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Essential iOS

Developer Skills
An outline of skills needed

to become an iOS Developer

The list of skills you need to learn
will depend on your goal, whether
that’s to be a professional iOS
developer or an indie iOS developer.

Technical Skills

for Professional iOS Developers

for Independent iOS Developers


for Professional iOS Developers

for Independent iOS Developers

Tools and Processes

for Professional iOS Developers

for Independent iOS Developers

Technical Skills
for Professional iOS Developers

Basic Skills
How to Use Xcode

How to Write Swift Code

How to Build User Interfaces

How to Debug and Troubleshoot Code

Intermediate Skills
Understand Concurrency in iOS

How to Use Core Data

How to Use Various Apple & Third-party Frameworks

Writing Test Cases

How to Deploy Apps

As an indie or solo developer, you
will learn to wear many hats. But
you only need to scratch the surface.

Technical Skills
for Independent iOS Developers

Product Management
Conduct Market Research

Identify the app to build and its features

Drive the direction of the app

Design the UI of the App

Consider the usability of the app

Follow Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines

Mobile Development
Write the code and build the app

Consider the usability of the app

Backend Development
Identify Database vs Service Layer
Using tools like Firebase

Quality Assurance and Testing

Test the app under various conditions and use cases
Ensures that the product doesn’t ship with bugs
It’s still helpful for indies to learn how to write basic test cases

Data Scientist
Analyze the data to formulate theories to run experiments on

Create and run campaigns to get the word out about your app
Identify keywords and perform app store optimization

Technical Skills for Independent iOS Developers

Teamwork Skills

for Professional iOS Developers

Interact with Design and QA Teams

Good communication

Ability to follow a style guide

Code documentation

Helping your fellow developers

Being open to feedback and asking for help

Teamwork Skills

for Independent iOS Developers

Interact with Designers and Quality Testers

Following a style guide

Code documentation
Tools and Processes
for Professional iOS Developers

Source Control

Branching and Merging Code

Resolving Merge Conflicts
Continuous Integration and Deployment

Tools and Processes

for Independent iOS Developers

GitHub - source control

Figma - design
Firebase - backend and analytics
Bitrise - continuous integration
RevenueCat - monetization
AppFollow - marketing research
Trello - project management
Proxyman - debugging web traffic
Ready to start your iOS
Development journey?
Learn how to build and launch your
first app with CodeWithChris.

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