Letter - 231129381

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Queen Mary University of London

School of Economics and Finance

Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Email: pgsefsupport@qmul.ac.uk

Name: Sherin Puzhithara Nizam

Student ID: 231129381
Course: MSc Banking and Finance
Date: 24/05/2024

Dear Student,

Please see below term time dates at QMUL for MSc Banking and Finance (January 2024

22 Jan - 12 April 2024
Module registration deadline: 2nd February 2024
4-8 March 2024 – Reading week
Semester A Examinations: 2- 24 May 2024
28 May - 2 August 2024
Module registration deadline: 2 June 2024
1-5 July 2024- Reading Week
Semester C Examinations: 19- 30 August 2024
SEMESTER 1 & SEMESTER 2 Examination Resits
2 - 13 December 2024
December 2024 (Date and time TBC)

If you have any further questions, please do let us know.

Yours sincerely,
PGT Support Team

Patron: Her Majesty The Queen

Incorporated by Royal Charter as

Queen Mary University of London

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