ACL reconstruction, the malalignment prob-
[33]. Despite this, osteotomies have fallen out of lem can be addressed as well as the resolution of
favour, with improvements in total and unicom- instability [21, 22]. Such studies have shown
partmental arthroplasty [82–84]. Over the last good results, without an increase in complica-
decade the success of total-knee arthroplasty has tions; however others recommend alignment cor-
continued [85] with increased implant survivor- rection with HTO before considering ACL
ship. A recent paper in Lancet looking at almost reconstruction [24, 25] due to high ACL re-­
300,000 TKRs from pooled registry data showed rupture rates (75%) [25]. Whether any of these
82.3% survival at 25 years [86]; however this age results are transferable to the valgus, ACL-­
is dependent on all national joint registries show- deficient knee remains to be seen. The decision
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 125

whether to proceed to combined or staged ­surgery erence until longer follow-up data is available [7,
therefore remains at the discretion of the surgeon 13, 37].
and patient. In relation to fixation, it is accepted that rigid
Assessment of the osteotomy patient should internal fixation is essential in producing good
include weight-bearing anteroposterior and lat- outcomes [42]. The use of non-rigid fixation
eral views of the whole limb, skyline patella, options such as staples can carry complication
Rosenberg views [8] and an MRI to assess the rates of up to 70% [91]. Locking compression
integrity of the medial compartment. After valgus plates have shown good patient outcomes and
malalignment is confirmed, correction planning mechanical advantages, regardless of plate type
should be performed as described by Olivero [2, 8, 38, 43, 44]. This is likely due to the long
et al. [13]. If the primary valgus deformity is femoral lever arm requiring a more stable plate
>12°, located within the femur, or shows a poste- configuration in comparison to HTOs [19]. Plate
rior slope that is >10° then a DFO is recom- intolerance is however a recognised complication
mended [2, 13]. HTOs should be considered if in both LOWDFO (86%) and MCWDFO (70%)
the deformity is <12° or the posterior slope is [19], and removal is recommended [45]. The
<10° [26] and originates within the tibia [33]. other rigid fixation option is that of the angled
The surgical osteotomy options include blade plate. Recent research of the MCWDFO
LOWDFO, MCWDFO, MCWHTO and has suggested improved valgus angle and
LOWHTO. Independent from these techniques, it mechanical lateral distal femoral angle when
is advisable to perform knee arthroscopy before compared to the locking compression plate, as
embarking on osteotomy surgery [2, 47]. well as a lower non-union rate at 9 months (0%
In relation to DFO, current literature does not vs. 20%, respectively). Whilst this was not found
suggest superiority of medial closing wedge over to be statistically significant (due to a small sam-
lateral opening wedge [13]. MCWDFO has ple size), the trend is clear and further research is
shown survival rates of up to 89.9% [34] at recommended. Furthermore, biomechanical test-
10 years, with a decline to 45% recognised at ing has shown the blade plate to be stiffer and
15 years [36]. Despite higher reported union rates more stable; however whether this has any clini-
[29, 31, 39], a higher conversion rate to arthro- cal significance was not addressed [47]. Future
plasty in MCWDFO patients has been demon- research should therefore be directed at which
strated; however this is most likely due to their form of rigid internal fixation provides superior
longer follow-up [7] when compared to long-term results.
LOWDFO. LOWHTO also shows good out- Osteotomy complications in general will be
comes, with survival rates ranging from 74% to summarised later; however specific to DFOs is
100% at 5 years [18, 29, 38] and 74% at 10 years the risk of popliteal neurovascular bundle injury.
[39]. They have the advantage of allowing the The literature has reported this to be a relatively
surgeon to fine-tune the deformity correction, low risk of <0.01% [2, 92]; however the morbid-
whilst the MCWDFO is very surgeon reliant ity and mortality associated with such injuries are
being technically challenging and requiring accu- significant. The neurovascular structures are
rate preoperative planning and bony resections known to be farther from the tibia with the knee
[19]. Bone graft is recommended in gaps flexed to 90° [74]; thus it is suggested that DFOs
>7.5 mm [2], with autograft providing the lowest are performed with the knee flexed and blunt
non-union rate [41]. It should however be noted retractors placed posteriorly [2, 16, 20].
that the use of synthetic graft allows large quanti- Proximal tibial osteotomies to correct valgus
ties to be used with specific gap-filling shapes deformity are uncommon, with most being per-
[8], and avoids donor-site morbidity. As expected formed in the distal femur [7, 40, 48]. When
bone grafting is more often required in the small valgus corrections are required, of 12° or
LOWDFO population [19]. Surgical technique less in the anteroposterior plane and 10° or less in
therefore remains largely down to surgical pref- the coronal, a MCWHTO or LOWHTO can be
126 D. Hansom and M. Clatworthy

performed [49]. Surgery out with these parame- uncontrolled propagation of the osteotomy can
ters should be avoided [2, 26, 50]. The advantage be prevented by ensuring the accurate pin place-
of HTO for valgus malalignment is that the joint ment and leaving an appropriately sized bone
is unloaded in both extension and flexion. A hinge before starting the osteotomy. Hardware
DFO, in comparison, only unloads the joint in intolerance is common, and timely removal is
extension [51]. recommended. The deep vein thrombosis risk has
In relation to MCWHTOs, despite good been found to be similar to that of knee joint
patient-reported outcomes in up to 72% of arthroplasty [8], with the highest incidence being
patients out to 10 years [51], failure rates vary within the first 3–4 days [76]. As a result, a
from 52% at medium-term follow-up (4.3 years) thromboprophylaxis protocol similar to knee
[52] to 77% at 9.4 years [26]. More recent studies arthroplasty is recommended.
have favoured Coventry’s results, showing short-­ Post-operative treatment is variable and highly
term improvements in patient-reported outcomes surgeon dependant. For closing-wedge osteoto-
such as function, pain and quality of life [54]. mies, regardless of the fixation method, research
This study also highlighted associated MCL lax- suggests that weight bearing is restricted (either
ity. A recent retrospective study on over 100 PWB or TTWB) for 6–8 weeks based on callus
patients addressing medial laxity in MCWHTO formation on X-rays [17, 31]; however many sur-
concluded that medial reefing should be per- geons would keep patients NWB for this period
formed only in selected cases, when MCL laxity [17, 35, 36, 49, 59]. The majority agree that the
is confirmed intraoperatively [56]. knee should be immobilised in a functional brace
In contrast, the LOWHTO provides a familiar with an unlimited range of motion (ROM) for this
exposure and instability can be corrected by period; however we have not used a brace since
tightening of lateral ligamentous structures, with- adopting locked plates and have no complica-
out affecting the medial stabilisers of the knee tions from stopping brace use. Thereafter, either
[50]. Up to 88% had good/excellent results and FWB or PWB can be introduced depending on
the non-union rate was 0% [50]. Whilst transient surgical preference. In relation to opening-wedge
peroneal nerve palsies are reported [50, 57, 58], if osteotomies, the use of a functional ROM brace
the need for fibula osteotomy is negated, this rate is again advised for the initial 4–6-week period.
can be reduced significantly [33] with the main- The weight-bearing status during this period is
tenance of improvements in patient-reported out- again controversial. Whilst older studies sug-
comes, and radiographic and gait improvements. gested NWB for 4–6 weeks [38, 40, 48] more
It is therefore recommended that LOWHTO is a recent research has suggested that TTWB or even
valid treatment option when the deformity is FWB immediately post-operatively has no
within the parameters suggested by Coventry adverse outcomes [29, 33, 39, 73]. The latter two
[26], and the deformity is localised to the tibia studies were noted to use the TomoFix® (Synthes)
[50]. The research would suggest that a fibular implant; therefore outcomes with other implants
osteotomy should be considered in larger defor- and immediate FWB require further research. It
mities with the acceptance of the recognised tran- is likely however that with the use of such
sient peroneal nerve palsy risk. Each tibial implants, post-operative WB status can be
osteotomy therefore has its own pros and cons. increased without detrimental effect and improve
Which surgical option to undertake will likely patient acceptance.
depend on surgeon preference, experience and Osteotomy for the correction of the valgus
consideration of the associated risks and knee therefore remains a good surgical option for
complications. the correct patient. Whilst no clear superiority
Whilst generic surgical complications will not exists between surgical techniques, the choice
be discussed here, many surgical complications between tibial and femoral osteotomy should be
are specific to both tibial and femoral osteoto- based on the aetiology of the lateral compartment
mies. Intraoperative fracture [13, 19, 39] through OA. It is our opinion that if the patient has OA
10 Osteotomy for the Valgus Knee in Cartilage Surgery 127

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132 B. Maheshwer et al.

c­onstitutes the vascularized portion of the The structural integrity and stability of the
menisci, whereas the innermost third (referred to menisci are supplemented by various secondary
as the white zone) represents the avascular region. attachments. The medial and lateral menisci are
The menisci are securely anchored to the anterior connected anteriorly by a fibrous band of tissue
and posterior aspects of the tibia by their respec- referred to as the anterior intermeniscal ligament.
tive root attachments. The coronary ligaments function to connect the
The medial meniscus is composed of semilu- meniscotibial capsular margins of the menisci to
nar fibrocartilage and is located at the junction of the tibia. The decreased mobility of the medial
the medial femoral condyle and medial tibial pla- meniscus may be explained in part by these coro-
teau (Fig. 11.1). With an average width of nary ligaments, which more strongly anchor the
9–10 mm and average thickness of 3–5 mm [10], medial meniscus compared to the lateral menis-
the medial meniscus constitutes up to 60% of the cus to the tibia. Finally, the meniscofemoral liga-
articular surface of the medial tibial condyle and ments (MFLs) originate from the posterior horn
is crucial for distributing weight-bearing loads in of the lateral meniscus and insert on the lateral
the medial compartment of the knee. Relative to side of the medial femoral condyle (Fig. 11.2)
the lateral meniscus, the medial meniscus is more [12]. The MFLs function as stabilizers of the lat-
rigidly held in place with stabilizing attachments eral meniscus and are comprised of two distinct
to nearby structures, including the medial collat- structures: the ligaments of Humphrey and
eral ligament (MCL) and posteromedial capsule. Wrisberg (Fig. 11.2), which flank the posterior
In contrast, the lateral meniscus is an oblong, cruciate ligament (PCL) on the anterior and poste-
circular shape that measures slightly larger than rior aspects, respectively. The incidence of the
the medial meniscus on average at 10–12 mm MFLs is variable in the literature. Anatomical evi-
wide and 4–5 mm thick (Fig. 11.1). Consequently, dence has suggested that both MFLs are present
the lateral meniscus covers a greater percentage in 46% of cadaver specimens with the incidence
of the articular surface relative to the medial of single Humphrey and Wrisberg ligaments
meniscus and distributes up to 70% of the load reported at 23% and 31%, respectively [13].
bearing on the lateral compartment of the knee The negative consequences of impaired
[11]. The lateral meniscus is separated from the meniscal root function on joint pressures and
fibular collateral ligament (FCL) laterally by the
popliteus tendon.

Fig. 11.2 Anterior view of cadaveric right knee demon-

Fig. 11.1 Axial view of cadaveric right knee illustrating strating the ligament of Wrisberg originating from the
the anatomy of the medial meniscus and lateral meniscus posterior horn of the lateral meniscus (LM). Also pictured
in relation to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), tibial are the anterolateral bundle (ALB) and posteromedial
tubercle, and fibula bundle (PMB)
11 Role of the Meniscus in Cartilage Injury: Basic Science 133

kinematics have been well documented in the lit- lar studies corroborate the notion that complete
erature. Allaire et al. [14] demonstrated that a root tears impair the ability of the menisci to
medial meniscus posterior root (MPR) tear withstand tibiofemoral loads and distribute hoop
resulted in a 25% increase in peak contact pres- stresses [14, 15, 17]. Accordingly, complete root
sure relative to the native intact state. LaPrade tear knee states are thought to be functionally
et al. [15] reported that lateral meniscus posterior equivalent to a total meniscectomy and often
root (LPR) tears or radial tears adjacent to the lat- progress rapidly to degenerative states of osteoar-
eral meniscus posterior root attachment (LPRA) thritis [18].
site caused significantly increased contact pres- One of the keys for a surgeon to successfully
sures and decreased contact area in the lateral and safely perform meniscal root repairs is a
compartment. Ellman et al. [16] investigated sev- comprehensive knowledge of the anatomical
eral biomechanical properties of the four menis- landmarks and precise attachment locations of
cal roots and demonstrated that both the dense, the four roots. Johannsen et al. [19] quantita-
central fibers and peripheral, supplementary tively described the location of the MPRA and
fibers contribute to the structural integrity of the LPRA attachment sites in relation to anatomical
meniscal roots. The authors found that the native landmarks in the joint. The authors demon-
(i.e., central and supplementary fibers intact) strated that the MPRA attachment can be repro-
anterior medial, posterior medial, and posterior ducibly found 9.6 mm posterior and 0.7 mm
lateral roots had significantly larger attachment lateral to the medial tibial eminence (MTE)
areas, stiffness, and ultimate failure strength apex (Fig. 11.3). Two secondary landmarks for
compared to the sectioned roots (meniscal roots identifying the MPRA include the medial artic-
with central roots intact but all supplementary ular cartilage inflection point (3.5 mm medial in
fibers dissected). The findings of these and simi- relation to the MPRA) and the tibial attachment

Fig. 11.3 Superior axial view of the pertinent anatomical ZS, DePhillipo NN, Storaci HW, et al. Quantitative and
landmarks used to identify the medial meniscus posterior Qualitative Assessment of Posterolateral Meniscal
root (MPRA) attachment site. ACL anterior cruciate liga- Anatomy: Defining the Popliteal Hiatus, Popliteomeniscal
ment, LARA lateral meniscus anterior root attachment, Fascicles, and the Lateral Meniscotibial Ligament. The
LPRA lateral meniscus posterior root attachment, MARA American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019;47(8):1797–
medial meniscus anterior root attachment, MTE medial 1803.
tibial eminence, PCL posterior cruciate ligament. 1. Aman
134 B. Maheshwer et al.

Fig. 11.4 Superior axial view of the pertinent anatomical ZS, DePhillipo NN, Storaci HW, et al. Quantitative and
landmarks used to identify the lateral meniscus posterior Qualitative Assessment of Posterolateral Meniscal
root (LPRA) attachment site. ACL anterior cruciate liga- Anatomy: Defining the Popliteal Hiatus, Popliteomeniscal
ment, LARA lateral meniscus anterior root attachment, Fascicles, and the Lateral Meniscotibial Ligament. The
MARA medial meniscus anterior root attachment, MPRA American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019;47(8):1797–
medial meniscus posterior root attachment, MTE medial 1803.
tibial eminence, PCL posterior cruciate ligament. 1. Aman

margin of the PCL (8.2 mm posterolateral in points of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
relation to the MPRA). and lateral tibial eminence were found to be
The osseous landmark consistently used to 5.0 mm posteromedial and 14.4 mm posterolat-
identify the LPRA was the lateral tibial eminence eral to the central LARA site. It is important for
(LTE) (Fig. 11.4). When split into its directional surgeons to understand and recognize the ana-
components based on the anatomical axes of the tomical location of the meniscal root attachments
knee, the LPRA was 4.2 mm medial and 1.5 mm because previous literature has demonstrated the
posterior to the LTE. Other reliable anatomical risk of iatrogenic root tears due to malposition of
landmarks for identifying the center of the LPRA tibial tunnels during ACL [21–23] and PCL [24]
include the nearest articular cartilage margin of reconstruction.
the lateral tibial plateau (4.3 mm lateral in rela-
tion to the LPRA) and the most proximal margin
of PCL tibial attachment (12.7 mm posterome- 11.3 Embryology
dial in relation to the LPRA).
Similarly, LaPrade et al. [20] described the Early during fetal development, normal menisci
location of the medial meniscus anterior root differentiate within the limb bud from mesenchy-
attachment (MARA) and lateral meniscus ante- mal tissue [25]. Normal menisci are defined dur-
rior root attachment (LARA) relative to anatomi- ing the eighth week of gestation and mature into
cal and arthroscopic landmarks. The tibial their anatomic shape by week 14 [26]. As menisci
tuberosity and medial tibial eminence were found mature, their peripheral blood supply recedes and
to be 27.0 mm lateral and distal and 27.5 mm the central third of the meniscus is avascular by
posterior to the central MARA site. The central 9 months of life. Clark and Ogden examined
11 Role of the Meniscus in Cartilage Injury: Basic Science 135

medial and lateral menisci from 109 fetuses rang- in the absence of trauma. These snaps often occur
ing from 14 to 34 weeks’ gestation and menisci spontaneously as the knee moves from flexion
from cadavers whose postnatal ages ranged from into extension, causing temporary pain and appre-
3 months to 14 years old. They observed changes hension [32]. The snapping is usually asymptom-
in the menisci that accommodated changes in the atic in young children (ages 3–4 years old), versus
tibiofemoral contact areas. Additionally, the lat- in older children who may experience pain with
eral meniscus tended to have more developmen- activity. A lateral joint-line bulge may be present
tal variation. Throughout meniscal growth, the on physical exam, and a large “clunk” may be
ratios of the area of each meniscus to the area of elicited with a McMurray’s test due to sublux-
the corresponding tibial plateau and area of ation of the unstable lateral meniscus [32]. It is
medial meniscus to lateral meniscus were fairly important to examine both knees equally in
consistent, implying that there is relatively uni- patients suspected to have a discoid meniscus, as
form growth of the menisci. it can occasionally it can sometimes present
In contrast, stable discoid menisci have more
11.3.1 Congenital Malformations variable presentations and often present in older
of the Meniscus children who have mechanical knee symptoms
suggestive of a meniscal tear [32]. Stable discoid
Congenital malformations of the meniscus are menisci are more susceptible to tearing because
rare; however, one of the most studied disorders of their increased thickness and abnormal vascu-
includes congenital discoid meniscus. There are larity [26].
many patients who have congenital discoid There have been many classification systems
menisci and are asymptomatic; however, the described for a discoid meniscus [31, 34, 35], but
reported incidence of discoid meniscus ranges the most commonly used classification method
from 0.4% to 17% for the lateral meniscus and was described by Watanabe and colleagues [36].
0.1% to 0.3% for the medial meniscus [27–30]. Three major meniscal abnormalities were
Discoid lateral menisci are most common in the described based on the arthroscopic appearance.
Japanese population with an approximately 15% Type I discoid meniscus is a complete disc-­
prevalence [31]. However, the true incidence and shaped meniscus and the tibial plateau is covered
prevalence of discoid menisci are likely not with a thin center. Type II is an incomplete, semi-
known due to the many asymptomatic cases that lunar shaped meniscus with partial coverage of
are only diagnosed intraoperatively [32]. the tibial plateau. Type I and type II discoid
Regarding etiology, it has been supported by case menisci generally have normal peripheral attach-
reports that the discoid meniscus is an anatomical ments and are stable to probing [32]. Type III is
variant and suggests that increased shear stress described as a hypermobile meniscus due to defi-
causes meniscocapsular separation and second- cient posterior tibial attachments, consequently
ary hypermobility [25]. producing the common “snapping knee” syn-
The clinical presentation of discoid meniscus drome. It appears to be a normal meniscus except
varies depending on the type of discoid meniscus, for a thickened posterior horn and a lack of pos-
location, and presence of associated meniscal tear terior meniscocapsular attachments (including
[25, 32, 33]. If a discoid meniscus is stable, it can the meniscotibial ligament) [32].
be asymptomatic and only found incidentally. The
most common tear pattern associated with discoid
meniscus is a degenerative horizontal cleavage 11.4 Microstructure
tear [32, 33]. An unstable discoid meniscus pro-
duces the characteristic “snapping knee.” This is The meniscus is composed of roughly 70% water
defined as an audible snap on terminal extension and 30% organic matter [37]. The water con-
along with pain, swelling, and locking of the knee tained in the meniscal tissue is greater in the pos-
136 B. Maheshwer et al.

terior areas compared to the central and anterior menisci is aggrecan, which is responsible for the
portions of the meniscus [38]. The organic matter meniscus’ viscoelastic compressive properties
is comprised of 75% collagen, while the remain- [44]. Other smaller proteoglycans include fibro-
der consists of non-collagenous proteins [39, 40]. modulin, biglycan, and decorin [45, 46]. The pre-
Overall, type I collagen fibers provide the pri- cise function of these smaller proteoglycans
mary structural framework of the meniscus. within the meniscus is not clear.
Three collagen fiber layers are arranged specifi- The meniscal cartilage contains a wide range
cally in a superficial to deep manner to convert of matrix glycoproteins. The functions of these
compressive loads into circumferential stresses molecules are still being investigated. A sub-
[37]. In the superficial layer, collagen fibers group of the matrix glycoproteins are the adhe-
course radially in order to resist shearing forces. sive glycoproteins. These molecules are in part
In the middle layer, collagen fibers run parallel to responsible for binding with other matrix mole-
the contour of the meniscus to resist circumferen- cules [44].
tial stress during weight bearing. The deep layer
of collagen is aligned in parallel to the periphery
of the meniscus [37]. 11.4.2 Response to Injury

The meniscal vascular response to injury has

11.4.1 Histology been extensively studied in various animal mod-
els. Arnoczky et al. analyzed the normal vascular
Histologically, the meniscus has been studied in anatomy of menisci in a canine model [47]. Two
great detail. Chevrier et al. analyzed the meniscus weeks following complete transverse sectioning
structure in humans, sheep, and rabbit [41]. In the of the medial meniscus, the small gap formed
human meniscus, blood vessels were only found between the anterior and posterior meniscal seg-
in the outer portion of the meniscal body. The ments was filled with an organized fibrin clot.
distribution of various types of collagen was also Vessels from the perimeniscal capillary plexus
evaluated. Collagen I was present throughout the proliferated through the fibrin scaffold, and pro-
matrix of most human menisci, and collagen II liferation of mesenchymal cells was also observed
was detected in the inner main body of menisci. [47]. Such proliferation continued until 6 weeks
Collagen VI was found throughout the meniscus post-transection, at which time the gap between
as well as the adipose-rich tissue in the periphery the meniscal segments was entirely filled by
of the meniscus. On a cellular level, the meniscus fibrovascular scar tissue. A vascular pannus was
includes fibrochondrocytes distributed through also visualized over the fibrovascular scar,
the extracellular matrix [37]. Fibrochondrocytes appearing to be a proliferation of the synovium
create and maintain the extracellular matrix, thus adjacent to the lesion. Vessels from the synovial
exhibiting properties of both chondrocytes and proliferation extended over both the tibial and
fibroblasts [42]. femoral articular surfaces and penetrated the scar
Proteoglycans are another component of the to anastomose with vessels from the perimeniscal
meniscus microstructure located within the col- capillary plexus. By 10 weeks post-resection, the
lagen fibrils. Proteoglycans are large hydrophilic scar remodeled to depict a normal meniscal con-
molecules contributing 1–2% of the dry weight tour. The vascular proliferation from adjacent
of the meniscus [43]. Within the extracellular soft tissues within the knee joint seems vital to
matrix, proteoglycans are responsible for hydra- the reparative response of the meniscus [47].
tion and provide the tissue with the ability to Arnoczky et al. also evaluated the healing of a
resist compressive loads [44]. This is largely longitudinal meniscal lesion by creating a vascu-
attributed to proteoglycans’ specialized structure, lar access channel [47]. Two weeks after creating
charge-charge repulsion forces, and high charge a vascular access channel to connect the longitu-
density. The major proteoglycan found in human dinal incision (located within the avascular
11 Role of the Meniscus in Cartilage Injury: Basic Science 137

portion of the meniscus) to the vascular meniscal accordance with the results of the study per-
tissues, a fibrin clot formed and extended formed by Huang et al. [50]. They used a rabbit
throughout a majority of the incision. Similarly model to study the healing potential and histo-
seen in the transverse lesion, the perimeniscal logic characteristics of injured menisci and found
capillary vessels proliferated into the clot and that immobilization in flexion did not affect the
synovial fringe extended over the vascular access rate of healing, but instead resulted in degenera-
channel. By 4 weeks, the fibrovascular scar tissue tive changes in the menisci compared to controls.
was seen proliferating within the longitudinal In another study performed by Ochi et al., they
lesion. The synovial fringe remained limited to found that degenerative changes in the deep
the area over the vascular access channel. The zones of normal rabbit menisci after 6–8 weeks
importance of a vascular access channel was of immobilization did not reverse after 4 weeks
emphasized after no healing was observed in of joint remobilization [51]. Dowdy et al. exam-
those menisci with a longitudinal incision and no ined the effect of cast immobilization on repaired
vascular access channel. meniscal lesions in canine menisci and found a
decrease in collagen formation after 10 weeks of
immobilization compared to non-immobilized
11.4.3 Stages of Healing controls [52]. The cumulative results from these
studies emphasize the importance of joint mobili-
Meniscal healing is thought to be dependent on zation and adequate blood flow in order to pro-
an adequate blood supply [48]. The biological mote long-term healing of the meniscus.
limitations of meniscal healing were discovered
in 1936 [49]. In this study examining canine
menisci, King demonstrated that meniscal lesions 11.5 Biomechanical Properties
could heal spontaneously as long as the lesion
communicated with peripheral synovial blood The menisci are complex structures that must
supply. He also found that isolated lesions within respond to a wide variety of physiologic loads
the avascular portion of the meniscus failed to and stresses, including compression, shear, and
heal. The potential roles for blood flow in the tension. The regional and layered variability in
meniscal healing process include the delivery of the biochemical composition of the menisci dis-
nutrients and oxygen, the infiltration of the cussed previously is reflective of the variety of
affected site with cells pertinent to tissue repair loads and stresses observed by the menisci [53].
(neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes), Similar to other soft tissues, the biomechani-
and the formation of blood clots and release of cal properties of the meniscus can be described in
tissue remodeling mediators [48]. terms of quantifiable tissue characteristics includ-
Bray et al. performed a study on adult rabbits ing viscoelasticity, creep and stress relaxation,
to investigate the effects of immobilization on the permeability, shear stiffness, and ultimate tensile
vascular response of the meniscus to injury [48]. strength. Overall, viscoelasticity refers to materi-
They found that the healing response of the als that exhibit both viscous and elastic properties
meniscus may be affected by the location of the when deformed. The viscous properties are due
injury, lower perfusion, lower vascular index, and to the fluid phase (water, interstitial electrolytes),
immobilization. Specifically, knee immobiliza- while the elastic properties are attributable to the
tion inhibited the normal increase in blood flow meniscal matrix composed largely of collagen
seen in response to meniscal injury. This correla- and proteoglycans with some other minor non-­
tion could help explain the association between collagen proteins [54]. These properties are
immobilization and reduced healing. In addition, observed in a time-dependent manner over the
meniscal healing may be affected by decreased course of load application. The meniscal tissue
synovial fluid production and decreased tissue initially behaves elastically in its resistance to an
nutrition [48]. The findings by Bray et al. are in applied load; however, with continued applica-
138 B. Maheshwer et al.

tion of load, the porous-permeable nature of the reported no differences in hoop strains in all
tissue results in fluid flow through the matrix of tested flexion angles with 50% partial medial
the menisci during the viscous phase [38, 55, 56]. meniscectomy [67]. However, with sufficient
The duration and characteristics of the viscous injury and in the absence of hoop stresses, addi-
phase are largely dependent on the permeability tional radial extrusion of the menisci is observed
of the meniscus, which determines how easily [68, 69]. Meniscal root tears are a common clini-
fluid flows through the meniscal matrix. With cal scenario in which this is demonstrated [70].
slow-controlled flow, the compressive forces are With disrupted hoop stresses, the meniscus
accommodated and distributed, without exces- extrudes to a point that equates to a functionally
sive deformation, displacement, or loss of shape meniscectomized state [9, 14, 66]. Extrusion, in
of the meniscus [57–61]. In comparison to articu- turn, reduces the force-distributing capabilities of
lar cartilage, the meniscus has a lower fluid per- the meniscus, resulting in altered tibiofemoral
meability resulting in a slower rate of fluid flow, contact profiles including increased mean and
and preservation of the meniscal shape during peak pressures and decreased contact areas [14].
loading [38, 57, 62]. The other primary forces that are observed
Due to the viscoelastic properties, the menisci include shear and tension. Shear forces refer to
demonstrate both creep and stress relaxation with instances in which the applied force is parallel to
loading [57]. Creep refers to continued deforma- the cross-sectional area of the meniscus. The
tion, such as elongation, with the continued meniscus has a relatively low shear stiffness
application of a given load, while stress relax- compared to other tissues of the knee, such as
ation refers to the observed reduction in force or bone and cartilage. This means that the meniscus
tension over time when a tissue is held at a fixed is deformed more easily in response to these
displacement or compression [55, 57]. In the forces, allowing the meniscus to adapt and main-
context of the meniscus, creep is observed during tain congruency with the femur throughout a
the application of a compressive force. When the range of motion and loading profiles [55].
force is initially applied, the meniscus resists Tension refers to stretching forces exerted on the
deformation elastically; however, with continued meniscus which elongates the relatively relaxed
application of the force, additional displacement collagen fibers; however, the capacity of the
is observed. In contrast, stress relaxation is meniscus to resist tensile forces (e.g., ultimate
observed when the meniscus is compressed or failure load and stiffness) exhibits regional vari-
stretched and held at a fixed displacement, and ability within the meniscus.
over time the observed compressive force or ten-
sion decreases as the tissue relaxes with contin-
ued displacement being observed through the 11.5.1 Motion and Stability
viscous or fluid phase.
In addition, there are other changes that are In vivo, the meniscus serves multiple functions;
observed in response to axial loading of the however, biomechanically these roles can be
meniscus including redistribution of the applied broadly categorized into load distribution and
axial load through meniscal “hoop stresses.” [9, joint stability [71, 72]. The summation of the bio-
63–66] As the name would suggest, these are cir- mechanical properties outlined in the previous
cumferential tension forces that are observed in section allows the menisci to distribute loads and
line with the circumferential fibers of the menis- decrease peak and mean contact pressures. In
cus. These forces are dependent on the integrity addition, the menisci have stabilizing roles, func-
of the “hoop,” and therefore disruption of the tioning as secondary stabilizers primarily to
continuity of these fibers, such as in cases of anterior-­posterior translation. Yet, the menisci
radial tears or tears of the meniscal roots, results must also be sufficiently mobile to be able to
in the loss of these hoop stresses. In the context adapt and serve these functions throughout a
of posteromedial meniscectomy, Seitz et al. range of motion.
11 Role of the Meniscus in Cartilage Injury: Basic Science 139

Historically, the load-distributing capacity of cectomy (46%), investigators have demonstrated

the meniscus has been demonstrated based on significant differences in anterior-posterior sta-
clinical observations, primarily through the pro- bility [80]. In the setting of ACL deficiency this is
gressive narrowing of joint space following accentuated, in which the medial meniscus, par-
­meniscectomy [64]. These load-distributing roles ticularly the posterior horn, becomes the primary
have subsequently been quantified in the lab via anterior stabilizer [81–84]. This lends credence
pressure mapping studies that demonstrate the to the notion that the ACL serves as a protector of
function of the intact menisci, the consequence of the meniscus. Overburdened with the role of
various injuries and meniscectomies, and the resisting anterior translation in the setting of ACL
ability of repair to restore meniscal function and tears, the menisci may be more susceptible to
contact pressure profiles [72–75]. Compared to injury and tears [83]. Similarly, in the context of
the intact state, Ahmed et al. demonstrated a ACL injuries, multiple biomechanical studies
50–70% decrease in contact area following indicate that the integrity of the posterolateral
medial meniscectomy, resulting in increased meniscal root may play a role in anterior-­posterior
peak contact pressures [73]. Lee et al. investi- in addition to internal rotation stability [85, 86].
gated the impact of serial posteromedial menis- However, in addition to restricting translation
cectomies of increasing size, demonstrating as a secondary stabilizer, the medial and lateral
decreasing contact areas, and increasing mean menisci must also be highly mobile, and move
contact stresses with increasing meniscectomy reciprocally with respect to each other, to main-
percentage [76]. Other investigations looking at tain the congruency of the articulation and func-
smaller percentages of resection, including the tion throughout a range of motion. In this regard,
study by Seitz et al., have suggested that a 20% the lateral meniscus is much more mobile, with a
partial posteromedial meniscectomy can be per- magnitude of translation that is two times or
formed without compromising contact profiles more than that of the medial meniscus [87–90].
[67]. The same authors suggested that 50% men- The viscoelastic properties of the meniscus also
iscectomy may not significantly impact contact allow for motion of the horns of the menisci with
pressures and areas in and near full extension (0 respect to each other. For example, in extension,
and 30°). In the context of medial meniscus root a greater anterior-posterior dimension of the con-
tears, Padalecki et al. demonstrated 36–37% dyles forces the horns of the menisci apart. In
decrease in contact areas and 59–78% increase in contrast, in deeper flexion, a smaller area of the
mean contact pressure for medial root avulsion posterior condyles is in contact with the tibia, and
and varying medial root tear locations. Following therefore the horns of the menisci are closer
transtibial pullout repair, contact areas and pres- together [90].
sures were restored to the intact states [77]. Although the menisci are paired structures,
Additional investigations have also demonstrated there are important biomechanical differences
the consequences of nonanatomic repair. LaPrade between the medial and lateral tibiofemoral joints
et al. reported that a nonanatomic transtibial root and menisci that have clinical implications.
repair resulted in a 44% decrease in contact area Foremost, the geometric differences of the medial
and a 67% increase in contact pressure compared and lateral plateaus have implications for the
to the intact state, demonstrating the importance roles of the meniscus. The medial plateau is more
of restoring the native meniscal anatomy [78]. concave, theoretically resulting in greater bony
The menisci also have a secondary role in sta- stability and congruity. In contrast the lateral pla-
bilization. The medial meniscus is a significant teau is more convex, and as a consequence may
secondary restraint to anterior translation, which have greater reliance on the lateral meniscus to
is primarily accomplished by the more stable maintain joint congruity throughout a range of
posterior horns of the menisci [57, 71, 79–82]. motion. Clinically, patients with lateral meniscal
This is most apparent in ACL-deficient knees; injury and deficiency do worse than those with
however, with a sufficient percentage of menis- medial deficiency [5, 91]. The lateral meniscus,
140 B. Maheshwer et al.

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144 F. S. Shivji and T. Spalding


posterior horn
posterior horn meniscus

pars root pars
intermedia 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 intermedia
(mid body) (mid body)
root anteromedial

anterior horn anterior horn

Fig. 12.1 Proposed classification for meniscal tear location. (Reproduced with permission from Kopf et al. 2020 [8])

cularized area 0–3 mm from the rim), red- they are associated with parameniscal cyst for-
white (intermediate area 3–5 mm from the mation. Traditionally, these tears were treated
rim), and white-white (inner avascular area with resection of the inferior leaflet. However,
5–7 mm from the rim) was used to explain the cadaveric studies of the effects of this in both
likelihood of tears healing [9]. However, the medial and lateral meniscal tears have shown
blood supply of the menisci has subsequently reduced contact area post-resection of the infe-
been found to change throughout life and is rior leaflet [12, 13]. A systematic review of 98
difficult to assess intraoperatively, hence the repaired tears showed a healing rate of 77.8%
change in proposed description to Zones 0–3 [14]. Therefore, in non-degenerative horizontal
[8, 10]. Tears in Zones 1 and 2 have good tears, repair may be preferable to resection, albeit
reported healing rates of 64–91% with tears in with limited evidence.
Zone 1 (87–91%) much better than Zone 2 Radial tears are vertically orientated but pass
(59–79%) [8]. Intraoperatively, this equates to in the direction across the Zones 0–3, defunction-
4 mm or less from the rim to demarcate the ing the meniscus if the tear extends through all
extent of repairable tears. The anteroposterior zones. In such tears, repair should be attempted
location of the tear does not influence repair- to heal the disrupted circumferential fibers. In
ability. There is also no difference in failure tears which have an intact peripheral rim, a par-
rates of medial versus lateral repairs. tial resection of the unstable inner edges can be
performed. Tear Orientation
As shown in Fig. 12.2, tears can be vertical, hori- Tear Length
zontal, radial, or a combination. Vertical tears can The evidence of the relationship between tear
be simple peripheral tears with minimal displace- length and repairability is unclear. There is evi-
ment or larger bucket handle types, and both dis- dence that leaving lateral tears that are less than
rupt the radial fibers. The orientation of these 10 mm long does not lead to subsequent reopera-
tears makes them amenable to repair with excel- tions suggesting that these can be left untreated.
lent results [11]. However, this has not been replicated for medial
Horizontal tears occur within the meniscus tears [16]. Due to conflicting evidence, it is sug-
parallel to the joint surface. They do not disrupt gested that if a tear is otherwise amenable to
the radial or circumferential fibers and hence repair, it seems sensible to proceed with repair no
leave contact pressures unchanged. However, matter what the length.
12 Concomitant Meniscus Repair for Cartilage Treatment 145

Vertical Tears
a Peripheral tear d Menisco-Capsular Tear g Oblique Tear
(Ramp Lesion) “Parrot Beak”

b Bucket Handle Tear e Radial Tear h Horizontal Tear

* Displacement

c Flap Tear f Root Tear i Complex Tear

* Possible extrusion

Fig. 12.2 Descriptive classification of meniscal tears MM); (e) vertical radial tear (body of LM); (f) meniscal
based on tear orientation and meniscal fiber disruption root tear (posterior root of MM); (g) vertical oblique “par-
shown on a superior view of a right knee. Anterior cruci- rot beak” tear (body of LM); (h) horizontal tear (posterior
ate ligament insertion shown in red. Posterior cruciate horn MM), with the horizontal component shown on the
ligament insertion shown in blue. MM medial meniscus inset sagittal image; (i) complex tear (posterior horn of
(left), LM lateral meniscus (right). Tear types: (a) vertical MM) with the vertical flap component shown on the supe-
longitudinal peripheral tear (posterior horn of MM); (b) rior view and the horizontal and flap components shown
vertical longitudinal displaced “bucket handle” tear (of on the inset sagittal view [15]. (Reproduced with permis-
MM); (c) vertical longitudinal flap tear (posterior horn of sion from Lawton et al. 2019)
MM); (d) vertical longitudinal menisco-capsular tear (of Age of Tear at a mean 27 months post-injury showed that 21

There is no evidence to suggest that the time patients healed post-repair [18]. A further study
between trauma and repair influences healing. A of 24 patients with bucket handle medial menis-
study of 238 meniscal repairs found no difference cal tears treated at a mean 10 months post-injury
between those treated within 2 weeks, showed that 20 healed [19]. However, with
2–12 weeks, and over 12 weeks of injury [17]. A increasing time larger tears may undergo defor-
different study of 25 patients undergoing surgery mation making repair more challenging.
146 F. S. Shivji and T. Spalding

12.2.2 Patient Factors Meniscal repair in the presence of OA should be

avoided. Other factors to consider include the Age, BMI, Sex following:
The age of the patient does not affect the healing
potential of tears. Two studies comparing out- 1. Vascularity: Cooper Zones 0–1 are ideal with
comes in those over and under 40 years found no Zone 3 having a low chance of healing. Zone
difference in failure rates [20, 21]. A systematic 2 tear can be repaired if other factors are in
review of 1141 menisci treated in 1063 patients favor.
showed that there was no difference in failure 2. Pattern and location: Partial-thickness,
rates in patients at age thresholds of above and oblique, parrot-beak, and complex tears are
below 25, 30, 35, and 40 years [22]. However, often not amenable to repair. Vertical tears and
with increasing age the likelihood of preexisting radial tears affecting the peripheral rim should
meniscal degeneration rises; hence this may be repaired. Horizontal tears are usually
have an adverse effect on healing. Any signs of degenerate but can be repaired as stated above.
macroscopic degeneration should be sought 3. Tear length and age: No evidence to prohibit
intraoperatively. repair.
The BMI of the patient does not seem to 4. Patient: Age, sex, and BMI do not appear to
influence failure rates of meniscal repair [23]. affect the outcome.
However, a high BMI is associated with menis-
cal degeneration which may influence out-
comes. Women have been found to have a 12.3 Which Repair Technique
significantly lower failure rate in a systematic to Use When
review of bucket handle meniscal repairs but
this has not been replicated across all meniscal 12.3.1 Radial Tears
repairs [24, 25].
Radial tears that do not extend into the peripheral
zone can be resected. However, those that do
12.2.3 Indications for Repair extend should be repaired using a “tie-grip” or
“rip-stop” technique (Fig. 12.3). This method
Patients should be considered for meniscal repair involves using two inside-out sutures placed
if they have had a traumatic event leading to either side of the tear in a vertical mattress orien-
mechanical symptoms (e.g., locked, locking, tation to anchor the meniscus to the capsule. 3–4
catching), if they have pain associated with the horizontal mattress sutures are then placed from
location of the meniscal tear, or if they are ame- one side to another over the top of the vertical
nable to repair during a cartilage procedure. sutures. The vertical sutures prevent the horizon-

a b c

Fig. 12.3 The “tie-grip” suture technique. (a). Vertical the virital loops. (c). final configuration of sutures, tied
sutures inserted to stop subsequent sutures pulling through over the periperal capsuse. (Reproduced with permission
meniscus. (b). Horizontal sutures inserted over the top of from Tsuji et al. 2018 [30])
12 Concomitant Meniscus Repair for Cartilage Treatment 147

a b

Superior vertical Inferior vertical

divergent suture divergent suture

Longitudinal tear Longitudinal tear

Fig. 12.4 Double-stacked vertical suture pattern used in (Reproduced with permission from Noyes’ Knee
the repair of longitudinal meniscus tears. (a) The superior Disorders: Surgery, Rehabilitation, Clinical Outcomes,
sutures are placed first to close the superior gap and to Noyes FR, Barber-Westin SD, Meniscus tears: diagnosis,
reduce the meniscus to its bed. (b) Then, the inferior repair techniques, clinical outcomes, p692, Copyright
suture is placed through the tear to close the inferior gap. Elsevier, 2016)

tal sutures cutting out due to sliding along the 12.3.3 Horizontal Tears
circumferential meniscal fibers, and are known as
“rip-stop” sutures [26, 27]. For horizontal tears in younger (<50 years)
patients without preexisting arthritis, repair can
be performed. All-inside sutures can be placed
12.3.2 V
 ertical and Bucket Handle along the length of the tear at 5 mm intervals. The
Tears sutures should start at the meniscocapsular junc-
tion above the superior leaflet and finish verti-
For long vertical tears that extend from posterior cally below the inferior leaflet again at the
to anterior, the authors prefer to use a hybrid meniscocapsular junction. These sutures provide
technique of inside-out and all-inside sutures. uniform circumferential compression on both
Inside-out sutures may be used in the lateral leaflets [31] (Fig. 12.5).
meniscus to repair any section of the tear that
lies in front of the popliteal hiatus. The posterior
horn can then be repaired using all-inside sutures 12.4 Partial Meniscus Restoration
[28]. Similarly, the mid-body and anterior horn
of the medial meniscus can be fixed using inside- In those patients where repair is impossible and
out sutures, and the posterior horn using all- resection is carried out, options exist to replace
inside sutures. Anterior horn tears can also be the segmental loss. Where the bulk of the menis-
repaired using outside-in sutures [29]. This com- cus is removed or is defunctioned following an
bination reduces the expense by using fewer all- irreparable full radial tear, then meniscal allograft
inside devices and also prevents the need for transplantation is indicated. This is not covered in
exposure of the posterior capsule and the protec- this chapter.
tion of neurovascular structures by not using Options for segmental reconstruction include
inside-out sutures posteriorly. As shown in the Collagen Meniscus Implant (CMI, Stryker,
Fig. 12.4, a combination of superior and under- USA) made from a bovine type 1 collagen matrix
surface sutures is required to close the gap, fully and Actifit (Orteq, London, UK) which is poly-
opposing the tear.
148 F. S. Shivji and T. Spalding

and an absence of OA (ICRS <4) or untreated

cartilage lesions. Although PMR has been used
in the acute setting for irreparable meniscal
tears, a RCT showed no difference in outcomes
when used acutely, but a significant difference
when used in the chronic setting [32].
Prerequisites for PMR use are intact meniscal
roots and meniscal rim with neutral limb align-
ment and a stable joint.
Both types of scaffold have shown improve-
ment in pain and function when used in either the
medial or the lateral meniscus, albeit in limited
patient numbers. Patients generally improve over
the course of 12 months with a typical improve-
ment of 30 points on Lysholm and 3.5 points on
VAS scores [35]. Seventeen male patients who
Fig. 12.5 Arthroscopic image viewing from the antero-
had a CMI had a reduction in pain and improve-
medial portal with the probe inserted from the anterolat-
eral portal showing repair of a horizontal cleavage ment in IKDC scores when compared to 16
meniscus tear in a left knee using circumferential com- patients who had partial medial meniscectomy
pression stitches. (Reproduced with permission from with follow-up of at least 10 years [36]. A further
Woodmass et al. 2017)
22 patients with a minimum follow-up of 10 years
showed a mean Lysholm score of 87.5 compared
urethane based. The CMI is intended to be a with 59.9 preoperatively [37]. These results have
resorbable scaffold (12–18 months) consisting of been replicated in case series elsewhere [38, 39].
collagen fibers enriched with glycosaminogly- At 2-year follow-up, 54 patients with post-­
cans in which native meniscal tissue grows, as meniscectomy syndrome treated with Actifit
opposed to a prosthesis, although the evidence implants in the lateral meniscus showed a signifi-
for this is limited. Recent histology has shown a cant improvement in pain, IKDC, and KOOS
more fibrous tissue and fibroblast-like cells, scores [40]. Similar results have been reported
although a previous study did show the presence both in the lateral and medial meniscus [41, 42].
of some meniscus-like tissue [32, 33]. Actifit has A systematic review comparing CMI (311
a synthetic porous scaffold which degrades over patients) and Actifit (347 patients) at a mean
the course of 4–6 years and is intended to act as a 45-month follow-up showed a failure rate of
scaffold for growth. Histological analysis of 9.9% in the Actifit cohort and 6.7% in the CMI
Actifit has shown a paucity of fibrochondrocytes cohort suggesting that both have similar out-
when compared to normal meniscal tissue and comes in terms of failure [43]. A meta-analysis of
cartilage-like appearances consisting of chondro- 613 patients (444 CMI, 169 Actifit) stated that
blasts [33, 34]. both groups had an improvement in mean
To use either implant, the area of previous Lysholm, IKDC, VAS, and Tegner scores with an
resection is prepared to achieve a stable 2–3 mm overall complication rate of 12.6%. Complications
vascular rim and sharp 90° defect edges. The included pain, infection, non-integration or tear
implant is cut to a size slightly larger than the of the scaffold, and suture problems [44].
defect and inserted into the gap. It is sutured in In summary, PMR certainly has a role in the
place using all-inside, inside-out, or a hybrid select group of patients with persistent pain post-­
technique. partial meniscectomy. Long-term outcomes and
The indication for partial meniscus restora- poor prognostic factors are unknown, but in the
tion (PMR) is a patient with pain in a knee com- short term improvements in pain and function
partment with a previous partial meniscectomy can be expected. In addition, the cost and avail-
12 Concomitant Meniscus Repair for Cartilage Treatment 149

ability of such implants make them an attractive treated with trephination and abrasion and 289
option. left in situ during ACL reconstruction, with no
difference in clinical outcomes [52]. The conclu-
sion regarding trephination and abrasion is that
12.5 Biologic Augmentation although the evidence is limited, there appears to
be minimal disadvantage to attempting either
The use of natural substances to improve the technique.
healing rate of meniscal tears is a growing field of
interest. Several methods have been described
and the techniques and evidence of each are 12.5.2 M
 arrow Stimulation and Stem
broadly outlined below. Cells

Bone marrow stimulation is generally performed

12.5.1 Synovial Abrasion/ by using a microfracture awl to penetrate the cor-
Trephination tex in the notch at the time of meniscal repair or
at tunnel creation during cruciate ligament recon-
Synovial abrasion involves roughening the struction. The aim is to release mesenchymal
synovium adjacent to the tear as well as the tear stem cells which can differentiate into a variety
itself, commonly using a diamond rasp, to stimu- of cells, including chondrocytes, and attract other
late a healing response. It has been proposed that proteins responsible for healing. In addition to
this upregulates chondrocytes to produce cyto- stem cells, there are also reports of increased
kine and growth factors which attract vascular- platelet-derived and vascular endothelial growth
ized synovial tissue to the area to increase healing factors in knee joint fluid after ACL reconstruc-
[45]. This process has been showed to occur in tion which could improve meniscal healing [53,
rabbit models [46, 47]. Trephination is performed 54]. Alternative ways to harvest stem cells
using either a 19G needle to pierce through the include bone marrow aspiration or processing of
skin, synovium, and meniscal rim or a spinal nee- adipose tissue (to create a stromal vascular frac-
dle from inside through the meniscus and tion). All techniques produce unpredictable
synovium. This aims to create vascular channels amounts of stem cells but adipose tissue appears
from the synovium to the avascular meniscus to produce more than bone marrow aspirate
with evidence of this occurring in canines [48]. (4737 cells/mL of tissue to 1,550,000 cells/mL of
The clinical evidence for synovial abrasion and tissue versus 1–30 to 317,400 cells/mL, respec-
trephination is limited [45, 49]. In 47 patients tively) [55].
undergoing rasping without suture repair with a There are few studies regarding the use of any
second-look arthroscopy to review healing at a stem cell technique and meniscal repair in clini-
mean 21-month follow-up, 71% had complete cal practice, but animal studies suggest a poten-
healing and 21% incomplete healing. However, tial benefit. Marrow stimulation via drilling of
67% of these patients had concomitant ACL the notch in rabbits showed a nonsignificant
reconstruction and tears varied in orientation, increase in meniscal healing [56]. A study of
location, and thickness [50]. A case-control study meniscal repair in goats comparing repair with
of 191 patients with peripheral, vertical, non-­ and without microfracture showed that 65% of
displaceable (into the notch) medial meniscal meniscal tears performed with microfracture
tears treated with trephination alone at the time of were completely healed, compared to 12% of
ACL reconstruction had no functional difference menisci without microfracture [57]. A further
with the control group who had no tears found study sutured adipose-derived stem cells into
during ACL surgery, suggesting that trephination meniscal tears in rabbits which increased the
may be all that is required in some patients [51]. odds of healing [58]. Injection of synovial stem
In a series of 332 lateral meniscal tears, 43 were cells in rabbits also led to increased healing of a
150 F. S. Shivji and T. Spalding

meniscal defect when compared with a control 4. Place meniscal repair inside-out sutures in the
group [59]. meniscus, but do not tighten.
The majority of recent literature has concen- 5. Shape and cut the clot to size and introduce
trated on the use of scaffolds seeded with stem into the joint using a grasper. An arthroscopic
cells and growth factors to deliver enhanced heal- portal cannula device, or sutures on the clot,
ing at the site of the tear. The use of a stromal may aid introduction.
vascular fraction seeded hydrogel to augment the 6. Position the clot under or in the meniscal tear
repair of a radial tear in goats led to increased and tighten sutures.
healing and less osteochondral degeneration 7. Once stable, additional sutures can be added
when compared to those treated with suturing as necessary.
alone [60]. Bone marrow aspirate seeded into a
collagen scaffold has been tested for safety in five Clinical evaluation of fibrin clots is limited to
humans with further trials ongoing [61]. A study case series. 18 of 24 degenerative medial menis-
reporting on a 3D printed scaffold seeded with cal tears treated with autologous fibrin clot had
stem cells and implanted in rabbits with total clinical healing at a mean follow-up of
meniscectomies found growth of fibrochondro- 39.3 months [64]. Forty-one heterogenous tears
cytes and collagen and reduced cartilage degen- treated using a fibrin clot were reviewed at a
eration compared to the control group [62]. second-­look arthroscopy at mean 8.3 months
Similar results were found in a nanofibrous scaf- post-surgery with 39 found to have healed [65]. It
fold seeded with stem cells used to repair 5 mm appears that the use of a fibrin clot may aid heal-
radial defects in rabbits. These scaffolds pre- ing and due to the minimal cost and morbidity of
vented meniscal extrusion and provided chondro- the procedure it is a useful option. However, it is
protection when compared to the scaffold alone technically challenging.
or no treatment [63].
In summary, although evidence is limited,
bone marrow stimulation may aid healing with- 12.5.4 Platelet-Rich Plasma
out significant morbidity. Clinical trials regard-
ing stem cell-seeded scaffolds are awaited. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is simple to access for
There does not appear to be sufficient evidence most clinicians. It is produced using autologous
currently for intra-articular injection of stem blood taken from the periphery which is then
cells, especially when cost and morbidity are centrifuged to separate the PRP from whole
considered. blood. The potential benefit of PRP is the local
delivery of growth factors and cytokines to the
meniscal tear. However, the exact constituents in
12.5.3 Fibrin Clot each PRP preparation differ due to different sepa-
ration techniques and patients. Broadly speaking,
Fibrin/blood clots interposed in the repaired PRP preparations can be leukocyte rich or poor,
meniscal tear provide growth and healing factors contain activated or inactivated platelets, and
at the site. The technique is as follows (P. Myers, have a higher or lower concentration of platelets.
personal communication): It is still unknown which preparation works best
in each situation [66].
1. Withdraw 60 mL blood from peripheral vene- In a retrospective study of 15 isolated meniscal
puncture, and empty into kidney dish. repairs augmented (tear sutured over the PRP)
2. Stir with a glass rod for 15 min to allow clot to with PRP versus 20 without, there was no differ-
form on the rod. ence in reoperation or function at 2-year follow-
3. Place the clot onto swab and clean with 2–3 ­up [67]. Similar findings of no difference in
drops of saline. function or failure with the use of PRP were
12 Concomitant Meniscus Repair for Cartilage Treatment 151

reported in another retrospective study of 14 PRP movement) have been compared to accelerated
versus 15 control in discoid lateral menisci [68]. protocols (immediate weight bearing and full
A prospective RCT compared 20 menisci repaired range of movement) with no difference found in
using PRP augmentation versus a control group of complication rate or function. The authors of this
18 menisci. The primary endpoint was evidence chapter prefer to use differing protocols depend-
of healing on MRI or second-look arthroscopy at ing on the tear orientation:
18 weeks. There was a significant difference in
the healing rate of 85% in the PRP group versus 1. Vertical tear: Immediate weight bearing (WB)
47% in the control. At 42 months after surgery, in brace locked in extension for 4 weeks.
patients with PRP augmentation had significantly 0–90° range of movement (ROM) allowed
improved IKDC scores [69]. Interestingly, a pre- immediately when non-weight bearing. From
vious study performed a post hoc power calcula- 4 weeks, the brace is removed, and full WB
tion and suggested that 153 patients with PRP and allowed with 0–90° ROM. Squatting beyond
219 without PRP would need to be included to 90° and cutting sports allowed after 4 months.
demonstrate a difference using IKDC [67]. 2. Radial tear: Non-WB for 6 weeks with 0–90°
In summary, there is little evidence that PRP ROM in brace. Remove brace and increase
has any effect on meniscal healing, failure, or weight bearing as tolerated thereafter.
functional outcomes [70]. In addition, there is Squatting beyond 90° and cutting sports
still confusion as to what constitutes the correct allowed after 4 months.
formulation of PRP. Therefore, it is currently 3. Partial Meniscal Restoration: Non-WB for
hard to recommend this augmentation strategy. 1 week, then partial WB for 5 weeks, then full.
Brace to control ROM at 0–60° for 4 weeks,
then 0–90 for 2 weeks, then full. No squatting
12.5.5 Growth Factor beyond 90° or cutting sports until 6 months.

Growth factor injections aim to improve angiogen-

esis and cell formation around a meniscal tear. The
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156 M. D. LaPrade et al.

root of the lateral meniscus is 5 mm anteromedial

from the center of the ACL and is susceptible to
iatrogenic injury during anatomic single-bundle
ACL reconstruction [14, 17].

13.1.2 Posterior Roots

The posterior root of the medial meniscus is

located posterior from the medial tibial eminence
apex and anteromedial in relation to the PCL
attachment [16]. The center of the posterior root
of the medial meniscus is 8.2 mm from the near-
est PCL edge [16].
The posterior root of the lateral meniscus is
located anterolateral from the posterior root of
Fig. 13.2 Intraoperative arthroscopic view of a posterior the medial meniscus and anterior to the PCL
medial meniscus root tear
[16]. The center of the posterior root of the lat-
eral meniscus is located 12.7 mm from the near-
Meniscus Root and Articular Cartilage est edge of the PCL, and 10.1 mm from the
Anatomy posterior edge of the anterior root of the lateral
The menisci are composed of fibrocartilage, meniscus [16].
which is primarily composed of dense collagen
type I fibers and helps with shock absorption, sta-
bility, and load transmission [12]. The meniscus 13.1.3 Articular Cartilage
roots anchor the menisci in place and are critical
to maintaining the stability and function of the Unlike the meniscus, articular cartilage is com-
menisci [13]. There are four distinct meniscus posed of hyaline cartilage made up from type II
root attachments, with an anterior and posterior collagen fibers which provides the joint with a
attachment on the medial and lateral menisci, smooth, lubricated surface for articulation [18].
respectively [13]. Articular cartilage injuries can cause significant
pain and morbidity and are common, with an
estimated 2/3 of patients undergoing knee
13.1.1 Anterior Roots arthroscopy having articular cartilage injuries
[19–21]. The articular cartilage can be injured in
The anterior root of the medial meniscus has the the setting of a meniscus root injury. For a medial
largest attachment area and inserts on the anterior meniscus root tear, often diffuse degeneration of
intercondylar crest of the tibia [1, 13]. The center the medial compartment articular cartilage can be
of the medial meniscus anterior root is 18.2 mm observed. For lateral root tears, which typically
anteromedial from the center of the ACL inser- occur in younger patients with ACL tears, poste-
tion [14]. Of note, anatomic reaming for intra- rior cartilage damage to the lateral femoral con-
medullary tibial nails was found to significantly dyle is observed. Similarly to the meniscus,
damage the anterior root of the medial meniscus articular cartilage is avascular and has little
in smaller female cadaver knees [15]. capacity to heal and repair itself [18, 22].
The anterior root of the lateral meniscus Occasionally, articular cartilage defects are
inserts deeply beneath the ACL on the tibia, with replaced with fibrocartilage, which is less suited
63% of the root attachment overlapped by the to withstand repetitive cyclical and compressive
ACL attachment [16]. The center of the anterior forces. In summary, articular cartilage injuries
13 Meniscus Root Tear and Its Treatment 157

are common, have little ability to heal, and are a

predisposing factor for the development of osteo-
arthritis [18, 19, 23].

13.2 Clinical Presentation

and Diagnosis of Root Tears

The clinical diagnosis of meniscus root tears can

be difficult because root tears often lack the tell-
tale signs of meniscus body injuries, such as
locking, catching, or giving way [4]. The most
common positive physical exam findings are
joint-line tenderness, a positive McMurray sign,
and posterior knee pain with deep flexion [4]. Fig. 13.3 Sagittal MRI image demonstrating a “ghost
sign” appearance in the posterior compartment, consistent
Pain while performing a varus stress test with with medial meniscus posterior horn root tear
complete knee extension has been reported to be
a clinical sign of a posterior root avulsion of the
medial meniscus [24]. a “ghost sign,” where a portion of the meniscus is
Meniscus tears can occur as traumatic, acute not identifiable on sagittal or coronal imaging
events or in a degenerative manner [1]. Traumatic (Fig. 13.3); (2) a “cleft sign,” where a linear/ver-
root tears more commonly affect the lateral tical high signal is present through the meniscus
meniscus and are associated with concomitant on sagittal or coronal imaging; and (3) a “trunca-
cartilage and ligamentous injuries. Compared to tion sign,” where there is an abrupt ending of the
degenerative tears, traumatic root tears are more triangular meniscus root on sagittal or coronal
commonly associated with patients who are imaging [1, 28]. Even with improved quality of
younger and male and have a lower BMI and MRIs, recent studies have shown that a large pro-
fewer degenerative changes at the time of arthros- portion of posterior root tears are missed on MRI
copy [25]. Degenerative root tears more com- [29]. Krych et al. found that up to 67% of lateral
monly affect the medial roots [25], and have been meniscus posterior root tears were missed on pre-
reported to represent 70% of all posterior root operative MRI and recommended that radiolo-
tears [26]. These degenerative tears typically gists report that “the root is poorly visualized” to
occur without a recognizable injury and are ensure that surgeons investigate the root more
thought to be caused by minor trauma, such as thoroughly in the operative room [29].
getting up from a chair or deep squatting [26].
Rarely, patients may present with root tears bilat-
erally [25]. Physicians should be suspicious of 13.4 Root Tear Classification
meniscus root tears in patients with knee pain and Meniscal Extrusion
that started without an identifiable event, espe-
cially medial meniscus root tears. Root tears have been classified based on tear mor-
phologies to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of
these tears. The LaPrade classification is the most
13.3 Imaging widely used classification system for meniscus root
tears [8]. Type 1 tears were defined as partial root
MRI is the preferred imaging method to diagnose tears that are stable (7.0%), type 2 tears are com-
meniscus root tears [1, 4]. Root injuries are best plete radial tears <9 mm from the root attachment
visualized on T2-weighted MRI [27, 28]. (67.6%), type 3 are bucket h­ andle tears with root
Important visual cues can be used to suggest that detachments (5.6%), type 4 tears are complete
a meniscus root tear is present. They include (1) oblique tears <9 mm from the root attachment
158 M. D. LaPrade et al.

(9.9%), and type 5 tears are avulsion fractures at were originally thought to be idiopathic and were
the root attachment (9.9%) [8]. Type 2 tears were referred to as spontaneous insufficiency fractures
further subclassified into three categories based on of the knee (SONK) [1, 35, 36]. SIFK have been
the location of the complete radial tear in relation to found to be highly associated with posterior
the root, with type 2A tears located <3 mm from meniscus tears, with SIFK estimated to occur in
the root, type 2B tears located between 3 and 50–100% of patients with posterior meniscus
<6 mm to the root, and type 2C tears located tears [35, 36].
6–9 mm from the root attachment [8].
Meniscus extrusion and association with
meniscus root tears have become increasingly 13.5.2 Articular Cartilage Damage
recognized in the literature. Meniscus extrusion
has been defined as displacement of the meniscus Damage to the articular cartilage can occur con-
beyond the tibial plateau margins on MRI [30, comitantly with acute meniscus root tears, or can
31]. Previous studies have found that extrusion is occur progressively over time due to altered con-
associated with posterior meniscus root tears; tact pressures in the knee compartment. Articular
however, it is unclear whether root tears lead to cartilage injuries can cause significant pain and
extrusion, or the other way around [30–32]. It is morbidity and are common with meniscus inju-
clear, however, that meniscus extrusion is associ- ries [19, 23].
ated with the development of arthritis, and that Acute, small cartilage defects can be treated
anatomic root repair alone is unable to com- with a variety of cartilage restoration procedures
pletely correct extrusion [30, 33]. Meniscus cen- such as chondroplasty, microfracture, and osteo-
tralization, where the mid-body of the meniscus chondral autograft transfer; however, these are
is “centralized” by stabilizing it onto the rim of outside the scope of this chapter [19]. Surgeons
the tibial plateau, has been proposed as a method should be aware of patients with acute cartilage
to reduce meniscus extrusion [34]. It is hoped defects that may be amenable to treatment at the
that centralization will better protect the articular time of meniscus root treatment [19]. Progressive
cartilage and restore near-normal contact pres- deterioration of the articular cartilage following
sures compared to root repair alone. an articular cartilage defect is an important
mechanism surrounding the development of
widespread knee osteoarthritis.
13.5 Natural History

Unsurprisingly, the natural history of meniscus 13.6 Clinical Outcomes

root tears is relatively poor. As described above,
meniscus root tears are considered to be func- The main goals of meniscus root treatments are
tionally equivalent to complete meniscectomy to prevent, or delay, the development of pro-
[5], which leads to rapid development of osteoar- gressive osteoarthritis of the knee and to help
thritis without treatment. It has been reported that the patient return to activity. As described
up to 28% of patients with unrepaired meniscus above, meniscectomy or nonoperative treat-
root tears underwent TKA at an average of ment was the historical treatment for symptom-
3.2 years from the initial diagnosis [1]. atic meniscus root tears. More recently, several
studies have demonstrated that partial menis-
cectomy is a ­ significant risk factor for the
13.5.1 Subchondral Insufficiency development of osteoarthritis [4, 5, 37, 38].
Fractures of the Knee (SIFK) Meniscectomy has become less commonly used
to treat root tears as the research has become
Notably, increased contact pressures from root stronger to support the hypothesis that root
tears may predispose the knee to subchondral repairs outperform meniscectomy and nonop-
insufficiency fractures of the knee (SIFK), which erative treatment [9].
13 Meniscus Root Tear and Its Treatment 159

Early studies of the efficacy of meniscus root

repair in delaying the progression of generalized
osteoarthritis and TKA have been promising [9,
30, 38]. Chung et al. found that patients who
underwent root repairs for medial meniscus pos-
terior root tears had significantly less arthritis
(measured by change in Kellgren-Lawrence
(K-L) grade) grade progression, medial joint-­
space narrowing, and progression to TKA com-
pared to patients who underwent partial
meniscectomy at a follow-up of at least 5 years
[10]. More recently, Bernard et al. found that
patients undergoing root repair had significantly
less K-L progression of osteoarthritis and pro-
gression to arthroplasty compared to matched
cohorts of patients undergoing nonoperative and
partial meniscectomy treatments at a mean fol- Fig. 13.4 Arthroscopic image of centralization sutures in
low-­up period of 74 months [38]. Chung et al. the body of the medial meniscus performed concomitantly
found that 0% of repair patients underwent with a transtibial meniscus root repair
arthroplasty compared to 35% of partial menis-
cectomy patients at 6-year follow-up [10]. fully restore normal contact pressures (Fig. 13.4)
Similarly, Bernard et al. found that 0% of patients [34]. Early reports regarding meniscus central-
who underwent root repair progressed to arthro- ization are limited, yet promising, with further
plasty, compared to 40% of partial meniscectomy studies currently underway [33, 41–43].
and 27% of nonoperative patients [38].
Our understanding of root tears and the asso-
ciated risk factors for repair failure has increased 13.7 Repair Options
greatly over the past 20 years; however, there
remain several unsolved questions [6]. Obesity Our group believes that repairs should be per-
and malalignment ≤5° place additional stress on formed in young patients with otherwise healthy
the meniscus and are risk factors for potential knees. It is very important to correct underlying
repair failure [39]. Root repair has been shown to issues at the time of repair, such as malalignment
slow the progression of development of osteoar- and ligamentous/cartilage injuries, in order to
thritis; however, extrusion has also been found to prevent repair failures and progression to osteo-
be an important predictor of osteoarthritis pro- arthritis. Patients with generalized osteoarthritis
gression [30, 33, 40]. In a recent comparative and varus malalignment >5° are unlikely to ben-
root repair study, Chung et al. found that patients efit from repair [1, 6]. Obesity and malalignment
with less meniscus extrusion had significantly ≤5° both place additional stress on the meniscus
less joint-space narrowing and significantly bet- and are risk factors for potential repair failure
ter K-L grades and clinical scores compared to [39]. Our group has strict inclusion criteria for
patients with more meniscus extrusion at 1-year patients undergoing root repair, because not all
follow-up [30]. Interestingly, postoperative clini- patients are good candidates for repair.
cal scores improved significantly across both Contraindications include K-L grade ≥3 on
groups compared to their respective preoperative X-ray, grade 3 chondromalacia or worse at the
scores [10]. Meniscus centralization has been time of arthroscopy, subchondral bone collapse,
proposed as a way to correct extrusion and hope- or varus malalignment >5°.
160 M. D. LaPrade et al.

13.7.1 Transtibial Pull-Through Our preferred technique of meniscal root

Repair repairs has previously been described in detail [1,
48]. Standard knee arthroscopy portals are used,
The transtibial pull-through method requires including a portal ipsilateral to the tear to allow
drilling a transtibial bone tunnel to facilitate pass- for direct visualization of the posterior root. The
ing of a transosseous suture that is used to fix the attachment of the meniscal horn is inspected and
meniscus root to the tibial insertion [1, 4]. The palpated with a probe, which is of clinical signifi-
suture is then tied over a button on the tibia [4]. cance because of the high rate of incomplete tear
Our preferred technique for transtibial pull-­ visualization on preoperative MRI [29]. In cases
through repair will be described further in Sect. where it is difficult to obtain adequate visualiza-
13.8 of this chapter. tion of the posterior meniscal roots and their
respective compartments, we recommend con-
sideration of (reverse) notchplasty or pie crusting
13.7.2 Suture Anchor Repair of the medial collateral ligament to provide satis-
factory arthroscopic access [49]. Given that
The suture anchor technique was designed to meniscal root tears are challenging to identify
alleviate the need for drilling of tibial bone tun- preoperatively, including in the setting of both
nels in the setting of patients with concomitant primary and revision ACL reconstruction, sur-
ligament reconstruction [4]. Engelsohn et al. geons must always thoroughly inspect the menis-
first described the suture anchor technique, cal attachments and be ready to repair detected
where an arthroscopic approach was used to root tears. For this reason, we recommend having
repair the meniscus root tear [44]. The suture meniscal suture-passing devices specialized for
anchor technique is challenging, requires the root repair available at the time of all knee cases.
use of a posterior portal that is near the neuro- After establishment of optimal portals and
vascular bundle, and uses a specialized, curved working space, attention is turned to tibial socket
guide [45]. preparation. Given the importance of anatomic
socket location, our preference is to use a root-­
specific tibial guide placed through the ipsilateral
13.8 Author’s Preferred Operative arthroscopy portal and centered on the meniscal
Technique: Transtibial root footprint. However, this can also be achieved
Pull-Through with a standard ACL guide and drill. Subsequently,
a 6 mm all-in-one guide pin/reamer is introduced
Repair of meniscal root tears has been described into the joint through an incision on the proximal
using sutures pulled through a transtibial tunnel and medial tibia and deployed so that a shallow
and also using direct fixation with suture anchors. 6 mm socket is formed to provide fixation access
Although published outcomes support the effi- to healing vascular subchondral bone. This can
cacy of both suture anchor and transtibial con- also be achieved with the standard 6 mm drill;
structs, with satisfactory and comparable however, this leads to greater bone loss along the
structural healing and patient-reported outcome length of the entire tibial tunnel compared with
scores, the suture anchor technique is technically selective inside-out drilling with all-in-one
challenging, requires a posterior portal adjacent instrumentation.
to the neurovascular structures, and uses special- For meniscal fixation, a free No. 0 nonabsorb-
ized, curved suture-passing devices for con- able suture is passed through the torn meniscus in
strained passing within the knee. Given this, the a simple cinch configuration using a ­self-­retrieving
authors are proponents of transtibial fixation suture-passing device (Fig. 13.5). A total of 2–3
using standard and familiar arthroscopy portals, locking sutures are placed, depending on the tis-
which has an established record of positive mid- sue size and quality, and then individually tight-
term to long-term results [10, 46, 47]. ened, with the knee cycled to remove creep from
13 Meniscus Root Tear and Its Treatment 161

After 6 weeks, patients are allowed to progres-

sively increase weight bearing and are no longer
required to wear their brace. Patients are also
encouraged to exercise their knee through full
range of motion when the joint is unloaded; how-
ever, deep flexion beyond 90° is restricted until at
least 4 months postoperatively.
The resumption of sporting activities is dic-
tated by the postoperative timeline and the clini-
cal readiness of the patient. After 3 months,
patients are able to gradually increase physical
activities. Patients with normal strength and sym-
metric gaits are allowed to gently ease into basic
sporting activities between 4 and 6 months post-
operatively. Patients with isolated root repairs are
typically given a 6–9-month timeline to return to
Fig. 13.5 Intraoperative view of a completed transtibial full sporting activities.
root repair for a medial meniscus posterior root tear

13.10 Controversies
the system. Subsequently, the sutures are ten-
sioned through the tibial socket to reduce the Currently, there is controversy regarding whether
meniscal root back to the native bony root attach- meniscus root repairs are chondroprotective or
ment. Tibial fixation is subsequently obtained not [1]. It is unclear whether repairing root tears
using a 5.5 mm anchor or, as classically described, protects the articular cartilage and prevents the
a tibial button, with the knee in 90° of flexion. development of OA. A recent study by Bernard
et al. found that patients undergoing root repair
have a significantly lower rate of progression to
13.9 Postoperative Care osteoarthritis compared to partial meniscectomy
or nonoperative treatment [38]. This suggests that
The postoperative period after meniscus root root repairs are likely improving the situation but
repair is crucial to the success of the operation. not making it normal. Meniscus extrusion is not
Healing of the meniscus best occurs when the corrected with anatomic root repair [30, 33] and
knee is not loaded, especially in deep flexion, for extrusion is associated with the development of
the first several months. The postoperative care osteoarthritis [30, 33]. Centralization has there-
guidelines described below are for a patient fore been proposed as a way to correct meniscus
undergoing an isolated root repair. Other con- extrusion at the time of repair, and has shown
comitant procedures or ligamentous reconstruc- promising preliminary results [33, 41, 43].
tions (i.e., ACL reconstruction) can impact the However, further research is needed to determine
timelines for root repair patients, and should be the effectiveness of the centralization technique
individualized based on surgeon and physical on chondroprotection.
therapist recommendations.
In the early stages postoperatively, weight Acknowledgments This study was partially funded by
bearing is limited to toe-touch weight bearing in the following: National Institute of Arthritis and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases for the Musculoskeletal
full knee extension while wearing a brace for the Research Training Program (T32AR56950). Its contents
first 6 weeks. In addition, knee flexion is restricted are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not nec-
beyond 90° for the first 6 weeks. essarily represent the official views of the NIH.
162 M. D. LaPrade et al.

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166 J. G. Lane and M. M. Yañez

14.1.3 Surgical Debridement Table 14.1 Chondral treatment checklist

Chondral debridement is one of the most fre- characteristics Lesion characteristics
quently performed procedures in arthroscopy BMI Size (in cm2)
Alignment Depth
[10]. It is a fast, effective, and easy-to-perform
Meniscus Location (weight bearing vs.
procedure to remove loose fragments and contour non-WB)
the remaining cartilage defect. The goal is to cre- Stability Acute vs. overuse
ate a smooth articular surface with stable carti- Subchondral bone ICRS scale
lage margins that may provide pain relief. It is
also part of the preparation for other cartilage-­
resurfacing procedures such as matrix autologous the patient’s goals. One must correlate the
chondrocyte implantation (MACI), BMAC, patient’s desires for activity with the treatment of
PJAC, and augmented microfracture-type various types and sizes of lesions. One needs to
procedures. take into consideration the timing of the proce-
The use of debridement is still a matter of dure to be performed and the recovery.
debate in patients with OA. Several studies have
compared placebo, lavage, and debridement, Level of Osteoarthritis
without finding any statistically significant dif- at the Time of Surgery
ference between osteoarthritic patient groups As discussed previously, debridement in the set-
[11]. A Cochrane review by Spahn concluded ting of advanced osteoarthritis is not recom-
that in the setting of osteoarthritis, debridement mended. Various studies reported the lack of
had no beneficial outcomes when compared to efficacy of debridement, even in cases of mild
lavage [12, 13]. Consequently, the cornerstone of osteoarthritis, or where mechanical symptoms
having a successful outcome will be selecting the are present. This was described by Kirkley et al.,
correct patient with the right chondral lesion. in a randomized study in which arthroscopic
treatment was compared to nonoperative and
physical therapy treatments. In the study, sub-
14.2 General Evaluation groups were divided by different Kellgren and
Lawrence levels of osteoarthritis, as well as the
14.2.1 Patient Characteristics presence or absence of mechanical symptoms
(i.e., locking or catching). At 1- and 2-year
A complete patient history should be obtained to follow-­ups, no differences were observed when
determine if an acute traumatic event or chronic comparing WOMAC scores, physical function,
exposure has occurred, causing a symptomatic pain, or health-related quality of life between the
chondral injury. Additionally, any history of addi- groups and subgroups [11, 14]. Therefore, a cau-
tional meniscal or ligamentous injury or surgical tious approach should be applied when treating
intervention should be recorded. Early osteoar- these patients.
thritis risk factors such as meniscal root tear, par-
tial or subtotal meniscectomy, ACL tear, and Status of the Meniscus
altered joint biomechanics should be carefully An intact meniscus is very important for proper
examined as this will determine the prognosis for knee biomechanics; once injured, it becomes a
the future (Table 14.1). risk factor in the development of early osteoar-
thritis. If the resultant alterations in knee  stablishing Desired Activity
E biomechanics are not appropriately addressed,
Level the degenerative changes will progress over time.
It is imperative to understand the limitations of When performing osteochondral debridement in
chondroplasty in order to achieve good results the context of partial meniscectomy, studies have
and patient satisfaction. The first consideration is not determined any differences in outcome
14 Cartilage Debridement of Symptomatic Lesions 167

whether chondroplasty was performed or not. transfers 53–92% of the total body load. This is
This information must be analyzed carefully— the reason why chondral lesions are more fre-
the lack of data regarding the correct indications quent in the medial compartment. The same-size
for meniscectomy and the status of the meniscus lesions are not as well tolerated in the medial
must be taken into account. Performance of femoral condyle compared to the lateral femoral
chondral debridement in the setting of various condyle and progress more rapidly; as a result,
types of degenerative meniscus tears may result the indications for debridement will only be more
in osteoarthritis, and it might result in limited restricted [17]. For documentation purposes of
benefit. The study by Bisson et al. suggests that the lesion location, the ICRS has developed the
there is no benefit to arthroscopic debridement of articular cartilage mapping system, which divides
unstable chondral lesions encountered during both condyles into quadrants: the anterior, cen-
arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM), and it tral, posterior, and trochlea (Fig. 14.1) [18]. The
is recommended that these lesions be left in situ importance of this method of documentation
[13]. In an acute setting, meniscal repair in com- relies on the fact that a lesion located in the
bination with the debridement of a small osteo- medial femoral condyle in the weight-bearing
chondral defect, which is less than 2 cm2, results area will have much more pressure force than a
in outcomes which are significantly better than non-weight-bearing location (Fig. 14.2) [19, 20].
meniscectomy alone. Thus, each injury must be
characterized individually and addressed appro- Size
priately. The key point is meniscal preservation Classically, debridement is a preferred treatment
and repair when possible [15]. option for defects up to 1.5–2 cm2; this is based on
the “critical size defect” concept [21]. A critical Pain and Mobility size defect references the fact that the size of a
There are no specific signs or symptoms when defect lacks sufficient width to have an effect on
cartilage defects are present. The various patient-­ the success of the treatment even if the defect can-
reported outcome scales could be used, including not heal spontaneously. At this threshold, it has
KOOS, which is simple and quick, and patients been shown in animal models that there is a nega-
can complete it on their own [16]. tive effect on the surrounding cartilage, causing a
rapid exponential progression with even very
small increments in the diameter of the lesion
14.2.2 Lesion Characteristics [21]. Flanigan et al. described in a bovine model
and Classification that the critical size of full-thickness cartilage
lesions that produces significant contact of the
Identifying the lesion characteristics is crucial in subchondral bone within the defect is 1.61 cm2 for
treatment selection. Determining lesion location, the medial femoral condyle, and 0.73 cm2 for the
size in cm2, as well as relative size to the sur- lateral femoral condyle [22]. In cadaveric human
rounding surfaces and depth of the defect are the knees, Papanaiau et al. recorded a significant
most important considerations. These classifica- pressure threshold in lesions >0.75 cm2, with no
tions, such as Outerbridge or the International statistically significant change between 0.75 and
Cartilage Regeneration and Joint Preservation 2 cm2 [23]. Contact pressure and critical size are
Society (ICRS), should be used as a guide and subjective measures because the pressure is cor-
not as an exact measure (Table 14.1). related with other mechanical parameters acting
on the cartilage surface, such as the meniscus and Anatomic Location synovial fluid. Thus the failure and development
Determining lesion location is a crucial first of osteoarthritis will also depend on its surround-
step in considering treatment algorithms. ing structures. At present, none of these models
Biomechanically the medial femoral condyle can reproduce the in vivo setting accurately.
168 J. G. Lane and M. M. Yañez

trochlear proximal
R central L





lateral medial medial lateral
central central

R trochlear L












Fig. 14.1 ICRS—Articular cartilage injury mapping system. (Reproduced with permission from Mats Brittberg et al.
(2000). Based on data from Ref. [18])

a b 10

Lateral Medial 1

Fig. 14.2 Local correlations between cartilage pressure Ref. [19]. Reproduced with permission from Sam Van
and thickness. (a) Average thickness distribution of all Rossom et al. (2017))
subjects. (b) Average pressure map. (Based on data from
14 Cartilage Debridement of Symptomatic Lesions 169 Depth [26, 27]. For this reason, it is important to report

Depth can be described as partial-thickness the bony proportion of the defect as an indepen-
<50% or full-thickness chondral lesion, and can dent depth. Another critical factor to take into
be divided into IV stages according to Outerbridge account is that for certain bone marrow lesions,
or ICRS classification. Regarding partial-­ such as spontaneous osteonecrosis, a minimum
thickness injuries, after the initial injury, a zone of 4–6 weeks have to pass in order to see changes
of necrosis adjacent to the margins of the wound in MRI [28]; this can be a confounding factor
is created, followed by a period of mitotic activ- during the surgery or if MRI is repeated after
ity and matrix synthesis. Still, this activity ceases surgery.
with no progression of healing over time. These
lesions usually remain stable and rarely progress
to osteoarthritis. 14.3 Treatment
Full-thickness lesions grade IV ICRS violate
the subchondral plate. The healing process is Debridement should be performed for select
stimulated by subchondral bone filling, first with patients; frequently, it may be performed in con-
a fibrin clot. Initially, it may have type II colla- junction with other procedures. The goal will be
gen, but later in the process, it is mostly com- to preserve as much viable cartilage as possible;
posed of type I collagen with decreased content in order to accomplish that, the limits of the
of proteoglycans. By 6–12 months, it creates a lesion must be carefully defined in width and
fibrocartilage matrix, which is biomechanically depth. Loose flaps should be carefully resected
weaker with fibrillation over time that subse- rather than delaminated. A cartilage-sparing
quently undergoes degeneration. technique should be used, and afterwards, the
Most of the time, this tissue does not integrate underlying cause of the chondral damage has to
well with the native cartilage and may be sepa- be carefully addressed (Table 14.2).
rated by a gap, which precipitates micromotion
and degenerative changes. In conclusion, the
most critical factor when classifying the depth of 14.3.1 Surgical Techniques
the chondral lesion is to determine if there is a
violation of the tidemark. Two primary types of debridement have been
described: mechanical and radiofrequency, which Subchondral Bone can be further divided into thermal and nonther-
Involvement mal. There is still controversy regarding which
Special care must be taken when assessing the one is the best method; the main goal will be to
state of subchondral bone before considering a stabilize cartilage margins and remove any loose
surgical decision. The presence of subchondral fragments, preserving as much native cartilage as
cysts or bone marrow lesions has been associated possible.
with chondral damage next to the lesion, even
though the exact mechanism of development Mechanical Debridement
remains unknown. It has been associated with Mechanical debridement includes oscillating
acute traumatic lesions, chronic osteoarthritis, shavers and other handpieces like curettes, bas-
and rheumatoid arthritis [24]. They should be
identified with magnetic resonance imaging Table 14.2 Main indications and contraindications to
(MRI) as X-rays are not sensitive enough to debridement
detect small cysts and bone marrow edema [25]. Indication Relative contraindication
We must carefully evaluate the need for core 1 cm2 to <1.5 cm2 >2 cm
decompression in cases of significant bone mar- II–III Outerbridge IV Outerbridge
row edema or other biologic treatments when a In season athlete Osteoarthritis II–IV
cyst or lesion extends to the subchondral bone Pain Asymptomatic
170 J. G. Lane and M. M. Yañez

kets, and rongeurs. The dilemma is to create a medium, such as saline. The bipolar wand disas-
stable articular surface without taking more carti- sociates saline into sodium and chloride ions.
lage than is needed. Highly energized ions form a plasma field which
Histologic analysis after shaving demonstrates is sufficiently strong to break organic molecular
that the remaining cartilage has a fissured and fib- bonds within soft tissue causing its debridement.
rillated surface, with chondrocyte death adjacent to When used correctly, there is no contact from the
the debrided regions [29, 30]. In contrast to other probe to the soft tissue, so the thermal penetra-
methods, it does not imply a chemical reaction; tion is thought to be minimal [35].
thus, it does not liberate energy, making the pro- Historically when radiofrequency has been
cess somewhat safer for the remaining cartilage. compared to mechanical debridement, several
clinical and histological studies reported good Radiofrequency short-term outcomes in favor of radiofrequency
Debridement [5, 36–38]. In 2016 Spahn et al. conducted a
Radiofrequency devices are thought to contour long-term randomized controlled trial, conclud-
the cartilage surface smoothly. The rationale sup- ing that there were no meaningful clinical differ-
porting the radiofrequency use is that it purport- ences after 10 years. With the new advancement
edly seals the fibrillated cartilage surface, and it of technology and the use of confocal micros-
has been hypothesized that it may delay the copy, the histological results were less clear.
degenerative process of cartilage delamination Both coblation and thermal radiofrequency have
and fraying. However, it is debatable as to been shown to produce as much as twice the
whether or not these techniques minimize the maximum depth of chondrocyte death compared
inflammatory cascade [31]. with mechanical debridement 3 months after the
procedure [39–42]. Edwards et al., in an equine
Thermal Radiofrequency model, compared these treatment modalities,
Thermal radiofrequency was introduced in 1990 and results showed that monopolar radiofre-
based on the application of modulated thermal quency had significantly less chondral damage
energy to produce a compact and uniform “bio- than the coblation system. The authors hypothe-
logical scar.” It creates a more effective removal sized that the thermal radiofrequency probe had
of impaired cartilage compared to mechanical less surface area, producing local coagulation
debridement with a precise approach to margins, without penetrating into deeper layers [29]
avoiding fragmentation of tissue. (Fig. 14.3).
There are two main types of thermal debride- There is much to be discussed and clarified
ment, monopolar and bipolar. There is no consen- about the different methods for debriding. Until
sus established that supports the use of technology now, these differences have lacked clinical
[32, 33]. ­relevance. For any chosen device, it is essential to
Radiofrequency has been associated with a know its limits and correct way of usage.
(low) risk of producing subchondral osteonecro-
sis, although causality has not been conclusively Quality of Cartilage
established, especially in light of other risk fac- in a Defect
tors that a patient could have [34]. Cartilage generally lacks the ability to regenerate
after a chondroplasty, and peripheral chondro-
Nonthermal Radiofrequency cytes have a limited capacity to migrate or regen-
Nonthermal radiofrequency is also known as erate the defect [43]. The lesion will fill with
coblation (controlled ablation), or plasma radio- fibrocartilage tissue high in type I collagen,
frequency. It is a bipolar wand, set in the ablation which possesses inferior properties and dimin-
mode, with active control of temperature below ished load transference, and increased probabil-
50 °C. Soft-tissue dissolution occurs from a ity of failure [44, 45]. Therefore, even if studies
plasma-like layer produced by a conductive have shown excellent short-term outcomes, it
14 Cartilage Debridement of Symptomatic Lesions 171

a b

c d

Fig. 14.3 Confocal laser microscopy images demon- RK, Bogdanske JJ, Muir P, Athanasiou KA, et al.
strating increased cell death for both monopolar and bipo- Comparison of mechanical debridement and radiofre-
lar radiofrequency, compared to control and mechanical quency energy for chondroplasty in an in vivo equine
debridement. Green dots are viable cells, and red dots are model of partial thickness cartilage injury. Osteoarthr
dead cells. (a) Control; (b) mechanical debridement; (c) Cartil. 2007 Feb 1;15(2):169–78. With permission from
nonthermal debridement; (d) thermal debridement [27]. Elsevier)
(Reprinted from [39] Edwards RB, Lu Y, Uthamanthil

would be necessary to consider cartilage-­ Debridement can also be used as preparation

reparative techniques such as MACI, OATS, or for other procedures such as MACI. It is desirable
osteochondral allograft depending on the to obtain stable vertical walls of healthy cartilage
patient’s expectations and lesion characteristics. up to the edge of the defect and to maintain
When there are no other treatment options, integrity of the subchondral bone and the
debridement can provide a fibrocartilage layer, calcified cartilage layer within the defect site. An
which, regardless of its inferior biomechanical overly aggressive debridement will cause
properties and earlier failure, helps to protect the damage to the subchondral bone and bleeding.
subchondral bone. However, our objective is to On the other hand, an incomplete debridement
recommend the preservation of the subchondral will leave unstable cartilage with partial- or full-
bone tidemark. thickness defects. Drobnič et al. compared dif-
ferent t­echniques for the preparation of chondral Concomitant Procedures defects before ACI implantation. He observed
As previously discussed, it is imperative to man- that when debriding lesions with margins
age the knee as a complex dynamic system. If the perpendicular to the subchondral plate and
leading cause of the chondral defect is not removing the calcified cartilage layer open or
addressed, the surgical procedure is doomed to arthroscopically assisted, manual curettage was
fail. Other factors to consider are limb or patellar better than the mechanical shaving or bipolar-
alignment, instability, and meniscal pathology. electrode technique [46].
172 J. G. Lane and M. M. Yañez

14.3.2 Clinical Outcomes reported, size should also be considered relative

and Follow-Up to the overall dimensions of the joint surface.
While this procedure does not allow anatomical
The surgical outcome will be directly related to cartilage restoration, it can provide good pain
all the points discussed above, such as lesion relief with smaller defects. Mechanical debride-
characteristics, patients’ characteristics, and ment was noted to cause a limited degree of
association with other lesions of the knee. injury in the adjacent cartilage margins as a con-
sequence of the debridement procedure. In my Evolution of Osteochondral experience, a significant number of patients
Lesion After Debridement undergoing initial cartilage biopsy for a second-
Most patients with focal chondral grade II–III ary procedure with stabilization of the margins of
lesions demonstrate improved clinical symptoms the cartilage defects experience substantial
post-debridement. This debridement becomes improvement and therefore do not elect to pursue
less predictable when combined with other pro- additional cartilage repair procedures, at least in
cedures like meniscectomy [15]. It is reported the short and midterm. A well-done debridement
that approximately 80% of patients will remain procedure does not preclude additional cartilage
pain free at 1 year post-chondroplasty, and 50% restoration options because it allows for sub-
at 5 years, but symptoms will not always corre- chondral bone preservation. Use of radiofre-
late with the severity of the chondral lesion [47, quency and thermal energy has been touted as
48]. As a result, a close follow-up should be possible ways of stimulating repair of cartilage
maintained for a possible increase in structural lesions; however, this remains controversial. The
damage. concept of the procedure has evolved from a
more extensive debridement with removal of car- Rehabilitation tilage surfaces with even mild changes and pen-
After surgery, the goal will be to maintain con- etration of the subchondral bone to more of a
tinuous active or passive motion and weight bear- stabilization procedure with removal of only
ing as tolerated. Early articular movement has loose and unstable fragments and preservation of
been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory the underlying bone surfaces. Smaller defects,
effects [49, 50], preventing adhesions and ero- less than 1.5 cm2, can often be treated with
sions. The patient should understand that chon- debridement alone with good results. Therefore,
dral damage is a precursor of osteoarthritis in the debridement procedures remain a useful tool in
future and therefore adopt a lifestyle that results the overall continuum of care for cartilage injury
in lower BMI, muscle strengthening for joint patients.
unloading, and lower impact rehabilitation exer-
cises and workouts, and should know when to
seek medical attention. When initiating physical
therapy, exercises should be focused on balanc- References
ing muscle function.
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176 R. L. Parisien et al.

spectrum and can be categorized into stable and 15.2 Natural History
unstable lesions with the assistance of classifi-
cation schemes. Classification of OCD in the In 1985, Bernard Cahill makes a clear distinction
knee is further broken down by lesion location, between the successful outcomes of juvenile
characterization of the lesion (in situ vs ex situ), OCD (JOCD) and the adult form (AOCD) stat-
status of the overlying cartilage, and skeletal ing, “JOCD and [AOCD] are distinct conditions.
maturity. These variables are elucidated with the The former has a much more favorable prognosis
use of radiographs, MRI and direct visualization than the latter” [22]. Perhaps the most important
through arthroscopy and/or open arthrotomy in factor on prediction of healing is the status of the
certain cases. The ROCK group has developed distal femoral physis. Skeletally immature OCD
novel classification schemes for X-ray [19], lesions have shown to yield far better results
arthroscopy [20], and MRI to help further char- compared to skeletally mature OCD lesions [16].
acterize and categorize OCD lesions of the knee. This suggests that perhaps the natural history of
These lesions have been categorized into two the skeletally immature OCD lesion differs from
distinct groups representing mobile and immo- that of the skeletally mature OCD lesion.
bile progeny fragments. Arthroscopic features In attempt to determine healing rates follow-
of the immobile group are further classified as a ing nonoperative management of stable OCD
cue ball, representing no abnormality, a shadow, lesions in the skeletally immature, Wall et al. [23]
indicating intact cartilage with subtle demarca- developed a nomogram using normalized lesion
tion, or a wrinkle, indicating demarcated articu- length, width, and associated clinical symptoms.
lar cartilage with the presence of a fissure or a Of note, the nomogram has not proven predictive
wrinkle. In comparison, mobile lesions are fur- in skeletally mature OCD lesions. Although there
ther classified as a locked door, indicating carti- is a lack of corroborating literature with regard to
lage fissuring at the periphery of the progeny exact duration, a trial of at least 3–6 months of
fragment that is unable to be hinged open, a nonoperative management is the primary
trapped door, indicating peripheral cartilage fis- approach to knee OCD in the skeletally imma-
sure that is able to be hinged open, or a crater, ture. Such management may include immobiliza-
representing an exposed subchondral bone tion in the form of a brace or splint, modified
defect [20]. In an effort to determine which weightbearing and activity restriction. A review
progeny fragments are most appropriate to by Kocher et al. [24] describes a three phase pro-
retain, they are further characterized as either tocol in which the authors recommend 4–6 weeks
salvageable or unsalvageable. A salvageable of knee immobilization with partial weightbear-
lesion is one in which there is bone present on ing during the first phase. Phase 2 consists of pro-
the deep surface, the lesion is a single fragment gression to weightbearing as tolerated without
and consists mostly of normal articular carti- immobilization for 6–12 week with the initiation
lage. Conversely, an unsalvageable lesion con- of a low-impact quadriceps and hamstring
sists solely of cartilage without the presence of strengthening program. Phase 3 may then begin
bone or may be comprised of multiple frag- at 3–4 months with signs of clinical and radio-
ments with damaged or absent articular carti- graphic healing. A gradual return to sports is
lage [21]. allowed in the absence of knee symptoms. In the
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a archetypal location of the medial femoral con-
detailed review of the treatment of osteochondri- dyle, literature suggests that up to 67% of OCD
tis dissecans of the knee. Special attention will be lesions in the skeletally immature may demon-
given to reparative and restorative treatment. strate successful healing given 12 months of non-
The concepts for these categories will be operative management [23, 25]. However,
described in detail below. atypical lesions of the lateral femoral condyle
15 Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee 177

and patellofemoral joint are more likely to be channels via subchondral marrow stimulation.
unstable with less predictable healing potential This may be done with a transarticular or retro-­
[26, 27]. articular approach.
However, it is believed that skeletally mature Transarticular drilling is performed under
OCD lesions may simply be the result of a persis- direct arthroscopic visualization and involves
tent lesion that was present during childhood [16, distal to proximal transchondral drilling from the
24, 28]. Hughes et al. [29] evaluated the natural articular surface into the femoral epiphysis.
history of skeletally immature OCD lesions using Standard arthroscopic portals are utilized for the
clinical and MRI criteria over an extended period majority of lesions although situational accesso-
of time. In this cohort, despite subchondral bone ries portals may be required. A drill sleeve or
changes on MRI, 95% of cases with intact over- small cannula is inserted through the portal to
lying cartilage improved with conservative treat- protect the soft-tissue. One or two sutures may
ment [29]. In contrast, skeletally mature OCD also be placed through one portal and removed
lesions have been shown to have poor results with through a second portal on either side of the
conservative treatment [16, 30]. It is the senior patella tendon with both ends clamped together
author’s recommendation that all symptomatic, with a hemostat to facilitate retraction of the fat
skeletally mature OCD lesions be treated surgi- pad. A 0.062 in. (1.6 mm) K-wire is advanced
cally for optimal results. into the joint through drill sleeve or cannula and
orthogonally positioned with relation to the
lesion. The archetypal location along the lateral
15.3 Reparative Management aspect of the medial femoral condyle may best be
accessed via the anterolateral arthroscopic portal.
The purpose of reparative management of OCD Central focal lesions located on the distal aspect
lesions is to facilitate healing of the progeny frag- of the lateral femoral condyle (LFC) may be
ment to the parent bone and to maintain articular approached orthogonally from the anterolateral
congruity. The two primary reparative approaches portal with the knee in variable degrees of flex-
to OCD leasions are arthroscopic drilling and ion. The K-wire is then advanced into the articu-
internal fixation. Both will be discussed in further lar cartilage penetrating the subchondral bone
detail here. with care not to violate the distal femoral physis.
The return of fat droplets indicates adequate pen-
etration of the cancellous bone. Drill holes are to
15.3.1 Drilling be repeated about 3–5 mm apart, covering the
entire diameter of the lesion. The arthroscopic
The operative method of arthroscopic drilling is inflow may then be turned off with visualization
typically utilized for OCD lesions in the skele- of blood and marrow elements seeping into the
tally immature that remain symptomatic and fail joint.
to demonstrate radiographic healing following at Retro-articular drilling is an alternative
least 3–6 months of nonoperative management. method requiring intra-operative fluoroscopic
Upon careful arthroscopic evaluation via direct assistance to accurately target the lesion and
probing, lesions amenable to drilling are classi- avoid joint penetration. It is important to position
fied as immobile, per the ROCK classification, the fluoroscopy machine in such a manner to
and may be described as a cue ball, shadow, or allow unobstructed access to the femur. A small
wrinkle in the rug. Furthermore, these lesions are longitudinal incision is made distal to the growth
determined salvageable given they are non-­ plate followed by insertion of a 0.062 in. (1.6 mm)
fragmented with bone present on the deep surface K-wire. Under fluoroscopic visualization, the
and consist mostly of normal articular cartilage wire is advanced into the center of the lesion with
[21]. Arthroscopic drilling is a technique per- care taken not to violate the articular surface. The
formed in attempt to restore devitalized vascular wire may be left in place to allow for parallel
178 R. L. Parisien et al.

placement of additional wires or a parallel wire progeny fragments may be amenable to fixation
guide may be utilized. In this manner, drill holes with or without bone grafting. In vitro studies
are to be repeated about 3–5 mm apart, covering have demonstrated that compression results in
the entire diameter of the lesion. friction between the progeny and parent bone
Postoperative management involves protected improving stability and resisting shear [32].
weightbearing for 6 weeks without motion limi- In the case of a trapped door lesion, an open
tation. Impact and sport-specific activities may arthrotomy is typical to facilitate access for bone
resume at 12 weeks. Return to play is allowed grafting. A standard parapatellar arthrotomy is
with demonstration of radiographic healing as utilized allowing for adequate visualization of
well as the achievement of normal ROM, near-­ the unstable but salvageable progeny fragment.
normal strength and pain-free sport-specific The fragment is hinged open with care taken not
activities. to disrupt the remaining articular connection.
In evaluation of clinical outcomes of transar- The base of the lesion is then meticulously
ticular versus retro-articular drilling of stable debrided with removal of fibrous tissue and scle-
OCD lesions in the skeletally immature, Gunton rotic bone. A microfracture awl or 0.062 in.
et al. [31] performed a systematic review of 12 (1.6 mm) drill may be utilized to facilitate mar-
studies and reported no difference in patient-­ row stimulation at the margins of the parent
oriented outcomes. Transarticular drilling bone. The senior author prefers to harvest autog-
resulted in radiographic healing of 91% of lesions enous cancellous bone graft from the proximal
at 4.5 months while retro-articular drilling dem- aspect of the ipsilateral tibia. Sharp dissection is
onstrated radiographic healing in 86% of lesions performed 25 mm distal to the anteromedial
at 5.6 months. There were no complications iden- joint line at the midpoint between the tibial crest
tified via either technique. and posteromedial border of the tibia near the
It is the senior author’s opinion that the ideal typical ACL tibial tunnel starting point. The cor-
candidate for drilling has an OCD lesion that is tical bone is then penetrated with a curette and
immobile and salvageable. These patients are serially dilated with larger currettes until a
almost always skeletally immature. arthroscopy grasper can access the cancellous
bone. If the patient is skeletally immature, great
care is taken to avoid the proximal tibial physis
15.3.2 Internal Fixation during bone graft harvest. With use of the
arthroscopic grasper, the bone graft is placed
The operative method of internal fixation may be into a sterile cup, which may then be placed into
achieved via open or arthroscopic approaches. the bone defect. Care must to taken so as not to
Upon careful evaluation, lesions amenable to overstuff the lesion, thus allowing for the door to
internal fixation are classified as mobile and may be easily closed resulting in restoration of articu-
be described as a locked door or trapped door per lar congruence.
the ROCK classification. These particular lesions Fixation may be achieved with use of various
may be determined as salvageable if they are forms of either metal or bioabsorbable devices.
non-fragmented with bone present on the deep Disadvantages of metallic implants include MRI
surface and consist mostly of normal articular interference, loosening and a second surgery for
cartilage [21]. A locked door lesion is described removal [33]. Although a single surgery may be a
as cartilage fissuring at the periphery that is benefit of bioabsorbable implant use, they are
unable to be hinged open upon probing [20]. In associated with significant complications includ-
comparison, a trapped door progeny fragment ing osteolysis, synovitis, nonunion and screw
exhibits fissuring of the articular cartilage at the breakage [31, 34]. In evaluation of 61 biodegrad-
periphery of the lesion with the ability to hinge able screws utilized for fixation of 30 skeletally
the fragment open, thus providing access to the immature OCD lesions, Camathias et al. [35]
subchondral bone. Such mobile but salvageable reported a 23% incidence of screw breakage.
15 Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee 179

The authors of this chapter prefer the follow- techniques allow us to develop de novo materials
ing fixation methods depending on the robustness from the patient’s own chondrocyte cell lineage,
of the progeny bone fragment. If <3 mm thick, such as with autologous chondrocyte implanta-
fixation is achieved with 1.5 mm solid screws, tion (ACI) techniques. The following will
which require removal at about 8 weeks postop- describe each of the aforementioned techniques
eratively. If the progeny bone fragment is >3 mm with the author’s recommendations for indica-
thick, fixation is achieved with variable pitch tions, surgical pearls and a discussion of
metallic screws, which do not require subsequent outcomes.
removal. The progeny fragment is typically fixed
with two or more screws to maximize compres-
sion and rotational stability (Fig. 15.1). A screw 15.4.1 Osteochondral Grafts
that is 24 mm in length will capture sufficient
parent bone without threatening the distal femo- Osteochondral grafting consists of autograft or
ral physis. Once adequate fixation has been allograft transfer. D’Aubigne first described a
achieved, a formal “approach and withdraw” technique of osteochondral autograft transfer in
technique is utilized via fluoroscopy to ensure 1945 with the technique being later refined by
there is no screw prominence in relation to the Outerbridge [36] Regarding osteochondral auto-
subchondral bone. graft transfers, the surgeon should keep in mind
Postoperative management consists of pro- its limitations. Lesions larger than 1–2 cm in
tected weightbearing for 6 weeks without motion diameter (2–4 cm2) should be considered outside
limitation. Activity and muscle strengthening the indications of this technique and one should
may increase at 12 weeks with resumption of consider alternative methods (e.g., osteochondral
impact activity at 18 weeks. Return to play is allograft or ACI with bone grafting) [37]. This
allowed with demonstration of radiographich limitation in size is due to availability of donor
healing and when the patient achieves normal site volume, especially in the pediatric popula-
motion, near-normal strength and pain-free sport-­ tion or with smaller adults. For example, Sherman
specific activities. et al. report that although the indications for
It is the senior author’s opinion that the ideal treatment may be lesions <1 cm, it is important to
candidate for internal fixation and bone grafting take this into context in individuals with smaller
has an OCD lesion that is mobile yet salvageable. condyles as a lesion <1 cm may be proportionally
Although these patients are typically skeletally large [37].
mature, internal fixation may be utilized in skel- During autograft transfer surgery, at least
etally mature patients as well. As a rule of thumb, 8–10 mm of subchondral bone should be har-
a progeny fragment should be retained when it vested. A technical pearl to avoid fracture of the
possesses the aforementioned characteristics. osteochondral plug during retrieval is to be care-
ful not to toggle the graft retrieval tube once the
desired depth is met. Following this, a 90° twist
15.4 Restorative Management of the harvester should be performed to circum-
ferentially detach the subchondral parent bone
In contrast to reparative techniques, restorative from the graft plug. Difficulties with achieving
management of OCD lesions can be thought of as donor graft congruency to the native surrounding
restoring the normal geometry and articular sur- cartilage are not uncommon with both autograft
face with new materials. Such materials may and allograft transfers. This can lead to an articu-
come from adjacent, less utilized areas as is the lar height mismatch between the graft and the
case of osteochondral autograft transfer. Another surrounding articular cartilage. Articular incon-
readily utilized graft material is via osteochon- gruency can be mitigated by taking care to place
dral allograft transfer from a donor with match- the graft delivery tube perpendicular to the recip-
ing articular surface geometry. More advanced ient site bed, slow and meticulous delivery and
180 R. L. Parisien et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 15.1 Showing large OCD lesion of the proximal, lat- on progeny fragment for fixation (c) and after securing
eral trochlear ridge on T2-weighted MRI, axial (a) and sag- lesion with two variable-pitch screws (d). Fluoroscopic lat-
ittal (b) slices. Intraoperative view of a trapped door lesion eral showing screw placement for fixation (e)
being hinged open illustrating adequate subchondral bone
15 Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee 181

gentle tamping can be performed to achieve a row unsalvageable OCD lesion <2 cm2 while the
final seating of the donor graft as appropriate. ideal candidage for an allograft has an unsalvage-
Grafts that are congruent or countersunk up to able lesion >2 cm2 that is a circular-shaped defect
1 mm fare well (Fig. 15.2), however, those that on the extension surface of the femoral condyle
are countersunk >1 mm or that remain proud in an adult.
have been shown to demonstrate higher failure
rates [38, 39]. With larger defects, two overlap-
ping fresh osteochondral allografts can also be 15.4.2 Cell-Based Therapy
considered for treatment—the so called
“Snowman” or “Mastercard” Technique [40]. A Autologous chondrocyte implantation in its first-­
K-wire may be placed in the first osteochondral generation form was initially described in the
allograft for stability prior to creation of the sec- early 1990s [44]. The third generation ACI tech-
ondary overlapping recipient site to prevent dis- nique and implant has been FDA approved in the
placement of the initial graft. US since late 2016 [45]. This is the first product
Postoperative management involves protected approved by the FDA that employs tissue engi-
weightbearing for the first 6 weeks with a hinged neering to grow autologous articular cartilage
brace locked in extension. The patient can cells on a scaffold. ACI has been described in the
increase weightbearing as tolerated after 6 weeks management of various osteochondral lesion
with progession to light jogging and running at types and locations. This treatment is indicated
9 months. Return to play is allowed with demon- for medium to large, full-thickness cartilage
stration of radiographic healing and when the defects in the knee [46].
patient achieves normal motion, near-normal During tissue harvest, concomitant intra-­
strength and pain-free sport-specific activities. articular pathology can be addressed and the
Although autografts provide utilization of the lesion can be comprehensively evaluated under
patients own tissue, limitations of their use direct arthroscopic visualization. Therefore, a
involve donor site morbidity, lack of donor carti- careful arthroscopic evaluation of meniscal
lage thickness and difficulty to restore the normal pathology, ligament stability, patella maltrack-
condylar contour. Outcomes of osteochondral ing, and intra-articular loose bodies should be
autografts for the treatment of OCD have been addressed during this stage. Tissue harvest for
shown to favor smaller lesions and those of the cell growth is typically obtained from non-­
medial femoral condyle. In evaluation of 61 OCD weightbearing regions of the knee such as the
lesions treated with osteochondral augtografts, intercondylar notch, far-medial or far-lateral
Ollat et al. [41] reported 72.5% good or excellent aspects of the trochlea. A technical pearl of the
results with 8-year follow-up. An additional tissue harvest involves running a curette or curved
study by Gudas et al. [42] reported on 10 year gouge to free the cartilage biopsy at one end
outcomes of osteochondral defects of the knee while leaving it still attached at the other end as a
treated with either microfracture or OATS in 60 flap, as loss of the tissue culture intra-operatively
athletes. The OATS group demonstrated better can be problematic. This may allow ease of
outcomes as compared to microfracture with retrieval with an arthroscopic grasper or pituitary
only 4 failures at 10 years. With regard to osteo- rongeur. The biopsy specimen is then sent to a
chondral allograft utilization, mid- and long-term private company where the chondrocytes are
outcomes for full-thickness osteochondral extracted and expanded via proprietary technol-
defects have demonstrated favorable results. In a ogy. The cells are then seeded onto a Type I/III
large series of mostly OCD cases, Levy et al. [43] collagen membrane with a density of 500,000–
reported an 82% survivorship at 10 years, 74% at 1,000,000 per cm2. At the time of the second pro-
15 years and 66% at 20 years. cedure, the expanded autologous chondrocytes
It is the senior author’s opinion that the ideal are ready for implantation. The joint is accessed
candidate for osteochondral autograft has a nar- via an arthrotomy to expose the articular cartilage
182 R. L. Parisien et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 15.2 Showing large osteochondral lesion of the medial age (b). Preparation of recipient site for osteochondral
femoral condyle on T2-weighted coronal MRI (a). allograft (c), creation of size-matched osteochondral allograft
Intraoperative view of lesion with overlying cartilage dam- plug (d) and final placement of graft in recipient site (e)
15 Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee 183

defect. The defect is then prepared by removing midpoint between the tibial crest and posterome-
the calcified layer of cartilage, thus exposing the dial border of the tibia near the typical ACL tibial
healthy subchondral bone plate (Fig. 15.3). A tunnel starting point. The cortical bone is then
scalpel is utilized to create sharp, well-defined penetrated with a curette and serially dilated with
articular borders. The senior author’s preferred larger currettes until a arthroscopy grasper can
method of implant templating involves utilization access the cancellous bone. If the patient is skel-
of the suture packaging by placing it over the etally immature, great care is taken to avoid the
articular defect, creating an exact imprint. The proximal tibial physis during bone graft harvest.
appropriately sized suture packaging is then With use of the arthroscopic grasper, the bone
taped to a Tegaderm™ (3M; St. Paul, MN) trans- graft is placed into a sterile cup, which may then
parent film dressing to provide a solid base on be placed into the bone defect. The bone graft is
which to place and cut the collagen membrane. typically covered with a collagen membrane that
The collagen memberane is carefully removed is secured with a few very small anchors and
from its container with forceps and placed over fibrin sealant. Routine ACI is then performed on
the sized suture packaging. The collagen mem- top of the bone graft and membrane.
brane is then cut to size and carefully transferred Postoperative management involves protected
to the surgical field. The collagen membrane is weightbearing for the first 6 weeks with a hinged
placed into the defect and secured via fibrin seal- brace locked in extension. The patient can
ant, with or without peripheral suture fixation as increase weightbearing as tolerated after 6 weeks
needed. with progession to light jogging and running at
It is important to note that uncontained lesions 9 months. Beyond 9 months or so, return to play
or lesions with subchondral bone loss can be is allowed when the patient achieves normal
treated with ACI. For bone loss greater than motion, near-normal strength, and pain-free
6 mm in depth, more specialized techniques such sport-specific activities.
as the “sandwich technique” [47] may need to be Outcomes of ACI for appropriately indicated
employed. Sclerotic bone must be removed from OCD lesions has demonstrated favorable results.
the base of the lesion and the depth carfully mea- In evaluation of 55 patients with 61 unsalvage-
sured. Autogenous bone graft can be harvested able OCD lesions at median follow-up of
from a number of locations. The original descrip- 19 years, Carey et al. [48] demonstrated that 13%
tion of the sandwich technique involved harvest required revision ACI with only 3% undergoing
through a bone window proximal to the condyle total knee arthroplasty. The authors further report
where the arthrotomy was performed [47]. The ACI survivorship for OCD as 87% at 10 years,
senior author prefers to harvest autogenous can- 85% at 15 years, and 82% at 20 years.
cellous bone graft from the proximal aspect of It is the senior author’s opinion that the ideal
the ipsilateral tibia. Sharp dissection is performed candidate for autologous chondrocyte implanta-
25 mm distal to the anteromedial joint line at the tion has an unsalvageable OCD lesion >2 cm2.
184 R. L. Parisien et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 15.3 Showing large osteochondral lesion of the oval graft using foil template from lesion bed (red outline)
medial femoral condyle on T2-weighted sagittal MRI (a). with graft (black outline) lying on Tegaderm to provide
Intraoperative view of oval-shaped lesion with overlying support while cutting the shape (d) and final placement of
cartilage damage (b), preparation of lesion bed and graft over recipient site with layer of fibrin glue (e)
healthy shouldered cartilage (c), creation of size-specific,
15 Management of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee 185

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188 M. J. McNicholas and E. Beit-ner

a b

Fig. 16.1 (a, b) The direct insertion of the ribbon-like 111 knees. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2015)
ACL fibers is in continuity of the posterior femoral cortex. 23:3143–3150. DOI­014-­
(From Smigielski R et al.: Ribbon-like appearance of the 3146-­7. Published under the Creative Commons
midsubstance fibers of the anterior cruciate ligament close Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) https://creative-
to its femoral insertion site: a cadaveric study including

the PL band, and it is more important for knee [15], attributed to anatomic, hormonal, biome-
stabilization. However, the two bundles work and chanical differences. ACL injuries hugely impact
tense in a reciprocal manner. In flexion, the AM both patients and health systems. They may still
band tights while the PL band lax. In extension, end a professional athlete’s career and cause
an opposite pattern is observed as the PL tightens early OA in the majority of all those affected.
because the AM becomes less tense.

16.2.2 Injury Patterns

16.1.2 The Menisci and Mechanisms

The menisci are commonly injured in ACL inju- Injury patterns can be divided into contact (direct)
ries. Their preservation is to be encouraged with and non-contact (indirect) mechanisms. Direct
many previously resected tear patterns now being mechanisms are inevitable risk when participat-
successfully repaired. This will hopefully reduce ing in a contact sport or trauma. 61% of injuries
the incidence of osteoarthritis (OA) in the long have a non-contact mechanism [16]. Consequently,
term after ACL injury. clinical research has focused on their prevention.

16.2 ACL Injuries 16.2.3 Overview of Treatment

16.2.1 General
Due to the high incidence of ACL injuries among ath-
ACL tears are the most common athletic injury letes, both recreational and professional, preventative
[11]. The age- and sex-adjusted annual incidence measures are the first step of addressing these injuries.
of ACL tears is 68.6 per 100,000 person-years Preventative rehabilitation programs, initially
[12]. In the USA, over 120,000 ACL injuries described by Silvers and Mandelbaum [17], have
occur annually [13]. The prevalence of ACL inju- been widely adopted, such as the FIFA11+ program
ries is higher in males with 72% [14] of the cases [18] and have reduced the incidence of ACL injuries.
in the UK. However, female athletes are more For a diagnosed ACL injury, treatment options
predisposed to these injuries compared to male may be either non-surgical or surgical. Conservative
16 Managing Concomitant Cartilage Injury with ACL Tears 189

management consists of progressive rehabilitation, and chronicity of different reports. Slauterbeck

aiming to improve muscular strength and balance et al. [27] geographically mapped meniscal and
[19], life style change, adjustment of performed cartilage lesions in ACL reconstruction (ACLR)
physical activity, and use of braces. Surgical patients: 43% had femoral chondral lesions; age
options include a variety of techniques from simple affected the number and severity of lesions.
repair of the ligament to one of many anterior cru- Patients over the age of 25 were more likely to
ciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) techniques have multiple cartilage lesions: 7.7% versus 1.3%
[19]. When deciding on treatment, surgeons must in younger patients, as well as isolated medial
address to patients’ characteristics, their injury pat- femoral condyle lesions: 24.2% versus 13.3%.
tern, and functional needs. Non-surgical manage- Males had higher grade MFC lesions (grade 3–4)
ment is more appropriate for older, low demand compared to females 49% compared with 35%.
patients. A surgical approach is more suitable for
the young active patients with higher functional
needs and elite and professional athletes. 16.3.2 I nfluence of Isolated ACL Tear
ACL repair avoids donor site morbidity associ- on the Articular Cartilage
ated with autologous graft harvest [20] and may
maintain native biomechanics, proprioception, ACL injuries are associated with an early OA
and gait patterns. However, it has been shown to [28], knee joint laxity, concomitant meniscal and
have a high failure rate, especially in younger and chondral injuries, reduced quadriceps strength,
more active patients [21]. Nonetheless, there has and changes in load balance. An isolated ACL
been a recent resurgence in interest in ACL repair tear can affect the articular cartilage in two pat-
[22]. With varying results reported, a current tech- terns: acute and chronic. Acute injury results
nique of ACL repair using independent suture from the primary trauma and impact, leading to
tape reinforcement has been described by Mackay bone bruise and hemarthrosis, followed by carti-
[23]. However, it is the current view in the UK lage healing or permanent defect. Primary impact
that this is a technique that maybe of merit, but its may produce inflammatory changes, which
specific indications are not yet fully defined. potentially damage the hyaline cartilage. The
ACLR has been the gold standard for the past chronic pattern, attributed to ongoing instability,
50 years and remains so today. ACLR via either is associated with higher risk of concomitant
open or arthroscopic approaches uses a graft. medial meniscal and chondral injury [25, 29].
These may be autologous, allograft, or synthetic. The incidence of concomitant injuries in an
Hamstring tendons (most commonly semitendi- untreated ACL tear increase over time, even when
nosus and gracilis from the injured limb) and concomitant injuries were absent initially. Delayed
bone-patella tendon-bone (BPTB) graft are most surgical reconstruction increases the risk of both
commonly used [24]. meniscal tears and chondral lesions, emphasizing
the protective role of reconstruction.
Intact menisci and cartilage were associated
16.3 Concomitant Injuries with better surgical outcomes for both acute and
chronic ACL tears and instability [30].
16.3.1 Introduction

The incidence of associated cartilage and menis- 16.3.3 T

 he Influence of Concomitant
cal pathology with ACL tears varies widely in the ACL and Meniscal Tears
literature. Approximately 50% of primary ACL on the Articular Cartilage
ruptures and over 90% of failed reconstructions
have coexisting cartilage and/or meniscal pathol- Meniscal tears double the likelihood of articular
ogy [25]. Concomitant chondral lesions are seen cartilage damage in symptomatic ACL-deficient
in 15–46% of the ACL injuries [26]. This incon- patients [25]. Medial meniscus tears, in particu-
sistency may be due to the variability in grading larly, were associated with chondral lesions of
190 M. J. McNicholas and E. Beit-ner

weightbearing areas [31]. Delay in ACLR ligamentous injury, PCL repair, or reconstruction
increased the risk and severity of chondral lesions are advised [39].
in the adult knee [27, 32]. Granan et al. examined The posteromedial corner (PMC) is a complex
the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry (NKLR) that consists of five major structures: posterior
and found that the odds for an adult knee cartilage oblique ligament (POL), semimembranosus ten-
lesion increased by nearly 1% for each month that don, oblique popliteal ligament (OPL), postero-
passed from the time of injury until the surgery. medial joint capsule, and the posterior horn of the
Articular cartilage lesions were nearly twice as medial meniscus. The PMC acts to control and
frequent if there was a meniscal tear and vice restrict valgus stress, excessive anterior transla-
versa [32]. Surgical delay of more than 1 year tion, and external rotation of the tibia, commonly
drastically increases the risk for chondral lesions referred to as anteromedial rotational instability
(60% compared with 47% for all others). It also (AMRI). In extension, the PMC appears to par-
increases the proportion of large and grade-3 ticipate in restraining tibial internal rotation and
lesions of the lateral femoral condyle [27]. valgus [40].
The posterolateral corner (PLC) primarily con-
sists of the LCL, the popliteus tendon (PLT) and
16.3.4 Injuries Associated popliteofibular ligament and includes secondary
with Hyperlaxity static and dynamic stabilizers [41]. It holds sev-
and Instability eral roles including control and restrain of exter-
nal tibial rotation, varus restraint, and limitation
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) provides the of posterior tibial translation [42]. PLC injury
knee stability in the coronal plane. It is the primary plays an important role in the ACL-­deficient knee.
restraint to valgus stress and helps the ACL stabi- PLC injuries account for up to 16% of all knee
lize the knee in different directions and loads. Over ligament injuries. With only 28% of all PLC inju-
75% of grade III MCL injuries coexist with an ries are isolated, PLC injuries are commonly
ACL injury [33, 34]. Forces absorbed by the MCL associated with cruciate ligament injuries. Studies
are amplified when the ACL is insufficient. When showed that a missed PLC injury diagnosis is a
both the MCL and ACL are damaged valgus rota- common cause for ACLR failure attributed to an
tion increase dramatically with significant resultant increased tension of the graft. Combined acute
instability. Concomitant ACL-MCL injury can be PLC and ACL injury necessitates reconstruction
managed surgically or non-surgically: grade I and or a combined hybrid repair [43].
II MCL injuries are usually treated non-surgically;
concomitant grade III may be addressed by multi-
ple ligament reconstruction [35]. 16.4 Treatment
The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) is the
knee’s primary varus stabilizer, preventing exter- 16.4.1 Introduction
nal rotation and posterior displacement of the
tibia as part of the PLC complex [36]. 57% of Optimal management of concomitant injury of
grade III LCL injuries are associated with ACL ACL tear and chondral damage remains contro-
tears. versial [44, 45]. Many surgeons advise early
The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) pro- intervention in these injuries as the risk of future
vides knee stability in the sagittal plane and lim- OA in adolescents and young adults substantially
its excessive posterior translation. It also plays a increased following ACL injury [46]. This asso-
crucial role in the rollback mechanism of the ciation was supported by evidence of increased
knee during flexion. PCL injuries are commonly biomarkers of cartilage turnover after ACL injury
presented as part of multiligamentous injuries [47]. Concomitant injuries may further increase
with only 3.5–15% of the cases are isolated inju- this risk with some reports of radiographic evi-
ries [37, 38]. When identified as part of a multi- dence of OA in up to 80% of the cases at
16 Managing Concomitant Cartilage Injury with ACL Tears 191

5–15 years after the initial injury. Athletes were Symptomatic full-thickness articular cartilage
shown to have an even higher risk. Furthermore, defects (ICRS 3–4, mean area 3.5 cm2) that were
delay in ACLR increased the risk and severity of associated with ACL instability showed favorable
chondral lesions in the adult knee [27, 32]. On outcomes after simultaneous ACLR (bone patel-
the other hand, other studies did not find any dif- lar tendon-bone—BPTB graft) and OATs [51].
ference in long-term outcomes following ACLR Imade et al. [52] compared drilling and OATs
in patients with and without concomitant asymp- for chondral damage during ACLR. Second-look
tomatic chondral damage [37]. Progression to arthroscopy revealed important differences in the
OA following ACL injury is probably multifacto- cartilage appearance. 50% of the drilling group
rial and can be contributed to primary cartilage, showed improved cartilage, 17% had deteriora-
meniscal or ligamentous concomitant injury, or tion, compared to 100% improvement after
to secondary injury due to the evolving instability OATs. There were no differences in IKDC score
and kinematic changes. and PROMs. 64% of the OAT-ACLR group
Concomitant injuries can be managed by: returned to pre-injury levels of sports compared
non-surgical treatment for both the ACL and the to 37% of the patients in the drilling group.
chondral injury; partial surgical approach and a Peterson et al. assessed the outcomes of ACLR
concomitant surgery for both. Conservative man- and (autologous chondrocyte implantation) ACI
agement usually consists of a progressive reha- for concomitant ACL and moderate to large (1.3–
bilitation program to improve muscular strength, 12.0 cm2) full-thickness femoral condyle chon-
balance, adjustment of the performed physical dral defects. Most had prior knee interventions.
activity and bracing [19]. These patients showed good clinical outcomes on
Partial surgical approaches focus on repairing PROMs. 75% showed significant improvement
or reconstructing the ACL with initial arthroscopic during second-look arthroscopy [53].
assessment of the joint space, followed by Pike et al. reported moderate long-term
debridement. Concomitant articular cartilage improvement in pain and function after combined
damage negatively affects ACLR’s long-term out- ACI for large chondral defects (mean 8.4 cm2)
comes [30]. However, this has been questioned in and ACLR. Despite high revision rate (50%),
cases with asymptomatic chondral defects [44]. patient showed some improvement. They con-
The combined surgical approach, first cluded this approach remains a good option for
described by Matsusue et al. [48], uses known treating these challenging cases [54].
techniques for treating both conditions during the Some surgeons advocate harvest cartilage
same surgery. when identifying chondral lesion, enabling a
Gudas et al. [49] compared the outcomes of potential future use of these cells as part of an
osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT), micro- ACI, but this would not be commonly practiced
fracture (MFx), and debridement performed dur- in the UK.
ing concomitant ACLR. All were beneficial at 3
years, with better IKDC score in OAT-ACLR
group. OAT-ACLR was inferior to ACLR without 16.4.2 ACLR Techniques
concomitant chondral injury. Stability at 3 years
was not significantly affected by the modality. Despite the recent resurgence in interest and
MFx has been found to be beneficial to symp- potential advantages of ACL repair [23], due to
tomatic patients with ACL instability and a single the reports of high failure rate [21] and the lack of
small cartilage lesion (≤2 cm2), even if deep well-defined indications, it is the current view in
(ICRS 3–4), with excellent short-term clinical and the UK that ACLR remains the gold standard for
functional improvement with high levels of return the treatment of ACL tears. Whether being per-
to pre-injury sport activity level [50]. Higher formed in an open or arthroscopic approach,
chondral defects correlated with worse subjective intra-articular ACLR consists of several funda-
outcomes and reduction in sport activity. mental stages: graft selection, placement, ten-
192 M. J. McNicholas and E. Beit-ner

sioning, fixation, and postoperative rehabilitation. increased signal intensity in the injured area
ACL graft sources may be either autologous or while on T1-weighted images the area demon-
allograft. Synthetic ligament substitutes are also strates a decreased signal. Short tau inversion
available. During graft selection surgeons must recovery (STIR) sequence can increase the sensi-
assess the patient’s characteristics, injury pattern, tivity of the MRI by suppressing the signal from
and functional needs. Younger age, increased the normal medullary fat [58]. Bone bruising cor-
activity level, higher demands have all been iden- related to injury severity and was with persisting
tified as risk factors for graft failure. The use of and progressive chondral damage, suggesting an
allograft in these patients was found to increase association with early OA development [59].
the risk for failure [55]. Hamstring tendons graft Bone bruises are associated with poorer short-­
(most commonly ipsilateral semitendinosus and term clinical outcomes. Their appearance on pre-
gracilis) and BPTP construct are the most com- ­op MRI was associated with lower return to sport
monly used autografts. Many studies have tried rates after ACLR. Severity and location affect the
to compare the two with no difference in outcome ACLR outcomes. Lateral distribution was associ-
shown [24]. Quadriceps tendon autograft has ated with higher instability and ROM limitation
been suggested as an alternative for these grafts while medial distribution correlated with higher
with more predictable outcomes and less donor pain [58]. Figure 16.2 presents bone bruise
site morbidity [56]. Current data are insufficient distribution.
to prove superiority. The variety of allograft
choices includes tibialis anterior and posterior,
Achilles, hamstrings, and patellar tendons. While
no donor site morbidity exists with allograft tis- TROCHELA
sue, there are concerns about the potential of 0.4%
viral and bacterial disease transmission and
immunogenic graft-host reaction. Graft process- MFC LFC
ing and preparation may affect reconstruction 7.8 % 35.5 % PATELLA
failure rates [55]. The use of synthetic grafts is 0.5 %
unpopular due to early failure. Newer genera-
tions of synthetic graft continue to develop,
which potentially make them future alternatives. MTP LTP
14.9 % 40.9 %
The influence of ACL graft selection on the out-
come of combined cartilage injury treatment has
not been studied. Most surgeons will not change
their graft selection or technique according to the
presence of chondral injury.

16.4.3 Bone Bruising

Fig. 16.2 Percentage of bone bruise distribution in the
The mechanism by which ACL injury occur asso- affected anatomic bone locations. LTP lateral tibial pla-
teau, LFC lateral femoral condyle, MTP medial tibial pla-
ciated with major forces that lead to powerful teau, MFC medial femoral condyle. (From Filardo G.
impact between tibial and femoral articular carti- et al.: Bone bruise in anterior cruciate ligament rupture
lage. These forces are transferred to bones and entails a more severe joint damage affecting joint degen-
commonly result in a bone bruise [57]. Bone erative progression. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology,
Arthroscopy (2019) 27:44–59.
bruising is diagnosed by MRI with sensitivity s00167-­018-­4993-­4. Published under the Creative
over 80% and specificity over 95%. Fluid-­ Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) https://
sensitive T2-weighted sequences present
16 Managing Concomitant Cartilage Injury with ACL Tears 193

16.4.4 P
 rinciples of Combined Injury
Treatment –– All articular cartilage surfaces are
fully visualized and probed, any
One’s philosophy will influence the approach unstable lesions debrided to a stable
joint restoration one uses. Current literature does edge.
not favor a specific approach or technique. We –– Assess the intercondylar notch ACL
believe that the biomechanics of the knee must be tear confirmed arthroscopically prior
addressed before its biology. Krych et al. showed to graft harvest. ACL stump debrided
the most common reason for failure of cartilage by powershaver via the medial portal.
restoration surgery was untreated malalignment Notchplasty performed if required.
[60]. To improve cartilage restoration technique –– Femoral tunnel placement is marked
outcomes, we recommend addressing the subject with a 45° microfracture awl approx-
as follows: imately 5 mm anterior to the over the
Biomechanics: top position, 10:30 in a right or 1:30
Alignment—correcting malalignment by on the left knee. Satisfactory place-
osteotomy ment confirmed by viewing from the
Stability—reconstruction of the ACL and other medial portal.
injured ligaments • Four bundled semitendinosus and graci-
Significant meniscal deficiency—meniscus lis harvested, sutured with 5 ethibond
allograft transplantation or other advanced and then presoaked in Vancomycin solu-
treatments. tion [61] during pretensioning.
Biology: • The tibial tunnel is drilled from outside
Articular cartilage—may now be addressed. with an elbow aimer at 55°. The tip is
placed in the back of the ACL tibial
footprint, with the elbow lying against
Preferred Method of ACL Reconstruction the PCL. The 2.4 mm guide pin drilled
until its tip protrudes 5 mm into the
Operation steps: joint. The knee is then fully extended
while that tip is visualized to ensure its
• Under general anesthetic, an ultrasound-­ position is central and just inside the
guided adductor canal block and IV apex of the notch.
antibiotics are given. • Landmarks to guide the correct tunnel
• Full examination under anesthetic per- placement are the medial tibial emi-
formed. ACL status confirmed by ante- nence and intermeniscal ligament [62].
rior drawer, Lachman examination, and The anterior horn of the lateral meniscus
pivot shift tests. Other ligament laxities serves as its lateral and partially anterior
are assessed including PLC status. borders [63].
• Thigh holder over uninflated tourniquet. • Indelible felt-tip pen marks the graft at
• Diagnostic arthroscopy the tunnel length and 5 mm beyond.
–– A high anterolateral portal for Graft pulled into femoral socket, mark-
arthroscopic camera insertion. The ings visually confirming fully seated,
anteromedial portal is marked under when the second marked band is at the
vision with a white needle, just tunnel mouth. Then the flipping suture
medial to the fat pad, close to the pulled to flip the endobutton. Once that
upper meniscal surface. All knee has deployed then retrograde pull on the
compartments viewed. graft sutures from the anterior tibia will
–– Menisci are fully probed and damage mean the first marked band on the graft
addressed. seen at the mouth of the socket.
194 M. J. McNicholas and E. Beit-ner

tions dictated by the location or size of the carti-

• The knee is then put through a full lage lesion treated protect the articular surfaces
ROM, cycled ten times, while manual from excessive compressive or shearing forces
maximum tension is applied to the graft [71]. Tibiofemoral lesions require a minimum
trailing sutures, ensuring appropriate period of 6 weeks touch-weightbearing, then pro-
graft tension. While reducing the tibia gressing to full-weightbearing [72]. OATs, par-
backward onto the intact PCL with the ticularly when several osteochondral plugs have
knee in full extension an interference been used for larger defects require a short period
screw is inserted over a guide wire of non-weightbearing [71]. Patellofemoral carti-
placed between the four graft limbs until lage surgery patients, with the knee in a brace
the round end is just at the cortex ensur- locked in extension during ambulation, need a
ing aperture fixation. The graft is kept 2-week period of partial-weightbearing, before
under full tension throughout to avoid full-weightbearing is permitted [73]. From 8
the screw cutting it. weeks, the brace is unlocked and CKC strength-
• Images captured via the anterolateral ening exercises can be introduced within a range
portal confirming no impingement of that does not engage the lesion, as identified
intra-articular graft with the knee at intra-operatively. Following MFx, a graduated
90° and full extension. running program can be commenced from
• Confirm normalization of Lachman, 4 months [73]. Timeframes for OAT and ACI are
anterior drawer, and pivot tests. more variable [74, 75]. Time to return to play
• Portals and donor site sutured. after combined ACLR and OAT is delayed by the
ACLR time-based criterion [76].

16.5 Rehabilitation 16.6 Conclusions

Pre-rehabilitation is recommended before ACLR Cartilage injuries are common findings in ACL-­
as pre-operative full range of motion (ROM) and deficient knees which can result from the primary
a between-limb strength deficit of <20% is asso- trauma and impact or from the chronic instability
ciated with improved postoperative patient out- in the damaged knee. The incidence of associated
comes and lower complication rates [64]. cartilage and meniscal pathology with ACL tears
Postoperatively, practice guidelines recommend varies widely in the literature, partly because the
three criterion-based phases of rehabilitation high percentage of asymptomatic chondral dam-
[65]: impairment-based; sport-specific training age and for the increased incidence over time in
and return to play. The impairment-based phase knees with untreated tears. Nevertheless, these
focuses on controlling pain and effusion, restor- conditions can affect the diagnosis, the treatment,
ing knee ROM, voluntary quadriceps control, and and prognosis of each other.
a normal gait pattern. While for Immediate full-­ The optimal management of concomitant
weightbearing is recommended following ACLR injury of ACL tear and chondral damage remains
concomitant chondral restoration requires a unclear as there are some inconsistencies regard-
period of protected ROM and weightbearing [66, ing the long-term effects of cartilage injury in the
67]. Chondral debridement does not alter the ACL-deficient knee. It was shown that ACL
above rehabilitation plan [68]. While continuous injury predisposes the young healthy knee to
passive motion (CPM) following isolated ACLR early OA. Several studies have showed that con-
[69] demonstrates no long-term benefits, its use comitant injuries may further increase this risk.
immediately after combined ACLR and articular While some showed that this is true even after
cartilage surgery promotes healing and reduces ACL reconstruction, others have shown that in
arthrofibrosis risk [70]. Weightbearing restric- the case of asymptomatic chondral defects, the
16 Managing Concomitant Cartilage Injury with ACL Tears 195

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Palliative techniques were first described in acid, growth factors, and cytokine modulation
the early 1940s by Haggart and Magnuson. Both [27, 28]. Future basic research has focused on cel-
were proponents of debridement, a sort of lular profiling, using molecular markers to iden-
“house-cleaning” procedure, in which the aim tify the quality of cartilage repair between
was to remove all mechanical irritants in the different populations of bone marrow mesenchy-
knee. Magnuson theorized that mechanical irrita- mal signaling (stem) cells (BM-MSCs) [29].
tion led to osteoarthritis and that thorough
debridement might possibly prevent progression
of osteoarthritis [12–15]. 17.2 Indications
Pridie led the development of the first repara-
tive technique for cartilage defects of the knee. In The earliest results of both Haggart and Magnuson
1959, he described resurfacing osteoarthritic indicated that patients over 30 years old reported
joints by drilling into the subchondral bone plate significantly worse outcomes than their younger
after debridement [16]. In 1989, Steadman began counterparts. They also identified patient charac-
treating patients with high-grade focal articular teristics such as postoperative compliance as criti-
cartilage defects using a microfracture technique cal to success [12–14]. Current indications include
which he developed in an animal model [17, 18]. failure of non-operative management, age less than
Using this technique, Steadman recommended 40 years, full-thickness lesions less than 4 cm2, and
arthroscopic debridement and microfracture as body mass index less than 30 kg/m2. Notably, these
the first-line treatment for traumatic full-­thickness indications are not “set in stone” and certainly,
chondral defects of the knee [19]. These marrow individual patients must be evaluated and indicated
stimulation techniques work by creating holes for surgery on a case-by-case basis.
through the bottom of the subchondral bone plate
allowing marrow contents to fill the debrided
area. Creating a “well-shouldered” cartilage rim 17.3 Contraindications
with vertical walls is critical to successful filling
of the defect. When comparing these two marrow Axial malalignment, partial thickness defects,
stimulation techniques, microfracture is thought ligament instability, meniscal deficiency, and
to be superior by limiting any thermal necrosis patients unwilling to follow a postoperative reha-
associated with drilling. By the beginning of the bilitation protocol are absolute contraindications
twenty-first century, marrow stimulation by [8, 24, 30]. Relative contraindications include
microfracture was considered the first-line treat- age over 40, body mass index greater than 30 kg/
ment for full-thickness chondral defects [20, 21]. m2, an insufficient rim of cartilage, defect size
The inability of cartilage defects to heal is greater than 4 cm2, and bipolar lesions [21, 26].
largely a consequence of its avascularity [22].
Microfracture, or the mechanical penetration into
subchondral bone using an awl-like pick, disrupts 17.4 Technique
the vasculature of the bone while maintaining the
overall integrity of the subchondral bone plate The microfracture procedure begins with a thor-
[23]. Microfracture is a cost-effective minimally ough diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee. The
invasive procedure and was originally thought to next step is to debride the lesion using an
not preclude subsequent surgery should the initial arthroscopic shaver and various curettes
treatment fail [24–26]. Efforts to improve upon (Figs. 17.1 and 17.2) to form a stable vertical
the repair tissue characteristics and long-­ term wall of healthy cartilage to contain the fibrocarti-
durability led to the investigation of strategies to lage that will fill the defect (Fig. 17.3). Next, a
augment microfracture. Microfracture augmenta- curette is used, and care is taken to completely
tion techniques continue to evolve and include the remove the calcium cartilage layer without dis-
addition of scaffolding, chondrocytes, hyaluronic rupting the subchondral bone plate. Starting at
17 Marrow Stimulation: Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion 201

Fig. 17.1 Debridement of a focal chondral defect of the Fig. 17.3 Focal chondral defect of the femoral condyle
femoral condyle with an arthroscopic shaver. (Reprinted after debridement, demonstrating a stable vertical wall
from Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine, Vol 26, around that will allow an environment optimized to hold
Douleh, Diane and Frank, Rachel M., Marrow Stimulation: the eventual fibrocartilage clot in place. (Reprinted from
Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion, Pages No. 170– Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine, Vol 26, Douleh,
174, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier) Diane and Frank, Rachel M., Marrow Stimulation:
Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion, Pages No. 170–
174, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier)

Fig. 17.2 Debridement of a focal chondral defect of the

femoral condyle with a curette to create a stable rim of
vertical walls around the lesion. (Reprinted from Operative
Fig. 17.4 Use of a microfracture awl to create microfrac-
Techniques in Sports Medicine, Vol 26, Douleh, Diane
ture holes through the subchondral bone plate of a focal
and Frank, Rachel M., Marrow Stimulation: Microfracture,
chondral defect of the femoral condyle. (Reprinted from
Drilling, and Abrasion, Pages No. 170–174, Copyright
Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine, Vol 26, Douleh,
(2018), with permission from Elsevier)
Diane and Frank, Rachel M., Marrow Stimulation:
Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion, Pages No. 170–
174, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier)
the periphery of the lesion and working towards
the center, specialized awls, a micro-drill, or
power-pick style drill are used to create small the holes to ensure marrow simulation has
holes in the subchondral bone plate that are occurred (Fig. 17.7) [17, 25, 31]. Biologic aug-
3–4 mm apart and 2–4 mm deep (Figs. 17.4, 17.5, mentation including platelet-rich plasma and/or
and 17.6). Finally, arthroscopic fluid pressure is other scaffolds can be added to the microfracture
reduced to observe fat and blood coming out of bed as well.
202 A. S. Robinson et al.

Fig. 17.7 Demonstration of blood/marrow visualized exit-

Fig. 17.5 Microfracture holes are created perpendicular ing out the microfracture holes from the subchondral bone
to the subchondral bone, beginning along the periphery after the arthroscopic fluid pressure is decreased. (Reprinted
first, with subsequent holes continuing towards the center from Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine, Vol 26,
of the lesion. (Reprinted from Operative Techniques in Douleh, Diane and Frank, Rachel M., Marrow Stimulation:
Sports Medicine, Vol 26, Douleh, Diane and Frank, Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion, Pages No. 170–174,
Rachel M., Marrow Stimulation: Microfracture, Drilling, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier)
and Abrasion, Pages No. 170–174, Copyright (2018), with
permission from Elsevier)
or tibial plateau, the postoperative protocol
includes protected weight bearing for 6–8 weeks
and the use of a continuous passive motion
(CPM) machine for 6–8 h per day for 6 weeks
[19, 26]. Lesions of the patellofemoral compart-
ment are not affected by weight bearing; there-
fore, weight bearing as tolerated with the knee
locked in full extension (using a long leg knee
brace) is allowed immediately after surgery [25,
26]. However, range of motion must be limited to
protect formation of the fibrocartilage, so the
patient is placed in a brace postoperatively with
progression of 30° every 2 weeks [19]. CPM is
also used in these patients but with the appropri-
ate flexion limitations. Range of motion and
Fig. 17.6 Demonstration of microfracture holes placed weight-bearing restrictions are lifted after
approximately 3–4 mm apart, and approximately 3–4 mm 8 weeks, with full return to activity expected by
deep. (Reprinted from Operative Techniques in Sports 6–12 months postoperatively.
Medicine, Vol 26, Douleh, Diane and Frank, Rachel M.,
Marrow Stimulation: Microfracture, Drilling, and
Abrasion, Pages No. 170–174, Copyright (2018), with
permission from Elsevier) 17.6 Outcomes

While early results of microfracture showed a

17.5 Postoperative Care significant functional improvement over the
short-term, particularly for younger athletes,
Rehabilitation considerations include concomi- long-term results were less encouraging [32].
tant procedures performed as well as the location Research suggests that restorative procedures
of the lesion. For a lesion of the femoral condyle such as autologous osteochondral transplantation
17 Marrow Stimulation: Microfracture, Drilling, and Abrasion 203

(OAT), autologous chondrocyte implantation 9. Bae DK, Yoon KH, Song SJ. Cartilage healing after
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(ACI), and osteochondral allograft transplant 2006;22(4):367–74.
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clarification [39]. Currently, there is ongoing sus microfracture for symptomatic cartilage defects of
research on the effectiveness of restorative proce- the knee: early treatment matters. Am J Sports Med.
dures following microfracture as well as the 12. Haggart GE. Surgical treatment of degenerative arthri-
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party payors only reimbursing for advanced car- osteoarthritis of the knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
tilage restoration procedures once microfracture 16. Pridie KH. A method of resurfacing osteoarthritic
has failed [42]. This reimbursement practice con- knee joints. J Bone Joint Surg. 1959;41-B:618.
flicts with the current accepted guidelines for 17. Steadman JR, Rodkey WG, Singleton SB, Briggs
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dral defects: technique and clinical results. Oper Tech
any size defect [43]. Orthop. 1997;7(4):300–4.
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Arthroscopic subchondral bone plate microfracture
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206 H. P. Huddleston et al.

scores between 18 and 36 months postoperative in 18.2 Autologous Matrix-Induced

patients who underwent marrow stimulation to the Chondrogenesis (AMIC)
trochlea, patella, or tibia [14]. Solheim et al.
reported less than 60% survivorship 3 years after AMIC is a commonly investigated, attractive
microfracture with a mean time to failure (knee microfracture augmentation technique. It was
arthroplasty or Lyscholm score <65) of 4 years first introduced by Behrens et al. in the early
[20]. This lack of durability may be attributed to 2000s and entails performing a type of marrow
the biologic differences between fibrocartilage and stimulation (commonly microfracture) followed
native hyaline cartilage, namely due to the absence by placing, and then fixating, a scaffold onto the
of type II collagen in fibrocartilage [15, 21]. To defect. Technically, AMIC is very similar to ACI
combat these issues, surgeons are utilizing new but can be performed in a one-stage procedure,
microfracture techniques and proposing and inves- avoiding a second-stage surgery associated with
tigating novel marrow stimulation adjuvants to ACI cell culturing.
improve long-­term clinical outcomes.
In addition, regulatory guidelines have created
an environment that is conducive to the develop- 18.2.1 Indications
ment of new microfracture augmentation tech-
niques. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Similar to microfracture, the indications for an
formed the Tissue Reference Group (TRG) in AMIC are similar to that of an ACI and include a
1997, which oversees the jurisdiction and regula- full-thickness chondral lesion and osteochondral
tion of human cells, tissues, and cellular and tis- lesions. AMIC may not be the ideal treatment for
sue-based products (HCT/Ps). If the product multifocal or bipolar lesions, nor patients with
meets the 21 criteria of the TRG (i.e., the product diffuse degenerative changes. Patients with mul-
is minimally manipulated or is only for homolo- tifocal defects may experience inferior postoper-
gous use), it is exempt from the FDA market ative outcomes compared to patients with a single
approval pathway [22]. Because of this, investiga- defect [27]. AMIC may also be preferred in
tions in the United States have mainly focused on younger patients (<40) with lower levels of activ-
microfracture augmentations instead of cell-based ity [3]. Although Behrens et al. originally sug-
therapies to take advantage of the FDA’s approval gested AMIC be reserved for smaller lesion
process for these products and techniques [23]. (<1.5 cm2) and microfracture has historically
Marrow stimulation augmentation techniques, been utilized and most successful in smaller
which aim to improve the quality and durability lesions (<2 cm2), clinical outcome studies have
of repair tissue, fall into two main types of aug- reported good results for a wide range of lesion
mentation: scaffold and injectable adjuvants [24]. sizes. A recent study by Bertho et al. on 13
Scaffold adjuvants used in autologous matrix-­ patients with a mean defect area of 3.7 cm2, sug-
induced chondrogenesis (AMIC), such as gested that AMIC may provide adequate out-
collagen-­based scaffolds, address the hypothesis comes in patients with large (>2 cm) osteochondral
that a scaffold or barrier is necessary to contain lesions (ICRS grade and 4) [28].
subchondral marrow products to facilitate carti-
lage repair [21]. In contrast, injectable adjuvants,
such as bone marrow aspirate concentrate 18.2.2 Technique
(BMAC) and amniotic products, address the pos-
sibility that inferior results from marrow stimula- Briefly, the lesion size and severity are investi-
tion may be due to suboptimal levels of gated via arthroscopy, and the site is debrided to
mesenchymal cells and cytokines released from remove any flaps and create stable, vertical edge.
the subchondral marrow [25–27]. This chapter Marrow stimulation is then performed [29, 30].
will review novel marrow stimulation augmenta- AMIC was historically performed with awls, but
tions, their mechanism, indications, and clinical given advances in the microfracture literature, a
outcomes where applicable. 1.1 mm K-wire is now often used for marrow
18 Microfracture Augmentation Options for Cartilage Repair 207

stimulation at 5-mm intervals [31]. The blood in Lysholm score (p < 0.001). Furthermore, in a
clot generated by the marrow stimulation can be subanalysis investigating lesion size, no signifi-
fixated in various ways. First, a combination of cant differences in Lysholm (p = 0.703) or VAS
fibrin glue with autologous thrombin can be uti- (p = 0.969) were observed between groups.
lized to provide fixation. Alternatively, a scaffold Similarly, Gille et al. reported on 2-year out-
could be utilized. A wide range of scaffolds exist comes on 32 defects in 27 patients and demon-
for use with the AMIC technique. Historically, a strated significant improvements on Tegner,
collagen type scaffold is used. However, there are Meyer, and ICRS scores as well reporting that
many novel scaffolds under clinical investigation 87% of patients were highly satisfied with their
as described in a later section. After trimming the surgery [34]. These studies suggest AMIC pro-
matrix to be slightly smaller than the defect size vides significant clinical benefit compared to
and preparing according to manufacturer’s baseline.
instructions, the scaffold is fixated using allo- High level evidence outcome studies for
genic fibrin glue or suturing. AMIC are limited. One study by Volz et al. per-
formed a randomized control trial comparing
microfracture to AMIC at 2- and 5-years follow-
18.2.3 Outcomes of AMIC ­up [35]. Forty-seven patients were enrolled with
a mean age of 37 ± 10 years and a mean defect
Outcomes of AMIC have been investigated in a size of 3.6 ± 1.6 cm2 were stratified between three
variety of study designs and settings and are most groups: microfracture (n = 13), AMIC with suture
commonly performed with a Chondro-Gide (n = 17), and AMIC with fibrin glue (n = 17).
(Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, CH) scaffold, Significant improvements from baseline were
a double-layer collagen matrix scaffold. An early reported for the mean modified Cincinnati score
case series performed by Kusano et al. demon- in all groups at 1-year, 2-years, and 5-years post-
strated significant improvements after AMIC operative. For the modified ICRS score, at 5-years
with Chondro-Gide in patient reported out- pain was significantly improved for both AMIC
comes—Tegner, Lysholm, International Knee groups but had a trend to worse scores (although
Documentation Committee (IKDC), and pain not statistically significant) in the microfracture
visual analog scale (VAS)—at a mean of group. Furthermore, a higher defect filling rate
28.8 ± 1.5 months (range, 13–51 months) [32]. was reported in the AMIC group (over 60%)
Patients were indicated for AMIC if they had compared to the microfracture group (25%).
lesions that were >2 cm2, ICRS grade 3 or 4. The These results suggest that AMIC may provide
femoral condyle osteochondral group and patel- more durable clinical outcomes compared to
lar cartilage groups demonstrated significant microfracture. An additional randomized control
improvement at final follow-up on all patient trial by Ander et al. compared microfracture to
reported outcomes (PROs) (p < 0.0001– AMIC at 1- and 2-years postoperative [36].
p = 0.0115) except Tegner in the patella group. Thirty-eight patients were randomized to either
However, improvement from baseline did not microfracture (n = 10) or AMIC (suture [n = 13]
reach significance for the femoral cartilage group. or glue [n = 15]). Similar improvements were
In addition, MRI evaluation demonstrated the observed in the Modified Cincinnati score at
presence of tissue filling within the defect for 1-year between the three groups and all groups
many cases; however, some cases demonstrated demonstrated significant improvements
hypertrophy or subchondral bone abnormalities. ­compared to baseline (p < 0.001–p = 0.02). These
An additional case series by Gille et al. reported findings were maintained at 2-years postopera-
on 57 patients in the AMIC Registry [33]. Patients tive. These studies support AMIC as providing
were a mean of 37.3 years old and had a mean comparable clinical outcomes compared to
defect size of 3.4 cm2. At 1-year and 2-year post- microfracture.
operative, patients reported a significant decrease In addition, one randomized control trial com-
in VAS pain (p < 0.001) and significant increase pared AMIC to ACI. Fossum et al. randomized 41
208 H. P. Huddleston et al.

patients to either an AMIC (n = 20, mean total term results of AMIC at 2-year follow-up, with
defect size 5.2 ± 2.4 cm2) or ACI (n = 21, mean only a handful of papers reporting outcomes at
total defect size 4.9 ± 4.4 cm2) treatment arm 5-year follow-up. Furthermore, while a few stud-
[37]. The study included patients with 1 or more ies have compared AMIC to commonly per-
cartilage or osteochondral lesions of the femur formed procedures such as microfracture and
and/or patella. At 2-years follow-up, significant ACI, there is limited literature on the long-term
improvements were observed on Knee Injury and survivorship of AMIC, and how this is compared
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and to other cartilage procedures. Future long-term
Lysholm for both groups. In addition, VAS scores investigations are needed.
had decreased to almost half of what they were at AMIC is also subject to similar disadvantages
baseline (50–30.4 for ACI and 57.6–27 for as microfracture. For example, a study by Beck
AMIC). In addition, 3 patients from the ACI et al. investigated the effect of microfracture and
group underwent a second look arthroscopy dur- autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis
ing the first 2 years of follow-up (all demon- (AMIC) on subchondral bone structure and sub-
strated good defect fill) and 3 from the AMIC chondral bone cyst formation in 36 sheep [39].
group (1 of 3 demonstrated sparse filling). In The sheep were stratified into three groups (con-
addition, 2 patients from the AMIC group pro- trol, microfracture, and AMIC) underwent analy-
gressed to a total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This sis at either 13 weeks (n = 6 per group) or 26 weeks
study suggested comparable clinical outcomes (n = 6 per group) postoperative. Analysis included
between AMIC and ACI at short-term follow-up. percentage of infill, histology, histomorphology,
As discussed in detail later, orthobiologics can and micro-CT (at 26 weeks only). There were no
also be utilized to augment microfracture tech- significant differences in infill between micro-
niques. Furthermore, they can be utilized in con- fracture and AMIC, which was greater than in the
junction with AMIC. A randomized study by de control group. However, there was a high rate of
Girolamo et al. reported preliminary outcomes subchondral cyst formation in both the microfrac-
after AMIC and BMAC compared to standard ture and AMIC groups at 13 weeks (AMIC: 50%,
AMIC in 24 patients [38]. Patients who had microfracture: 33%) and 26 weeks (AMIC: 100%,
BMAC augmented AMIC demonstrated higher microfracture 83%) postoperative. Furthermore,
Lysholm scores (p = 0.015) and lower VAS subchondral histological and micro-CT findings
(p = 0.011) compared to the AMIC group at 1-year demonstrated increased bone volume and trabec-
postoperative. However, both groups maintained ular thickness associated with cyst formation.
significantly lower VAS scores compared to base- This study is a reminder that microfracture aug-
line up to 100 months postoperative. In addition, mentation techniques, such as AMIC, are subject
the AMIC with BMAC group demonstrated sig- to similar limitations as microfracture and these
nificant improvements in IKDC 2-years follow-up disadvantages should be considered in surgical
(p < 0.05), in contrast to the AMIC group, which decision-­making. Furthermore, when comparing
did not reach significance. Literature on AMIC in AMIC to isolated microfracture, the marrow stim-
combination with orthobiologics remains sparse. ulation technique in both treatment groups should
Future studies are needed to investigate clinical be considered. If small diameter drilling in an
outcomes in this setting. AMIC group is compared to large awl microfrac-
ture, structural and clinical outcomes may differ
between groups but may be due to differences in
18.2.4 Limitations of AMIC stimulation approaches rather than the utilization
of a scaffold.
One of the main limitations in our understanding An additional limitation when interpreting the
of the performance and durability of AMIC is the available AMIC literature is the range of tech-
lack of long-term outcome data. Generally, the niques, scaffolds, and indications that are used.
available outcome studies focused on the mid- For example, some studies have reported on uti-
18 Microfracture Augmentation Options for Cartilage Repair 209

lizing fibrin glue while others report on suturing. Bench work demonstrated the tensile strength of
Although more time intensive and technically this hydrogel and the ability for glycosaminogly-
challenging, suturing has been shown to provide cans and collagens to be produced within the
more secure collagen patch fixation in in vitro scaffold. Specifically, the ChonDux allowed for
models compared to fibrin glue [40, 41]. In addi- GAG and collagen production of adjacent MSCs
tion, while Chondro-Gide is the most commonly to double compared to those cultured without
cited scaffold in the outcome literature other ChonDux [45, 46]. In a caprine animal model,
studies have reported clinical outcomes using the ChonDux (n = 6) was compared to an isolated
Hyalofast matrix scaffold [30]. Lastly, like all microfracture (n = 6) technique. The ChonDux
novel procedures, the indications of AMIC group demonstrated superior mechanical proper-
greatly vary between studies. This is most obvi- ties (1.56-fold strength, p < 0.05) of the clot com-
ous when analyzing lesion number and size. pared to microfracture [46].
While some studies report on smaller lesions of In a pilot human clinical trial, 18 patients
2–3 cm2, others include multifocal or very large underwent ChonDux implantation for symptom-
lesions, further complicating any comparisons atic focal chondral defects (2–4 cm2). At MRI at
that can be made between studies. Future clinical 6 months, more patients had greater fill (>75%)
studies are needed to validate the use of AMIC in the ChonDux group (12 of 14 patients) versus
and identify its indications. the microfracture group (1 of 3 patients) [45].
Wolf et al. investigated these patients at
24-months follow-up [47]. On MRI, a mean
18.3 Novel Scaffold Adjuvants 94.2% ± 16.3% fill was observed in the ChonDux
group. In addition, VAS pain severity (p < 0.05)
While historically a collagen matrix scaffold has and frequency (p < 0.01) significantly decreased
been used for AMIC, multiple novel scaffolds are at 6 months follow-up compared to baseline. In
available and described in the clinical literature. addition, significant improvements were observed
Similar to collagen matrices, these scaffolds on IKDC at 18 months and 24 months compared
attempt to inhibit extravasation of mesenchymal to baseline (p < 0.05 for both). However, IKDC
stem cells (MSCs) into the joint, which can then improvement at 3 months, 6 months, and 12
be captured within the scaffold, resulting in carti- months did not reach significance. These prelimi-
lage defect filling [42]. Numerous novel scaffold nary clinical outcome studies demonstrated that
types have been developed or proposed, such as ChonDux may provide similar clinical outcomes
poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels (PEG) compared to isolated microfracture.
and porcine chondrocyte extracellular mem-
branes. Hydrogels, a commonly investigated
scaffold type, have demonstrated the ability to 18.3.2 Chondrotissue
provide similar biocompatible properties as carti-
lage and allow for easy diffusion of solutes in Chondrotissue (BioTissue AG, Switzerland) is a
both synthetic (e.g., hyaluronic acid or chitosan) cell-free polyglycolic with freeze-dried acid-­
and natural (e.g., PEG) forms [43, 44]. This sec- hyaluronan (PGA-HA) scaffold. The PGA-HA
tion will explore novel scaffold augmentation scaffold was compared to traditional microfrac-
types and associated clinical investigations. ture techniques in a study by Erggelet et al. in 8
sheep [48]. This study suggested that the addition
of HA for 14 days to the PGA scaffold-induced
18.3.1 ChonDux expression of chemotactic molecules, such as
cartilage link protein, aggrecan, and type II
ChonDux (Zimmer Biomet, Warsaw, IN) is alpha-1 collagen. In addition, the authors reported
sulfate and PEG hydrogel that is that at 3 months after surgery, only the PGA-HA
polymerized intraoperatively with UV light. group demonstrated cartilage repair.
210 H. P. Huddleston et al.

This approach has also been combined with treatment arm or traditional microfracture control
platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and evaluated in the arm. Patients with multifocal lesions, high BMI
clinical setting. Siclari et al. reported on 5-year (35), lesions >2.5 cm in diameter, untreated liga-
follow-up in 52 patients who underwent mentous injury, prior failed ACI or MACI, and/or
Chondrotissue implants that were incubated in microfracture surgery within 1 year of their
PRP for 5–10 min [49]. Clinical outcomes were planned surgery are excluded. The primary out-
evaluated with KOOS, which demonstrated signifi- comes of this study will be an evaluation of
cant improvements at 1-year, 2-year, and 5-year KOOS physical function and pain scores at 2
follow-up compared to baseline. Twenty-­one of the years after surgery.
52 patients returned for MRI evaluation at 4 years
follow-up and 20 of the 21 patients demonstrated
excellent MOCART scores. An additional study by 18.3.4 BST CarGel
Enea et al. reported a case series of nine patients
who underwent Chondrotissue with BMAC- BST CarGel (Smith and Nephew, London, UK)
augmented microfracture [50]. Clinical outcomes is based on mixing a chitosan solution (chitosan-­
including IKDC, Lysholm, VAS, and Tegner sig- glycerol phosphate) with patient’s whole blood to
nificantly improved from baseline to final follow- create an autologous bioscaffold. Hoemann et al.
up at a mean of 22 ± 2 months. In addition, four was the first to investigate the efficacy of BST
MRIs that were performed 8–12 months postoper- CarGel in 2007. In a rabbit model, BST CarGel
atively, demonstrated defect filling, although mild was compared to traditional microfracture on
bone marrow lesions were present in all cases. small (3.5 × 4 mm) trochlear defects [51]. At 1
Despite these successful results, it remains unclear day after surgery, the defects were analyzed by
how these findings compared to PGA-HA without histomorphology, while at 8 weeks the degree of
BMAC or PRP and to other scaffolds. repair was analyzed with histology, histomor-
phology, collagen type II expression, and stereol-
ogy. The authors reported that the BST CarGel
18.3.3 GelrinC defects generated clots that were more resistant
to retraction compared to control defects at 1-day
GelrinC (Regentis Biomaterials, Princeton, NJ) postoperative (p < 0.0001). In addition, they
is composed of a synthetic polyethylene glycol observed a greater amount of hyaline cartilage,
di-acrylate (PEG-DA) and denatured fibrinogen. and greater integration in the BST CarGel group
The unique formulation allows implantation of compared to isolated microfracture at 8 weeks.
the hydrogel in liquid form on a microfractured These findings were supported by a human clini-
lesion. Once implanted, UVA light is used to set cal study by Méthot et al., which investigated the
the implant in place, thus removing the need to structure of BST CarGel treatments to traditional
use fibrin glue or suture to adhere to the scaffold. microfracture with MRI at a mean of 13-months
Over 6–12-months postoperative, theoretically, follow-up [52]. In addition, about 50% of the
the implant acts like as scaffold attracting chon- patients from each group (BST CarGel: 21/41,
drocytes and MSC. As this occurs, the GelrinC microfracture: 17/39) underwent a second-look
slowly disintegrates, leaving behind a filled in arthroscopy. The authors reported that BST
cartilage defect. Currently, a large-scale clinical CarGel group had superior ICRS I and II histo-
trial of the efficacy and clinical outcomes of logical parameters (i.e., surface architecture,
GelrinC for FCDs is being performed in the superficial assessment, cell viability, and cell
United States (NCT03262909). This 5-year non-­ ­distribution) (p = 0.007–0.042). In addition, BST
randomized clinical trial will ultimately conclude CarGel demonstrated more organized repair on
in 2023 and will consist of 181 patients (age light microscopy (p = 0.0003) and superior ICRS
18–50) who were selected for ether a GelrinC scoring (p = 0.0002) on arthroscopy.
18 Microfracture Augmentation Options for Cartilage Repair 211

In addition, multiple clinical trials in Canada and study in beagles, Li et al. demonstrated that
Europe have investigated the efficacy BST CarGel. ArtiFilm did not result in any cytotoxicity or
At press, this product is not available for use in the immune responses in vivo [57]. In addition, the
United States. One such by Shive et al. investigated thin film demonstrated a high tensile strength of
1-year MRI and clinical outcomes (WOMAC 85.64 N. When compared to traditional marrow
scores) in 80 patients randomized to BST CarGel stimulation, the ArtiFilm group demonstrated a
(n = 41) versus isolated microfracture (n = 39) [53]. higher macroscopic ICRS grade with more hya-
In this study, BST Cartgel, demonstrated greater line cartilage at 18 weeks on histology.
lesion filling (BST CarGel: 92.8% ± 2.0% vs micro- Clinical investigations on the outcomes of the
fracture: 85.2% ± 2.1%, p = 0.011). In terms of clini- use of ArtiFilm are limited. One clinical prospec-
cal outcomes, both groups demonstrated comparable, tive, non-randomized study by Chung et al. com-
significant improvements in WOMAC scores pared cartilage repair and 2-year clinical
(p < 0.0001 from baseline for both groups). In addi- outcomes in patients who underwent microfrac-
tion, a continuation of this 1-year study culminated ture with ArtiFilm (n = 45) to traditional micro-
in a 5-year study of 80 patients that were randomized fracture (n = 19) [58]. In terms of MRI outcomes,
to either a BST CarGel or isolated microfracture 75% of patients had moderate (34–66% cartilage
group for treatment of an FCD (ICRS grade III or fill) to good (>67% cartilage fill) cartilage repair
IV) of the knee [54]. At 5-years follow-up, MRI compared to 50% of patients moderate to good
analysis demonstrated significant greater lesion fill- results in the microfracture group (p = 0.043).
ing in the BST CarGel group (p = 0.017). In addi- Patients in the ArtiFilm group demonstrated sig-
tion, there were similar, significant improvements in nificant improvements on IKDC, VAS satisfac-
both the BST CarGel and microfracture groups on tion, and VAS pain (all p < 0.001). In comparison,
WOMAC subscales (p < 0.0001). This study also the microfracture group only demonstrated
demonstrated that BST CarGel had a similar safety improvements on VAS satisfaction (p = 0.015).
profile to microfracture with 19.4% patients experi- However, there were no significant differences in
encing an adverse event (most commonly pain) clinical outcomes between the two groups. Future
compared to 26.9% of those in the microfracture randomized trials are needed to support these
group. BST CarGel is one of the more well-studied preliminary findings.
novel scaffold augmentations; however, how these
findings are compared to other cartilage restoration
procedures, such as ACI, remain unclear. 18.3.6 Limitations of Novel Scaffolds

Despite all of the advances in scaffolds and regen-

18.3.5 ArtiFilm ECM erative medicine for treating FCDs, a few large
limitations still remain. The current randomized,
ArtiFilm (Regenprime Co., Ltd., Korea) is a por- controlled trials compare the novel scaffolds to a
cine chondrocyte-derived extracellular mem- control group of microfracture patients. While this
brane. ArtiFilm takes porcine cartilage that is historically makes sense, it remains unknown how
isolated and cultured for 3 weeks, then decellu- these different novel scaffolds are compared to
larizes and washes the extracellular matrix and each other and other cartilage restoration options
chondrocyte complex to form the final ArtiFilm such as ACI or MACI. In addition, the indications
product. ArtiFilm was developed to combat for novel scaffold adjuvants and how these treat-
potential complications associated with using a ment options fit into the larger FCD treatment
periosteal or traditional collagen membrane after algorithm remains unclear. Future studies are
it was demonstrated that a porcine extracellular needed to evaluate differences in scaffold types,
matrix would allow for the proliferation and how they are compared to other mainstay cartilage
adhesion of chondrocytes in mice [55, 56]. In a procedures and their specific indications.
212 H. P. Huddleston et al.

18.4 BioCartilage 18.5.1 B

 one Marrow Aspirate
In contrast to AMIC, the BioCartilage technique
(Arthrex, Naples, FL) combines microfracture with One promising new injectable augmentation of
dehydrated, micronized allogeneic cartilage, plate- microfracture is the use of BMAC. BMAC, which
let-rich plasma, and fibrin glue. Prior investigations can be collected and processed at the time of sur-
have suggested that the composition of BioCartilage gery using a number of commercial centrifuga-
is conducive to chondrocyte and MSC adherence tion systems, is a source of MSCs, growth factors,
and proteomic analysis demonstrated the presence and cytokines believed to improve tissue regen-
of a variety of bioactive proteins [59, 60]. The tech- eration. In particular, BMAC has been identified
nique allows for a single-staged surgery that does to have high concentrations of transforming
not require a collagen or alternative composition growth factor beta (TGF-β), bone morphogenetic
scaffold. In this approach, the lesion is prepared in protein-2 (BMP-2), vascular endothelial growth
standard fashion [61]. Then microfracture is per- factor (VEGF), interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
formed and the BioCartilage is prepared in accor- (IL-1RA), and interleukin-8 (IL-8) [65, 66]. The
dance with the manufacturer’s instruction and is anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory prop-
mixed with PRP. The resultant paste is then care- erties of these cytokines and growth factors stim-
fully spread over the microfractured defect so that ulate chondrocytes to produce cartilage matrix
it is slightly sunken compared to the adjacent carti- and upregulate proteoglycan and type II collagen
lage. Lastly, fibrin glue is applied over the top of production needed in chondrogenesis.
the Biocartilage. Literature on the clinical out- To date, clinical evaluations of BMAC aug-
comes of this novel surgical approach remains lim- mentation for microfracture of the knee remain
ited [62]. Additional research is necessary to limited. Murphy et al. prospectively investigated
investigate the durability of this approach and how BMAC augmentation in microfracture of the
it compares both to two-stage approaches, such as talus, finding that those receiving BMAC had sig-
ACI and OCA, and to other one-stage augmented nificantly lower revision rates than those with iso-
microfracture techniques. lated microfracture at a minimum of 36 months
after surgery [67]. In the knee, early investigations
of BMAC and scaffold single-stage repairs have
18.5 Biologic Augmentation shown similar promise, demonstrating favorable
outcomes at mid- to long-term follow-­up when
In addition to scaffold-based augmentation tech- compared to traditional microfracture [68, 69].
niques, there is an array of injectable adjuncts to However, the role of BMAC augmentation on
microfracture that have shown promise in pre- microfracture itself has yet to be evaluated.
liminary trials. In general, these modalities intro-
duce mediators that stimulate and proliferate
chondrogenesis within microfractured defects. 18.5.2 Platelet-Rich Plasma
These factors are believed to promote differentia-
tion of the stem cells introduced by microfracture PRP is another attractive adjunct being investi-
into a more hyaline-like repair tissue than the gated for a number of orthopedic procedures,
fibrocartilage produced in traditional microfrac- including microfracture. As with BMAC, the
ture, which has been cited as a probable etiology promise of PRP is attributed to its high concen-
of the long-term functional outcome deteriora- tration of chondrogenic growth factors, includ-
tion associated with microfracture [15, 21, 63, ing platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),
64]. In addition, many techniques introduce addi- TGF-β, and VEGF [70]. These modulators facil-
tional MSCs to the defect site, with the ambition itate chondrogenesis by stimulating cartilage
of further promoting chondrogenesis within the matrix deposition and upregulating proteoglycan
repair. and type II collagen production. In addition,
18 Microfracture Augmentation Options for Cartilage Repair 213

TGF-β in particular has been identified as a key 18.5.4 Amniotic Suspension

modulator in the differentiation of MSCs into Allograft Injections
chondrocytes. [71] These benefits have been evi-
dent in preclinical studies using rat and sheep Amniotic suspension allograft (ASA) injections
models, where PRP-augmented microfracture present another source of high concentrations of
repairs displayed favorable healing when com- anabolic growth factors and anti-inflammatory
pared controls at serial histologic evaluations modulators that may aid in favorable healing of
[72–74]. microfractured defects. ASA products have been
Despite its promise in facilitating a more identified to contain TGF-β, basic fibroblast
favorable repair tissue over microfractured growth factor, PDGF, and several interleukins
defects, PRP has shown mixed results in early including IL-8, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 [80]. In
human investigations. In a recent meta-analysis addition, ASA products contain high concentra-
of seven studies investigating PRP augmenta- tions of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
tion of microfracture in the knee and ankle, (TIMPs) and free hyaluronic acid, whose anti-­
Boffa et al. found that while augmentation did inflammatory properties may further improve
significantly improve short-term outcomes, it joint homeostasis [81, 82]. Early preclinical stud-
was to a clinically insignificant degree [75]. ies using Lewis rat osteoarthritis models by
Notably, differing PRP preparations and injec- Willett et al. and Raines et al. have demonstrated
tion protocols were utilized in each trial, limit- the promise of amniotic products in attenuating
ing the ability to generalize results. Future cartilage degeneration [83, 84]. Recently, Farr
investigations using standardized PRP products et al. completed a randomized-controlled clinical
are needed to better assess their efficacy in trial of ASA injections compared to hyaluronic
microfracture augmentation. acid and saline controls in improving osteoarthri-
tis symptoms at 3 and 6 months after injection.
They found that those receiving ASA injections
18.5.3 Adipose-Derived Injections had significantly greater improvements in VAS,
KOOS pain, and KOOS activities of daily living
Another attractive source of stem cells for at 6 months after injection, demonstrating the
microfracture repairs is adipose-derived mes- promise of ASA injections in symptomatic OA
enchymal stem cells (ADSCs), which can be [81]. The effect of ASA augmentation of micro-
harvested and processed at the time of micro- fracture, however, has yet to be evaluated.
fracture [76]. In addition, adipose injectables
are rich in anti-­ inflammatory cytokines and
growth factors that may aid in tissue healing 18.5.5 O
 ther Promising Injectable
[77]. These benefits have been evaluated in Augmentation Modalities
small animal models, demonstrating efficacy
of ADSCs in improving cartilage repair quality Other injectable modalities that have been investi-
[78, 79]. The effect of ADSC augmentation of gated for microfracture augmentation include
microfracture has also been clinically evalu- hyaluronic acid and IL-1ra gene therapy. The
ated by Koh et al., who prospectively compared therapeutic potential of IL-1ra gene therapy was
40 patients receiving traditional microfracture investigated using an equine model by Morisset
to 40 patients receiving microfracture and et al. [85]. In this study, horses injected in vivo
ADSC injection for isolated chondral defects with the gene therapy were found to have greater
[26]. At 2-year follow-up evaluation, patients proteoglycan and type II collagen present in
receiving ADSC had improved radiographic healed defects at 16 weeks compared to controls.
outcomes and KOOS pain and symptom scores Hyaluronic acid has been used for conservative
when compared to those receiving isolated management of OA and as an augmentation of
microfracture. microfracture due to its stimulatory effect on
214 H. P. Huddleston et al.

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220 M. Brittberg

can be produced including the important calcified nized to have MSC (mesenchymal stem cell)
layer in between the chondrocyte repaired area characteristics, including multipotentiality, self-­
and the subchondral bone. The aim is to direct the renewal, immunoregulation effects, and other
cells to the right position in a gradient repair, important roles in tissue repair. However, Kurth
improve cell-to-cell interaction to be able to et al. [6] have reported that MSCs isolated from
coordinate a tissue repair as near to complete the synovium in vivo are distinct from pericytes
regeneration as possible. phenotypically and functionally. A local osteo-
chondral cartilage defect can be repaired from the
bone marrow by ingrowth of pericytes into the
19.2 Intrinsic Repairs formed blood clot but some repair contribution
may also appear from neighbouring synovia.
19.2.1 B
 one Marrow-Derived Repair For small defects, deep bone marrow stimula-
Cells tion may be used to introduce such repair cells
into the defect area. Defects less than 10 mm in
Bone marrow stimulation is performed to recruit diameter seem the best choice for such treatments
cells from the bone marrow and induce them into while larger defects may be treated with a con-
the area of cartilage damage. Subchondral drill- comitant porous scaffold to trap the cells in the
ing, abrasion arthroplasty, and microfractures are defect zone [7].
the classical methods to activate such a cell There are three ways to reach vascularity and
migration. However, the numbers of enough induce bleeding with subsequent cell migration.
potent cells that are available for migration are
few, and recent research has shown that it is best • Subchondral drilling
to go deep down in the bone to reach the larger • Abrasion arthroplasty
vessels. Pericytes are cells surrounding blood • Microfracture
vessels, and those cells are the ones to attract for
cell migration and lesion repair tissue formation Recently, animal experimental studies have
as they are most effective in repair [3]. shown that, in the so-called deep drilling, one
Human mesenchymal stem cell numbers will reach larger subchondral blood vessels
decline with age; a new-born has approximately inducing a better repair performance compared to
one MSC in every 10,000 marrow cells, while basic drilling and microfracturing [8]. These
someone at the age of 80 has one MSC in every studies have induced a renaissance for subchon-
2,000,000 marrow cells [4]. Park et al. [5] high- dral drilling as treatment alternative to the popu-
light the importance of the correct definition of a lar microfracture technology. With this so-called
stem cell. It is important to know that in stem cell nano-drilling a stronger repair tissue may be
therapy, the cells have been isolated from cells induced [9] and it seems that
concentrated in a pellet and in vitro culture
expanded. Finally, those cells have been charac- • Deep drilling is better than shallow drilling
terized to have self-renewal capacity and could and microfracture
express specific cell surface markers. Park et al. • Small diameter drill holes are better than large
[5] also suggest that stem cells derived from cell
concentrates should be presented as cell-source Different bone marrow stimulation procedures
aspirate concentrates. The expanded cells are are still employed because they are easy to per-
more or less homogenous, while the concentrates form and cheap. It may be difficult to get a
are heterogeneous with fewer stem cells. This is smooth filling of a cartilage defect following the
important when comparing one-stage procedures various described bone marrow stimulation
with two-stage cell expansion procedures. For methods [10]. In recent years, researchers have
many years, pericytes were regarded as simple developed techniques to augment cell ingrowth
regulators of angiogenesis. They are now recog- by implanting different porous materials into the
19 Cell-Based Cartilage Repair 221

debrided cartilage injury. With such augmenta- effects from the implant, regardless of the treat-
tion, it is possible to induce a stronger and more ment [19].
even growth of cells into the cartilage defect
The number of existing MSCs for repair is 19.3.2 Adipose Tissue-Derived MSCs
low, and the number of cells that can invade the
lesion area after mechanical perforation varies It is important to differ between adipose-derived
considerably from patient to patient, and from MSCs and adipose stromal vascular fractions [5].
young age to old. A concentrate of bone marrow The number of MSCs from fat tissue is much
aspirate (BMAC) is one way to increase number greater than the amount obtained from a similar
of cells to induce chondrogenesis [15]. BMAC is bone marrow aspirate but the in vitro chondroge-
obtained through density gradient centrifugation neic capacity is less than from culture expanded
of bone marrow aspirate (BMA), most often aspi- bone marrow MSCs [20]. In a human trial, human
rated from the iliac crest [16]. A subcomponent adipose MSCs were used as intra-articular injec-
of BMAC, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal tion in combination with microfracture and hyal-
stem cells (MSCs) seem to possess the ability to uronic acid (HA) to improve joint function in
differentiate into cells important for osteogenesis patients with knee cartilage defects [21].
and chondrogenesis. Cotter et al. in their review
of BMAC [15] found that a modulation of the
paracrine signalling may be the most important 19.3.3 Adipose Tissue-Derived
function of BM-MSCs. Stromal Vascular Fraction
Allogeneic bone marrow MSCs have not been Cells
used in isolation for local cartilage repairs in
patients, but in a recent study combined the use If one takes a piece of fat tissue or a lipoaspirate
of allogeneic MSCs with autologous chondrons. and centrifuge it, the portion of the resulting cell
The expected trophic effects from the MSCs may pellet is a mononuclear cell fraction of the fat
stimulate recycled chondrons to improve the [22]. Adipose MSCs have been used in rabbit
resulting repair cartilage [17]. experiments to induce articular cartilage repairs
[23]. However, still there exist no human trials
with this technique used for focal cartilage repairs
19.3 Synovial and Adipose Cells but such cell fractions have instead been tried to
treat osteoarthritis (OA) [24].
19.3.1 Synovial Derived MSCs

Chondrogeneic cells can also be retrieved from 19.3.4 Umbilical Cord

synovial tissue. Several in vitro and animal Blood-Derived MSCs
in vivo studies of cartilage repair using synovial
stem cells have shown encouraging results [18]. Human umbilical cord blood-derived MSCs have
The only one published human RCT study with a high rate of cell proliferation and anti-­
14 patients revealed good results concerning inflammatory effects, suggesting that these cells
postoperative outcome, MRI, and histologic fea- could be used for cartilage tissue engineering
tures after a two-stage implantation of synovial [25–27]. The cells low immunogenicity make
stem cells into an isolated cartilage defect of the them an attractive prospect as an allogeneic cell
femoral condyle. No graft failures were observed source for cartilage repair [28]. The clinical use
on MRI at the 2 years follow-up. Both synovial today has been focused on umbilical cord blood-­
derived MSCs and the control chondrocytes dem- derived MSCs for OA injection therapies [29]
onstrated very good-to-excellent and good-to-­ while there is lack of studies with those cells for
very good infill, respectively, with no adverse focal cartilage repair. However, there is one
222 M. Brittberg

c­entre using umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly- In a small RCT, cartilage lesions treated by an
derived MSCs embedded into collagen scaffolds. arthroscopic subchondral drilling plus postopera-
The group has not published any results but a tive intra-articular injections of autologous
technical note is published of how to use such peripheral blood progenitor cells in combination
cells in a scaffold via a trans-arthroscopic tech- with hyaluronic acid (HA) resulted in significant
nique [30]. improvement of the repair tissue quality over the
control treatment without PB-MSCs, verified by
histologic and MRI evaluation. Clinically, how-
19.3.5 Menstrual ever, no differences were found between the two
Blood-Derived MSCs treatment alternatives [36].

In 2007, Meng et al. demonstrated that it was

possible to isolate MSCs from menstrual blood 19.4 Autologous Chondrocytes
[31]. Those isolated cells have greater prolifera-
tive and differentiation capacity than bone 19.4.1 A
 utologous Chondrocytes (In
marrow-­derived MSCs. However, further Vitro Expanded)
research is needed to determine those cell’s chon-
drogeneic capacity [32]. The chondrocytes are few in number in the
matrix, and their migration potential in the matrix
is low. For this reason, the use of single chondro-
19.3.6 Muscle-Derived Stem Cells cytes for cartilage repair was initially not attrac-
tive. However with the knowledge of how to
Among muscle stem cells, satellite stem cells are isolate chondrocytes from their matrix [37] and
the most researched progenitor cells. Those cells expand the cells in vitro [11, 38–42], the possibil-
can differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes, ity to use the true cartilage repair cells increased.
chondrocytes, and myocytes [33]. No human After extensive research of chondrocyte behav-
clinical study with such cells has so far been iours in vitro and an in vivo animal experiments
done. [11, 38], the first autologous chondrocyte implan-
tation (ACI) in humans was performed in
October, 1987 [43]. Since that first operation, the
19.3.7 P
 eripheral Blood Progenitor technique has been developed and there are now
Cells four generations of ACI, with generation 3 being
the most used.
There is an increased interest of using peripheral
blood as a source for chondrogeneic progenitor • First-generation ACI with chondrocytes
cells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells have injected as a suspension under a periosteal
been shown to support cartilage healing. A sutured living membrane.
method of drug administration containing granu- • Second-generation ACI with chondrocytes
locyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) has injected as a suspension under a sutured col-
been used to mobilize those cells from the bone lagen inert non-living membrane.
marrow [34]. In a rabbit experiment, bone mar- • Third-generation ACI with chondrocytes
row MSCs exhibited a more osteogenic potential grown in a porous scaffold and implanted as
and higher proliferation capacity than peripheral an immature graft or chondrocytes seeded on
blood progenitor MSCs, whereas peripheral a cell carrier (see Figs. 19.1a–c and 19.2a–c).
blood progenitor MSCs possessed a stronger • Fourth-generation ACI is mainly one-stage
adipogenic and chondrogeneic differentiation procedures with direct isolation of chondro-
potential than bone marrow MSCs in vitro [35]. cytes and implantation. Included into that
19 Cell-Based Cartilage Repair 223

group of ACI also belongs cartilage fragment • Healthy cartilage.

implantation (CAIS, CAFRIMA). • Degenerative cartilage (e.g., this type of carti-
lage could be seen after ACL and meniscal
In vitro cell expansion and scaffold seeding injuries and after repeated patella dislocation
are expensive procedures and subsequently, ACI with local degeneration of cartilage structure
has been mainly used for failed other cartilage but not a generalized joint disease).
procedures, the so-called second-line, or salvage • OA cartilage (Pre-OA, Early OA, Late OA).
surgeries. However, evidence of the efficacy and
economics of getting it right first time means that ACI treatments can be used with surrounding
the main indications today are: healthy and also with surrounding degenerative
cartilage sometimes on its way to pre-OA/early
1. Large chondral defects >2 cm localized OA. A generalized early OA and fur-
2. Large osteochondral defects >2 + bone graft- ther on to established full OA are not indications
ing if defect depth >8 mm for an ACI.
3. All types of chondral and osteochondral As with other cartilage repairs, concomitant
defects with failed other types of cartilage malalignment should be treated by unloading
repair osteotomies in combination with the ACI
There is no age limit, but the surrounding car- Very large cartilage defects may also benefit
tilage should be of good quality. for an ACI in conjunction with an unloading
It might then be important to differ between: osteotomy.

a b

Fig. 19.1 (a) Chondrocytes in monolayer culture. (b) matrice grown in an in vitro cartilage lesion model.
Chondrocytes grown in a Hyaff-11 matrice. (Image cour- (Image courtesy by Josefin Ekholm)
tesy by Josefin Ekholm). (c) Chondrocytes in a Hyaff-11
224 M. Brittberg

a b

Fig. 19.2 (a) Chondrocyte graft (Hyaff-11 matrice with faces and is inserted via a small portal into the joint area.
in vitro expanded chondrocytes) is prepared in size to be (c) The surgeon is delivering the chondrocyte graft into
implanted trans-arthroscopic into a cartilage lesion. (b) the debrided cartilage lesion with an arthroscopic plunger
The chondrocyte graft is hold by a grasper with plain sur-

19.4.2 D
 irectly Isolated Autologous 19.4.3 Autologous Chondrons
Chondrocytes are embedded within an extracel-
It is also possible to use chondrocytes, directly lular matrix (ECM). The chondrocyte with its
isolated without a time consuming in vitro expan- immediate surrounding pericellular matrix
sion. It is then possible to use a combination of (PCM) is a unit called a chondron [46]. The re-­
primary chondrocytes mixed with bone marrow establishment of the PCM by isolated chondro-
MSCs to support cartilage tissue repair, without cytes when implanted for cartilage repair is
the need for cell culture [44]. The patient’s carti- important. However, it is possible to isolate chon-
lage biopsy and bone marrow aspirate are inserted drons instead of bare chondrocytes. The chon-
into a semi-automated machine, termed the drons have been used in a combination mix with
INSTRUCT cell processor, that isolates the chon- allogeneic bone marrow MSCs to repair cartilage
drocytes, mixes them with marrow cells, adds lesions [17]. From that study no treatment-related
fibronectin, and seeds the cell mixture to the scaf- adverse events up to one year postoperatively
folds. The cell processor is able to produce a cell-­ was noted. At 12 months, all patients showed sta-
scaffold implant within 1 h [45]. A prospective tistically significant improvement in clinical out-
follow-up at 2 years with 40 patients operated on come compared to baseline. Of interest is the
with this method was presented in 2020. Hyaline-­ finding that Type VI collagen, a major component
like cartilage was observed on biopsies in at least of the pericellular matrix, stabilizes the chondro-
22 of the 40 patients [45]. cytes phenotypes and is critical for chondrocyte
19 Cell-Based Cartilage Repair 225

survival. The expression of type VI collagen is lage have in one study been compared with nasal
diminished after chondrocyte de-differentiation chondrocytes. The chondrocytes derived from
and restored during chondrocyte re-­differentiation debrided joint cartilage exhibited an inferior pro-
[47]. In tissue cultures, a complete pericellular liferation rate than the nasal chondrocytes and a
matrix (PCM) is built in 6 weeks [47] but the lower capacity to chondro-differentiate [52]. In a
time for implanted re-differentiated chondrocytes small safety study, nasal chondrocytes were iso-
in scaffold to in vivo reconstruct a PCM is not lated, expanded, and cultured onto collagen mem-
known. branes to engineer cartilage grafts
(30 × 40 × 2 mm) [53]. The engineered tissues
were implanted into the femoral defects via mini-­
19.4.4 A
 llogeneic Chondrocytes (In arthrotomy and assessed up to 2 years post-­surgery.
Vitro Expanded) No adverse reactions were found and self-assessed
patient reported outcomes were improved signifi-
Chondrocytes have major histocompatibility cantly. Radiological evaluations showed variable
complex (MHC) class I and class II molecules degrees of defect filling and repair tissue with
but the cells are protected from contact with similarities to surrounding native cartilage [53].
immunocompetent cells by the extracellular Furthermore, in an in vitro study, nasal, auricular,
matrix. Furthermore, transplanted allogeneic car- and costal chondrocytes were compared. Naso-
tilage is not rejected but in osteochondral allo- septal chondrocytes presented the strongest prolif-
grafted patients antibodies are found. The eration rate, whereas auricular chondrocytes
chondrocytes can also exert immunosuppressive obtained the highest total cell numbers using com-
and immunomodulatory effects on immunocom- parable cartilage sample weights [54].
petent cells [48]. Clinically, in vitro expanded Yoon et al. [55] recently presented a small
allogeneic chondrocytes have been transplanted safety study on seven patients treated by a costal
in biodegradable, alginate-based, biocompatible chondrocyte-derived pellet-type autologous
scaffolds for the treatment of chondral and osteo- chondrocyte implantation. Implantation of the
chondral lesions in the knee. Both short- and pellets was performed via minimal arthrotomy
mid-term results up to 6 years showed satisfac- and secured with a fibrin sealant. Significant
tory results and a good safety profile [49, 50]. improvements were seen in all clinical scores
Furthermore Olivos-Meza et al. have shown that from preoperative baseline to the 5-year follow-
it is possible to isolate viable chondrocytes from ­up and also significant improved MRI MOCART
cadaveric human donors in samples processed in score [55].
the first 48 hours post- mortem. There is no sig-
nificant difference between the numbers of chon-
drocytes isolated from live or cadaveric donors. 19.4.6 Xenogeneic Chondrocytes
They also found that cryopreservation of cadav-
eric primary chondrocytes will not alter their Recent research in animal transgenesis may facil-
chondrogeneic capacity [51]. itate the use of xenogeneic chondrocytes in
tissue-­engineering applications for clinical carti-
lage repair. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and
19.4.5 N
 asal, Auricular, and Costal other concerns may diminish the interest to use
Chondrocytes xenogeneic cells for tissue engineering.
Sommaggio et al. [56, 57] have shown that com-
Nasal chondrocytes are found in the hyaline carti- plement activation contributes to rejection of
lage of the nasal septum. From nasal septum biop- xenogeneic cartilage and the authors also suggest
sies, chondrocytes can be isolated, expanded, and a genetic-engineering approaches to prevent
cultured onto different types of scaffolds. humoral rejection of xenogeneic chondrocytes
Chondrocytes expanded from debrided joint carti- for use in cartilage repair [56, 57].
226 M. Brittberg

19.4.7 Autologous Cartilage over time [61]. In another patellofemoral lesion

Fragments study, postoperative MRI revealed majority
lesion fill in more than 69% of patients, but that
The use of particulated or fragmented cartilage as persistent morphologic differences between graft
a source for chondrocytes is regarded as a fourth site and normal adjacent cartilage remained [62].
generation ACI. From crushed cartilage, the most
active chondrocytes may migrate out into a sur-
rounding supportive scaffold, gel, or similar [58]. 19.4.9 IPS-Cells and Embryonic Cells
The procedure may then be used as a one-stage
operation. A study has shown hand-minced carti- It is difficult to obtain functional chondrocytes
lage performs as well as device-minced or un- from human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) even
minced cartilage regarding in vitro cell outgrowth though new technologies are improving how to
but neither promoted matrix deposition after use such cells for cartilage tissue engineering
in vitro culture [59]. The first clinical study with [63]. Furthermore, the ethical issues associated
minced or particulated cartilage was a random- with human ESCs are an important disadvantage
ized study studying the so-called CAIS (cartilage of using such cells. Instead, induced pluripoten-
autograft implantation system) where the frag- tial stem cells (iPSCs) may be more acceptable
mented cartilage was compared with microfrac- since large numbers of autologous cells can be
ture (MFX) treatment. Significant improvements derived from small starting populations [64, 65]
in IKDC and KOOS with CAIS versus MFX (see Fig. 19.3a–c).
were maintained at 24 months [60]. The CAIS
technology uses a PDS scaffold for the minced
cartilage. There are several other options for the 19.5 Summary
support of minced cartilage. The Hyaff-11 scaf-
fold (Hyalofast, Anika, Boston) is a promising Although MSCs isolated from different tissues
scaffold for hand-minced cartilage in fibrin glue show similar phenotypic characteristics, it is not
(CAFRIMA, Cartilage Fragment Implantation clear whether those cells are the same types of
Membrane Augmented) [7]. MSCs. Cells exhibit differing potential for prolif-
eration and differentiation in response to stimula-
tion with various growth factors. In a rabbit study
19.4.8 Allogeneic Cartilage with 6 groups treated by autogeneic MSCs from
Fragments bone marrow, periosteum, synovium, adipose tis-
sue, and muscle, the bone marrow-MSCs pro-
The introduction of CAIS stimulated researchers duced much more cartilage matrix than that of
and industry to develop a similar model using other groups. Furthermore, concern exists about
allogeneic cartilage fragments, mainly from the stability of mesenchymal stem cells to exhibit
juvenile cartilage. Most reports are from use in and maintain a chondrocyte phenotype since
talar osteochondral lesions. There are no long common in vitro protocols of chondrogenesis
follow-up studies present, but a recent publica- induce a program related to endochondral ossifi-
tion was done in 45 patients followed for cation which may finally yield only transient car-
24 months following patella cartilage lesions tilage [66]. However, Sakaguchi et al. [67] looked
treated by juvenile cartilage fragments [61]. instead at human MSCS from bone marrow, peri-
Particulated juvenile allograft tissue was found to osteum, synovium, skeletal muscle, and adipose
be an acceptable cartilage restoration option for tissue. They found that synovium-derived MSCs
full-thickness cartilage lesions of the patella, exhibited the highest capacity for chondrogene-
offering satisfactory tissue defect fill at 6, 12, and sis, followed by bone marrow-derived and
24 months after surgery. MRI of the repaired car- periosteum-­derived MSCs [67]. Today, clinically,
tilage demonstrates progressive graft maturation MSCs from bone marrow are most commonly
19 Cell-Based Cartilage Repair 227

a b

Fig. 19.3 (a) IPS-cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) subsequent culture. (c) A small piece of cartilage, devel-
have started to be differentiated in micro wells. (b) A oped by 3D printed IPS-cells (induced pluripotent stem
small cartilage piece that has been produced by 3D print- cells), cultured and sectioned. (Image courtesy by Stina
ing with IPS-cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) and Simonsson)

used due to ease of harvest (via the iliac crest) and a mixed cartilage phenotype. These findings
and that they have good chondrogenic potential. may indicate that MSCs from other tissues may
However, when comparing MSCs with chondro- be confer a cartilage repair with characteristics
cytes, in contrast with MSCs, chondrocytes form that are different from repairs formed from chon-
cartilage only (and not bone) in an in vivo osteo- drocytes, whose main purpose is producing carti-
chondrogenic assay [68]. In another study, articu- lage [2]. DNA methylation is a process by which
lar chondrocytes and iliac crest-derived MSCs methyl groups are added to DNA. Methylation
were allowed to differentiate in pellet mass cul- modifies the function of the DNA, and such a
tures. Significantly decreased expression of col- process is essential for normal tissue develop-
lagen type I was accompanied by increased ment [69]. In vitro engineered neo-cartilage tis-
expression of collagen types IIA and IIB during sue from primary chondrocytes, hPAC has been
differentiation of chondrocytes, indicating differ- shown to exhibit a DNA methylation landscape
entiation towards a hyaline phenotype. that is almost identical (99% similarity) to autol-
Chondrogenesis in MSCs resulted in up-­ ogous cartilage [69]. That finding was in contrast
regulation of collagen types I, IIA, IIB, and X, to neo-cartilage engineered from bone
demonstrating differentiation towards cartilage ­marrow-­derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
of a mixed phenotype [2]. The authors suggest [69]. However, MSCs are interesting cells to use
that chondrocytes and MSCs differentiate and in combination with chondrocytes. Culturing
form different subtypes of cartilage, a hyaline human MSCs with human articular chondrocytes
228 M. Brittberg

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234 G. Jacob et al.

adipose, is inferior [20, 21]. Synovial tissue also to repair and replace mesenchymal tissues.
requires two-staged surgery and expansion due to However, this is not a simple task and many studies
limited tissue available from a biopsy. have reported a lack of specific tissue differentia-
Theoretically, MSCs can be obtained from almost tion in MSC therapies [30]. In vitro and in vivo
any human tissue and the major interest has been studies have indicated that MSCs can be encour-
centered on the lack of immune response allowing aged to differentiate toward chondrogenic lineage
for allogeneic administration [22]. Recently, with the addition of certain growth factors and
sources have included periosteum, amnion, inductive agents, e.g., transforming growth factor-
umbilical cord, and the induced pluripotent stem beta 1 (TGF-β1) [31], dexamethasone, bone mor-
cell (iPS) [23]. Studies are still sparse in which phogenic proteins, and insulin-­like growth factors
these sources are used, and adipose and bone mar- [32–34]. Due to the lack of differentiation of the
row remain the well-liked sources especially with MSCs themselves, it is now believed that MSCs
concerns that iPS cells could lead to teratoma for- could function primarily through paracrine signal-
mation as they can differentiate into all three germ ing [7, 35]. This allows them to secrete anti-inflam-
lines [23]. De-differentiated chondrocytes have matory, pro-­regenerative, and immunomodulatory
also demonstrated stem cell-like characteristics factors to enhance tissue repair [36–38]. The anti-­
and may also be a viable option in the future [24]. inflammatory effects include downregulation of
It has been noted that the body does have a cytokines secreted by damaged cells such as inter-
natural intrinsic stem cell response to ACL and leukins and metalloproteinases [39]. In addition,
meniscal injury [25, 26]. It is thought that the molecules to promote cell proliferation and tissue
local intra-articular bleeding brings MSCs and healing are also secreted, namely transforming
factors otherwise absent in the joint to the local growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor,
joint environment. The reason for the MSCs mar- and epithelial growth factor among others [40, 41].
ginal healing effect is postulated due to the Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs)
upregulation of inflammatory markers which derived from MSCs have shown clinical prom-
inhibit the regenerative actions of the cells. On ise in that they too express many of the advan-
introducing these synovial derived MSCs into rat tages of stem cells among a few additional
knees post-ACL injury, it was found that the cells ones. Still, in early experimental phases, EVs
adhered to the injured ligament as opposed to the derived from MSCs are much smaller and pos-
group with no ACL injury [27]. They postulated sess lower immunogenicity than MSCs [42].
that the injured tissues expressed cytokines and They contain biologically active molecules
chemokines which allowed for homing of the that have anti-inflammatory and trophic prop-
injected MSCs [28]. This means the body does erties similar to MSCs and can, therefore,
have the ability to heal; however, it is somewhat affect cell proliferation, viability, and angio-
hampered by the associated inflammatory pro- genesis in a positive manner [43, 44]. Another
cesses and in the case of an isolated avascular major advantage is the long-term effectiveness
chondral injury there is no presence of potential of EVs in that they do not age and undergo
inflammatory or growth factors due to no intra-­ senescence as with MSCs during expansion—
articular bleed [29]. therefore, they may have a longer lifespan of
functionality [42]. In this way, MSC-derived
EVs can aid in chondral regeneration and
20.2.2 Mechanisms of Action repair [45]. The use of EVs has remained in
experimental studies only but data from these
The exact mechanism of action by MSCs remains show potential for their use in chondral injury
unclear and earlier research hypothesized MSCs to treatment. Table 20.1 highlights the advantages
function entirely by differentiation allowing them of using MSCs for cartilage repair. Figure 20.1
20 Role of MSCs in Symptomatic Cartilage Defects 235

summarizes the various mechanisms of action before they are delivered to the chondral defect.
of MSCs. The reasoning is to expand cell numbers as well
In contrast to previous belief, it seems as as quality control and standardization of the treat-
though MSCs are orchestrating the repair and ment [46]. The obvious drawback is that the pro-
regeneration of chondral tissue with their para- cedure becomes two-staged when compared to a
crine functions and secretion of EVs as opposed single-stage harvest centrifuge and delivery. But
to regenerating and replacing the tissues. another important concern has been the loss of
cell phenotype and differentiation capacity during
the expansion process [47, 48]. Various other
20.2.3 Methods of Delivery techniques have been studied and many remain in
pre-clinical phases. It is known that the addition
The delivery method of MSCs has now been of scaffolds and matrices provides a structural
extensively debated. MSCs can either be procured support to the delivered MSCs encouraging cell
from the cell source such as bone marrow fol- proliferation and differentiation [49]. These scaf-
lowed by centrifugation and then delivery as an folds have included materials such as collagen
injection or procured from the source, expanded [50, 51], hyaluronic acid (HA) [52], and chitosan
in vitro and then delivered to the patient. Many [53]. An ideal scaffold is required to be biocom-
researchers have advocated the expansion of cells patible, biodegradable, permeable, porous and
possess some degree of mechanical strength. As
mentioned earlier pre-­clinical studies have also
Table 20.1 The advantages of employing MSCs for shown growing evidence that combining MSCs
chondral repair and regeneration are as follows with growth factors can improve their chondro-
• Availability genic differentiation capacity. These factors could
• Low immunogenicity be included in the matrix or scaffold intended for
• Multipotent MSC delivery to a chondral defect and be a viable
• Paracrine functions tool for MSC clinical therapies [54].

Endogenous Cell
Paracrine effects
Growth Factors, Anabolic
factors & anti-inflammatory
factors Anti-inflammatory
phenotype macrophage
Lymphocyte activation
Anti- inflammatory phenotype
Suppression of dendritic cell maturation


Fig. 20.1 Summarizing the various mechanisms of action of MSCs

236 G. Jacob et al.

20.3  linical Results of MSC

C help of fibrin glue. During the 18 months follow-
Therapies up, they reported significant improvement in
clinical outcome scores and MRI scans at
The use of MSCs in clinical settings has been 12 months confirmed complete defect filling. A
viewed mainly as an investigational drug/agent in second-look arthroscopy showed stable grade I/II
most healthcare systems. Regulations and lack of repair tissue and histology of the repair tissue
evidence mean the routine use of MSCs in chon- showed tissue rich in proteoglycan content and
dral lesions is not recommended; however, some collagen I and II content. Overall the repair tissue
clinical trials have reported promising outcomes. resembled that of hyaline-like tissue. They con-
In the past, bone marrow MSCs (BMMSC) were cluded that they were able to report similar results
the most popular source but due to inadequacy in to autologous chondrocyte implantation while
cell number more recent trials have been in favor being more cost-effective. Another more recent
of adipose-derived MSCs (AD-MSCs) and some stem cell therapy has been stromal vascular frac-
synovium derived. tion (SVF) injections which are derived from
McIntyre et al. [55] performed a systematic lipoaspirates. SVF has demonstrated to be a rich
review on MSC therapies and divided the studies source of stem cells [59]. The lipoaspirate is pro-
into those assessing OA and those treating only cessed by first enzymatic digestion to remove
focal chondral defects. They noted clinical bene- adipocytes and then processed to contain a high
fit in at least one pain and one functional outcome percentage of stromal and vascular cells. These
measure in all included studies, but found the AD-MSCs, when injected into OA knee joints,
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) results to be have been proven to exhibit a large number of
ambiguous. A more strict inclusion criterion was cells expressing CD34+ indicative of strong pro-
employed in a systematic review by Chahla et al. genitor cell presence [60]. With regard to SVF
[56] where 6 studies could qualify, of which 3 being used in chondral defects, there is currently
addressed focal chondral defects. The total num- not much data. A case report by Salikhov et al.
ber of knees treated for chondral defects was 176 [61] added SVF to a microfracture repair of a
knees with a mean follow-up of 21 months. No chondral defect in a 36-year-old woman. They
adverse effects were reported in any of the reported significant improvement in results how-
included studies, but the outcome scores showed ever did not do a second-look arthroscopy. The
only modest improvement. Both reviews con- postoperative MRI at 2 years showed good defect
cluded the therapy was safe, but study design had fill. Another report compared patients with chon-
a negative impact on the clarity of the results in dral lesions who underwent microfracture alone
MSC therapies making definite conclusions dif- versus in combination with SVF [62]. At 1 year
ficult. Most included studies were not controlled, follow-up, patients who underwent microfracture
not randomized and also employed adjuvant ther- along with SVF injections had better outcome
apies such as platelet-rich plasma, fibrin glue, scores. This is not conclusive data but at present,
and scaffolds. For these types of studies, a pla- the use of SVF has been used more in knee OA
cebo effect must be ruled out especially as than in chondral defect treatment [63–65]. Yokota
patients do have a high level of expectation from et al. [66] compared non-cultured SVF versus
such regenerative stem cell treatments. culture AD-MSCs in patients with knee OA and
Single-stage therapies are an attractive option found that despite both treatments resulting in
for chondral injuries to reduce surgical time and significant clinical improvement the results of
treatment cost. de Windt et al. [57] performed a AD-MSCs were superior. SVF has become a
clinical trial in 35 patients where they recycled popular treatment in clinical settings as it is a
debrided chondral tissue using a rapid enzymatic one-stage therapeutic autologous option with no
isolation protocol and combined it with alloge- additional in vitro cell expansion, resulting in
neic MSCs in a ratio of 10:90 [58]. The mixture less cost and regulatory issues. However, two-­
was then implanted into the defect site with the staged cultured MSC treatments may remain
20 Role of MSCs in Symptomatic Cartilage Defects 237

Table 20.2 Summarizing the clinical systematic reviews that reporting the use of MSCs for treatment of chondral
Type of Number of Patient Follow-up/
Author study studies included number MSC source months Results
McIntyre Systematic 14 451 Autologous 20.15 MSC therapies appear useful.
et al. [55] review BM, AD, Significant improvement in at least
IPFP one PRO in each study. MRI
outcome data is irregular. MSC
therapies are safe with no adverse
reactions reported.
Chahla Systematic 3 176 Autologous 21 All studies reported improvement
et al. [56] review BM, PBPCs in PROs. Improved MRI scores in
all studies. A second-look
arthroscopy and biopsy were done
in one study and showed reported
improvement. All studies reported
MSC therapy as a safe treatment
Abbreviations: BM bone marrow, AD abdominal adipose, IPFP infra-patellar fat pad, MSC mesenchymal stem cell,
PRO patient reported outcome, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, PBPCs peripheral blood progenitor cells

superior in that they have better quality control similar to that of cell-based therapies and ended
and a greater number of cells (Table 20.2). with a similar statement to other mentioned stud-
ies, in that study design and product heterogenic-
ity prevented any definite conclusions to be
20.4  caffold-Based Stem Cell
S drawn. They did question the use of cells, as cell
Delivery Methods culture and expansion are tedious when com-
pared to a cell-free scaffold repair option.
Scaffold-based MSC treatments have been However, there is literature opposing this and in
recently studied by combining biomaterials with support of cellular therapies [72]. Despite these
MSCs [50, 67–69]. There have been many case results, it must be noted that these are small stud-
series and reports demonstrating superior MRI, ies and case reports with a small number of sub-
arthroscopy, and biopsy outcomes after these jects, and they do not provide compelling levels
treatments which report repair tissue to resemble of evidence yet. As these scaffold-based cellular
that of normal hyaline cartilage with a large therapeutic methods remain in pre-clinical or
amount of type II collagen and intense proteogly- early clinical phases, further research and ran-
can staining. Buda et al. [67] employed a hyal- domized trials are required to determine their
uronic acid membrane along with bone marrow value as a therapeutic option.
concentrate in 20 patients and reported good
defect fill and significantly improved clinical out-
comes. Another technique reported by Enea et al. 20.5 Scaffold-Free Methods
[68] used microfracture along with a polygly-
colic/hyaluronan matrix augmented with bone A new scaffold-free based therapy being explored
marrow concentrate. They too reported superior is called Tissue-Engineered Construct (TEC).
clinical results and a hyaline-like cartilage repair. This is a natural scaffold-free MSC therapy for
Collagen has also been used a scaffold alongside chondral repair [73]. Here, synovium was identi-
bone marrow aspirate and again reported to pro- fied as the most appropriate MSC cell source
duce hyaline-like reparative tissue [50, 69, 70]. given its strong chondrogenic potential and avail-
Kon et al. [71] published a review to assess ability [11]. Ando et al. [74] cultured synovial
whether there is a need for cells in the presence of MSCs in high density which led to extra cellular
a scaffold-based repair. They noted that acellular matrix synthesis. This was then detached from
scaffold therapies too showed clinical benefit the culture plate using a pipette resulting in the
238 G. Jacob et al.

formation of a three-dimensional structure, which in effect delaying the publication of well-defined

could act as a natural scaffold. On further investi- guidelines and recommendations. From the exist-
gation, it was noted that TEC was abundant in ing literature, MSC therapies appear safe with no
collagen I and III, and on chondrogenic culture major reported adverse effects. Many new strate-
demonstrated a high glycosaminoglycan content gies have shown potential, and with high quality
and collagen II production [73]. Also, in another rigorous clinical trials we will be able determine
pre-clinical study, TEC demonstrated excellent their effects in chondral repair. Currently, the use
adhesion to chondral defect sites without the of MSCs should be as an investigational agent in
need for any fixative methods [75]. Further large high quality randomized trials with the hope of
animal model in vivo studies performed using providing clarity on their potential and
TEC demonstrated excellent chondral defect fill limitations.
at 6 months post-implantation. Defects treated
with TEC had significantly better modified ICRS
histological scores and performed equal to that of References
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244 E. Kon et al.

21.1.2 Cell-Free Scaffold 1. Biocompatibility: a perfect biocompatibility

is needed in order to prevent any kind of for-
The most recent generation biomimetic scaffolds eign body reaction to biomaterial, which
are implanted without cells. This implies that would mean a complete long-term failure of
they do not have the goal to directly deliver chon- the scaffold.
drocytes in the location of the lesion. Rather, they 2. Biodegradable: modern scaffolds are made of
focus on delivering a regenerative compartment materials like agarose, aragonite, alginate,
in which autologous cells originating from the collagen, hyaluronic acid, and polymers
healthy borders of the lesion and from the sub- (polylactic acid or PLA, and polyglycolic acid
chondral bone can safely proliferate under the or PGA). These kinds of materials are practi-
stimulation of load [3–5]. cal to the activity of macrophagic cells. An
Further classification of the actual scaffolds ideal scaffold should provide a guide to the
available in clinical practice can be made accord- progressive restoration of healthy cartilage
ing to the structure: first-generation scaffolds and bone. Once achieved, the scaffold should
were single-layered, focused only on cartilage be completely resorbed, in order to allow a
regeneration, not taking into account the different biologic replacement of the extracellular
aspects of stimulation needed for the subchondral matrix.
bone regeneration. The latest generation of scaf- 3. Bioactivity: an ideal scaffold should provide a
folds is multilayered, and every layer is made of biochemical stimulation to cell replication. In
a particular bioengineered tissue, with different order to do this, scaffolds can contain growth
materials to simulate the osseous surface versus factors like BMP, TGF-ß, or IGF.
the articular surface, in order to better mimic
their particular structure and function [4]. Overall, biomimetic scaffolds are growing in
popularity as a potential therapeutic option for
isolated cartilage lesion repair. Advantages of
21.2 Physical Properties scaffold-based surgical approaches include:
of Scaffolds
1. Single-stage, standardized procedure: reduc-
In discussion of the characteristics of an ideal ing both the burden for the patients and the
scaffold, the biophysical aspects of a scaffold to surgeon.
be considered should include the following: 2. Cost reduction: Cell-based procedures can be
very expensive due to chondrocyte culture
1. Elastic strength resistance: 1–20 MPa. This cost and its requirement for two-stage surgery.
allows both protection to cells, and also a cer- Scaffold utilization could represent a less
tain mechanical stress in order to stimulate expensive solution.
their proliferation. 3. Future perspective: 3D printing could lead to
2. Structure: a scaffold should be porous for the complete customization of the procedure to
80–90% of its entire volume, allowing for address a specific defect. In the near future, a
cells to grow in a three-dimensional structure. customized scaffold, based on a CT study of
First-generation scaffolds were flat; therefore, the lesion, will be available [6].
the strength acting on the scaffold in this case
led the chondrocyte to differentiate into fibro-
blasts, with consequentially a poor quality of 21.3 Surgical Indication
the matrix produced.
Biomimetic scaffolds are indicated for patients
In addition, biochemical aspects should who sustained a symptomatic chondral or osteo-
include: chondral lesion of various etiology: traumatic,
21 Scaffolds for Cartilage Repair 245

post-traumatic, degenerative, or osteochondritis • Osteochondral scaffolds: such as MaioRegen®,

dissecans. In addition, new scaffold indications Agili-C™, Trufit®, aim to replicate the osteo-
are extended to the include more diffuse chon- chondral unit in its entirety.
dral and osteochondral lesions associated with • Chondral scaffolds: such as autologous
early osteoarthritis [3]. However, the classic matric-­
induced chondrogenesis (AMIC®)
indication for utilization of a scaffold is for a with Chondro-Gide®, are designed as mem-
relatively young patient that is physically active, branous cell-free scaffolds, aiming to pro-
and not responding to conservative therapy. vide support to the migration of chondrocytes
Contraindications would include older, obese from the periphery of the lesion, and to
patients, especially if they have diffuse OA in replace only the chondral portion of the
their knee. Further contraindication is a maligned osteochondral unit.
limb or an unstable knee that is not addressed at
the time of surgery.
21.5.1 MaioRegen® (Fin-Ceramica
S.p.A., Faenza, Italy)
21.4 Rehabilitation Protocol
MaioRegen is an osteochondral, nanostructured,
Discharge of the patient is usually scheduled 1 biomimetic scaffold with a porous three-­
or 2 days after the procedure. An early rehabili- dimensional (3D) tri-layer composite structure,
tation protocol is advocated after implantation mimicking the entire osteochondral anatomy.
of a scaffold. Weight-bearing is delayed by The cartilaginous layer is made of type I colla-
3–5 weeks postoperatively, with the use of two gen, the intermediate layer consists in a combina-
crutches and progressive increase of weight- tion of type I collagen (60%) and hydroxyapatite
bearing after this period. Isometric and isotonic (HA) (40%), and the lower layer is a mineralized
exercises are encouraged from the very early blend of type I collagen (30%) and HA (70%),
postoperative, in addition to neuromuscular reproducing the subchondral bone layer.
electrical stimulation (NMES). Swimming pool The surgical procedure is performed with pneu-
exercises are recommended from the fourth matic tourniquet and a medial or lateral parapatel-
week postoperatively [7]. lar approach is used to expose the lesion.

• Step 1: The defect is prepared as follows: the

21.5  ell-Free Scaffolds Available
C sclerotic subchondral bone is removed until
in Clinical Practice 8 mm deep site with stable shoulder is created
for implant. The defect is then templated with
Scaffolding is an emergent surgical technique, an aluminum foil obtaining the exact size and
quickly rising in popularity due to new nanotech- shape that are needed. The lesion implantation
nologies available and 3D printing devices. site must be smooth and regular (Figs. 21.1
Several cell-free scaffolds have been introduced and 21.2).
over the last decade and, by the time this chapter • Step 2: The scaffold is then accurately mea-
has been written, other scaffolds may have been sured and cut for the corresponding implant
designed and their release dates have been sched- site. Fibrin glue is added to ensure stability
uled for the very near future. once implanted (Figs. 21.3–21.5).
A general overview of the main cell-free • Step 3: The scaffold is finally implanted by
scaffolds currently available on the market is press-­fit and the addition of fibrin glue for sta-
presented. A distinction must be made between bility is recommended. Flexion/extension
chondral and osteochondral scaffolds, in maneuvers to check the stability of the scaf-
particular: fold are performed (Fig. 21.6) [8].
246 E. Kon et al.

Figs. 21.1–21.6 MaioRegen® surgical procedure

21.5.2 A
 gili-C™ (Cartiheal (2009) Ltd., multiple implants, a 5 mm bone bridge must
Israel) be present as a divider (Figs. 21.10–21.12).
Postoperative stability tests are performed.
Agili-C™ is an aragonite-based osteochondral
scaffold. It is a rigid cell-free implant designed in
two layers: the bone phase (calcium carbonate in 21.5.3 A
 MIC® Chondro-Gide®
the aragonite crystalline form) and the superficial (Geistlich)
cartilage phase (modified aragonite). This bipha-
sic structure aims to reproduce the anatomic sub- Chondro-Gide®, a bio-derived porcine collagen
chondral bone layer. The scaffold is implanted by membrane, can be used with cells for ACI of
press-fit, with the superficial layer being 1–2 mm combined with microfracture in the Autologous
deeper than the surrounding cartilage [1]. Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC) tech-
Surgical procedure: A classic arthroscopic or nique. AMIC is a one-step treatment for repairing
parapatellar arthrotomy (medial or lateral) cartilage lesions [9–13].
approach can be used to expose the lesion. AMIC Surgical procedure: mini-open surgery.

• Step 1: Perform exposure of the lesion and • Step 1: Prepare the surgical site. Using a stan-
preparation of the implant site to stable verti- dard, minimally invasive anterior approach,
cal borders. A cartilage cutter can be used to open the knee joint. Remove damaged and
ensure smooth and regular edges to avoid unstable cartilage with a scalpel and curette
invagination of the tissues during implant until a stable, perpendicular shoulder sur-
insertion (Figs. 21.7–21.9). rounds the defect (Figs. 21.13 and 21.14).
• Step 2: Scaffold implant after careful mea- • Step 2: Measure the defect. Place the sterile
surement. Press-fit technique is used until the aluminum template included with the
desired position is reached, 2 mm below the Chondro-­Gide® in the defect to obtain an
surface of the articular cartilage. In case of exact impression of the defect. Cut out the
21 Scaffolds for Cartilage Repair 247

Figs. 21.7–21.12 Agili-C™ surgical procedure

imprint and transfer it onto the membrane • Step 1: Prepare the surgical site. Use a sharp
(Figs. 21.15 and 21.16). curette to remove cartilage fragments and cre-
• Step 3: Perforate the Bone. Use a sharp awl or ate smooth vertical defect walls (Fig. 21.23).
drill to perforate the subchondral bone at the • Step 2: Measure the defect size. Using a probe,
base of the lesion. Start at the periphery of the measure the defect size. Turn the probe in dif-
lesion and then move towards the center at ferent directions to determine the diameter
intervals of 3–4 mm (Figs. 21.17 and 21.18). and shape of the defect (Fig. 21.24).
• Step 4: Position and suture or glue the • Step 3: Prepare the Chondro-Gide. When
Chondro-­Gide® membrane. Place the trimming the Chondro-Gide, remember to cut
Chondro-Gide into the defect and then fix it it 10–15% smaller than the defect itself, as the
with suture (Vicryl or PDS 6/0) or fibrin glue area of the Chondro-Gide will expand once
(Figs. 21.19–21.22). moistened (Fig. 21.25).
• Step 4: Microfracture using a 1.2 mm K-wire,
AMIC Surgical procedure: For arthroscopic perforate the subchondral bone at the base of
application. the lesion. Working from the periphery of the
248 E. Kon et al.

Figs. 21.13–21.22 AMIC® Chondro-Gide® mini-open surgical procedure

21 Scaffolds for Cartilage Repair 249

Figs. 21.23–21.30 AMIC® Chondro-Gide® arthroscopic surgical procedure

lesion towards the center, insert holes at inter-

MRI evaluation, showing an incomplete or
vals of 3–4 mm (Fig. 21.26).
homogeneous tissue filling at 36 months of fol-
• Step 5: Position the Chondro-Gide®. Use for-
low-up, despite a significant improvement in
ceps or a clamp to place the membrane in the
clinical outcome scores. Schuttler et al. [15] in
defect. To prevent delamination of the mem-
2014 delved into the topic of tissue filling, eval-
brane, make sure the Chondro-Gide is sitting
uating MRI integration at 4-years follow-up,
flush inside the defect (Fig. 21.27).
showing a good MRI result in all the 15 patients
• Step 6: Apply the glue. Inject fibrin glue into
included in their study. Anders et al. were the
the space between the Chondro-Gide and the
very first, in 2013, to compare AMIC to Mfx,
defect. With a probe or a shaver, remove the
showing a better result at 12–24 months for
excess fibrin glue (Figs. 21.28–21.30).
patients treated with Mfx + AMIC, despite a
good result was obtained even with Mfx alone.
Roessler et al. [16] in 2015 reported on the use
21.6 Clinical Results of cell-free collagen type I matrix for the treat-
ment of large, symptomatic, cartilage defects in a
Literature about the results of scaffolds in humans
cohort of 28 patients, obtaining a complete defect
is still scarce. There is a general lack of evidence,
filling after 24 months in 24 out of 28 patients.
which highlights the low numbers of scaffolds
This demonstrates the reliability of this proce-
implanted over the last several decades.
dure even for challenging, larger cartilage lesions
A systematic review by Andriolo et al. [4], in at early follow-up. Sofu et al. [17] in 2017 once
2019 synthetized the best studies available again demonstrated the superiority of a
among the literature, especially about cell-free Hyaluronic Acid-Based Cell-Free scaffold in
scaffold. Gille et al. [14] in 2010 reported a combination with microfracture, versus micro-
good mid-term outcome in 27 patients treated fracture alone. Randomizing 43 patients in two
with Autologous Matrix-Induced subgroups, they obtained better clinical outcome
Chondrogenesis (AMIC technique), with a sig- scores in the subgroup treated with Scaffolding +
nificant increase in every functional score both Mfx, compared to the subgroup treated with Mfx
at 12 and 24 months. Kusano et al. [11] in 2012 alone. They also reported a relatively short time
for the first time implemented in their study an from surgery to return to non-impact sports
250 E. Kon et al.

activities with 7.8 months in the scaffold sub- patients with large articular defects. Berruto
group compared to 9.2 months in the Mfx alone et al. [20] confirmed good clinical results after 2
subgroup. Despite those good results, complete years of follow-up in a multicenter study of 49
filling of the lesion was achieved only in 36.8% patients with large osteochondral lesions.
of the patients treated with scaffold implantation, Guérin et al. (2020) [8] evaluated clinical and
and in the 16.6% of the patients treated with Mfx imaging outcomes to assess any existing corre-
alone. lation between short-­term (2 years) clinical out-
Sadlik et al. [10] in 2017 firstly described clin- come and MRI features. They found that
ical results of AMIC implanted with an all-inside MaioRegen® is a valid option at short-term fol-
arthroscopic technique, in particular treating low-up for treating large focal osteochondral
patellar cartilage defects. Reporting on the defects in knees of young patients, but no cor-
arthroscopic technique, Schagemann et al. in relation was found between knee functional
2018 compared AMIC performed with mini-­ scores and MRI appearance.
arthrotomy vs arthroscopic technique, reporting
no significant difference in the two subgroups.
Hoburg et al. [18] in 2018 focused on the 21.6.2 A
 MIC® Chondro-Gide®
osteochondral unit, analyzing results of AMIC (Geistlich) Clinical Results
combined with bone grafting for the treatment of
large osteochondral defects with a bone-bed defi- A 10-year follow-up study by Kaiser et al. [21]
ciency. They obtained good clinical results, with investigated the use of AMIC® in the treatment of
a complete filling of the lesions in about two chondral and osteochondral defects in the knee of
patients out of 3 at 4 years postoperatively. 33 patients. Average Lysholm Scores and Visual
Finally, Schuttler et al. [3] 2019 reported an Analog Scores (VAS) for pain improved signifi-
increased failure rate for scaffolds at follow-up cantly when the pre-operative values were com-
longer than 5 years, especially in larger defects. pared to the results at 2- and 10-year postoperative.
This study was the first to highlight the possibil- Importantly, the improvement of these key scores
ity of long-term failure of this procedure, and the was maintained over the 2–10-year follow-up.
lack of evidence in the current literature about the This study demonstrated that AMIC offers sig-
long-term follow-up of this procedure. Further nificant improvement over the pre-operative sta-
studies are needed to better estimate the real tus, as well as long-term durability of results.
impact that this procedure can achieve in treating In a multicenter, randomized, controlled
symptomatic cartilage lesion in younger and 3-arm study by Volz et al. [9] in 2017 compared
active patients. Mfx vs AMIC, focusing on long-term result,
especially at 2 and 5 years of follow-up. They
noticed a degradation of good outcome results
21.6.1 MaioRegen® Clinical Results for Mfx after 2 years of follow-up, while AMIC
was able to maintain a good outcome even at
According to in vivo and in vitro studies, this 5 years of follow-up. Most recently, in a 2019
scaffold is able to guide differentiation of the systematic review [22] and meta-analysis of
host cells towards cartilage on the surface and AMIC outcomes, significantly reduced pain and
towards bone underneath so that the entire improved function was reported from baseline
osteochondral layer is regenerated. The authors to early follow-­up. A retrospective analysis by
report good results at 12 months postoperatively Schiavoni Panni et al. [23] noted that AMIC®
in 27 patients with symptomatic OCD of the was effective when treating full-thickness knee
femoral condyles, with further increase at cartilage defects larger than 2 cm2 in 21 patients
24 months and no correlation between size and after 7-year follow-up. Most recently, Fossum
outcome [19]. Delcogliano et al. [7] show good et al. [24] conducted a prospective, randomized,
clinical results at 24 months follow-up in 19 controlled study to assess the outcomes of ACI-C
21 Scaffolds for Cartilage Repair 251

and AMIC in chondral and osteochondral defects large defects of the knee: increased failure rate 5 years
after implantation of a collagen type I scaffold. Arch
of the distal femur and patella. They found that Orthop Trauma Surg. 2019;139(1):99–106.
the mean function and pain baseline scores 4. Andriolo L, Reale D, Di Martino A, Boffa A,
showed significant improvement at 1 and 2 years Zaffagnini S, Filardo G. Cell-free scaffolds in car-
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5. Efe T, Theisen C, Fuchs-Winkelmann S, Stein T,
21.6.3 A
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Israel) Clinical Results type I matrix for repair of cartilage defects-clinical
and magnetic resonance imaging results. Knee Surg
Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20(10):1915–22.
Preclinical analysis [25] reveals the safety and 6. Shetty AA, Kim SJ, Shetty V, Jang JD, Huh SW, Lee
the potential of this scaffold, demonstrating the DH. Autologous collagen induced chondrogenesis
ability to recruit cell from the surrounding tissues (ACIC: Shetty–Kim technique)—a matrix based acel-
lular single stage arthroscopic cartilage repair tech-
allowing a good regeneration of the entire osteo- nique. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2016;7:164–9.
chondral unit. Most recently, (2019) Chubinskaya 7. Delcogliano M, de Caro F, Scaravella E, Ziveri G, De
et al. [1] investigated the ex vivo Agili-C poten- Biase CF, Marotta D, et al. Use of innovative biomi-
tial of repairing full-thickness cartilage defects, metic scaffold in the treatment for large osteochon-
dral lesions of the knee. Knee Surg Sport Traumatol
focusing on the potential in stimulating cartilage Arthrosc. 2014;2:1260–9.
in-growth through chondrocytes migration into 8. Guérin G, Pujol N. Repair of large condylar osteo-
the 3D interconnected porous structure of the chondral defects of the knee by collagen scaffold.
scaffold. The analysis supports the potential of Minimum two-year outcomes. Orthop Traumatol
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Agili-C™ scaffold to stimulate cartilage regen- 9. Volz M, Schaumburger J, Frick H, Grifka J, Anders
eration and repair. At the moment, a European S. A randomized controlled trial demonstrating sus-
multicenter clinical trial is currently being per- tained benefit of autologous matrix-induced chondro-
formed, and results should be available shortly. genesis over microfracture at five years. Int Orthop.
In summary, scaffolds have been designed to 10. Sadlik B, Puszkarz M, Kosmalska L, Wiewiorski
treat a variety of clinical cartilage injuries and M. All-arthroscopic autologous matrix-induced
have been shown to be a good option for surgical chondrogenesis-­ aided repair of a patellar cartilage
treatment of chondral and osteochondral defects defect using dry arthroscopy and a retraction system.
J Knee Surg. 2017;30(9):925–9.
in early follow-up studies. There are currently 11. Kusano T, Jakob RP, Gautier E, Magnussen RA,
both cell-based scaffolds, and non-cell-based Hoogewoud H, Jacobi M. Treatment of isolated chon-
options available with advantages and disadvan- dral and osteochondral defects in the knee by autolo-
tages to each approach. Long-term results are gous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC). Knee
Surg Sport Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20(10):2109–15.
needed to further assess the durability of these 12. Anders S, Volz M, Frick H, Gellissen J. A random-
scaffolds. ized, controlled trial comparing autologous matrix-­
induced chondrogenesis (AMIC®) to microfracture:
analysis of 1- and 2-year follow-up data of 2 centers.
Open Orthop J. 2013;7(1):133–43.
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254 C. M. LaPrade et al.

Fig. 22.1 (a) Illustration demonstrating the single plug plasty technique involves multiple small osteochondral
technique, which involves the transplantation of a single grafts producing a “mosaic” structure as seen in this clini-
6–10 mm osteochondral graft to fill the cartilage defect. cal photo. (Used with permission from Hangody et al
(Used with permission from Sherman et al (2017), (2008), Reprinted from Injury, Vol 39/Issue 3, László
Reprinted from Sports Medicine Clinics, Vol 36/Issue 3, Hangody, Gábor Vásárhelyi, László Rudolf Hangody, Zita
Seth L. Sherman, Emil Thyssen, Clayton W. Nuelle, Sükösd, György Tibay, Lajos Bartha, Gábor Bodó,
Osteochondral Autologous Transplantation, 489–500, Autologous osteochondral grafting—Technique and long-­
Copyright (2017), with permission from Elsevier [or term results, 32–39, Copyright (2008), with permission
Applicable Society Copyright Owner]). (b) The mosaic- from Elsevier [or Applicable Society Copyright Owner])

[11]. The lateral trochlear flare superior to the pusher that is inserted ensuring that the graft is
sulcus terminalis provides the largest surface area flush with the edges of the delivery tube. The
with minimal contact pressures. After selecting a delivery tube is then placed perpendicular to the
graft site for harvesting, a donor harvester is recipient site, and the graft is slowly advanced
placed perpendicular and flush with articular car- into the defect until it is flush with the surround-
tilage (Fig. 22.3). The harvester is then gently ing cartilage. A tamp can be used to gently com-
impacted with a mallet to 12–15 mm to ensure press the graft, without causing graft fracture or
there is adequate subchondral bone. The har- chondrocyte injury [5, 11] (Fig. 22.4). Additional
vester is then turned 180° to disengage the graft. steps specific to a mosaicplasty procedure include
If multiple grafts are harvested, separation of at using multiple grafts in the same fashion as
least 2–3 mm is recommended so that each site above. Care should be provided to place larger
remains perpendicular with the cartilage surface grafts in the center of the defect, as well as posi-
and ensure that the condyles are not weakened. tioning the deepest part of each graft to touch the
These donor sites can be left in situ allowing for base of the defect and be directed towards the
fibrocartilaginous fill or preferentially grafted center. This will ensure the proper convex orien-
with recipient bone plugs, allograft bone chips, tation of the donor site, instead of a flat surface if
or other bone void filler [11, 12]. all placed parallel [11].
At the site of cartilage defect, a harvester is There are advantages and disadvantages for
used to remove the bone and to create a socket for each technique. The single plug technique has the
the donor graft. The harvester should be posi- potential to restore the entire defect with congru-
tioned perpendicular and impacted 2 mm less ent hyaline cartilage; however, this technique is
than the donor graft. The recipient site is then limited by the size of the lesion and limited
debrided with the goal of having perpendicular donor-site availability. The mosaicplasty tech-
walls around the defect to ensure bone-to-bone nique allows for harvesting of donor grafts from
healing. A graft delivery tube is then inserted multiple sites and a technically easier matching
around the graft harvester, followed by a graft of the articular cartilage surface; nevertheless,
22 Osteochondral Autograft for Treatment of Small Cartilage Injuries 255

mismatch between the thickness of the cartilage

surface of donor and recipient sites that can lead
to an uneven subchondral bone plate even with a
flush articular cartilage surface [11]. For this and
other reasons (such as donor-site morbidity
within the patellofemoral joint), it may be war-
ranted to consider other cartilage restoration
alternatives such as cell-based repair (such as
MACI) or osteochondral allograft for larger
defects of the patella.
Typically, most studies have advocated pro-
ceeding with OAT for lesions between 1 and
2 cm in diameter (1–4 cm2) given that defects less
than 1 cm are typically less symptomatic, while
lesions larger than 2 cm2 require multiple grafts
and are limited by donor harvest site availability
(Figs. 22.4 and 22.5). Typically, larger lesions are
treated with OCA or MACI. In addition, OAT is
typically indicated for symptomatic International
Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) grade III or IV
defects in an active patient. While microfracture
may be chosen as a therapy with an intact sub-
Fig. 22.2 Illustration demonstrating harvest sites for osteo-
chondral autograft transplantation. Typically, the superior
chondral bone plate, athletes should be informed
medial trochlea, superior lateral trochlea, and/or the lateral of clinical outcome differences, timeframes, and
aspect of intercondylar notch are chosen given their low expectations for return-to-play, and possible need
weightbearing demands and curvature that is most condu- for further surgery if choosing microfracture over
cive for the common recipient sites. (Used with permis-
sion from Sherman et al (2017), Reprinted from Sports OAT [11, 13–15].
Medicine Clinics, Vol 36/Issue 3, Seth L. Sherman, Emil With regard to patient-specific indications,
Thyssen, Clayton W. Nuelle, Osteochondral Autologous OAT is typically reserved for patients who remain
Transplantation, 489–500, Copyright (2017), with per- symptomatic after failure of conservative treat-
mission from Elsevier [or Applicable Society Copyright
Owner]) ment. Some relative contraindications include
Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40, age
greater than 50, knee osteoarthritis with greater
the mosaicplasty technique results in increased than grade 2 on the Kellgren-Lawrence scale, and
space between donor grafts and leads to the previous infections, tumors, or inflammatory
increased possibility of fibrocartilage ingrowth arthritis of the knee joint [11, 14].
and decreased hyaline cartilage [11]. In addition, if there are concurrent injuries or
malalignment of the knee joint, these should also
be addressed at the time of surgery or prior to
22.3 Surgical Indications surgery. This includes planning for possible liga-
mentous repair or reconstruction (i.e., ACL
Strict indications for OAT are imperative to reconstruction) or meniscal repair at the time of
increase the chance of achieving a successful out- surgery. In addition, if an osteotomy is required
come. In the knee, OAT is typically indicated for for varus, valgus, or patellofemoral malalign-
lesions in the femoral condyle, patella, or troch- ment, this should also be addressed as a staged or
lea. Of note, with regard to the patella, there is a combined procedure [7, 11].
256 C. M. LaPrade et al.

a b

Fig. 22.3 (a) Intraoperative photograph showing the har- with articular cartilage. (b) Photograph showing the donor
vesting of an osteochondral autologous transplantation site being impacted with a mallet to 12–15 mm to ensure
(OAT) graft from the lateral aspect of intercondylar notch. there is adequate subchondral bone
The donor harvester is placed perpendicular and flush

22.4 Clinical Outcomes The mean Lysholm scores were significantly

higher, and clinically significant, for the OAT
22.4.1 Randomized Controlled Trials group versus the pre-operative scores at all time
points, as well as compared to the microfracture
While there remains a need for further investiga- group at all time points at 12 months, 5 years, 10
tion of the efficacy of treatment for focal carti- years, and 15 years [5]. In a level 2 comparative
lage defects, increasing numbers of clinical study, Jungmann et al. also followed patients
studies have been recently published evaluating with nonoperatively treated cartilage injuries
the short- and long-term clinical outcomes of against those treated with OAT and reported
OAT versus alternative treatments. However, decreased progression of degenerative MRI
there is a paucity of level 1 studies investigating changes at a mean of 6 years [14] (Table 22.1).
different cartilage treatments. Gudas et al.
reported that in a 10-year follow-up of OAT ver-
sus microfracture in lesions less than 4 cm2, both 22.4.2 Cost-Effectiveness
groups resulted in significantly higher clinical
outcome scores on the ICRS scale [4]. Everhart et al. investigated the cost-effectiveness
Nevertheless, OAT resulted in significantly of each of the cartilage treatments over a 10-year
higher scores based on ICRS and Tegner scores follow-up [6]. In their systematic review, they
versus microfracture and also had a significantly reported that in their baseline model all treat-
decreased rate of failure in comparison to micro- ments (microfracture, OAT, OCA, ACI) were
fracture, 14% versus 38%, respectively. In addi- cost-effective; however, when incorporating a
tion, there were no signs of osseous loosening in minimal clinical difference, microfracture as the
OAT patients based on magnetic resonance imag- initial treatment for lesions over 3 cm2 was found
ing (MRI) at either 1-year or 10-year follow-up to be the least cost-effective, while microfracture
[4]. Solheim et al. (2018) performed a level 1 for lesions under 3 cm2 and OAT (evaluated sepa-
study evaluating microfracture versus mosaic- rately as 1 or 2 plugs and 3 or 4 plugs) were the
plasty OAT at minimum of 15-year follow-up. most cost-effective treatments [6]. In a similar
22 Osteochondral Autograft for Treatment of Small Cartilage Injuries 257

a b

Fig. 22.4 (a) Intraoperative arthroscopy photograph of dicular walls around the defect to ensure bone-to-bone
an osteochondral defect. (b) Photograph demonstrating healing. (c) Photograph showing the final construct after
the recipient site that has been debrided to create perpen- osteochondral autologous transplantation (OAT)

study evaluating the different procedures (micro- 22.4.3 Return-to-Sport

fracture, OAT, OCA, ACI), Jones et al. demon-
strated that OAT and ACI met the minimal Given that many patients undergoing OAT are
clinical important difference (MCID) values at active athletes, two recent reviews have investi-
short-, medium-, and long-term follow-up in gated the return-to-sport following different
terms of International Knee Documentation treatments [7, 16]. These studies found similar
Committee (IKDC), Lysholm, and Visual Analog outcomes with OAT having a significantly
Scale (VAS) pain for all available data, while improved return-to-sport in comparison to micro-
microfracture did not meet the VAS pain levels at fracture [7], with both studies reporting the high-
medium-term follow-up (and lacked any avail- est rate of return-to-sport with OAT (89–93%) in
able long-term data for any of the above clinical comparison to OCA (88% for both), ACI (82–
outcome scales) [8]. 84%), and microfracture (58–75%) [7, 16]. In
258 C. M. LaPrade et al.

HSS scores at minimum 3-year follow-up [15].

In addition, Ulstein et al. reported on a level 2
study, at a median follow-up of 10 years com-
paring microfracture or OAT mosaicplasty [18].
They did not report significant differences
between Lysholm, KOOS, isokinetic muscle
strength, and radiographic osteoarthritis based
on the Kellgren-­Lawrence scale [18]. It should
be noted that the total patient populations in
both level 2 studies were low (25 and 30
patients, respectively), while one was limited to
an average of 5-year follow-up [15], while the
other included lesions up to 6 cm2, which is
above the recommended surgical indications
for OAT [18].

22.4.5 Complications

Recent studies have investigated the complica-

tion rates of cartilage procedures. Gowd et al.
reported that both open and arthroscopic OAT
Fig. 22.5 T2 weighted coronal magnetic resonance procedures resulted in less than 2% complica-
imaging (MRI) demonstrating a lateral femoral condyle
osteochondral defect prior to surgical intervention. tion rates at 30-day follow-up, with no signifi-
Typical indications recommend lesions between 1 and cant difference between different cartilage
2 cm in diameter (1–4 cm2) as being optimal candidates procedures [10]. In a systematic review with a
for osteochondral autologous transplantation (OAT) 10-year follow-­up, it was reported that the reop-
eration rate after OAT was 19% with a clinical
addition, Krych et al. reported OAT was resulted failure of 29% [17].
in a significantly shorter in time to return-to-sport A systematic review evaluated the donor-site
(at an average of 5 months) than OCA, ACI, and morbidity that occurs after OAT mosaicplasty
microfracture [16]. and reported approximately 5.9% in 1473 knee-­
to-­knee transfers and 16.9% in 268 knee-to-talus
transfers. There was no correlation between size
22.4.4 Contrasting Findings of the defect and the number and size of the plugs
[19]. Other studies have reported on donor-site
It should be noted that not all clinical studies morbidity after transfer from the knee to the talus
have demonstrated improved clinical outcomes (6.7% to 10.8% in a meta-analysis) [20] and capi-
or significantly better outcomes than alternative tellum (12.8%) [21].
therapies. Pareek et al. (2016) reported on a sys-
tematic review of outcomes after OAT at a
10-year follow-up and found that while IKDC 22.5 Basic Science Studies
and Lysholm clinical outcome scores signifi-
cantly increased, the Tegner scores did not sig- There are very few biomechanical studies in the
nificantly change [17]. literature; however, there are few studies investi-
Lim et al. had a level 2 study comparing gating the effect of graft orientation in the knee
microfracture to ACI and OAT and did not find joint. Walter et al. (2020) measured friction using
a significant difference in Lysholm, Tegner, or dissipated energy (DE) and found that leaving
22 Osteochondral Autograft for Treatment of Small Cartilage Injuries 259

Table 22.1 Table summarizing the clinical outcome studies for osteochondral autograft transplantation (OAT)
Number Follow-up
Study Level of evidence of patients (mean years) Results
Campbell Level IV, Systematic 1117 3.6 OAT with significantly higher return-to-sport
et al. (2016) review than MF (89% vs 75%)
Everhart et al. Level IV, Systematic 1145 8.6 Systematic review of 22 studies demonstrated
(2020) [6] review OAT and MF for lesions <3 cm2 were most
cost-effective, MF >3 cm2 were not cost-effective
when including MCID
Gudas et al. Level I, RCT 57 10.4 OAT with significantly lower rate of failure and
(2012) [4] higher ICRS and Tegner scores vs OAT at
minimum 9-year follow-up
Jones et al. Level IV, Systematic 3894 Varying OAT met MCID for all available clinical outcome
(2019) [8] review and scores, MF did not meet MCID for VAS pain in
meta-analysis the mid-term (long-term was not available for
Jungmann Level II, 32 5.7 OAT with decreased progression of degenerative
et al. (2019) Retrospective cohort changes on MRI vs nonoperatively treated
[14] cartilage lesions
Krych et al. Level IV, Systematic 2549 3.9 OAT with significantly higher return-to-sport
(2016) [16] review (93% vs 58%) and faster return-to-sport vs MF
Lim et al. Level II, Prospective 30 5 At mid-term follow-up, there was no significant
(2012) [15] cohort difference between OAT and MF for Lysholm,
HSS, or Tegner scales
Pareek et al. Level IV, Systematic 610 10.2 At 10-year follow-up, OAT resulted in
(2016) [17] review significantly higher IKDC and Lysholm scores,
while Tegner scores were not significantly
Solheim et al. Level I, RCT 40 16 Lysholm scores were significantly higher for the
(2018) [5] OAT group vs MF at all time points in a
minimum 15-year follow-up
Ulstein et al. Level II, Prospective 25 9.8 OAT and MF without significant differences in
(2014) [18] cohort Lysholm, KOOS, isokinetic muscle strength, or
radiographic changes
RCT randomized controlled trial, MF microfracture, OAT osteochondral autologous transplantation, MRI magnetic
resonance imaging, MCID minimal clinically significant difference, VAS visual analog scale, IKDC international knee
documentation committee, HSS hospital for special surgery, KOOS knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score

grafts 1 mm proud led to significantly increased chanical testing through use of indentation test-
DE versus the native knee. This effect was not ing, radiographic evaluation of joint space
found for grafts 1 mm deep [22]. In a similar narrowing, ICRS scores, or MRI evaluation of
study using peak contact pressures using a swine bony incorporation [25].
model, Koh et al. found that grafts elevated and
sunk both 0.5 and 1 mm all resulted in increased
pressures versus native knees [23]. Lastly, Bauer 22.6 Conclusion
et al. evaluated the alignment of graft alignment
and found no difference between aligned and 90° Osteochondral autograft transplantation (OAT)
rotated grafts [24]. is becoming increasing utilized as a treatment
In an in vivo canine model, McCarthy et al. option for focal small cartilage and osteochon-
investigated OAT vs OCA at a 1-year follow-up dral defects. This article reviews the surgical
[25]. This study found that there were no signifi- technique and surgical indications for this pro-
cant differences between the groups in terms of cedure. Clinical outcome studies have demon-
histologic evidence of hyaline cartilage, biome- strated promising initial results for OAT, with
260 C. M. LaPrade et al.

the need for further randomized controlled trials 13. Chahla J, Stone J, Mandelbaum BR. How to manage
to evaluate the long-term ­effectiveness of OAT cartilage injuries? Arthroscopy. 2019;35(10):2771–3.
14. Jungmann PM, Gersing AS, Baumann F, et al.
versus other available techniques. Cartilage repair surgery prevents progression of knee
degeneration. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.
References 15. Lim HC, Bae JH, Song SH, Park YE, Kim SJ. Current
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2. Widuchowski W, Widuchowski J, Trzaska T. Articular cal management of articular cartilage lesions in the
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lage defects in the knee impair quality of life as much MJ, Krych AJ. Long-term outcomes after osteo-
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and osteoarthritis outcome score in 4 patient catego- at mean follow-­ up of 10.2 years. Arthroscopy.
ries scheduled for knee surgery. Am J Sports Med. 2016;32(6):1174–84.
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4. Gudas R, Gudaite A, Pocius A, et al. Ten-year follow- Engebretsen L, Heir S. Microfracture technique ver-
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262 L. E. Tírico et al.

23.2 History Recently, fresh osteochondral grafts have become

commercially available in North America, and
The concept of treating articular cartilage dis- thus more accessible to the orthopedic surgical
eases with bone and cartilage substitution in the community. The age criterion for the donor pool
knee has now a history of more than a century for fresh grafts is generally between 15 and
since the first joint transplantation was described 40 years of age. The joint surface must also pass
by Lexer in 1908 [5]. Lexer published his early a visual inspection for cartilage quality. These
experience with “joint allotransplantation” by criteria ensure, but do not guarantee, acceptable
three different methods; half joint replacement, tissue for transplantation. It is extremely impor-
both articular surfaces replacement and total joint tant to acknowledge that fresh human tissue is
transplantation, including joint capsule. All trans- unique, and no two donors have the same charac-
plants were obtained by fresh amputated legs at teristics. Adherence to tissue-banking standards
the same day of surgery. However, he acknowl- and to protocols and processes in quality control
edged that joint transplantation is not an easy are critical for both safety and efficacy of fresh
procedure and that he was not able to promise allografts. Storage of fresh osteochondral
successful and permanent results. By 1925, Lexer allografts prior to transplantation is an important
had documented 34 hemi or whole knee allogenic consideration. Historically, fresh grafts were
implants in humans and reported a 50% success transplanted within 7 days of donor death, obvi-
rate. Animal and clinical studies concerning ating the need for prolonged tissue storage.
transplantation and immunology were carried out Current tissue bank protocols call for prolonged
in the 1970s, demonstrating that transplanted storage of fresh osteochondral allografts (for up
fresh cadaver cartilage is viable [6–8]. Gross and to 60 days) while processing and donor testing is
colleagues began reporting on their experience completed. Recent studies on allograft storage
with small fragment and partial joint osteochon- have shown significant deterioration in cell via-
dral allografts for post-traumatic and peri-­ bility, cell density, and metabolic activity with
articular tumor reconstruction [9, 10]. In the prolonged storage of fresh osteochondral
1980s, Meyers and Convery first applied this allografts. Small but statistically significant
technique to specific chondral and osteochondral changes are first detected after storage for 7 days;
diseases such as chondromalacia, osteoarthritis, these changes are pronounced after storage for
and osteonecrosis, developing the shell-shaped 28 days [19]. A recent study analyzed the clinical
graft [11, 12]. Later in the 1990s, Garrett first consequences of these storage-induced graft
reported on the use of allograft plugs for the changes and demonstrated that storage up to
treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of the 28 days prior to allograft implantation does not
knee [13]. In the last 20 years, a large number of appear to significantly affect the clinical outcome
basic scientific and clinical studies have been of osteochondral allografting compared to a
performed. These studies and the expansion of short-term storage and implantation within
availability of fresh allografts have led to an 7 days, despite the fact that chondrocyte viability
increasing popularity of fresh allografts and the decreases over storage time [20].
inclusion of this procedure as part of the cartilage
repair paradigm for the treatment of chondral or
osteochondral lesions in the knee [14–18]. 23.3 Immunology
Historically, the obstacles presented have led
to the development of fresh allograft programs The cornerstone of an allografting procedure is
only at specialized centers that have a close asso- the availability of fresh osteochondral tissue. The
ciation with an experienced tissue bank and have rationale for fresh tissue is predicated on the con-
put significant investment of resources into set- cept of maximizing the quality of the articular
ting up protocols specific for safe and effective cartilage in the graft. It has been demonstrated,
transplantation of fresh osteochondral tissue. primarily through retrieval studies, that viable
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 263

chondrocytes and relatively preserved cartilage The role of the host immune system with
matrix are present many years after transplanta- potential graft rejection has not been clearly
tion. These experiences have generally supported determined. Two retrieval studies of human failed
the use of fresh versus frozen tissue for small fresh osteochondral allografts showed little or no
osteochondral allografts in the setting of recon- histologic evidence of immune-mediated
struction of chondral and osteochondral defects. response and no evidence of frank transplant
Currently, small-fragment osteochondral rejection [26, 34]. Conversely, studies by
allografts are not HLA or blood type-matched, Stevenson [35] in canines and Sirlin et al. [36] in
and are utilized fresh, rather than frozen or pro- humans have shown sensitization to fresh osteo-
cessed. In addition, post-allograft patients chondral allograft transplants with the develop-
received no immunosuppressive medication regi- ment of anti-HLA class I antibodies in a
men to prevent an immune-mediated response. significant number of allograft recipients. These
Despite current practices, the success rate of studies demonstrate activating the recipient’s
osteochondral allografts has been high enough to humoral immune system and validating the
support its continued implementation [21–25]. potential interplay between the host body’s
However, the immunologic ramifications of this immune system and fresh osteochondral graft
procedure remain an important consideration and rejection.
might allow its use to further improve this treat- A study performed by Hunt et al. [29] evalu-
ment and prevent graft failures secondary to host ated the relationship between total graft area and
rejection. While graft failure is often identified by development of antibodies and the effect of post-­
radiographic evidence of bony nonunion, late allograft antibody formation on clinical out-
fragmentation, graft collapse or fracture, and/or comes. Patients that had negative preoperative
cartilage deterioration [26], few studies investi- anti-HLA class I cytotoxic antibody screen that
gate cellular and/or structural causes for such converted to a positive antibody response postop-
failures. Research to date has revealed several eratively were matched to a similar group who
important factors in graft survival, including car- were negative pre- and postoperatively for anti-­
tilage cell viability after storage and effective HLA class I cytotoxic antibodies. There were no
osseous support [27, 28]. Despite no clear dem- significant differences in failure type, failure rate,
onstration in prior studies, the host’s immuno- time to failure, graft type, graft area, or graft
logic response might also play a key role in the location between antibody-positive and antibody-­
success of osteochondral allografts [29]. negative groups. At last follow-up, no significant
Historically, osteochondral allograft immu- difference was found on clinical scores for the
nology has been studied for use in tumor recon- surviving anti-HLA antibody-positive and
struction. It is well understood that allograft antibody-­negative groups (P = 0.482). However,
immunogenicity is reduced by freezing or freeze-­ the authors found that the development of anti-­
drying techniques [8, 30, 31]; however, these HLA cytotoxic antibodies after fresh, non-
methods of preserving allografts are known to matched osteochondral allograft transplantation
cause a significant decrease in viable chondro- of the knee appears to be related to graft size. A
cytes available to sustain the hyaline cartilage large osteochondral graft (>10 cm2) was 36 times
allograft tissue [32]. Studies have clearly revealed more likely to elicit an antibody response than a
that isolated articular chondrocytes and matrix small graft (<5 cm2) (P < 0.05). Although in this
components are immunogenic but the intact hya- study the authors evaluated the incidence of anti-
line cartilage matrix is relatively immunoprivi- body formation and the effect on graft perfor-
leged [30, 33]. Observations suggest that the mance and clinical outcome, it should be noted
intact articular matrix protects the chondrocytes that little is known about the potential systemic
because of its structure, therefore making it dif- effects of development of anti-HLA antibodies.
ficult for cell-surface antigens to be recognized Studies designed to investigate the relationship
by the body’s immune system. between graft size and levels of circulating
264 L. E. Tírico et al.

a­ntibodies, in comparison to types of allograft the graft, which correlates directly with the
failure, would be useful to elucidate some of the clinical success of OCA transplantation [4,
subtle details associated with the immunogenic 19]. Chondrocytes maintain the extracellular
response due to the implanted allografts. matrix, thereby maintaining the material prop-
The HLA matching of all allograft patients erties of the graft if they are kept viable in stor-
with the allograft donor is logistically difficult age. Gross et al. demonstrated that long-term
and expensive. If future studies confirm the effect survival of OCAs in vivo depended on the
of HLA antigens on the clinical outcome of presence of viable chondrocytes, intact extra-
osteochondral allografting, HLA typing may be a cellular matrix, and incorporation of host bone
necessary. The obstacles incurred while putting [1]. Furthermore, chondrocyte viability at the
this into practice would be considerable. Not articular surface (superficial zone) is important
only the expense of the immunologic testing but for long-term graft survival. Following trans-
also the vast size of the donor pool required to plantation, several studies have demonstrated
support histocompatibility and graft size require- preservation of chondrocyte viability over
ments would have to be considered. Presently, a time. Retrieval studies of OCAs after revision
shortage of allograft tissue available for trans- have shown high donor chondrocyte viability
planting exists and the inclusion of HLA typing many years after transplantation [3]. The pro-
would adversely affect this already limited cessing and storage of OCAs (frozen, cryopre-
resource. Until definitive evidence is available, served, or fresh) has different effects on
matching will likely remain optional. chondrocyte viability. Biomechanical and bio-
chemical composition of cartilage deteriorates
over storage time, correlating with decreasing
23.4 Allograft Recovery, chondrocyte viability [41]. Freezing grafts at
Processing, and Storage −80 °C maintains less than 5% chondrocyte
viability, and the extracellular matrix deterio-
Understanding the process of tissue procurement, rates due to a lack of viable chondrocytes to
testing, and storage is critically important in the maintain the matrix [42, 43].
allografting procedure. Currently, fresh OCAs maintain the highest
Prior to 1998, the use of fresh OCA in North chondrocyte viability among the available stor-
America was restricted to a few institutions age options [2, 44]. Chondrocyte viability
which maintained their own systems for retriev- begins to decrease, and biomechanical proper-
ing, processing, and storing tissues for their own ties deteriorate in fresh OCAs stored hypother-
clinical use. These allografts were stored in lac- mically at 4 °C for greater than 7 days [2]. A
tated Ringer’s solution, which could maintain the 2009 study by Pallante et al. demonstrated
biochemical and biomechanical properties of the increased chondrocyte viability throughout all
graft for 7 days, with transplantation within 1 zones when fresh grafts were stored at 37 °C as
week of donor death [37, 38]. Around 1999, compared to 4 °C, with acceptable percentage
OCAs became commercially available from tis- (80%) of viable chondrocytes after 28 days of
sue banks whose guidelines for procurement and storage [45]. This study increased the effective
processing were established by the American length of time a graft could be stored prior to
Association of Tissue Banks under oversight transplantation. This increased timeframe is
from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) critically important, as tissue banks currently
[39, 40]. Allograft tissue is harvested within 24 h hold OCA tissue until the completion of micro-
of donor death, ideally from donors between the biologic and serologic testing is completed,
ages of 13 and 35 years old with grossly healthy generally a minimum of 14 days [46]. Other
articular cartilage. recent studies have also indicated that a transi-
Chondrocyte viability is critically important tion of storage to physiologic (37 °C) or room
for maintenance of the material properties of temperature (25 °C) improves the viability of
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 265

OCAs during storage [44, 45]. Improved Cartilage Repair

allograft processing that may safely allow for • Chondral or osteochondral defects larger than
earlier graft implantation (as was practiced prior 2 cm2
to commercialization) and storage technology • Osteochondritis dissecans
that may increase chondrocyte viability and pre- • Revision of previous failed cartilage repair
serve extracellular matrix properties to allow surgery
longer storage to continue to be active areas of • Subchondral bone lesions without full-­
research. thickness cartilage defect
There is tremendous interest outside the USA
in fresh allograft technology. However numerous Complex Reconstruction
regulatory, logistic and cultural issues have his- • Post-traumatic peri-articular fracture
torically been difficult to overcome. Setting up an malunion
allograft program outside the USA is facilitated • Single compartment arthritis or multifocal
by an association with an existing University degenerative lesions
affiliated tissue bank. In addition, every country • Massive type III or IV osteochondritis
has unique regulations that need to be consid- dissecans
ered, depending on whether the health care sys- • Osteonecrosis of the femoral condyle
tem is public or private, and if a current frozen
transplantation program is already a routine.
23.6 Contraindications

23.5 Indications Absolute Contraindications [47]

• Advanced multicompartmental OA
Major indications for an OCA transplantation as • Inflammatory arthropathies
a primary treatment for cartilage repair are
symptomatic full-thickness chondral and sub- Relative Contraindications
chondral defects greater than 2–3 cm2 in diam- • Smoking
eter or focal lesions of ICRS grade III–IV with • Alcohol abuse
subchondral damage greater than 6–10 mm (i.e., • Chronic steroid use
OCD, focal avascular osteonecrosis, post-trau- • Ligamentous instability
matic defects). Furthermore, it is indicated as a • Uncorrected joint malalignment
salvage procedure after primary failed cartilage • Obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2)
restoration techniques, such as microfracture, • Absence of >50% of the ipsilateral meniscus
osteochondral autograft transplantation (OAT),
autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI), or Typically, there are no absolute age limitations
primary failed OCA transplantation (Complex but inferior outcomes have been reported in
Reconstruction). patients older than 40 years [47–50].
Most commonly, OCA transplantation is used
to treat femoral defects but in selected cases it is
also possible to address tibial chondral defects 23.7 Preoperative Planning
(entire tibial and meniscal surface may be trans-
planted) or bipolar (“kissing”) lesions of the When considering using OCA for cartilage repair
femur, tibia, and patella. Osteochondral allografts the surgeon needs to understand that a compati-
are versatile when addressing even very large, ble donor must be found in order to match the
complex, or multiple lesions in topographically recipient defect characteristics with donor mor-
challenging environments, especially if they phology and a scheduled surgical procedure with
involve an osseous component. a specific date and time is not always possible.
Table with indications? Many times, the patient receives notice that a
266 L. E. Tírico et al.

donor is available 7–10 days before the surgical to assess the cartilage integrity, the extent of bone
procedure, in order to perform transplantation of involvement as well as concomitant ligamentous
graft with high cell viability. and/or meniscal pathologies. CT and MRI can
One of the main steps in an OCA procedure is also be used to measure the width of the proximal
matching the donor with the recipient. Currently, tibia for matching donor and recipient (Fig. 23.2).
this is done by size alone. Small-fragment fresh Matching donor with the recipient is usually con-
osteochondral allografts are not human leukocyte sidered acceptable if the difference is between
antigen-(HLA-) or blood type-matched between ±2 mm [51]. When performing a press-fit plug
donor and recipient and no immunosuppression (dowel) technique, size of the donor tibial width
is used. For exact perioperative planning, antero- should be equal or larger than the recipient, in
posterior radiographs of the knee joint in full order to have the convexity of the donor femoral
extension (weight bearing) are routinely used. condyle similar or flatter in shape comparing
The mediolateral dimension of the tibia, just with the recipient. The true size of the articular
below the joint surface is measured, correcting lesion is often underestimated (up to 60%) within
for magnification (Fig. 23.1). The donor graft is imaging diagnostics [52, 53]. Therefore, if appli-
measured at the tissue bank performing a direct cable it is always helpful to examine images
measurement on the donor tibial plateau using a recorded during previous surgical procedures
caliper. In order to address additional patholo- (i.e., arthroscopy). However, it should be noted
gies, a series of standard radiographs needs to be that there is a significant variability in anatomy,
done (including weight-bearing AP view with which is not reflected in any preoperative imag-
45° knee flexion, lateral view, patellar view, and ing. In particular where the affected condyle is
standing bilateral long-leg alignment view). larger, flatter, and wider. In these cases, a larger
Additionally, CT and MRI scans can be helpful donor should be used. It is the responsibility of
the surgeon to inspect the graft and to confirm the
adequacy of the size match and quality of the
allograft tissue prior to surgery.

Fig. 23.1 Anteroposterior right knee radiograph with

mediolateral proximal tibial plateau size measurement. Fig. 23.2 MRI used to measure the width of the proximal
Correction for magnification is imperative when using tibia for matching donor and recipient. There is no need to
radiograph for matching. (All figures are from author’s correct for magnification when using MRI or CT scans.
personal database) (All figures are from author’s personal database)
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 267

23.8 Surgical Techniques trimmed to the same thickness. Pulsatile lavage

(1–2 L) is used on the donor graft, in order to
The two commonly used techniques for the prep- wash out potentially immunogenic marrow ele-
aration and implantation of osteochondral ments from the osseous portion of the graft and to
allografts include the press-fit plug technique and reduce overall allograft bioburden. The graft is
the shell graft technique. Each technique has then inserted by hand in the appropriate rotation,
advantages and disadvantages. The press-fit plug and then it is gently pressed into place manually
technique is a similar in principle to autologous and with manually cycling the joint. Finally, very
osteochondral transfer (OAT). A number of com- gentle tamping is performed to fully seat the graft
mercially available instruments can be used to when needed (Fig. 23.4a–f). Fixation is achieved
perform this type of procedure. This technique is by a press-fit technique in the majority of cases
optimal for contained condylar lesions between with supplemental fixation using absorbable
15 and 35 mm in diameter. Fixation is generally internal fixation devices in a minority of cases.
not required due to the stability achieved with the
press-fit. Disadvantages include the fact that very
posterior femoral condyle and tibial plateau 23.8.2 Press-Fit Plug Technique
lesions are not conducive to the use of a circular Postoperative Management
coring system and may be more amenable to
shell allografts. Additionally, the more ovoid or Initial postoperative management includes atten-
elongated a lesion is in shape, the more normal tion to control of pain, swelling, and restoration
cartilage needs to be sacrificed at the recipient of limb control and range of motion. Patients
site in order to accommodate the circular donor generally are maintained on touch-down weight
plug. Shell grafts are technically more difficult to bearing for 4–6 weeks, depending on the size of
perform and typically require fixation. However, the graft and stability of fixation. Patients with
depending on the technique employed, less nor- patellofemoral grafts are allowed weight bearing
mal cartilage may need to be sacrificed. as tolerated in extension, and generally are lim-
ited to 45° of flexion for the first 4 weeks, utiliz-
ing an immobilizer or range-of-motion brace.
23.8.1 Press-Fit Plug Technique Closed chain exercise such as cycling is intro-
duced between weeks 2 and 4. Weight bearing is
The surgical procedure is performed with the progressed slowly between the second and fourth
patient in a supine position. An anteromedial or month, with full weight bearing utilizing a cane
anterolateral 5 cm arthrotomy is executed, or crutch. Full weight bearing and normal gait
depending where the lesion is located. The size of pattern are generally tolerated between the third
the lesion is recorded. When performing the and fourth month. Recreation and sports are not
dowel osteochondral allograft technique, a reintroduced until joint rehabilitation is complete
2.5 mm Kirschner guide wire is drilled in the cen- and radiographic healing has been demonstrated,
ter of the lesion and 15–30 mm cylindrical tem- which generally occurs no earlier than 4–6
plates is used to measure the appropriate size of months postoperatively.
the repair. The recipient site is debrided and pre-
pared with circular reamers. Depth of the debride-
ment is determined when healthy bleeding 23.8.3 Shell Technique
subchondral bone is encountered and is usually
no more than 3–7 mm of subchondral bone, Although the press-fit plug technique is gener-
yielding a total prepared recipient site depth of ally preferred for most lesions, the surgeon
5–10 mm (Fig. 23.3a–d). Donor grafts are typi- should be prepared to perform a shell graft if
cally cored out at the exact same (orthotopic) the lesion size or location do not allow for
location as the lesion on the recipient, and then proper placement of the dowel graft instru-
268 L. E. Tírico et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 23.3 (a) Image of osteochondritis dissecans on the chondral bone is encountered. (d) Depth measurement in
medial femoral condyle. (b) Recipient site debridement four quadrants, usually the total prepared recipient site
and preparation with circular reamer. (c) Depth of the depth is no more than 5–11 mm. (All figures are from
debridement is determined when healthy bleeding sub- author’s personal database)

ments. For the shell graft technique, the defect basic graft shape from the donor condyle, ini-
is identified through the previously described tially slightly over sizing the graft by a few
arthrotomy, and the dimensions of the lesion millimeters. Excess bone and cartilage are
are marked with a surgical pen. Commonly, a removed as necessary through multiple trial fit-
more extended surgical approach is needed tings until a perfect fit is achieved. The graft
when performing a shell technique, once and host bed are then copiously irrigated, and
allografts are usually larger in size or lesions the graft is placed flush with the articular sur-
are located in areas of difficult access through face. The need for fixation is based on the
small incisions. Using motorized burrs, sharp degree of inherent stability. Compression
curettes, and osteotomes, the subchondral bone screws can be used for fixation (Fig. 23.5a–h).
is removed down to a depth of 4–5 mm. The After cycling the knee through a full range of
shape is transferred to the graft, using length, motion to ensure graft stability, standard clo-
width and depth measurements or a foil tem- sure is performed. Initial postoperative man-
plate. Anatomical parameters of the recipient agement includes attention to control of pain,
defect can be used to match size and location swelling, and restoration of limb control and
in the donor graft. A saw is used to cut the range of motion. Patients generally are main-
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 269

a b c

d e f

Fig. 23.4 (a) Donor grafts are cored out at the exact same graft inserted in the appropriate rotation. (f) Lateral view
(orthotopic) location as the lesion on the recipient. (b) of the graft, matching host condylar curvature. A flush
Trimming of the graft to the same thickness as the recipi- position to the articular surface should be aimed. (All fig-
ent socket. (c) Recipient socket depth template in four ures are from author’s personal database)
quadrants. (d) Final plug before implantation. (e) The

tained on touch-down weight bearing for 4–6 23.8.4 Shell Technique Postoperative
weeks, depending on the size of the graft and Management
stability of fixation. Patients with patellofemo-
ral grafts are allowed weight bearing as toler- Initial postoperative management includes atten-
ated in extension, and generally are limited to tion to control of pain, swelling, and restoration of
45° of flexion for the first 4 weeks, utilizing an limb control and range of motion. Patients gener-
immobilizer or range-of-motion brace. Closed ally are maintained on touch-down weight bearing
chain exercise such as cycling is introduced for 4–6 weeks, depending on the size of the graft
between weeks 2 and 4. Full weight bearing is and stability of fixation. Patients with patellofemo-
progressed slowly between the second and ral grafts are allowed weight bearing as tolerated
fourth month utilizing a cane or crutch. Full in extension, and generally are limited to 45° of
weight bearing and normal gait pattern are flexion for the first 4 weeks, utilizing an immobi-
generally tolerated between the third and lizer or range-of-motion brace. Closed chain exer-
fourth month. Recreation and sports are not cise such as cycling is introduced between weeks
reintroduced until joint rehabilitation is com- 2 and 4. Weight bearing is progressed slowly
plete and radiographic healing has been dem- between the second and fourth month, with full
onstrated, which generally occurs no earlier weight bearing utilizing a cane or crutch. Full
than 6 months postoperatively. weight bearing and normal gait pattern are gener-
270 L. E. Tírico et al.

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 23.5 (a) Right knee anteroposterior radiographic (e) A free-hand technique using a saw blade is utilized to
view showing a complex comminuted fracture of the lat- prepare the donor femoral condyle. (f) Transplantation of
eral femoral condyle, with previous failed fixation. (b) the lateral femoral condyle and fixation with metal screws
Lateral view showing a large fragment of the posterior avoiding the weight-bearing part of the condyle. (g)
portion of the lateral femoral condyle displaced and frag- Postoperative right knee anteroposterior radiographic
mented from the distal femur. (c) Large anterolateral view showing restoration of the anatomy and shape of the
parapatellar incision. A saw blade was used to cut the lateral femoral condyle. (h) Lateral radiographic view
recipient condyle in its distal and posterior parts, with a showing the contour of the transplanted lateral femoral
90° angle to increase stability following fixation. Donor’s condyle, matching the native anatomy. Matching size of
lateral femoral condyle that will be prepared for trans- donor and recipient is extremely important when perform-
plantation. (d) Photograph of the donor femoral condyle. ing a shell allograft technique. (All figures are from
A marking pen was used to match recipient’s defect and author’s personal database)
donor’s condyle measurements, to obtain a perfect match.

ally tolerated between the third and fourth month. potential, sulfated glycosaminoglycan produc-
Recreation and sports are not reintroduced until tion, collagen deposition, and responsiveness to
joint rehabilitation is complete and radiographic growth factors [54, 55]. In this way, it is logical
healing has been demonstrated, which generally that younger patients have better clinical out-
occurs no earlier than 6 months postoperatively. come scores and better repair cartilage fill on
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in different
cartilage repair strategies [56–59].
23.9 Outcomes of Fresh A study performed by Murphy et al. [25] ana-
Osteochondral Allograft lyzed outcomes of osteochondral allograft trans-
Transplantation plantation of the knee in the pediatric and
adolescent population in patients younger than
23.9.1 Factors Affecting Outcome 18 years with a focus on subjective outcome mea-
sures and allograft survivorship. A total of 39 Age patients (43 knees), with a mean age of 16.4 years
There are an abundance of studies that have (range, 11.0–17.9 years), underwent OCA trans-
described age-related decline in chondrocyte plantation for treatment of chondral and osteo-
function, such as reductions in proliferative chondral lesions. The most common underlying
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 271

causes of the lesions were osteochondritis disse- Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis
cans (61%), avascular necrosis (16%), and trau- Index (WOMAC), and Short Form-12 (SF-12)
matic chondral injury (14%) and the mean physical (all: P < 0.001) scores compared with
allograft size was 8.4 cm2. Five knees experi- preoperative values. Interesting findings were
enced clinical failure at a median of 2.7 years that patients aged ≥40 years demonstrated sig-
(range, 1.0–14.7 years). The authors reported nificantly higher KOOS symptom (P = 0.015)
four failures that were successfully revised with subscores compared with patients aged <40 years
another allograft and one patient underwent pros- and patients aged <40 years demonstrated lower
thetic arthroplasty 8.6 years after revision KOOS symptom subscores postoperatively com-
allograft. Graft survivorship was 90% at 10 years. pared with older patients, potentially attributable
The mean International Knee Documentation to higher expectations of return to function post-
Committee (IKDC) scores improved from 42 operatively as compared with older patients. The
preoperatively to 75 postoperatively, and the same finding that age doesn’t influence outcome
Knee Society function (KS-f) score improved following OCA was described by Nuelle et al.
from 69 to 89 (both P < 0.05). The authors con- [60] comparing patients that were successfully
cluded that OCA transplantation is a useful treat- treated with OCA (53 patients, 71%) and patients
ment option in pediatric and adolescent patients that were unsuccessful following OCA. Success
with 88% good/excellent results and 80% salvage was defined by analysis of Visual Analog Scale
rate of clinical failures with an additional (VAS) pain score of 0 or improvement in score
allograft. (decrease) of 2 or more at final follow-up.
The effect of patient age on outcomes after According to authors, patients with successful
OCA was also studied by Frank et al. [60] com- outcomes were younger on average (33.0 vs
paring patients aged ≥40 years compared with a 37.2 years); however, this difference in age was
group of patients aged <40 years of age. In an not statistically significant (P = 0.23).
analysis of a prospective collective data of A recent study performed by Wang et al. [50]
patients with minimum follow-up of 2 years, evaluated outcomes of OCA transplantation of
reoperation rate, failure rate, and patient-reported the knee in patients aged 40 years and older char-
outcome scores were reviewed. Failure was acterized survivorship, predictors of failure, and
defined as revision OCA, conversion to knee clinical outcomes of osteochondral allograft
arthroplasty, or gross appearance of graft failure transplantation (OCA) of the knee among this
at second-look arthroscopic surgery. A total of cohort. Failure was defined by any removal or
170 patients who underwent OCA with a mean revision of the allograft or conversion to arthro-
follow-up of 5.0 ± 2.7 years (range, 2.0– plasty. The authors reported that among 51
15.1 years) were included, with 115 patients aged patients (mean age, 48 years; range, 40–63 years;
<40 years (mean age, 27.6 ± 7.3 years) and 55 65% male), a total of 52 knees had symptomatic
patients aged ≥40 years (mean age, 44.9 ± focal cartilage lesions (up to 2 affected areas) that
4.0 years). The authors found no differences in were classified as Outerbridge grade 4 at the time
the number of previous procedures between the of OCA and did not involve substantial bone loss
groups (P = 0.085) and no differences in the requiring shell allografts or additional bone graft-
reoperation rate (<40 years: 38%; ≥40 years: ing. The mean duration of follow-up was
36%; P = 0.867), time to reoperation (<40 years: 3.6 years (range, 2–11 years). After OCA, 21
2.12 ± 1.90 years; ≥40 years: 3.43 ± 3.43 years; knees (40%) underwent reoperation, including
P = 0.126), or failure rate (<40 years: 13%; 14 failures (27%) consisting of revision OCA
≥40 years: 16%; P = 0.639) between the older (n = 1), unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
and younger groups. Patients in both groups (n = 5), and total knee arthroplasty (n = 8). Mean
demonstrated significant improvement in time to failure was 33 months, and 2- and 4-year
Lysholm, IKDC, and Knee Injury and survivorship rates were 88% and 73%, respec-
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), Western tively. Male sex (hazard ratio = 4.18, 95%
272 L. E. Tírico et al.

CI = 1.12–27.13) and a higher number of previ- clinically meaningful improvement in pain, func-
ous ipsilateral knee operations (hazard tion, and quality of life on IKDC and KOOS
ratio = 1.70 per increase in 1 surgical procedure, scores. Satisfaction following OCA procedure
95% CI = 1.03–2.83) were predictors of failure in was reported by 89% of patients and survivorship
this cohort. A more advanced grade in the of the allograft was 95.6% at 5 years and 91.2%
Kellgren-Lawrence osteoarthritis classification at 10 years. Reoperations were performed in 52
on preoperative radiographs was associated with knees (26%), of which 16 (8% of entire cohort)
higher failure rates in the Kaplan-Meier analysis were defined as allograft failures (4 OCA revi-
but not the multivariate model. At final follow- sions, 1 arthrosurface, 6 unicompartmental knee
up, clinically significant improvements were
­ arthroplasties, and 5 total knee arthroplasties).
noted in the pain (mean score, 47.8–67.6) and The median time to failure was 4.9 years. OCA
physical functioning (56.8–79.1) subscales of the transplantation for femoral condyle osteochon-
Short Form-36, as well as the IKDC subjective dral lesions with a thin-plug graft technique
form (45.0–63.6), KOOS-Activities of Daily resulted in significant improvement in clinical
Living (64.5–80.1), and overall condition state- scores, high patient satisfaction, and low reopera-
ment (4.5–6.8) (P < 0.001). A higher failure rate tion and clinical failure rates.
was found in this series of patients aged ≥40 years Results of OCA transplantation in the patello-
who were treated with OCA as compared with femoral joint was evaluated in a Systematic
other studies of younger populations. However, Review performed by Chahla et al. [22]. Their
the authors concluded that for select older systematic search identified 8 studies with a total
patients, OCA can be a good midterm treatment of 129 patients that were treated with OCA trans-
option for cartilage defects of the knee. plantation for patella, trochlea, or bipolar defects
in the patellofemoral joint. The methods of graft Location procurement and storage time included fresh (121
Anatomic location of the osteochondral lesion patients, 93.8%), and cryopreserved (8 patients,
and thus the allograft may correlate with clinical 6.2%) grafts. The mean survival rate was 87.9% at
results. It is important to understand that clinical 5 years and 77.2% at 10 years. All studies reported
outcomes seen in one particular location cannot significant improvement in at least one clinical
be translated to other locations, once each site of score. All four studies that utilized IKDC scores
the knee has its own characteristics and can reported a significant improvement from baseline
behave differently following OCA to postoperative follow-up (P < 0.001), with an
transplantation. aggregate preoperative IKDC score of 41.8 and
Clinical outcomes and survival of OCA trans- postoperative IKDC score of 68.1. The aggregate
plantation for femoral condyles defects were mean improvement in total IKDC score from pre-
studied by Tirico et al. [21] reporting on 200 operative to final follow-up was 26.3. Studies
knees that underwent OCA transplantation for with the modified D’Aubigné-Postel scores
isolated osteochondral lesions on the femoral reported significant postoperative improvement
condyle utilizing a thin-plug technique with com- (P < 0.001), with mean preoperative 12.2, and
mercially available surgical instruments. In this mean postoperative of 15.9. The aggregate mean
cohort, all patients that were treated with shell preoperative KSS-F score was 53.4 and postop-
grafts were excluded. The medial femoral con- erative was 80.2. OCA transplantation for the
dyle was affected in 69% of knees. A single thin-­ patellofemoral joint yielded improved postopera-
plug graft was used in 145 knees (72.5%), and 2 tive outcomes with high patient satisfaction and
grafts were used in 55 knees (27.5%). Mean survival rates at short- to medium- and long-term
allograft area treated was 6.3 cm2, and graft follow-up. Additionally, although the mean reop-
thickness was 6.5 mm, where all grafts were pre- eration rate was 51.6%, the most common reop-
pared with the minimum amount of bone neces- eration performed was hardware removal
sary for fixation. At last follow-up, patients had (31.8%), which is common in all patellar realign-
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 273

ment series. Finally, while heterogeneous defini- Diagnosis

tions for failure were used among the reviewed Diagnosis can also affect outcomes following
studies, the overall mean failure rate was 20.1%, OCA transplantation. In general, a focal chondral
which is similar to various other biologic carti- defect, commonly seen following an acute trau-
lage restorative procedures at the tibiofemoral matic event or in patients with osteochondritis
compartments. dissecans have better clinical outcomes than
The use of fresh osteochondral allograft chronic degenerative lesions or in cases of early
(FOCA) for post-traumatic tibial osteochondral osteoarthritis. Recently, there has been an effort
defects was studied by Abolghasemian et al. [61] of expanding indications of OCA transplantation
evaluating long-term outcomes of this procedure to more severe and chronic pathologies. However,
and factors impacting graft survivorship in outcomes and survivorship may not be as good as
patients treated with OCA transplantation for compared to other pathologies that presents with
tibial plateau defects, associated or not to a focal cartilage defects.
realignment osteotomy. The authors studied 113 One of the best indications to perform an
knees (15 medial and 98 lateral tibial defects), a OCA transplantation is osteochondritis disse-
meniscal allograft, and a realignment osteotomy cans (OCD) of the knee. OCD lesions are typi-
were used in 77 (68%) and 74 (65%) of the cases, cally found in young patients with pristine
respectively. At a mean follow-up of 13.8 years meniscal, ligament, and cartilage status, despite
(range, 1.7–34 years), 46 knees either had been the single lesion of OCD. Fresh osteochondral
converted to total knee arthroplasty or had surgi- allograft (OCA) transplantation is theoretically
cal indication for this surgery, and in two addi- an attractive option because it can restore both
tional cases, the patient had undergone the osseous and chondral components caused by
reoperation with revision OCA, and thus, a total the OCD lesion. Sadr et al. [23] evaluated 135
of 48 knees (48 patients) experienced failure of patients (149 knees) who underwent OCA for
OCA transplantation. The mean time to failure OCD of the knee. The median age at the time of
was 11.6 years (range, 1.7–34 years) after the surgery was 21 years (range, 12–55 years and
transplantation procedure. The remaining 65 the majority of lesions involved the medial fem-
patients had a mean follow-up of 15.5 years oral condyle (62%). Other involved areas were
(range, 4.3–31.7 years). The Kaplan-Meier sur- the lateral femoral condyle (29%), with the
vival function analysis showed a graft survivor- remaining lesions on the trochlea (6%), patella
ship of 90% at 5 years (95% confidence interval (1%), or two anatomic locations (2%). The
[CI], 83–94%), 79% at 10 years (95% CI, mean allograft size was 7.3 cm2. A dowel tech-
70–86%), 64% at 15 years (95% CI, 53–73%), nique was used for small- and medium-sized
and 47% at 20 years (95% CI, 34–59%) follow- lesions, and a shell allograft technique or a mul-
ing transplantation. This study suggests that OCA tiple dowel technique was used for larger lesions
transplantation for post-traumatic tibial osteo- (127 knees had a dowel, 19 knees had a shell,
chondral defects results in favorable outcomes and 3 knees had both a dowel and shell). All
for over a decade, and while the outcome may be clinical outcome measures improved signifi-
inferior to that of OCA procedures involving the cantly at latest follow-up (P < 0.001).
femoral condyle, it is a viable treatment option Reoperations were performed in 34 (23%)
for those of young age with large, traumatic knees; however, only 8% were classified as
osteochondral lesions of the tibial plateau, once OCA failures that were treated with revision
usually the other surgical option in these patients OCA or allograft removal. The median follow-
is either an arthrodesis or some type of knee up duration was 6.3 years and the mean time to
replacement. Older age at the time of surgery, failure was 6.1 years. OCA survivorship was
involvement of the medial tibial plateau, and a 95% at 5 years and 93% at 10 years. Satisfaction
higher number of previous surgeries adversely with the OCA procedure was obtained in 95%
affected graft survivorship with this procedure. of the patients.
274 L. E. Tírico et al.

Shasha et al. [14] presented a study that ing can delay total knee arthroplasty while
assessed survivorship and long-term functional enabling good knee function.
outcome following OCA transplantation for uni- Similar results were found by Gracitelli et al.
polar post-traumatic tibial plateau defects in [62] evaluating patients that were treated with
young, high-demand patients. In this study, 65 OCA transplantation as a salvage procedure for
patients underwent OCA transplantation for tib- fractures of the knee, including tibial plateau
ial plateau fractures using a shell technique. A (74%), femoral condyle (15%), and patella frac-
meniscal allograft was used in 39 knees (60%). tures (10%). Thirty-nine patients (39 knees) com-
The average age of the patients was 42.8 years, prised their study population, including 24 males
and allograft reconstruction was performed at an and 15 females with an average age of 34 years
average of 4 years after trauma. Graft nonunion, (range = 16–54 years). Scores on the modified
fragmentation, collapse, resorption, and degen- Merle D’Aubigné-Postel, IKDC, and KS-F
erative changes were recorded. Several patients improved from the preoperative visit to latest
with less than 5 years of follow-up had under- follow-up. Following the OCA transplantation,
gone early conversion to total knee replacement. 19 of 39 knees (49%) had further surgery, of
Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis was used to these, 10 knees (26%) were considered OCA fail-
predict the length of time that the graft had ures (3 OCA revisions, 6 total knee arthroplasties
remained intact and functioning. The end points (TKA), and 1 patellectomy). Survivorship of the
that were used to defined survivorship (failure) OCA was 82.6% at 5 years and 69.6% at 10 years.
were an HSS score of <70 points, a patient’s deci- Avascular necrosis of the knee can be seen in
sion to proceed with knee arthroplasty, or revi- young patients following systemic high-dose cor-
sion of the allograft for any reason. At the end of ticosteroid therapy for autoimmune disease or
the study period, 44 (68%) of the 65 grafts were primary malignancy. Steroid-induced lesions
in situ and functioning at an average of form in the subchondral bone, with eventual frac-
12.9 ± 5.1 years. Their analysis showed 95% sur- ture and progression to overlying chondrosis,
vival at 5 years, 80% survival at 10 years; 65% joint collapse, and arthritis. The femoral condyles
survival at 15 years, and 46% survival at 20 years. are the second most common site to be affected,
Although some patients with severe degenerative after the femoral head. Treatment of steroid-­
changes had a good HSS score, on the average, associated osteonecrosis remains controversial,
the HSS score decreased among patients who with proposed therapeutic approaches including
were classified as having more severe degenera- activity modification and surgical intervention,
tive changes (P < 0.001). Good to excellent however regardless of the etiology, symptomatic,
results on the basis of the HSS score were found high-grade osteonecrotic lesions of the distal
in 86% of the patients at an average of 12 years femur generally require TKA for definitive treat-
(range, 5–24 years). Only 39% of the knees had ment. Young patients, however, are more likely to
moderate to severe degenerative changes at the continue placing high demands on their replaced
time of the final follow-up. The authors found an joints and are thus more likely to require future
interesting correlation between severe degenera- revisions of TKA procedures due to aseptic loos-
tive changes and the HSS score. The HSS score ening and polyethylene wear, when biological
did not degrade over time in the absence of repair strategies such as osteochondral allograft
degenerative changes. The authors conclude that (OCA) transplantation of the femoral condyles
OCA transplantation for tibial plateau fractures could be used as a durable method to postpone
successfully provides an enduring stable and the need for arthroplasty in young active patients.
functional knee in young, high-demand patients. A long-term follow-up retrospective review per-
The presence of the tibial allograft did not make formed by Early et al. [63]. Evaluated 25 patients
knee arthroplasty technically more difficult and (33 knees) with and average age of 25 years
their study showed that osteochondral allograft- (range, 16–48 years) who were treated with OCA
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 275

transplantation for osteonecrosis of the knee. and up to 75% good to excellent outcomes using
Patient’s underlying diagnoses were primarily allografts for patellofemoral disease. Gortz et al.
related to an autoimmune disorder (44% of [17] reported 90% graft survival rate at 6 years in
patients with underlying diagnosis of systemic steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral con-
lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s dyles. The outcome of bipolar tibiofemoral dis-
disease, or myositis) or malignancy (32% of ease, in patients attempting to defer arthroplasty,
patients with underlying diagnosis of leukemia or shows high patient satisfaction but a 60% reop-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma), with the remainder of eration rate and 30% rate of conversion to TKA at
underlying diagnoses being less common causes average of 6 years. In a longer follow-up analysis
to receive high-dose corticosteroid therapy. of this same cohort, Early et al. [63] noted an
Patients included in this series were initial candi- increase in the rate of new arthroplasties (15%)
dates for arthroplasty but were referred to allo- or other surgical intervention (27%) on affected
grafting as an alternative treatment option. knees compared with previous findings at mean
Sixteen surgeries were bilateral. Twenty-five 5.6 years’ follow-up in 2010 (4% and 15%,
knees had unicondylar lesions (13 lateral, 12 respectively). Of the 8 knees requiring additional
medial), whereas 8 knees had bicondylar involve- surgical intervention, 4 involved bicondylar
ment (medial and lateral femoral condyles in the lesions, 4 involved above-average necrotic area
same knee) and received allografts to both con- (range 11.6–19.0 vs. 10.6 cm2), and 6 were per-
dyles. Mean total allograft surface area was formed using shell allograft technique, showing
10.6 cm2 (range, 4.0–19.0 cm2). Seventeen out of that large lesions requiring multiple grafts, or to
33 (51.5%) knees had multiple grafts; these require allografting in multiple areas in the knee,
included cases of bicondylar involvement, large commonly found in more advanced stages of OA,
lesions using dowel technique, or additional non- may present worse outcomes than single and
structural particulate bone allografting of necrotic focal osteochondral defects in the knee. A
areas beneath the grafts. Overall, patients reduced graft survivorship in OA population may
required an average of 1.7 osteochondral reflect the higher level of lesion complexity in
allografts per knee (range 1–4). Nine of 33 knees patients with OA, combined with underlying dis-
(27%) had further surgery following the OCA ease burden from patient’s primary diagnoses.
transplantation. Of these, eight knees (24% of Recent studies have shown an increased failure
entire cohort) underwent further surgery that rate of OCA transplantation for bipolar OCA
involved graft removal and were classified as transplantation for knee OA. Stannard et al. [65]
OCA failures (3 revision OCA transplantations presented short-term outcomes following unipo-
and 5 conversions to TKA). Mean time to OCA lar, multisurface, and bipolar osteochondral
failure (including OCA revisions and conver- allograft transplantations in the knee in 194
sions to TKA) was 7.8 years (range 1.6– patients, where 88 patients were treated with
13.7 years). Graft survivorship was 90% at bipolar grafts. Bipolar lesion was defined as any
5 years and 82% at 10 years. Among the 25 knees pathology involving two opposing articulating
that had the allograft in situ, the mean follow-up surfaces, including patellofemoral, femorotibial,
duration was 11.0 years (range, 2.9–29 years). and/or femoromeniscal compartment. In a mean
Pain and function scores decreased from early follow-up of 3.5 years documented failures
follow-up to long-term follow-up, but all scores occurred in 26 patients (13%), with all undergo-
were statistically better at latest follow-up than ing TKA for treatment. Bipolar cases comprised
preoperatively. 22 (85%) failures, making bipolar transplantation
The results of osteochondral allografting for significantly (P = 0.008) and 3.8 times more
OA conditions and kissing lesions of the knee are likely than unipolar grafts to be associated with
difficult to summarize. Gross et al. have reported failure. While most studies document the major-
75% 10-year survivorship of tibial grafts in the ity of revisions and failures occurring in the first
management of post-traumatic OA [14, 16, 64] year after OCA transplantation for OA patients,
276 L. E. Tírico et al.

results with this technique for OA must be inter- ited to specialized centers with tissue banks that
preted with caution until long-term follow-up could safely recover, process, and test tissue rap-
data are available. idly to allow transplantation within 7 days,
thereby maximizing chondrocyte cell viability. Size The increasing popularity of OCA transplanta-
Fresh osteochondral allograft (OCA) transplanta- tion has led to a need for new protocols that
tion is most commonly performed as a treatment would allow for prolonged viable storage of
for lesions larger than 2–4 cm2. osteochondral grafts to permit greater availability
The relationship between size of the lesion and wider distribution of fresh OCAs to treat
and prognosis was studied by Tirico et al. [66] more patients outside of specialized centers.
evaluating 156 knees (143 patients) treated with Several storage methods have been investigated
OCA transplantation for distal femoral condyle to try to optimize chondrocyte viability with each
osteochondral lesions of the knee. The total area showing noticeable declines in chondrocyte via-
of the allograft was used as a surrogate for the bility after Day 14, decreasing below acceptable
absolute size of the lesion and was categorized as levels (typically considered to be 70% viable
small (<5 cm2), medium (5–8 cm2), or large cells) by 28 days after procurement. Storage
(>8 cm2). The mean allograft area was 6.4 cm2 media were shown to have an effect on chondro-
(range, 2.3–11.5 cm2). Thirty-six of 156 allografts cyte viability, with tissue culture media allowing
(23.1%) were categorized as small, 76 of 156 a longer storage time than Ringer’s lactate solu-
(48.7%) were categorized as medium, and 44 of tion [41]. Storage temperature was also studied,
156 (28.2%) were categorized as large. The graft and currently, most storage protocols use 4 °C as
failure rate was similar for all absolute size a standard, which provides improved chondro-
groups, occurring in 2 of 36 (5.6%) small grafts, cyte viability (over Ringer’s lactate solution) up
3 of 76 (3.9%) medium grafts, and 4 of 44 (9.1%) to 28 days. However, studies did show that, even
large grafts (P = 0.507). Survivorship of the graft in nutritive media, prolonged storage of fresh
at 5 years for the small, medium, and large abso- OCA tissue leads to variable but predictable
lute size groups was 97.2%, 100.0%, and 92.5%, chondrocyte death within the tissue. Although the
respectively (P = 0.445), showing that for femo- effect of chondrocyte death from prolonged stor-
ral condyle defects, lesion size does not influence age has been studied in animal models, the clini-
subjective outcomes of pain and function after cal consequence in humans has not been studied
OCA transplantation. extensively.
Giorgini et al. [67] found that improvement in A matched-pair study performed by Schmidt
IKDC scores was lower when lesions were larger et al. [20] compared 75 patients who received
than 8 cm2. Similar results were found by Bugbee “early release” grafts between September 1997
evaluating a cohort of 402 knees in a long-term and September 2002 (mean storage time, 6.3 days
follow-up series. Survivorship of all grafts in [range, 1–14 days]) and 75 patients who received
12 years; including different location, diagnosis, “late release” grafts between October 2002 and
and age; was 90% for grafts smaller than 8 cm2 August 2008 (mean storage time, 20.0 days
and 64% when larger than 8 cm2. So, in general, [range, 16–28 days]). Patients were matched 1:1
smaller thin-plug grafts for OCD lesions might by age, diagnosis, and graft size and clinical out-
have higher survivorship than a large tibial pla- come measures including reoperations and fail-
teau and meniscal graft for a salvage complex ures were recorded. Among patients with grafts
tibial post-traumatic arthritic lesion. remaining in situ, the mean follow-up was
11.9 years (range, 2.0–16.8 years) and 7.8 years Storage Time (range, 2.3–11.1 years) for the early and late
Tissue culture media allow a longer storage time release groups, respectively. The total reopera-
but lead to chondrocyte death within the tissue tion rate was 42.7% (32/75) of knees in the early
[41]. Historically, the use of fresh OCAs was lim- release group and 30.7% (23/75) of knees in the
23 Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation 277

late release group (P = 0.127). OCA failure 23.10 Return to Sport

occurred in 25.3% (19/75) of patients in the early
release group and 12.0% (9/75) of patients in the Due to improved surgical technique and better
late release group (P = 0.036) and the median donor graft availability during the last two
time to failure was 3.5 years (range, 1.7– decades, osteochondral allograft (OCA) trans-
13.8 years) and 2.7 years (range, 0.3–11.1 years) plantation has become an increasingly relevant
for the early and late release groups, respectively. and regarded surgical option in the cartilage
The 5-year survivorship of the OCA was 85% for repair paradigm in young and active patients who
the early release group and 90% for the late desire to return to athletic activity [71, 72]. In a
release group (P = 0.321). The results of this recent systematic literature review with 1117
matched-pair study suggest that OCAs with pro- included patients, Campbell et al. reported a
longed storage up to 28 days do not adversely return-to-sport rate of also 88% after OCA trans-
affect clinical outcomes. The late release group plantation (89% for OAT, 84% for ACI, and 75%
had a significantly lower clinical failure rate than for microfracture [72]. Furthermore, the authors
the early release group (12.0% vs 25.3%, respec- could show that athletes who were younger had a
tively; P < 0.05). The overall 5-year reoperation shorter preoperative duration of symptoms,
rate was similar between groups. This result was underwent no previous surgical interventions,
unexpected based on basic science and animal participated in a more rigorous rehabilitation pro-
studies, that prolonged storage would lead to tocol, had a smaller cartilage defect, and had a
inferior clinical outcomes [41]. Other variables significantly better prognosis after surgery.
may be more important in affecting overall out- In an effort to evaluate the rate of RTS, clinical
comes. Although the authors performed a outcome, and risk factors for not returning to
matched-pair analysis to account for patient dif- physical activity following OCA transplantation,
ferences, the early release group had surgeries Krych et al. [73] reported an overall return to
performed before 2002 and the late release group sport of 88% (38/43) of patients, with 79%
after 2002, resulting in different lengths of fol- (34/43) returning to the previous level of physical
low-­up. Inherent improvements in surgical tech- activity. The average time to RTS was
niques, such as new instrumentation and surgeon 9.6 ± 3.0 months (range, 7–13). Activities of
experience, may have also played a role in daily living and clinical outcome measures were
outcomes. significantly improved from baseline to last fol-
In an animal model, Cook et al. [44] devel- low-­up. Factors correlated to non-return to sport
oped and examined the feasibility of storing in this series were age older than 25 years and
osteochondral allografts for up to 60 days using preoperative symptoms greater than 12 months.
the new media system in terms of chondrocyte Bugbee et al. identified 142 patients (149
viability and risk for bacterial contamination. In knees) who underwent primary OCA
this study, their solution was able to maintain suf- ­transplantation in the knee and participated in
ficient (>70%) chondrocyte viability for up to sport or recreational activity prior to cartilage
60 days in 83% of stored allografts in 25 °C. This injury and did not have a major concomitant sur-
system was also studied in human tissue with gery (osteotomy, anterior cruciate ligament
good cell viability up to 56 days after procure- repair, or meniscal allograft) at the time of the
ment [68]. Other authors have also investigated OCA. Level of activity was classified as highly
different solutions and media in an effort to competitive athlete, well-trained and frequently
increase storage time of grafts with high cell via- sporting, sporting sometimes, or non-sporting to
bility [69, 70]. Increasing storage time of grafts describe their activity level before injuring their
would improve availability of grafts, provide knee. Patients included in this study were either
grafts with high cell viability, allow for pre- highly competitive athlete (67/145, 45%) or well-
screening of donors for safety, and facilitate more trained and frequently sporting (82/149, 55%). At
convenient scheduling of surgery. a mean follow-up of 6 years (range, 1.0–
278 L. E. Tírico et al.

15.8 years), 75.2% (112 of 149 knees) had symptoms may be minimal, or there may be pro-
returned to sport or recreational activity follow- gressive clinical deterioration and radiographic
ing the OCA. Among the entire cohort of 149 evidence of fragmentation, fracture, or collapse.
knees, regardless of return-to-sport status, 71%
achieved “very good” to “excellent” knee func-
tion following the OCA, and 79% were able to 23.12 Summary
participate in a high level of activity (moderate,
strenuous, or very strenuous activities) as OCA is a well-established procedure and may
assessed on the IKDC subjective evaluation form. achieve excellent long-term clinical results to
Among the 24.8% (37 of 149 knees) who did not treat symptomatic large cartilage lesions (chon-
return to sport or activity, reasons included both dral and osteochondral) defects with the correct
knee-related problems and lifestyle characteris- indications and patient selection.
tics. Survivorship of allografts was 91% at
5 years and 89% at 10 years [74].

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284 M. Hevesi et al.

demonstrated trophic and anti-inflammatory prop- osteoarthritis. PRP contains growth factors, mod-
erties utilizing in vitro models [5]. Additionally, ulating local inflammatory responses as well as
PRP has shown favorable outcomes in the treat- cellular proliferation and differentiation involved
ment of knee osteoarthritis, with the potential to be in healing processes [5].
used synergistically with other surgical products to The literature has demonstrated that PRP
enhance the healing environment. studies are quite varied with regard to their pro-
Cell-based strategies such as autologous chon- cessing, composition, timing, and indications. A
drocyte implantation (ACI) have demonstrated recent systematic review showed that only 10%,
better durability over microfracture, due to for- or 11/105 studies, provided a comprehensive
mation of hyaline-like cartilage over fibrocarti- report with clear description of preparation in
lage [6]. However, there are disadvantages of composition of the PRP investigated [11].
ACI, including costly and logistically challeng- Furthermore, PRP varies significantly with regard
ing need for two-stage surgery with ex vivo to its platelet, growth factor, and leukocyte com-
expansion of the chondrocytes. position from patient to patient [11]. Recent
Human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells efforts have shown that leukocyte composition
(MSCs) can also be used to improve cartilage may be a key factor in the treatment efficacy of
regeneration models. The use of MSCs in carti- knee osteoarthritis [12]. There does appear to be
lage repair is promising, with both small and a delicate balance with leukocytes and platelets,
large animal models as well as pilot studies in as each has important catabolic properties, but, in
man demonstrating safety and efficacy in carti- excess have the ability to upregulate certain pro-
lage regeneration [7, 8]. teins such as matrix metalloproteinases, leading
Finally, the combination of chondrocytes with to detrimental changes to the surrounding
other cell types has gained recent attention given tissues.
that cells respond to their environment and can be Favorable outcomes of intra-articular injec-
positively influenced by the presence of other cell tions of PRP when compared to saline [13], cor-
types [9, 10]. The combination of cells opens the ticosteroids [14], and hyaluronic acid (HA) [15]
door to single-stage cartilage repair as both have been reported in several blinded, random-
orchestrating [stromal] cells and chondrocyte ized controlled trials (RCT). Other RCTs have
building blocks can be provided simultaneously, demonstrated significant improvement but simi-
without the need for ex vivo expansion. lar results between PRP and HA [16, 17]. In vitro
studies and early clinical observations have also
shown a potential synergistic interaction between
24.2 Key Concepts PRP and HA [18, 19].
The utilization of PRP as an augmentation in
• Evolving use of Platelet-Rich Plasma for the treatment of chondral defects is currently
Cartilage Treatment evolving. PRP as an augmentation to microfrac-
• Emergence and growth of cell-based therapies: ture in the treatment of small chondral lesions
–– Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation may provide additional benefit at short-term fol-
–– Stem/Stromal Cell-Based Therapeutics low-­up, even up to 12 months [20], but did not
–– Single-Stage Auto/Allo Cartilage Repair reach the minimally clinically important differ-
ence (MCID) in a recent meta-analysis [21].
While the use of PRP for the treatment of knee
24.2.1 Platelet-Rich Plasma cartilage defects and osteoarthritis is becoming
for Cartilage Treatment increasing popular, its implementation and out-
comes remain under scientific debate, in particu-
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has received signifi- lar due to its heterogeneous nature and
cant attention in recent years as a potential treat- preparation. Furthermore, PRP provides a one-­
ment for knee osteochondral defects and time dose of factors which does not have the
24 Emerging Cartilage Repair Options 285

capacity to for long-term modulation and feed- 24.2.3 Stem/Stromal Cell-Based

back regulation-inhibition. Given this, emerging Therapeutics
treatment options for cartilage repair increas-
ingly involve cell-based therapies that open the Stem/stromal cells represent a population of cells
door for sustained, modulated healing and that demonstrate the ability for self-renewal,
regeneration. long-term viability, and multilinear culture [29].
Embryonically, mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
(MSCs) are derived from the mesoderm and are
24.2.2 Autologous Chondrocyte distinguished by their capacity to divide into con-
Implantation nective tissues including ligament, bone, and car-
tilage leading to evolving interest in their
Cell-based strategies have demonstrated better therapeutic use for orthopedic care [29, 30].
durability over microfracture, due to the forma- Stem/stromal cell preparations exist in vary-
tion of hyaline-like cartilage over fibrocartilage ing formulations spanning from point-of-care
[6]. Indeed, a growing body of evidence suggests aspirates to culture-expanded and characterized
that microfracture does no better than debride- cell populations. Classic stem/stromal investiga-
ment alone [22, 23]. Given this, we increasingly tions in musculoskeletal repair were centered ini-
recommend consideration of debridement for tially about bone marrow mesenchymal stem/
small chondral defects, to better preserve the sub- stromal cells (BMSCs) [31]. While bone marrow
chondral plate, should future ACI or other bio- is relatively enriched in MSCs as compared to
logic therapy be warranted. Furthermore, this other adult tissues, we caution efforts to employ
approach has been postulated to limit the occur- bone marrow aspirate as a robust source of stem/
rence of intralesional osteophyte formation or stromal cells given that MSCs comprise only
subchondral plate fracture as well as allow for 0.01–0.001% of the harvested cell population
cell-based biologic intervention without having [30, 32]. In contrast, the stromal vascular fraction
to treat the full-depth osteochondral unit, such as (SVT) of adipose tissue contains approximately
with OCA. 500-fold the stem/stromal cell concentration of
In several RCTs, we have demonstrated cell-­ bone marrow [33, 34].
based ACI has superior clinical outcomes and Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal
better structure repair compared to scar forma- cells (AMSCs) have also demonstrated growing
tion after microfracture [24–27]. Technically, interest and promise in regenerative therapeutics
ACI requires precise debridement to stable defect including cartilage repair. AMSCs differ from
edges as well as close matching of defect geogra- BMSCs in the relative ease of adipose isolation,
phy to the implanted membrane. For this, we pre- both in clinic and in the OR, as well as the quan-
fer to use a cookie cutter technique in order to tity of tissue that can be readily harvested in most
provide efficient operative workflow, precisely patients depending on habitus. AMSCs have been
cut defect edges, and a form-fitting ACI mem- demonstrated to differentiate into fibrocytes and
brane [28]. tenocytes in addition to adipogenic, myogenic,
It is important to note that there are several and chondrogenic tissues and are therefore a nat-
disadvantages of ACI, including the need for ural target for tendon repair/regeneration studies
two-stage surgery with ex vivo expansion of the [35–37]. In a recent RNA sequencing analysis of
chondrocytes. This delays the final rehabilitation AMSCs and BMSCs obtained from the same
of the patients, and in some cases makes quadri- human donors, Zhou et al. found that AMSCs
ceps atrophy and deconditioning of the affected demonstrated lower expression of Human
extremity worse over time. In addition, this pro- Leukocyte Antigen I (HLA I) as well as higher
cedure is very costly, and is continuously chal- immunosuppression capacity when compared
lenged by payers. with the BMSC population [38]. This is desirable
286 M. Hevesi et al.

given that limitations in HLA effect can enable follow-up. Formal results of this 25 patient Phase
allogeneic stem cell application, easing logical I Clinical Trial are forthcoming.
preparations, especially as they relate to culture-­
expanded formulations [39, 40]. Furthermore,
the immunomodulatory effect of stem cells may 24.3 Conclusions
also play a key role in ligament healing given that
multiple groups have proposed and reported on Cartilage defects substantially affect patient
the positive histologic effects and recreation of quality of life, and there remains a critical need
native-like tendon-bone interfaces with immuno- for safe and cost-effective interventions. The
suppression and macrophage inhibition [41–43]. recent technovolution of cartilage treatment has
been rapid, with newly emerging options for
repair. Methods of PRP preparation are increas-
24.2.4 Single-Stage Auto/Allo ingly nuanced and demonstrate promise in
Cartilage Repair growth factor delivery and use as an adjuvant to
advanced biologic therapies. Cell-based
Finally, the combination of chondrocytes with approaches represent the latest in emerging carti-
other cell types has also gained attention as oth- lage repair options. The latest in the evolutionary
ers showed that cells respond to their environ- line of cell-based therapies is represented by
ment and can be positively influenced by the single-­stage combination autologous/allogeneic
presence of other cell types [9, 10]. Indeed, direct treatments which increasingly address and over-
contact between MSCs and dedifferentiated come the logistical challenges of two-stage treat-
articular chondrocytes recently showed improve- ments while providing the signal orchestration
ment of the cartilage phenotype of dedifferenti- and autologous cells needed for defect repair.
ated articular chondrocytes [44, 45]. Therefore,
combining articular chondrocytes with other cell
types can help us overcome barriers and improve References
the traditional ACI-approach.
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290 A. Gobbi et al.

25.2 One Step Treatments mass index (BMI) less than 30. It is also crucial
for Chondral that all concomitant injuries are addressed during
and Osteochondral Injuries the surgery. Malalignment if present, should be
corrected at the time of the repair, as well as any
25.2.1 HA-BMAC kind of ligament instability or meniscal injury.
This treatment is not indicated in older
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) con- (>60 years), obese (BMI > 30) with severe tri-­
tains bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) and growth compartmental OA. Patients with untreated
factors that are a promising option for cartilage malalignment (varus /valgus >5°) or knee insta-
repair and regeneration [12–15]. The BMSCs bility and those who have had multiple intra-­
interact with a non-woven hyaluronan-­based scaf- articular injections with steroids in the 3 months
fold, the HYAFF 11, that supports cellular adhe- preceding the procedure, as well as hip disorders
sion, migration, and proliferation, promoting the leading to abnormal gait, general systemic ill-
synthesis of extracellular matrix components nesses, such as rheumatic diseases, Bechterew’s
under static culture conditions [16–18]. Nejadnik syndrome, chondrocalcinosis, gout, and neuro-
et al. compared the clinical outcomes of patients vascular diseases are also contraindications.
treated with first-generation ACI and patients
treated with autologous BMSCs. The authors con-
cluded that BMSCs are as effective as ACI for 25.2.3 The Procedure
articular cartilage repair [19]. At our institution,
we compared patients treated with matrix-induced The entire procedure is performed under general
autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI) to anesthesia. The patient is positioned supine for
patients treated with BMSCs using the same scaf- standard knee arthroscopy. The ipsilateral iliac
fold. Both groups improved but we did not notice crest is prepared and exposed for bone marrow
any significant statistical differences between the aspiration. Examination of the knee under anes-
two groups at 3 years follow-up, concluding that thesia is done to recognize the concomitant
both techniques were viable and effective [20]. pathologies that will be addressed during the sur-
Many clinical studies have demonstrated that the gery. All cartilage lesions are then identified dur-
hyaluronic acid-based scaffold with activated bone ing diagnostic arthroscopy. At the time of the
marrow aspirate concentrate (HA-BMAC) tech- procedure, it is necessary to choose whether the
nique is a valuable method for the treatment of procedure will be performed arthroscopically or
full-thickness cartilage lesions of the knee [21]. via arthrotomy. Arthroscopic intervention is only
Different sizes of osteochondral lesions can be possible if the lesion can be fully visualized with
treated, from small injuries to large defects (up to the arthroscope and reached with instruments. If
22 cm2) showing good clinical outcomes at long- not, the procedure should be continued through
term follow-up [22–25]. The HA-BMAC tech- an arthrotomy. Thorough debridement of the
nique has proven to be effective in treatment for loose chondral tissue is necessary, ensuring that
patients over 45 years of age [26]. the border of the lesion is vertical to the subchon-
dral plane. The calcified cartilage layer overlying
the subchondral bone is removed. Care must be
25.2.2 Indications taken to not violate the subchondral plate. BMAC
preparation is started after the lesion is prepared.
The HA-BMAC technique is not a “one-size fits Approximately 60 mL of bone marrow from the
all” for damaged joints, but may be extremely ipsilateral iliac crest is harvested, using a dedi-
effective when applied for a carefully selected cated aspiration kit. The aspirate is centrifuged
group of patients. This procedure is a good solu- with a commercially available system to obtain
tion for cartilage repair in all compartments in the concentrated bone marrow (Angel, Arthrex,
patients with less than 60 years of age and a body Cytomedix, Gaithersburg, MD). The dimensions
25 One-Step Chondral and Subchondral Lesion Treatment with MSCs 291

of the lesion have to be measured to prepare the further. The knee is then flexed and extended to
matching implant using a three-dimensional check graft stability. If the surgeon chooses an
hyaluronic acid-based scaffold (Hyalofast, Anika arthroscopic approach, fluid needs to be completely
Therapeutics, Bedford MA USA Srl, Abano drained, and the lesion should be inspected
Terme, Italy). It is also possible to prepare an alu- arthroscopically after fluid drainage to ensure that
minum foil template of the lesion, and then cut the circumferential border is stable. The scaffold is
the scaffold to correspond to the contour of the introduced into the joint via the working portal
aluminum foil model. When the scaffold is ready, through a valveless cannula using a grasper. The
BMAC is activated with batroxobin enzyme implant is placed gently filling the cartilage defect.
(Plateltex Act, Plateltex SRO, Bratislava, A hook can be used to press-fit the scaffold into the
Slovakia). The activation process is necessary for lesion. The crucial part of the procedure is to check
BMAC to form a clot, which is then applied onto the implant stability. The joint is moved through a
the prepared scaffold forming a sticky implant range of motion several times while the scaffold is
that is easy to apply to the lesion (Fig. 25.1). observed with the arthroscope. If needed, fibrin
According to the chosen approach, previously glue is applied to improve implant stability. The
prepared HA-BMAC is then implanted into the working portals are sutured, but a drain should not
lesion. If an open technique is selected, the surgeon be inserted into the joint [24–26].
should apply HA-BMAC directly onto the defect. A recently described technique by Sadlik et al.
If needed, fibrin glue is added to secure the graft [27] to repair osteochondral injury using mor-

Fig. 25.1 Intraoperative images of HA-BMAC technique

292 A. Gobbi et al.

selized bone grafting and mesenchymal stem tural components to provide optimized environ-
cells sourced from bone marrow aspirate has ment for regeneration. It is a fluoroscopic guided,
been termed Biologic Inlay Osteochondral minimally invasive, autologous, biologic proce-
Reconstruction (BIOR). This technique uses a dure that allows necrotic bone segment resection
hyaluronic acid-based scaffold embedded with and transplant living, live, intact bone segments
BMAC in association with a malleable bone graft that have the capabilities to reincorporate naturally
inlay. Although only preliminary clinical out- without foreign body implantation [28]. It is an
come data is currently available for osteochon- approach that could potentially overcome the issue
dral pathology treated with BIOR, [27] this type of centrifugation techniques wherein there is an
of cell-based, single-stage reconstruction proce- increase level of peripheral blood nucleated cells
dure is expected to become a preferred method of which contain very few stem or progenitor cells. It
surgical treatment, given the cost-effective nature uses multiple small volume draws (1 mL) from a
and technical versatility of the technique. single puncture that utilizes lateral flow from mul-
tiple sites near the inner cortical bone space in
Box 25.1 Pearls and Pitfalls of HA-BMAC bone marrow (SSLM method). It is identified that
Cartilage Repair this anatomical location contains a high number of
bone marrow stem or progenitor cells [29].
 • Complete exposure of the cartilage lesion is Osteo-Core-Plasty starts with bone marrow
essential and may be problematic in the aspiration process. All the materials and instru-
patellofemoral compartment. Use traction ments are prepared. Aseptic technique is applied
methods as needed to provide a comfortable over the iliac crest and operative site. First is to
working space
 • If dimensions of the prepared cartilage defect are
heparinize all kit components using 2.000 units/
difficult to measure, use an aluminum foil mL heparin. Then, the introducer needle with
template or similar material to assist with sharp stylet is inserted just past cortex into the
accurate scaffold size matching medullary space. Sharp stylet is then removed.
 • The hyaluronic acid-based scaffold composition Syringe is attached and 1 mL marrow is aspirated
is symmetrical; after creation of the HA-BMAC
graft, implantation may proceed with either side to ensure proper positioning of needle tip. The
placed against the subchondral bone syringe is after removed. Blunt Stylet is inserted
Pitfalls and locked. Introducer Needle may now be
 • Arthroscopic cartilage repair should proceed only advanced to desired depth. Guide Grip is now
in cases where the entirety of the defect can be
rotated to skin level. Blunt Stylet is then removed.
appreciated and treated in a minimally invasive
manner; repair should be performed in an open The Aspiration Cannula is then inserted and
manner otherwise secured. The syringe is attached and 1 mL mar-
 • Confirm secure graft seating within the cartilage row is aspirated. A Guide Grip is held at handle
defect by cycling the knee under arthroscopic and rotated 360° counterclockwise then another
visualization; failure to do so may increase the
risk of graft delamination in the postoperative 1 mL is aspirated. Guide Grip could be rotated as
period needed and could be reassembled for additional
puncture sites [28] (Fig. 25.2).
Application could be done arthroscopically or
open access method. Arthroscopic method is
25.3 One-Step Treatment done with fluoroscopic guidance. Necrotic Tissue
for Subchondral Bone Zone is identified. K-wire is then inserted to tar-
Lesions get zone and cannulated drill is inserted over the
K-Wire. K-Wire and necrotic bone core are then
25.3.1 Osteo-Core-Plasty removed. Extraction/Delivery Tool containing
Marrow Cellution Bone Core Graft. The probe is
Osteo-Core-Plasty (Marrow Cellution™) is a min- inserted to push bone core graft to target zone
imally invasive subchondral bone augmentation position. Lastly, Marrow Cellution™ is injected
procedure that provides both biologic and struc- as liquid bone graft [28] (Fig. 25.3).
25 One-Step Chondral and Subchondral Lesion Treatment with MSCs 293

Fig. 25.2 Osteo-Core-Plasty (Marrow Cellution™). Instruments required (Reproduced with permission)

Fig. 25.3 Osteo-Core-Plasty. The procedure under radioscopic guidance

294 A. Gobbi et al.

Fig. 25.4 MRI pre-op and 12 months post-op. of a case example with a BML in the medial femoral condyle treated
with osteo-core-plasty

Open technique is also done with fluoroscopic entirely on the sterile area rather than necessitat-
guidance wherein the necrotic tissue zone is identi- ing the product to leave the sterile area for cen-
fied. The cartilage bed is now debrided. After trifugation and re-enter the sterile area for
debridement, cannulated drill is inserted to required administration to the patient, decreases proce-
depth. Necrotic core is removed. Extraction/ dural expenses, and maintains all the cells and
Delivery Tool containing Marrow Cellution™ growth factors obtained during aspiration. Users
Bone Core Graft is then inserted. Then Probe is of this technique reported that another advantage
used to push Bone Core Graft to Distal Position. is the ability to advance into and retreat from the
Then, Marrow Cellution™ Liquid Bone Graft is marrow area in both precise and controlled man-
injected. Then the Marrow Cellution™ Saturated ner [30] (Fig. 25.4).
Matrix Scaffold Membrane is applied. Finally,
Fibrin Glue is applied to seal the membrane [28]. Box 25.2 Pearls and Pitfalls of
Studies show that bone marrow samples con- Osteo-Core-Plasty
taining a relatively high CFU-fs/mL and CD34+/ Pearls
mL can be attained without the need for centrifu-  • During bone marrow aspiration change the trocar
gation using the Marrow Cellution™ system. The direction to obtain BMA from different places
level of CFU-fs/mL was significantly higher in  • Assess the lesion both with MRI and radiography
the Osteo-Core-Plasty compared to BMACs in  • Use AP and lateral fluoroscopic images to
determine the application site precisely
side by side comparison from the same patients  • Decompress the lesion with a cannula
using the contralateral iliac crest [29]. Another  • Keep the trocar inserted in the cannula for
study showed that the Osteo-Core-Plasty had 5–7 min to allow BMA to clot
over twice as many fibroblast-like colony form-  • Perform arthroscopy to confirm lack of intra-­
ing units (CFU-f) and only half as many nucle- articular leakage
ated cells compared to centrifugation techniques.
 • Breach of the cortex during decompression
Moreover, the Osteo-Core-Plasty showed same  • Imprecise BMA application and intra-articular
numbers of CD34+ and CD117+ cells compared leakage
to centrifugation techniques [29].  • Premature removal of the trocar and cannula
There are several benefits of Osteo-Core-­  • Leaving other intra-articular pathologies
Plasty. It allows the clinician to retain the product untreated
25 One-Step Chondral and Subchondral Lesion Treatment with MSCs 295

25.4 Postoperative Rehabilitation can begin when the patient regains complete pas-
sive extension and flexion of approximately 120°
25.4.1 Immediate Postoperative with minimum pain, swelling, and adequate
Protocol at the Hospital quadriceps recruitment.

First day after the surgery the patient is taught Transition Phase
static exercises to prevent vascular complications (6–12 Weeks)
and muscle hypotrophy. The limb is placed on a After 6 weeks, gait retraining begins to increase
continuous passive motion (CPM) machine on a the muscle strength and to gradually increase
continuous or intermittent basis for the next few functional activities. The brace should be main-
days or weeks, the range of motion is set accord- tained until there is sufficient quadriceps strength
ing to the site and size of the lesion. The patient for ambulation. Full weight bearing without
stays in the hospital for approximately 3 days, crutches is started 8–12 weeks post-implantation
where the physiotherapist trains the patient on as tolerated. It is important to start multidirec-
non-weight bearing crutch assisted walking with tional patella mobilization exercises along with
a straight leg brace. The brace is to be worn day active and passive range of motion (ROM) exer-
and night and removed only when doing rehabili- cises. Next phase of rehabilitation can begin after
tation exercises and during showering. achieving pain-free full range of motion, about
70% quadriceps and flexor strength compared to
contralateral limb and normal gait pattern.
25.4.2 Postoperative Rehabilitation
Protocol Maturation Phase
(12–24 Weeks)
All patients follow a standard rehabilitation pro- At this period of time, focus is on increasing the
tocol after HA-BMAC implantation. However, quadriceps and flexors muscle strength and resis-
this program should be modified according to the tance, as well as an increase in functional activi-
patient’s progress and capabilities. The program ties. Patient can progress to next phase of
is divided into four phases, each phase lasting rehabilitation if side-to-side quadriceps and
from 6 to 12 weeks. flexor strength of 90% is achieved. Proliferative/ Protective  unctional Recovery Phase

Phase (0–6 Weeks) (24–52 Weeks)
This phase aims to protect the implanted scaffold During this phase, patients gradually return to
from excessive loads and shearing forces. The functional activity without limitations. It involves
goal for the patient is to gain full extension with both closed and open chain exercises with progres-
gradual recovery of knee flexion by the end of sive weight bearing and plyometric exercises. The
this phase. The patient can start toe touch ambu- goal of these exercises is to improve patient’s pro-
lation by the end of third week and partial weight prioception, agility, and coordination, so that
bearing at sixth week. The brace should be locked patient can safely go back to sporting activities.
at 0° of extension during ambulation and at nights
for at least 4 weeks. Mobilization may begin at
the third week with the aim to achieve flexion of 25.5 Conclusions
120° by the end of 6 weeks. Strengthening exer-
cises should start immediately with static exer- Single-step cartilage repair eliminates the need
cises progressing to pool exercises by 3 weeks for a two-step procedure, thereby reducing the
and cycling by the end of 4 weeks. Pain and cost and morbidity to the patient.
swelling are controlled with cryotherapy, stock- Associated comorbidities such as malalign-
ings, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Next phase ment, meniscus deficiency, or ligament laxity
296 A. Gobbi et al.

Table 25.1 Summary of the growth factors and cytokines in bone marrow aspirate concentrate
cytokine Principle action Signaling pathway Reference
TGF β1, TGF Chondrocyte proliferation + differentiation SMAD-2 and
β2, TGF β3 SMAD-3
BMP-2 Chondrocyte proliferation, matrix synthesis and SMAD-1, SMAD-5,
hypertrophy SMAD-8, TAK-1
BMP-7 Increase ECM production
IL-I/IL-1β Inflammatory response-cell migration/recruitment to Mitogen activated
site of injury kinases (JNK, P38,
IL-8 Inflammatory response; MSC homing to site to injury; Mitogen activated [15, 24]
Increased VEGF production; chondrocyte hypertrophy kinase; P38
VEGF Promotes angiogenesis to sub-chondral bone and HIF-1, Runx2 [28, 29]
supports cartilage growth
PDGF Wound healing, collagen synthesis, angiogenesis, ERK 1/2, down-­
suppression of IL-1β, enhanced BMP signaling regulation of NF-kB
IGF-1 Increased synthetic and metabolic activity- increased PI-3K, ERK 1/2
collagen and proteoglycan synthesis, chondrogenic
FGF-2 Chondrogenic differentiation, MSC homing ERK 1/2, STATI/P21
FGF-18 Chondrogenic differentiation, enhanced BMP signaling
JNK C-Jun N-terminal kinase, ERK extracellular signal-related kinases, TAK-1 TGF-β activating kinase 1 (TAK-1),
STAT1 signal transducer and activator of transcription-1, PI-3K phosphoinositide 3-kinase, Runx2 Runt-domain tran-
scription factor family-2, HIF-1 hypoxia inducible factor-1, NK-kB nuclear factor kappa beta

must be addressed to provide an optimal environ- of painful subchondral bone lesions. It may be
ment for cartilage repair. particularly important for younger, active patients
HA-BMAC is a safe and accessible procedure who wish to reduce pain.
that provides good to excellent clinical outcomes at There is still a need for high-powered random-
long-term follow-up in small or large lesions, single ized controlled studies comparing different treat-
or multiple injuries, and various compartments. ment options for chondral and subchondral
Osteo-core-plasty is a new minimally invasive lesions before definitive recommendations can be
procedure with reported efficacy in the treatment made (Tables 25.1 and 25.2).
25 One-Step Chondral and Subchondral Lesion Treatment with MSCs 297

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HSCs, % 25 3.2 (0.04–21.0) 1998;26:853–61.
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full-thickness chondral defects treated with second-­
MSCs, % 23 0.05 (0.0–0.9)
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results at 5 years’ follow-up. Am J Sports Med.
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300 J. D. Lamplot et al.

within the PFJ compared to other areas of the restoration or repair surgery [21]. One study of
knee [10]. These include the high shear and com- pediatric patients with surgically treated patellar
pressive stresses within the joint, which are fur- instability demonstrated that PF articular carti-
ther increased in the setting of chondral injuries lage damage was present in 63% of knees, with
[11]. Furthermore, the complex topography of the patella involved in 61% and the trochlea in
the PFJ and heterogeneity of anatomy between 20% of cases [22]. Repetitive activities that may
patients can complicate efforts to restore ana- put the PFJ at risk include jumping, squatting,
tomic congruity [10]. Additionally, the patella and crawling (firefighters). While patients fre-
contains the thickest cartilage in the body with quently complain of anterior knee pain, it is
different structural characteristics than femoral important to determine the specific location of
cartilage [10], and as such, auto- or allografts pain (margin of patella, deep to the patella), the
from femoral donor sites may not adapt to the position of the knee at which pain occurs, and
stresses encountered within the PFJ [12–14]. In activities that exacerbate pain. The presence or
most cases, treatment is initially non-operative, absence of swelling and mechanical symptoms
with the exception of acute injuries resulting in should be noted. Focal pain without mechanical
loose bodies. The goal of cartilage repair and res- symptoms is likely secondary to subchondral
toration surgery within the PFJ is to alleviate pain bone overload [1].
and restore function. Surgical options can be cat- Diagnostic components of the physical exam
egorized as palliative, reparative, restorative, and related to PFJ pathology include gait analysis
reconstructive. It currently remains unknown and examination of tibiofemoral and patellar
whether these treatments slow or halt the pro- alignment. Specifically, static valgus malalign-
gression to PFJ OA due to the challenges of long-­ ment, dynamic valgus during a single-leg squat,
term studies of 20 years or more. Historically, and rotational malalignment with increased tib-
outcomes following cartilage restoration within ial torsion or femoral anteversion should be
the PFJ have been inferior to those within the tib- assessed and may be seen in patients with patel-
iofemoral joint due to the complex biomechanics lar chondral lesions [1]. The location of tender-
of the former; however, more recent studies have ness to palpation (medial, lateral, distal,
demonstrated almost equivalent outcomes [12, retropatellar) and its concordance with the loca-
13, 15–20]. tion of the cartilage lesion(s) should be deter-
mined. Patellar tracking should be carefully
evaluated and is best evaluated in a sitting posi-
26.2 History and Physical Exam tion. Specific items to assess include J-sign and
subluxation during quadriceps contraction in
Although history and physical exam are neither extension. Anatomic risk factors for maltracking
sensitive nor specific for cartilage injury, it include trochlear dysplasia, patella alta,
remains an important component of clinical increased tibial tubercle to trochlear-groove dis-
decision-­making. Possible etiologies of cartilage tance (TT-­TG) and lateral soft tissue contracture.
lesions within the PFJ include patellar instabil- A J-sign in terminal extension suggests trochlear
ity/dislocation, acute direct trauma, repetitive dysplasia and/or significant patella alta [1].
mictrotrauma, maltracking, and idiopathic Other structures to evaluate include ligamentous
causes. Chondral defects of the patella can be and soft tissue contracture and laxity with patel-
seen in up to 95% of patients after a patellar dis- lar apprehension, patellar glide, patellar tilt,
location, and most do not necessitate cartilage effusion, and crepitus.
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 301

26.3 Imaging 26.5 Non-operative Management

Beyond characterizing cartilage lesions, imaging With few exceptions, the initial management of
studies can allow identification of malalignment articular cartilage lesions includes relative rest,
and other associated pathology. Initial imaging activity modification, and physical therapy, with
includes standard anteroposterior (AP), 45-degree or without non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
posteroanterior (PA), lateral and Merchant radio- (NSAIDs). Physical therapy should first focus
graphs. Merchant views can demonstrate PFJ on restoration of range of motion and flex-
congruence, tilt, subluxation, and joint space nar- ibility followed by progressive strengthening
rowing. The true lateral view can be used to including the core, hip, and quadriceps muscles,
assess for trochlear dysplasia [23]. emphasizing a “Core to Floor” approach [30].
PFJ alignment is evaluated by patellar height, In general, non-operative measures are typically
tilt, and TT-TG distance [24]. MRI is routinely attempted prior to proceeding with cartilage res-
obtained to assess chondral lesions as well as sub- toration surgery. Traumatic lesions, especially in
chondral bone involvement. While helpful in esti- younger patients and in those with a symptom-
mating the grade and size of lesions, MRI has atic loose body resulting from an acute injury,
been reported to underestimate lesion size by up may be treated more expediently. Injections
to 60% [25]. Anatomic indices that should be may be considered in patients with degenerative
measured in patients with PF pathology include lesions. While there is a lack of evidence to sup-
measures of patellar height such as (1) the Caton- port their use specifically for focal PF chondral
Deschamps patellar height ratio, (2) the lesions, corticosteroid or viscosupplementation
Blackburn-Peele index, and (3) the patellar troch- may alleviate pain by decreasing inflammation
lear overlap index, and the TT-TG distance [24, [31]. Bracing or taping is a noninvasive and
26]. generally inexpensive measure that may also
be attempted to unload PF chondral lesions,
albeit with limited evidence to support their
26.4 Treatment Indications use [32–34]. After failing an extensive course
of non-operative management, a minority of
Indications for cartilage repair or restoration patients will warrant consideration for surgical
surgery in the PFJ include persistent pain and management.
dysfunction secondary to focal, full-thickness
chondral defects despite non-operative manage-
ment. Bipolar lesions are not an absolute contrain- 26.6 Surgical Management
dication, while significant joint space narrowing of Cartilage Defects
is. Distal lateral chondral defects of the patella in
symptomatic patients undergoing tibial tubercle Cartilage surgery within the PFJ aims to relieve
osteotomy (TTO) for instability may be debrided pain, restore function, improve quality of life,
or left alone, as these lesions will be offloaded by and potentially delay the onset of OA and need
the osteotomy [27]. Inferomedial patellar chon- for knee arthroplasty. Cartilage procedures gen-
dral defects from patellar dislocation that do not erally include debridement (chondroplasty),
cross the median patellar ridge may also gener- microfracture (Mfx) with or without adjuvant
ally be debrided or left alone. Loose bodies with treatment, osteochondral autograft transfer
or without a history of acute injury or instabil- (OAT), osteochondral allograft (OCA), particular
ity event can be treated with either removal or, if juvenile allograft cartilage (PJAC), perforated
tissue quality is sufficient, repair of the chondral allograft cartilage, and matrix-assisted chondro-
or osteochondral fragment [28, 29]. In the set- cyte implantation (MACI). While there is increas-
ting of acute loose bodies, surgical treatment is ing evidence that these procedures result in
warranted. improved pain and function in patients with PFJ
302 J. D. Lamplot et al.

cartilage defects, it remains unclear whether or patella, trochlea, or femoral condyle [37, 38].
not these procedures slow or prevent the progres- These injuries commonly occur in active pediat-
sion of OA [35, 36]. Cartilage procedures can be ric and adolescent patients who often have many
divided into four categories: palliative, repara- years of future impact activities, and as such,
tive, restorative, and reconstructive [1]. Palliative may benefit from preservation of their native car-
options include loose body removal and chondro- tilage [37]. Skeletally immature patients are par-
plasty, which solely aim to relieve painful ticularly susceptible to these injuries because the
mechanical symptoms. Reparative techniques fix calcified cartilage layer is incompletely formed,
the chondral or osteochondral fragment that is resulting in a weak interface between the articu-
injured and are generally only performed in the lar cartilage and underlying subchondral bone
acute or subacute setting. Restorative techniques [38, 39]. Multiple studies have reported that
are cell-based and include marrow stimulation, greater than one third of patients with a first-time
including Mfx, MACI, and PJAC. Reconstructive acute patellar dislocation have an osteochondral
methods, such as OAT and OCA, utilize trans- fracture identified on MRI [40], most commonly
plantation of autograft or allograft tissue to the occurring on the medial facet of the patella [21,
injury site to reconstruct the injured osteochon- 41, 42]. Osteochondral injury resulting in loose
dral unit. bodies has been reported in 5–50% of acute
Adequate exposure is critical to facilitate patellar instability cases [29]. In most cases, frag-
defect preparation and implantation or fixation. ment excision or surgical repair may be consid-
An open approach is often recommended, and a ered acutely due to mechanical symptoms as well
parapatellar arthrotomy may be made either as the potential for loose body migration and
medial or lateral on the same side as the lesion. If damage to surrounding uninjured cartilage [40].
patellar eversion is required to reach the defect, Furthermore, the loose fragment tends to swell
the arthrotomy is typically extended into the over time resulting in chondral degeneration [38].
quadriceps tendon. Alternatively, a subvastus or The threshold size of a loose osteochondral or
midvastus approach may be performed. For chondral fragment warranting operative interven-
patellar lesions, the patella usually requires ever- tion remains unclear, with some studies suggest-
sion, which may not be necessary for trochlear ing that fragments less than 10 mm [42] and
lesions. For central lesions, a medial parapatellar others suggesting that fragments less than 15 mm
approach may be preferred, as the patella is more can benefit from a trial of non-operative manage-
easily subluxed laterally. If multiple concomitant ment [43]. However, if visualized on preoperative
procedures are performed, an approach that imaging, the authors recommend removal of
allows good access for all procedures should be loose bodies with repair on a case-by-case basis
selected. depending on fragment size, quality lesion
When possible, attempts should be made to
26.7 Patellar Dislocation: preserve the native articular cartilage, which has
Osteochondral Fracture superior histological and long-term wear charac-
and Chondral Shear Injuries teristics compared to other cartilage restoration
techniques [38]. However, the decision of
Acute patellar dislocations typically result from a whether to excise or fix the fragment can be dif-
contact or noncontact flexion-rotation injury, ficult. Fixation of osteochondral fractures is rec-
direct blow to the patella, or forced knee hyper- ommended if the fragment is of an adequate size
extension and may result in osteochondral frag- (i.e., greater than approximately 10 mm in diam-
ment fractures or chondral shear injuries of the eter) [42] and has adequate bony tissue to facili-
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 303

tate stable fixation and bone-to-bone healing [38, cally removed at approximately 12 weeks post-
44]. In general, if the resulting defect is relatively operative or when radiographic healing has
small (less than 10 mm in diameter), then frag- occurred. Skeletally immature patients treated
ment excision may be performed alone or in with bioabsorbable implants have been reported
combination with a cartilage restoration proce- to have higher rates of healing and lower compli-
dure [42, 43]. Isolated fragment excision has cation rates than those with closed physes [47].
improved clinical outcomes when the donor site There is a growing body of evidence to support
is the patella compared to the femoral condyle the fixation of isolated chondral shear injuries of
[42, 45]. Repair is recommended for relatively the knee in pediatric and adolescent patients.
large osteochondral fractures when the frag- Historically, chondral-only fragments were
ment’s cartilage is in good condition [40]. Patellar removed rather than fixed, as it was believed that
osteochondral fragment fixation requires an repair would fail due to poor healing potential [48,
arthrotomy. Fixation methods include metallic 49]. Recent case reports have contradicted this
headless compression screws, trans-patellar dogma, suggesting that healing and good clinical
suture fixation, and bioabsorbable implants, outcomes can occur following chondral fragment
including screws and pins [40]. Bioabsorbable to bone fixation (Fig. 26.1) [37, 50, 51]. In a case
implants typically do not require removal unless series of 15 patients undergoing fixation of chon-
they migrate or become symptomatic [46]. dral-only fragments within the knee, Fabricant
Metallic headless compression screws are typi- et al. [37] reported successful short-term healing

a b e

c d

Fig. 26.1 A 16-year-old male with first-time patellar dis- 20 mm × 22 mm. (d) Postoperative MRI demonstrates
location with associated chondral shear injury to lateral OAT plug. (e) Chondral fragment fixed with four absorb-
femoral condyle. (a) Preoperative lateral radiograph indi- able tacks peripherally and a single 6 mm OAT plug. OAT
cates skeletally immaturity. (b) Arthroscopic image dem- plug serves as fragment fixation and support for the large
onstrating large loose chondral-only fragment. (c) chondral fragment
Intraoperative photo demonstrates defect size of
304 J. D. Lamplot et al.

in the majority of pediatric and adolescent patientsactive marrow milieu [55–57]. A recent system-
with chondral-­only fragments originating from the atic review investigated clinical outcomes after
patella, trochlea, or lateral femoral condyle with Mfx within the PFJ, reporting improvements in
median surface area of 492.0 mm2 fixed with bio- clinical outcomes in all included studies follow-
absorbable implants. One patient in this series ing Mfx, with greater improvements in younger
failed to heal, with no implant-related complica- patients [58]. No recommendations were made
tions in any of the other patients. regarding treatment guidelines as they relate to
lesion size or grade. Studies have suggested that
Mfx could be considered for PFJ chondral lesions
26.8 Debridement/Chondroplasty 2 cm2 and less [10, 59, 60]. We do not utilize Mfx
within the PFJ for several reasons, including con-
Cartilage lesions that are not causing pain most cerns about the durability and longevity of the
often do not need to be treated. Unless a patient resulting fibrocartilage repair tissue [55, 56, 59–
presents with patellofemoral pain or anterior-­ 61]. Additionally, patellar lesions are often not
based mechanical symptoms, patellofemoral completely shouldered, and circumferential
chondral lesions should be ignored during a knee shouldering is essential for adequate fibrocarti-
arthroscopy performed for meniscectomy or rea- lage fill. Achieving a perpendicular trajectory to
sons other than anterior knee pain. There is lim- the patellar subchondral bone with the Mfx awl
ited evidence in the literature to support the use or drill is technically difficult and may warrant an
of chondroplasty in the PFJ [52, 53]. However, a open approach although there are angled drill
large number of surgeons continue to perform shaver attachments that make an arthroscopic
this procedure [54]. We reserve chondroplasty for approach feasible. There are also fewer mesen-
patients with frank anteriorly based mechanical chymal stem cells within the patellar bone mar-
symptoms, in cases in which a cartilage biopsy is row than the distal femoral marrow. Finally, shear
being performed, and for irreparable chondral or forces are relatively high within the PFJ com-
osteochondral lesions who are not candidates for pared to the femoral condyles [10]. Because the
cartilage restoration surgery. This includes fibrocartilage resulting from Mfx has inferior
patients with relatively small lesions (<1 cm2), biomechanical properties compared to hyaline
relatively older patients who have failed an exten- cartilage, these shear forces are not as well toler-
sive course of non-operative treatment, and some ated [10].
high-level athletes with a desire to return to play Two randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
sooner than the rehabilitation following a carti- have demonstrated superior clinical outcomes
lage restoration surgery would allow. following MACI and OAT compared to Mfx for
chondral lesions within the knee [62, 63].
Unfortunately, results in these two studies were
26.9 Microfracture not reported according to knee compartment.
Solheim et al. [62] reported clinically significant
Mfx remains one of the most commonly per- improvements in Lysholm scores at short-,
formed cartilage restoration surgeries within the medium-, and long-­ term (15-year) follow-up
PFJ, second only to autologous chondrocyte after mosaicplasty compared to Mfx. Saris et al.
implantation (MACI) (29.6% vs. 45.5%). Results [63] reported a significant improvement in mul-
of Mfx appear to be inferior within the PFJ com- tiple KOOS subscales and fewer treatment fail-
pared to the femoral condyles [55, 56]. Results ures (12.5% vs 31.9%, p = 0.016) following
do seem to be improved in younger patient popu- MACI compared to Mfx. While Kreuz et al. [55,
lations who likely have a more metabolically 56] reported acceptable results after Mfx of the
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 305

femoral condyles in young patients, there were relative to the patient’s harvest site should be
diminishing results following Mfx within the considered, as donor site morbidity can result
PFJ between 18 and 36 months postoperative when using multiple large plugs. Plugs are typi-
[64]. Recently, there has been an increased inter- cally harvested from the lesser-weightbearing
est in Mfx “plus” in which marrow stimulation is periphery of the trochlea, and less commonly
augmented with a scaffold or paste in an attempt from the intercondylar notch using an all-­
to mechanically stabilize the clot formed at the arthroscopic approach [10, 11, 13, 14].
repair site, thereby providing a more favorable Peripheral trochlear lesions can often be man-
environment for cell differentiation [65]. One aged with an all-arthroscopic technique, while
such treatment option is autologous matrix- patellar lesions require an arthrotomy in order to
induced chondrogenesis (AMIC), in which a col- position instrumentation perpendicular to the
lagen membrane is placed within the chondral articular surface. One particular challenge of
defect following MFx in order to provide an OAT for PFJ lesions is difficult in matching the
environment in which MSCs can adhere to and complex topography and varying cartilage thick-
proliferate, thereby improving fibrocartilage for- ness of donor and recipient sites [1, 10]. Patellar
mation. In an RCT of patients undergoing either subchondral bone is also generally harder than
Mfx or AMIC for chondral lesions within any femoral condylar bone. As such, a drill rather
knee compartment, Volz et al. [66] reported a than the typically used hand-powered trephine
deterioration at 2 years postoperative following should be considered for recipient site prepara-
patellar Mfx, whereas results were sustained at tion in this setting.
5 years following AMIC. Dhollander et al. [67] Improved outcomes following OAT through-
reported good clinical outcomes at mean 2 year out the knee joint have been reported for lesions
follow-up for the treatment of isolated patellar or <2 cm2 [69]. Specifically within the patella,
trochlear defects although there was a 30% rate improved outcomes have been reported in
of intralesional osteophyte formation and slight patients treated with a single OAT plug com-
MRI deterioration between 1 and 2 years postop- pared to multiple plugs [11], among patients
erative. Gobbi et al. [68] reported improved who did not require concomitant realignment
results following treatment of grade IV chondral osteotomy [14], and among patients with iso-
injuries of the femoral condyles or patella treated lated traumatic chondral lesions [14]. Inferior
with a hyaluronic acid-based scaffold with acti- outcomes have been reported following PFJ
vated bone marrow aspirate concentrate OAT among patients older than 50 [13], larger
(HA-BMAC) compared to Mfx [68]. Results lesion surface area [11, 13, 14, 69], and in cases
were not reported according to knee compart- with both medial and lateral patellar facet lesions
ment. Altogether, while Mfx is an inexpensive [14]. Astur et al. [11] reported significant
and relatively simple procedure, clinical out- improvements in functional and patient-reported
comes within the PFJ seem to favor other carti- outcomes at minimum 2-year follow-up and
lage restoration strategies. 100% osseous integration at 1 year following
isolated patella OAT. Figueroa et al. [70] reported
100% good or excellent clinical outcomes and
26.10 Osteochondral Autograft 100% ICRS grade IA scores on MRI at mini-
Transfer (OAT) mum 2 years following patellar OAT. Hangody
et al. [13] reported 79% good to excellent out-
Osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT) may be comes following patellar OAT using a mosaic-
considered for relatively small defects within the plasty technique at minimum 10-year follow-up.
PFJ measuring 1–3 cm2. The size of the lesion More recently, Emre et al. reported significant
306 J. D. Lamplot et al.

clinical improvement without any complications OCA in salvage situations for larger lesions
or repeat surgeries following patellofemoral (>2 cm2) in which subchondral bone injury pre-
mosaicplasty [71]. Nho et al. [14] reported sig- cludes the use of cell-based options.
nificant improvements in IKDC scores and good
cartilage fill (67–100%) in all patients at mini-
mum 18-month follow-up after patellar OAT. We 26.12 Autologous Chondrocyte
consider utilizing OAT for relatively small patel- Implantation
lar lesions (<2 cm2) with subchondral bone
involvement which precludes the use of cell- Autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI)
based options such as MACI or PJAC. techniques have evolved over the past two
decades. First-generation techniques involved the
use of a periosteal patch (pACI), second-­
26.11 Osteochondral Allograft generation techniques (cACI) used a type I/III
collagen membrane; and the current third-­
Osteochondral allograft (OCA) historically has generation technique seeds and cultivates a col-
been considered a salvage procedure used to lagen membrane with chondrocytes prior to
treat large osteochondral defects in patients who implantation (matrix-induced autologous chon-
have failed a prior surgery who are poor candi- drocyte implantation or MACI) [76]. Overall,
dates for arthroplasty procedures [10]. Concerns MACI is the most commonly performed advanced
related to OCA include long-term chondrocyte cartilage restoration procedure in the PFJ [77,
viability and graft resorption, and as with most 78]. MACI has been FDA approved for over
cartilage restoration procedures, outcomes 20 years. Due to the complex topography of the
within the PFJ have generally been inferior to PFJ that makes OAT and OCA technically diffi-
those in the tibiofemoral joint [10]. OCA may be cult, focal contained chondral lesions of the
considered for relatively large defects (>2 cm2) patella and trochlea may be more amenable to
and for lesions in which the subchondral bone is cell-based techniques [10]. MACI is typically
compromised, precluding the use of cell-based indicated for the treatment of medium to large
options. OCA is among the most technically full-thickness cartilage defects and considered
challenging cartilage restoration techniques, second-line for lesions smaller than 2 cm2 [10]
particularly within the PFJ. Recent results fol- (Fig. 26.2). Relative contraindications include
lowing OCA within the PFJ have been accept- uncontained and bipolar lesions. As with other
able and improved results have been seen within cartilage procedures, careful assessment of lower
the trochlea compared to the patella [72, 73]. extremity alignment, patellar stability, and track-
Cameron et al. [72] reported a 91.7% graft survi- ing must be performed preoperatively, and asso-
vorship rate at 10-year follow-up, a 21% revision ciated pathology should be treated in a
rate, and 89% patient satisfaction following concomitant fashion.
trochlear OCA. Gracitelli et al. [73] reported While results of earlier generations of MACI
78% survival at 10 years and 55.8% survival at were disappointing within the PFJ, currently
15-year follow-up with a 61% revision rate and reported results are nearly as good as within the
89% patient satisfaction for isolated patellar femoral condyles, with good to excellent results
OCA. In a study of OCA for both isolated and reported across multiple studies in 71–93% of
bipolar lesions, Jamali et al. [74] reported 75% cases [15, 79–82]. It is likely that several vari-
good or excellent results. Meric et al. [75] ables impact clinical outcomes. One study
reported inferior survivorship in bipolar lesions reported better outcomes following MACI for
compared to focal lesions. The authors utilize patellar compared to trochlear lesions [83].
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 307

a b c

Fig. 26.2 Multifocal patellar lesions treated with MACI. The post-debridement lesion size is templated, and the
(a) Large multifocal patellar chondral lesions without MACI implant is prepared using a custom cutter, yielding
subchondral bone involvement. Lesions involve the two implants for the defects. (c) The MACI implants com-
medial and lateral facets of the patella. Post-debridement, pletely fill the defects and are secured in place using fibrin
the lesions coalesce along the median patellar ridge. (b) glue, obviating the need for suture fixation

Another study reported inferior outcomes for imum 4-year follow-up, with a 92% satisfaction
degenerative compared to acute lesions [83]. rate and no significant difference between unipo-
However, it remains unclear how lesion location lar and bipolar lesions. Zarkadis et al. [96]
(medial, lateral, or central) impacts outcomes [3, reported three failures among 72 army personnel
6, 84]. It also remains unclear whether bipolar at mean 4.5-year follow-up, with 78% return to
lesions result in inferior outcomes compared to occupational specialties.
unipolar lesion [3, 15, 18, 85] and whether lesion Multiple studies have demonstrated that out-
size or containment impacts outcomes [3, 83]. comes of MACI in the setting of prior marrow
Multiple studies have reported similar clinical stimulation are inferior to MACI without prior
outcomes when comparing the PFJ to the femoral marrow stimulation [36, 87, 97]. This is likely
condyles [86, 87], while one study reported due in part to alteration of subchondral bony
improved outcomes following MACI in the fem- architecture which can result in the formation of
oral condyles [88]. Minas et al. [89] reported intralesional osteophytes [98] and subchondral
similar long-­ term survivorship between tibio- cysts [99, 100]. The presence of intralesional
femoral and patellofemoral grafts but earlier fail- osteophytes or cysts should be considered a con-
ure among those that did fail in the PFJ group. traindication to cell-­based therapies, and osteo-
MRI studies have demonstrated improved defect chondral replacement should be considered in
fill over time [90], with complete fill in 30–40% these situations. Alternatively, an MACI sand-
of patients [15, 68, 91–94]. Farr et al. [95] wich technique can be utilized in which diseased
reported only three failures out of 39 defects at subchondral bone is removed and grafted with
mean 3.1-year follow-up. Gomoll et al. [3] autologous bone followed by MACI [101]. MACI
reported nine failures among 110 patients at min- is our preferred method of cartilage restoration
308 J. D. Lamplot et al.

within the PFJ. Subchondral edema alone does from juvenile donors younger than 13 years old
not preclude the use of cell-based options such as [102]. Juvenile chondrocytes may be more meta-
MACI, but if cystic changes or intralesional bolically active and are utilized due to their supe-
osteophytes are identified on preoperative imag- rior production of extracellular matrix and likely
ing or encountered intraoperatively, then an improved cartilage quality [103, 104].
osteochondral-­replacing option must be Chondrocytes from particulated cartilage migrate
considered. to form new hyaline-like repair tissue that inte-
grates with surrounding tissue. Unlike MACI, it
is a single-stage procedure that does not require a
26.13 Particulated Juvenile separate biopsy (Fig. 26.3). It is typically used
Allograft Cartilage for small to medium well-contained defects, with
most experts agreeing on post-debridement
PJAC, a relatively newer cartilage restoration lesion size between 1 and 6 cm2 [105, 106].
option with an evolving role, is minced cartilage Relative contraindications include bipolar lesions
allograft cut into approximately 1 mm cubes and subchondral bone loss although concomitant

a b

Fig. 26.3 A 27-year-old female with 16 mm × 16 mm post-debridement lesion size. (b) Partial osteochondral
osteochondral fragment from medial facet of patella fragment fixation was performed with two bioabsorbable
extending to median patellar ridge following lateral patel- bone fixation nails to the medial aspect of medial facet
lar dislocation. (a) Intraoperative photo demonstrates and PJAC to fill the remainder of the defect
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 309

bone grafting has been described [106]. Defect tilage defect fill on MRI at 12 months postopera-
preparation is similar to MACI and MACI. The tive following PJAC of the patella. Wang et al.
area of the lesion should be determined, and [111] reported significant improvements in IKDC
depending on manufacturer, one packet of PJAC and KOS-ADL scores among patients undergo-
typically covers approximately 2.0–2.5 cm2. ing PJAC for patellar or trochlear lesions, with
During preparation, the excess of the liquid lesion fill exceeding 67% in 69% of lesions at
media is discarded and the pieces are arranged in mean 3.8-­ year follow-up. Outcomes were not
one layer touching or nearly touching each other. affected by lesion location or concomitant
One recommended technique for PJAC prepara- TTO. Additional studies are needed to better
tion is replicating the defect size and shape by determine indications and clinical outcomes fol-
pressing a piece of aluminum foil into the post- lowing PJAC.
debridement defect and then filling base of the
foil mold with a layer of fibrin glue followed by
the PJAC. After approximately 5–10 min, the 26.14 Perforated Allograft
preparation can be implanted directly into the Cartilage
prepared defect. It can be helpful to use a freer
elevator or other small instrument to facilitate Perforated allograft cartilage, which are cryopre-
precise placement of the preparation within the served osteochondral equivalent implants,
defect in an anatomic orientation. The prepara- attempts to combine the benefits of OCA with
tion is relatively malleable and typically con- cell-based treatments [112]. The product is mal-
forms well to the lesion. It is important that the leable and easily conforms to the complex anat-
preparation be recessed below or at the level of omy of the PFJ. Furthermore, the cryopreserved
the surrounding shoulders of the defect in order nature allows for a longer shelf life than other
to decrease the compressive and shear forces cartilage restoration options. The product is per-
encountered by the preparation. Once the prepa- forated to allow chondrocyte egress and vertical
ration is placed in an appropriate orientation integration with the underlying subchondral
within the defect, it is sealed into place with plate. There is limited data to support the use of
another layer of fibrin glue. We recommend perforated allograft cartilage at this time.
against any irrigation after PJAC implantation
and also against the use of intra-­articular drains,
when possible. 26.15 Choosing an Appropriate
While data following PJAC is relatively lim- Cartilage Repair Therapy
ited, outcomes have generally been favorable
[104, 107]. Magnetic resonance imaging and There are multiple factors to consider when
clinical evaluation of chondral lesions treated deciding on the appropriate cartilage restoration
with allografts juvenile cells. Farr et al. [108] method for defects within the PFJ. The status of
reported significant improvements in multiple the subchondral bone is an important consider-
KOOS subscales and IKDC scores, with ation. For lesions with intact subchondral bone
T2-weighted MRI scores approximating normal without intralesional osteophytes or cysts, sur-
articular cartilage by 2 years postoperative fol- face cell-based options including MACI or
lowing PJAC for femoral and trochlear defects. PJAC can be considered. As discussed earlier, of
Tompkins et al. [109] reported 89% mean defect all cartilage treatment options within the PFJ,
fill and at mean 28-month follow-­up of PJAC for the largest amount of data is available for
grade IV chondral defects of the patella. Of 15 MACI. If the subchondral bone is compromised,
knees, there were three cases of mild graft hyper- then options that replace the subchondral bone
trophy and two with gross graft hypertrophy including OAT and OCA should be considered.
requiring arthroscopic debridement. Grawe et al. Small lesions (approximately <2 cm2) may be
[110] reported that 85% of patients had good car- appropriate for OAT and PJAC, while medium-
310 J. D. Lamplot et al.

sized defects (approximately 2–4 cm2) may be ated procedures include tibial tubercle osteotomy
appropriate for MACI and PJAC. Large lesions (TTO), lateral retinacular lengthening, and MPFL
(approximately >4–6 cm2) may be considered reconstruction (Fig. 26.4).
for MACI or OCA. Due to the amount of sup-
portive data in favor of MACI, we generally
favor MACI over other cell-based options. If the 26.16.1 Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy
subchondral bone is compromised, we favor
OCA, unless the lesion size is small, in which TTO is the most common procedure performed
case OAT is considered. concomitantly with PF cartilage restoration surgery
and has reported as being performed in 30–75% of
cases [3, 15, 81, 82, 94, 113]. A more detailed dis-
26.16 Associated Procedures cussion of TTO can be found in Chap. 8. Selective
and Patellofemoral Cartilage osteotomy should be performed when warranted
Restoration in the setting of malalignment or recurrent patel-
lar instability and also may be performed to
Concurrent procedures should be selected accord- offload cartilage lesions depending on defect
ing to the pathology present. Abnormal pathology location [3, 15]. Concomitant procedures to
should be corrected to restore PF biomechanics address trochlear dysplasia and patella alta are
and protect the cartilage repair [8]. Factors ini- less commonly performed, unless indicated for
tially responsible for chondral damage should be severe dysplasia or Caton-Deschamps Index >1.3
addressed at the time of surgery or possibly in a [8]. TTO is often performed for recurrent patellar
staged fashion, with cartilage restoration surgery instability or for symptomatic focal chondral
occurring last [36]. Commonly required associ- lesions, most commonly affecting the inferior

First Time Dislocator >1 Dislocator

Catilage Injury No Catilage Injury

MPFL +/- cartilage repair/

Surgery Rehabilitation restoration + TTO if MPFL +/- cartilage repair/
abnormal morphology restoration

MPFL + cartilage repair/

restoration + TTO if MPFL + cartilage repair/
abnormal morphology restoration

Fig. 26.4 Treatment algorithm for patients with first-time and recurrent patellar dislocations
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 311

and lateral aspect of the patella when used as a going AMZ TTO without cartilage restoration
load shifting operating [114]. A Maquet, or had 87% good or excellent outcomes when the
purely anteriorization osteotomy, and an Elmslie- cartilage lesions were located on the inferior pole
Trillat, or purely medializing osteotomy, allow and lateral facet of the patella. Conversely, all
correction in only one plane. The anteromedial- patients with central trochlear involvement had
ization (AMZ) TTO allows correction in both the poor outcomes, and only 55% and 20% of those
coronal and sagittal planes: Medialization results with medial facet or proximal pole/diffuse patel-
in offloading of the lateral facet, while anterior- lar lesions, respectively, had good or excellent
ization leads to offloading of the distal pole and a outcomes. Clinical outcomes following TTO
decrease in overall PF stresses [114]. alone have been reported as poorer when patellar
Contraindications of isolated AMZ TTO include chondral lesions are grade III or IV [114]. Lateral
proximal pole, medial and panpatellar chondro- lesions within the trochlea and bipolar lesions
sis. Pain should be concordant with the biome- warrant consideration of a TTO [3, 15, 81, 82].
chanical abnormality that will be corrected by the Ogura et al. [36] reported a 79% graft survival
osteotomy [27, 114–116]. If the TTO will lead to rate following MACI of bipolar PF chondral
increased load over the areas of chondrosis, it is lesions at 10 years postoperative, with the best
not advisable. survival rates observed among patients who
Originally described by Fulkerson, the AMZ underwent concomitant TTO (91% survival at 5
TTO is the most commonly performed TTO [8]. and 10 years). The worst survival rates were seen
Care should be taken to prevent over-medializa- in patients with prior marrow stimulation (43% at
tion during TTO [117]. In the setting of an ele- 5 and 10 years). The results of this study are com-
vated TT-TG distance, the goal is to normalize parable with previous studies of unipolar lesions
TT-TG in the range of 5–10 mm. While anterior- within the PFJ [80, 119]. Consistent with these
ization of 2 cm can reduce compressive forces findings, several other studies have reported no
across the PFJ by 50%, excessive elevation can difference between outcomes for unipolar and
result in wound healing complications, and while bipolar lesions [3, 15].
the maximum anteriorization recommended is While some studies have reported improved
patient-­dependent, it should not exceed 17 mm results following cartilage restoration surgery
and is more typically between 10 and 15 mm with concomitant TTO [17, 82, 120], ­others have
[118]. Depending on the indication for surgery reported similar results with and without TTO
(instability, offloading of chondral lesion, or both), when selective osteotomy was performed accord-
the slope of an AMZ TTO is titrated accordingly. ing to lesion location and patellofemoral align-
The steepest slope typically attempted is 60° and ment [8, 15, 81, 121]. A multicenter study of 110
results in more chondral offloading and decreases patients treated with MACI in which 69% of
in patellofemoral forces, while a shallower AMZ patients underwent concomitant AMZ TTO
TTO is typically used in the setting of recurrent reported good to excellent results in 86% of
instability. A straight anteriorization (Maquet) is a patients at 7.5-year follow-up [3]. Gillogly et al.
rarely performed and largely historical procedure [80] similarly reported good to excellent results
but may be considered when TT-TG is within nor- in 83% of patients who underwent MACI with
mal limits and the goal of surgery is to decrease concomitant AMZ TTO. Altogether, current data
patellofemoral forces. suggests that appropriately tracking knees per-
Outcomes following AMZ depend on the form well following cartilage repair surgery,
location of chondral lesion(s). Pidoriano and regardless of whether a TTO is needed to achieve
Fulkerson [27] demonstrated that patients under- normal tracking.
312 J. D. Lamplot et al.

26.16.2 Soft Tissue Procedures 26.18 Complications

Concomitant lateral retinacular release has been In addition to complications common to most
reported as being performed in 20–60% of cases knee procedures including infection and postop-
of PF cartilage restoration, often along with TTO erative stiffness, there are several issues related to
[3, 18, 82, 89]. Although MPFL reconstruction is the various cartilage restoration treatment options.
less frequently performed than TTO, it should be Postoperative concerns with Mfx include persis-
considered in the setting of recurrent instability tent knee pain, recurrent knee effusions, incom-
in the absence of bony malalignment. Siebold plete defect filling, poor integration with
et al. [122] reported outcomes following con- surrounding articular cartilage, and deterioration
comitant MPFL reconstruction and MACI among of functional outcomes necessitating alternative
patients with recurrent patellar dislocation and restoration or arthroplasty procedures [10].
grade IV chondral lesions with a mean defect size Complication and failure rates with OAT are rela-
of 7.2 cm2, reporting no episodes of recurrent tively low in comparison to other cartilage resto-
instability, improved subjective and objective ration techniques and include stiffness requiring
outcomes scores and complete defect fill in 80% manipulation under anesthesia (3–9%) and graft
of lesions. In the setting of patellar dislocation failure (zero to 8%) [10]. Complications specific
resulting in chondral or osteochondral injury, we to cell-based therapies include a biologic failure
routinely perform an MPFL reconstruction with to form appropriate repair tissue and delamination
or without TTO, as there is increasing evidence of a well-­formed graft, typically due to trauma
to support superior outcomes following MPFL [18, 119]. Graft hypertrophy was common follow-
reconstruction compared to repair, even in the ing first-­generation MACI but less of an issue
acute setting [123]. In the setting of patellar with ­second-­generation MACI and MACI [87, 90,
instability, we will also perform TTO (typically 91, 93, 108]. Graft hypertrophy has been reported
AMZ) if there is significant lateralization of the after PJAC [108]. Complications related to TTO
tibial tubercle relative to the trochlear groove, include nonunion of the tubercle, tibia fracture,
generally above 15–20 mm on a case-by-­case shingle fracture, over-medialization with result-
basis. ing medial instability, patella baja, delayed wound
healing, skin necrosis, and symptomatic hardware
[118]. It is imperative to begin early range of
26.17 Rehabilitation motion following TTO to minimize the risk of
patella baja. We recommend touch-down weight-
We recommend immediate protected motion bearing for a period of four or more weeks, with a
with a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine minimum of 6 weeks if distalization is performed,
used 6–8 h daily for 6 weeks and a goal of 90° as the likelihood of nonunion is higher when the
reached by 2–3 weeks postoperative. Unless con- distal fragment is fully detached. Home exercises
traindicated due to another concomitant proce- during the first 4 weeks include dangling, heel
dure such as a TTO, the patient is allowed slides, and quad sets until formal physical therapy
weightbearing as tolerated with the knee locked begins at 4 weeks postoperative.
in full extension in a brace. Flexed knee loading,
such as stairs or squatting, is not permitted for a
minimum of 3 months postoperatively. Although 26.19 Conclusion
there is currently evidence to support accelerated
weightbearing protocol following MACI [124], While several methods of cartilage restoration
we typically do not allow a return to running and within the PFJ have been described, there is a
plyometric activities for 12 months and strenuous lack of comparative studies between the various
cutting activities for 18 months when the graft treatment options and often wide variability
has fully matured. among patient characteristics both within and
26 Cartilage Restoration and Stabilization Strategies for the Patellofemoral Joint 313

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320 F. Della Villa et al.

return-to-play process following cartilage resto- –– Cardiovascular condition (e.g., aerobic and
ration surgery is long (over 1 year in some cases) anaerobic threshold test) [15]
and demanding for the patient. To offer the best –– Movement quality (e.g., jumping and cutting
available treatment, logistic pitfalls should also mechanics) [16, 17]
be respected. –– Performance and Sport-specific measures
The clinical pitfalls of cartilage rehabilitation (e.g., field testing and GPS metrics) [18–21]
lays in the construct of the rehabilitation proto- –– Psychological readiness (e.g., ACL-RSI
col. From basic science studies, we know that scale)
cartilage tissue respond to load and that mechani-
cal loading (especially cyclical) is detrimentally These functional data must be used to guide
important for cartilage and joint homeostasis, and adjust the rehabilitation protocol as will be
inducing positive adaptations, from stimulation discussed later in this chapter.
of collagen and matrix production to increased A quick scheme of the three features of the
diffusion of synovial fluid and optimization of protocol is reported in Table 27.1.
cartilage nutrition [8–11]. Both underloading Secondly, touching briefly on this point (that
(e.g., prolonged immobilization) [12, 13] and is often overlooked but critical), alongside an
overloading (excessive mechanical load, too updated and evidence-based clinical method,
much, too early) may be harmful after cartilage proper team of specialists and proper rehabilita-
restoration. The clinical sweet-spot that should
be pursued in an incremental mechanical loading
through the months of rehabilitation. In this con- Table 27.1 The three key features of the rehabilitation
text, the clinician should always respect Scott protocol
Dye’s theory of the envelope of function [14], Protocol
feature Details to be considered
with optimal and physiological loading varying
Personalized Clinical history
in the different phases of rehabilitation. (customized) Patient’s gender
Given this important and first rule, in the Patient’s activity level and functional
author’s experience the rehabilitation protocol expectations
should be personalized (customized), progres- Primary sport
Anthropometric data and general
sive, and supervised. health (metabolic profile)
To provide some examples and insights into Patient lower limb morphotype
the protocol customization, a patella-femoral car- Type of lesion (chondral or
tilage lesion should be treated differently from a osteochondral)
Site of lesion (tibio-femoral (medial
medial femoral condyle one and specific restric- or lateral) or patellofemoral)
tion of knee range of motion (ROM) exercises Surgical technique (regenerative or
may vary in relation to the localization of the reparative)
lesion [7]. The content of the protocol for each Psychological aspects (personality
patient should be updated to the latest evidence, Progressive Rehabilitation in progressive phases
this point will be further discussed in the dedi- depending on clinical and functional
cated sub-paragraph. evaluation (criteria-based) with
As part of protocol supervision, in authors incremental loading;
Progression according to joint
view, periodical clinical and functional evalua- responses (swelling and soreness) to
tion are used to guide the functional progression rehabilitation stimuli (progress only
towards RTP, briefly physical and psychological with “clinically silent” knees)
measures that should be measured are: Supervised Rehabilitation should be supervised
by a rehabilitation team;
Periodical clinical (control
–– Muscle strength (e.g., Isometric or consultations) and functional (testing)
Isokinetic testing of knee extensors and flex- evaluation are warranted to
ors muscles) [15] objectively monitor the patient
27 Rehabilitation and Decision for Return to Play Following Cartilage Restoration Surgery 321

Sport Medicine Physician

Physical therapist Athletic trainer

Fig. 27.1 Proper team for a patient-centered approach. To complete functional recovery following cartilage proce-
dures, proper structures are needed, from medical offices to fields dedicated to rehabilitation

tion facilities are needed to schedule a complete resumption of the correct gait cycle. The use of
and long-term recovery for an athlete following different water depths (progressing from deep to
cartilage restoration surgery. A team (Fig. 27.1) shallow) may allow a gradual and progressive
including a sports medicine or rehabilitation phy- increase in load. Also, this special environment
sician (overseeing the process), a physiotherapist allows implementation of early neuroplasticity
(engaged in the first phases of rehabilitation) and exercises (e.g., heading on floating for the foot-
an athletic trainer (specialized in the last phase of ball (soccer) player) that mimic sport-specific
On-Field Rehabilitation (OFR)) is necessary for gestures.
an optimal patient’s service. Having access to The rehabilitation gym remains the predomi-
proper facilities is another aspect of rehabilita- nant environment in terms of total volume of
tion (Fig. 27.2) as every phase of rehabilitation rehabilitation sessions, while the other spaces
needs different and progressive stimuli, espe- support specific phases. The post-acute period as
cially following cartilage restoration. well most of the exercises for ROM recovery are
In this context, rehabilitation pools are impor- undertaken in the gym. The crucial phase for the
tant spaces mainly dedicated to the first rehabili- gym is the isolated strengthening period, an
tation phases. We recently underlined the benefit often-neglected period but crucial to develop the
in pool rehabilitation (IPR) as applied to func- capability of the athlete to progress to more
tional recovery after ACLR [22]. Early range of advanced rehabilitation phases. Both open kinetic
motion (ROM) and strength exercises may be chain (OKC) and closed kinetic chain (CKC)
commenced earlier, together with a gradual exercises, using both machines (e.g., Isokinetic
322 F. Della Villa et al.

Medical Offices

Rehabilitation Pool Rehabilitation Gym

Rehabilitation Field Biomechanics lab

Fig. 27.2 Proper facilities. To complete functional recovery following cartilage procedures, proper structures are
needed, from medical offices to fields dedicated to rehabilitation

dynamometers, leg press) and functional exer- tation and return to the team. It consists of a
cises are adopted to recover strength, tailored to step-wise five sub-phases program of progres-
the patient’s specific responses. sive return-to-­sport activity [15, 18, 19]. With
The biomechanics lab (or other spaces dedi- appropriate customization, this kind of service
cated to movements) is a recent addiction to the is applicable to all activity levels and sports. A
injury to the recovery process. It is suggested to multi-sports organization of this space in war-
consider the whole musculoskeletal (MSK) sys- ranted to cover all the specific needs of the
tem and neuromuscular (NM) function following sports patients.
lower limb injuries. As such, re-integrating To deliver an updated service of sports reha-
recently re-activated and strengthened muscles bilitation, correct facilities need to be in place.
into proper and safe movement patterns is of par- The structural advances can facilitate, but not
amount importance to allow long-term normal replace a correct application of the key clinical
function and overall biomechanics. principles. Proper facilities “do not treat or cure”
Rehabilitation sports fields are dedicated to the patients, but facilitate the team guiding the
OFR. OFR stands as the very last phase of application of innovative and evidence-based
functional recovery, between standard rehabili- rehabilitation after cartilage restoration.
27 Rehabilitation and Decision for Return to Play Following Cartilage Restoration Surgery 323

27.3 Return-to-Play Vision The injury to recovery process starts immedi-

ately right after the injury and should continue
To schedule a long-term recovery and increase the until the return to the desired activity level (gen-
chances of successful RTP in athletes following erally the preinjury level of sport participation).
cartilage restoration, the rehabilitation team In our view, the same sport medicine team
should shift the focus from the injured joint to the should oversee the process from the injury to the
athlete. This approach allows a serious consider- RTP (Fig. 27.4). As a medical community, we
ation of many modifiable factors (muscle strength, have a good control of the first phases, from
physical conditioning, biomechanics, etc.) that diagnosis, through surgery (when required)
can be optimized through specific intervention until the recovery of activities of daily leaving.
during rehabilitation. Then there is a slowly but progressive lack of
Rehabilitation is generally and too often lim- control of the next rehabilitation phases
ited to the consideration of the first postoperative (Fig. 27.4), when the process is less “medical”
months and limited to resolution of pain, swell- perceived in the classical definitions. This is a
ing, and ROM deficit (classical paradigm). This clinical mistake as a clinical “healed” knee (no
phase is crucial, but it is the foundation of what symptoms) is not enough to restore an athlete’s
happen later in the process (mid and late phase functional capacity to perform (that should rely
rehabilitation). on complete physiological and psychological
When considering an expansion of the ortho-­ functional recovery).
bio-­mechanic paradigm (Fig. 27.3), we can move Even if the strength recovery is nowadays per-
from the classical rehabilitation paradigm. Healing ceived as a key element of rehabilitation follow-
chondrocytes are part of tissue (cartilage) that is a ing knee surgery, there is still a sub-complete
part of the knee considered as an organ. The knee control of this phase that often is not completed,
is controlled dynamically by knee spanning mus- with strength deficit still present years after inju-
cles and belongs to the lower limb (consider also ries [23]. This is the typical phase when the ath-
distal and proximal joints). The lower limb kinetic lete has less symptoms, but underappreciated
chain is part of the MSK system. Finally, the sys- physical deficits are still present.
tem is a part of the patient as a person, with a cer- Finally, as explained in Fig. 27.4, there is a
tain physical conditioning and a unique personality poor control towards the end of the process, when
trait and psychological response to injury status. the patient is almost ready to RTP, in what it is
Shifting the focus on the athlete as a person generally called late phase rehabilitation. The
allows to complete the functional recovery discuss- sports rehabilitation team, alongside the sports
ing about muscle strength recovery, cardiovascular surgery team should promote patient’s compli-
conditioning, neuromuscular training, and restor- ance and adherence to this kind of approach to
ing a sport-specific athletic profile using OFR. increase the likelihood to RTP [1, 24].

Cell Tissue Organ Dyn.stabilizers Kineticchain Whole body Mind

Fig. 27.3 The ortho-bio-mechanic paradigm expanded. The continuum from the cell (chondrocyte) to the patient as a
person. Considering the whole picture is always important in rehabilitation. Dyn dynamic
Table 27.2 Criteria-based RTP protocol following cartilage restoration procedure of the knee
Criteria-based protocol to RTP after cartilage restoration of the knee (times are indicative and should be measured ex post)
Predominant space Goals Weight bearing ROM Rehabilitation exercises Criteria for progression
Stage 1 Pool and gym Pain and No weight bearing for CPM (1 cycle/ Quadriceps isometric No surgical contraindications
(From inflammation 2 weeks min 6–8/day for contractions No/minimal pain (NRS < 3/10)
surgery to control 2–6 weeks partial weight 2 to 4 weeks) Quadriceps electric stimulation or swelling
the third Initial ROM bearing Early self-­ Active ankle mobilization Full knee extension
month) recovery (Extension 6–8 weeks progressive assisted Posterior kinetic chain Recovery of the normal gait
first) increase to full weight mobilization stretching cycle
Recovery of normal bearing without crutches 0–90° Cryotherapy and physical
gait cycle without Early patellar therapies
crutches self-assisted Proprioception without weight
mobilization bearing
Pendulum From week 3 exercises in the
From week 6 stationary bike
Stage 2 Gym Complete recovery Full weight bearing (if the Patellar Eccentric strengthening of the No/minimal pain or swelling
(fourth and of knee ROM (also knee swells or is painful mobilization triceps muscle Full knee ROM
fifth months) flexion) (NRS > 3/10) decrease the Isomeric and isotonic exercises Adequate tone of trunk, thigh,
Progressive recovery walking load and refer to of hip muscles and leg muscles
of strength the medical doctor) Bi-podalic proprioception
CKC strengthening exercises
Aerobic reconditioning
(stationary bike, treadmill,
Stage 3 Gym Complete recovery Full weight bearing ROM should be Strengthening with isokinetic Isokinetic test: strength >80%
(sixth and of strength already complete exercises (starts from high for knee extensors and flexors
seventh Return to running angular velocity 230–300°/s) compared to the contralateral
months) on a treadmill with Mono-podalic proprioception limb
27 Rehabilitation and Decision for Return to Play Following Cartilage Restoration Surgery

normal running exercises Good quality of SLS at 60° of

cycle OKC and CKC strengthening knee flexion (with appropriate
exercises (whole kinetic chain progression)
but focus on the knee)
Core-stability exercises and
initial NM control
Continue aerobic


Criteria-based protocol to RTP after cartilage restoration of the knee (times are indicative and should be measured ex post)
Predominant space Goals Weight bearing ROM Rehabilitation exercises Criteria for progression
Stage 4 Biomechanics lab Recovery of NM Full weight bearing ROM should be Continue strengthening Adequate NM training and
(eighth and (space dedicated to control and already complete exercises in the gym if needed proper movement quality
ninth movement coordination (based on isokinetic testing (jumping and cutting
months) re-training) Complete recovery results) mechanic)
of strength Targeted NM training in Be able to run on a treadmill at
biomechanics lab/space 8 km/h for at least 10′ (with
dedicated to movement good running quality)
Stage 5 Field Return to training Full weight bearing ROM should be OFR periods [JOSPT 1 & 2] Criteria to RTP
(tenth to with the team already complete Continue targeted Surgeon consensus
twelfth Successful recovery strengthening and/or NM Complete knee ROM
months) of sport-specific training if needed Complete recovery of muscle
athletic profile strength for knee extensors and
flexors (isokinetic test 100%)
Adequate CV reconditioning
measured with aerobic (SA2)
and anaerobic (SA4) threshold
test [37, 38]
Complete NM training with
adequate movement quality
(cutting and jumping
Complete OFR rehabilitation,
with optimal GPS metrics
CPM continuous passive mobilization, NRS numeric rating scale, ROM range of motion, CKC closed kinetic chain, OKC open kinetic chain, NM neuromuscular, OFR on-field
F. Della Villa et al.
27 Rehabilitation and Decision for Return to Play Following Cartilage Restoration Surgery 327

for each stage, whether the details are reported in 27.4.2 S

 econd Stage (Early
Table 27.2. Rehabilitation)

The second-stage duration is generally

27.4.1 F
 irst Stage (Early 1–2 months. The main goals are: (1) complete
Rehabilitation) recovery of ROM (also knee flexion), (2) pro-
gressive recovery of muscles strength. Loads
The first stage can last 1–3 months. The main progression and initial strengthening are the
goals are: (1) recovery of joint homeostasis basics of this stage. The patient keeps on working
reducing pain and swelling, (2) progressive resto- on the ROM recovery. Proprioceptive and NM
ration of range of motion (knee extension first), activation exercises are introduced. The predomi-
and (3) recovery of the correct gait cycle. nant location is the gym.
Progression of weight bearing (WB) (with the A proper tone of trunk (core-stability), thigh
use of the rehabilitation pool) and immediate and leg muscles are crucial for shock absorption
mobilization are key concept of this foundation of loads during walking and running [28]. To
stage. Restrictions in weight bearing are neces- facilitate load progression, exercises are both
sary in this postoperative stage. Progression to performed in open kinetic chain (OKC) and
partial weight bearing is used to gradually closed kinetic chain (CKC). The goal is avoiding
increase the load walking without crutches. overweight bearing on the graft and working in
Timing to full WB varies in function of the type pain-free ROM. The approach to the patello-­
of surgery and the location of the lesion. On aver- femoral-­joint (PFJ) cartilage lesion is different
age, the range is from 40 days for microfractures from the femoral-tibial (FT) ones. For PFJ, the
(MF) to 2 months for Autologous Chondrocyte CKC exercises, such as free body weight or leg
Implantation (ACI). There is no agreement at all press, are preferred. Instead, for the TFJ, OKC
on the exact timing for the full weight bearing. exercises are preferred. Aerobic reconditioning is
Studies that compared accelerated WB introduced as well using various exercises (sta-
(6–8 weeks) to delayed WB (8–10 weeks) show- tionary cycling, walking, etc.). The first strength
ing good clinical and functional outcome after test (isokinetic or isometric testing) is usually
2 years in the group with the accelerated loading performed to quantify the side-to-side knee mus-
[25]. Accelerated WB does not seem detrimental cles strength deficit. Safety progression criteria
but should be cautious. Continuous passive mobi- are reported in Table 27.2.
lization (CPM) should be introduced as soon as At the end of this stage, the patient is ready to
possible, also on the second day after surgery, to start running on the treadmill. Quality of loading
promote cartilage healing [26, 27]. Considering during running is essential alongside quantity.
biomechanics is essential in targeting the ROM
of CPM based on lesion localization. Other ROM
exercises are added day after day to promote the 27.4.3 T
 hird Stage (Mid
full extension as soon as possible. This stage Rehabilitation)
should not be aggressive, but progressive,
respecting the joint responses (pain and swell- The third stage lasts about 2 months. The main
ing). The patient can progress in the protocol goals are: (1) recovery of thigh muscles strength,
when certain criteria have been reached (2) initial aerobic reconditioning, and (3) initial
(Table 27.2). coordination and NM control. Proprioceptive and
At the end of first stage, the patient walks neuromuscular exercises, together with aerobic
without crutches, without or with minimal symp- reconditioning and strength exercises, are the
toms and with an appropriate gait pattern. milestones of this stage. Recovery of muscle
328 F. Della Villa et al.

strength through various type of exercises patient continues to work on aerobic recondition-
(including isokinetic training) is the number one ing and muscle strengthening.
priority of this stage. At the end of this stage, strength and move-
The progression of load in strength recovery is ment quality testing are repeated and the patient
critical in this mid-stage. Advanced protocols should display enough control of basic sports
including OKC and CKC exercises are war- movements and improved strength.
ranted. Alongside strength recovery propriocep-
tion and NM control are implemented as well,
looking for a good progression in task complex- 27.4.5 F
 ifth Stage (Late
ity and a very good frontal and sagittal plane con- Rehabilitation)
trol of basic movements (squat, single leg squat
at 60°). Aerobic reconditioning is carried out The goal of the final stage (that generally last
with indoor running and a first aerobic and anaer- 2 months) is return to training with the team.
obic threshold test can be performed to target the Recovery of sport-specific gesture is the mile-
exercise prescription. As for all the stages pro- stone of this phase, which takes place mainly on
gression criteria are reported in Table 27.2. the field (OFR). The transition between indoor
At the end of this stage, the patient should and outdoor rehabilitation spaces until returning
have a strength deficit lower than 20% compared to sport is the key to this stage. NMT and strength-
to contralateral limb and should be able to per- ening can continue if specific deficits are still
form basic movement with good quality (as a present.
result of optimal progression). The recovery of sport-specific movements
can be introduced also in the previous stages
through propaedeutic exercises in the other
27.4.4 F
 ourth Stage (Mid-to-Late spaces to facilitate the neuroplasticity process,
Rehabilitation) but it is only achieved on the field. Each reha-
bilitation session of OFR lasts about 90 min,
The fourth stage lasts about 1–2 months and the from 3 to 5 times per week (depending on the
main goal of this stage is the inter-segmental con- patient’s activity level) and for at least
trol in basic to advanced sports movements. This 8–10 weeks before returning to unrestricted
stage consists of a general or targeted (on a sport participation.
movement analysis test) NMT to be carried out The OFR program lays on four main pillars:
in a dedicated environment (space dedicated to (1) Restoring movement quality, (2) Physical
movement training). Gym training can continue, conditioning, (3) Restoring sport-specific skills,
with progressive strengthening and running and (4) Progressively developing a chronic train-
progression. ing load [18]. The program is also divided into
At the beginning of this stage, it is useful to five specific sub-phases with increased physio-
test patient’s movement quality to target the logical demands [19]. Progression though sub-­
intervention on the specific movement profile. phases is dictated by knee responses to load (no
Elements of corrective biomechanics focusing on pain/no swelling and good progression).
lower limb, pelvis, and trunk control are imple- Monitoring the external player load may be use-
mented. Techniques of biofeedback can be used ful during this last part of rehabilitation and
as well to teach safe movement patterns to the should be done using GPS technology [19].
athlete prior coming back to the field. Building progressively a chronic workload while
Optimization of frontal, transverse, and lateral increasing the physical demands of each sport
plane biomechanics is the goal of this stage (context interactions and sport-specific move-
(Fig. 27.5). A customization of this stage is war- ments) is warranted.
ranted as different lesion localization may need a At the end of this process, based on previously
slightly different approach. In the gym, the reported objective data is useful to repeat all the
27 Rehabilitation and Decision for Return to Play Following Cartilage Restoration Surgery 329

Fig. 27.5 Movement analysis testing. Example of frontal and lateral video-analysis of a patient displaying good quality
of 90° sidestep cutting maneuver (proper knee alignment and proper knee-hip-trunk flexion on the lateral plane)

physical testing (strength, movement quality, and physical and sports-specific demands, with
aerobic/anaerobic threshold test). RTT first followed by return to competition
Good rehabilitation is about good progres- (RTC) afterwards [29]. Lastly, when dealing
sion. At the end of this protocol (that can last with professional athletes, performance-injury
from 8 to 18 months following knee cartilage res- risk conflict should be considered as RTP is
toration procedure), the athlete should be ready largely more important in elite level athletes,
to return to training with the team and gradually but a cautious approach should be maintained,
return to performance [29]. However, it is a cur- and the patient should RTT with the team only
rent concept to apply criteria to RTP following if objectively ready.
knee procedures [7]. In Table 27.2, we report our
proposed return to training (RTT) criteria.
That stated, each patient, lesion pattern, and 27.5 Conclusions
surgical procedure is unique and in deciding
when an athlete is ready to RTP, the sport medi- In conclusion, successful RTS process following
cine team should consider [29]: knee cartilage restoration is a complex issue that
involves a patient and a whole sports medicine
–– Clinical criteria (pain/swelling/stability) team for various months (8–18). Thinking beyond
–– Functional criteria (muscle strength, aerobic/ the knee is crucial, considering the athlete at 360°
anaerobic conditioning) and especially taking into account each person
–– Biomechanics and NM control (movement unique response to injury. A criterion-based pro-
quality) gression, using various rehabilitation spaces while
–– Psychological criteria (fear, readiness to RTS) controlling objective and clinically relevant
–– Sport-specific measures (e.g., field testing or parameters is suggested to increase the odds for a
GPS metrics) successful outcome.
Considering the state of the art in cartilage
Additionally, the decision to RTP has not to restoration rehabilitation (paucity of studies),
be considered as an on/off button but should embedding evidence with clinical experience is
always be viewed as a continuum of increased the clinical “sweet-spot” for the patient.
330 F. Della Villa et al.

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334 N. Alnusif et al.

included 2549 patients [4]. Another recent sys- stimulation cartilage repair including: depth of
tematic review put the RTS at 78% with return to subchondral perforation, number of subchondral
sport at pre-injury level at 72% at an average time perforations, and creation of vertical walls.
to RTS of 11.2 months [5]. Across all surgical There are multiple studies that proved the
techniques (microfracture, ACI, OAT, or OCA), a strong efficacy and significant improvement in
high percentage of athletes have good outcomes clinical outcomes after microfracture in patients
scores after and may successfully return to ath- with different levels of sports involvement. Good
letic competition. Athletes who have a better to excellent results were reported in 67% of ath-
prognosis are younger (<30 years), had smaller letes in a systematic review of 13 studies describ-
cartilage defects, underwent no previous surgical ing 821 athletes with 66% RTS at an average of
interventions, and participated in a more rigorous 8 months after the microfracture surgery and
rehabilitation protocol. Furthermore, Mithoefer 67% returning to competition at pre-injury level
et al. [6] present data that suggests that untreated [7]. However, the same study showed deteriora-
cartilage injuries (>12 months duration of symp- tion in clinical outcomes and a drop in sports par-
toms) may create an unfavorable chemical envi- ticipation at the pre-injury level to 49% between
ronment for later cartilage repair. Early surgical 2 and 5 years after surgery. Another study noted
intervention for articular cartilage injury is par- 83% of National Basketball Association (NBA)
ticularly important in the athlete’s knee for the players undergoing microfracture returned to
successful return to sports participation [7]. professional basketball, including 73% in the
Below we will review the literature on RTS rate NBA at 9.2 months. However, after microfrac-
following each of the common cartilage restora- ture, athletes played fewer games per season and
tion and reparation procedures as well as the esti- with fewer points and steals per game versus pre-­
mated time needed for patients to return to sports microfracture [9].
postoperatively. A recent study assessed return to sport in pro-
fessional athletes after a microfracture procedure
in four major leagues: NBA, Major Baseball
28.2.1 Marrow Stimulation League (MBL), National Hockey League (NHL),
Techniques (Microfracture, National Football League (NFL). Out of 131 ath-
Microdrilling) letes, 78% returned to play with significantly
higher rates in MBL athletes 100% and lower
Microfracture is one of the oldest surgical options rates in NFL athletes 71%. Average return time
utilized in managing chondral defects in the knee was 10.4 months. When comparing pre-surgery
and yet remains a valuable option when per- to post-surgery performance level, NBA athletes
formed in the right patient population. However, showed significantly lower performance in the
one important point to note when reviewing the first 2–3 seasons after surgery while MLB only
literature around microfracture procedures is that showed lower performance in the first post-­
the surgical technique initially described was the surgery season and NFL athletes showed no sig-
first-generation microfracture with an awl diam- nificant decrease in performance [10].
eter of 2.5 mm. This technique was found subse- Several prognostic factors play a key role in
quently to have worse tissue fill and histological identifying which patient would benefit the most
characteristics compared to the subchondral nee- from a microfracture procedure resulting in
dling or microdrilling techniques using a 1 mm increased RTS [7]:
diameter K-wire [8]. The rationale behind the dif-
ference is that the larger diameter awls can seal (a) Age < 40
off the channels by fractured and compacted (b) Duration of symptoms < 12 months
bone compared to the smaller 1 mm channels. (c) Competitive athletes
Multiple other factors have been reported in the (d) Lesion size < 2 cm2
literature to influence the outcomes of marrow (e) Lesion involving the lateral femoral condyle
28 Return to Sport Following Cartilage Treatment: Where Is the Evidence? 335

(f) Chondral defects not involving the subchon- lished treatment modality for symptomatic knee
dral bone articular cartilage defects. The original technique
(g) Primary microfracture was described as an injection of a suspension of
(h) Better cartilage morphology cultured chondrocytes into a debrided chondral
defect underneath a periosteal cover harvested
In terms of long-term follow-up, Gobbi et al. from the proximal tibia (first generation) which
reported pain and swelling during strenuous activi- evolved into the development of the bio-­
ties only in nine patients by the end of 2 years, but absorbable cover as an alternative to periosteum
in 35 out of 61 patients at final average follow-up of (second generation). In order to overcome some
15.1 years [11]. Overall, microfracture is still con- of the problems and complications related to the
sidered one of the main surgical options in manag- previous techniques (periosteal graft hypertro-
ing articular cartilage defects with great early results phy, calcification, and delamination as well as
and high RTS, keeping in mind the simplicity of the uneven distribution of chondrocytes within the
surgical technique, single-stage procedure, and low defect and potential for cell leakage), a biode-
morbidity associated with it. However, the deterio- gradable scaffold seeded with chondrocytes in
ration of patient-reported outcomes as well as the the form of membrane has been developed (third
gradual decline in sports performance over time generation) referred to as matrix-induced autolo-
(between 2- and 5-years post-treatment) is a disad- gous chondrocyte implantation (MACI)
vantage of this procedure. Limited cartilage repair (Fig. 28.1). Therefore, when reviewing the litera-
tissue quality and quantity after microfracture have ture, it is important to observe what technique
been described as reasons for the limited functional was used, as different studies reported different
outcome after microfracture. outcomes and complication rates between the
With the reported evidence on the time-­ previous three surgical techniques.
dependent deterioration of outcomes and poor Mithoefer et al. [13] reviewed the evolution of
long-term durability of microfracture, this proce- ACI procedures for articular cartilage defects of
dure would be an appropriate choice of repair in an the knee in soccer athletes and showed the aver-
older athlete that is at the end of his professional age time to return to soccer after first-generation
career and allows him to go back to sports rela- ACI was 18 months while the combined effect of
tively fast, while using it in a young athlete that is the newer second- and third-generation implanta-
just starting his career would not be recommended. tion techniques, along with the accelerated and
Therefore, using strict indications for the micro- sports-specific rehabilitation protocols, have
fracture technique based on published outcome reduced the time to return to sports to an average
criteria, as well as second-­generation augmented of 11 months [14]. The attributed reasoning
microfracture technologies, may be able to behind that is the decreased invasiveness of the
improve on the shortcoming observed with the newer generation ACI which allows for faster
first-generation technique and could result in more neuromuscular recovery, joint mobilization, and
sustained return to sport following microfracture. restoration of joint biomechanics. Their review
However, clinical studies reporting on the out- also found that return to soccer was 83% in com-
comes and effect on RTS after those advanced petitive players and 16% in recreational players
microfracture techniques are still pending. [15]. Eighty percent returned to same competi-
tive level and 87–100% maintained their ability
to play sports at 5 years postoperatively. Those
28.2.2 Cell-Based Cartilage Repair numbers are considered the highest when com-
Techniques (ACI/MACI) pared to other cartilage restoration procedures.
The same discussed paper reviewed the factors
Since it was first reported by Brittberg in 1994 affecting return to sport (Table 28.1)
[12], ACI has undergone significant develop- In a recent study of 150 patients [16], 85% of
ment, and it has been considered as an estab- the entire cohort were satisfied with their ability
336 N. Alnusif et al.

a b

Fig. 28.1 Intraoperative appearance of a 3 cm2 articular sports participation at 10 months after surgery. Routine
cartilage defect of the femoral condyle of an elite athlete postoperative MRI at 24 months (b) demonstrates intact
treated with matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte cartilage repair under high athletic demand
implantation (MACI) (a). The player returned to full

Table 28.1 Factors affecting return to sport after autolo- 74.3%. They did not find a significant difference
gous chondrocyte implantation [13] in clinical outcomes when comparing different
Factor Faster/Better return to play age groups (<40 years versus >40 years). There
Preoperative duration Duration < 12 months was also no correlation between lesion size, dura-
of symptoms
tion of symptoms, and RTS rate.
Age Age < 25 years
Addressing associated Simultaneous surgery
Recent long-term studies have also shown
pathology maintenance of the significant improvements in
Athletic skill level Competitive athletes clinical outcome measures after MACI procedure
Rehabilitation Individualized sport-related up to 10 and 15 years postoperatively [18, 19].
rehabilitation Zaffagnini et al. [20] reviewed the clinical out-
Surgical invasiveness Minimally invasive surgery
comes and RTS rates of 31 competitive athletes
(Tegner score 8, 9, 10) at 10 year after MACI pro-
to return to recreational activities, while 66% cedure and showed remarkable improvements in
were satisfied with their ability to participate in multiple outcome measures at the 2-year follow-
sports after MACI procedure. They also showed ­up with no significant change from then up to the
that outcome score (Tegner activity scale) 10 year mark. However, despite the overall 64.5%
improvement was correlated with younger age rate of RTS at a competitive level and 58.1% rate
(<40 years) and duration of symptoms prior to of the same pre-injury level, they found progres-
surgery with no significant correlation with sive decrease in those rates over time.
defect size and body mass index (BMI). Nevertheless, when different etiologies affecting
When looking at the midterm (5 year) out- this rate were investigated, they found that
comes in the average population of active patients younger athletes (<20 years) presented 92.3%
after MACI procedure, a study by Zak et al. [17] and 84.6% of RTS rates at competitive and pre-­
reviewed their results on 70 patients with average injury levels, respectively. Other factors found to
recreational sports or competitive sports partici- have better results included traumatic lesions as
pation at baseline and their rate of RTS was well as having MACI as the primary surgery as
28 Return to Sport Following Cartilage Treatment: Where Is the Evidence? 337

opposed to revising a failure of other procedures. overall RTS was as early as 6 months after the
Similar promising results were found after ACI procedure. Additionally, they suggested that
procedure in the adolescent athletes’ population OAT/mosaicplasty might be more appropriate for
with 96% of athletes reporting good or excellent lesions smaller than 2cm2.
results and returned to high-impact sports and An interesting case series [25] of 20 competi-
60% returned to an athletic level equal or higher tive athletes (professional, collegiate, varsity
than that before knee injury with a mean follow- high school, and regional or national competitive
­up of 47 months [21]. athletes) that underwent OAT/mosaicplasty pro-
Despite the limited number of studies on cedure followed by an accelerated return-to-sport
return to sports after MACI procedure, the over- protocol described as up to 50% weight bearing
all reported outcomes suggest promising results immediately postoperatively with progression to
at both early, midterm, and long-term follow-ups, full weight bearing at 2 weeks for patients with 1
with varying prognostic factors between different or 2 plugs (14/20) otherwise 4 week. They
studies. However, most studies correlate higher reported 100% RTS rate with a mean time to
preoperative sports participation and younger age return of 2.8 months. However, the reported mean
with a better chance of returning to same level of pain score during ensuing athletic season was
sports postoperatively, making this surgical 4.4 ± 1.5 (out of 10). Half of the athletes reported
option more suitable for younger competitive moderate swelling or stiffness with a quarter of
athletes in the beginning of their career due to all patients requiring aspiration and/or injections.
better longevity and durability of the repair All 20 patients were able to perform the physical
tissue. demands of their sports without significant insta-
bility. The criteria utilized to define an athlete
returned to sports were the date that patients
28.2.3 Osteochondral Autograft resumed full and unrestricted athletic activities.
Transfer (OAT)/Mosaicplasty The potential advantage of OAT over other
cartilage repair techniques rendering its results in
In cases of athletes with small osteochondral faster RTS is due to the direct incorporation of
lesions (size < 2 cm2) [22, 23], the OAT or mosa- autologous bone with an already intact and
icplasty have shown to provide favorable out- healthy hyaline cartilage articular surface. In
comes in terms of high rate of RTS and relatively contrast, marrow stimulation or cell-based repar-
fast RTS participation. ative techniques require growth of a repair tissue,
A recent systematic review [24] determined as well as more prolonged protected weight bear-
the return-to-sport rate following different knee ing postoperatively with resultant slower recov-
cartilage restoration procedures. Thirty-one stud- ery and RTS. One disadvantage of OAT that
ies were reviewed with 894 patients showing needs to be considered is the risk of donor-site
OAT as the highest rate of RTS 88.2% compared morbidity that was reported to be as high as 6%
to the lowest being OCA 77.2%. As for the RTS after mosaicplasty [26]
at the same/higher level, 28 studies were reviewed Gudas et al. [22] performed one of the largest
with 895 patients and showed the highest rates and longest term follow-up prospective random-
with OAT 79.3% and ACI to have the lowest rates ized trials in the articular cartilage repair litera-
57.3%. When they looked at the timing of RTS, ture with a 10-year follow-up comparing
the average reported time in OAT and ACI were mosaicplasty with microfracture in the high-level
4.9 and 11.6 months, respectively. athletes population. There was significant clinical
Lynch et al. [23] performed a systematic improvement found in both groups at 3 and
review of level I and II studies reviewing out- 10 years comparted to preoperative scores; how-
comes after OAT/mosaicplasty. A total of nine ever, mosaicplasty had significantly better results
studies were found with both minimal 12-month at both time intervals compared to microfracture.
follow-up and 25 patients in each study. The More athletes in the mosaicplasty 75% than in
338 N. Alnusif et al.

the microfracture 37% group maintained the A systematic review by Crawford et al. [28]
same physical activities at the long-term follow- that included 13 studies and 772 patients man-
­up. This finding again demonstrates how micro- aged with OCA, found that most studies reported
fracture outcomes tend to deteriorate over time. improvement in activity and most sport-related
The average duration of return to previous sports outcomes. However, only 3 in 13 studies pro-
was significantly longer in the mosaicplasty vided RTS data with a rate of RTS ranging from
group. Positive prognostic factors favoring return 75 to 82%. A significant finding in the previous
to same level of sports were found to be younger systematic review was the high reoperation rate,
age (<25 years) and lesion size (<2 cm2), which ranging from 34 to 53%. In most of the involved
correlates with the results of several other studies studies, the outcome was limited to less than
[23, 27]. 3 years, which makes it difficult to know if ath-
Soccer is well known to be one of the high letes maintain their level of sports involvement at
demand sports with increased risk in developing longer follow-up.
cartilage damage. Therefore, reviewing the In one study, the time to RTS for athletes after
results of OAT/mosaicplasty and their effect on OCA transplantation was reported at 9.6 months,
RTS participation in this group of athletes pro- with 88% returning to sports and 79% return to
vides important data about the long-term durabil- previous level of sports [29]. No correlation of
ity to withstand increased mechanical loads. outcomes based on different types of sports par-
Panics et al. [27] reviewed 61 high-level soccer ticipation was performed.
athletes who underwent OAT/mosaicplasty and Balazs et al. [30] reviewed the RTS rate in pro-
showed that 89% of the elite players returning to fessional and collegiate basketball players after
the same level of sports while only 62% of the OCA implantation, with a total of 11 athletes (4
competitive athletes did so. The average time to NBA players and 7 collegiate players). Their over-
return to competition was 4.5 months. Their all return-to-play rate was 80%. Three of the 4
results also showed that younger age and smaller NBA players returned at the same level with a
lesion size as positive prognostic factors with median RTS time of 20 months, while the fourth
lesions involving the patellofemoral joint as was cleared to play but remained an unsigned
worse outcomes when relating to return to sports. agent. Out of the 7 collegiate athletes, 1 was ineli-
Given the earlier reported time to RTS com- gible to return, but 5 out of the remaining 6 returned
pared to other procedures, as well as the remark- at a median 8 months after surgery. Despite the
ably good long-term clinical outcomes, OAT is small cohort size, this study showed an overall
considered a suitable option for younger com- good outcome in high-level athletes in a sport that
petitive athletes with small chondral or osteo- is known to have a significantly high rate of knee
chondral lesions who wish to return to their sport chondral injuries. This is likely due to the repetitive
the earliest possible. jump landing with the high shear forces and peak
loads on articular cartilage, as reported by an mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) study to be 81%
28.2.4 Osteochondral Allograft and 50% in asymptomatic collegiate and profes-
Implantation (OCA) sional basketball players, respectively [31, 32].
OCA implantation is considered one of the
When managing symptomatic osteochondral salvage operations that is commonly performed
lesions in the knee that are larger than 2 cm2, for larger osteochondral lesions that have failed
OCA implantation is considered the preferred other cartilage repair procedures. One of the
surgical option as microfracture and OAT are debatable points when discussing OCA implanta-
correlated with poor outcomes when performed tion is whether outcomes after primary implanta-
for lesions >2 cm2 and ACI/MACI are suboptimal tion are superior to revisions from a failed prior
options for lesions involving both cartilage and cartilage repair surgery. Gracitelli et al. [33]
subchondral bone. showed no difference in functional outcomes
28 Return to Sport Following Cartilage Treatment: Where Is the Evidence? 339

between primary OCA implantation when com- genesis, proteoglycan, and glycosaminoglycan
pared to secondary implantation after a failed synthesis in cartilage as well as decreasing col-
marrow stimulation procedure. Despite the lagen breakdown [36–38]. Other benefits of early
higher reoperation rate in the secondary OCA initiation of ROM include preventing knee stiff-
44% than the primary group 22%, there was no ness and muscle disuse atrophy.
difference in graft survivorship at the 10-year Data from Hurley’s review on the progression
follow-up (87.4% and 86%, respectively). of weight bearing demonstrated variable proto-
A reason of failure to return to same level of cols for initiation of partial weight bearing, rang-
sport is unspecified in most of the reviewed liter- ing from 1 to 4 weeks after microfracture and
ature. Key factors described in a paper assessing ACI, while partial weight bearing was reported
RTS after OCA implantation in high-level high after OAT and OCA for up to 6 weeks postopera-
school and intercollegiate athletes found that tively. Furthermore, the progression to full weight
graduation from school or college 50%, fear of bearing was at the 6-week mark in the majority of
re-injury 38%, or continued pain 12% were pres- the OAT and OCA studies, compared to between
ent in the athletes unable to return to the same 6–10 weeks and 6–8 weeks in the ACI and micro-
level of sports participation [34]. fracture studies, respectively. This can be
explained by the bone to bone healing expected
at 6 weeks in the OAT and OCA group, as com-
28.3 Effect of Different pared to the primitive, unorganized, and soft ini-
Rehabilitation Programs tial repaired cartilage tissue observed in ACI,
on Return to Sport which makes it more vulnerable to mechanical
overload and requires prolonged protection.
The role of the rehabilitation program—before However, a recent randomized controlled trial
and after any cartilage restoration procedure— showed no difference in clinical outcomes when
has a big impact on the outcomes, as well as the comparing full weight bearing at 6 versus
RTS rates. The shared purpose of all different 8 weeks after MACI procedure on 2-year follow-
rehabilitation programs is to provide a mechani- ­up [39]. Patient satisfaction with their ability to
cal environment for the local adaptation and participate in sports was not significantly differ-
remodeling of the repair tissue that will enable ent between the two groups in this RCT; how-
patients to safely return to their optimal level of ever, there are no studies comparing the effect of
function, without compromising the integrity or different protocols of progressing weight bearing
healing process of the repaired tissue [35]. status to the RTS rate in the athletes’ population.
Despite the various rehabilitation protocols The rationale behind targeting an earlier progres-
observed in the literature, there is no clear con- sion of weight bearing status is to enhance the
sensus guidelines or criteria on a safe return-to-­ cell loading stimulus to return patients to normal
play protocol with significant differences in their knee joint loading. In effect, they can resume
speed of progression between the different phases their general daily activities and have sooner pro-
of the rehabilitation program. gression of further rehabilitation protocol phases.
In a systematic review by Hurley et al. [24] The location of the cartilage defect is very
assessing the different rehabilitation protocols important in the decision-making process of
after cartilage restoration procedures, they found weight bearing and ROM progression after artic-
that the vast majority of studies allowed early ular cartilage surgeries. In lesions located in the
onset of range of motion (ROM) exercises within patella or trochlea, immediate full weight bearing
the first week postoperatively in all of the differ- with the brace locked in extension is recom-
ent procedures. This approach is supported by the mended given the high joint reaction forces in the
basic science literature, as it improves cartilage patellofemoral joint during ROM. In contrast,
healing with animal studies. These findings prove lesions involving the tibiofemoral joint typically
the efficacy of early ROM using continuous pas- have initial limitation of weight bearing, and
sive motion (CPM) device in improving chondro- accelerated resumption of ROM.
340 N. Alnusif et al.

The RTS protocols are variable after different with the majority of patients returning to play fol-
articular cartilage surgeries, with no clear individ- lowing cartilage repair procedures, regardless of
ualized criteria on when to determine an athlete is the type of procedure used. However, when
safe to fully RTS. Most of the reviewed literature reviewing RTS studies, multiple important fac-
utilized time-based criteria for allowing RTS with tors need to be taken into consideration that can
6 months being the quoted time in two-­thirds of change the way we interpret the data presented:
the studies reviewed by Hurley et al. [24]. While
timing to RTS was relatively consistent for micro- • There are multiple patient-reported outcome
fracture, OAT and OCA studies at around scores that have been used in studies investi-
6 months, timing after ACI was much more vari- gating the return-to-sport rate. However, only
able ranging between 6 and 18 months postopera- International Knee Documentation Committee
tively. Despite the benefit of having predictable (IKDC) subjective score, Knee injury and
time-based criteria in progressing athletes between Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), and
the different rehabilitation phases, individualized Lysholm Knee Score have been validated for
criteria should be developed to formulate guide- use in patients with cartilage defects [40, 41].
lines on progressing patients based on their symp- Tegner Activity Scale and the Marx Activity
toms and clinical progress. While there has been a Rating Scale are two commonly utilized out-
published protocol for MACI [14], there is no sin- comes measures that focus on sport-specific
gular answer for cartilage repair, rather general activity level. When looking at examples of
principles that need to be applied to every individ- the Tegner Scaling system, 9 represents the
ual case. Presence of pain and recurrent swelling competitive soccer level while 7 represents the
for instance are considered indicators that rehabili- competitive basketball level. This makes it
tation is progressing too rapidly and overloading difficult to compare outcomes of different
the healing tissue [35]. Other objective measures types of sports involvement as lower scores
include restoration of full range of motion, return could correlate with the best outcome for cer-
to functional strength, ability to perform sport-­ tain level or type of sports and not necessarily
specific movements, and some even utilize MRI as a decrease in performance. Marx Scaling sys-
an adjunct to assess tissue healing prior to releas- tem, on the other hand, focuses on most chal-
ing an athlete to RTS [20]. lenging activities of the knee, regardless of the
Overall, rehabilitation protocols should not be type of sport. The score includes four ques-
standardized for all patients alike, and rather tions concerning four activities: running, cut-
need to be individualized to multiple different ting, deceleration, and pivoting. So having this
variables: score for specific athletes may not be benefi-
cial, such as assessing the improvement of a
1. Athlete’s age and type/level of sports professional cyclist or a cross-country skier.
involvement The KOOS is one of the most commonly used
2. Defect size and type of procedure performed outcome scoring systems after articular carti-
3. Location of the defect lage repair procedures, but most of the ques-
4. Concomitant injuries and procedures per- tions involved are related to osteoarthritis with
formed along with the cartilage surgery less emphasis on the higher level performance
assessment of the young and active athletes.
• Concomitant pathology and procedures per-
28.4  ey Points in Reviewing
K formed along with cartilage restoration tech-
Return-to-Sport Evidence niques could affect the outcome, as well as the
validity of the comparative studies. A recent
Despite the limited number of studies focusing meta-analysis showed 46% of patients under-
on RTS rates after articular cartilage surgeries, going cartilage repair surgery had concomi-
the overall findings have shown promising results tant surgeries with ligamentous reconstruction
28 Return to Sport Following Cartilage Treatment: Where Is the Evidence? 341

making up the highest proportion of those pro- (>2–4 cm2), which makes it hard to compare
cedures [4]. The results on the effect of con- with OAT and OCA. Another potential bias is
comitant procedures vary between studies; seen in progressing athletes throughout the
however, some studies do not incorporate rehabilitation phases after the different carti-
those data with their results which could lage repair procedures which is reliant on the
potentially skew the conclusion given the dif- type of procedure. For instance, autologous
ferent rehabilitation protocols involved with bone with an already intact and healthy hya-
different concomitant procedures. line cartilage articular surface allows for faster
• Comparing primary versus revision cartilage RTS protocols unlike marrow stimulation or
repair surgery has been shown to have contra- cell-based reparative techniques that require
dicting results. Therefore, it is important to more prolonged protected weight bearing
keep that in mind when interpreting the results postoperatively with resultant slower recovery
of some of the comparative studies between and delayed RTS.
two different cartilage repair procedures. In a • The definition of RTS is variable in the litera-
meta-analysis that included 44 studies, only ture with significant heterogeneity in the
27 out of them reported on previous surgeries reported outcomes. Some report it as “clear-
prior to the index cartilage surgery [4]. An ath- ance” to RTS while others define it as the ath-
lete with a history of multiple prior failed car- lete’s ability to RTS participation or even
tilage repair procedures is unlikely to gain the same level of sports as prior to injury level.
same improvements as an athlete undergoing Hence, surgeons need to be cognizant when
a primary procedure. quoting those results to their patients. Also,
• One of the main findings reported in multiple RTS results do not necessarily mean better
studies is the difference in RTS rate in the dif- patient-reported outcomes, as some studies
ferent levels of athletic involvement (recre- fail to show significant advantage of one carti-
ational, competitive, collegiate, and lage restoration procedure over the other,
professional). In a systematic review by regardless of the RTS outcome. Patient-­
Mithoefer et al., the RTS was 71–83% in com- reported outcomes focus on patients’ symp-
petitive athletes and 16–29% in recreational toms and functional daily activities, which
athletes after microfracture and ACI proce- could be overlooked when purely addressing
dures [42]. Despite this conclusion, the major- RTS as the outcome measure of the
ity of studies focusing on RTS rates include a procedure.
study population that has a mix of different • There are many socioeconomic factors that
levels of sports participation, which might can affect athletes’ ability to RTS regardless
affect the accuracy of the reported results. of how well the procedure was selected and
• Choosing the indicated procedure for the performed and those factors are rarely
proper patient is extremely important to obtain addressed in the literature. Some of those
optimal outcomes. Procedure selection bias factors were reported in a study by Nielsen
can be an issue in studies comparing the out- et al. [43]:
comes of two different cartilage repair proce-
1. Playing eligibility and contract status
dures, as surgeons will aim to select a
2. Health issues unrelated to the knee
procedure that will best manage the athlete’s
3. Loss of interest in sports participation
lesion based on lesion characteristics. It is dif-
4. Starting a family
ficult to compare OAT, which is generally lim-
5. Change in jobs or career
ited to smaller lesions to prevent donor-site
morbidity, with ACI and OCA which are Other psychological factors can also have
uncommonly used for smaller lesions. Also, an impact on the athlete’s ability to perform at
microfracture is not typically recommended the same level of sport including fear of re-
for deep osteochondral lesions or lesions injury [34]
342 N. Alnusif et al.

28.5 Summary technique and differentiated knowledge of the

indications and outcome of each technique spe-
Cartilage repair techniques have demonstrated cifically in the demanding athletic population is
good to excellent outcomes with regard to RTS critical to optimize the rate of RTS. In addition,
with an average rate of 76–78% amongst the development of individualized, athlete-specific
combined different techniques. Each surgical rehabilitation protocols based on the individual
option has its own pros and cons (Table 28.2) that procedure type, defect location, type of sport, and
surgeons need to be aware of when approaching level of competition is critical not only for a suc-
patients with knee articular cartilage injury to cessful RTS but also to promote long-term sports
achieve optimal outcomes based on both lesion participation after return. Based on all the pre-
characteristics and the patient’s level of athletic sented date, we have formulated an algorithm
involvement. While the scientific literature on that focuses on the specific demands in the ath-
RTS after cartilage repair is still evolving, a thor- letic population, which would be different than
ough understanding of the biology of each repair the general population (Fig. 28.2).

Table 28.2 Summary of the Pros and Cons and RTS in the different cartilage repair techniques
Time to
Cartilage repair RTS RTS Positive prognostic
technique (Rate) (months) Pros Cons factors
Marrow 58% 9.1 ± 2.2 • Procedural technical • Clinical deterioration • Age < 40 years
Stimulation simplicity and decline in sports • Lesion size < 2 cm2
Techniques • Readily available for participation • Competitive athletes
(Microfracture, incidental lesions overtime (2–5 years) compared to lower
Microdrilling) • Single-stage procedure • Relies on level athletes
• Low morbidity fibrocartilage repair • Lesions involving the
• Cost-effective tissue (low stiffness, lateral femoral condyle
resilience, and wear • Primary compared to
resistance when revision microfracture
compared to hyaline
• Potential for
subchondral bony
Chondrocyte-­ 82% 11.8 ± 3.8 • Potential for • Two-stage procedure • Age < 40 years
based repair autologous hyaline (MACI) • Duration of
techniques cartilage repair tissue • Longer RTS symptoms < 12 months
(ACI/MACI) • Suitable for large rehabilitation • Competitive athletes
chondral lesions process compared to lower
• High cost level athletes
Osteochondral 93% 5.2 ± 1.8 • Restoration for • Donor-site morbidity • Lesion size < 2 cm2
Autograft autologous hyaline • Limited to smaller • Age < 25–30 years
Transfer (OAT/ cartilage articular lesions • Lesions involving the
Mosaicplasty) surface femoral condyles
• Single-stage procedure compared to
• Fastest and highest patellofemoral joint
rate of RTS lesions
Osteochondral 88% 9.6 ± 3.0 • Adequate option for • Highest reoperation • Lower BMI
Allograft larger lesions rate • Non-workers
• Good salvage for • High cost of allograft compensation claims
failed cartilage repair • Not readily available • Age < 25 years
surgeries in all institutes • Competitive athletes
• Restoration of hyaline • Immune response to compared to lower
cartilage articular the Allograft level athletes
surface along with the
deficient subchondral
RTS rate and time to RTS data [4]
28 Return to Sport Following Cartilage Treatment: Where Is the Evidence? 343

Cartilage Injury in Athletes

Associated Pathology
Malalignment, Ligamentous, Meniscal Pathology

Lesion Size
≤2 cm2 >2 cm2

Chondral Lesion Osteochondra Lesion Chondral Lesion Osteochondral Lesion

Competitive Recreational Competitive Recreational Competitive Recreational Competitive Recreational

Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level
Age ≤ 25yrs Age > 25yrs Age ≤ 25yrs Age > 25yrs Age ≤ 25yrs Age > 25yrs Age ≤ 25yrs Age > 25yrs


MicroFx Plus MicroFx (Sandwich)

Fig. 28.2 Algorithm for the treatment options of articular implantation, MACI matrix-induced chondrocyte implan-
cartilage repair in the athletic population. OAT osteochon- tation, OCA osteochondral allograft, MicroFx Plus aug-
dral autograft transplantation, ACI autologous chondrocyte mented microfracture/second-generation microfracture

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