SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

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SITHCCC028 - Prepare appetisers

and salads
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

• How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality?

About this Student Logbook • How did I ensure that my dishes met quality standards?
This Student Logbook is where you will record evidence of the knowledge and • What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future?
skills you have developed during your training for this unit. It also serves as a
handy reference guide on what you need to do during your assessment and how • What might I do different next time?
you should go about doing it.
Supervisor declaration
Student details section Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the assessment
Fill in the table below: process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete their section of
each of your reflective journals and fill in the supervisor declaration after the
summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your assessment in
Student name: Peach Institute’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace supervisor
and should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your Logbook will
be incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for resubmission.
Trainer/assessor name:
Logbook summary
There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within your assessment
If this workbook is found, please contact me to return it using the details below: process, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding requirements.

______________________________________________________________ What do I need to demonstrate?

During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a range
of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These

Completing your reflective journal • interpreting standard recipes and food preparation lists
You are expected to complete a reflective journal for each time that you cook as • confirming food production requirements
part of your assessment for this unit. Try to think about the highlights of each
• calculating ingredient amounts
service when you are writing your reflection. You might also find the following
questions useful: • identifying and selecting ingredients from stores according to quality,
freshness and stock rotation requirements
• What skills and techniques did I use?
• following procedures for portion control
• What policies and procedures did I follow?
• producing the required quantities
Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute
RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 2
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

• checking perishable supplies for spoilage • working safely, hygienically, sustainably and efficiently

• checking perishable supplies for contamination • working within commercial time constraints and deadlines

• selecting the type and size of equipment required • responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.

• ensuring that food preparation equipment safely assembled, clean and

ready for use Tips for completing this logbook
• using equipment safely and hygienically • Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure that you
understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
• using equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions
and/or workplace supervisor.
• sorting and assembling ingredients according to food production sequencing
• Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
• weighing and measuring ingredients accurately and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.
• creating portions according to recipes
• Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
• cleaning and cutting ingredients according to culinary standards
• preparing sauces and dressings
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!
• minimising waste to maximise profitability

• following standard recipes accurately

• selecting and adding accompaniments which are suited to each dish

• making adjustments to dishes to ensure quality

• presenting dishes attractively

• using appropriate service-ware

• adding dips, sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes and

regional variations

• evaluating dishes and adjusting presentation

• storing dishes in appropriate environmental conditions

• following organisational policies and procedures

• maintaining a clean work area

• disposing of or storing surplus products

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 3
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Logbook summary
Use this list to keep track of your progress. Please note that you may complete a number of these tasks during
one cooking session so you will only need to complete a single service plan and reflective journal each time
that you cook.

Student name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Student number: _________________________________________________________________________

This unit of competency requires that the student completes mise en place and follows standard recipes
to prepare eight different appetisers and salads (2 portions each) using each of the following ingredients
at least once. Evidence has been provided.

Service journal (endorsed by
Ingredients Date plan supervisor) Reflective journal number

☐ bread and bakery ☐ ☐


☐ dairy products ☐ ☐

☐ dressing ingredients ☐ ☐

☐ dry goods ☐ ☐

☐ eggs ☐ ☐

☐ farinaceous products ☐ ☐

☐ frozen goods ☐ ☐

☐ fruit ☐ ☐

☐ herbs and spices ☐ ☐

☐ meat ☐ ☐

☐ poultry ☐ ☐

☐ seafood ☐ ☐

☐ vegetables ☐ ☐

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 4
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Service journal (endorsed by
Appetisers Date plan supervisor) Reflective journal number

☐ 1. Antipasto ☐ ☐

☐ 2. Tapas ☐ ☐

☐ 3. Canapés ☐ ☐

Service journal (endorsed by
Salads Date plan supervisor) Reflective journal number

☐ 4. Tossed ☐ ☐

☐ 5. Compound ☐ ☐

☐ 6. Farinaceous ☐ ☐

☐ 7. Warm ☐ ☐

☐ 8. Fruit ☐ ☐

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 5
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

You must use each of the following cookery methods at least once when preparing the above appetisers
and salads, at least once across preparation of the eight appetisers and salads.

Service journal (endorsed by
Cookery method Date plan supervisor) Reflective journal number

☐ baking ☐ ☐

☐ boiling ☐ ☐

☐ frying ☐ ☐

☐ grilling ☐ ☐

☐ poaching ☐ ☐

☐ roasting ☐ ☐

☐ steaming ☐ ☐

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 6
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Supervisor Declaration Section

Note for student: Please note, that one of these declarations must be completed by each workplace supervisor. If
you completed all your shifts at the one venue then you would only submit one. If your logbook contains entries
from different kitchens and venues then please have each supervisor you work under complete one at the end of
all your designated shifts. Please provide this page to your workplace supervisor at the completion of your required
This needs to be completed in addition to the supervisor endorsement section of your reflective journals. One copy
has been provided in this logbook but you can make additional copies as needed.

Supervisor name: Position:

Relationship to student (for example, head chef/shift supervisor etc):

During the services described in the student’s reflective journals that I have endorsed, the student:

• worked within the organisation’s policies and procedures ☐ Yes ☐ No

• worked to a professional level in line with the kitchen’s usual roles and responsibilities ☐ Yes ☐ No
• followed standard recipes to prepare appetisers and salads ☐ Yes ☐ No
• prepared dressings and sauces
☐ Yes ☐ No
• prepared appetisers and salads using a range of cookery methods
☐ Yes ☐ No
• prepared appetisers and salads within commercial time constraints and deadlines
☐ Yes ☐ No
• completed mise en place activities
☐ Yes ☐ No
• produced required quantities
☐ Yes ☐ No
• followed portion control procedures
• followed food safety practices for handling and storing food ☐ Yes ☐ No

• responded to special customer requests and dietary requirements. ☐ Yes ☐ No

Please provide any feedback to the student here:

The student has permission to submit the information contained within the reflective journals ☐ Yes ☐ No
completed below and any supporting documentation (including organisational policies and
procedures, menus, recipes and work product) for the purposes of assessment.

Supervisor signature:

Contact number:


Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 7
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Service Planning

Determine production requirements

Confirm food production requirements

Analyse the standard recipe and associated food preparation list which you will be working from, as well as any
work instructions, and answer the following questions.

• How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are produced.
Include any specific customer requirements, requests or dietary requirements.

• Are there any deadlines or timeframes which you must be aware of and work to?

• Calculate the number of portions that you need (show your workings).

• Calculate the amount of each ingredient that you require. An ingredient list has been provided for you or you
may like to use your organisation’s standard template.

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 8
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Ingredient list

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 9
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

• Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.

• Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.

• Select the accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision – how do the
accompaniments complement your dish?

• Describe how you will select the ingredients that you need from stores. How will you check them for freshness
and quality?

• How will you check all perishable ingredients for spoilage or contamination?

• List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it is clean, well
maintained and ready for use?

• How will you ensure that waste is minimised in order to maximise profitability of food items prepared?

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 10
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Reflective journals

Please note: Only one copy of each template has been included so you will need to make copies as required.

Reflective journal

Student name: Date: Did an assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:
Recipe/s prepared:

Customer number: ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8

☐ bread and bakery items ☐ dairy products ☐ dressing ingredients ☐ dry goods ☐ eggs

☐ farinaceous products ☐ frozen goods ☐ fruit ☐ herbs and spices ☐ meat ☐ poultry

☐ seafood ☐ vegetables

☐ 1. antipasto ☐ 2. canapés ☐ 3. tapas

☐ 4. tossed ☐ 5. compound ☐ 6. farinaceous ☐ 7. warm ☐ 8. fruit

List types of salads prepared:

Cookery methods:
☐ baking ☐ boiling ☐ poaching ☐ frying ☐ grilling

☐ roasting ☐ steaming
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 12
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Student should review the following assessment criteria as an indication of how they will be assessed.

Assessment Task 2: Assessment Criteria

Participant must demonstrate

The following table represents the eight different dishes the student must select ingredients and equipment for, conduct mise en place, cook, present and
clean up. Only tick each box if you find the student has performed the skill or behaviour correctly.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Participant selected ingredients to prepare
appetisers and salads: S S S S S S S S

1.1 Confirmed food production requirements from ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

standard recipes:
 Accessed standard recipes and work
instructions to determine:
o customer requirements:
▪ special customer requests
▪ special dietary requirements
o deadlines and timeframe:
▪ service timings
▪ start and finish times of
entrees, mains, desserts
▪ cooking time of certain foods
o meal quantities required
o menu items (see 1.3)
o organisational standards required
o portion control

1.2 Calculated ingredient amounts according to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐


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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 13
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

 Accessed standard recipes to determine

ingredients required and created an
ingredients list
 Identified associated food preparation list
requirements, (special requests, garnishes,
accompaniments, etc.)
 Determined portion sizes
 Determined number of customers and
portions required
 Accurately calculated number of portions
required using all information present
 Allowed extra in calculations to account for
spoilage and shrinkage

1.3 Identified and selected ingredients from stores ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock
rotation requirements:
 Used ingredients list created to identify
requirements from stores
 Selected vegetables that are firm and weighty
 Selected fruit and vegetables that are even in
 Selected crisp vegetables
 Ensured leafy green vegetables are free of
yellow, wilted leaves
 Selected convenience products or dry pasta
and rice that are within use-by or best-before
 Ensured foods selected have been stored at
the correct temperature
 Checked stock codes/rotation labels when
selecting ingredients
 Selected ingredients that have the right aroma
 Thawed foods as per food safety

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 14
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

1.4 Checked perishable supplies for spoilage or ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

contamination prior to preparation:
 Looked for signs of pest infestation, such as
chewed packaging, droppings etc.
 Checked eggs for cracks
 Checked food for off/pungent/bad aromas
 Ensured there are no signs of mould on any
 Looked for signs of bugs (such as weevils)
may be found in dry pasta or rice and other
dry ingredients
 Selected meat and poultry that is not slimy
 Selected root vegetables are not cracked
 Ensured meat, poultry and seafood does not
have off or pungent smells.
 Ensured dry foods are not stale or musty in
 Checked packaging for damage, such as
tears and rips


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. Participant selected, prepared, and safely
used required equipment: S S S S S S S S

2.1 Selected type and size of equipment suitable ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

to requirements:
 Accessed standard recipe and food
preparation list to determine equipment

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 15
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

requirements as per cookery methods and

 Identified cookery methods to determine
equipment required
 Determined portions required to inform size of
equipment required
 Selected required equipment and checked
cleanliness and serviceability, (see 2.2)

2.2 Safely assembled and ensured cleanliness ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

and serviceability of equipment before use:
 Accessed manufacturer instructions to inform
safe assembly of equipment
 Accessed and followed workplace policies
and procedures when assembling equipment
and checking for cleanliness and
serviceability, e.g., WHS, reporting and
recording, etc.
 Followed safe use of cleaning chemical
procedures, including SDS requirements
 Conducted checks of equipment, including:
o ensuring that blades are clean and
o ensuring that power cords and plugs
are in good repair
o checking the casing for cracks and
o checking for splashes, stains or spills
o ensuring that plastic bowls or
housings are not split
o ensuring that knives are clean and
o checking that servicing is up to date
as per manufacturer instructions.
 Followed manufacturer instructions to safely
assemble equipment

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 16
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

2.3 Used equipment safely and hygienically ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

according to manufacturer instructions:
 Maintained a clean work environment (clean
and sanitise benchtops, items and utensils
using appropriate cleaning sprays and correct
coloured cloths, sponges etc)
 Adhered to handwashing requirements (using
handwashing sink only, using soap to wash
between fingers and up to forearms for at
least one min, rinsing with running water from
tap, drying with single use towel then
disposing etc)
 Accessed and read manufacturer’s
instructions to inform:
o Safe use of equipment including pre-
use checks
o Problem solving
o Cleaning of equipment
o PPE requirements (apron, food
handling gloves, hair net/hat, as per
instructions and organisational policy
and procedures)
o Equipment limitations
o Storage requirements

3. Participant conducted mise en place to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

portion and prepare ingredients including
using each of the following: S S S S S S S S

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 17
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

 Bread and bakery items

 dairy products
 dressing ingredients
 dry goods
 eggs
 farinaceous products
 frozen goods
 fruit
 herbs and spices
 meat
 poultry
 seafood
 vegetables

3.1 Sorted and assembled ingredients according

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
to food production sequencing:
 Accessed standard recipe and ingredients list
to create a workflow plan
 Identified all job tasks to be completed and
allocated timing
 Sequenced stages of food preparation and
 Sorted ingredients into required preparation
and production sequencing
 Assembled ingredients into groups
 Allocated job tasks to self and others
according to workflow plan

3.2 Weighed and measured ingredients and

created portions according to recipe:

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 18
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

 Accessed standard recipe to determine

weight and portion requirements
 Used appropriate equipment and measuring
devices, e.g., scales, jugs, spoons, etc.
 Followed correct procedures for weighing and
measuring ingredients:
o Dry ingredients (like flour and sugar)
should be measured using flat-cup
measures. Ingredients should be level
o Spoon measures must be measured
with the correct sized spoons. A level
spoon is essential
o Liquid ingredients should be
measured in jugs
 Followed manufacturer’s instructions when
using electronic scales, e.g., no overflow,
using features such as “tare”
 Used food safety procedures to ensure cross
contamination between ingredients did not
 Created portion size for cooking (see 4.2)

3.3 Cleaned and cut salad ingredients using basic ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

culinary cuts according to quality standards:
 Used food safety practices for handling and
storing food including: (see 2.3)
Washing hands correctly
Maintained a clean work environment
Using equipment to eliminate cross
contamination, e.g., coloured
chopping boards, lids, etc.
 Followed food safety standards to wash and
prepare ingredients
 Measured all ingredients as per standard

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 19
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

 Accessed standard recipe to determine

quality reequipments of cut and used a variety
of cutting styles as per standard recipe
requirements, e.g., slice, chop, shred, dice,
julienne, brunoise, jardiniere, etc.
 Prepared ingredients using other methods,
e.g., peeling, scraping, grating, mincing,
grinding, pureeing, etc.
 Created portions according to recipe
requirements to ensure consistency
 Worked efficiently and competitively
 Followed workflow plan and sequenced
stages of food preparation and production
 Managed own speed, timing and productivity
 Remained calm and systematic
 Multi-tasked

3.4 Minimised waste to maximise profitability of ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

food items prepared:
 Weighed and portioned all ingredients from
standard recipes
 Reduced the amount of trimmings/off-cuts,
e.g., ends of vegetables, fat on meat, etc.
 Used food rotation methods such as FIFO
 Located and read labels and date codes and
stickers on food items
 Eliminate cross contamination, e.g., using
coloured cutting boards, correct storage of
items, etc.
 Followed policies and procedures for
conducting mise en place


Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 20
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

4. Participant prepared two portions each of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

appetisers and salads using basic methods of
cookery, including using each of the following S S S S S S S S
cookery methods at least once:
 Baking: Dish ___________
 Boiling: Dish ___________
 Frying: Dish ____________
 Grilling: Dish ___________
 Poaching: Dish ___________
 Roasting: Dish ___________
 steaming: Dish ___________

4.1 Selected and used relevant cookery methods ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

for salads and appetisers:
 Selected the appropriate cookery method as
indicated in task instructions
 Selected required equipment to commence
cookery method, e.g., sous vide machine,
pan, deep fryer, etc.
 Identified the cooking times and temperatures
 Identified deadlines and timelines, and
completed within commercial time constraints
and deadlines
 Accessed standard recipe to determine
portion requirements and demonstrated
portion control procedures (see 3.2):

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 21
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

used weighing and measuring to
ensure consistency in size/weight/
 Checked task instructions and responded to
special customer requests and dietary
requirements, may include:
o adjusting a recipe by changing or
omitting an ingredient
o cooking a dish to order
o creating a dish to meet a customer’s
needs (for example, removal of egg
products or vegetables or fruits that
may cause intolerance or are not able
to be eaten due to lifestyle choices)
o considering taste, texture,
o considering food allergies, e.g., egg
products, nuts, etc.
o considering food intolerances (for
example, using gluten-free products)
o considering religious or cultural needs
o considering nutritional needs

4.2 Prepared sauces and dressings according to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

 Accessed standard recipe and workflow plan
to inform preparation of sauces and dressings
 Used appropriate commercial equipment
(small and large) in line with manufacturer
 Used appropriate cookery methods (4.1) to
prepare sauces and dressings
 Adjusted taste, texture, temperature, balance,
flavour, presentation, etc. throughout (4.3)

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 22
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

 Evaluated prepared sauce or dressing is

consistent with the organisation’s standard
recipe, menu and style

4.3 Followed standard recipes and made food ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

quality adjustments within scope of responsibility:
 Accessed standard recipe to determine
quality standards of salads and appetisers
o meets the customer’s expectations of
o is prepared to the expected taste,
texture, balance, flavour,
temperature, consistency and
o is consistent with the organisation’s
standard recipe, menu and style
o meets expected timeliness of
delivery, commercial timeframes
 Evaluated appetisers and salads to
determine if required quality standards have
been met
 If quality standards have not been met, makes
required changes, e.g., added salt, missing
ingredient, larger portion, etc.
 If quality standard is outside of scope of
responsibility, addresses issue with


Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 23
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5. Participant presented dishes and correctly
stored surplus or reusable by-products: S S S S S S S S

5.1 Presented prepared food items on appropriate ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

 Accessed standard recipe to determine
plating requirements of dishes
 Sourced required service-ware and check for:
o Cleanliness
o Safety, e.g., no cracks, chips, breaks
in any part/s
 Followed procedures for warming or placing
of service-ware, e.g., under heat lamps, on
ice trays, etc.
 Arranged components of dishes on service
ware following safe handling procedures, e.g.,
wearing gloves, using tongs, correct
temperature, etc.
 Checked standard recipe to ensure dish is
arranged correctly
 Ensured required quality indicators (from
standard recipe) are followed, may include:
o appearance and visual appeal
o colour
o consistency
o moisture content
o mouth feel and eating properties
o plate presentation
o portion size
o shape
o taste
o texture

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RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 24
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

 Conducted final cleaning of plate, e.g., using

one-use cleaning tool to wipe edges, free of
drips and spills, etc.

5.2 Added dips, sauces and garnishes according ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

to standard recipes:
 Accessed standard recipe to determine
garnish, dip and sauce requirements
 Selected required garnish, dip or sauce and
o All products are crisp and fresh and
not wilted or stale
o Even in colour or texture
o Are within the use by date (where
applicable, e.g., apple sauce in a jar)
o Foods have been stored at the
correct temperature
o Stock codes/rotation labels are
o Ingredients have the right aroma
 Placed garnishes in correct location on plate,
as per standard recipe, using safe handling
 Placed dips and sauces on plate, or in
required service-ware, and checked for
cleanliness and safety, e.g., no cracks, chips,
breaks in any part/s
 Conducted final cleaning of plate, e.g., using
one-use cleaning tool to wipe edges, free of
drips and spills, etc.

5.3 Visually evaluated dish and adjusted

 Assessed menu items are presented
according to quality standards including:
o on appropriate serving ware (service
ware includes platters, dishes,

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 25
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

trolleys, bowls, cutlery and serving

o in a way that looks fresh and
o consistent with the style and quality
standards of the organisation
o with appropriate garnishes, sauces
and accompaniments
o served at appropriate temperature
o with no drips and spills
o plated for practicality of customer
consumption and service
 Ensured accompaniments and garnishes
maximise visual appeal:
o balance
o colour
o contrast
 Made appropriate adjustments according to
inspection conducted, e.g., wiping drips and
spills, changing garnish, adding more sauce,

5.4 Stored dishes in appropriate environmental

 Ensured storage areas followed appropriate
food safe environmental conditions, including:
o Storage areas are clean, dry and free
of pests
o Use of food safe containers
o Placement of products in cool rooms
are in organised areas, e.g., no meat
products above vegetables, no
product containers placed directly on
floor, etc.

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 26
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

o Food products stored at correct

temperatures, e.g., check cool room
temperatures, dry store temperature
o Humidity and moisture content of
storage areas are low
o Lighting is not in excess to spoil food
o All food products packaged in
appropriate food safe packaging
o Food storage areas are well

5.5 Cleaned work area, and disposed of or stored ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

surplus and re-usable by-products according to
organisational procedures, environmental
considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives:
 Accessed SDS documents when using
cleaning chemicals to determine safe use,
e.g., required PPE, how to use, safety, etc.
 Cleaned and sanitised benchtops, items and
utensils using appropriate cleaning sprays
and correct coloured cloths, sponges etc.
 Disposed of waste in required receptacles
using safe handling procedures
 Stored surplus or reusable products according
to safe handling and storage procedures:
o Completed stock codes/rotation
labels when storing products
o Ensured products are stored at the
correct temperature
o Ensured all products are placed in
correct storage receptacles, e.g.,
bins, sealed containers, etc.

Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 27
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

o ensuring that frozen goods remain

o ensuring that single use items are
stored correctly
o ensure that eggs are handled safely
and do not pose a salmonella risk
o ensure that vegetables are handled
safely and do not pose an e. coli,
listeria or salmonella risk
o making sure dishes containing rice
and pasta are stored correctly
o maximising freshness, quality and
o minimising risk of contamination.
o Followed all cost reduction initiatives,
e.g., labelling products with dates,
FIFO, etc.
 Ensured storage areas followed appropriate
food safe environmental conditions (5.4),
o Storage areas are clean, dry and free
of pests
o Use of food safe containers
o Placement of products in cool rooms
are in organised areas, e.g., no meat
products above vegetables, no
product containers placed directly on
floor, etc.
o Food products stored at correct
temperatures, e.g., check cool room


Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 28
SITHCCC028 - Student Logbook

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory  

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute

RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 29

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